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Web Based Drama

Analysis of editing for the TV Web Based drama E20

Order of shots- The meaning of a clip can change depending on the order the shots are cut.- Putting two shots together can suggest a connection or emphasise contrast (juxtaposition).

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In these shots you can see that they are in an order of shots because of what happens you see the knife then a girl saying that she didn’t mean it to then a man who is looking at something which is then to the next shot of someone lying on the floor.

Continuity - Continuity editing – cutting shots to tell a story with narrative continuity, helps the viewer

make sense of the action by implying spatial relationships and ensuring smooth flow from shot to shot.

The episode starts with someone holding a knife with blood on it this shows that something bad has happened.

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Establishing shot- Establishes the space in which action is to happen.

This is an establishing shot of the man looking at the person that has been stabbed.

Shot/ Reverse shot

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This is a shot reverse shot of the man and woman arguing what they should do about the little girl stabbing someone.

Eye line match - Character looks off – screen, next shot shows what they see.

This is an eye line match as it shows the character holding the knife and looking down at something then the next shot is that he’s in the pond washing the knife off.

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