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Soul Home’s VisionCelebrating Heaven on Earth

By Living a Life of ChoiceRooted in Truth

Vibrating with Love, Wisdom and Abundance.

Soul Home’s MissionTo Practice and Teach Spiritual Principles;

Being a Beneficial Presence for Global TransformationThrough Individual Transformation

Soul Home’s PurposeTo Serve with Love, because we Love to Serve!



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“My thought now rests in contemplation of my real self and that clarified thought makes easy the way for the operation of the Life Essence through me.” - Ernest Holmes: The Science of Mind, p. 241

IN THIS ISSUE: Dates for Sacred Gatherings – Sundays, 9 & 23 October 2016


“WISHFUL THINKING – The Parable of the Wish-Fulfilling Tree” by OSHO

“YOUR WORD’S WORTH” –Rev. Stephanie’s Talk at Soul Home on 25 September 2016

“AS WITHIN, SO WITHOUT” – Synopsis of Rev. Gerd’s Talk at Soul Home on 9 September 2016

Ongoing/Forthcoming Events - Courses/Workshops/Study Groups

Science of Mind Study Group in Cape Town - next meeting on Saturday, 15 October 2016 from 13h00 to 16h00.

Rev. Stephanie Clarke’s CD “Uncommon Prayer”

Spiritual Library

Spiritual Mind Treatment requests

Links to Websites

Penny’s Worth

Practitioner contact details

Soul Home Sacred Gatherings Venue - Address details & directions

“It is not enough to be busy, so are the ants. The question is: what are we busy about?” - Henry David Thoreau


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Dear Friend of Soul Home

… as we have entered the last quarter of the year 2016, I marvel at the beauty of Spring and early summer. I enjoy the longer days, especially the early mornings when it is already light but still rather cool, just perfect for my early walk. I recently started a fitness program (intending to release some excess weight, which has for some unknown-to-me reason built up around my waist-line). This program suggests doing at least 10000 steps per day. It sounded like a challenge to me, although I don’t have to do all the steps in one go. I do the major part in the morning – and then some smaller parts during the day or in the early evening. So far, I have been very good. I do already feel and see (!) a difference. My alertness is sharper while I don’t run out of breath as quickly as previously was the case. I really do enjoy the program and I intend to stick with this way of life – at least for a while.

I have added Obakeng Gaitate to our list of licensed Practitioners at the end of this newsletter. He is now recognized by the Leadership of Centers for Spiritual Living as a PRACTITIONER OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE. Well done, Obakeng. He has put a lot of dedication into his studies (mainly online studying), while his vision and perseverance manifested in him achieving his goal. It is not enough to be busy, so are the ants. The question is: what are we busy I trust that you will find the articles, poems and quotes in this newsletter of interest. Do feel free to make suggestions regarding topics of relevance for publishing in future editions.

A thought/idea for contemplation and consideration:


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Take note of the following dates for our Sacred Gatherings in October 2016: Sunday, 9 October at 10h00 Sunday, 23 October at 10h00, including Kiddies’ Ministry with Mel

ADDRESS DETAILS & DIRECTIONS TO VENUE:  Please see details at end of this newsletter.

There is space for kiddies and safe parking for our vehicles.  Please see the electronic “Events” board in Reception or the Golf Club staff will direct you to the meeting venue.

Kindly note that there is a dress code we are requested to honor when attending our gatherings at the Randpark Club.  Please do not wear shorts and/or flip-flops!

Join us in creating the spiritual community you would like to experience.You are most welcome to bring a friend or interested persons to our Sunday Gatherings in order to introduce them to the Science of Mind teachings and to participate in our fellowship.

At the start of our Gathering, we have a meditation period, which lasts approximately 10 minutes.  If you arrive while the meditation is in progress, kindly wait outside (in silence) until meditation has been completed.  It would be appreciated if you could please respect this request.


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God Wants You to Be YourselfBy Ernest Holmes

Everyone must learn to trust himself and, so far as possible, to give full rein to all the creative power he has. At the same time, we must all live together as members of one human family. But unity does not mean uniformity. We can live together in harmony and with cooperation without infringing on the rights of others. This is the real meaning of democracy and personal freedom.

If a thousand artists were painting the same landscape, no two drawings would be identical for each would put something on his canvas that would be individual, something which the landscape told him that it didn't tell anyone else. And so it is with everything we do. One of the great lessons of life is to learn to be yourself, to have confidence in the high impulses that come to you as an individual, and to know that a Power greater than you are has willed you to be a little different from all the rest.

If each is a unique personality in This Thing Called Life, then it follows that all the power there is and all the presence there is, is back of each individual. There is nothing monotonous in this great scheme of things which we call Life. The power to live and the intelligence to know what to do exist at the very center of your being. You didn't even put it there, and you couldn't destroy it if you tried. The sensible thing to do is to accept this and work in cooperation with your inner life. It is my personal conviction that there is a spirit of the real self that accompanies us through life, but that we are only dimly aware of it.

There is an ancient fable which says that when the gods decided to create man and make him divine, they wished to hide his divinity in some place that would be difficult to discover. And so they held a consultation in which one of the gods said, "Let us hide man's divinity in the air." But another one said, "No. Some day he will perfect a machine and fly through the air and discover it."

And another god suggested that man's divinity be hid at the bottom of the sea, while another said, "No. We have given man such creativity and such an imagination that someday he will invent a machine that will penetrate the depths of the ocean." And yet another one of the gods suggested that man's divinity be hid in the ground, for surely he would not discover it there. But one of the wise gods said, "No. Man will bore even through the earth and discover his divinity."

So, after much discussion, they all agreed that the best place to hide man's divinity, the place where he would be least likely to look for it, would be deep within man himself. For they said he will always be looking outside himself, he will never think that the thing he is looking for he already has. And so they hid man's divinity at the very center of his own being and left him alone to discover it. But always there was the urge within him, a feeling that there is something


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still undiscovered, something that could make everything right if he knew how to find it and use it.

(Source: Science of Mind Archives)

“WISHFUL THINKING – The Parable of the Wish-Fulfilling Tree”


The thinker is creative with his thoughts – this is one of the most foundational truths to be understood. All that you experience is your creation. First you create it, then you experience it, and then you are caught in the experience – because you don’t know that the source of all exists in you. Once a man was traveling, accidentally he entered paradise. In the Indian concept of paradise there are wish-fulfilling trees, kalpatarus. You just sit underneath them, desire anything, and immediately it is fulfilled – there is no gap between the desire and its fulfillment. You think, and immediately it becomes a thing; the thought realizes automatically. These kalpatarus are nothing but symbolic for mind. Mind is creative, creative with its thoughts. The man was tired, so he fell asleep under a wish-fulfilling tree. When he woke up he was feeling very hungry, so he said, “I wish I could get some food from somewhere.” And immediately food appeared out of nowhere – just floating in the air, delicious food. He immediately started eating, and when he was feeling very satisfied, another thought arose in him: “If only I could get something to drink …” And there is no prohibition in paradise so immediately, precious wine appeared.


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Dinking the wine, relaxed in the cool breeze of paradise under the shade of the tree, he started wondering, “What is happening? Have I fallen into a dream, or are some ghosts around and playing tricks with me?” And ghosts appeared! They were ferocious, horrible, nauseating. He started trembling, and a thought arose in him: “Now I am sure to be killed. These people are going to kill me.” And he was killed. This parable is an ancient parable, of immense significance. Your mind is the wish-fulfilling tree – whatsoever you think, sooner or later is fulfilled. Sometimes the gap is such that you have completely forgotten that you had desired it in the first place – sometimes the gap is of years, or sometimes of lives, so you can’t connect the source. But if you watch deeply you will find all your thoughts are creating you and your life. They create your hell, they create your heaven. They create your misery, they create your joy. They create the negative, they create the positive. Everybody is a magician, spinning and weaving a magic world around himself, and then he is caught – the spider is caught in its own web. Once this is understood, things start changing. Then you can play around; then you can change your hell into heaven – it is just a question of painting it from different visions. Or if you are much in love with misery you can create as much as you want, to your heart’s content. But then you are never complaining, because you know that it is your creation, it is your painting, and you cannot make anybody feel responsible for it. Then the whole responsibility is yours. Then a new possibility arises: you can drop creating the world. There is no need to create heaven and hell, there is no need to create at all. The creator can relax, retire. That retirement of the mind is meditation.

(Excerpted from “OSHO Transformation Tarot – 60 Illustrated Cards and Book for Insight and Renewal,” pages 141 to 143)

“As long as you live, keep learning how to live.” – Lucius Annaeus Seneca


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YOUR WORD’S WORTHA Soul Home talk by Rev. Steph on Sunday, 25 September 2016.

The Bible is not the Word of God. The Word of God brought the Bible into being.So what is the Word exactly? Let’s look at the famous Bible verse, John 1:1, but in two different translations.1. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (King James Bible)2. “In the origin The Word had been existing and That Word had been existing with God and That Word was himself God.” (Aramaic Bible in Plain English)

Interesting stuff, eh? The Word existed before the beginning, meaning that it is not time-bound. It is spiritual energy. The Aramaic word ‘Miltha’ is very hard to translate into English. ‘Word’ is really inadequate. The Greek word “Logos” does not express the idea fully either. ‘Miltha’ means ‘before the beginning, before anything was created, there was Consciousness’. Miltha also encompasses the entire process of creation. It means:

1. The Vision held2. The consciousness that expands that vision3. The process of manifestation4. The final manifestation itself.

Miltha is one singular process from Thought to Thing. Out of Its Macrocosmic Self, Miltha formed you and me, Its beloved Microcosms. The following Bible verse has traditionally been interpreted to mean that Jesus Christ was the Word made flesh, not you and me, and that Jesus was the only son of God. “And The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of The Only Begotten of The Father, full of grace and truth.” (Ref: John 1:14 Aramaic Bible in Plain EnglishIf we look at this verse from the perspective of spiritual truth though, we are all the Only Begotten of the Creative power, Miltha. It is One Power. It cannot create separate entities. It can only create individualised versions of Itself. We are holograms of the Divine. Miltha is with us and It is Who we are. As such, we are imbued with the creative power of the Word which we activate when we think, speak and pray. It is up to us to choose to use our Word consciously to create the good we desire in our lives for ourselves and others.

Try this exercise to focus your creative Miltha power:

1. Put your attention briefly on a problem area of your life.2. Now, turn your attention to the solution. Imagine what would your life look like, sound like and feel like with this issue resolved or gone completely.3. Hold that Vision of the solution and let your consciousness expand into that Vision. Turn up the lights, make the colors more vivid, sense into other possibilities and the expansion into a joyful life way beyond the solution.


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4. Know that the process of manifestation is taking place right now as you expand your consciousness into the Vision of the solution5. And the final manifestation is now showing up in your world. The concrete embodiment of the solution is here with you now because this is the way that the process of creation works - from a Divine Idea to a Manifestation in your world of experience. Keep your conversation in Heaven and enjoy the effortless creative process when you consciously direct your Miltha/Consciousness/Creative Word power!


“Silence is ever speaking; it is the perennial flow of language."   ~ Ramana Maharshi 


AS WITHIN, SO WITHOUT –Short Synopsis of a Soul Home Talk by Rev. Gerd on 11/09/2016

Quotations:Buddha: “Peace comes from within, do not seek it without.”Ernest Holmes: “All of life is an out-picturing of consciousness.”Gandhi: “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

What does it mean “As Within, So Without. As above, so below?”

This is the biggest Secret of Life, found inside the tomb. The quote is one of the seven principles of Hermes Trismegistus, author of Hermetic Corpus. “As Within, So Without, As above, So below.” It can be interpreted in multiple ways, yet, the most suitable meaning would be: “As Within” – What we think within ourselves, “So Without” – Will be expressed or reflected in the world in which we live. “As above” – As in Heaven – (Your own mind) “So below” – So on Earth – (In your body and environment) If we think good, good will follow; if we think evil, evil will follow. Whatever we think or accept (consciously) will definitely be the circumstances of our life. It simply expresses the interconnectedness of all things. So the saying can be more explicitly stated as “As inside you, so outside of you.”

When you look at the world around you, at world events, what do you see?Talk based on a YouTube presentation by Emily Fletcher (Meditation Teacher): “How to save the world in two easy steps”

What are we saving the world from? What are some of the symptoms and what appears to be the underlying imbalance syndrome? Symptom: Underlying Imbalance Syndrome:

Climate change False Belief: I’ll Be Happy…When


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Terrorism False Beliefs - Separateness Much of our food isn’t food anymore Greed

How do we solve the underlying imbalances?

What is the fastest way to up-level your consciousness?

What is the one thing that is impacting every decision you make? Your state of consciousness! – Your state of consciousness is the thing that is impacting this decision. It's all about consciousness!

Einstein said, “We cannot solve a problem with the same level of consciousness that created it.” So, how do we up-level our state of consciousness? MEDITATION.Meditation takes your brain to the gym like nothing else. Although this may seem like an over-simplified solution, but science has proven that when you meditate, let’s say a twice-a-day practice, that helps you access a verifiable fourth state of consciousness. When we do that as a repeated daily practice, our brain and body not only gather bliss chemicals, but we also improve other brain functions. It stands to reason that if you are happier and your breathing is working better you might be better able to solve the problems we have been talking about.

More quotations:Neville Goddard: "The world cannot change until you change your conception of it, 'As within, so without.'Nations, as well as people, are only what you believe them to be. No matter what the problem is, no matter where it is, no matter whom it concerns, you have no one to change but yourself, and you have neither opponent nor helper in bringing about the change within yourself. You have nothing to do but convince yourself of the truth of that which you desire to see manifested."

Jiddu Krishnamurti: “Hitler and Mussolini were only the primary spokesmen for the attitude of domination and craving for power that are in the heart of almost everyone. Until the source is cleared, there will always be confusion and hate, wars and class antagonism.”

Neville Goddard: “It is easier to ascribe your feeling to events in the world than to admit that the conditions of the world reflect your feeling. However, it is eternally true that the outside mirrors the inside.”

Ongoing/Forthcoming Events - Courses/Workshops/Study Groups

“Trained thought is more powerful than untrained thought.”- Ernest Holmes


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Here is a list of some of the accredited Science of Mind courses that are available to be run during the year 2016.  Please let me know which course/s you are interested in as that would facilitate my planning!

FOUNDATION LEVEL New Foundations of the Science of Mind - Basic Principles for Spiritual Living

This is a revision and widely updated new version of the Foundational Course. It presents a new spiritual principle each week and a spiritual practice to support that principle. The Creative Process is introduced at the beginning of the class and then flows through each week, so that the student has the opportunity to see and use the Creative Process at work in each spiritual principle. Each week also features the writing of one of our elders as well as one of our contemporaries on the subject at hand. These include Dr. William Hornaday, Dr. Frank Richelieu, Terry Cole Whittaker, Dr. Jesse Jennings, Dr. Kathy Hearn, Dr. Linda McNamar, and many more. Released in 2007Duration: 10 weeks, 3 hours each class, 30 hours in total, plus a 3.5-4 hour workshop This course is ideal for beginners without any previous knowledge of “The Science of Mind” teachings, but also suitable as a “Refresher” course for those who have taken “Science of Mind” courses previously.

Text Books: The Science of Mind, by Ernest Holmes Student Workbook for Foundations of Science of Mind,

Optional Text: It Is About You, by Kathy Juline.

Tuition Fee: R 2 850.00 (which includes a Student Workbook and Registration Fees with CSL), and approx. R 300.00 for textbook “The Science of Mind” by Ernest Holmes (if you don’t have it already).

*****Practical Mysticism This course is an exploration of mysticism, what it is and what it is not. It provides the framework for the student to live a more mystical life in present time. Each student sets a personal intention for his or her life. Emphasis is given to the practice of meditation and the practice of witnessing consciousness. This course is ideal for anyone seeking to deepen his or her own awareness of the Divine reality in daily living.

Duration of Course:  10 Weeks    Certification Hours: 30  Textbooks:   “The Foundations of Mysticism” by Joel Goldsmith                       “Entering the Castle:  Finding the Inner Path to God and                       Your Soul’s Purpose” by Caroline Myss  Tuition Fees (excluding CSL Registration Fees):  R 2 850.00CSL Registration Fees: US $30.00 (only payable if accreditation required, i.e. for students who want to enter into a Practitioner Study Course.

This class was successfully completed on Tuesday, 6 September 2016.


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The Self Mastery Course focuses on healing the perceived separation between personality and Spirit. Through an active exploration of the creative nature of thoughts and feelings, beliefs and emotions, the students have an opportunity to gain mastery in the art of living as conscious, intentional beings. Duration of Course: 8 Weeks Certification Hours: 24Text: Living the Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes Tuition Fees (excluding CSL Registration Fees):  R 2 350.00CSL Registration Fees: US $30.00 (only payable if accreditation required, i.e. for students who want to enter into a Practitioner Study Course)


Duration of Course:  10 Weeks    Certification Hours: 30  Tuition Fees:  R 2 850.00 Prerequisite: Successful completion of Science of Mind Foundation Class


From Whence We CameDuration of Course:  10 Weeks    Certification Hours: 30 Tuition Fees:  R 2 850.00


Power of Your Word  Duration of Course:  8 Weeks    Certification Hours: 24  Tuition:  R 2 350.00

Meditation is More Than You ThinkDuration of Course:  8 Weeks    Certification Hours:  24  Textbooks:         “An Easy Guide to Meditation” by Roy Eugene Davis - CSA Press, 1978, And ONE of the following:                            “How to Meditate” by Lawrence LeShan - Bantam, 1975 or                            “Journey of Awakening” by Ram Dass - Bantam, 1978  Tuition Fees:  R 2 350.00

ELECTIVES5 Gifts for an Abundant Life Duration of Course:  8 Weeks    Certification Hours:  24  Textbook:           “5 Gifts for an Abundant Life” by Diane Harmony  Tuition Fees:  R 2 350.00

VisioningDuration of Course:  8 Weeks    Certification Hours:  24  


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Tuition Fees:  R 2 350.00


Science of Mind Study Group in Cape Town

We held our Saturday, 15 October 2016 meeting from 13h00 to 16h00 at Penny’s home in Wynberg.

The theme for our study group meeting was: “Living Enlightenment – A call for evolution beyond ego” based on one of Brian Johnson’s Philosophers Note on Andrew Cohen’s book and this was facilitated by Rev. Gerd Pontow.

Penny intends to facilitate an accredited Science of Mind Foundations Class in the near future. Watch this space for more details.

Please let me know via email [email protected] whether you would like to attend this class. _____________________________________________________________________


Stock of the CD is available. The CD “Uncommon Prayer – For Souls on the Journey Home” consists of 10 prayers spoken by Rev. Stephanie. The cost of the CD is R150.00.  Please contact me if you would like to purchase one or more.  These CD’s make wonderful gifts not only for others but also for you.____________________________________________________________________


We have a Spiritual Library available to the Soul Home community on a membership basis.  There are over 450 titles, which I have collected over time, while some books that have been donated to me.  If you are interested in becoming a member of this Library, please send me an email and I shall send you the list of titles, together with a Membership Application Form and the “Terms of Membership”.  A list of book titles is available on our website ( )


If anyone requires spiritual mind treatment (affirmative prayer) for a specific purpose, please submit your personal request/s via email or complete a written request to one of our practitioners.  They will treat on your behalf for a week.  (See contact details at the end of this newsletter).  Specific prayer requests should not be submitted on


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behalf of someone else without their permission.  (The Science of Mind philosophy is one of free choice and therefore no one is in a position to intercede for another person, unless they are unconscious or a young child.  In the case of an adult who has not requested the prayer, the treatment will be for “wholeness” and “divine right action” only).  You are kindly asked to make a love offering for this service.

Our spiritual practitioners are available for private spiritual counseling sessions. Please contact them directly to arrange an appointment.  As they are licensed professional practitioners, they are entitled to charge a fee for their services.____________________________________________________________________   


Centers for Spiritual

The Science of Mind Archives and Library Foundation

Higher Vision Institute

Association of Global New Thought (AGNT) 

YANA (You Are Not Alone) Virtual Center for Spiritual Living .

Check this website for the following weekly events: Every Wednesday evening at 12:00 noon Pacific Time which I currently 21:00 (S.A. Time) there is a conversation on spiritual topics by Rev. Cliff Rubin and other speakers.


“Jesus accepted the idea that thought was a movement of consciousness and would manifest in the world of people, places and things.” George Bendall

“When we are mindful, deeply in touch with the present moment, our understanding of what is going on deepens, and we begin to be filled with acceptance, joy, peace and love.” Thich Nhat Hanh

On Wednesday, 21 September 2016, we celebrated International Day of Peace which was established in 1981 by a United Nations General Assembly resolution to devote the day to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples. A further resolution was to establish the day as an annual day of nonviolence and ceasefire.

When I look at the world of effects, peace appears to be only an illusion. It is a blessing, however, that I have experienced Nature in Action during the magnificence


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of a Cape Peninsula Spring. It is a biodiverse hot spot with possibly 2500 endemic species that cannot be conserved anywhere else on earth. Not only is this a World Heritage Site, it is now my new home. Wild spring flowers abound at every turn on the M3 close to Kirstenbosch, De Waal Drive, along the slopes of Table Mountain, and in the beautiful tree-lined suburbs.

I had the privilege of visiting the Western Cape Nature Reserve, parts of which are only open to the public during August and September annually. The timing of our visit was perfect, while it was an exquisite, sunny day, so the masses of wild flowers opened fully to create a splendid spectacle of color in Nature’s Garden. As we skirted the Atlantic Ocean, the sand dunes were covered in gigantic wreaths of different colors that only Nature’s Gardener could create. Never before have I seen such healthy, well- nourished Eland, Gemsbok and Zebra. Motorists had to give way to the numerous baby tortoises going about their daily business who were oblivious to the rumpus they caused on the roads.

My walks in Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens have been just as exciting and rewarding. At one of the entrances 2 baby Spotted Eagle Owl siblings sit nonchalantly on a wall keeping each other warm to the exclusion of visitors taking pictures and disturbing the peace in spite of “Do not disturb” signs. If my arms were slightly longer, I could have reached out and touched these magnificent creatures. Their natural instinct to protect the other from the cold is another joyous demonstration of the harmony and oneness in Nature. In another section of the Garden, a breeding female Spotted Eagle Owl sits patiently on her eggs while the male protects his precious wards from a branch in the tree above his mate. This unity in Nature brings me back to Truth and reminds me of the peace that exists within, regardless of external appearances.

For Cape Town folk interested in attending the School of Truth Lectures, the details are as follows:

Erin Hall, 8 Erin Road, Rondebosch Meetings are on the first Sunday of every month at 10.00 until 11.00 Lectures are presented by David Grant & Nicky Swartz The have a non-denominational magazine called “The Path of Truth” and

anyone can subscribe to the publication by contacting their Johannesburg office. See below.

Tel. 011 482 5622, email schoolof [email protected] and lectures can be downloaded from and

I have attended and can recommend that their spiritual teaching is in harmony with those of the Centers for Spiritual Living. Rev. Gerd has lectured at their Johannesburg meetings. I love and miss you all and in Faith and Oneness I send you all much Love and Light.



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And – as always - I should like to express my heartfelt “Thank You” to the members of the Soul Home community for all their encouragement and support, as well as financial assistance in the form of love offerings and/or tithing.

It is so good to know that each person makes a difference… and that person is…YOU. -  THANK YOU!!!

And last – but not least, a special “Thank You” to my fellow Practitioners, Anka Daly, Penny Gottlieb, and Melanie Hall, for their continuous generous and loving support.

Love and abundant blessings to all of you and your loved ones! Enjoy each and every day of your precious life!

Rev. Gerd“I am One with all  life! “

For further details and/or making appointments for Counselling sessions with a Licensed Practitioner, please contact any one of us:

Rev. Gerd Pontow:

Cell          083 267 4205 Home:      011 465 0395 E-mail:     [email protected] or [email protected] Website:

Penny Gottlieb, RScP (now residing in CAPE TOWN):

Cell:         082 959 6415Home: 021 761 7429E-mail:     [email protected]

Melanie Hall, RScP:

Cell:                 083 454 2619E-mail:             [email protected]

Obakeng Gaitate, RScP Cell:         083 634 9544


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Office:     084 011 9555E-mail:     [email protected]


Anka Daly, RScP (Retired):

Cell:         083 267 1444Home:     (011) 942 2713Fax:          (011) 825 7496E-mail:     [email protected]

Rev. Stephanie Clarke

Cell: 073 058 7816E-mail:  [email protected]

Please let us know of any family members, friends and/or acquaintances who might be interested in our work and who might want to be included on our mailing list.

Any financial contributions you may wish to make in support of this work can be made into the following bank account:

Bank: First National BankBranch: Cresta CentreBranch Code: 254 905Account Name: G. PontowAccount Number: 54866001421Ref: SOM and your name


Randpark ClubSetperk Road, Randpark (Windsor Park), RandburgTel. No. 011 215 8600

GPS Co-ordinates: S26’06.862  E27’58.000

From Beyers Naude Offramp: Travel southwards on Beyers Naude Avenue (with Renault dealership on left

& World Wear on right towards Cresta Shopping Centre. After approx. 2km turn left onto Judges Avenue. After 550m turn left onto Republic Road. Take the third road left onto Klub Street. Turn right to stay in Klub Street Turn right after approx. 450m onto Fairway Drive Take the first left onto Setperk Road


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Destination will be on the right. Check in at Security and ask for directions to the Golf Club Reception (not the

Fairview Hotel & Spa.)

From Malibongwe Drive Offramp: Travel southwards as far as Republic Road (approx. 3.3km) and turn right onto

Republic Road. iv. After approx. 2.2 km turn right at robot onto Cherry Drive. Take the third left onto Arend Avenue. Take the third right onto Fairway Drive. Take the first left onto Setperk Road. Destination will be on the right. Check in at Security and ask for directions to the Golf Club Reception (not the

Fairview Hotel & Spa.)

There is space for kiddies and there is safe parking for our vehicles.  Please see the electronic “Events” board in Reception or the staff will direct you to the meeting venue.