Download - We Remember

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We RememberWe Remember

September 11, 2001

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We pulled each other closer in the turn

around a center that we could not see—

This holding on was what I had to learn.

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The sun can hold the planets,

earth the moon,

but we had to create our gravity

by always pulling closer in the turn.

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Each revolution caused my head to whirl

so dizzily I wanted to break free,

but holding on was what I had to learn.

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I fixed my eyes on something

out there firm,

and then our orbit steadied so that we

could pull each other closer in the turn.

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The joy that circles with us round the curve

is joy that passes surely as a peace,

and holding on is what we have to learn.

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And if our feet should briefly

leave the earth,

no matter, earth was made for us to leave,

and arms for pulling closer in the turn —

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This holding on is what we have to learn.

Waltzing the Spheres by Susan Scott Thompson

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In the beginning was a dreamer...

Jesus of Nazareth

who enflamed voices thatcontinue to challenge….

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The voice of St. Lorenzo Ruiz

"I am a Christian, and this I profess until the hour of my death and for God I shall give my life. Although I did not come…to be a martyr, nevertheless as a Christian and for God I shall give my life. A true friend has no greater love."

- St. Lorenzo Ruiz

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The voice of Archbishop Oscar Romero

“I must tell you, as a Christian, I do not believe in death without resurrection. If I am killed, I shall arise in the Salvadoran people…in an age where the poor face intimidation and murder.”

- Oscar Romero

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“Peace is not the product of terror or fear. Peace is not the silence of cemeteries. Peace is the generous, tranquil contribution of all to the good of the all. Peace is dynamism. Peace is generosity. It is right and it is duty.”

- Oscar Romero

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The voice of Sister Thea Bowman

“Sometimes people think they have to do big things in order to make change, but if each one of us would light a candle, we'd have a tremendous light.”

Sister Thea Bowman, FSPA

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The voice of St. Andrew Kim Taegon

“We are here to bond…

…not to break.”

- St. Andrew Kim Taegon

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“The fruit of Silence is Prayer.

The fruit of Prayer is Faith.

The fruit of Love is Service.

The fruit of Service is Peace.”

- Mother Teresa

The voice of Mother Teresa of Calcutta

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“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.”

- Mother Teresa

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The voice of Dorothy Day

“No one has a right to sit down and feel hopeless…

There is too much work to do.”

- Dorothy Day

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The voice of Cesar Chavez

“It is possible to become discouragedabout the injustice we see everywhere.But God did not promise us that theworld would be humane and just. He gives us the gift of life and allows us to choose the way we will use our limited time on earth. It is an awesome opportunity.”

- Cesar Chavez

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“Violence just hurts those who already hurt…

Instead of exposing the brutality of the oppressors, it justifies it.”

- Cesar Chavez

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The voice of Cardinal Joseph Bernardin

“...we talk about our living in an interdependent world, and if we're really going to enjoy peace - a stable peace - in the future, then we have to make sure that we order our society in such a way that it is shaped by justice, by regard for human rights and so on.”

- Cardinal Joseph Bernardin

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“We know…that you can't take things for granted…

Certainly peace is possible; we know that it is. But for peace to become a reality, we have to work at it, we have to make sure that we eliminate the causes of unrest, tension, warfare, and this is something, you know, that has to take place on a day-by-day basis….building peace is like building a cathedral; you have to go step by step, you have to lay one brick on top of the other, and there's no other way of doing it.”

- Cardinal Joseph Bernardin

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“All of us Christians…..have this great task of bearing the breath of God to a world that is dying from selfishness and fear. To the violent streets of the city you must go. To the families torn apart by dissension and intrigue, you must go. To young people in the grip of despair, you must go. To your friends and colleagues caught in the trap of materialism and careerism, you must go. In a word, to all those who have forgotten how to lose themselves in love, you must carry the breath of God's love. Wind, breath, flame, energy, and life in the Holy Spirit of God: this is our beginning and this is our end. This is our mission and this is our task. This is indeed our goal.”

- Cardinal Joseph


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And the voice of hundreds of others upon whose shoulders we stand….

and with whom we walk today….

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What will your voice say….

How will you be a peacemaker?

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Go in peace.