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Page 1: Web Technologies Plattner Melanie Leschinger Bernhard.

Web Technologies

Plattner Melanie

Leschinger Bernhard

Page 2: Web Technologies Plattner Melanie Leschinger Bernhard.

What is this lecture about?

Introduction to the basic Web technologies

that are used to implement the „Web“ portion of Web Services:

Some historical details

Core Web Technologies

Wide area integration

Tunneling, Firewalls, EDIFACT

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Some historical details

Start of standard groups

TCP • handles conversion between messages and streams packets

IP• handles addressing of packets across networks

TCP/IP• enables packets to be sent across multiple networks using multiple


Telnet• One of the earliest standards for exchanging transmission, directly

connect accounts on different systems. SMTP

• specifies another way of direct connection

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Some historical details

MIME• Extension to the SMTP Protocol which supports the

exchange of richer data files such as audio-, video-, and images data.

FTP• (1973) supports file transfer between Internet sites

and allows a system to publish a set of files by hosting an FTP severinnovation permits anonymous users to transfer files

Archie• Late 1980‘s distributed file system based on FTP

Gopher• First simple system, providing GUI

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Core Web Technologies

HTTP(HyperText Transfer Protocol) generic, stateless protocol governs the transfer of files across a network developed at CERN (Central European Research

Network), they also came up with the name WWW, later W3C

supports access to SMTP,FTP and other protocols was designed to support hypertext

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Core Web Technologies

Exchanged information, can be static or dynamic Every resource, accessible over the Web has a

URL(Uniform resource locator) HTTP mechanism is based on client/server model

typically using TCP/IP sockets

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Core Web Technologies

since Version 1.1 HTTP requires servers to support persistent connections, to minimize overhead associated with opening and closing connections.

Typical methods on the server side are:• OPTIONS

send information about the communication options• GET

retrieve document or document produced by a program• POST

Append or attach information• PUT

Store information• DELETE

Delete the resource indicated in the request

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Core Web Technologies

Another limitation HTTP is stateless• Does not provide storing of information between

requests• No indication of any relationship between two different


cookies, small data structures that a web server requests the HTTP client to store on the local machine,

are used to maintain state information

e.g. cookies store recently view items on a web shop

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REST(Representational State Transfer)

architectural style, defining the principles of distributed network systems.

is the underlying architectural model, guiding the design and development of the current and next generation web architectures

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Provides a set of architectural constraints, that emphasizes Scalability of component interaction Generality of interfaces Independent deployment of components Enforce Security Etc.

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REST vs. Web Services

Rest promotes and recommends generic operations on resources HTTP methods: PUT GET POST DELETE SQL: select create drop ect. Utilizes the caching mechanism

WS does not promote generic operations First generation only utilizes HTTP POST Each service defines its own application specific

operations Requires additional means of discrption,discovery

mechanisms on top of the web No caching capabilities

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Rest Principles

Web consists of addressable resources

a user, utilizing an application selects a specific address(URL)

a specific representation of that resource is returned over the web

places the client application into a specific state. On accessing another URL, the client application gets

another representation of the resource and in turn, transferring from the current to the new state.

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Core Web Technologies

HTML(HyperText Markup Language) Defines a standard set of special textual

indicators(markups) specifying how a Web pages words and images should be displayed by the web browser

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Technologies for Supporting Remote Clients

Original intent of core Web Technologies enable linking and sharing documents

It was quickly realized, that by wrapping local information systems to expose their presentation layer by using HTML documents, one could leverage the core Web technologies to have clients that are distributed across the internet.

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B2C (Business to consumer)

Conventional 3-tier architectures are designed to operate within a single company data exchanges occur within the safe boundaries of the company

in principle there are no reasons why the system could not be opened to other users if the need arises

• ATM(automatic teller machines are an excellent example of the advantages if doing so

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ATM(automatic teller machines are an excellent example of the advantages if doing so

• client/server system• a PC with a network connection to the information

services of the bank• gives customers easier access to their accounts without

the bank incurring • a significant part of manual work disappears• more efficient interactions with the customer

great service, but there are limitations

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• Limitations Customers must travel to the nearest ATM,

would not be necessary,

access to their bank accounts any time,

helps extend its functionality.

This architecture is called B2C, indicating that the business allows consumers to access their information services directly

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Users wanting to take advantage of this opportunity would need to have specialized clients for every company they want to interact with

Complexity would grow enormous -> administration

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One of the biggest contributions of the Web providing a universal client for such extensions Nowadays such architectures are implemented

by letting the remote computer use a Web Browser as a client

since Web Browsers are standard tools, no application specific client has to be installed

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Web Browsers

One of the first problems web Browsers were originally intended only to display static documents, returned by HTTP calls

Difficult to build sophisticated application specific clients for web browsers

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One answer to this problem Applets Java programs, can be embedded in an

HTML documentWhen the document is downloaded, the program

is executed by the JVM, presented in the browser, turning the browser into a client by sending the client code as an applet

• Limitations download the code• Advantage complexity

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CGI(Common Gateway Interface)

Web servers must be able to server up content from dynamic sources How can a Web server respond to a request by

invoking an application that will automatically generate a document to be returned

One of the first approaches to solve this problem, was CGI, a standard mechanism that enables HTTP servers, to interface with external applications, which can serve as „gateways“ to the local information system

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How does CGI work it assigns programs to URLs, so that when the URL is

invoked, the program is executed

CGI programs often serve as an interface between a database and a Web server, allowing users to submit complex queries over the DB through predefined URLs

When the Web server receives request for the URL, it will run a program, that will act as a client of the database and submit the query executing and packs the result into a HTML document returned to remote browser

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Performance CGI programs involve a certain overhead

Separate process for each instance takes time, requires a context switch in the operating system

Multiple request results – multiple process

To avoid this overhead, Jave servlets can be used instead

The idea is exactly the same as in CGI programs, but the implementation differs.

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How do they work? Execution and result is the same, but servlets

are invoked directly by embedding servlet-specific information within an HTTP request

run as threads of the Java server process, moreover they run as a part of the Web server

eliminates overhead

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Application Servers – short overview

Equivalent to middleware platforms Main difference intercorporation of the Web

as a key access channel to the services implemented using the middleware several important implications

The presentation layer acquires a much more relevant role

• Direct consequence of how HTTP and the Web work

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Application servers – short overview

• Realized by merging the presentation layer related to the Web with the application layer of the middleware platform

Reason to allow the efficient delivery of content trough the Web as well as to simplify the management of Web applications

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There are two competing frameworks for Web-based middleware Suns J2EE Microsoft's .NET

very similar

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A significant aspect of application servers is the bundling of more and more functionality within the middleware platform

Providing integrated support for many different middleware abstractions

Therefore blurring the borders between application servers and other middleware

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Application server - Application Layer

At the application layer, application servers conceptually resemble conventional middleware, provided functionality similar to CORBA, TP monitors and message brokers

Goal of application server vendors providing a unique environment for hosting

all kinds of application logic, whether Web-based or otherwise,

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EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans) specification is at the heart of J2EE there the bulk of the application logic resides An EJB is a server-side component, that

delivers application-specific funktionality(responding to a request for a quote…)

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The EJB specification defines 3 different types of beans, based on how they interact with other components and how they manage state and persistence Session beans Entity beans Message-driven beans

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J2EE –EJB container

Provides the environment in which the beans run all interactions go through the container

Provides a number of services Supports transactions freeing a developer

from having to define transaction boundaries and implement the related code

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Defines an interface for directory services, without mandating any implementation

Clients can bind to servers based on the object name (EJB binding to a server involves binding to an object that provides the interface for interacting with a server)

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is an API that enables developers to access almost any tabular data source by executing SQL commands from a java program

methods can be called from an EJB or directly from a servlet

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Application Server

Offer services that simplify administration and management of the application Caching frequently needed objects Checking that an application is running and

restarting Object administration and security, defining

user has access to which application and enforcing access restrictions

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Application Server

Cannot match the performance of TP monitors but they try to make systems easier to develop and easier to evolve.

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Application Server - Presentation Layer

the support for the presentation layer and for the document as the basic unit of transfer is what differentiates application servers from conventional middleware

Application servers implement mechanisms which make the transaction

between documents and arguments more efficient, flexible and manageable

provide a variety of presentation features to support the delivery of dynamically generated, personalized content to different types of clients

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Application Server - Presentation Layer

A modern application server supports the following types of clients Web Browsers(most common types of clients) Applications

Such as those encountered in conventional middleware

Devices Such as mobile phones and PDAs

E-mail programs Web service clients

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Wide area integration

A number of strategies 3 layers

Client Middleware Server(resource manager)

The available strategies are given by all possible combinations of these three layers

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Wide area integration - strategies

integrating systems at the client level at the middleware level by connecting clients directly to the remote

middleware platform, by connecting resource managers to the remote

middleware platform.

Which of these strategies is the most appropriate, depends on a number of factors

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Middleware Extensions

The internet requires additional middleware layers between clients and servers or between servers.

existing platforms were simply extended to allow them to interact through the internet, most middleware platforms were designed to work on a single LAN(Local area network)

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B2B Business to Business

The number of LANs started to grow

different branches of the same company implemented their own middleware-based systems

the need for different middleware platforms to communicate with each other, arose.

such interactions are called B2B

fully automate the interactions

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Firewalls and Tunneling

Firewalls Acts as a barrier against unwanted network

traffic Blocks many communication channels Can change the design space in two ways

No direct communication between the system to be integrated

Parties outside the firewall are not trusted

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Firewalls and Tunneling

How to get through a firewall and why? Tunneling

Tricking the firewall into believing that traffic, which otherwise should be blocked, is actually allowed

Protocols which would be blocked are hidden under protocols that are accepted by the firewall

Why not having a direct communication channel is compounded by a necessary lack of trust on all traffic generated outside the firewall

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Another important challenge Identifying a common syntax and semantics for the data

exchanged between applications

In conventional middleware platforms, this problem is hidden behind IDLs fulfill two roles

used to define interfaces

uses an intermediate data representation that specifies how each data type used

in IDL is represented in a machine-independent manner

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In message-based systems, format and semantics of the messages or files exchanged are typically determined by the EDIFACT standard. Provides standard templates for messages and

for the contents of the message

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A EDIFACT message typically contain the following fields Interchange Header

Version of EDIFACT,IDs of sender end recipient, passwords,date,time

Message Header Type of message

User Data segments payload

Message Trailer Check message completeness

Interchange Trailer Check interchange completeness

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EDIFACT Pros & Cons

+ standard structure with 3 letter codes + universal standard defined by EDIFACT + parsers can be constructed easily

- very complex standard, often unnecessarily complicated

- often only a fraction of the possible information is used

- hast to be standardized by EDIFACT before use

-requires adhoc development on the systems