Download - €¦  · Web viewRead the passage below about Ludwig van Beethoven. Then, answer the questions. Look up the word “virtuoso”. What does it mean in the passage when it says Beethoven

Page 1: €¦  · Web viewRead the passage below about Ludwig van Beethoven. Then, answer the questions. Look up the word “virtuoso”. What does it mean in the passage when it says Beethoven

Music/Art/Dance/DramaNTI Days #21-#30

Hi Everyone,

Here are the Music/Art/Dance/Drama assignments for NTI days #21-#30. You will need to complete and turn these assignments in at the designated time (TBA). We will use these assignments for grading purposes. Also, I would like for everyone that will to sign up for our class on the Remind App so that you may ask me questions or just send me a note or photo of how hard you are working. I hope you are enjoying your days off and getting to spend some time with family and most importantly, staying safe. I will be available through REMIND and by email every workday from 8:00 AM-3:30 PM. I miss everyone and hope to see you soon!

Mrs. Sziksai Email: [email protected]

Remind App DirectionsStep 1: Send text to 81010Step 2: Text this message @6eyeName: ____________________ Date: ____________ Class: ______


Page 2: €¦  · Web viewRead the passage below about Ludwig van Beethoven. Then, answer the questions. Look up the word “virtuoso”. What does it mean in the passage when it says Beethoven

Music/Art/Dance/DramaNTI Day #21

Art Sketch Assignment:What time of year is it? Create a sketch page based on the current season or weather. Maybe even take this assignment outside for inspiration. Most importantly have fun!

Name: ____________________ Date: ____________ Class: ______


Page 3: €¦  · Web viewRead the passage below about Ludwig van Beethoven. Then, answer the questions. Look up the word “virtuoso”. What does it mean in the passage when it says Beethoven

Music/Art/Dance/DramaNTI Day #22

Music Day:Assignment: Today, your assignment is to listen to a piece of music. A piece of your choice, but different than the piece you chose last week! Answer the following questions about the piece you chose.

1. Name of song and artist? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. What style/genre of music is this? (Example: Country, Christian, Pop, Rock, Jazz, Blues, Bluegrass, Classical…etc.) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. What instruments do you here? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. How can you describe the TEMPO (speed) of the music? (Circle one)

Largo=slow Moderato=moderate/medium

Allegro=fast Presto=very fast

5. Does the TEMPO change? (Example: speeds up then slows down)(Check one)

o YES o NO

6. Do you like the piece that you chose? Why or why not? _________________________________________________________

Name: ____________________ Date: ____________ Class: ______


Page 4: €¦  · Web viewRead the passage below about Ludwig van Beethoven. Then, answer the questions. Look up the word “virtuoso”. What does it mean in the passage when it says Beethoven

Music/Art/Dance/DramaNTI Day #23

Art Day:

Assignment: Answer the following questions about the photograph above.

1. What does this artwork show? ________________________________________________________________________

2. What types of LINES do you see in the photo? (LINE is an element of Art) ________________________________________________________________________

3. What do you think the artist was trying to convey by taking this abstract painting? (What type feeling?) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Do you like abstract artwork? Why or why not? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Name: ____________________ Date: __________ Class: ______


Page 5: €¦  · Web viewRead the passage below about Ludwig van Beethoven. Then, answer the questions. Look up the word “virtuoso”. What does it mean in the passage when it says Beethoven

Music/Art/Dance/DramaNTI Day #24

Assignment: Read the passage below about Ludwig van Beethoven. Then, answer the questions.

1. Look up the word “virtuoso”. What does it mean in the passage when it says Beethoven “gained a reputation as a virtuoso pianist”? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. How do you think Beethoven was still able to create music even after he lost his hearing? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Name two famous pieces of music by Beethoven. Research, and then list them below. 1______________________________________________________________2______________________________________________________________


Page 6: €¦  · Web viewRead the passage below about Ludwig van Beethoven. Then, answer the questions. Look up the word “virtuoso”. What does it mean in the passage when it says Beethoven

Name: _________________________________ Date: __________ Class: ______

Music/Art/Dance/DramaNTI Day #25

Who Am I?Assignment: Use the notes and rest chart below to answer the following questions.

1. I have a stem and my head is colored in…who am I? _____________ Please draw me in the space provided. _____

2. I have no stem and my head is not colored in…who am I? _________Please draw me in the space provided. _____

3. I have a stem and my head is colored in and I have a flag…who am I? _________ Please draw me in the space provided. _____

4. I have a stem and my head is not colored in…who am I? __________Please draw me in the space provided. _____

5. I look like a lightning bolt and a singer can rest for 1 beat when they see me in their music…who am I? _______________ Please draw me in the space provided. _____

6. I look like an upside down hat and a singer can rest for 4 beats when they see me in their music…who am I? ____________________ Please draw me in the space provided. _____

7. I look like the number seven and a singer can rest for only ½ of a beat when they see me in their music…who am I? _____________________ Please draw me in the space provided. _____

8. I look like a hat, but I am NOT upside down and a singer can rest for 2 beats when they see me in their music…who am I? _____________________ Please draw me in the space provided. _____


Page 7: €¦  · Web viewRead the passage below about Ludwig van Beethoven. Then, answer the questions. Look up the word “virtuoso”. What does it mean in the passage when it says Beethoven

Name: _________________________________ Date: __________ Class: ______

Music/Art/Dance/DramaNTI Day #26

Assignment: Listen to the 2 examples of songs and answer the questions below.

Listening #1: Michael Jackson “I’ll Be There”

1. Who is singing (group/solo artist)?

2. What instruments do you hear?

3. What did you like about his performance?

4. What did you not like about his performance?

Listening #2: Mariah Carey “I’ll Be There”

1. Who is singing (group/solo artist)?

2. What instruments do you hear?

3. What did you like about her performance?

4. What did you not like about her performance?

Which performance do you like better? Why?




Page 8: €¦  · Web viewRead the passage below about Ludwig van Beethoven. Then, answer the questions. Look up the word “virtuoso”. What does it mean in the passage when it says Beethoven

Name: _________________________________ Date: __________ Class: ______

Music/Art/Dance/DramaNTI Day #27

Create Your Own Character!

Assignment: Create your own character for a story or movie. Then explain your character (Example: Is your character a hero or villain?)

EXPLAIN YOUR BANNER: _______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________


Page 9: €¦  · Web viewRead the passage below about Ludwig van Beethoven. Then, answer the questions. Look up the word “virtuoso”. What does it mean in the passage when it says Beethoven

Name: ____________________ Date: ____________ Class: ______

Music/Art/Dance/DramaNTI Day #28

Assignment: Choose another drawing tutorial to follow from Using materials you have on hand follow along to create your artwork. Create your final draft below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Page 10: €¦  · Web viewRead the passage below about Ludwig van Beethoven. Then, answer the questions. Look up the word “virtuoso”. What does it mean in the passage when it says Beethoven

Name: _________________________________ Date: __________ Class: ______

Music/Art/Dance/DramaNTI DAY #29

Assignment: Instrument report – Research information about the Appalachian instrument: the dulcimer.

1. Instrument’s Name: Dulcimer

2. What genre or style of music does the dulcimer play?


3. What material is the instrument made of?



4. Describe how the instrument is played. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. What popular musician plays this instrument?



Page 11: €¦  · Web viewRead the passage below about Ludwig van Beethoven. Then, answer the questions. Look up the word “virtuoso”. What does it mean in the passage when it says Beethoven

Name: _________________________________ Date: __________ Class: ______

Music/Art/Dance/DramaNTI DAY #30

Researching Careers in DANCE!

Assignment: Research some careers in dance. Choose five and give a brief description of each. Then, choose one career in theatre that you think would be cool to have. Explain your answer.

1. List at least 5 careers in DANCE and give a brief description of each.

2. Which of the careers would you most like to have someday? Explain why. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________