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RtI webinar Series SLD Identification in an RTI

Framework - Part 2 Amy Dilworth Gabel, Ph.D, NCSP

Misty Sprague, M.A., Ed.S

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Strategic Interventionsfor

Students at Risk of Academic Failure

Level 3:Intensive

InterventionsFor Low Performing

Students; Alter curriculum, Add time, Support, resources…

Comprehensive Individual Assessment

Level 1:Benchmark Assessment and School Wide Interventions

(Universal Screening)for Students on Grade-level (benchmark) and

All Students (Effective Instructional Practices provided within the General Education Curriculum)

Level 2:Strategic and Targeted Interventions

For Students At–Risk for FailureStrategic Instruction, Increased Time and

Opportunity to Learn

(Adapted From PA Training and

Technical Assistance Network, 2005)

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Tier 1

Tier 1 consists of general education instruction with the following features:

Scientific, research-based curriculum

Consistent implementation that has been proven successful for vast majority of students

Screening of all students, to identify which students are at risk in core content areas

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When Students Don’t Respond at Tier 1

Consider further diagnostic assessment

Data can help better plan instruction/intervention

Place into small groups

Groups should be homogeneous

Monitor progress

Change instruction based on student data

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Additional Assessments Analogy

If you have a medical = concern, you….

If they are not sure =what is wrong…..

Go to the your doctor

They order more tests

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Additional Assessments

Just like in the medical example.

Every academic concern needs more information to better plan a way to fix it.

i.e. for a reading difficulty is it:




Phonemic Awareness?


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Tier 2 Assessment


Norm-referenced, standardized

Yields specific information about strengths & weaknesses

Diagnostic and Prescriptive

Specific results directly linked to intervention

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Assessments for Tier 2 Reading


Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, Third Edition- In-depth assessment of early literacy, reading, written expression, fluency, math and oral language skills for ages 4 to adult. Test software generates error analysis, growth scores and intervention suggestions.


Kaufman Test of Education Achievement-II- In-depth assessment of early literacy, reading, written expression, fluency, math and oral language skills for ages 4 to 25. Includes alternate forms, error analysis, growth scores and intervention suggestions.

PAL-II Process Assessment of the Learner –II—Comprehensive, evidence based assessment and intervention system used to evaluate and remediate the cognitive processes related to the acquisition of reading, writing and math skills for grades K-6.

DRA-2 Diagnostic Reading Assessment-2—Measures reading achievement through systematic observation, recording and evaluation of accuracy, fluency and comprehension for grades K-8.

BASI Basic Achievement Skills Inventory—Group or individually administered norm-referenced test of vocabulary, spelling mechanics, comprehension, and mathematics for grades 3-12+ administered in either paper/pencil or computer format.


Early Reading Diagnostic Assessment—Norm referenced and criterion referenced test or screener measuring the five components of reading for grades K-3.

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Assessments for Tier 2 Reading


Woodcock Reading Mastery Test-R—Measures visual auditory learning, letter identification, word identification, word attack, and comprehension skills for ages 5- adult. (Note: WRMT-3 coming in spring/summer 2011).


Gray Oral Reading Test, Fourth Edition—measures rate, accuracy, fluency, comprehension and overall reading for ages 6-18.


Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing—measures phonological awareness, phonological memory and naming for grades K-12.

PIPA Pre-reading inventory of phonological awareness measures rhyme, syllable segmentation, alliteration, sound isolation, segmentation and letter sound knowledge for ages 4-6.

ALL Assessment of Literacy and Language—measures language, phonological awareness, alphabet knowledge, print awareness, fluency, comprehension, for pre-K to Grade 1.


Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test—Test of receptive vocabulary which generates growth/progress scores and evidence based interventions, ages 2 to adult.

EVT-2 Expressive Vocabulary Test—Test of expressive vocabulary and word retrieval which generates growth/progress scores and evidence based interventions, ages 2 to adult.

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Assessments for Tier 2 Math

Key Math 3

In depth assessment of math proficiency skills; includes alternate forms and optional intervention materials and generates growth scores for K-12.


Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, Third Edition- In-depth assessment of early literacy, reading, written expression, fluency, math and oral language skills for ages 4 to adult. Test software generates error analysis, growth scores and intervention suggestions.


Kaufman Test of Education Achievement-II- In-depth assessment of early literacy, reading, written expression, fluency, math and oral language skills for ages 4 to 25. Includes alternate forms, error analysis, growth scores and intervention suggestions.

PAL-II Process Assessment of the Learner –II—Comprehensive, evidence based assessment and intervention system used to evaluate and remediate the cognitive processes related to the acquisition of reading, writing and math skills for grades K-6.

EMDA Early Math Diagnostic Assessment—Measures math readiness, graph interpretation, time, money, measurement and probability for pre-K to grade 3.

BASI Basic Achievement Skills Inventory—Group or individually administered norm-referenced test of vocabulary, spelling mechanics, comprehension, and mathematics for grades 3-12+ administered in either paper/pencil or computer format.

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Student may be reviewed at an intervention and progress monitoring team meeting(grade-level meeting, problem solving team, RTI team); might include: classroom teacher, content resource teacher/specialist, educational diagnostician, RTI specialist, school psychologist, etc. (Often the start of Tier 2)

Team determines if additional information needed to refine interventions; and/or selects Research-based intervention to implement and progress monitor prior to assessment.The form (type) of assessment should vary based on individual needs and questions to beAnswered.

Tier 2 and Your Teams

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Tier 2

Tier 2 and Beyond often consists of general education instruction plus the following intervention:

Small-group instruction (2-4 students)

3-4 intervention sessions per week (30-60 minutes per session)

Conducted by trained and supervised personnel (not the classroom teacher)

Conducted in and out of the general education classroom

9-12 weeks in duration (repeated, as needed)

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Tier 2 Small Groups (1:3, 1:5, 1:10)

Point system for motivation

Immediate corrective feedback

Mastery of content before moving on

More time on difficult activities

More opportunities to respond

Fewer transitions

Setting goals and self-monitoring

Special relationship with instructor

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Who provides the Interventions?

It is not important whether a certified teacher or a paraprofessional provides the instruction. But instruction should be systematic, highly explicit, and highly interactive

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Progress Monitoring

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Tier 2

Monitor the progress of Tier 2 students at least once a month

Use this data to determine whether students still require intervention. For those students still making insufficient progress, school-wide teams should design a tier 3 intervention plan.

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Progress Monitoring

Schools need to monitor the progress of these students so that personnel possess information on how a student is doing in specific skills.

It is important to use progress-monitoring data to regroup students after six weeks.

Tier 2 students who demonstrate improvement and return to tier 1 should be carefully monitored to ensure that general classroom instruction is adequate.

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Universal Screening Tools?

Do your research before selecting Universal Screening Tools.


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5th grader

Failing grades in reading and language arts and near failing in math.

Lack of focus/poor organization

Decline in motivation/increased frustration

Little to no progress at Tier 1

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Next Steps

Gather additional information from general education teacher to form referral questions.

Complete additional assessments.

Plan Tier 2 interventions

Progress Monitor

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Gather Additional Information:

Interview teacher

Have them complete the ACES (Academic Competence Evaluation Scale)

Interview parents

Interview and observe student

From this data create assessment question(s)

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Assessment Questions:

Why has Ellie not shown adequate progress to Tier 1 Interventions?

Does she have specific needs that can be addressed to improve skill acquisition?

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Tier 2 Assessment Tools


The Wechsler Individualized Achievement Test- III

Assess on reading subtests.


The Process Assessment of the Learner –II

Assess on specific subtests that look at the processes behind the basic reading skills that she is struggling on.

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WIAT–III Results

Subtest Standard Score Percentile

Word Reading 78 7th%

Pseudoword Decoding

75 5th%

Oral Reading Fluency 75 5th%

Comprehension 79 8th%

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PAL-II (Process Assessment of the Learner II)

Subtest: Measures: Standard Score

Orthographic Coding Recall words or word parts she had seen previously.


Word Choice Presented with 3 phonetically equivalent words, ID the correct spelling


Phonological Coding Manipulating sounds orally.


Rapid Automatized Naming

Naming letters or letter groups quickly


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Phonological AwarenessPhonological Awareness

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Phonological AwarenessPhonological Awareness

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Phonological AwarenessPhonological Awareness

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Accuracy and Rate of Reading  Monosyllabic Words

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Accuracy and Rate of Reading  Monosyllabic Words

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RtI Webinar Series Schedule:

Tuesday April 19, 2011 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM EDT Presenters: Amy Dilworth Gabel PhD and Misty Sprague Register: ob3mf

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Amy Dilworth Gabel, Ph.D [email protected]

orMisty Sprague, M.A., [email protected]

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