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ZOG Digital

Website AnalysisMatt Lawler

ZOG Digital is a full-service digital marketing company located in Scottsdale

Digital marketing is a growing industry and search demand for “Digital Marketing” is at an

all time high.

Even with immense competition, ZOG Digital is currently ranking #1 for the search term “Digital

Marketing Company”

• While ZOG Digital helps its clients with Search Engine Optimization, I do have some recommendations for improving the company’s own online presence.

In looking at the link profile of ZOG Digital next to it’s competitors, you can see that they have

the highest percentage of backlinks from different Linking Root Domains

While they have created a very diverse link profile, ZOG Digital has some ground to make up

with it’s competitors here in Arizona. You can see just by looking at the total backlinks to each


There is also other areas which could be improved. This could start with a robots.txt file located at This

file would deindex pages that shouldn’t be found via search and would contain a line that

points the XML Sitemap.

An example of a page which should be deindexed from the site’s directory is seen here where one of their clients website’s shows up in

a search

The site should also be indexed with a sitemap and submitted to Web Master Tools for both

Google and Bing. This index would be found at

This would help with getting consistent results in doing searches which would mean that all potential pages would be properly

indexed by google.

Additionally, I would recommend adding a search bar to the custom 404 page to help

surfers find what they are looking for within the site.

When looking at the homepage itself we can see that ZOG Digital has a very visually appealing


The next step in optimizing the website for conversions would be to include a clear call to

action in the Meta tags. This would give potential prospects a reason to click through to

the page.

Another recommendation in URL optimization I would make is regarding the blog URLs. At

present the articles are archived by date and it appears in the URL. I would recommend

changing this to clean up the URL. This URL should appear as

examples-responsive-design, and generally the posts should appear as


The goal of all business websites is to convert visitors into business. This is done by leading

them down the “sales funnel.” For ZOG Digital I would recommend changing the “Contact Us”

button at the bottom of each page. By including a clear call to action on the services pages I believe that the website can convert more

visitors into real prospects. I would recommend adding a button at the bottom of each

“solutions” page with a catered call to action.

This is the call to action on each page

As an example, the “Social Media Optimization Page” could have a button at the bottom that reads “Ask us how we can optimize your social media” or “Find out how ZOG Digital can help YOU achieve your social media goals”

SWOT Analysis

Priority #1 add a specified call to action on each of the “solutions” pagesto increase Conversion Rate.

Priority #2 add a robots.txt file and sitemap.xml which should be submitted to Bing and Google Webmasters to ensure proper

indexing of sites and improve search rankings.

Priority #3 fix Blog URLs to make them easier to link too for potential back linking prospects.

Thank you for looking through my presentation. In an effort to keep this concise, not all reccomendations and opportunities are presented here. For more information, or to have your website audited, contact Matt Lawler.

Email: [email protected]: @TheMattLawler