Download - WebSphere Commerce architecture - Bemol · Getting Started with WebSphere Commerce V7 3 After completing this topic, you should be able to describe the: New features and functionality


Unit 1: WebSphere Commerce Architecture

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WebSphere Commerce Architecture

Unit Objectives 2

This unit was designed to enable you to:

Start a development project that implements WebSphere Commerce V7.

Describe the Runtime architecture of WebSphere Commerce.

Describe the development model for WebSphere Commerce.

Explain the application of Struts in WebSphere Commerce.

Describe the presentation layer for WebSphere Commerce by using both standard JSP files and Web 2.0-enabled JSP files.

Summarize the Business Logic and Persistence Layers.

Describe the benefits of EJBs, Access beans, and the Data Service Layer,

and describe what role each plays in persistence.

Summarize the elements and utilities available in access control.

Explain the development environment and how to effectively

troubleshoot and debug WebSphere Commerce applications.

Getting Started with WebSphere Commerce V7


After completing this topic, you should be able to describe the:

New features and functionality in WebSphere Commerce V7.

Programming specifications of WebSphere Commerce V7.

Establishing a team and develop a process for implementing a solution by using WebSphere Commerce V7.


What is new in WebSphere Commerce V7

Multi-channel Precision Marketing

Mobile Commerce

Social Commerce

Efficient data loading utility

Starter Stores that are enabled by Web 2.0 technology

IBM Management Center enhancements

Migration assistance utilities

Developer infrastructure improvements

Programming Specifications 5

WebSphere Commerce Version 7.0 uses a number of programming specifications: Dojo 1.3.1 EJB Version 2.1 EMF Version 2.2 JavaMail 1.4 JAX-RPC 1.1 JEE 5 JDK and JRE Server and Client Tools 1.6 JMS 1.1 JSP support (from WebSphere Application Server) 2.1 OpenLaszlo SDO 2.0 Struts 1.2.9 Sun Java Servlet Version 2.5 XML XSD 1.1 XSTL

Stage 1: Model Gather requirements, design, simulate, and optimize business models Team: Architects, Business Analysts

Stage 2: Assemble Discover, assemble, test

Team: Architects, Project Managers, Development teams

Stage 3: Deploy Integrated deployment of processes

Team: Project Managers, Administrators

Stage 4: Manage Business monitoring for co-ordinated interaction, analytics, and optimization Team: Architects, Administrators

Development Process: The Development Cycle


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WebSphere Commerce Architecture 7

After completing this topic, you should be able to describe the:

WebSphere Commerce V7 Runtime architecture.

WebSphere Commerce V7 Application Layers.

The WebSphere Commerce V7 Runtime.

Core components of WebSphere Commerce.

Multi-channel support in WebSphere Commerce V7.

Framework interactions in the Web channel.

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WebSphere Commerce Runtime Architecture


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WebSphere Commerce Application Layers

Business models

Represents a sample business situation or describes a scenario.

Business processes

Represents sample business functions and cases.

Presentation layer

Responsible for displaying results.

Serv ice layer

Segregates implementation of business logic.

Implemented by using OAGi messages.

Business logic

Implements business rules independent of the presentation.

Implemented by using a command pattern.

Persistence layer

Records the data and operations.

Represents entities within the Commerce domain.

Encapsulates data-centric logic.

Database schema

Designed specifically for e-commerce applications.


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Presentation Layer

WebSphere Commerce V7 Runtime

Presentation layer Flexible architecture includes

Portal and Management Center.

Controller layer Enhanced to include support for

Portal and Management Center.

Web channel offers support for SDO tag library.

Business logic layer Supports NVP command


Supports processing commands for BODs.

Persistence layer Supports EJB 1.1 – EJB 2.0

Supports component services by using the Data Service Layer as an abstract, SOA-compatible persistence solution over the database.


Controller Layer

Struts Sales Ctr Portlet Struts

Storefront Sales Ctr Portal Mgmt Ctr

Business Logic Layer

Services Interface

Persistence Layer

JSP Eclipse Portlets .lzx

NVP cmds BOD cmds

Access beans

EJB beans

Data Service Layer

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WebSphere Platform

Business Context Engine


Core Components


Commerce Accelerator







IBM Management



Administration Console

Analytics Personalization Roles and

Relationships Globalization

Foundation and




Marketing Merchandising





Customer Service



Tools Configurable Business Processes

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Business Logic Layer

Multi-Channel Support in WebSphere Commerce

Presentation Layer is decoupled from the Business Logic Layer

through the Services interface.

Multiple types of Sales Channels

can be connected to the WebSphere Commerce Server with

the Services interface.

Each sales channel can support its own unique architecture.

Access to the database from the

WebSphere Commerce Server is implied through the Persistence




Services Interface

WebSphere Commerce Server

Struts Portal Mgmt Ctr

Other Kiosk Sales Ctr

Selling Member

Trading Order Catalog

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Presentation Layer

WebSphere Commerce supports multiple Pr esentation Layers Use a n appropriate Presentation Layer

th at is based on y our business r equ irements.

Both the Struts and Portal Presentation La y ers follow the Model-View-Controller (MV C) design pattern.

In WebSphere Portal: Br ow ser request that are routed to a

con troller (portlet). Por t let calls client libraries (Java

cla sses).

Client library sends a service request for pr ocessing.

Por t let dispatches rendered data to a JSP pa g e in the portlet container.

JSP pa ges client libraries tags to r etrieve da ta.

In Struts: Br ow ser request is r outed to a servlet

th at acts as a controller.. Con troller calls the model for processing

Con troller dispatches the appropriate v iew to render data.

Model en capsulates all business logic (as commands) .

JSP pa ges retrieve data from the da tabase by using Data beans.


EJB Container

Business Logic Layer

Mgmt Center



Web Container


Portlet Container


Libraries JSP JSP

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Development Layers of WebSphere Commerce


After completing this topic, you should be able to describe the:

Business Logic Layer:

Name-value pair processing commands

BOD processing commands

Persistence Layer: Access beans and Enterprise JavaBeans

Data Service Layer

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Business Logic Layer

Business Logic Layer supports two methods of command processing: Traditional name-value pair processing

SOA-compliant processing of Business Object Documents (BODs)

Both name-value processing and BOD processing

Both methods use the WebSphere Commerce command framework

Name-value pair processing Controller commands

Task commands

BOD processing Get, Change, Process, Sync


Services interface

BOD command processing

Name-value pair command


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Task command

Task command

Task command

Controller command

Controller command

Controller command

Differences in Business Logic Layer Processing (1 of 2)

Name-value pair processing:

Request for execution from Presentation Layer.

Business token that is passed to Business Context service from Data bean.

Façade calls appropriate controller

command (or commands) which call task command (or commands).

Controller and task commands call Access beans which delegate to EJB beans.


Services interface

EJB container

Business Context

Access Bean


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Controller command

Controller command

BOD command

Differences in Business Logic Layer Processing (2 of 2)

BOD processing:

Request for execution from Presentation Layer in SDO format.

Leverages Business Context service.

Pre-built BOD processing commands.

Commands call Data Service Layer to access database.


Services interface

EJB container

Business Context

Data Service Layer

Data service façade

BOM service

Phys. Obj. Persistence

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Data Service Layer

Abstraction for data access

Independent of the physical schema

Purpose: Functions independent of the framework.

Transforms data that is retrieved from database into Java objects (implemented as SDO).

Offers bidirectional transformation between physical SDOs (schema) and logical SDO (classes).

Allows user to perform CRUD operations on physical or logical SDOs.

Services of the DSL: Data service façade: Interface for

accessing data.

Business object mediation: Initializes classes (mediators) that transform physical to logical data.

Physical object persistence: Provides mediators access to physical data, translating XPath to SQL.


Data service facade

Business object


Physical object


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Subsystem Data Models in WebSphere Commerce

19 Catalog

Catalogs, categories, products, attributes, groupings


Promotions, rules server, product advisor, WebSphere Commerce Analyzer

Member Access control, authentication,

member (participants)

Order management

ATP, calculation, pricing, payment, procurement store, shipping, tax


Collaboration, command, flow, scheduler, messaging, system, user traffic


Auctions, contract, RFQ


Tables that are related to the WebSphere Commerce Payments Multipayment framework and the Payments subsystem.


Relationship of database tables that are used in workspace.

Gift Center (optional)

Relationship of database tables pertinent to the IBM Gift Center application.

Store Locator (optional)

Search (optional)

Search Engine optimization

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WebSphere Commerce Supporting Services 20

After completing this topic, you should be able to describe the:

Purpose and function of the Business Context service.

Purpose and function of Web services in WebSphere Commerce.

Basics of security and access control.

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Business Context Services

Business contexts Contexts establish an execution

environment that affects the output of a business component.

Contexts are not directly invoked by clients; business components use the information present in a context to fulfill operations.

Benefits Enablement of generic


Tailored content and experience.

Precisely targeted offers.

Enforcement of business policies.

Appropriate prices, entitlements, and terms for a particular user.


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Web Services in WebSphere Commerce

WebSphere Commerce as a service provider:

Enabling business operations as externally accessible Web services makes WebSphere Commerce a service provider.

Web service deployment models usually have a central server with published WSDL defining the services.

External clients, Web applications, or rich client applications connect to the central server and invoke services that are defined by the publicly available WSDL.


Client code

Web service client code

Web service engine

Web service controller

Message mapping config

Business logic


JSP comp. service

WebSphere Commerce Web service framework

WebSphere Commerce Server Web service client

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Advantages of Web Services in WebSphere Commerce


Uses WebSphere Application Server Web service engine: Hides the complexity of SOAP

Reuses existing WebSphere Commerce assets: Existing programming model

Existing integration technology

Designed for customization: XML request message mapping

JSP response building

Inbound and outbound Web service implementations.

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Elements of Access Control 24

Users People that use the system. Grouped into relevant access groups (UserGroup). Roles are used to determine membership in an access group. Roles are assigned to users on a per organization basis.

Actions Activities that Users can perform on a Resource. Actions can be grouped into relevant groups (ActionGroup).

Resources Entities, such as JSPs and commands, that are protected Can be grouped into relevant groups (ResourceGroup).

Relationships Define connection between Users and Resources (such as Owner,

Editor, Reader).

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WebSphere Commerce Feature Pack Updates 25

After completing this topic, you should be able to describe the:

Catalog programming model updates.

WC search enhancements.

Sterling/CM integration.

Data load updates.

Coremetrics Integration.

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Storefront Programming Model and the Goal of Feature Pack 3


Program model before Feature Pack 3: Data beans SOI and SOA-based services.

Understand different programming models when using catalog services in the store front.

Storefront catalog programming model solution in Feature Pack 3: Provide a consistent SOA-based programming model for the

store front .

Move store front catalog service that is currently based on Java™ beans and SOI to SOA.

The solution uses the existing WC Search framework and the search CatalogNavigationView noun.

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Solution Architecture 27




getData tag Catalog




Database CatalogNavigationView


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Sterling Configurator Integration 28

Provide an end-to-end Dynamic Kits authoring and shopping flows.

Integrate with Sterling Visual Modeler (VM). Allow product managers define models for Dynamic Kits.

Integrate with Sterling Configurator (SC) Allow Product Managers to pre-configure Dynamic Kits in

Management Center . Allow shoppers to configure or reconfigure Dynamic Kits from the


Except the data, product, catalog, and price information for the model are kept and managed in WebSphere Commerce.

Sterling products must be purchased separately. Feature Pack 3 does not support Sterling DOM

integration and Sterling Configurator integration working together.

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Enhancements for Sterling Configurator Integration


Management Center updates: Launch the Visual Modeler and Sterling Configurator with

automatic sign-on. Define models reference for Dynamic Kit. Search and browse model by using integrated Utility view. Create pre-configuration for Dynamic Kit. Manage prices for Dynamic Kits.

Storefront enhancements:

Show Dynamic Kits in the following area: Catalog pages e-Marketing Spot Merchandising associations

Allow the shopper to configure a Dynamic Kit.

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Sterling Configurator Integration Main Flows 30

Management Center

Create dynamic kits, prices

Visual Modeler Configurator


Production environment Staging environment



Shop dynamic kit


Sterling Web

Product manager


Sterling Web

Create new models /

create model reference

Stage Prop

Dynamic kit ,


, Price

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Data Load in Review 31

Introduced in V7 to reduce total cost of data loading.

Streamline and load data in a single command. CSV file to database

Loading based on business objects.

Benefits: More scalable

Better performance

Business rule enforced

Better diagnostics and error reporting

In V7 business objects supported: Catalog



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Updates to Dataload 32

Support loading of workspace data by using data load framework – Feature Pack 1.

Support loading of member data by using data load framework: – Feature Pack 3 Person



Data load utility command-line support only.

Sample member loader mapping configuration and CSV files.

Customization tutorial

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Data Load Utility - User Interaction Diagram 33

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Command-line Utilities 34

Command-line utilities ideal for messaging command design pattern implementations.

txttransform This utility transforms data between a character-delimited format and an XML data


xmltransform This utility transforms XML data into alternative XML formats.

dtdgen This utility generates a DTD based on the target database.

idresgen This utility generates identifiers for XML elements.

massload This utility loads data into the WebSphere Commerce database.

fileloader This utility loads managed files into the WebSphere Commerce database

massextract This utility extracts data from a database as an XML document.

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Coremetrics Integration 35

Integration of Coremetrics and WebSphere Commerce Management Center.

Store Tagging Update:

Coremetrics Store tagging API update

Solr search with facet attributes

New <cm:element> tag

New <cm:conversion> tag

Coremetrics Intelligent Offer integration enhancements:

New store function “Enable Intelligent Offer Integration”

Flat file import enhancements

Intelligent Offer Data Extraction Utility

– Coremetrics Profile Segments tool import enhancements.

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Implementing Coremetrics for Commerce 36

STEP 1: Apply FP3, Install FEP3, enable store-enhancements, Publish store, and enhancements sar files.

STEP 2: Configure site to communicate with Coremetrics. Configure bi-config.xml file

STEP 3: Generate Category Definition File to capture catalog hierarchy.

STEP 4: Enable pretagged analytics tags in Madisons/Elite starter stores.

STEP 5: [For new stores only] Tag store JSP files with page view tag. Run auto tagging utility

STEP 6: [For new stores only] Tag store pages for Coremetrics.

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Versions of the Coremetrics JavaScript Library 37

Standard Coremetrics library:

Uses the hosted library file version 4.7.4H or later versions that ends with letter H

Does not require hosting a cmcustom.js or cmdatatagutils.js file to support WebSphere Commerce customizations.

Custom Coremetrics library:

Uses an eluminate.js library file version that does not end with the letter H, for example, version 4.7.4 or 4.7.5

Requires site to host a cmcustom.js or cmdatatagutils file to support WebSphere Commerce customizations.

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WebSphere Commerce Development Environment


After completing this topic, you should be able to describe the:

WebSphere Commerce development environment.

Contents of the default workspace.

Tools available with WebSphere Commerce Developer.

Purpose and function for WebSphere Commerce workspaces.

Process for determining problems and troubleshooting WebSphere Commerce.

Tiers of WebSphere Commerce for troubleshooting.

Logs and trace files with WebSphere Commerce.

Function of IBM Support Assistant in maintaining WebSphere Commerce.

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WebSphere Commerce Development Environment

Rational Application Developer V7.5.5.1 Note: Rational Software Architect

V7.5.5.1 can be installed instead of Rational Application Developer.

Eclipse-based development environment.

WebSphere Commerce Developer V7 Leverages tools from Rational

Application Developer.

Leverages WebSphere Application Server V7 test server.

Development database Stores development artifacts.

Can be DB2, Oracle, or Apache Derby (default).

Lotus Expeditor V6.2 Optional

Used when developing and running IBM Sales Center for WebSphere Commerce.



Rational Application Developer V7.5.5.1

WebSphere Commerce Developer V7

Lotus Expeditor V6.2 (IBM Sales Center)

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WebSphere Commerce Development Environment


Installing WebSphere Commerce V7 Developer provides a fully configured Rational Application Developer workspace.

The following projects are included: WC: contains the core WebSphere Commerce EAR file.

CommerceAccelerator: contains assets for Commerce Accelerator.

LOBTools: customizable assets for IBM Management Center for WebSphere. Commerce

OrganizationAdministration: assets for the Organization Administration Console.

SiteAdministration: assets for the Administration Console.

Stores: module for sample store assets.

WebSphereCommerceServerExtensionsData: create custom enterprise beans and other data assets.

WebSphereCommerceServerExtensionsLogic: create new logic, such as Java classes.

WebServicesRouter: create custom Web service assets

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WebSphere Commerce Tools 41

WebSphere Commerce Administration Console Administration functions for maintaining a site or any

number of stores.

WebSphere Commerce Organization Administration Console User Administration functions, maintain security.

WebSphere Commerce Accelerator User Console for making high-level modifications to


IBM Management Center for WebSphere Commerce Suite of tools to support Merchandising and Marketing tasks.

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Secure work area for developers to make and preview changes to managed assets.

Does not affect production environment: Similar to having a private copy of managed production assets.

Workspaces offer the following features: Task groups and tasks for dividing work within workspaces.

Defined roles for managing workspaces, approvals, and content.

Separate tool for creating and administering workspaces.

Locking policies to control changes.

Various forms of commit and publish.

Controls how data is moved from development to production.


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WebSphere Commerce Problem Determination 43

Available resources: WebSphere Commerce Information Center:

Contains migration, installation, configuration information and more.

Contains several self-help tutorials.

IBM Education Assistant: Provides self-help modules.

Offers some voice recordings and visual assistance.

Technical documents: Supplemental technical information.

IBM developerWorks: Offers specific examples.

Redbooks: Highly technical deep-dives into specific tasks.

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Problem Areas for Examination

Runtime issue could be anywhere along the path:

Browser: client side JavaScript, AJAX requests, cookie acceptance, cookie, or URL limits, pop-ups.

Web Server: virtual hosts, SSL certificate, rewrites, redirects, ports.

WebSphere Application Server plug-in: mapped modules, cluster, load balancing, transports, virtual hosts.

Application Server: servlet filters, Commerce servlets, caching.

Database: connections, SQL, contention, data itself.


Browser Web server Application server

(WebSphere Commerce Server) Database server

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WebSphere Commerce Logs 45

Web server log: httpd.conf defines the virtual hosts

WebSphere Application Server plug-in: Check the plugin-cfg.xml file

Application server and WebSphere Commerce default files: native_stderr.log: contains text written to the stderr stream. native_stdout.log: contains text written to the stdout stream.

startServer.log: written when starting the server. stopServer.log: written when stopping the server.

SystemErr.log: any system error while the server is running. SystemOut.log: system output file while the server is running.

activity.log: logs continuous activity. trace.log: If trace is enabled, logs the components trace messages

while the service is running.

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IBM Support Assistant for WebSphere Commerce


Ties to many key sites such as WebSphere Commerce Zone.

Offers problem determination, product flashes, and technotes.

Alerts user of APARs, fixes, and utilities.

News and preventive service planning. Contains:

Product documentation Publications Commerce news Preventive service planning Upcoming Webcasts

Automated Commerce data collectors.

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IBM Support Assistant Data Collectors 47

Data collection can be tedious for some components.

Automated collectors within ISA help this process:

Commerce collectors are one aspect of the Commerce plug-in download for ISA.

In-line with Commerce “MustGather” documents for IBM Support.

Other products include WebSphere Application Server, DB2, and WebSphere Portal.

Speeds up initial data collection and ensures that a complete set of data is collected.

WebSphere Commerce collectors for IBM Support Assistant gather all relevant logs from application and configuration files. © Copy right

1. Name some of the features and enhancements available

with WebSphere Commerce V7.

2. List the Application Layers of WebSphere Commerce.

3. The Business Logic Layer supports which two methods of

command processing.

4. True or false: A task command can be composed of any

number of controller commands.

5. List the three pieces of the Data Service Layer

Checkpoint 48

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Checkpoint Solutions 49

1. Multi-channel precision marketing, Mobile, and Social Commerce, efficient Data Loading utility, new Starter Stores

that are enabled by Web 2.0 technology (EliteB2B), IBM

Management Center enhancements, ANT-based migration assistance utilities, developer infrastructure improvements

for Rational Application Developer V7.5.

2. Business Models, Business Processes, Presentation Layer, Service Layer, Business Logic, Persistence Layer, and

Database Schema.

3. Name-value pair processing and BOD processing

4. Data service facade, business object mediation service, physical object persistence service.

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Exercise Introduction

Introduction to the WebSphere Commerce Development


In this lab exercise, you will:

Start the WebSphere Commerce development environment.

Identify common projects that are used in the development process.

Locate store artifacts to customize.

Launch the WebSphere Commerce test server.

Analyze server logs for debugging and error handling.


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Unit Summary

This unit has been designed to enable you to: Start a development project that implements WebSphere

Commerce V7. Describe the runtime architecture of WebSphere Commerce.

Describe the development model for WebSphere Commerce. Explain the application of Struts in WebSphere Commerce.

Describe the presentation layer for WebSphere Commerce by using both standard JSP files and Web 2.0-enabled JSP files.

Summarize the Business Logic and Persistence Layers.

Describe the benefits of EJBs, Access beans, and the Data Service Layer, and describe what role each plays in persistence.

Summarize the elements and utilities available in Access Control.

Explain the development environment and how to effectively troubleshoot and debug WebSphere Commerce applications.

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References 52

WebSphere Commerce V7 Information Center:

Apache Struts:

Open Application Group (OAGi) Business Object Document architecture:

Dojo Foundation Toolkit 1.3.1:


Service Data Objects (SDO):

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References 53

IBM Support Assistant:

IBM Education Assistant for WebSphere Commerce:


IBM Support Portal:

WebSphere Commerce Zone:


IBM Redbooks:
