Download - €¦  · Web viewTalk about the words with someone at home, do you understand the meaning? Look the words up together in a dictionary. Ask them when they have heard the word before?

Page 1: €¦  · Web viewTalk about the words with someone at home, do you understand the meaning? Look the words up together in a dictionary. Ask them when they have heard the word before?

Sound oyWatch Geraldine and the Oy Sound. Can you practise writing the sound down in your best handwriting? Can you sound button the flashcards and read the words?Play a phonics game from one of the websites below:Epic Phonics Phase 5Family LEarning Phonics GamesPhonics Play

Tricky Words!Read the tricky words – can you say a sentence with the word in? Can you write it down? Learn the spellings – spelling rule the v sound at the end of the word:• have• live• give• love• above• serve• active• massiveTalk about the words with someone at home, do you understand the meaning? Look the words up together in a dictionary. Ask them when they have heard the word before?

Story Teller!

Retell your favourite story by acting it out. Perform it to your family. Maybe you could make puppets to perform it.

Write something meaningful.

Write a card/letter for someone in your family. Tell them about your day or why you love them.

You may want to include adjectives (describing words to tell them what you like about them). You may also want to draw a picture and write about a happy memory.

A picture tells a thousand words! Pick or take a picture at home and write a few sentence about it. This could be a picture out of the window, a special place in the home or where you spend most of the time as a family. Think about why you chose this picture. Remember your finger spaces, full stops and capital letters. Can you use conjunctions and adjectives?

Writing Matrix Year 1

Page 2: €¦  · Web viewTalk about the words with someone at home, do you understand the meaning? Look the words up together in a dictionary. Ask them when they have heard the word before?

Dragon Discovery!

Imagine you woke up one day and discovered this little dragon on you pillow! Write a story to describe the adventures that you went on! Make sure you use lots of exciting words in your writing.

How did that happen?

Think about how the giraffe must have felt! How did it get up there? What did it do to survive and did it ever find a way to get back down to

earth again?

Inventors!Think of how this could change people’s lives. Think abut how this may help people or may even be a problem for others.

A world apart.

How did you feel when you ended up there? What did you do at first? Did you go on anny exciting adventures? Did you make any special friends on the way?

Friend adventuresThink about what friendship qualities they have that makes them such a good friend. You may want to think about a time that you have enjoyed together as well.