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Apuntes Para la Clase de Espanol 1B

Profesora Silvestri

Table of Contents: Apuntes (class notes)

Unitad 5A pag. 3-5

Unitad 5B pag.8-9

Unidad 6 pag. 12-15

Unidad 7 pag.19-21

Unit 5A: Repaso de los Pasatiempos

Target Language/Spanish Level 1B (8th Grade)Unit 5A: Repaso de los PasatiemposTimeline: +/- 10 days (Block); +/- 20 days (Period)New Jersey World Languages Core Curriculum Content Standards: 7.1, 7.2New Jersey Workplace Readiness Standards: 8.1, 8.2

Communicative Functions: Discussing what you like/don’t like to do Discussing what others like/don’t like to do Talking about what you and others like to do

together Discussing the weather and what activities

you and others like to do in different conditions

Discussing location of places around your school and where you and others like to go

Making cultural connections and comparisons

Cultural Connections: School life in Spanish speaking

countries Music styles from Latin

American countries Student leisure time activities

in Spanish speaking countries

Learning Objectives: Formulate questions to find out what others

like/don’t like to do Recognize and use leisure time vocabulary

to tell what you and others like/don’t like to do

Recognize and use vocabulary related to places in the school to tell where you and others like to go and what you like to do there

Use the verb gustar to discuss what you and others like to do in different weather conditions

Interpret meaning from written text, audio or

Activities/Strategies: Brainstorming Cooperative learning Discussion Interactive language tasks Individual work Cultural presentations Explore authentic resources Interviews Think/Pair/Share

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video related to unit theme

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Apuntes de Unitad 5A                                                       Focus Questions:                           

¿Qué te gusta hacer? What do you like to do?                         ¿Qué no te gusta hacer? What don’t you like to do?   

¿Te gusta + infinitive? Do you like to…?                          ¿A quién le gusta + infinitive? Who likes to…?¿A quién no le gusta + infinitive? Who doesn’t like to…?¿Le gusta + infinitive? Does he/she like to…?¿Les gusta + infinitive? Do they like to…?A ____, ¿qué le gusta hacer? What does… like to do?             A ____ y ____, ¿qué les gusta hacer? What do … and… like to to?¿Qué les gusta hacer a ti y a tus amigos? What do you and your friends like to do?¿Dónde está…? Where is…?    ¿Qué música te gusta escuchar? What music do you like to listen to?¿Qué tiempo hace? What’s the weather like?¿Qué te gusta hacer cuando hace buen/mal tiempo? What do you like to do when it’s good/bad weather?¿Qué te gusta hacer cuando hace calor/frío? What do you like to do when it’s hot/cold?¿Qué te gusta hacer cuando llueve/nieva? What do you like to do when it rains/snows?


Me gusta + infinitive I like to…No me gusta + infinitive I don’t like to …Sí, me gusta + infinitive Yes, I like to…No, no me gusta + infinitive No, I don’t like to...Me gusta + infinitive + en +lugar I like to ….. in/at …..Me gusta ir +a + Place  I like to go to ……...A  _______ le gusta + infinitive _____ likes to ….A ______ les gusta + infinitive They/You (plural) like to…..Nos gusta + infinitive We like to…No nos gusta + infinitive We don’t like to …..La biblioteca está… The library is….(preposition for places)Hace buen/mal tiempo It’s good/bad weather.Me gusta + infinitive cuando … I like to.... when it’s….

Vocabulary List:

Infinitive Verbs:

acampar to campasistir a (un concierto, una clase) to attend (a concert, a class)bailar to dancebucear                    to scuba divecaminar con el perro            to walk the dogcomer en un restaurante        to eat at a restaurantcorrer                    to run   

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cuidar a los hermanos            to take care of siblingsdescansar en el parque        to relax in the parkdibujar                    to drawescuchar música            to listen to musicesquiar                    to skiestar                     to beestudiar                to studyhablar por teléfono            to talk on the phonehacer ejercicio                to do exerciseshacer un viaje                to take a tripir                     to go    jugar a …                to play (a game or sport)jugar a los videojuegos        to play videogames            lavar el carro                to wash the carlavar la ropa                to wash the clothesleer                    to readmirar la televisión            to watch televisionmontar en bicicleta to ride a bicyclenadar                     to swimpasar el rato con amigos         to spend time with friendspescar                    to fishpintar                    to paintpracticar deportes            to practice sportspreparar la cena            to prepare dinnersacar la basura                to take out the trashtocar un instrumento             to play an instrumenttomar un refresco            to drink a soft drinktomar el helado to eat ice creamver una película             to see a movievisitar a los abuelos to visit grandparents


el auditorio the auditoriumla biblioteca the libraryla cafetería                the cafeteriala casa                    the house; homeel centro                downtownel cine                    the movie theaterla clase                    the classel correo                the post officeel colegio                         the middle/high schoolel gimnasio the gymla oficina                the officeel parque                the park                la piscina                the swimming poolla playa                the beachel restaurante               the restaurantel salón de clase the classroomel supermercado the supermarket

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la tienda the store

Prepositions for places: está/están- is located

al lado de next to; to one side ofallá thereaquí                                                      herecerca de                                                neardebajo de                                              under; beneathencima de                                             on top oflejos de                                                 far from


el otoño Autumn/Fallel invierno Winterla primavera Springel verano Summer


Está nublado It’s cloudyHace sol It’s sunnyHace calor It’s hotHace frío It’s coldHace fresco It’s cool/mildHace viento It’s windyHace buen tiempo It’s good weatherHace mal tiempo It’s bad weatherLlueve It rainsNieva It snow

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Unit 5B: La Rutina Semanal

Target Language/Spanish Level 1B (8th Grade)Unit 5B: La Rutina SemanalTimeline: +/- 10 days (Block); +/- 20 days (Period)New Jersey World Languages Core Curriculum Content Standards: 7.1, 7.2New Jersey Workplace Readiness Standards: 8.1, 8.2

Communicative Functions: Talk about activities in the

present tense Talk about how often they

and others participate in activities

Discuss vacation activities

Cultural Connections: Understand cultural differences between the

home and target culture related to leisure time activities and vacations.

Learning Objectives: Discuss how often you do

activities Conjugate verbs in the

present tense Talk about what they and

others do together Talk about activities during a

typical week Discuss vacation plans Talk about what you do and

like to do everyday Discuss what you would like

to do during vacation

Activities/Strategies: Brainstorming Cooperative learning Discussion Interactive language tasks Individual work Cultural presentations Explore authentic resources Interviews Think/Pair/Share

Materials: ¡Ven Conmigo! Level 1

Textbook, Holt Rinehart and Winston,  Chapter 4, Chapter 5

WTSD Middle School World Language resources on shared Google drive

Teacher-made resources Internet resources

Assessments: Student Participation/Involvement Teacher Observation/Questioning Classroom Interaction Small Group Work/Discussion Quizzes and Tests Technology/Video/Audio Classroom Presentations/Demonstrations Individual Conferences Written Reports/Project Student Self-Evaluation Communicative Activities Pre-/Post Reading/Writing Activities At home reinforcement/Practice

Modifications:Pre- and post-reading activitiesAdvanced Organizers (when showing videos)Partner ReadingPeer TutoringAudio-taped materialsMnemonics

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Paraphrased/Summarized Key Point/Frequent repetitionModifying reading and written work expectationsProvide examples for referenceLabeling/Visual ImageryPreparatory SetDiction and/or shortened writing assignments; collaborative writing, note takers; fill-in-the-blanks for note takingDaily assignment booksComputers for outlining, word-processing, spelling, and grammar checkAllowances in choices of manuscript (cursive, keyboarding, different positions of writingpaper and/or surfacesConsistent daily instructionLarge print; Preferential seatingTactile materials to represent contentExtra time to complete a taskRepeating or rephrasing what students sayAlternative assessment methodsPre-printed outline of materialsMultiple modalities (visual, auditory, tactile) to teach same conceptVocabulary in contextRead all test directions orallyRepeat directions, at least once, if not understoodUse praise and encouragement

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Apuntes: Unitad 5B Vocabulary List

Focus Questions:¿Con qué frecuencia...? How often...?A ti, ¿ qué te gusta hacer? What do you (emphatic) like to do?¿A quién le gusta…? Who likes to . . .? ¿Quién? Who?¿Quiénes? Who (plural)?¿Qué haces después de clases? What do you do after class?¿Adónde? Where to?¿Adónde vas? Where do you go?¿Nadas en la piscina? Do you swim in the pool?(tú form of the

verb)Responses:A mí me gusta + infinitive I (emphatic) like to..A ____ le gusta + infinitive ____ likes to …..

Infinitives:ayudar en casa                                              to help at homebailar to dancecaminar con el perro                                     to walk the dogcantar                                                                        to singcuidar a tu hermano/a                                               to take care of your brother/sisterdescansar en el parque                                            to rest in the parkdesayunar                                                     to eat breakfastdibujar                                                                      to drawescuchar música                                                        to listen to musicestudiar                                                                     to studyhablar por teléfono                                                    to talk on the phonelavar el carro                                                              to wash the carlavar la ropa                                                               to wash the clothesmirar la televisión                                                  to watch TVmontar en bicicleta                                       to ride a bikepasar el rato con amigos                               to spend time with friendsnadar                                                                     to swimpintar                                                                        to paintpracticar                                                       to practicepreparar                                                        to prepareregresar                                                         to returnsacar la basura                                                           to take out the trashtocar                                                             to play an instrumenttomar                                                            to drink, to taketomar el autobus                                       to take the bustrabajar                                                         to workver                                                                to see

Additional Unit Vocabulary:con                                                               withconmigo                                                       with mecontigo                                                             with you

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nada                                                             nothingnadie                                                            nobody

Days of the Week:los lunes                                                         on Mondayslos martes                                                       on Tuesdayslos miércoles                                                  on Wednesdayslos jueves                                                       on Thursdayslos viernes                                                      on Fridayslos sábados                                                      on Saturdayslos domingos                                                   on Sundaysel fin de semana                                           the weekendel día                                                            the dayla semana                                                      week

Frequency words:a veces                                                      sometimesmuchas veces                                               oftennunca                                                            neversiempre                                                         alwayssólo cuando                                                  only whentodavía                                                              still, yettodos los días                                               every daydurante...                                                             during..

Sequencing words:antes de                                                    beforedespués de                                                   afterluego thenpor fin lastlyprimero first

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Target Language/Spanish Level 1B (8th Grade)Unit 6: ¿Qué piensas hacer?Timeline: +/- 10 days (Block); +/- 20 days (Period)New Jersey World Languages Core Curriculum Content Standards: 7.1, 7.2New Jersey Workplace Readiness Standards: 8.1, 8.2

Communicative Functions: Talking on the telephone Extending and accepting invitations Making plans with others Declining invitations and explaining why Expressing Preferences Talking about Getting Ready Making cultural connections and comparisons

Cultural Connections: Telephone Greetings Phone/TV Access in Spanish-

speaking countries Modes of Transportation in

Latin America and Spain Hora Latina ¿Que haces para conocer a

una persona? Festivals/Celebrations in

Spanish-speaking countries

Learning Objectives: Formulate questions to find out about the

plans of others and extend invitations Understand and respond to questions about

one’s plans Use culturally appropriate vocabulary to

accept invitations Use culturally appropriate vocabulary to

decline invitations and explain why Recognize and use vocabulary to express

preferences when making plans Recognize and use vocabulary appropriately

to engage in telephone conversations Recognize and use expressions to discuss

getting ready for an event Interpret meaning from written text, audio or

video related to unit theme Identify and understand differences between

home and target culture related to making plans, extending invitations, accepting/declining invitations, getting ready and cultural celebrations/traditions

Activities/Strategies: Brainstorming Cooperative Learning Cloze Cultural Presentations Discussion Free Writing Individual Work Interactive Language Tasks Interviews Mix/Freeze/Group Natural Approach Numbered Heads Together Read and Retell Teams Consult The Learning Cycle Think/Pair/Share

Materials: ¡Ven Conmigo! Level 1 Textbook, Holt

Rinehart and Winston, Chapter 6 ¡Ven Conmigo! Level 1 Textbook, Holt

Rinehart and Winston, Chapter 7 ¡Ven Conmigo! Level 1, Holt Rinehart and

Winston,  Audio Compact Discs WTSD Middle School World Language

Assessments: Seatwork Oral Class Participation Written Class Participation Students’ Responses Teacher Observation Teacher-Made Test Publisher’s Test

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Resources on Shared Google Drive ¡Ven Conmigo! Level 1 Textbook Level 1,

Holt Rinehart and Winston, Cuaderno de gramática

¡Ven Conmigo! Level 1 Textbook, Holt Rinehart and Winston, Cuaderno de actividades

Teacher-made resources Internet resources

Project Oral Report Written Report Homework


Pre- and post-reading activitiesAdvanced Organizers (when showing videos)Partner ReadingPeer TutoringAudio-taped materialsMnemonicsParaphrased/Summarized Key Point/Frequent repetitionModifying reading and written work expectationsProvide examples for referenceLabeling/Visual ImageryPreparatory SetDiction and/or shortened writing assignments; collaborative writing, note takers; fill-in-the-blanks for note takingDaily assignment booksComputers for outlining, word-processing, spelling, and grammar checkAllowances in choices of manuscript (cursive, keyboarding, different positions of writingpaper and/or surfacesConsistent daily instructionLarge print; Preferential seatingTactile materials to represent contentExtra time to complete a taskRepeating or rephrasing what students sayAlternative assessment methodsPre-printed outline of materialsMultiple modalities (visual, auditory, tactile) to teach same conceptVocabulary in contextRead all test directions orallyRepeat directions, at least once, if not understoodUse praise and encouragement

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Apuntes Unitad 6 Vocabulary

Focus Questions:

¿Qué piensas hacer? What do you plan to do?¿Qué vas a hacer? What are you going to do?¿Qué piensan hacer ustedes? What do you (pl.) plan to do?¿Qué vas a hacer ustedes? What are you (pl.) going to do?¿Tienes planes? Do you have plans?¿Te gustaría + infinitive? Would you like to …?¿Quieres + infinitive? Do you want to …?¿Cuándo es…? When is….?¿A qué hora es…? At what time is …..?¿Prefieres + infinitive   o  + infinitive? Do you prefer to… or ….?¿Qué necesitas hacer para estar listo/a? What do you need to do to be ready?¿Cómo son las celebraciones del What are celebrations are like in the mundo hispanohablante?            Spanish speaking world?


Pensar + infinitive to plan (to do something)Pienso + infinitive I plan to ….Pensamos + infinitive            We plan to….

ir + a + infinitive                 to go (to do something)            Voy + a + infinitive            I am going to…            Vamos + a + infinitive            We are going to….Sí, tengo planes.                Yes, I have plans.No, no tengo planes.                No, I don’t have plans.(Name of event) es el (day/date).            The (name of event) is on (day/date).(Name of event) es a la(s)....            (Name of event) is at (time expression).Prefiero + infinitive                I prefer to ..Para estar listo/a, necesito + reflexive verb.    To get ready, I need to + reflexive verbPara estar listo/a, tengo que + reflexive verb    To get ready, I have to + reflexive verb   

Expressions for Accepting Invitations:

¡Sí, gracias! Yes, thanks!Sí, me gustaría ir contigo Yes, I would like to go with you.¡Claro que sí! Of course!¡Por supuesto! Of course!¡Cómo no! Of course!No tengo planes I don’t have plans.Sí, quiero ir Yes, I want to go.

Expressions for Declining Invitations:

Lo siento, ya tengo planes. Sorry, but I already have plans.No, gracias.                    No thanks.Me gustaría, pero no puedo.            I would like to but I can’t.Lo siento, pero no quiero ir.            Sorry, but I don’t want to go.Gracias, pero no tengo ganas de + infinitive    Thanks, but I don’t feel like (doing

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something)Tengo sueño.                    I’m sleepy.Tengo que …(estudiar, trabajar)        I have to …(study/work)Tengo una cita con...                I have an appointment/date with...Estoy cansado/a.                I am tired.Estoy ocupado/a.                I am busy.Estoy enfermo/a.                I am sick.Tal vez otro día.                Perhaps another day.Gracias, pero no tengo dinero.            Sorry, but I don’t have money.No, prefiero….                    No, I prefer to…..

Activity vocabulary: (used in both the infinitive and present tense forms)

acampar                    to campasistir a (un concierto, una clase)        to attend (a concert, a class)bailar                        to dancebucear                        to scuba divecaminar con el perro                to walk the dogcomer                        to eat correr                        to runcuidar a los hermanos                to take care of siblingsdescansar en el parque                to relax in the parkdibujar                        to drawescuchar música                to listen to musicesquiar                        to skiestudiar                        to studyhablar por teléfono                to talk on the phonehacer ejercicio                    to exercisehacer un viaje                    to take a tripjugar a …                    to play (a game or sport)jugar a los videojuegos                to play videogames            lavar el carro                    to wash the carlavar la ropa                    to wash the clothesleer                        to readmirar la televisión                to watch televisionmontar en bicicleta                to ride a bicyclenadar                         to swimpasar el rato con amigos            to spend time with friendspasear                        to walk; stroll (social)pescar                        to fishpintar                        to paintpracticar deportes                to practice sportspreparar la cena                to prepare dinnersacar la basura                    to take out the trashtocar un instrumento                to play an instrumenttomar un refresco                to drink a soft drinktomar el helado                    to eat ice creamvenir                        to comever una película                 to see a movievisitar                        to visit

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empezar                    to start/beginestar                        to bequerer                         to wantir                        to gollamar                        to callnecesitar                    to needpasear                        to take a walk/strollpoder                        to be able preferir                     to prefertener                         to havevenir                         to come

Places/Event Vocabulary:

el acuario aquariumel baile dancela biblioteca libraryla boda weddingel campo countryla casa house; homela casa de _______ _______’s houseel centro downtownel centro comercial mallel cine movie theaterel circo circusel concierto concertel correo post officela ciudad cityla fiesta de aniversario anniversary partyla fiesta de cumpleaños birthday partyla fiesta de graduación graduation partyla fiesta de sorpresa surprise partyel gimnasio gymel lago lakeel museo museumel parque parkel parque de atracciones amusement parkel partido de…(fútbol americano, fútbol, match/game (football, soccer, baseball, golf,    béisbol, golf, tenis)   golf, tennis)la piscina swimming poolla plaza town square la playa beachel restaurante restaurantel supermercado supermarketel teatro theaterla tienda storeel zoológico zoo

Days of the week:

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el lunes Mondayel  martes                    Tuesdayel miércoles Wednesdayel jueves                    Thursdayel viernes                    Fridayel sábado                    Saturdayel domingo                    Sunday

Event Time:

Es a la una It’s at 1:00        a las siete        at 7:00            a las dos at 2:00            a las ocho        at 8:00a las tres at 3:00 a las nueve      at 9:00a las cuatro at 4:00 a las diez         at 10:00a las cinco at 5:00 a las once        at 11:00a las seis at 6:00 a las doce        at 12:00

de la mañana in the morningde la tarde        in the afternoonde la noche        in the evening

Telephone Vocabulary:

Aló. Hello.¿Aló?                        Hello?Diga.                        Hello.Hola.                        Hello.Buenos días.                    Good morning.Buenas tardes.                     Good afternoon.Buenas noches.                    Good evening.¿Está _____, por favor?            Is _____ there, please?¿De parte de quién?                Who’s calling?¿Quién habla?                    Who’s calling?Soy _____                    It’s me _______.Habla ____                   It’s ______ speaking.De parte de _____      On behalf of ______.              Lo siento, pero ____ no está Sorry, but ____ is not here.La línea está ocupada                The line is busy.¿Quieres dejar un recado?            Do you want to leave a message?¿Puedo dejar un recado?            Can I leave a message?Llamo más tarde.                I’ll call later.Está bien O.K./Alright.Adiós Goodbye.Hasta luego See you later.

Reflexive verbs:

Estoy listo/a.                    I am ready.Necesito…/Tengo que… I need to…../ I have to…despertarse to wake uplevantarse to get up

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afeitarse to shave oneselfbañarse to take a bathducharse to take a showerlavarse to wash oneselfcepillarse los dientes to brush one’s teethcepillarse el pelo to brush one’s hairvestirse to get dressedpeinarse to comb one’s hairponerse la ropa to put on clothingmaquillarse to put on makeupquitarse la ropa to get undressedacostarse to go to bed

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Target Language/Spanish Level 1A (7th Grade)Unit 7: Los AlimentosTimeline: +/- 10 days (Block); +/- 20 days (Period)New Jersey World Languages Core Curriculum Content Standards: 7.1, 7.2New Jersey Workplace Readiness Standards: 8.1, 8.2

Communicative Functions: Talking about food and meals Commenting about food Making polite requests Ordering a meal Asking  for and paying the bill in a

restaurant Identify cultural differences

between the home and target culture related to foods

Cultural Connections: Talking about the origin of foods in the

Americas and Europe Identifying traditional foods in Spanish

speaking countries Cultural differences in meal times

Learning Objectives: Correctly identify foods commonly

eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner Formulate questions to ask what

someone is going to order in a restaurant?

Recognize and use expressions to order a meal in a restaurant

Recognize and use expressions to comment about food/meals

Recognize and use expressions to request the bill and pay for it

Activities/Strategies: Brainstorming Cooperative learning Discussion Interactive language tasks Individual work Cultural presentations Explore authentic resources Interviews Think/Pair/Share

Materials: WTSD Middle School World

Language resources on shared Google drive

¡Ven Conmigo! Level 1 Textbook, Holt Rinehart and Winston, Chapter 8

Teacher-made resources Internet resources

Assessments: Student Participation/Involvement Teacher Observation/Questioning Classroom Interaction Small Group Work/Discussion Quizzes and Tests Technology/Video/Audio Classroom

Presentations/Demonstrations Individual Conferences Written Reports/Project Student Self-Evaluation Communicative Activities Pre-/Post Reading/Writing Activities At home reinforcement/Practice

Modifications:Pre- and post-reading activitiesAdvanced Organizers (when showing videos)Partner ReadingPeer Tutoring

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Audio-taped materialsMnemonicsParaphrased/Summarized Key Point/Frequent repetitionModifying reading and written work expectationsProvide examples for referenceLabeling/Visual ImageryPreparatory SetDiction and/or shortened writing assignments; collaborative writing, note takers; fill-in-the-blanks for note takingDaily assignment booksComputers for outlining, word-processing, spelling, and grammar checkAllowances in choices of manuscript (cursive, keyboarding, different positions of writingpaper and/or surfacesConsistent daily instructionLarge print; Preferential seatingTactile materials to represent contentExtra time to complete a taskRepeating or rephrasing what students sayAlternative assessment methodsPre-printed outline of materialsMultiple modalities (visual, auditory, tactile) to teach same conceptVocabulary in contextRead all test directions orally

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Apuntes Unitad 7 Vocabulary: Los alimentos

Focus Questions:¿Qué prefieres ...? What do you prefer?Yo prefiero… I prefer...¿Qué tomas para ….? What do you drink for ____?Yo tomo… I drink...¿Qué hay para tomar….? What is there to drink?Hay… There is… ¿Qué vas a pedir… ? What are you going to order?Voy a pedir… I am going to order...¿Qué le puedo traer …? What can I bring you?¿Me puede traer…? Can you please bring me ______?¿Nos puede traer…? Can you please bring us _______?¿Desean algo más? Would you like something else?¿Cuánto es…? How much is it?¿Está incluida? Is it included?¿Cómo está(n)…? (la sopa) How does/do the ____ taste?_____ (La sopa) está(n) ….(fría) The _____ (tastes) ...    The soup is cold.

Breakfast and lunch vocabulary:

almorzar (ue) to eat lunchel arroz riceel atún tunael azúcar sugarel café con leche                coffee with milkel cereal                    cerealla crema de maní                peanut butterel desayuno                    breakfastencantar                    to really like, to lovefuerte                        stronglos huevos                    eggsla jalea                        jellyel jamón                    hamel jugo de naranja                orange juicela lechuga                    lettucelas legumbres                    vegetablesligero/a                            lightla limonada                    lemonadeel mango                    mangola manzana                    appleel pan dulce                    sweet rollsel pan tostado                    toastla papaya papayalas papitas                    potato chipspara nada                    at allel perro caliente                hotdogla piña                         pineappleel plátano                    banana

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poder (ue)                    to be able toel pollo                        chickenpor lo general                    usuallytomo…                                                             I eat/drinkel queso                    cheeseel sándwich                    sandwichla sopa                        soupel té frío                    iced teatengo sed                    I’m thirstyel tocino                    baconla toronja                    grapefruitlas uvas                        grapesun vaso de leche                a glass of milk

Commenting on food:

caliente hotdelicioso/a                    deliciousdulce                        sweetlos frijoles                    beansfrío/a                        coldpicante                        spicyel postre                    dessertrico/a                        richsalado/a                    saltytener (mucha) hambre                to be (really) hungrytener (mucha) sed                to be (really) thirsty

Making polite requests:

la camarera waitressel camarero waiterla cuchara spoonel cuchillo knifelimpio/a cleanel menú menuotro/a anotherel plato plateel plato hondo bowlpor favor pleasela servilleta napkinsucio/a dirtyel tazon bowlel tenedor fork

Ordering dinner in a restaurant:

traer to bringel agua mineral mineral waterel batido milkshakela bebida beverage, drink

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el bistec steaklos camarones shrimpla carne meatla carne de res beefla cebolla onionel flan custardla fresa strawberryla galleta cookieel maíz cornel pastel dessertpedir (i) to order, to ask forel pescado fishQuisiera.. I would like..el tomate tomatola zanahoria carrot

Asking for and paying the bill in a restaurant:

la cuenta the billes aparte it is separatela propina the tip