Download -€¦  · Web viewCyberpunk Cultural Fashion (Rubinowski, 2017) – This piece displays the difference in effects of culture on fashion within


Samuel Hall25/05/2017

UAL Games Dev Level 3FMP Additional

Additional Research

This is the collection of all conducted research, additional to my mainline research and later in my project stages; all found after the completion of previous research related work through developments in my project process.

Others Art Work

Flesh Tech Integration (Talbott, 2017) – This image depicts clearly an improvised relationship between flesh and technology by a criminal individual, displaying effectively though the appearances of tech in deep and vital areas on his body (such as his chest and neck) communicates how the technology of the criminal is enveloped deep within his being showing a very strong devotion to the accomplishing the purpose of the technology on his body through any means. This furthers my understanding of the use and limits of criminal when it comes to technology relationships with their body and the depths they will drive3 to in order to enhance their capabilities.

Cyberpunk Criminal Fashion (Noureldin, 2017) – This creation depicts how criminal clothing and appearance within a cyberpunk universe generally consists of a lot of improvised uses of cloth for purpose such as carrying high degrees of equipment on accessible parts of their body such as their legs, and even using large drapes of cloth to hide and accentuate their vital areas, aiding them in disguising their purpose as well as communicating their nature at the same time much like a harmony of personality and purpose. A heavy importance is set on disguise and the masking of notable features of the body underneath, hiding the face in a dark shroud and only allowing the viewing of the prosthetic arms, possibly to yet again communicate the individual’s capabilities as a warning. This helps me to understand the priorities to criminals when it comes to their appearance and equipment on their body.

Cyberpunk Cultural Fashion (Rubinowski, 2017) – This piece displays the difference in effects of culture on fashion within a sci-fi near future universe which displays a very prominent change in the entire composure of the cultures fashions in their extremes; the depiction of the USA being envelops a much more urban and improvised design, with thrown on cloth drapes and industrial tech showing through; as well as a much more nimble and ‘sporty’ nature to its overall form, as well as featuring lines following along the arms and legs which follows the trait of sports clothing, the beings composure also gives the impressions of a ready stance to act, as if preparing to run. The European being depicts a very noble and royal visage with a very prideful fashion to it with elegant and well-kept drapery along its body and accent lines showing the royalties of each section of the clothing, the legs darkened cloth ends under the knees shifting to white ‘socks’ which is a common trait of high class individuals fashion, with the mask being very ornate and mysterious much like the masquerades of upper society in reality, this being has the posture of a very collected and calm being of mysterious intent, communicating no intentions beyond observation. The third being of the Asian culture is much more spiritual and ethereal with translucent drapes along its body layers on top of each other in a harmony almost like a butterflies wings or a spirits drapes, the helmet features a very lithe head like that of a folklore fairy or such beings also having the horizontal outcrops with hanging ornaments giving a very strong impression of spirituality much akin to a trait of religious temples. This all helps monumentally to help my understanding with the difference of culture and how they communicate it through physical means, the being here shows the composure of a very inquisitive and interested purpose, as if stalking and watching with great attention.

Cyberpunk Fashion (Semkow, 2015) – The image depicted here shows a more modernised of the accustomed fashion of the cyberpunk genre set by productions like the Matrix, featuring much more slim and complex designs accustomed to development in today’s society projected onto our depictions of the future; the seamless merging of expression of personality on top of utility even blending them together with the black colouring and silver lining metal is exemplary for a character allowing an easy transition from purpose to identity, one design even featuring a green accent highlight amidst the black to further show a streak of unique identity showing through the way the character dresses. This piece helps me develop my understanding of the relationship between purpose and style.

Cyberpunk Lighting, Authority Vibes (Bieniawski, 2017) – This image is an excellent example of communication through tone and hue, by utilising the red/pink merging the blue/teal colours by reflecting them along the wet concrete, the shining glass around and various metals effectively expresses a sense of overpowering authority presence even through the mist in the air; the colours themselves of red and blue communicating authority originates from the juxtaposition of blue communicating safety and comfort of mind, where red shows the duty and precedence of the authorities purpose which is the nature of ‘ready to kill’. The being in the middle with both light shining behind them, yet their front remaining metallic, cold and dark communicates their aversion to authority as if metaphorically and literally running from the authoritative presence. This furthers my understanding in the usage of colour (and lack thereof) to communicate purpose and intention.

Prosthetic Standard Arm Details (Smith, 2017) – This image of a prosthetic arm gives yet another different and unique portrayal of purpose and origin through its design, this particular arm features a very slim and exposed, yet still tidy, arm possibly of improvised construction but clearly by a character with good knowledge of engineering of this kind of technology with things like the exposed wrist workings and the shifting panels being of clearly light industrial build yet also streamlines design for efficient use. The various panels and bars along the arms larger portions, such as the forearm, show a much more modular design with the potential for innovation and adaptation, also with the fingers being rather slim along with the rest of the arm, while retaining a strong robust visage gives this construction a very androgynous appearance, either for someone of either gender and of average or slim build or for a general usage design applicable to any and all who desire the technology after its production. This helps my project through expanding my knowledge of further inspirations and design aspects for my own prosthetic arms.

Prosthetic Hand Details (Cotter, 2017) – This creation of a prosthetic hand features a very strong communication of origin through its incredibly clean and technical looking build with carbon fibre plating’s and scathed metal blocks it shows a very expensive creation most likely produced to take damage in combat, its fingers are very strong looking with each section joined to the next through very robust looking joints, the wrist section features a roll able joint holding balls which look as if they simply slot in and tighten the rings which leads me to believe the rest of the hand features very modular design giving space for upgrades on top of the strong base design for additional usage and adaptation after creation. This helps me with further examples of inspiration as well as communication or origin, particularly military and weaponised creations.

Prosthetic Civilian Arm Details (Ociacia, 2015) – This depiction of a mechanical arm has very strong communication straight away, with its very clean white and bright plating’s with a very clean and reflective surface it immediately portrays a very upper society of civilian design with expensive production but not particularly made for gritty combat or underground streets; the actual build of the arm has very thick and clean plates with slight showings of the more complex workings on the inside as if hiding true potential of its clearly strong power as if the limb was designed for something practical yet civilian such as a high tier sports person as the owner; another thing to note is the bulk and curvature of the arm giving incredibly strong impressions of masculinity with thick curved and tones muscular shapes. This helps me with a very effective inspiration of how to communicate much more specific purpose through design implications, as well as general inspiration for design with its very clean and smooth plates hiding the inner workings of the powerful circuits and movements within, as well as the elbow looking armoured as if the clean and well-kept bulwark of an arm was similar to an honourable knights gauntlet.

Cyberpunk Street Personality (Bieniawski, A Night Like This, 2017) – This image shows off a very strong impression of an underground civilisation in a cyberpunk world, displaying the personality and atmosphere of every aspect in a very strong sense; every person in shot looks lost, their distinctive features often hidden or in shadow giving a very mysterious and isolated feel to the network of people there; the lights and shines brightness and wide variety of hues only serve to communicate a man-made manipulation of impressions, using colours to communicate and influence whereas they merely expose the darkness in between to a stronger degree showing the nature of the underground society with the bright lights and manipulative faces hide behind the shroud the crime, pain and suffering of the streets and its people. The city horizon spans in a limitless wasteland of crime, never ending as far as it goes symbolising the aspect of no escape from reality’s core, where technology and hovering curves of technology juxtapose with the jagged, straight edges of the streets, a world of clean and out of reach potential never able to reach it from where the people are now, only able to look up at it. This is an incredible showing of communication through design of mood, setting and just about everything.

Cyberpunk Urban Junk Theme (Bravo, 2015) – This image carries a lot of heavy connotations with its colours and compositions and what they represent; starting with colour, the building drab and dusty visage with pockets of shadow represent the monotony and apathy of the world at its whole, so lost and confound in the remains of dust and dirt, the signboard fiery colours represent the chaos at its heart, presented so prominently it shows the people have lost their control, that they now live on an order of fire and damage with a desire to hurt the world instead of explore it now, the ethereal almost pure sky shining through the layers of trash heaps and building represent the ever horizon of freedom, fleeting in the distance and eternally far away with no hopes of reaching but its ever presence shines hope on those not fallen, while finally the teal streak of the fleeting ship represents the progression and authority of the world, a final attempt of progression and development to the future; with composition, the dusty towers are ever prominent and towering absolving the world in their lost visage and state of mind, the chaotic sign at the core of the underground world and facing away from the light, hidden from it and allowed to flourish and burn, the flourishes of light and freedom are framing the world, struggling to shine through the buildings to rain hope down in a useless attempt to reach everything, the escaping ship riding into the freedom are the only attempt and potential success of reaching it, yet flying low and below those around showing its lack of importance and priority of escape in this world now. This is an effective model of inspiration and knowledge collecting on how a world can be communicated in a single frame of a world for those with the eye to notice the details.

Cyberpunk Military Hand Details (Chang, 2017) – These designs for hands feature a very strong communication of a development in the direction of combat and rough handling, featuring very heavy plating over the backside of the hands leaving the underside of the hand open and free much like a medieval gauntlet, with the defences as plates showing the inner pistons and poles, even they distribute a very strong and thick build to them and the fingers are shielded with armour and pointed at the tip giving a heavy sense of intimidation to their appearance. This helps me with a very good inspiration of how to conduct intimidation in design and show capability as well.

Cyberpunk Low Emotion Communication (Leon, 2017) – This design for this being has heavy communication despite its palette of 3; through the black shrouded clothing of a clearly tough material like leather it shows an evasive and masqueraded personality and intention of possibly nefarious outcome and with the rain running off it so easily it communicates a tough exterior to the being, the mechanics of the being barely shown except for the hands and face, likely for purposes of intimidation at the right time while the hands have very slim tight panels of black metal hiding the inner vulnerable working very in a very snug manner keeping the being vulnerabilities hidden and protected strongly, the ‘face’ of the being is a very cold looking metallic shell of very streamlines and pointed visage giving a very dangerous and driven appeal to its appearance, with the singular glow of blue being central to its face this communicates a cool and calm nature through the cold colour and with it being central and unwavering with symmetry it again communicates the beings drive to its purpose. This helps me with further lessons of communication in appearance and the synergy of style and purpose.

Cyberpunk Hand Articulation (Guraziu, 2014) – The design of this hand is presented to show off every slight detail; starting with the fingers they are heavily segmented into separate bolts of heavy looking armoured metal, the underside of them featuring plates on each segment almost like a Cephalopod which are known for their suckers and their immense grip and power, another interpretation could be sensory in purpose on the fingers, again giving it a very military purpose of equipment. The palm and upper plate of the hand is segmented into two heavy bulks of material with powerful pistons on the indents for articulation already showing a very powerful industrial purpose, clearly built for power with all the pads on the bottom and various bolts showing off its military origin. Overall the build is clearly powerful and modular for various tasks making it a very robust and masculine weapon of a hand. This helps me with an example of an extreme end of a style communicated being very heavy and strong with bulky components.

Cyberpunk Character Blending (Llanas, 2017) – Within this image, the relationship between augmented beings of a cyberpunk world is ever present, displaying how the world and character are one and the same with one fuelling the others development; The male counterpart symbolises the stocky, hard surfaces and jagged edges of the city and its grounds, the cold and gravelly surfaces and rugged form, while the female counterpart symbolises the people, the lights and the sky with the glowing blue eyes similar to the never-ending sky scape up above, and the smooth translucent materials along her body symbolising the future. This aids me in understanding how to synergise communications of various aspects, aiding to make each part of an image able to bounce off each other to deepen the message.

Cyberpunk Criminal Personality (Wittmann, 2017) – This image shows the more light-hearted, friendly faced and alluring side of the underground cyberpunk world, the people that retain character; the girls visage shows a lot of pale skin in her face and chest, a pure and bright welcoming sight to the weary eyed, with her black leathers representing her likely true nature of a rebel and another denizen of the underground, from the fact she offers in a welcoming hand, drugs, it is easy to gleam this is likely a manipulative welcoming to get the viewer to indulge in what she offers, she stands amidst an energy projected pattern of swaying patterns in red hue, symbolising the mysterious and alluring nature further, as she seamlessly integrates with her environment. This allows me insight into the nature of the people of the cyberpunk genre and how they communicate their intentions or mask them.

Digital Art Tutorials

10 WORST Digital Art MISTAKES! [Digital Painting Tips] (Rutten, 2016) – This video was a tutorial video from a professional digital artist, detailing the habits and processes of using a tablet from the positioning and the method of using the pen to pen sensitivity and how to correctly use colour wheel effectively. He also displayed a ‘completed’ piece of work to then make very minor, professional mistakes and fixing unnoticed errors and how to do so; this will allow me to watch my actions when using a tablet and have an artistic mind on at all times to look over work and have the perception and knowledge to improve upon it without ruining the art.

Digital Art Tips (Marie, 2016) – This video is a self-professed artist, likely a student, like myself who has taken the self-allocated time to learn the tablet, again, like me later down the line. This person shows all the difficulties and trials of switching from paper to tablet, as well as how they overcame them and the essential knowledge for the journey to digital art proficiency, as well as the recommended programs for certain demographics. This video gives me the help from the perspective of someone in my exact situation.

Digital Art For Beginners (ToonSquash, 2016) – Similar to the last video, this video is from someone who came from nothing and decided to take up the tablet on their own, someone in my situation; sharing information on more of the technical sides such as settings, programs and processes. This gives me further comprehension of people who have been in my position.

How to DRAW with a TABLET on a Computer - #DigitalArt (Rutten, How to DRAW with a TABLET on a Computer - #DigitalArt, 2014) – This is another video from a professional digital artist, going to display as he works, how to draw on a graphics tablet, walking through every single step from scratch to finished drawings. This video gives me visual experience with what it is like to draw with a tablet, and every tiny little detail about how the tablet works I now know.

How To Use FireAlpaca (ToonSquash, How To Use FireAlpaca, 2016) – The most recommended program for free out there by the previous videos is FireAlpaca, and this video is a tutorial on how this program works, looks and is different to other programs. This video will allow me to use the program without wasting time to look around for things, and be able to effectively find all tools to increase my arsenal of capability.

“Why Do You Colour Things Blue First?” (Marie, "Why Do You Color Things Blue First?", 2016) – This video is by an artist who talks about a very effective style of colouring line-art, by filling in the image with a vibrant dark colour in order to show up mistakes very clearly in the white background showing through, allowing correct addressing of the minute details that need fixing. This video gives me a technique to ensure my work is without as many mistakes, including ways to prevent those mistakes in the first place.

Digital Art- Lineart Tips!! (Marie, Digital Art- Lineart Tips!!, 2016) – This artist goes into detail of their experience with line art and how to effectively draw on a tablet, with tips such as every line should not be a slow drawn careful line, you use quick strokes and keep using undo until you get the line you need. This video allows me in depth knowledge on line art methods and techniques for unique styles, including colour usage.

How to Draw HANDS and HAND POSES! (Jazza, How to Draw HANDS and HAND POSES!, 2015) – This video goes into detail on hands, one of the most complicated parts of human anatomy, as well as pivotal for my project. The artist deconstructs the hands shapes, translating construction lines to poses, hand pose foundations, angle directions, surface texture and curvature. This video advances my knowledge on how to construct a hand anatomically correct and be able to pose it while keeping that construction.

How to Create Characters (the Design Process) (Jazza, How to Create Characters (the Design Process), 2013) – This video goes into this artist process on creating a character and the whole design beginning to end. It starts with his basic three steps of brainstorm (collection of ideas e.g. lists, key words, sketch ideas, small features, multiple variations, collecting best ideas), rough (sketches and refinement e.g. smaller amount of drafts, collection of best ideas, different idea combinations, line art) and then final (bringing the design to a finite end e.g. single draft, best idea combination, finite details, supporting design with personality, shading). This video is an depth run down of the basics when designing an original character without references or observations on an already created source, allowing me a clear plan when I move to design my own.

Civilian Communication


(Aitken, Unknown) (JustFireFits, Unknown) (P$, Unknown) (Jackson, Unknown) (Darkin, Unknown) (Just Marvellous, Unknown)

Modern civilian fashion follows a rather clean and unified visage, with very straight edges and a minimal saturation in any colours that are present; with males there is a very high degree of communicating a very clean and maintained overall look while their clothes communicate their professionalism through formal jackets which typically are mid-thigh in length, another trend is to show the formal attire on their torso’s while being clean but informal on their lower half which communicates an approachable utility, as to mean they are skilled and helpful for the task while also being charismatic and approachable. Females tend to show a higher degree of individuality through still wearing black and darker clothes but highlighting with a desaturated article of coloured clothing to communicate personality and moods, from my cases the variety is also much more vast between them, their upper bodies usually clothed in something loose and almost drapery like looseness to allure to their beauty, while on their lower halves they typically either show their legs and form through tight clothing or hosiery to display their femininity.


(Richards, 2017) (Acorn Partitions & Storage Systems Ltd, Unknown) (HP, Unknown) (M&M Global Staff, 2015)

Civilian technologies all hold some very consistent aspects to their designs, starting with their affinity for combining seamlessly the use of straight edges with smooth curvature, creating an overall very slick and accessibly looking appearance; the next is the very bland colours, using things like whites, blacks and greys to allow the technology to be very widely accessible without excluding anyone; overall any technological access or ports are well hidden or translated into the slick design such as the Windows PC’s minimal showing of the ports through using covers, or smartphones having its details around the edge of the phone.


(Unknown, Unknown) (Alpan, Unknown) (Molon, 2008) (Pantry, 2014)

Moving onto civilian locales there is a very consistent style to all of these, how they are all very regulated, controlled and incredibly pristine; there is a heavy presence of metallic and glass surfaces as well as reflective tones of colours, mostly silvers and whites which communicates a very pure and welcoming environment; The shapes are very much like the technology, a seamless transition of hard lines and curves, though the more modern the locale, the presence or curves seems to increase for amore futuristic and idealistic cleanliness.

Military Communication


(Kisiel, 2009) (Admin, 2015) (Unknown, SAS have increased their Soldiers in London after attack, 2017) (Unknown, Military Free-Fall Advanced Tactical Infiltration Course (ATIC), Unknown)

Military appearance, no matter what origin, Has a very direct communication in its appearance; begging with the overall shaping, which is very jagged and irregular whilst showing very broad and stoic figures, communicating an authoritative dominance; while the colours are usually mirroring that of the environment, in the case that they are not, it is black, and this communicates that they are completely driven to their purpose, and even when vulnerable are hard stead in their objective; Another is the actual finite details, they all carry a large variety of patches and straps on them to carry a substantial amount of equipment and personal storage space, while also keeping their clothing covering everything that isn’t essential to have exposed such as the fingers or the eyes.


(Unknown, SA80 A2 L85 Assault Rifle, United Kingdom, Unknown) (Unknown, Cougar 4x4 MRAP, Unknown) (Prigg, 2012) (Louis, 2014)

Military technology, much like the clothing, follows a consistent theme of construction and design excluding colour which is a case by case matter, All of their overall shapes are incredibly robust and heavy looking with jagged edges and sharp little details all over, completely built for purpose instead of style leaving them displaying their utility rather prominently.


(Birchall/PA, Unknown) (NEWSROOM, 2014) (Unknown, Operation UNIFER, Unknown) (Wilkes, 2015)

As for military locales, the locations are split into 2 categories: 1 being harsh and wild environments, 2 being the equipment filled and defended settled locations. The wild locations are a very naturally hostile array of variety, from dense forests to baron deserts all the way to misted snow-scapes, these environments are all natural and require very specific aspects for successful survival; the bases and constructs by the military are all highly coordinated, usually symmetrical and organised with equipment all around in very accessible and formatted locations.

Punk / Criminal Communication


(Staff Styles Wardrobe, 2016) (Parker, 2016) (Epoch Times, 2017) (Boeselager, 2016)

Punk and criminal clothing has a very striking aspect to their designs that allow them to be distinguished very quickly as well as them communicating their message easily on sight. The punk side of things has a very consistent theme of incredibly jagged and harsh shapes to their clothing to communicate a rebellious and anarchic nature, while their clothes almost always are formed of a primary of black (usually leather) then dotted with silver metallic detailing, then there will be a couple aspects of the rest of their fashion which are of a very distinguishable saturated colour such as their hair or a top. The criminal side of has a much more bland and colourless visage but none the less still just as strong a communication on sight, with a very high degree of either black leather, or a lack of clothing on their upper half, as well as featuring rather baggy lower halves displaying a strong confidence in their capabilities to show off as they do, and a stoic stance against the rest of the world through anarchic behaviour.


(Akira, Unknown) (Unknown, WEAPONS POSSESSION, Unknown) (Unknown, SP-33500K LVLP SPRAY GUN KIT, Unknown) (Lohnes, 2015)

The technology of criminals and punks follows a very improvised and personal design, clearly made through means without regulation; the weapons are crude and bolted together with rough edges and combined purposes for efficiency; the colours are either unpainted for an unclean metal finish or with incredibly vibrant and personal colours for the improvised and communicative purpose. The builds themselves feature a wide variety of exposed components such as metallic engines, piping, bolts and other such construction remains.


(Unknown, Visiting Bawana, our urban poverty project in Delhi, India, 2012) (Parker S. , 2015) (Klaudis, Unknown) (Morrish, 2016)

Criminal locales are consistency of a theme of isolation, not as much as literally, but metaphorically everyone in these kinds of locations is surviving on their own and locked in their own though, poverty, danger and sin all aid to help a person reflect on themselves in its presence; the locations all either carry the extremes of open spaces or tight compact locations, as well as a very prominent detail of litter and damage to property and definitely not taken care of.

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