Download - Web viewProblem statement < in this section please state the problem and its relevance to the city of Amsterdam, to solving (global) metropolitan challenges and

Page 1: Web viewProblem statement < in this section please state the problem and its relevance to the city of Amsterdam, to solving (global) metropolitan challenges and

Version 1, May 2016

AMS Call for Stimulus Projects 2016 - Proposal TemplateDo not exceed the limit of 10 pages for this proposal template (excluding Annexes, formed by Project budget and funding (11a) and Letters of Commitment (11b))

Project Title:

Pitch – include expected project output (max 200 words):

Requested AMS Institute funding:Theme

Vital City Circular City Connected CityChecklist

Relevant for City of Amsterdam Follow up potential / upscaling planProposing metropolitan solutions Financial source for 50% of budgetIncludes AMS Academic partner Innovative/forecastingIncludes partner from Amsterdam Annexes (11a and 11b) are attached


Page 2: Web viewProblem statement < in this section please state the problem and its relevance to the city of Amsterdam, to solving (global) metropolitan challenges and

Version 1, May 2016

General Project Information

Project Title:

Project leader:<name, function, institution, corresponding address of project coordinator/submitter>

Project partners:< names, functions and institutions of investigators/partners involved in the project>

Total project budget:(max. € 50.000)

AMS funding requested:(max. 50% of total project budget)


Page 3: Web viewProblem statement < in this section please state the problem and its relevance to the city of Amsterdam, to solving (global) metropolitan challenges and

Version 1, May 2016

1 Problem statement

< in this section please state the problem and its relevance to the city of Amsterdam, to solving (global) metropolitan challenges and its relevance to science and/or innovation>

2 Objectives

<in this section describe the main objectives of the research and/or innovation project – what do you want to achieve with the project?>

3 Deliverables

<in this section describe the main deliverables of the project – both final as intermediate results/deliverables>

4 Work breakdown

< describe the main work packages or project activities that will be executed to realize the (intermediate and final) deliverables of the project; and define which partners are work package/task leaders, and which other partners are involved in its execution>

5 Planning

< define the overall planning of the project, including the workpackages/project activities and (intermediate) deliverables in a time schedule (Gannt-chart).

6 Project steering and governance

< provide an overview of the project governance, responsibility and decision making structure | e.g. steering committee, project leader, project team or workgroups>

7 Potential follow-up projects and/or innovations

< provide an overview of potential follow-up projects or commercial opportunities for the results/output of this particular project>


Page 4: Web viewProblem statement < in this section please state the problem and its relevance to the city of Amsterdam, to solving (global) metropolitan challenges and

Version 1, May 2016

8 Risks and risk mitigation

< provide an overview of potential risks during the project, and actions taken/designed to mitigate these risks>

9 Key references of lead partner and/or submitters

< provide overview of key publications of lead partner and its principal investigators>

10 References

< references mentioned in project proposal>

11 Annexes

11a Project budget and funding

<provide overall budget of the project><personnel costs, specified for each partner, and per project team member / employee - hours on project, hourly tariffs, totals> <material and infrastructure costs><publication and media costs><travel costs><outline the project funding scheme – provide overview of in-kind and in-cash contributions of partners, co-funding by AMS, and/or other project funding sources>- see attached Excel-file for format -

11b Letters of Commitment

<signed letters of Commitment of collaborating partners (including Wageningen UR /TU Delft and MIT), committing to the (cash and/or in-kind) contributions and activities mentioned in this AMS proposal and acknowledging the AMS ground rules and AMS general terms & conditions>- see attached Word-file for format -