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Words with clinical meaning:

1 declination:colĭca, ae f (Gr.) colic, cramp, spasmodic pains in the abdomencysta, ae f (Gr.) cystfractura, ae f fracturegangraena, ae f (Gr.) gangrenehernia, ae f hernia, rupture (protrusion of a part or structure through the tissues normally containing it)pneumonia, ae f (Gr.) pneumonia (inflammation of lungs)

diabētes, ae m (Gr.) diabetes

2 declination:ictĕrus, i m (Gr.) icterus, jaundiceileus, i m (Gr.) ileus, obstruction of the intestinesmorbus, i m deseasespasmus, i m (Gr.) spasm, cramp, convulsion, sudden involuntary contraction of muscle(s)volvŭlus, i m volvulus, a twisting of the intestine causing obstruction

cancer, cri m cancer

3 declination:a)

Masculine (& Feminine):varix, ĭcis m/f varix (a dilated vein)

Feminine:infectio, ōnis f infectioninflammatio, ōnis f imflammation

Neuter:ulcus, ĕris n ulcer (a leision through the skin or a mucous membrane resulting from loss of tissue)

coma, ătis n (Gr.) coma (a state of profound unconciousness from which one cannot be roused)eczema, ătis n (Gr.) eczema; tetter (inflammatory conditions of skin)glaucoma, ătis n (Gr.) glaucoma (desease of the eye characterized by atrophy of the optic nerve)oedēma, ătis n (Gr.) edema (accumulation of fluid)trauma, ătis n (Gr.) trauma, injury

Denominations of tumors:tumor, ōris m swelling, tumefaction, neoplasmblastōma, ătis n a neoplasm of immature cellsneoplasma, ătis n new growth

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c)Feminine:paralysis, is f (Gr.) paralysis; stroke (loss of power of voluntary movement, loss of any function)parēsis, is f (Gr.) partial or incomplete paralysishemiparēsis, is f (Gr.) paralysis of one side of the body

4 declination:abscessus, us m abscess (collection of purulent exsudate)

5 declination:caries, ēi f caries (microbial destruction or necrosis of teeth)

Adjectives, 1 st group:acūtus, a, um acute (brief, intense, short-term, severe)benignus, a, um benign (mild character of illness, nonmalignant neoplasm)diffūsus, a, um diffuse, diffusive (disseminated, spread about, not restricted)malignus, a, um malign, malignant (severe form of illness, invasive & destructive neoplasm)

infantīlis, e infantile (relating to, or characteristic of, infants)juvenīlis, e juvenile (relating to, or characteristic of, children or young adults)senīlis, e senile (relating to, or characteristic of, old age)

suffix – ōs –

cancerosus, a, um cancerouscomatosus, a, um comatosecystosus, a, um cysticgangraenosus, a, um gangrenousinfectiosus, a, um infectiousulcerosus, a, um ulcerousvaricosus, a, um varicose

suffix – ĭc –

chronicus, a, um chronic (lasting a long time)diabeticus, a, um diabeticparalyticus, a, um paralyticspasticus, a, um spastic, convulsivetraumaticus, a, um traumatic

Adjectives, 2 nd group:

suffix – āl –

hernialis, e relaiting to the hernia - hernial

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Suffixes of nouns:

1. Diminutivesuffix+ending producing word derivative word-ŭl-us/a/um glob-us orb glob-ulus small orb

ven-a vein ven-ula small veinfren-um bridle, rein fren-ulum small bridle

-cŭl-us/a/um canal-is channel canal-i-culus small channelaur-is ear aur-i-cula auricle, exlernal ear, ‘small

ear’gen-u knee gen-i-culum small knee

-ŏl-us/a/um bronch-us bronchus bronch-i-olus small bronchusare-a area, round

areaare-ola small area, small round area

-ell-us/a/um lam-ina plate lam-ella small platecereb-rum cerebrum cereb-ellum cerebellum, ‘small

cerebrum’-ill-us/a/um mamm-a female breast mamm-illa nipple2. «Action, process»-iō- (tio, sio, xio) (G.S. – iōnis)

flex-um to flex flex-io flexion

transsudat-um perspire transsudat-io perspiration3. «Active organ, instrument, device»-or- (tor, sor, xor) (G.S. – ōris)

adduct-um to adduct m. adduct-or the muscle that adducts

flex-um to flex m. flex-or the muscle that flexesextens-um to extend m. extens-or the muscle that extendscurat-um to take care curat-or someone taking careextract-um to extract extract-or the instrument that extracts

4. «The result of the action»-ūr-a (tura, sura, xura)

rupt-um to disrupt rupt-ura rupture, tear (result)

apert-um to open apert-ura aperture, opening incis-um to incise incis-ura incisionflex-um to flex flex-ura flexure

Suffixes of adjectives:

1. «Characterized or rich in something»-ōs-us, a, um squam-a scales squam-osus squamous, scaly

fibr-a fiber fibr-osus fibrousinfecti-o infection infecti-osus infectious

2. «Belonging or relating to something»-āl-is, e coron-a crown coron-alis coronal, coronary-ār-is, e clavicul-a clavicle clavicul-aris clavicular, relating to the

ear-ĭc-us, a, um (Gr.)

thorax, āc-is thorax, chest thorac-icus thoracic, relating to the chest

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zygōma, ăt-is cheekbone zygomat-icus zygomatic, relating to the cheekbone

gaster, tr-is stomach gastr-icus gastric-ē-us, a, um (Gr.)

peron-e fibula, calf bone

peron-eus fibular, relating to the calf bone

phalanx, ng-is phalanx phalang-eus phalangealoesophag-us oesophagus oesophag-eus oesophageal

-īn-us, a, um palat-um palate palat-inus palatineuter-us womb, uterus uter-inus uterinepelv-is pelvis pelv-inus pelvic

2-а. «Characterized by or consisting of something»-ĕ-us, a, um (Lat.)

os, oss-is bone oss-eus osseous, bonycartilāgo, ĭn-is cartilage cartilagin-eus cartilaginous

NB – suffixes with connecting vowels:root of Greek noun + connecting vowel -ŏ- // root of Latin noun + connecting vowel -ĭ-:

3. «Similar to something»-ide-us, a, um (Gr.)

rhomb-os rhomb, rhombus

rhomb-o-ideus rhomboid, ‘in the form of a rhomb

delt-a delta delt-o-ideus deltoid ‘in the form of a delta’

-form-is, e (Lat.)

crux, cruc-is cross cric-i-formis cruciform ‘in the form of a cross’

4. «Carrying something»-fĕr (-, a, um) (Lat.)

semen, ĭn-is seed semin-ĭ-fer seminiferous, seminal (‘carrying seeds, semen’)

sudor, ōr-is sweat sudor-ĭ-fer sudoriferous (‘carrying sweat’)

-phŏr-us, a, um (Gr.)

o-on ovum o-o-phorus (oophoron)

ovary (‘carrying ova’)

5. «Producing/causing something or produced/caused by something»-gĕn-us, a, um (Gr.)

cancer (cri) cancer cancer-o-genus carcinogenic, cancer-causing

py-on pus py-o-genus pyogenic, ‘producing pus or caused by pus’

enter-on intestine, bowel

enter-o-genus enterogenous, caused by bowel desease

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a) Make derivational analysis:

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Translate the word combinations into Latin : prolapse of mucous tunic of the stomach amputation of the right thumb percussion of the chest (= thorax) syndrome of hepatic insufficiency fracture of the base of the skull dislocation of the sternal extremity of clavicle dislocation of the lower jaw chronic disease congenital hernia benign tumour of the nose hypertrophy of palatal tonsils chronic renal insufficiency hepatic jaundice acquired allergy amputation of the left lobe of the liver rupture of the heart ulcer of the stomach paralysis of the larynx chronic oedema - of foot spasm of the brain vessels perforation of the ulcer of the duodenum acute dental decay palpation of the belly oedema of disk of visual nerve acute atrophy of the liver rupture of a vein tumour of the frontal & temporal lobe of the brain perforation of mucous tunic of the stomach longitudinal / transverse fracture of the fibula (hy)dropsy of the urinary bladder resection of: nasal septum / nasal shells abscess of the liver cancer of the left lung hernia of the broad ligament of the womb


Complex clinical words:


Clinical (Greek)


-īa suffix/ending, used to form terms for states or conditions, often abnormal (used when the complex term consists only of initial word parts)

Clinical (Greek)

English Latin

-ōsis, is f-iāsis, is f

a process or result

stenosis a stricture of a canal or orificesclerosis indurationnarcosis a depression of neural excitability resulting in stuporlithiasis formation of calculi

-ōsis, is f any disease, illness, pathological process

nephrosis a degenerative desease of kidney canaliculitoxicosis a desease from toxic substanses

spreading of smth.

leucocytosis an increase in mumber of white blood cells in bloodfibromatosis many fibromas

-ītis, itĭdis f

inflammation gastritis inflammation of the stomach

-ōma, ătis n (Gr. ‘the result of an action)

tumor fibroma a benign neoplasm from fibrous connective tissueosteoma a benign mass from bone tissuecarcinoma (= cancer)

malign tumour from epithelium

sarcoma malign tumour from mesodermal cells

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tumor, ōris m swelling, tumefaction, neoplasmblastōma, ătis n

a neoplasm of immature cells

neoplasma, ătis n

new growth

-ismus, i m

phenomenon of smth.

infantilismus retardation of physical & phycological development on an infantile level

daltonismus inability to distinguish between red and green colours

strabismus squint

NB –connecting vowel -o- in complex terms:-o- stays if followed by a consonnant // -o- is removed if followed by a vowel

Organs – Greek roots identical to anatomical (also used for anatomical terms):

Clinical (Greek)

Latin English


appendix, icis f appendix, appendage

arteri(o)- arteria, ae f arterybronch(o)- bronchus, i m bronchus, bronchial tube(s)col(o)-col(on)(o)-

colon, i n = intestīnum crassum

colon, large intestine

crani(o)- cranium, i n skullduoden(o)- duodēnum, i n duodenumencephal(o)- encephălon, i n /

cerěbrum, i nbrain

gangli(o)- ganglion, i n neural knot, gangliongastr(o)-, -gastria

gaster,tris f(ventriculus, i m (old use))


hepat(o)- hepar, ătis n liverlaryng(o)- larynx, ngis m larynx(o)esophag(o)- oesophăgus, i m esophaguspancreat(o)- pancreas, ătis n pancreas, salivary gland of the bellyperiton(e)(o)- peritonēum, i n peritoneumpharyng(o)- pharynx, ngis m pharynx, throatpleur(o)- pleura, ae f pleuraplex(o)- plexus, us m plexussplen(o)- lien, ēnis m =

splen, enis mspleen

thorac(o)-, - thorax

thorax, ācis m thorax, chest

thyr(e)(o)- glandula thyreoidea thyroid glandtonsill(o)- tonsilla, ae f tonsiltrache(o)- trachēa, ae f wind-pipe, trachea

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Organs – binary terms (Greek and Latin roots used identically):

Clinical (Greek / Latin)

Latin English


vas, vasis n,vasculum, i n

vessel (mostly blood vessel)


vagīna, ae f vagina

mast(o)- mamm(o)-

mamma, ae f mammary gland, female breast

odont(o)-dent(o)-;-odontia, -dentia

dens, ntis m tooth


pulmo, ōnis m lung


anus, i m;rectum, i n



tendo, ĭnis m tendon

Only Greek roots:

Parts of body:

Clinical (Greek) Anatomical (Latin)


acr(o)-, -acria membrum, i n limbcheir(o)-, chir(o)-, -cheiria, -chiria

manus, us f hand, arm

dactyl(o)-, -dactylia

digitus, i m finger, digit

-genia mandibula, ae f lower jaw-genia mentum, i n chingloss(o)-, -glossia lingua, ae f tonguegnath(o)-, -gnathia maxilla, ae f upper jawgon(o)- genu, us n kneekephal(o)-, cephal(o)-, -cephalia

caput, itis n head

ophthalm(o)-, -ophthalmia

oculus, i m eye

ot(o)-, -otia auris, is f earpod(o)-, -podia pes, pedis m footrhin(o)- nasus, i m nosesomat(o)-, -soma corpus, oris n bodysteth(o)- pectus, oris n

thorax, acis mchest

stomat(o)- os, oris n mouth

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Internal organs:

Clinical (Greek)

Latin English

cardi(o)-, -cardium

cor, cordis n; ostium cardiăcum (PNA)

heart;cardiac orifice (of the esophagus into the stomach)

cholangi(o)- ductus biliferi (pl.) interlobular bile ducts, under ductscholecyst(o)- vesica biliaris =

vesica felleagall bladder

choledoch(o)- ductus choledochus =ductus biliaris

common bile duct

colp(o)- vagina, ae f vagina; sheathcyst(o)- vesica, ae f;

vesica urinariabladder;urinary bladder

dacryocyst(o)- saccus lacrimalis tear bladderenter(o)- intestinum, i n;

intestinum tenueintestine;small intestine

hyster(o)- uterus, i m womb; uterus; metralapar(o)- abdomen, inis n;

venter, tris mbelly

metr(o)-, -metra, -metrium

uterus, i m womb; uterus; metra

nephr(o)- ren, renis m kidneyo(o)- ovum, i n ovum (pl. - ova)omphal(o)- umbilīcus, i m =

funiculus umbilicalisumbilicus, navel

oophor(o)- ovarium, i n ovaryorchi-, orchidi-, -orchidia, -orchia

testis, is m testis

oste(o)- os, ossis n bonepyel(o)- pelvis renalis renal pelvis, pelvis of the kidneyr(h)achi(o)- columna vertebralis vertebral columnsalping(o)- tuba uterina;

tuba auditivauterine tube;auditory tube

splanchn(o)- viscera pl. viscera, internal organsspondyl(o)- vertebra, ae f vertebratrachel(o)- cervix, īcis f (uteri) neck of the uterus/wombtyphl(o)- c(a)ecum, i n cecum; blind gut, typhlon

Therapeutical methods, medics and general terms of desease:

Clinical (Greek)


-iater, -iatrus a physician (doctor) treating extensive groups of patients of definite type-iatria the treatment of extensive groups of patients of definite type-logĭa section (branch) of science dealing (concerned) with ...-lŏgus specialist, expert

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-paedia methods of deformity correction-therapia the treatment of disease by various non-surgical methods

Clinical (Greek)

Latin English

pharmac(o)- medicamentum, i n drugs, medicament, medicin

Clinical (Greek)


nos(o)- desease

Diagnostical methods:

Clinical (Greek)


-scopia process of viewing,visual examination

-metria measurement-graphia writing or description of functioning of any organ-gramma the result of description

Diagnostical devices and instruments:

Clinical (Greek)


-scop device/instrument for visual examination-metr instrument/apparatus for measurement-graph device/apparatus for rеcording/reflecting of activity of any organ

b) Translate into English:

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c) Make complex words denoting inflammations, tumors and pathological processes in different parts of body, and translate them into English.



Clinical (Greek) Latin English aden(o)- glandula, ae f gland

nodus lymphaticus (lymphonodus)

lymphatic nodule, lymphoid nodule

arthr(o)- articulatio, onis f articulation, jointblast(o)-, -blastus

germen, ĭnis n elementary cell, early embryonal stage, immature precursor cell

blephar(o)- palpĕbra, ae f eyelidchondr(o)- cartilāgo, ĭnis f cartilage-cyt(o)-, -cytus cellula, ae f cellderm(o)-, dermat(o)-, -derma

cutis, is f skin

desm(o)- ligamentum, i n ligamentfibr(o)- fibra, ae f fibre, fibrous tissuehist(i)(o)- textus, us m tissuekerat(o)- cornea, ae f cornea;

horny tissuelip(o)- adeps, ĭpis m lipidmy(o)-, -mysium

musculus, i m muscle

myel(o)-, -myelia

medulla spinalis spinal cord;

neur(o)-, neuri- nervus, i m nerveonych(o)-, -onychia

unguis, is m nail

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osteomyel(o)- medulla ossium bone marrow

phac(o)-, -phakia

lens, ntis f lens

phleb(o)- vena, ae f veintrich(o)-, -trichia

capillus, i m hair

Fluids and secretions:

Clinical (Greek) Latin English chole-, -cholia - fel, fellis n;

bilis, is fbile, gall

chyl(o)-, -chylia

lympha, ae f lymph

copr(o)- faeces, ium f pl. fecesdacry(o)- lacrĭma, ae f tearsgalact(o)- lac, lactis n milkhaem(o)-, haemat(o)-, -aemia

sanguis, ĭnis m blood

hidr(o)- sudor, ōris m sweathydr(o)- aqua, ae f presence of water, watery fluid; hydrogen (H);

pathological accumulation of fluid in an organlymph(o)- lympha, ae f lymphpy(o)- pus, puris n suppuration, accumulation of pussial(o)-, -sialia salīva, ae f salivaur(o)-, -urēsis, -uria

urīna, ae f urine

Gender, age, faculties:

Clinical (Greek) Latin English andr(o)-, -andria

mas, maris mmasculīnus, a, umvir, viri m


geri-, ger(o)-, geront(o)- senex, senis msenīlis, e

old age

gyn(o)-, gynaec(o)- femĭna, ae ffeminīnus, a, um


-op(t)-, optic(o)-, -op(s)ia

visus, us mvisio, onis foculus, i m

vision, eye

paed(i)(o)- infans, ntis m,fpuer, eri m


phon(o)-, -phonia

vox, vocis f sound, speech, voice

sphygm(o)-, -sphygmia

pulsus, us m pulse

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anthrop(o)- homo, inis m human, a manneonat(o)- infans, ntis m,f newborn, baby

b) Translate into English:

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Surgical operations and instruments:

Clinical (Greek)


-centēsis puncture-clasia surgical breaking, destruction of an organ-desis surgical fixation of connective tissues, ligaments, or bones -ectomia surgical removal of any anatomical structure-eurynter an instrument for dilatation-eurysis surgical distention, dilatation of an organ-pexia fixation of substances and tissues;

fixation of organs, usually surgical-plastica restoring plastic operation-rrhaphia surgical suturing-stomia artificial or surgical openingtom(o)- relating to a selected plane (in radiography)-tomia surgical incision, a cutting operation

-lysis, -lyt 1) destruction, dissolution;2) an operation for breaking up the adhesions in an organ

Pathological states, conditions and processes:

Clinical (Greek) Englishalg-, -algia, -algesia

pain, ache, painful condition

asthen(o)-, -asthenia

weakness, debility, asthenia

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ather(o)- sediment of fat-cytosis the condition of more than usual number of cells; certain

features pertaining to cells-ectasia, -ectăsis

dilatation or expansion

isch(o)- delay of smth.; suppression of any dischargelith(o)-, -lithiasis

stone formation, stone forming process

log(o)- speech, words; relating to the defects of speech-malacia softening, loss of consistencymyc(o)-, -mycosis

fungous pathological desease, desease caused by a fungus

-odynia pain, ache, painful conditionpath(o)-, -pathia

any disease, pathological process, sufferingfeeling, emotions

-penia deficiencyphil(o)-, -philia

affinity for, craving for

phob(o)-, -phobia

morbid dread

-plegia paralysis, strokepneum(o)- presence of air or gas in an organ-ptosis sinking down or prolapse of an organ (falling, descending or

downward displacement)-rrhagia hemorrage, bleeding-rrhexis laceration-rrhoea flowing, flux-schisis fissionscler(o)-, -sclerosis

induration, consolidation, hardness

-stăsis stagnation of fluidssten(o)-, -stenosis

narrowness, constriction; stricture of canal or orifice

Clinical (Greek) Latin Englishcarcin(o)- cancer, cri m cancer-cele hernia, ae f hernia, swelling, rupturelith(o)-, -lithiasis

calculus, i m stone, calculus, calcification

onc(o)- tumor, ōris m tumourthromb(o)- thrombus, i m thrombus, blood clottox(o)-, toxic(o)-, toxi-

venēnum, i n poison, toxin

NB: The organ/fluid/tissue in the last place in the complex term denotes the environment where something happens; the first part of the term – the intruding element.

Additional notes:

pneum(o)- + an organ = presence of gas in organ pneumothoraxpneum(o)- + + an organ = introduction of gas into organ for pneumoarthrographia

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-graphia contrast radiography-haemorrhagia hemorrhage – bleeding from an organ or into an

organ-rrhagia + an organ = bleeding from an organ gastrorrhagia,

metrorrhagiahaem(o)-, haemat(o)-

+ an organ in Nom.Sg., without any suffix = hemorrhage into the cavity of the organ

haemopericardium, haematocolpos

hydr(o)- / py(o)- + an organ in Nom.Sg., without any suffix = accumulation of mucus or watery fluid in the cavity of the organ


c) Translate:

Construct Latin terms with the following meanings:surgical incision: of joint; of the belly (= abdomen); of bone; of a vertebra; of a gland diagnostically viewing: of mouth; of ear; of the urinary bladder; of the small intestine description(or writing)of functioning: of the spinal cord; of the heart; of eye; of muscles; of veins; of the pelvis of the kidney; of the bone marrow surgical removal: of the womb; of the tear bladder; of the gall bladder; of kidney plastic restoring operation: of nose; of the upper jaw; of ear; of skin; of muscle

Note the number of the CF and explain their meanings:• neurorrhaphia • adenectomia • cephalometria • ophthalmoscop • cholecystostomia • enterometr • dacryocystorhinostomia • phlebograph • chondroplastica • metroscop • hysteropexia • cardiogramma • cystoscop • nephropexia • osteometria • cardiograph

1) Construct Latin terms with the following meanings:diagnostically viewing: of arteries; of the duodenum; of pharynx; of the vagina; of the brain surgical incision: of the wind - pipe (= trachea); of the skull; of the chest (= thorax); of the salivary gland of abdomen (= pancreas); of the thyroid gland; of the larynx surgical removal: of the oesophagus; of the spleen; of the appendage; of the liver tumour: of glands; of the liver; of tooth; of neural knot (ganglion); of vessels; of kidney; muscular inflammation: of the tonsils; of the tissues around the joint; of the cellulose around the kidney; of the perichondrium (tissue around cartilage); of the cellulose around the womb; of the mucous cover (tunic) of the womb; of the vagina; of the internal cover of the heart; of the cellulose of the rectum; of the periosteum (tissue around bone); of the pericardium (tissue around the heart); of the bronchial tubes; of stomach; of peritoneum plastic restoring operation: of the wind-pipe (= trachea); of the larynx; of vessel

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Functional states and processes:

Clinical (Greek) English aesthesi(o)-, -aesthesia

sensation, perception, sensitivity, sensibility

aeti(o)- relating to the cause (of the illness)aёr(o)- air, gasbi(o)- relating to life, life processes-crin-, -crinia secretiondynam(o)-, -dynamia

force, energy; motor activity, strength

erg(o)-, -ergia, -urgia

relating to work; reaction

gen(o)-, -genĕsis, -genesia, -genia

producing or forming; origin, evolution, descent, genesis

-gnosis, -gnosia

ability to learn, to know; faculty of percieving & recognizing

-kinesia, kinemat(o)-, kinem(o)-, kinet(o)-


-mnesia relating to memory

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morph(o)-, -morph-

form, shape, structure

oxy-, -oxia relating to oxygen-pepsia digestionphag(o)-, -phagia

eating, devouring

-phren(o)-, -phrenia relating to the mind, to psychic facultiesphrenic(o)- relating to the phrenic nervephys(i)(o)- nature, natural factors, physical proprties-plasia

formation of smth. (esp. of cells)-pnoё, pnoea breathing, breath, respiration-po(i)esis, -po(i)et- production, producing of smth. (blood, urine)psych(o)-, -psychia

the mind; mental, psychological

rhe(o)- electrical current;blood flow

spir(o)- breathing-tensio hydrostatic pressure in blood vessels or organs; pressure of gas;

stretchington(o)-, -tonia tone, tension, pressure, firmness of the tissuestrop(o)-, -tropia turning toward, acting on smth.-troph(o)-, -trophia

food, nutrition

Clinical (Greek) Latin Englishtop(o)-, -topia locus, i m place, position

Physical conditions and qualities:

Clinical (Greek) English all(o)- other (not normal or usual)anis(o)- unequal, dissimilar, unlikeaut(o)- self, samebar(o)-, bary- weight, pressure; atmospheric pressurebathy-, bath(o)- depth; deepbrachy- shortbrady- slowcry(o)- cold, freezing, low temperaturedolich(o)- longglyc(o)-, gluc(o)- relating to sugars, glucose or glycinehemi- (Gr.) =semi- (Lat.)

one-half, one-sided; partly

heter(o)- other (of two), differenthome(o)-, hom(o)- the same, alikeis(o)- equal, similar, likelept(o)- light, thin, frailmacr(o)- large, massive, abnormally big dimention megal(o)-, -megalia large, (pathologically) enlargedmes(o)- middle, mean, intermediary

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micr(o)- (abnormally) small; microorganism ne(o)- new, recentnecr(o)- death, relating to the corpse, necrosis (pathologic seath of cells,

tissue, organs)olig(o)- a few, a little; too few, too little; shortage, deficiencyorth(o)- straigth;

normal, in proper orderpachy- thickpan-, pant(o)- all; the whole, entirelyphot(o)- lightplaty- width, flatness; wide, flatpoly- many, multiple; too many; multiplicity; more than the normpseud(o)- falsepyr(o)-, pyret(o)- fire, heat; fevertachy-, tach(o)- rapid, fast, swift, frwquenttele(o)-, tel(o)- at a distance;

end, completiontherm(o)-, -thermia heat; hotxer(o)- dry

Complex term English translationaut(o)- -plastica,

-transplantatiothe use of tissue or organs…

within the same organismall(o)- from another humanxen(o)- from animalsmes(o)- + name of an organ a mesentery (mesenterium) of this organ (e.g., mesocolon –

mesentery of the colon, mesometrium - mesentery of the uterus)


Clinical (Greek) English chlor(o)- green;

containing chlorine (Cl)chrom(at)(o)-, -chromia

colour; relating to chrome

cyan(o)- blue; containing the cyanide group (CN)

erythr(o)- red; relating to red blood cells

leuc(o)- white; relating to white blood cells

melan(o)- black, dark; containing melanine

poli(o)- gray; gray matter (of the head)

xanth(o)- yellow(ish)

NB – not to be confused:

Clinical English

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(Greek)pneum(o)- presence of air or gas in an organpneumon(o)- (rarely pneum(o)-)


-phren(o)-, -phrenia

relating to the mind, to psychic faculties

phrenic(o)- relating to the phrenic nerve-iatria the treatment of extensive groups of patients of definite type-therapia the treatment of disease by various (not surgical) methods-log(o)- speech, words; relating to the defects of speech-logĭa section (branch) of science dealing (concerned) with ...-lŏgus specialist, expert-pexia 1) fixation of substances in tissues; (-pexia, -pexis);

2) fixation of organs, usually surgical (-pexy)

-desis fixation of connective tissues, ligaments, or bonespaed(i)(o)- child-paedia methods of deformity correctionmetr(o)-, -metra, -metrium

womb; uterus; metra

-metr instrument/apparatus for measurement-metria measurement

colĭca, ae f (Gr.) colic, cramp, spasmodic pains in the abdomenspasmus, i m (Gr.) spasm, cramp, convulsion, sudden involuntary contraction of


NB:stenocardia constriction of the heartcardiostenosis constriction of the cardiac orifice (of the esophagus)

2) Note the number of the CF and explain their meanings:• pulmonangiographia • parodontosis • oligodentia • hypothyreosis • mammographia • angioneurosis • endophthalmitis • dysthyreosis • pneumopexia • encephalogramma • colorectoscopia • paramastitis • vasovasostomia • tonsillectomia • encephalograph • parotitis • splanchnoscopia • adentia • colposcop • angiorrhaphia • osteochondrosis • hyperthyreosis • thoracometr • polyarthritis • endoscop • craniometria • pharyngitis

b) Translate:2) Note the number of the CF and explain their meanings: histophysiologia anthropogenesis cholelithiasis thrombophlebitis oncologus leucaemia oxyhaemometr hypoxia lipoma otohaematoma hypogalactia lactogenesis cryospasmus gynaecophobia cryotherapia toxaemia pyohaemothorax neonatologia erythrophobia biologus lipodystrophia haemophilia pulmonologia lymphangiectasia otorhinolaryngologus

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2) Note the number of the CF and explain their meanings: tendovaginitis dyschromatopsia cheilitis oligophrenia plexalgia brachydactylia pneumotherapia melancholia desmologia podarthritis trichatrophia tenorrhaphia aerophobia peritendinitis cyanosis typhlatonia typhlectasia trichocephalosis chiroplastica hyperkeratosis

c) Translate:

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prefix (Latin + Greek) meaningad----


approximation, addition moving away from

intra-, intro- endo-, ento-

extra-, extero-ecto-, exo-

inside outside

infra-, sub-hypo-

supra-, super-hyper-, epi-

under, below above, on smth.

ante-, prae-, pro-pro-


in front of, ahead, before behind, after, later

inter-dia-, meso-


between, among, in the middle, intermediate



around, from all sides

juxta- par(a)-


beside, near



through smth., movement beyond smth.



through smth., completely



behind smth.; reverse direction; back



renewal, repetition, reproduction, response, opposition



together, connection, interaction, interdependence



opposite (of position, state or action)



direction upwards; resumption of activity direction downwards, increasing of activity



in, within, into out of, outside

in-a-, an-


absence, denial



disorder, difficulty, malfunction, aberration in quantity or quality, deviation from the norm

normal function, correct, in good condition



division, separation,

de-, des-, se----


separation, removal



half, one-sided

Additional notes to prefixes:

Prefixes Translation ExamplesIntra- within a certain period intravitalis – intravital, in one’s lifetimeInfra- – supra-

opposites, belong to the same anatomical structure infrascapularis – suprascapularis

Sub- mostly in adjectives (in anatomical terminology) subduralis – under the dura mater (pachymeninx)

Hypo- in nouns with Greek roots (in anatomical terminology) hypogastrium – the lower central region

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of the abdomenHyper- NOT in anatomical terminologyHypo- – hyper-

in clinical terminology: deficiency, below norm, slackening, reducing of function, sbnormally small concetration – redundancy, above norm, exceeding norm, rising, increasing of function,

hypotonia – hypertonia

Meta- transition from one state to another, change, transfomation

metaplasia – transformation of tissue into tissue of another kind

Meso- + internal organ = mesentery mesogastriumPeri- + an organ = outer integumentary sheath, capsule, tissue,

peritoneum, tunic covering the organ, tissue around the organ

perimetrium – serous tunic of uterus

Para- + an organ = fiber\cellulose near or around the organ paranephritis – inflammation of fiber around the kidney

Para- deviation from the norm, different from what is designated by the root of the word

paraesthesia – false / abnormal sensation

Ana- action or state opposite to what is designated by the root of the word

anatoxinum – a toxin without its toxic property

De- downward action depressorendo- intrnal cavity, internal cover of an organ

b) Translate:Translate into English:Anamnesis, endocarditis, anaesthesia, glaucoma posttraumaticum, atherosclerosis, cardiostenosis, stenocardia, anhidrosis, paraproctitis, cholangiokinematographia, dysuria, dyspnoe, apnoe, eupnoe, sphygmometria, adynamia, choledocholithotomia, haemolysis,

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