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Wearable and Autonomous Computing for FutureSmart Cities: Open ChallengesDomenico Balsamo, Geoff V. Merrett, Bahareh Zaghari, Yang Wei,Sarvapali Ramchurn, Sebastian Stein, Alex S. Weddell, Steve Beeby

Department of Electronics and Computer ScienceUniversity of Southampton, United Kingdom, SO17 1BJ

Abstract—The promise of smart cities offers the potential tochange the way we live, and refers to the integration of IoT sys-tems for people-centred applications, together with the collectionand processing of data, and associated decision making. Centralto the realization of this are wearable and autonomous computingsystems. There are considerable challenges that exist in this spacethat require research across different areas of electronics andcomputer science; it is this multidisciplinary consideration that isnovel to this paper. We consider these challenges from differentperspectives, involving research in devices, infrastructure andsoftware. Specifically, the challenges considered are related toIoT systems and networking, autonomous computing, wearablesensors and electronics, and the coordination of collectivescomprising human and software agents.

Index Terms—Smart cities, IoT, wearable computing, au-tonomous computing, human collectives.


The vision of smart cities aims to integrate Internet ofThings (IoT) technology to manage and improve urban devel-opment, the efficiency of services, and achieve a better qualityof life [1]. This is illustrated in Fig. 1, where smart cities makeuse of an IoT-based intelligent environment, including people-centred services (e.g. parking and lighting, environmentalmonitoring). In this scenario, IoT is a networking paradigmthat uses the internet to combine a large number of intelligentdevices through standard communication protocols and pro-vide information and services to end users [2]. As shown inFig. 1, fundamental to this vision are networked wearable andautonomous devices, collections of large numbers of nodesorganized into cooperative networks. Each device is typicallyequipped with sensors to detect physical phenomena such aslight, heat, presence or pollutants; CPUs, DSPs to process data;an energy supply to provide power; memory for data storage;and a radio-frequency (RF) transceiver.

In this paper, we discuss the open challenges that need to beaddressed in order to deliver on this vision. The novel approachtaken by this paper is the consideration of the multidisciplinaryresearch that is needed spanning devices, infrastructure andsoftware. Specifically, we discuss the research challengesrelated to IoT sensor systems and networking with constrainedand low-power systems (Section II), and then specifically fo-cus on energy management of autonomous computing systems(Section III), wearable sensors and electronics (Section IV),and the coordination of collectives of humans and softwareagents (Section V).

Smart cities

Smart parkingSmart lighting

Environmental sensors


Wearable electronics

Wearable energyharvesting

Smart technologywithin textile

Smart grid


Smart transport

Smart health

Smart industry

Data centre performsdata analysis on

measurements of sensors

Fig. 1: A smart city intelligent environment using IoT toconnect elements and provide services.


Intelligent IoT devices are typically characterized by theirinputs (including sensor and data acquisition), output dis-play and data transmission, user interactivity and control,modularity and interoperability, integration into larger sys-tems, and energy storage and efficiency. The future of smartcities depends on these aspects improving as a whole. Whileimprovement in device design often requires compromise,existing technologies can be used in combination to producesuperior systems.

As already underlined, rapid technological advances aredriving widespread deployment of IoT devices in numerousapplication areas including environmental, health, transporta-tion, smart buildings, and smart grids, etc (see Fig. 1). Someexamples of intelligent devices are considered below with aparticular focus on environmental sensing, with the aim ofanalysing challenges and opportunities.

Environmental sensors are required by smart cities, as theyprovide data input to the large-scale control systems. Theymeasure a combination of parameters including temperature,

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pressure, wind, humidity, light, noise, and gas levels to informpollution models. These pollution models can contribute tothe design of transport networks. Environmental sensors alsoprovide footfall information, and contribute data to weatherprediction models. However, a compromise exists between themeasuring capability of the device, its reporting frequency, andenergy management (further in Section III), with the monetarycost of the device. A balance must be found between thesefactors to create a device that appeals to government bodiesand companies.

Providing real-time information to humans that can bequickly understood is a key design driver for many devices.One example of this concept is a fire alarm system, wherea loud tone is used to alert residents about an unexpectedsmoke level in a building. An enhancement of such a systemcould exist on a wearable device, which vibrates when thesmoke level of a room exceeds a threshold. This wearabledevice could also synchronize with the building’s wirelessnetwork on entry, to determine safe evacuation routes inthe event of a fire, improving survival chances. Deviceswithin homes can connect over an internal wireless networkto disseminate information and instructions; for example atemperature control system, which manages heating in certainrooms to optimize the temperature. This technology operateson the basis that communication is free, because regulardissemination is required for temperature control. However,wireless communication across cities typically uses 4G net-works, which are financially costly to use.

The challenges on providing wireless communication in asmart city are as follows:

Communication reliability: in an environment where mil-lions of smart things are connected, challenges exist in achiev-ing high-speed (and hence low-latency) while maintaining areliable, efficient and secure communication.

Transmission infrastructure: many sensors are required toaccurately map a parameter (such as traffic congestion) overa city, and these sensor nodes need to interact with each otherwirelessly. These constrained nodes typically communicate tounconstrained gateway devices that relay on the informationto the cloud. By relying on mobile telecommunications tech-nology, expense is exacerbated by the number of devices andthe amount of data they transfer. This is mitigated somewhatby advances in lower-range wireless communication protocolslike ZigBee and LoRa, which have lower power requirements(only one percent of the power used in mobile telecommuni-cations), but require investment in transmission infrastructureto operate [3], [4]. The compromise of reduced power (andhence range) using the limited range is that the devices haveto operate cooperatively in order to enable multihop routingover longer distances when the packet size and the rate ofcommunication is limited.

Energy availability versus communication requirements:a compromise is needed between the long-range, high-power,reliable, secure, and costly transmissions of 4G and 5G net-works, and the short-range bespoke communications protocols[5]. This compromise depends on the energy and charging

requirements of the device, and the structure of the devicenetwork. In order for smart cities to become viable investmentsfor government bodies or companies, the cost of building,maintaining, and using long-range wireless infrastructure mustbe significantly reduced [1].

Smart cities rely on the characteristics of intelligent devicesimproving as technology evolves. The design of intelligentdevices is becoming an increasingly interdisciplinary affair,with technologies combining in novel ways to satisfy thedemands of the modern consumer. Once intelligent devicesare able to communicate wirelessly at low cost over greatdistances, they can resolve the complex behavior that ariseson the scale of cities, enabling the level of automation thatsmart cities promise to deliver.


Gathering information in a smart city typically requiressystems that cannot always be connected to the power grid. Aprimary challenge is the energy management of devices as theytypically have to last for many years, without intervention tocharge or replace batteries [6]. Energy harvesting (EH) offersthe potential for environmental systems to operate withoutbatteries (autonomous devices), by generating electrical powerfrom various sources including light, vibration, motion, ortemperature differences.

However, systems with micro-power environmental energyharvesters have to accommodate the unpredictable nature ofthe sources. The power obtained from energy harvesters isdependent on the harvester, deployment location, and often onother factors such as weather, time of day, or machine activity.Kinetic or wind energy harvesters typically give an AC outputrelative to the frequency of vibration or rotation, while pho-tovoltaic modules or thermoelectric generators typically givea more slowly-varying DC output. This problem is typicallyrectified through the addition of buffering energy storage tosustain computation and accommodate the mismatch betweensupply and consumption. This approach is known as energy-neutral operation and attempts to balance long-term energyconsumption against the harvested energy over a period of time(e.g. a day), such that the energy consumed equals the energyharvested [7]. However, due to the requirement for additionalstorage, these systems suffer from increased volume and cost.

In systems with tight volume constraints such as futureflexible, wearable and implantable smart cities devices, thisis something that is counter-productive. Such systems can,alternatively, include only a very small amount (or even zero)energy-storage. In this case, instead of the systems opera-tion being dictated solely by the application, operation startsto become ‘energy-driven’, with execution and applicationfunctionality being highly intertwined with power and energyavailability. The challenges of providing autonomous systemswith minimal energy storage are as follows:

Power interruptions: systems are susceptible to frequentpower interruptions and resets caused by the transient supply.A new paradigm, transient computing, enables computation tobe sustained despite power outages [8]. This involves saving

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the system’s state to Non-volatile Memory (NVM). Differenttransient computing approaches have been proposed to facil-itate system state retention. However, these approaches arefocused on saving only the state of the processing unit whilethey do not consider external peripherals such as transceiversand sensors, limiting the range of applicability. An openchallenge is retaining the state of key external peripherals suchas radio transceivers between power outages.

Energy-driven applications: for systems that operate di-rectly from the energy harvesting source without using largeadditional energy storage, efficiently using the power providedby the source is fundamental. This requires the re-engineeringof applications and systems, as the system’s operation is notonly driven by the application requirements (which are oftentemporally driven) but becomes dependent on power availabil-ity (which dictates operational times). For example, energy-driven systems should consider the possibility of adjustingsystem’s performance (and hence the power consumption)dynamically such that it matches the harvested power [9].

Networking with transiently-powered devices: There aretwo main challenges that need to be addressed when consid-ering systems that rely on intermittently available energy:

1) Transient-powered systems don’t control the time whenthey are on, while traditional battery-powered systems can relyon having all the nodes awake at the same time (or they canwait until all the nodes are on) to perform network communi-cation. This is depicted in Fig. 2, where nodes in a transientlypowered network cannot communicate, as neighbouring nodesare currently not powered. The challenge exists in designingasynchronous protocols which can accommodate this. Someapproaches can be explored for these kind of systems such asopportunistic networking, which enables nodes to communi-cate with each other even if a route connecting them neverexists [10], or wake-up radios [11].

2) Typical protocols for smart city systems require timeto synchronize communication and introduce significant over-heads over and above the data payload. This time can be largerthan the time in which transient devices are on, and a challengeexists in drastically shortening it or splitting communicationover multiple cycles.


Electronic textile (e-textile) implementations offer the po-tential for unobtrusive wearable devices that are transparentto the wearer. However, there are many significant researchchallenges around achieving robust solutions. Wearable e-textiles can incorporate sensing, actuating, communication andenergy harvesting/storing functionality, as shown in Fig. 3.

The key criteria for wearable electronics are that they haveto be robust, small, have low power/energy operation, andbe comfortable to wearers [12]. E-textile based wearablesrequire the electronics to be flexible, stretchable and washable.Another challenge is in achieving reliable connections betweenthe components placed at different locations on the textile.

Fabrication: E-textiles can be realised by incorporatingfunctional yarns into the textile or printing functional materials

Fig. 2: Multi-hop synchronization with a) traditional connectednetwork and b) transiently-powered ’sparse’ network.

onto the textile surface. Functional yarns typically incorporatea single function and do not include full electronic circuits.A variety of functional materials can be printed, and entirecircuits can be fabricated, on the surface of the textile.However, unlike other substrates, such as silicon and FR4that have a smooth and flat surface, textiles have an uneven,porous and fibrous surface. This makes it extremely difficultto manufacture electronics directly onto textiles. An additionalcoating on top of the fabric can be used to planarise thesurface and these can be laminated or printed to the textile[13], [14]. Electronic components and interconnects can beincorporated onto this surface. This approach, however, doesalter the properties and feel of the textile and thus potentialityreduces the comfort to the wearer. Circuit reliability is also aconcern under mechanical loads.

Materials must be flexible, and withstand repeated bendingas the textiles flex. Any physical damage to the materialswill impact the performance of entire device. In addition, theprocessing conditions of the materials and circuits must notdamage the original properties of the textiles. High tempera-ture and harsh environments (e.g. the etching process) mustbe avoided because the fabric properties may be degraded.

Interconnection: reliable interconnections between elec-tronic subsystems such as sensors, circuits, antennas and bat-teries, are critical. Those devices may be positioned separatelyfrom each other around the body. The interconnection hasto be flexible and not restrict the movement of the wearer.Interconnection joints where the flexible substrate meets rigidcomponents are a particular challenge due to the concentrationof stress at these locations.

Reliability: one of the key challenges of e-textiles isreliability during daily use and washing. In addition to theflexibility described previously, the materials used for fabri-cation must not degrade over time during the lifetime of thewearable electronics. Washing is a very harsh environmentfor wearable e-textiles causing mechanical strain, abrasionas well as exposure to water and detergents. Although theresearch into waterproof material as the encapsulation has beenreported [13], washability of wearable electronics is still a key

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challenge to resolve.In the following, we consider typical open challenges in

RFID,air-quality sensing and energy harvesting in wearableapplications.

1) Wearable RFID: Radio Frequency Identification Devices(RFID) generally consist of transponders associated to eachobject to be detected, a reader that sends/receives informationfrom the transponders, and a database that gathers the infor-mation to be processed [15]. A RFID transponder consistsof a chip and associated antenna of which the impedancemust match with the chip impedance at a particular frequencyto maximize the power transmission through backscattering[16]. The frequency for which RFID operates varies dependingon the detection range and power required for particularapplications and geographic locations. The key challenges ofintegrating RFID technology within textiles are maximizingthe detection range, minimizing overall size, improving trans-mission directivity and optimizing/developing fabrication andimplementation techniques.

Antenna performance: wearable RFIDs have to be flexible,lightweight, robust, and easily integrated within the textile in anon-obtrusive manner. The properties of the antenna materialsand the textile influence the behavior of the antenna such asthe bandwidth and efficiency.

Body movement: the movement of the body can deformthe geometry of the antenna and affect its performance [16].For example, when the textile is bent and deformed, theelectromagnetic properties of the antenna are also changed,thus influencing the overall RFID performance.

2) Air Quality Monitoring: People spend more than half oftheir time in the office [17]. Wearable air quality sensors inan office environment allow particular gas concentrations to bedynamically monitored and mapped in real time. The data canbe combined with intelligent management systems to providedistributed control of the environment within the building toimprove building services (e.g. heating and ventilation).

Air quality sensors are mainly based on the principleof electrical variation between different materials under theapplication of a particular air pollutant(s) [18]. However, oneof the key issues is that a heater is needed in order to providean optimised operating temperature for which the sensingmaterial starts to function. The temperature required can be upto 450 C [19] which is difficult to be integrated within textilesand consumes a significant amount of energy.In addition, therecovery time of air quality sensors is sometimes around 100times longer than its response time (approximately 1s), andtherefore pollution variation is difficult to be updated in realtime [20].

3) Wearable Energy Harvesting: As mentioned in SectionIII, harvesting energy from the wearer or the surroundingenvironment allows continuous powering to wearable electron-ics without the need for batteries. Energy can be harvestedfrom the kinetic motion of the wearer, on-body temperaturedifferences and solar energy around the wearer.

Energy conversion: the key challenges of wearable energyharvesting are the minimal generated power and continual-

Fig. 3: Wearable e-textile system.

ity. For harvesting through kinetic motion, piezoelectricity iscommonly used as the transduction mechanism to convertmechanical vibration to electricity. The conversion efficiencystrongly depends on the material properties, harvester ge-ometry, installation location on human body, magnitude ofbody vibration, and the associated circuity [21]. Piezoelectricmaterials can be deposited onto textiles to convert energy fromthe textile deforming but energy levels are low at around100 µJ per action [22]. For thermoelectric harvesters, thechallenge is to maximize the temperature difference acrossthe device, but this is not easily achieved on the human body[23]. Low-temperature flexible thermoelectric materials thatcould be combined with textiles are being investigated, butthese are not yet practical solutions [24]. For solar energyharvesters, the harvested energy strongly depends on the solarradiation, efficiency of photovoltaic element, the location ofthe harvester as well as the location of the wearer (e.g. indooror outdoor) [17]. Integrating the functionality into the textile isnot straightforward, and at present the only possible approachis to attach plastic cells to the textile [25].


A key step for realizing our vision of future smart citiesis the design of smart software. This software will assist inthe efficient collection of data from sensors and wearabledevices, and it will help users make sense of the vast amount ofinformation that will be at our disposal. We envisage that smartsoftware will be ubiquitous across the smart city infrastructure,running on low-powered sensors and devices, advising andengaging citizens via smartphone apps, aggregating and filter-ing streams of data and assisting city planners in achievingsituational awareness and making the right decisions.

Yet, in designing such smart software, several open researchchallenges will need be addressed:

Dealing with a deluge of data: due to bandwidth, process-ing and battery constraints, techniques are needed that candetect key signals and filter out unwanted noise or redundantinformation. An important aspect of this is how to deal

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with the high dynamism and uncertainty of the data. Thisincludes coping with delayed or incomplete data, and databeing gathered at different resolutions (spatial and temporal)from multiple sensors.

Incentivising participants: as citizens will contribute sen-sor data via wearable devices, appropriate incentives may needto be offered [26]. These could also be used to deal withmalicious behaviour, where users intentionally provide falsedata, or to coordinate the sensing actions of participants, e.g.,to direct them to areas of high interest or to avoid takingredundant measurements [27].

Achieving situational awareness and improving decision-making: in order to effectively exploit the vast informationthat will be available, smart software needs to be able toextract, summarise and then clearly present key informationto decision-makers, so that they can take appropriate actions.We envisage that this can be achieved through socio-technicalpartnerships called human-agent collectives, where softwareagents and human decision-makers work together to identifythe best course of action in a given situation [28]. In manycases, such actions can be partially or completely automatedvia the agents (e.g., diverting traffic or issuing incentives forusing public transport when pollution levels reach criticallevels), but in other cases, control may need to be givento human actors (e.g. to deal with complex emergencies orplanning long-term infrastructure investments).

We envisage that these challenges can be addressed throughthe development of new machine learning techniques fordealing with large amounts of data on low-powered devices(data deluge); through new incentive engineering techniquesthat combine work from human computation and behaviouraleconomics (participant insentivisation) and through new algo-rithms and interaction mechanisms for human-agent collec-tives in the presence of vast and uncertain data (situationalawareness/decision making).


In this paper, we have discussed the different challengesthat need to be addressed to deliver on the vision for wearableand autonomous devices for IoT-based smart cities. Thisinvolves a multidisciplinary approach, which requires researchon devices, infrastructure and software. Open research chal-lenges were specifically focused on IoT devices and systems,energy management and wireless communication. We exploredautonomous computing systems and wearable devices, and thechallenges related to smart software for the coordination ofhuman collectives and software agents.


This work was supported by the UK Engineering andPhysical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) under GrantEP/P010164/1.


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