Download - €¦ · Web viewPride of Brent Awards Guidelines Welcome to our community awards! The Pride of Brent Awards is about recognising and celebrating those selfless individuals, community

Page 1: €¦ · Web viewPride of Brent Awards Guidelines Welcome to our community awards! The Pride of Brent Awards is about recognising and celebrating those selfless individuals, community

Pride of Brent AwardsGuidelines

Welcome to our community awards!The Pride of Brent Awards is about recognising and celebrating those selfless individuals, community groups and local businesses who contribute so much for their community and who have gone the extra mile in 2019 to make Brent a better place to live and work.

You know who they are: they are the ones who have dedicated their time to working for the benefit of their fellow residents, communities and neighbours. People, groups and businesses who have devoted their time and energy to helping others in need, giving up days, weeks or even years of their time and quite often overcoming their own personal difficulties to do so. Or creating a better high-street, being a good local employer or working with communities to make a difference.

These people come from all walks of life, from different backgrounds, ages and cultures. The positive impact of their work can be seen throughout life in Brent. They work in local voluntary and community groups, for charities, schools and places of worship and for local businesses that know why it is important to put something back into the community.

The awards are to give those people the recognition they deserve and to serve as a beacon for others who aspire to make Brent the very best place to live and work. Nominate your community champion today and help us celebrate those who really do put the Pride into Brent.

The award categoriesWe are inviting you to nominate an individual / group or business for one of the award categories below.

Awards for individuals


Criteria Who is it for

Community champion of the year

(Wembley Award sponsored by Quintain)

People who have provided outstanding community and voluntary service on a regular on-going basis which has made significant contribution to the running of a local voluntary / community organisation, club or group to meet the needs of the local community.

Individuals aged over 21 who have worked for a Brent based voluntary / community organisation / club / group for at least three years.

Good neighbour of the year

People who have gone out of their way to help and improve the life of fellow residents and or neighbour(s) in their local communities.

Individuals aged over 21 who live in Brent who give their time free of charge.

Volunteer of the year

People who have freely volunteered their un-paid time to a project and made a significant difference in their community.

Individuals aged over 21 who have regularly volunteered with a Brent based voluntary / community organisation / club / group for at least three years.

Inspirational young person of the year

A young role model with a positive attitude and approach who has inspired others or who has gained vital life skills

Young people aged 21 or under who live in the borough.

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to help them overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

Young volunteer of the year

A young person who has freely volunteered their time to a project and made a significant difference in their community.

Young people aged 21 or under who live in Brent and give their time free of charge.

Apprentice of the year

For individuals currently undertaking an apprenticeship or having recently completed it within the last 12 months.  

Anyone participating in an Apprenticeship scheme or programme.

Awards for community groups

Award Criteria Who it is open to

Community project of the year

The successfully delivered project which has exceeded its outcomes and provided lasting benefits by providing a significant impact to its target audience and helping to build a stronger, happier and healthier community.

Constituted not-for-profit voluntary and community groups.

Community group of the year

A community group which has made an exceptional contribution to their area and its residents. These unpaid heroes made up of local people of different backgrounds will have carried out activities that made a lasting difference in their community with the potential to inspire and be replicated by others.

Not-for-profit voluntary and community groups. A formal constitution or set of rules is not required.

Business Awards

Award Criteria Who it is open to

Responsible business of the year

For business operating in Brent and delivering positive benefits to Brent residents or Small – medium sized businesses. Providing social and economic benefits back into to the community.

Any sized business, business must be operating in Brent, Headquarters can be based elsewhere

SME of the Year For businesses contributing to the economic success of the borough, as well as helping to create vibrant places where people want to spend time either working, living or visiting.

Brent based small / medium sized businesses. Head-quarters and operations must be based in Brent. (Less than 250 employees)

Apprenticeship Employer of the Year

For businesses who engender good practice in the recruitment and development of apprentices

Any employer who employs an apprentice, not including the council  

Page 3: €¦ · Web viewPride of Brent Awards Guidelines Welcome to our community awards! The Pride of Brent Awards is about recognising and celebrating those selfless individuals, community

Nomination rules

Individual nominees must live or currently work / volunteer in the borough.

You can only submit one nomination – whether that is for an individual or group award.

You cannot nominate a person you are related to or group / business you work / volunteer for.

You cannot nominate a serving elected member or officer of Brent Council.

Businesses can self-nominate across all business award categories

Self-nominations or CVs will not be accepted (except in the business categories as above)

The individual / group / business you are nominating must be agreeable to being nominated.

Pride of Brent Community Awards are one-off awards. Previous winners of a Brent Citizenship Award, Brent Business or Brent Community Champions Award are not eligible for nomination.

Nominated businesses cannot have involvement in a current live investigation with the Police or Brent Council or have not met the necessary standards of food hygiene, health & safety or other regulatory requirements.

Nominations for the Apprentice award should include a supporting statement from both the employer and training provider

You cannot nominate if you are a serving elected member or officer of Brent Council.

Experience as a carer for close friends and relatives cannot be considered. The awards recognise voluntary work which helps the wider community.

An individual, group or business can only win one award. If they are nominated by different people for more than one award, the assessment panel will decide which category they are most suited to.

Ex-councillors cannot be nominated unless five years have elapsed since they were last members of the council. Voluntary work undertaken while councillors will not be counted.

Nominations for party political related work cannot be accepted.

No posthumous awards will be considered.

Deadline for receipt of nominations

Nominations must be received at the Civic Centre either in electronic or hard copy by Friday 27 September 2019.

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Where to send completed nominations

Please email completed nominations to [email protected] please post completed nominations to: Partnerships and Engagement team, Brent Civic Centre (4th floor north), Engineers Way, Wembley HA9 0FJ.

Advice on completing your nomination

If you have any questions, please call the Partnership and engagement team on: 020 8937 1044 or email [email protected]

What happens next?

Officers will carry out an initial shortlisting process against the criteria outlined above.

Nominees meeting the selection criteria will be put before an assessment panel in October 2019 comprising the Leader of the Council, Mayor and Chief Executive and representatives from youth and voluntary organisations.

The assessment panel’s decision is final.

Successful nominees and those who nominated them will be invited to the awards ceremony at Brent Civic Centre on 21 November 2019 to receive their award.

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Pride of Brent AwardsNomination form

Section One: About the nominee1. Award category you are nominating for (please tick one only)

Individual award Group award

Community champion of the year Community project of the year

Good neighbour of the year Community group of the year

Volunteer of the year Responsible business of the year

Inspirational young person of the year

Small or medium enterprise of the year

Young volunteer of the year Apprenticeship employer of the year

Apprentice of the year

2. Name of the person you are nominating (for individual award)

3. Name of the group / business you are nominating (for group award)

4. Postal address of nominee

5. Daytime contact number of nominee

6. Email address of nominee

7. Date of birth of nominee (for individual award)

8. Name and address of organisation/ business the nominee works / volunteers for (individual award)

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Section Two: Reasons for nominating

9. Please explain why you are nominating this individual / group / business (Maximum 500 words)

(Details of community work and impact on the community and/or individual achievements of the nominee)

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Section Three: About you (the person making this nomination)

10. Your name

11. Your address

12. Your daytime contact number

13. Your email address

Section Four: Declaration

I have read and accepted the guidelines and nomination rules and agree to be bound by them.

I confirm that (please tick)

I am not related to the person I am nominating

I am not related to any council member or officer

The individual / group / business I am nominating is agreeable to being nominated

Signed: Date: