Download - Wednesday June 26, 2019 - Hampton Primary SchoolWednesday June 26, 2019 From Sue School Reports Parents are reminded to log onto Compass to view their children’s Semester 1 report;


Wednesday June 26, 2019

From Sue School Reports Parents are reminded to log onto Compass to view their children’s Semester 1 report; it is best to use a laptop or another device rather than your phone and to open Compass in your browser. When checking the access to reports this morning, only half of the reports had been opened. We have made a few modifications to the report form this year; specialists now provide a progression point for their respective areas and both class teachers and specialists are focusing on formative assessment approaches and the provision of timely feedback using Seesaw. Therefore the class teacher’s final comment will focus more on social and emotional development. We are genuinely delighted to have children who excel in music, or PE for example; or who have a passion and an obvious capability in art or Mandarin to have this recognised and valued on the report form.

Art Trail Friday 13 September 2pm – 7pm Our biennial Art Trail has been scheduled for Friday 13 September. This event is always a highlight in our school calendar with every single child in the school having some art work exhibited. Danni Peebles and Carolyn Platt our Art teachers, have been carefully planning and implementing units of work throughout the year with the intention of showcasing some of this at the trail. Highlights of the Art Trail will include: senior students exploring the work of Joan Miro, a Spanish artist and Hundertwasser an

Austrian/New Zealander artist Indigenous and colonial art pieces print making focusing on the local area exploring weather using collages, rubbings and printing class collaborations for grades F-2 – these will be auctioned on the night the Lindsay Forster Art competition involving students in grades 5 and 6 food and drinks will be on sale. Additional details will be distributed early next term. Academic Excellence Last week the following children were acknowledged at assembly for academic excellence: Harry Boden Fourie in 3A for displaying a positive approach to school and making

excellent progress in English and Mathematics Sienna Sharp in 3A for displaying a conscientious and diligent approach to her learning,

producing excellent results in reading and mathematics

Sarah Saint John in 6A for displaying a conscientious approach to her learning and making commendable progress in all curriculum areas

Jake Fix in 6A for consistently displaying integrity, kindness and consideration for the views and perspectives of others and achieving outstanding results in English and Mathematics.

Support for our School Follett & Co Jake Besaw from Follett and Co Real Estate, attended our assembly last week to present a citizenship award to two children who have demonstrated a willingness to think about and support others before considering their own needs. I extend congratulations to: Willow Hunt in 5C for displaying kindness, compassion, empathy and inclusivity

when working and playing with students Naysha Fahey in 6B for displaying advanced skills in digital music and consistently

providing support, guidance and encouragement to students and staff in using iMovie, Garage Band and exporting files

Willow and Naysha received a book voucher and the school library received $100 which will be spent on children’s literature. Our sincere thanks go to Jake Besaw and to Rachel and Justin Follett for their interest in and support for our school. Assembly Performances Thanks go to 3D, Dean Ross’s grade for leading the singing of the National Anthem at Friday’s assembly. I extend congratulations to Niko White in 6D who presented a beautiful rendition of ‘Stairway to Heaven’ on guitar. Niko played this tune with great sensitivity and shows obvious talent. Night of the Notables Yesterday and last night our 111 Grade 4 students presented their Night of the Notables to a packed crowd of excited and proud parents, grandparents and students from across all year levels. There was much laughter, careful and probing questioning, and some confident and well-researched responses from gold diggers, politicians, explorers, soldiers and farmers. The children had great fun over the last few months researching and exploring history, so the opportunity to take on the role of a special person from history, and really assume their identity for a while proved to be entertaining and fruitful for many. Adults were encouraged to record the responses and provide some feedback. The children all entered into the spirit and took time to make their costumes look authentic, create some props and tools of trade and then to adopt a different persona and try to imagine what life must have been like many decades ago.

This was a great way to bring learning to life and to learn from history. The night concluded on a high with the poignant singing of ‘We are Australian’ which brought a few in the audience to tears. I congratulate our Grade 4s and their teachers: Anne Coburn, Deb Brayshaw, Alison Powell, Chris Berry, Michelle Kahui, Laura Shugg, Paul Coverdale for the effort and energy they devoted to this impressive unit of work.

End of Term Arrangements: Early Finish at 2.30pm Friday is the last day of Term 2 and school will finish at 2.30pm. Childcare is available from 2.30pm through Team Kids, however bookings must be made. There will be a whole school assembly in the BER at 1.50pm. This will feature a musical performance and the presentation of awards for academic excellence, citizenship and the Kiwanis Build up Grades (BUG) awards. Parents and interested community members are most welcome to attend. Holidays I extend my best wishes to all children, staff and families for the holiday period. For those travelling interstate or overseas, please travel safely and enjoy your new experiences and adventures and for those families who plan to remain in Melbourne, I trust that you will have a relaxing and re-energising time with family members and friends. I look forward to seeing everyone on the first day of Term 3 which is Monday 15 July. Sue Knight Principal

Girls Football Gala Day

What an amazing day it turned out to be at Tulip St Reserve, Sandringham with over 200 girls from the district competing in the round robin football competition. You couldn’t wipe the smiles off the girls’ faces for the whole day, even with chattering teeth in the crisp weather conditions! Hampton had 55 girls competing in 3 different teams in the competition, within 3 separate pools based on ability. This enabled girls from across the whole district to play against others of similar level and knowledge of the game and also presented an excellent platform for those learning the game. The Hampton A team managed to win 2 out of 4 games and finished in a respectable 5th place overall, which was a tremendous effort considering they went down in their first 2 match-es. Some highlights from the day included Lily Jones’ 6 goals playing on the ball, along with Juliette Moss’ crafty play around the ground. Some other standouts were Ivy Parsons, with some amazing speedy passages of play, as well as Emma Hodges with her run and carry. The Hampton Red team finished with 2 wins out of 3 games and had some fantastic individual performances. Those that shone for the day included Ruby Morgan in the ruck winning the majority of her tap outs and followed up with some hard tackling. Haley Nhean was very accu-rate in front of goals, whilst Jorji Loutas and Melissa Sarman- Gozel’s tackling was on fire. The Hampton Green team delivered 3 wins out of their 3 respective pool games. Some nota-ble mentions from these fixtures included Audrey Davis’ tenacious tackling, Agatha Beare’s field kicking and brilliant teamwork, Jasmine Williams’ ability to win the footy in the busiest of contests and Savannah James’ knack for bringing others into the game. The day proved to be an exciting opportunity for all girls involved and one in which some girls really pushed themselves out of their comfort zone. Every student involved should be ex-tremely proud of their efforts. A massive thanks to Alicia, Max and Ellie for joining us for the day and adding some coaching expertise. Also a big thanks to Nick for helping co-ordinate the day. Jackson Moffitt PE/Sports Teacher



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