Download - Web Identity Project-Michelle Harris

  • 1. Who Am I?: What Does The Web Have to Say?
    The Social Butterfly and the Professional!!!

2. Well, Web-Socially
3. Im a Infamous Facebooker..
4. And I definitely get my MySpace on
5. I even kick it with my friends on YouTube!!!!...
6. AndDespite my initial hate toward it, I Tweet every now and again
7. Then, there is Methe Web-Professional
8. I have been a part of the world of WolfWikis since way back when
9. Many of the African American and minority high school juniors and seniors who attended the event were referred to attend AAASE college day by a counselor, although the students were still undecided about attending NCSU. Michelle Harris, a senior in middle grades education, believes AAASE will provide prospective students the opportunity to see NC State in a different, more in-depth light. Often times, a lot of students find NC State tours not as directed, she said, [AAASE] gives student a chance to see a student perspective and provide a more personal view than group tours. Members of AAASE spent most of the morning shepherding students through campus, visiting various centers and setting down plans to meet college goals in the future. I hope these students will get a very broad perspective to what college like, Harris said. We advise them on things like time-management, and ultimately, I hope theyll end up here at State.
I have even been published in
NC State newspapers!...
Nubian Message
The African-American voice of North Carolina State University
22 Oct
AAASE College Day attracts potential students
*Full article can be read at website!*
10. I have been the recipient of several NCSU scholarshipsincluding Study Abroad!
11. Im also proud to be a part of the New Literacy Collaborative
12. The Creator of the Hottest YouTube videosRepresenting ECI 306 on the World Wide Web!
13. Iwas recently introduced to the world of Wordles
14. Wonder what else Ill be adding to the repertoire this year???