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One way of drawing closer to God and establishing relationship with Him is

through prayers. In prayer we manifest humility, reverence, hope, trust, and gratitude to God for His love for us.

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“When you pray, go to your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen.

And your Father, who sees what you do in private will

reward.”Mt. 6:6

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THE NATURE OF PRAYERJesus tells us that we should be child-

like, trusting, and persistent in praying and that we should put our confidence in God, our loving and

compassionate Father.

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• Not everything we pray for is granted because God has PLANS.

• Genuine prayer is total surrender of heart, mind, and soul to God.

3 DISPOSITIONSI. We have an attitude of dependence on

God, just like when we ask our own fathers to help us.

II. When we pray, we should put our trust in Him because God knows already what we need even if we don’ tell Him.

III.We should be persistent in our prayer. We should not give up or be impatient. Our persistence will surely bear fruit.

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Adoration – That part in the Lord’s prayer which acknowledges God as our Father and which acclaims God’s holy name. We praise God because of who He is, not because of what He gives us.

Thanksgiving – We thank God for sustaining is each day, for the people who care for and love us, for giving us dignity and for calling us to share in His glory.

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Contrition – We should not approach God with an unclean or unrepentant heart. If we are humble enough to acknowledge our sinfulness before God, we regain our communion with Him.

Petition – In this prayer, we recognize that God is our generous provide. We should also pray for the virtues we need in our daily lives.

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• The Holy Spirit’s manifestation of prayer began in Creation.

• The masterwork of the Spirit’s instruction in prayer is the Book of Psalms, a book that comprises 150 hymns, prayers, poems expressing every kind of emotion and profound faith in God.

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=New Testament: Jesus’ examples of prayer=• His Baptism • Choosing His Apostles• His Passion• Last Supper• Death On Cross• Transfiguration

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“It’s The Holy Spirit who guides us into a profound and fruitful prayer enabling us to say all our petitions to the father with reverence and humility.”

• People think prayer as an individualistic activity.

• Christian Prayer is centered on Christ• The Heart of every Christian Prayer is

Jesus Christ Himself• Allow him to penetrate into the deepest

recesses of our heart and mind and permitting Him to live with us.

• He is our one mediator to the Father

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Prayer must be both: Personal- rosary, novenas, devotions,

meditations, reflections, contemplations Communal- celebration of the Holy Eucharist,

Benediction, paraliturgy These prayers should complement not


How To Pray1. Jesus is the Pilgrimage of faith2. Authentic Prayers:3. Grounded in Scripture4. Related to others c=in the concrete human context5. Seeking discern and follow the spirits movements6. Open to personal growth. “Let It Go” 7. Prayer is a communication to God in a spontaneous way