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    Presented by:Dr. Kate Webster | Chief Statistician

    AccuData Integrated Marketing

    Three Steps to Finding Your Model Customer:Defining, Segmenting and Scoring
  • 8/3/2019 Webinar 3 Steps Model Customer



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    Dr. Kate Webster

    Chief Statistician

    AccuData Integrated Marketing

  • 8/3/2019 Webinar 3 Steps Model Customer


    Webinar Sponsor

    AccuData Integrated Marketing drivesclient-specific results by providing data, predictiveanalytics, and database marketing solutions todeliver the most complete, independent, andinsightful view of customers and prospects.

    AccuData Integrated Marketing Headquarters
  • 8/3/2019 Webinar 3 Steps Model Customer


    Marketing and Statistical Modeling

    Marketinghelps us to reach stated businessobjectives, most notably:

    Grow Sales and Revenue

    Increase Profitability

    Gain Market Penetration

    Modeling and analytics, enhances the efficiency &effectivenessof marketing endeavors, particularly:

    New Customer Acquisition

    Current Customer Retention


    Demo and BehavioralPredictors

    Offer Segmentation

    Response Analysis

    Ongoing Customer Optimization

    Getting the most out of data analytical effortsrequires a sound Analytical method using a

    Learn-do-Loop Process:
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    3 Steps to Finding Your Model Customer
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    Marketing Analytic Process

    New CustomerAcquisition

    Current CustomerRetention


    Score andTarget



    Custom Algorithms

    Market Penetration Profiling Product Profile

    Best Customer/ProspectLook-alike models

    Responder models

    At risk models: Retention

    At risk models: Optimization Repurchase/growth model

    Loyalty analysis/scoring

    Promotion, price elasticity

    Customer categorization

    Promotion, price elasticity

    Custom Scores Promotion, price elasticity

    Product Sequencing

    In-market experimentation

    Promotional baseline

    Response survey

    In-market experimentation

    Promotional baseline

    Response survey

    In-market experimentation

    Promotional baseline

    Response survey





    Optimizing Current& Future Thinking

    K-2 Cluster Analysis

    Source Segmentation

    Loyalty Segmentation Buyer Value Segmentation

    RFMT Segmentation RFMT SegmentationSegment

    Denotes methodologically-shared applications
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    What do I need to know?

    Who are my customers? What is my market penetration?

    Who are my best Customers? How do I find prospects that look-like" my

    best customers?

    Who is most likely to respond to mycampaign?

    Who is most likely to convert to a customer?

    Which customers have the highest probability

    to stop buying (attrite)? Which customers are most likely to buy a

    certain product and how do I maximize mycurrent customer relationships?

    How can I make this an ongoing process?

    Which solutions provide the answer?

    Descriptive ProfilingSolution: Define overall customers and compare withUniverse of consumers or businesses.

    Descriptive Modeling + SegmentationSolution: Segment customers and rank them to identifyyour BEST customers.

    Predictive ModelingSolution: Score your customer database or prospect listusing a predictive algorithm to predict those customersor prospects with the highest statistical likelihood ofmigrating toward or newly becoming one of your BESTcustomers

    Response AnalysisSolution: Compare mail file(s) to responders and currentCustomers. Analyze ROI as it relates to offer and call toaction (learn-do-loop)

    Step 1: Define Your Marketing Objectives
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    Descriptive ProfilingDefining what your current customers look like across multiple indicators

    Market Penetration IndexProfile PLUS a penetration index that compares your customersrepresentation divided by a random sample Universe representation (*100)Index of 100 indicate no difference (36%/36%) * 100 = 100100 Small Effects we begin to tell the story of the customer profile150 Large Effects capturing more of the story

    AccuData Intelligent Profile

    Web based, real-time match and append service resulting in standardizedmarket penetration index scores that rank prospects from highest to lowestin their resemblance to customers.

    Step 1: Define Your Current Customers

    New CustomerAcquisition

    Current CustomerRetention


    Define Market Penetration Profiling Product ProfileBehavioral



    Defining Your Current Customers Story...
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    Segmentation Models and RankingIdentify significant differences or similarities across subgroups of customer types

    Cluster Analysis: Custom clusters group customers based on similarities inproduct purchase and demographics.

    RFMT: (Recency, Frequency, Monetary Value and Tenure) Transactional Values

    Customer Loyalty Analyses (Tenure): essential to understanding lifetime valueand retention across customer base

    Step 2: Segment

    New CustomerAcquisition

    Current CustomerRetention



    K-2 Cluster Analysis

    Source Segmentation

    Loyalty Segmentation Buyer Value Segmentation

    RFMT Segmentation RFMT Segmentation



    Defining Your Best Customers Story...

    Protect the PlatinumGo for the GoldSlice the SilverBag or Boost the Bronze
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    Focus on mathematical overlap (look-alikes)

    Logistic Regression or Discriminate Function Models

    Mathematical algorithm/equation that predicts the likelihood (probability)of some event occurring

    The equation is applied to every prospect or customer record

    Cross Validation of the model is essential to validity and reliability

    Scores are ranked into deciles and list selection occurs through a topdown fashion or sampling for testing

    Step 3: Score and Target

    New CustomerAcquisition

    Current CustomerRetention




    Score andTarget

    Best Customer/ProspectLook-alike models

    Responder models

    At risk models: Retention

    At risk models: Optimization Repurchase/growth model

    Loyalty analysis/scoring


    Finding the Best Buyers of Your Story...
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    Track and Evaluate Model Performance

    New CustomerAcquisition

    Current CustomerRetention





    In-market experimentation

    Promotional baseline

    Response survey

    In-market experimentation

    Promotional baseline

    Response survey

    In-market experimentation

    Promotional baseline

    Response survey

    Optimizing Current& Future Thinking

    Quantify gains attributable to specific marketing treatments

    Quantifying lift

    Rolling 24-month marketing ROI tracking

    Response by Campaign CodeResponse by Channel

    Response by Vender

    Response by Offer

    Capture Trends

    Refine Targeting/Algorithm

    Re-Deploy Model The Learn-Do-Loop

    Tracking Your Recent Buyers Story...
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    Expected Key Learning's and Deliverables

    Model Debrief Collaborative exchange of process and findings

    Match report of customer data

    Definition of customer segmentation

    Summary statistics on transactional and product data

    Comparative graphical analysis on all relevant characteristics that best define the target group Recommendations for list selection, offer and creative and proceed to scoring

    Validation Scoring Reports An interpretive narrative that details the scoring and validation distributions

    Gains tables or charts that depict the scoring of the universe of prospects as compared to thedefined customer group and validation file

    Counts of prospects or best customers by score and decile

    A scored universe file with mail information and logistic regression score and decile for allprospects appended to the output file for list selection
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    Expected Timeline

    Customer File Receiptand Preparation

    Modeling and OutputCreation

    Scoring Universeand Data Pulls

    ~ 20-25 Business Days

    1-10 Business Days(Based Upon)

    3-7 Business Days(Based Upon Output)

    5-7 Business Days

    Number of Files

    Completeness of Files Level of File Hygiene Complexity of File

    Offer Segmentation Response Analysis Ongoing Optimization

    5-7 Business Days 3-5 Business Days Scoring 2 Business Days Data Pull
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    How to get started?

    A collaborative and experienced data and analytic partner

    Clearly established goals and objectives

    Current customer file (or a random sample across somespecified period of time)

    Mail file

    Responders to those mail files

    Flags for campaigns (creative and offer)

    Any transactional data (if available and applicable) or dataelements to help derive tenure, recency, frequency, andmonetary attributes of the customer if not readily present indata

    Data must be drawn as random samples or full files

    Data should be able to be sent to client in multiple formatsthrough secure FTP sites
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    Model Application


    XYZ Bank Customer Acquisition
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    ProblemA well established community bank (New England) wasexperiencing an increase in attrition. XYZ Bank wasinterested in understanding if their recent attrition was

    related to an even more recent expansion of their DTA orwas it a combination of rate sensitivity, customer channelpreference, geography including distance to competitors

    bank and nearest XYZ BANK from customers home.

    Solution300 demographic and life-stage indicators were used toenhance the clients transaction/product file. Built a

    predictive cross-sell model using Customer transactionaldata and demographic/ behavioral data elements toidentify those with the highest propensity to attrite andtheir relationship to product(s).

    XYZ Bank:Attrition and Cross-Sell Model

    B2C Community Bank Attrition:Descriptive and Predictive Model
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    11 Customer/Product files over last 15 Years

    4.3 Million Records/Transactions

    5 Global Products (70 specific)

    Define: Summarizing the Current State Data Hygiene/Merge/Purge (Match and Append 300 Demographics)

    Identify Attrite Group ($0 across specified time)

    Derive Recency/Frequency/Monetary Values and Tenure

    Calculate Distance (lat/long)

    Define Original DTA and Plot Expansion

    Identify Share of Wallet using consumer Universe

    Segment Attrite vs. Active Customer: Diving Deep

    To What extent is attrition occurring? Who is attriting?

    Where do they live? What do they look like?

    What is their tenure? What products do they start with/end with?

    What are there interest rates? How far do they live to a competitor bank?

    What channel do they prefer?

    Method:Define and Segment XYZ BankCustomers
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    Defining Attrite Characteristics

    Young (mean/age 24)

    Higher education

    Upwardly mobile professionals

    Predominately male

    Living outside designated DTA areas Rely heavily on internet banking

    Little branch use

    Start product ATM

    Highest interest rates with high variability

    Shorter lengths of residence

    Average 2 or less products

    Most Attrite 12-18 months

    This group of young urban professionals may indicate a trend in community banking where loyaltyand affinity is lowered as a result of internet banking and a clear lack of connection to branchlocations.

    This group may be considered Jumpers based on offers from competitors. A targeted messaging

    campaign that connects with this young urban segment may increase retention rates.

    XYZ Bank: Step 2 Segment
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    Recommendations: Predictive Model and Scoring

    Develop Loyalty score to identify current customers with the highest likelihood of attriting The higher the score, the greater the risk of attriting Develop campaigns and messaging to interrupt loss or customer and revenue Predictive algorithm modified and applied to prospects universe within the XYZ footprint

    Predictive Modeling Provided the Following Solutions

    Predict the relationship between number of products and increased loyalty (sequencing) Continue DTA expansion and testing Predict which customers were most at risk for attrition over the next 6 to 12 months Predict which prospects within foot-print were most likely to become a customer Predict which product offer would be best as a start product offer for differing segments

    Bottom Line

    Significant Increased in ROMI and greater Growth Remains a Partner practicing in the Learn-Do-Loop for cross sell and acquisition

    Results XYZ Bank: Step 3 Scoring andTracking
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    ProblemLarge ad agency needed help identifying prospects withthe highest likelihood of purchasing a newly releasedcommercial vehicle for one of the Big Three


    SolutionBuilt a predictive cross-sell/acquisition model usingCustomer and Firmagraphics data to identify the bestB2B prospects for new purchase and up-sellopportunities.

    Drive home prospecting B2B sales for Big Three Automaker

    B2B Acquisition:Automobile Case Study
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    Profile existing B2B customers as compared to US businesses

    Segment by Product

    Calculate group different characteristics on geography, business size, industry, by product group Identify characteristics that most highly correlate with one product but not another

    Dive DeeperCustom Cluster Segmentation Based on IndustryCluster development was mutually exclusive classifications where membership in one groupexcludes membership in another.

    Predictive Model and ScoringLogistic Regression algorithm scoring Universe of business with the highest propensity topurchase a certain type of vehicle based on cluster formation of best customer

    Results B2B Model:Define, Segment, Score
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    Modeling recommendations and report was presented tothe President of Internal Marketing Department inDetroit Division

    Using predictive targeting, AIM model outperformedlong-term internal marketing strategies in several weeks

    Within 30 days of model deployment the MM modelresulted in the sale of 23 automobiles while the controlgroup had sold one

    ROMI Average Vehicles = $25,000*23 = $575,000

    Initial modeling investment $25,000

    Cost of the vehicles was not provided so a true ROI wasnot calculated. The agency is now a long-time partner ofAIM

    Tracking Model Performance and ROMI
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    Model Application

    Additional Case Studies
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    ProblemOnline Loan Aggregator wanted to increase responserates of click through customers (responders) anddecrease lead generation costs per mortgage application

    Solution (Define, Segment and Score)Built a predictive acquisition model using client data andMulti-Source consumer demographic data thatincorporated capacity to purchase as well as higheConsumer Score indicators to find the best prospects

    with the highest likelihood of completing and application

    on line

    Result (Tracking and Evaluation)Successfully accomplished a 50% reduction in leadgeneration costs while boosting response rates wellabove 60%

    Increase lead generation sales for one of the LargestLoan Aggregators in U.S.

    B2C Acquisition:Financial Model Case Study
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    B2C Response: Analysis Case StudyProblem

    Retailer wanted to increase response rates and increaseROI of existing customers while decreasing reliance onmanaged list rental

    Solution (Define, Segment and Score)Built a predictive, current customer retention and valuemaximization model using client data andmulti-source consumer demographics, segmented bypurchasing behaviors scored a prospect and customerfile using logistic regression to target those with thehighest propensity to drive lapsed spenders back to the

    store and increase traffic of best customer look-likesbased on responder profile. Identified those offers withthe highest ROI

    Result (Tracking and Evaluation)Successfully accomplished a 50% reduction in datacosts and a 16% increase in ROI

    Increase ROMI through Response Analysis with large Retail Chain

    B2C Acquisition and Cross-Sell:Retail Model Case Study
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    ProblemPrestigious universities desire improvement in existingdonor solicitations while decreasing lead generation

    costs of new donors

    Solution (Define, Segment and Score)Developed a predictive giving capacity (wealth) andpropensity (other giving behaviors) model identifyingbest givers based on wealth indicators and

    combination of other consumer demographics

    Result (Tracking and Evaluation)Successfully accomplished a 60% increase in leadgeneration to existing alumni for cross-sell opportunities

    Alumni Donor Model Case Study

    Increase cross-sell lead generation for potential Alumni Donorsto Top Universities
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  • 8/3/2019 Webinar 3 Steps Model Customer


    Predictive ModelingEstimation of likely outcomes based on historical data. Results in the development of an algorithm that is applied tothe customer or prospect file.

    Correlation Analysis(It all starts here) A statistical relation between two or more variables such that systematic changes in the value ofone variable are accompanied by systematic changes in the other (knowing something about tells us somethingabout the other)

    Discriminant Function AnalysisPredicting membership/classification into a particular categorical outcome (e.g. responder vs. non responder, buyervs. non-buyer) by determining which continuous variables are the best discriminators between two or more naturallyoccurring groups (must have continuous predictors (IVs) and categorical DV)

    Logistic Regression AnalysisPredicting the probability that an event will occur based on the predictive power of the indicators to discriminatebetween the groups. Must have categorical outcome (DV) and predictors (IV) can be both continuous or categorical.Due to the very nature of complied data, Logistic Regression is a popular method in marketing research.

    Linear or Multiple Regression ModelsFinds the best fit for a set of independent variables (predictors) based on a single continuous dependent variable

    you would like to predict

    Multivariate AnalysisA generic term for any statistical technique used to analyze data for more than one dependent variable in the sameanalyses

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    Cluster AnalysisData reduction that sorts people, things, events, (rows in a database) into groups, orclusters, so that the degree of association is strong between members of the samecluster and weak between members of different clusters

    Factor AnalysisAny of several methods for reducing (columns) continuous data into a smaller number ofdimensions or factors (e.g. buying patterns)

    Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)A complex path analysis that combines the best of factor analysis with multipleregression

    Custom SolutionsProduct Sequencing, Time Series, Automated Analytics and other custom solutions...

    Independent VariableAlso know as Predictors or Grouping Variables

    Dependent VariableOutcomes, what we want to replicate (can be continuous or binary

    Cross ValidationThe practice of testing a model using a portion of the universe to test while holding theother portion constant

    IndexA group of measures based on penetration that when combined produce a value meantto represent a more general characteristically

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    Follow Up Material / Support

    White Paper: A Marketers Guide to DescriptiveVersus Predictive Modeling

    Modeling Assessment and AIP Demo

    Executive Summary: Challenges and Solutions

    Dr. Kate Webster

    Chief [email protected]
  • 8/3/2019 Webinar 3 Steps Model Customer


    Question and Answer Session
  • 8/3/2019 Webinar 3 Steps Model Customer


    Thank You for Attending!