Download -   · Web view2021. 1. 24. · Read the text below and underline or highlight all the words you find that contain the -or sound. Check that each word you find is in your table from


Hello Year 3,

It has been lovely to see you all on zoom every morning. You are all engaging brilliantly. I have also enjoyed seeing some of your work. Lots of you seemed to have loved the Money topic! I have seen super examples of neat handwriting, great sentences and inspiring vocabulary. Well done!

Please note that I have amended the home learning timetable. I would like you to send your English to the [email protected] address on a Friday rather than Science. If your week includes some days in school, please try to do the activities on the prescribed day so that you can continue your learning seamlessly in school.

This week, have fun learning about colour (Topic), Hindu places of worship,counting in French and practising your bowling skills. It is so important that you keep reading and being read to as having good reading skills opens up a whole world of exciting learning. Find time for the Phonics and Spelling activities I set. They are very important too.

Reading Activities

The National Literacy Trust

As reading, comprehension and word-play remain a real priority for the children during lockdown, I would encourage you to take a look at the website of the National Literacy Trust. If you select your age group (7-9 years), you will find all sorts of interesting activities linked to books.

The link below takes you to some activities you can do with any book you have at home. It includes role play, re-naming the book and de-signing a new cover, dressing up and Guess Who games. If you have a copy of Kaspar, Prince of Cats, you could use that book. If not, choose any other book from your bookshelf that you have enjoyed. I would love to hear how you get on so you could email me at [email protected].

Keep reading!

Bring stories to life with book games for kids | Words for Life

Phonics and Spellings

It is important that you continue to expand and consolidate your phonics knowledge as we have been doing in school and continue to learn spellings. Please try to complete these tasks in addition to the English, Maths and Reading tasks. There are four tasks each week and they should not take you more than 20-30 minutes each.

Task 1

Step 1: We are going to continue our focus on the -or sound. There are even more

spellings of this sound than we discovered last week. Some of them are more common than others.

Create a table like the one below in your English book. Use a ruler to draw the lines, then complete the word sort activity. There should be 3 words in each box.

chalk floorboard quarter afterthought organic laundry awful tourist score

ward naughty sought transport sleepwalk hoard explore author brought

hawk poorest almost reward headquarters daughter yourself uproar

cause crawl scorch keyboard ashore downpour warden quartet taught

Task 2

Step 1: Be a Phoneme Spotter

Read the text below and underline or highlight all the words you find that contain the -or sound. Check that each word you find is in your table from yesterday. If not, then add it in the right column.

Step 2:

Practise this week’s spellings. You will find the list on our class page and you are in the same spelling groups as you were last term. Practise your handwriting at the same time.

Task 3

Step 1: Below are some of the -or words from yesterday’s phoneme spotter activity that you might not know, together with their definition (what they mean).

haughty (adjective): acting as if you are superior/better/more important than other people

soar (verb): to sail or fly through the air at great height

awning (noun): a rook like cover that goes over or in front of a place and acts as a shelter

scorch (verb: to burn a surface so that it changes colour and texture

ashore (adverb): on the shore

mourn (verb): to feel sorrow or sadness because you have lost a person or pet

quartet (noun): a group or set of four

Use these words to complete the sentences below:

1. The shipwrecked sailors rowed …………….

2. The musicians playing the flute, the oboe, the clarinet and the bassoon make up a ………………

3. I would love to paraglide and …………….. like a bird.

4. Skullface is a …………………… woman who likes to give orders.

5. We use the …………….. on the caravan to shelter us from the sun.

6. After his death, Queen Victoria …………………. Prince Albert for the rest of her life.

7. The Australian bushfire …………………… the dry ground.

Step 2: Practise this week’s spellings again. You could also look at the ‘Fun Ways to learn your spellings’ document on our class page.

Task 4

Step 1: Choose words from the list below or use your own -or words to write four super sentences. Can you use more than one -or word in each sentence? Send your work to [email protected].

reward wardrobe strawberry prawn sauce beanstalk orchestra quarter

orbit doorbell explorer therefore paw crawl warmth floorplan warn

Task 5

Ask an adult at home to test you on your spellings.


Bonjour! To access this week’s French learning you will need to go to the following website and login with the information below:

User Name: Cuddin1148

Password: lahome

You will gain access to the Language Angels dashboard. I would like you to choose Beginner’s Level, Unit 6 –J’apprends le français, lesson 4. This lesson is all about learning numbers to 10. I know that lots of you will remember the song we learned to the tune of Freres Jacques and Jacob has impressed us by counting to 70! Now it’s time to learn to recognise the numbers when they are written down.

Step 1: Watch the powerpoint. If you click on the speaker, you will be able to hear a voice pronounce the words for you. This is very important.

Step 2: Try the number puzzle on the web page then have a go at the word search below. You can also visit the Games Arcade to play some fun French vocabulary games.

PE – Each week we will be sending a PDF of an exciting PE activity to do at home. This week I would like you to try to improve your ball skills. Have a look at Boccia and Bowling on the year 3 page. Take some time to reflect on what you have learnt, get someone else to use the questions from the sheet to help you evaluate your skills.


Write a rhyming couplet and turn it into a work of art with writer and artist Angry Dan.

Taking inspiration from Kerry Andrew’s No Place Like, Angry Dan guides you in creating artwork influenced by the theme of "home". Take on both poetry and art in this newest Ten Pieces Taster activity.


Watch Lemn Sissay as he explores Kerry Andrew's piece No Place Like using facts and insight, beautiful animation and footage from the heart of the Ten Pieces Children's Choir.


Answer these questions:

1. Did you notice the different types of ‘singing’?

2. What was your favourite?

3. Can you make a quick list of different types of place/ home/ things within the home that you saw and heard about?

Now it’s time for your ideas. Think about your home and what makes your home special? Where do you live? What sounds make up your home. Whilst you are thinking, write ‘WHAT IS HOME?’ on the middle of a big sheet of paper. Write down your ideas like a mind map and aim to fill up the page with them.


Go onto the Ten Pieces taster site. Scroll down to the second Taster Activity No Place Like by Kerry Andrews and watch the middle video with Angry Dan.

Run through the steps with Angry Dan to create your artwork. You might want to watch the full performance to inspire you.

ICT – Dance Mat Activity

During your ICT session, it is a good idea to work your way through the BBC Bitesize Dance Mat challenges to learn touch typing skills. We will be using the laptops a lot more during the next few terms for research and publishing your work in neat. This is the perfect time for developing a fast- typing pace to support all your fantastic work in class. Follow this link for BBC Dance Mats. Well done if you have already started this.

Smart Crew Activity – What should you keep safe?

First watch the latest instalment with the SMART crew.

Today the SMART crew are looking at the S of SMART.

S - Keep safe by being careful not to give out personal information when you’re chatting or posting

online. Personal information includes your email address, phone numbers and passwords.

Read this with an adult:

Personal information: Your full name, home address, telephone numbers, email addresses,

passwords, and school address, are all personal information and should not be shared online.

Giving out personal information can make you vulnerable to unwanted contact from people

that you don’t know, both online and potentially offline. It can also make it easier for someone

to commit identity theft or to hijack an account by using the personal information to guess a password, or provide the correct responses to reset a password.

Now answer these questions:

1. What happened to Kara and Winston in this episode?

2. How were they connected to the internet? Ie: What device were they using when they

needed help?

3. What did the SMART Crew say? Can you remember all the advice that was given?

Next, download the three stars and a wish sheet or draw your own version.

Write three things that you are already doing online to keep yourself safe, and set one additional target for yourself (a ‘wish’ in the cloud) that you can put into place to improve your experience online. Think about the advice that you have been given today to help you write your wish.


Find the powerpoint on our class page. It is called RE Places of Worship power point. Follow the power point slides and click on the links to the BBC Teach videos to see inside a mandir and a home shrine.

Using the word mat below to help you, choose one of the following challenges.

LO: Can I explain which places are special to Hindus? Can I explain the similarities and differences between worshipping at a mandir and worshipping at home?

Mild: Complete the table. You need to decide whether each form of worship is carried out at home, at the mandir or both.

Spicy: Complete the table then write sentences to explain one similarity and one difference between the two places of worship.

Hot: As in spicy then answer the following questions:

-Why are murtis an important aspect of worship?

-Why do Hindus ring a bell during worship?

-Why do you think it is important to a Hindu that they can worship at home as well as in their temple?


Spicy/ Hot (then answer questions on the learning slip in full sentences)

Word Mat

Topic – Art

LO: Can I explore how Seurat used colours in his artwork?

Step 1: Select the power point from the list of this week’s work on our class web page. It’s called ‘Art topic – Seurat and Pointillism Slide 3.

Step 2: Look carefully at the slides and try to answer the questions as you go along. Talk to another member of your family about what you can see and what you think.

Step 3: Look at the document called ‘Art Activity Sheet Colour Wheels’ and choose your challenge. You can check back on Seurat’s technique of ‘Optical Mixing’ on the slides to help you out. Think about what this technique means.

Extension: What do we mean by complimentary colours?

Hello Year 3,

It has been lovely to see

you all on zoom every morning. You are all

engaging brilliantly. I have also enjoyed seeing some of your work.


of you

seemed to have loved the Money topic! I have seen super


of neat handwriting


great sentences

and inspiring vocabulary. Well


Please note that I have amended the home learning timetable. I would like

you to send your English to the

[email protected]


on a Friday rather than Science. If your week includes

some days in

school, please try to do the activities on the prescribed day so that you

can continue your learning seamlessly in school.

This week, h

ave fun learning about colour


), Hindu places of


counting in French

and practising

your bowling skills.

It is so

important that you keep reading and being read to as having good reading

skills opens up a whole world of exciting learning. Find time for the

Phonics and Spe


ling activities I set. They are very important too.

Reading Activi


The National Literacy Trust

As reading, comprehension and word


play remain a real priority for the

children during lockdown, I would encourage you to take a look at the

website of the National Literacy Trust. If you select your age group (7




you will find all sorts of interesting activities linked to books.

The link below takes you to some activities you can do with any book you

have at home. It includes role play, re


naming the book and de


signing a

new cover, dressing up and Guess Who games

. If you have a copy of

Kaspar, Prince of Cats, you could use that book. If not, choose any other

book from your bookshelf that you have enjoyed. I would love to hear

how you get on so you could email me at

[email protected]


Keep reading!

Bring stories to life with book games for kids | Words for Life

Hello Year 3,

It has been lovely to see you all on zoom every morning. You are all

engaging brilliantly. I have also enjoyed seeing some of your work. Lots

of you seemed to have loved the Money topic! I have seen super examples

of neat handwriting, great sentences and inspiring vocabulary. Well done!

Please note that I have amended the home learning timetable. I would like

you to send your English to the [email protected] address

on a Friday rather than Science. If your week includes some days in

school, please try to do the activities on the prescribed day so that you

can continue your learning seamlessly in school.

This week, have fun learning about colour (Topic), Hindu places of

worship,counting in French and practising your bowling skills. It is so

important that you keep reading and being read to as having good reading

skills opens up a whole world of exciting learning. Find time for the

Phonics and Spelling activities I set. They are very important too.

Reading Activities

The National Literacy Trust

As reading, comprehension and word-play remain a real priority for the

children during lockdown, I would encourage you to take a look at the

website of the National Literacy Trust. If you select your age group (7-9

years), you will find all sorts of interesting activities linked to books.

The link below takes you to some activities you can do with any book you

have at home. It includes role play, re-naming the book and de-signing a

new cover, dressing up and Guess Who games. If you have a copy of

Kaspar, Prince of Cats, you could use that book. If not, choose any other

book from your bookshelf that you have enjoyed. I would love to hear

how you get on so you could email me at [email protected].

Keep reading!

Bring stories to life with book games for kids | Words for Life