Download - Website Analysis

Page 1: Website Analysis

We have written the artist’s name, in the centre of the website homepage so that it is very apparent to the audience who our artist is. Due to Stellato being a new artist it is vital that we introduce her as clearly as possible. We added ‘enter site’ below this so that the audience are directed on how to get into the main website.

When entering the website the first thing the audiences attention goes to is the image of Stellato and her face. The focus of the audience then moves down to the large writing being her name. We cleverly designed this so that the audience remembers Stellato's face and name which is important for a new artist.

Due to the dark background the white coloured text worked the best as it contrasted well with the background which allowed Stellato’s name to stand out. We used the font ‘Raleway’ as we have used it throughout our other media products. The text is bold and underlined to make it stand out more. It is a theme that the main titles in the website are both bold and underlined, which is the same for our album cover. Therefore we aimed to have this synergy running throughout.

We have used this photo of Stellato which was taken on set of the music video. This photo is very striking and it appears to the audience as if she is presenting her name therefore directs the audience where to look. The paint splattered wall features many times throughout our video and we love the effect it gives by glowing. Due to it being in the video, digipak and website we have maintained the synergy of our artist.

Both pieces of text have a hyperlink which directs the audience to the ‘Music’ page. We decided to put it on both texts just in case the audience were confused and we wanted them to enter the main website so that they learn more about Stellato as an artist.

Page 2: Website Analysis

We’ve added a light box, which is a pop up message, to the homepage which appears after 3 seconds of being on the home page. By doing this it engages the fans of Stellato as they have the opportunity to subscribe so that they never miss important events such as shows or signings.

All of the fonts used are ‘Raleway’ which we have used continuously throughout the website and digipak so that there is synergy running throughout our media product.

Background: The background of the light box is a galaxy theme as Stellato means starry which relates to space/galaxies. Also due to Stellato’s fanbase being called ‘stars’ it links well. We decided that the purple/black theme was quite dark and mysterious which is how Stellato is presented in the music video. The text being in white stands out well and makes it clear to viewers what the light box is.

The title of the light box is ‘Become a Star’ as Stellato often refers to her fans through social media as stars so we thought it was a more personalised way of engaging with the fans. It is bigger than the other text so that it is the first thing the fans see and draws in their attention. We have also made the light box even more personalised by saying ‘never miss an update from Stellato’. This suggests that Stellato will be engaging with the viewers if they subscribe.

We decided to have the main background page slightly blurred as we want the sole focus of the audience to be on the light box in order to get more people to subscribe so that Stellato’s audience grows. By having the light box in focus it makes people read the information more so than if the website background was still in focus.

Page 3: Website Analysis

We decided to have Stellato on the four most popular social media platforms: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. The last 2 platforms Stellato can use to post what she’s been up to and interact with her fans. Facebook shows all of Stellato’s events and shows. Her YouTube account will be where she posts her videos like the MTV interview, BBC Live Lounge and final music video. We have put these at the top of every page so that fans can easily access the social media platforms.

As well as having links to the social media platforms there is also an iTunes link to the single hypnotic by Zella Day, so that the fans can buy it. The link are really easily accessible as all they have to do is click the icon and it sends them directly to the pages.

The titles of our pages is our artist’s name followed by ‘Singer, Artist’. We decided that we wanted this to follow Stellato’s name as we want to introduce her not just as a singer but a songwriter and performer. We wanted this to be on the majority of the pages as we need to make it clear who our artist is and how she presents herself.

The cart is the same colour as some of the paint splatters and we wanted an icon so that it is similar to the social media icons. We wanted all of the colours to interlink so by making the bag the muted orange colour it matches the background and the glow of the main page title.

The navigation bar is set out so that there is one word to represent each page. Everything is capitalised to make them stand out. We have followed other artist’s page layouts and put them in a logical order that is easy for the audience to follow.

Page 4: Website Analysis

Currently our music video is still in the last stages of completion therefore we have left a gap where the music video for Hypnotic will be.

The font used is ‘Raleway’ which is used throughout our other media products. The ‘pre-order’ link and ‘my video’ are in capital letters as we want them to stand out the most. We want the audience to click on the link and download Stellato’s debut single so that it could possibly make it into the iTunes charts and it is important for people to watch the music video as it introduces what type of artist Stellato is. The welcome message is in italics as it seems more personal and due to it being a message from Stellato to the fans, we want it to have the effect that it’s being spoken and the italics give this effect.

We wanted there to be a welcome message on the music page as it engages Stellato’s fans and shows her as a friendly artist. It is a persuasive yet personal message that also shows how grateful Stellato is.

The debut album ‘Stellato Star’ is featured on the music page and lists all of the songs including an acoustic and live versions of Hypnotic. All of the songs play songs from Zella Day as that is the artist we used for Hypnotic therefore we wanted the audience to hear the same voice. We have the main picture from the digipak as the album picture and each song is 99p to buy or the whole album is £7.99.

The background image for the music page follows the paint splattered wall theme which is throughout the website. We wanted to include a photo of our artist as here she is being introduced. We needed a striking image which also interlinked with our theme therefore this image as successful.

The pre-order link that we included on the ‘music’ page directs the audience to download Hypnotic on iTunes. We liked this as it gets the audience involved and promotes the new single before it’s released.

Page 5: Website Analysis

Choosing the photos was important as we wanted to portray a good brand image for our star. We wanted to show different sides to Stellato that isn’t just her character in the video. Therefore we added some photos from on set but also other ones that show her as a youthful artist. We included photos from the firework scenes and tourist photos as we want our audience to be able to relate to Stellato.

The background image for this page of the website is the paint splattered background that is shown in our music video. We made it a mosaic so that the colours were more vibrant and the picture was better quality. This is shown on most of the pages to show a brand image.

Page 6: Website Analysis

There is a small information section next to each video that is written from Stellato. It is in first person as we want the website to have a personal feel to it and for the audience to feel as if they are connecting with Stellato.

The video page includes 2 videos: BBC Radio 1 Live Lounge and MTV Interview. We decided to make these two extra videos as it expresses our artist and allows the audience to get to know her more. The interview was necessary as we needed our artist to promote herself and show herself as a person not just a singer. The Live Lounge performance was also important as it allowed our artist to be more stripped down and show off her vocals.

We decided to have the recurring theme of the paint splattered wall however this time we edited it and tiled it so that it was higher quality and looked more effective. Here we created synergy throughout our media products by having this same theme running throughout the website and music video.

Page 7: Website Analysis

We have decided to spread the tour dates across the year as for an upcoming artist their first year can be very busy with interviews and other events. As Stellato becomes more well-known there could be added tour dates which are less local.

We have chosen 4 different tour venues so that it gives us the opportunity to widen our audience fan base. Each venue is very different ranging from festivals to universities. This allows Stellato to become more well known and her fan base to become widespread. This allows people who enjoy different genres of music to get to know Stellato’s genre of music and perhaps grow as an artist.

The background we have decided to use corresponds with scenes in our music video. We have used the paint splattered wall to create synergy throughout our website and our media products. The background is striking and has a club theme to it. We really like the effect that the neon paint has contrasting with the darkness.

We have added an ‘RSVP’ button so that people can be brought to Stellato Star’s official Facebook page and share the event with their friends in order to get more publicity. We also added a ‘Tickets’ button which takes people directly to Ticketmaster so they can purchase their tickets for the show.

It was important for us to include an information section onto our tour dates page so that the website is professional and official.

Page 8: Website Analysis

We added 3 ‘star buys’. ‘New arrival’, ‘New’ and ‘Best Seller’ to make our merchandise page more advanced. Other merchandise like Sia’s included these tags therefore we wanted to add these to our page.

By researching other merchandise we found that the titles were simplistic so that the merchandise page is accessible. We wanted our merchandise to be easy to use for our audience so that they can easily select what they want and checkout quickly.

When researching other prices of artist’s merchandise we tried to make our items a similar price and slightly lower as we are a new artist. We wanted them to be reasonable priced so that our fan base, primarily students, to be able to afford any of the merchandise easily.

The photos we chose are representative of what our merchandise would be like. We have included a front view of each item and when the viewer scroll over the image it changes to a back view of the product or different colours of the product.

Page 9: Website Analysis

We aimed to make our pictures as clear as possible so we chose 3 colour options of the ‘tee shirt’ to show. We showed a plain colour ‘tee shirt’ with the Stellato Star album cover on the front as this was similar to other artists merchandise. We gave it a professional feel by having just the item with a white background as this was noticeable on Sia’s and Ariana Grande’s merchandise.

When researching other merchandise we looked at the size guide in order to get a realistic representation of the clothes size and try to cater for all sizes therefore we used the size guide that was used for most artist’s merchandise.

We used the ‘returns and refunds policy’ from the online shop ‘Missguided’ as we thought it was the most appropriate returns policy. It sounded professional and informative which is the message we wanted to convey.

We also used the ‘shipping info’ from Sia’s website as we took into consideration that as our artist grows they may have fans that aren’t just based in the UK therefore we needed to include an informative section so that it is clear about pricing.

We wanted to add a variety of colours for our merchandise as not everyone will want the same colour. We started with 5 colours that hopefully will appeal to everyone. If our artist grew in support then more colours would be added but we wanted to keep it simple as this is only the beginning of her career.

We added a quantity drop down button as this was one of the features that was on every merchandise page we looked at.

Page 10: Website Analysis

We created simple email addresses so that we had a professional feel about our management. It was important that we promote and maintain a professional attitude when concerning management as this will shape how our artist’s career will go as they will need to contact management first.

The contact us section is relevant as we need to have a professional persona of our artist. We want companies to hear our music and easily find out how to contact us to book Stellato. We added 3 clear sections so that if people wanted to contact the record label, press or management then it was easily accessible. Other websites had this information as well therefore we copied the style but changed the numbers, names and email.

When researching other artist’s website we noticed that there was almost always a contact us page so that the artist could take bookings.

Page 11: Website Analysis

The checkout box is similar in style to the merchandise page as when researching artists like Sia and Ariana they both showed this continuation. We wanted all the vital information such as product, colour, size and price to be shown clearly in the basket as it makes our website more accessible.

The product is clearly shown in picture form as again it makes our website easy to use for the viewer.