Download - we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee

Page 1: we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee

Dav;h. Vice-Magoh Reynolds, Aldetunnn Jar-bon, ker lmnn C ~ A e ,

and A.tXotlnog Gouga. Aedehman Paqne wa6 aba cnt.

The-rninulte~ wweo tread. VLce-Mnyoh Reynotdn made fhe mrcltian

;thetpbo apphoved a~ /read. Aldebman Tackhon hecond f ie mokinn. kee

voted aue.

said we rouRA no longeh g e t ;the ffumana 604 ntan ~~th icb we had beon

and wodd have ;tho Town r~pphoximatdq $74,000.00 nveh a yea& h e .

Vice-ma go^ Rejnnldb made ;the m o m n .to go w& t h e Phivlcind Finanr .2

Wwun on F~bhufihq 1bt. ALdetrman C a m aecond t h e moaon kee voted aye

Page 2: we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee

A l d m a n T a c h on a econd ;the mo;t;ion. A42 vo;ted aue.

be 70 ' x 45 ' and would b~ loca ted bekind ;the P o l i c e Adten

damp. d i s c u ~ a i o n , Vice-Unyok Reynolds made ;the mb;tion $0 apnmve

h i & nn Januarrll 30, 1992 n t Z:O0 P.M. kederunnn Jachsan aecnnd

Rhe moYion, All voted age.

The P o l i c e heno.rr;t was g iven by Chic$ C W GM @ X O ~ : Thehe

had boen 44 ah/r~n;ts. fin^ mowg col lecked w a $1989.25; L iLLgaao n

monPg c o l l e c t e d wais $348.37; Pahkina a c k & and Mint. Po&ice he~oh;tci

w a 386.~0. T h h mndea nmnd R0;tu-t 0 6 Xine and mibc. monien $2424.00.

The F P e trenoht m u g i v e n by AXdetunan J a c b o n a6 6oUowa :

( - Thehe had boen one duning t h e month rjfi Uecmbm. I t wan The

intu&tc O X a ~ehid~. The Pept. waA v a y b y duning Ahe monRlz 0 4

Decombe* *yiq *n ahop, buy, wnap and d ~ U v m t o p , dood and

c t o t h u . .to ; t l r o~e in need, A b i a "&flnksW went t o aeR .the membm

The Pep$. had ended 7997 4 t h 31 neApoatm; 8 wene dWo.l%nga;

3 W ~ O . ~ u & ~ , A M ; 30 f w t e v e h i d e ~ ; 5 fwtre h t rah ; 3 wmo Mu-trld

Aid and v w h o u s n.&a dneidenf i . No j jhe&ghRem had any n ~ n i o u n

i n j d ~ ~ and ffii FAY had no &&ine deafhs. The Uept. had had some ,

- - b&e@htem .to h&qn and dome neu! rnembm ~ j o i n . They

Page 3: we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee

MLth no ox%% b a i n u s ;ta b e dhcunded Vice-Mauon Roynof-&

m d e Xhe mo;tion :the moc);ting b e ndjounned. Ahfehmnn Jachnon

A ecnnd Rhe mofion kee v o t e d a m

Page 4: we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee

On Thumday, F d i m ~ ~ y 6 , 1992, f i e lCiin6a.U goand oh Mayon and

Redmen meit i n f i e Town ff& (04 .the 4eguhh monthly Bodtrd mee;

Mayan V a v b c&ed f ie meeALng t o ondetr; kedetrman lachaon opened

w a phayen.

Mayon VavA asked 604 a hot2 c a l l and a neading 05 f ie pnevious

minu$u. Thad e pheb ent wene: Mayan V a v h , Vice-Mayan Reynolch ,

kedettman Payne, Mdehman Jack on, A t d m a n Case and Ak.tonney Goug a.

The mi nut^ wetre tread. Vice-Magon Reynolch made .the mo;tion fiey 6e

appnaved as nead. Redman Case decond the mofion. A& voted aye.

AnchLtec.t €&in ffawdtrd announced the coMRhact (on ;the maintenance

and ~ l t a h a g e bLLieding was awattded ;to MPL B d d i n g S y ~ t m , Tnc. i n

ChatAanooga, Tenn. The con&tacX was 404 $ 4 4 , 2 7 5 . 0 0 . Ah. f f o w d noted

some minon changa &cct could be made bhingiwj t h e p ~ c e down rta $48 ,575 .00 .

A~tm dome dincuAd-i0n, Vice-Mayon Reynold made t h e motion t o accept the

contrract aA $ 4 8 , 5 7 5 . 0 0 . a d m a n Case decond .the mo;tion. A U voted aye.

Thme was d o m e di6cubdian about t h e Town 06 Khb& Creeping ;the

C d y 06 N e w Hope wiAh F h e . and Po&ce caeeb. llLedenman David l a c b o n

made &e mofion .to h d p Nw Hope "because we've been i n RFLd

bedone ou&eRva." Vice-Mayan Reynold decond the motion. A l l voted aye. by t he Planning Commhdion

The Bomd wab totdhthat Funk Cod~$eL.t had pwrched d o m e land bekind

The P&nnvLing Commhbion had padbed Xb hezone ;the pnopMy ;to Highway

Commenciae 2 . M d ~ a n Payne made t h e ma;tion fie p n o p M y be hezoned

as nequated. Vice-Mayo& ReynoRd d econd .the mo;tion. AUvoXed aye.

The Bound di6cu~ded chea t ing an I'ndun;Dtiae Development Boahd.

The B o m d w o u l d be made up 06 dive membm . They ~hocLed be n a i d e n a

Page 5: we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee

06 k3nhaX.t. A t d m a n Jachbon made the mo;tiun 20 up an 2ndunf;tLiae c DeveRopment Boahd. k e d m a n Payne second Me mo;t.ion. A l l voted aye.

AZtohney Gouga s a i d he w o d d g e t mohe in$ohma.tion hegahding ;the

Road $04 ub . The Mayoh and Boahd wodd be ;thinking 06 Ah&

h e c o m m e n ~ n b doh tkis Boand. Tkehe t odd be mohe &incuhbion art Rhe

next meeting.

The Police hepoht wa6 given by Ckielj Don C W 6oaRawb: Thehe

had been 4 1 malts. Fine moneg collected was $14 87.25; LbXga&bn

monq cofiected w a $273.75 and Mhc&aneous Potice Repom was $58 .00 .

TGrh made a ghand Xutd 06 dine and m.&c&.tanwus movLiu $1759 . O i l .

The. Fhe hepofCt wu given by Atdeman David Jacb o n a 6oUow :

.the D e p t . Grad huponded t o one house and Xtuo cab dikes duhing -the

S h e apum.a2on on Januatry 17;th. Spec id ffianhs was d o given t o

Kakdee'b and K F C doh dood and dtLinhd doh f ie @umen. The Oept.

had been b u g cleaning and hepai)Ling equipment. I t wu Ahen hemounted

on t h e engineb and t a n k a . Rephc?ilenltativa 0 6 Xhe Vepam3nen-t had met

LUith .the MuR& A i d , discuhaing the hobe couptm, d i n a k a &aining, and the

9 1 1 sqa tm. Khb&, dong with o 2 h a p ~ o n n d dhom f ie MuA:Llae k i d

in to a bpe&ll? meefing &? h e v i w ~pe&bicaLionb on ;the new engine.

WLth no o.theh bunineba t o be dincused, Vice-Mayoh Reynotch

made t h e mo.tion ;the me&ng be adjounned. Aldemian Cae second

rthe moltion. A42 voted aye.

Page 6: we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee

T h e minu;te~ w e h o head. rZedmnn Purine made $he moRion fhey he apnhov~d

dn&o $ 2 5 0 0 . O n D tEe JhtLan county A.inpohf. Al&%nan Payne

s~cond ;the muZLnn. voted atre. \

The Boand dl%cu~c?d f4ulrcGiabing a n w PoRice cah. Mayoh Uav;b

the& sick day^ . U d m a n l a c b a n becond the mofion. Ptee vofed aye.

Mayoh VavA M h e d ;to Ahe Boahd abouif paying Ann G u y doh wokking

wfih Ahe ' IndwaWd Devdoprnen.t g o a d . She would be phoning and

conAac;ting pw@e ;ta come in to t h e &&a. The codt would be $35 .00

pen ham. Th& u m t o be divided i n hat6 bealueen K h b & and Jaspeh.

ALdman C u e made t h e mo-tibn Ro LeA Ann Gmy intonk w d h the TnduhRnid

Page 7: we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee

Dev&opmen;t and tie pax'd ;tTie $35,0~ an ham. A l d m a n 3~chbon --

~~econd G e mo.t;ibn. W voted aye a c e l ~ R Vice-Maya Reynolds. He voted

i n coming t o o m &at. kedcvwncrn Jacbon made t h e moltion Ro e~tabk%h

an Pndus&&t Uev&pmen;t: Eomd and t o accept noninatioa at Rhe next

pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2 . No one i n the audience

Town. k e d m a n Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad i n t h e k o c d p a p m

and Ro accep;t: healed b i d at the n e e Bead meeting. The Town 0 5

K h b & w a d d have Rhe ~ g k . 2 ;to accept o h heject any 0.t~ alk? b i & ~ Aldehman

C u e second f ie moaan. voted aye.

The B o m d didcubed which s;trteeth needed Ao be paved t k in yean.

A l d m a n Paqne made Rhe moa5.on .to pave Benn&e. Subdivhion bf iectx

and Judy Dhive. Aldetrman C u e aecond Rhe mo;tion. A t 2 voted aye.

The PoUce kepoht wan given by Ckied C W as ~oflowd : T h u e

15ad heen 5Q atzhcm3. P2ne money co.Ue&ed wan $2381.50; LLt.Lgdtion

money cotkkc.ted w a ~ $ 2 4 7 , 5 0 9 misce,Uaneow money coUeoted wan $46.00.

Page 8: we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee

T k i s made a gmnd ;tsM a $ 62ne and mAc&aneow mon ie s $2675 .00 .

TCTe. second wcut a vacant rno6Ze home and it was on t h e ghound upon

0 6 .the d e p m e n t and 20 evuiyone i n f i e Khbu4Y Choaaing Shopping CenXa.

doh ;the new Rhucfi and n a i d appheciated Rhane who had auppotLted

and encornaged RCim i n ,the& o p m Z & n . Mdeman Jacbon &a d;ta;ted

kedeman Jiacbson made f ie mason t o danrnle Rhe 79 51 Fohd pwnpetr

t o die Sweden '6 Cove Community Votunteeh f h e 13ept. 16 a%ey eveh want Zo

g e t U d 06 a%e a h c h , AX wodd come back 23 Ahe Town. Aldeman Payne

6 econd t h e moaon. A l l voted aye. V h . John Ra&6&n 0 6 f i e Sweden'd

Cove CommunCIg Vokmteeh F&e DepR. thanked t h e Town oh K h b & doh Rhe

IttLuck. Ue a&d fie Cktizem od Sweden'a Cove had gotten hgethetr t o

help w& .the equipment and &. They had &heady d e d aboLLt $4000.00.

Oh . RaLLeston -thanked t h e Town again and said &ey co&d not have done AX

Page 9: we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee

made h e mo;tion ;ta accepz Rhe mended agrreement. Atdetolxln Jack6on

decond f i e mokian. Al l? voted age.

W& no o.thm 6 u b i n u a .to 6e dhcuaded, Magoh D a v d a b e d id

he head a moa%n fie meQ;tihg be adjomned. Vice-Mayoh Reqnotch made

;tCie m a f i n ;tke rneehkg 6 e a d j o m n e d . Atdetunan Jachon becond Ahe

Page 10: we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee

On T h m d a y , A p U 2 , 1 9 9 2 , t h e KhbaLe Boahd 06 Mayoh and Aldpnne-n

met i n t h e Town H a l 2 doh fie.& neguRm monthLq Bomd meeting. Mayoh

Pavh ca.Ued t h e meeting .to ohdden. Aedeman Jachson opened a h phaqpn.

Mayoh nav.Lh ad ked do& a ha& c& . Thoa e phesent wehe: Mayoh Pavh ,

Vke-Mayoh Reynoldb , ked~nman Payne 17 7, ktdehman Sackon. A l d m a n

Case and A.ttohneq Gouga.

The minates 6mm t h e phevio~~6 rneefing wehe head. Atdetunan

Case made t h e moltian they be apphoved as h e a d o ~ e e t h e q wwe ammended t o

ahow 6 membm on t h e 7ndus.t4ia.t Vevetopment Bomd iu; tead 06 dive.

Vice-Mayo& Reynold6 hecond t h e maZLon. ARe voted aye.

The b i d 604 t h e phesbutLe w a h a wehe opened. The bid 604

Kanchw was $2795 .00 . Knox-Tenn bid $ 2 4 2 5 . 0 0 . Mayoh Pavh a&d

he wanted t o cat2 and aee id t h e b i d wodd be v d d at t h e nezt meeXing. *-

Vice-Mayoh Reynolds made t h e mo;tion Ra poaqone making a d e d i o n .. a o t h q

on i k i6 unt ie the3coutd chech Rhe bpem &om b o a places t o nee i d t h h

was what we wanted. A t d m a n Payne aecond t h e mo.tion. kee voted aye.

Mayoh Daub a a i d Judge A b l a was u k i f i g (oh $100 .00 mom on .the don holding Ci ty CowLt. M d m a n Payne made .the motion t k k

pay h e q u a i be gmnted. Vice-Mayoh Reynold aecond t h e moltion.

kee vo;ted aye.

Mayoh VavA a t d e d t h e doSouLing people had been hecommended don.

Rhe l n d u s m VeveLoprnevLt Boahd: Chats Btevins, Ronnie Huchon,

Pave Cmuch, Bhyan Bhaddohd, Jach Keed and Math Payne. He a k e d 4

he heand a moLion these people be accepted on he Boand. A l d m a n

Cue made t h e ma;tion ,to accept thede nominations doh t h e InduaaXd&

Devcdopment Boatd. Vice-Mayon Rhynolds second -the moLion. AU voted aye.

Page 11: we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee

Mayak Pavh d a i d he needed a mo;tian t o kihe MmvLUe and Ked UA

e n g i n e m ;to atudy om .&neb going ;to Saspet~ on Souih P~Xtsbwtg .

They would be au;thotLized t o wohk w.i.13 OWL people. They wou ld give

UA option6 and benedia i n each dinecaon and &ep we could go

&om t h e m aa ;ta which di)tec..tion we wanted t o g o . Aldehman Payne

made t h e motion Jto f i e M E; K Ao do .the atudy 06 l i n u Q m m Kim6aU

;to Janpet~ O h South Pi.a%buhg. Kice-Mayon. Reynolds necond the mofion.

kee voied aye,

Vice-Mayon. Reynolck gave ithe Pofice hepon/t a ~oUown : Thehe had

been 40 a ~ t e 6 . t . Fine money co,fXe&ed w a ~ $2330.75; LiXig&on money /-'

i c o a e d e d was $236.25; Uidc. heporn and pcmking ,t-iclru% wan $45 .00 ,


T k i s made a gmnd ;toM 06 dine and d c . m a n i a $2592.00. Vice-

Myoh Rqno&& made ;the m o m n .to ha.& e Jthe C o w coat on ithe ;tickeA~

dmm $50 t o $60 .to covm f ie inchease i v l ;the lLt igat ion t a x and fudga

dew,. M d m a n JachAon aecond Rhe moltian. A.U voted aye.

The F&e hepoh;t wab given by Alduunan Jackson as doflown 5 Thme

A m They had bean b u y ntudying the &uck r n o u n ~ w equipment

a { t m c o n b i d ~ n 0 6 place.tnen;t and une. The pc.?t~6onrs& had p u t donth

a a i d exc&ent tmnoua3 don. -tha,ining aebaions wene common i n K h 6 u t . t .

Nw Hope and Sweeden'a Cove dhe6ighteh6 had been akain ing wLth Khb&

and h a added 6o;th chaeeenge and cooha&a;tian. fie a.ta;ted K.imb& l l j ~

pleased $0 ba; t W n i n g Ro any &Lhe&ightm who w h h t o attend,

Page 12: we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee

shouting t hey chose :to do bo. Tkin 6 o m wodd be kept on d X e botr a

p&od 06 tk i t l ; ty yeam. ARdmmun Jacbon made ;the mokiort Xhe H e p W

PIB P P v a c i n m n be oddiaed t o t h e Town e.mpR.oyeeh. Aldehman Cane second

lthe mo;tio n. A U voXed aye.

MPL BLLiedm had wekenzed a $1380.00 amen&evtt on ;the mainfenance

and sXomge bLLiedi~g. Tkid w l ~ d due t o t h e mmovut 0 6 dome conctreke

t h a t was not included i n f i e o h i g i n d b i d . Mayotr V a v h made t h e mofion

To pay Rke $ 1 3 t i Q . 0 0 . ALdetunan Payne second t h e mo.t&n. A U voted aye.

W i X h no otheh 6u6ine.b~ t o be U c u n s e d , Aldehman Payne made t h e

7 1 motion ;the meeting be adjomned. Vice-Mayoh Reynotds second ;the motion.

- Ree vo;ted aye.

Page 13: we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee

On T m d a y , May 7 , 3442, t h e Town 06 K h b & Boahd 06 Mayo&

and ALdmen m d i n t h e Town tr& $oh ;tFreitl hec~.gLLea/r mon;they Boahd . . 1 .:

meeting. Mayoh Dav& c&ed the mecl/ting t o ohdeh. k e d m a n

3acbon opened a h pmyczn. Mayoh VavA anhed doh a hoU c m .

Those ptresent wehe: Mqgon PavA , Vice-Mayoh Reynold , Aidman

Payne, A . t d w n Ilachon, Aldetvnan C a d e and Ahbhney Goug etr. . 1 '

The minuted 6mm .the pxeviow mee;ting wme m a d . U d m a n . e

Jachbon made t h e t h e mo;tionltbreq be apphoved a~ head. Vice-Mayoh ,

I * 1 I .

Reynolds decond Xhe moa5on. cLe.e voted age. ,. ,., - ,.

S h i b TagLon &h the Joe Johnson Me& tleatth Centm m a t

the mee;ting ;ta d idc~bs th& wahh and a h doh a poasible d o ~ o n . ,.* . -

A 6 t a dome d h c ~ i o n , Atdaman Payne made f ie mo;tion .to donuke

t h e hame a~ l a s t yean. 1$750.00 I k e d m n Jachbon h econd ;the

mo;tion. M voXed aye. Police -. 4 ,

The 73oahd didc~~bded d i g n i n g a~MLLtuae A i d Agheemeid w a h

S a d P ~ 6 w r g , Nw Hope, and J a ~ p e n . A4Rm dome dincudion,

Vice-Mayot~ Reynolds made fhe rnoLion ;to sign i d Lt d o a n ' t crreate 2 6:

a l.iabiLi.Xy doh t h e m y . k e d m a n Payne aecond -the rnoaon. kee " ;:: ;-

voted aye.

The i3oatrd had t h e Second and F i d heading 06 Ondinance # gS - -

amending Ohdinance # 77 x e g ~ d i n g traibing ,the c o w codt d h 0 m

$50.00 t o $60.00. Vice-Mayoh Reynold made Rhe motion ;the ohdinance

p a d on second and din& heading. U d m n C u e aecond t h e mokion.

Gee voted aye.

The R o a d di6cubded f f h i n g Apex

Dept . and F h e Hall. Th& wodd

Page 14: we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee

c pttt ew&gr&lng on a%.&- ptlapehty on tk id m q W . Tke cont would be $3050.00.

M d m a n Payne made .the mokion 20 Let A p e x do f ie &e&cat wohk. Vice-Mayoh

Rajnolds second -the mo-Uon. A l l voted aye.

Thme wcu some discu6dion hegahding the puhchaele 0 6 a doh Rhe Aankw.

M d m n Payne aiad he had bound a ;ttruck doh $7500.00. The oLd It/ruck wcu do

old and ou;tda;ted -the kttahney had advhed Ithe,,Qept. no2 ;ta w e iA cu a Aankeh.

Vice-Mayoh Reynolds made ;the mation A% pumhabe ;the c h a ~ h 604 $ ~ ~ o o . O O

undm .the emagency p o w m . M d m n 3ack~on decond ,the moa%on. AU voted aye.

The Police trepoxt was given by Vice-Mayotr Reyo&& as ~oUown : Thehe

'had been 27 mu.12. Fine money coReeoted was $1585.25; LLtQaaZon Tax co-ttected

was $258.75; Uisc. hepotc;tb and patrking ;tiche& w a ~ $787.00. Th_A made a

Sweeden'd Cove and Ome F h e Depd. Motre equipment: muqn;ted on t h e engine

May 24Rh dhom 2;00 t o 400 P.M. doh ;the Open Hose and n w h c k dedic&on.

They decided 20 g o W .the Kancheh becaw e f i e one &om Knox-Tenn. d i d not

k e d m a n Jackon made t h e mokion t o p w h e ;the Kmcheh phUnuhe ~~Ahetr.

ALdman C u e second .the mofion. AU voted age.

Mayoh Davh made 2he motion 20 puA dmm C a y lLm& Xo C a y

1 L U . M d m n Jachnon decond ;the motion. All vo2ed aye.

T h e m w borne d h c ~ d d i u n kegahding a ba4kPltbu.U caulLt and a p a v a i o n

Page 15: we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee

being 6zLie;t on fie T ~ w n pmpexty. An ad ~ o d d be &un i n the locat

papem hequebihg s e d e d 62h. The apecb codd be picked up a2 Xhe Town

H a . The b i d 4 wudd be opened a t the Tune 4th meetin. Mdenman C a e

made the nw;t-ion Ro &olt $10,000.00 6oh the consZhuc$ion 06 a bankef td t

c o d and a p a v U o n . A l d m a n Jack60 n n econd f ie mo$ion. kee vo&d aye.

Wdh no olthek b u ~ i n e ~ t o be di.hcubaed, Vice-Mayoh Reynolda made ;the

A U voted aye.

Page 16: we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee

On Thwday , June 4 , 1 9 9 2 , $he Khb& Bomd 06 Mayon and Atdemen c meX i n ;the Town ff& don .th& hegdatr mon;tkey Boahd mee;ting. Mayoh

DavA cutled Xhe meeting .to ondet~. k e d m n Jacbon opened wLth p h u y m .

Mayotr V a v h c&ed hotr a nos call . Than e p h u en;t Wehe: Mayon Davh,

Vice-Mayon ReynoLcb , Redman Jach6on, Aidman C u e and AXXohney Goug a.

Aidman Payne w a ~ abb enZ.

The minuten 6 h a m .the pnevioub rnedng wehz tread. Vice-Mayoh Reqno4&

made t h e moZLon .they be appmved u head. Redman C u e necond .the

mo;tion. kee vexed aye.

B i d s wehe opened don &e pouhing 06 conche.Xe don the pavLU.ion and

buke,tb& c a d . B f f Y 0 6 ChaManooga bid $7900.00; Richattd Pnyoh bid

$72,443.00; Danny fIibbs b i d $6 ,230 .00 ~lnd Catte Punyeaft bid $5490.00 . Mn.

Puhyeatr had $he Rawu;t bid. Vice-Magoh ReynoLdcr made rthe mofion .to - ) accept MIL. Pwryean's bid. M d e w n Jachbon second Zhe moZLon. A U

- voted aye.

Thetre cclaa born& didCUhbi0n rregahding puhchasing Aome C D ' b doh ;the Town.

Vice-Mayan ReynoLcIn made Rhe mo;tion t o inva l t $75.000.00 i n CUn. Aldernun

Jachon necond Rhe ma;tion. A l l voted aye.

The Boattd d.hcu~ned pmchaaing a ;trracRoh doh f ie Town. A l d m a n

Jachbon made .the moltion .to accept bidd on the thacRoh. Spech could

be picked up aR: $he Town Hall. Vice-Mayon Reynolds becond :the m o a n .

kee voted aye.

oh .the JuncZlon. Vice-Mayoh ReynoLdd made ;the moltion we a h h R .them

in any way we could. M d e m n Case ~econd t h e mo;tion. Ace vo;ted aye.

Page 17: we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee

Th e




B o m d didcuda ed t k e 4 ewm sehvica agheement with the Town 06

V2ce-flayoh Reynold made t h e motion t o Aign *he agheenten*.

Jachdon n ecand -the mofion. kee voted aye,

MehvLtYe wLth MavdYe and Ke& I M E K ) i n N u h v U e w a a t

;the meeting t o di6cud~ Xhe A W U L wo&. He naid the Town needed t o ae t

an advehtised date and tutn an ad ah AOUn ad p w i b l e .to accept b i d s 6on

Rhe urohk. M S K would hun .the ad i n t h e l o c d papem. Vice-Mayoh

Reynolds made ;the mo;tion Ro accept bidd on Rhe wohh. M d m a n C u e

~econd t h e motion. A l l voted aye. T h c daXe Ro open bia2 u a s Ask doh

J u l y 7 , 7 9 9 2 at 5:00 P.M. wLth t h e t j ind apphova! a t t h e Boahd me&ng

on J d y 9 , 1 9 9 2 a t 7:00 P.M.

Mh. MmvdYe aedo dincwded t h e $un& avaieable 5oh .the 6 we.&

o j . Kc n a i d f i e aIt%na;ted coat 06 X k new R i n u woutd be

$ l 6 0 , 0 0 0 . ~ 0 p l u b M B K ' A codt and legal d e a . He b a i d he had $wo

~ugga;t ions: UI The Town could apply 604 Me money &om .the U;tieiRy

ReIoca;tion Loan Phogtram. T h A a Roan p h o g m m doh heRocu2ion 0 6

u;tie&a due Ro t h e Tennuaee PepanAment 06 ThavlclpohAafion hoad

pm j e c h . Thehe wafj no Wt on *he amounX fie app&icavct could bomow.

The intettest hate w a 0 perrcent doh .the ,$.iflnlt dive yeam. The A econd

douhce m t h e Tennehbee Locd Vevdopmen;t Accthoni;ty Divh ion 06

Bond Finance. T h h w a a pooled loan phogham don a l l types 0 5 capitae

p m j e c h ; Rhe loan pehiod was W y yeam maximum; mon2Uy payme&

hequhed; in tehes t paymenfi only d d n g cola?lrthuc;t.ion. The amount

w a W e d only by Rocd govemrnem b o ~ w i n g powek. The inte+haX W e

M K X ~ 3.5%. Aldehman Jachdon made .the moa%n t o authohize the Mayoh

Aa AA&n a Loan appUca;tion d .the 0% intment. Vice-Mayoh Reynolds

decond t h e maZion. AaR voted aye.

Page 18: we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee

Aaohney Gougeh, Ann G m y and an M E K o6{iciae. M d m a n Jachon

made .the moaon .the Goand be bowed. Vice-Mayoh Reynolds second

t h e pmh. Vke-Mayoh made t h e motion t o accczpt bi& doh Zhe conh;thucRion

06 .the &o bazhmom. A l d m u n Jackson second RCLe mo;tian. A U voted aye.

The Eoahd dhcubsed exZending t h e hood 06 $he bAoW e b d d i n g

30' . T h h w u t d h a v e an a sh&.teh Soh &e gatrbage and dump ~ Y ~ ~ c f i n .

A l d ~ n Case made .the maZion a% accept bids ;to extend ;the hood. Vice-

Mayoh Reynolds second ;the moaon. kee voted aye.

The Boahd had aece/ived a let;t t he Mattion CouM;ty Panknemkip

doh Economic Devdopment, lnc . abking don a $4000.00 inchease i n

t h e Town 06 Ki.tnbcdl1a annu& conA;tLib.u;tion t o t h e Pantnemhip.

(K.imb& phUeflA%j given $ I O O O . O O ) . . A6te.h dome U c ~ ~ 6 b - i o n , A l d m a n

Case made f i e motion ;tu give .the Pa/r;tnmhip $ 2 5 0 0 . 0 0 . Aldmarz

Jacfinon second ;the mo.tion. ARe voted aye.

T h a e wa6 d h c u ~ s i o n 06 pnepahing an ohdinance h e q W n g owne.hh

Ito au;thohize f i e Town Xo nemove weeds oh o;eCleh mat- and phovide

penae;tia. R e d m a n Sachon made t h e mo;tian t h h be .tabled u n t i l we

c o d d &oak Jmpeh's ohdinance hegahding Rkin. Atdaman C u e becond

t h e mo-tiun. W voted aye.

kedetunan Cane made a maR;ion t o pwrchabe b;VreeX bignh don

C b d e n e Place, W e n Uhive and Cedah Point Lane. M n . Stepheu wcln .to

check on any otheh s&eet a i g n b Xha;t needed ;tu be ohdaed. ARdman

Page 19: we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee

Jactbon necond t h e mo;tian. A l l voted aye.

The Police hepokt wah given by Vice-Mayoh ReynoL& UA do@ows : Thehe

had heen 14 Pine money cofleoted WUA $7263 .25; U g a ; t i o n Rdx

wa?l $786.75; s;tamge See on a catl w a $425.00 and misc. trepom was

$36.00. T h h made a gtrand AoW 0 6 $ 1 9 1 5 . 0 0 .

The h e p a k t was given by AXdman Jackson as dofiown : The

l?epoAment d i d not have any d-ihes d h n g .the mom% 0 6 May. A 7974

Pet&Xt h c k had been pmchas ed and wah i n ;the phocem 06 having

-%he Rdnk moun;ted. The dheljigh.tem wene being. A.rrained and c w d i e d

i n CPR. Ome and S w e e d e ~ Cove Vepamhev& had been Rhalii~g w& OWL

V e p W e n X . 0;theh Pepa/rkmenks had ataXed an ivLtemut &o . The open houne and dedicafion 0 5 f i e n w engine w a ~ vet~y nucce~~&tL .

A l d m a n Jachdon a;tated ;the 2kpdtr;bnen.t 6eR.t ,that MA. Coolq apptreciated

f ie event and fie mmohy Lt hephuented.

Mayoh Davh a&.ited t h m e w o d d be a apec id c&ed me&ng on Monday

June 8th a t 5:00 P.M. .to dincuna doh .the nexA y w .

ULth no otheh buninens t o be dincuhaed, Vic~-A4ayoh RegnoLdd made

,the mofion Ahe mee;ting be adjomned. ALdman C a e second &e mo;tian.

Ace voted aye.

Page 20: we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee

c On Jhumday, J u l y 9 , 1 9 9 2 , ;the K h b & B o m d 06 Mayoh and Aidman

meA i n t h e Town ffm (oh ;th& hegulah monthly Badtrd me&ng. Mayoh. PavA

c.a.t.ted f ie me&ng t o ohdeh. Mdetunan Jacbon l a d i n pnaym. Mayoh

Vavh hed doh a h.o& c&. Jhode pheAen.t w e m : AIayo4 VavA, Vice-Mayoh.

Reynoldh, M d m a f i Payne, Gedeman JacFcson, ALdeman Cane and AMohney

Gougm. The minuxu &om the phevioud me&ng wme head. AldeJmian Cacl e

made the martion Zhey be apphoved a~ h a d . kedetunan Jrachson decond ZGte mo;tion.

hi& on Rhe becorn p m jeck. Payne Bma . Co~n=Ctuc.tion had been t h e lour biddeh.

The& bid had been $149, 97g,wc Mh. Bhiggd d a t e d Rhehe wan a mdkahe on

;the conrDLact b u t Payne B h o d . w &ti&! l o w biddm. The 6id w m now $ 7 5 4 , 7 9 7 . 5 0 .

accept the b i d . Pire-Mayoh Reynolcb second t h e mofion. A l l voRed aye excepf

dibclt11s f i e ponsible puhchane 06 :the Layman's Centeh. ff e heApecZduRRy

nequated t h e Town 06 Khb&,ibu;te $50,000,00 i n hdcvtion ;to RhA

d a c m . Adtea dome d i n c u ~ ~ i o n , Atdenman Jackdon made the mo;tion ;ta

commit ou&&va t o $50,000 .OO Ro the phojeck subject Ro cgmement w a h

Zkin Boahd and t h e County Comminnian. Vice-Mayoh Reynoldh decand .the moGsn.

kee voted aye.

Mayoh Davh d;tated we needed t o extend .the 7 9 9 1 - 9 2 6udge.Z 604 30 dayn.

M d m n Payne made the motion the budget be extended do& 30 dayd. Aidman

Case ~econd f ie rnofion. kee voted aye.

Atdraman Payne made Rhe motton t o appkove Xhe n a i n e ~ d o h ;the Town

hp5oyea a~ &ibcubd ed a t f ie June h% special calXed meeting.

'/.ice Magoyo* Reynoldd second .the moZ2on. AU voted aye.

Page 21: we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee


\ .- Dave Cmuch. wa6. at theme&ng a3 dAcwn 9 ~ 1 - J doh f i i ~ mu. Thehe

wan nome dLt,cu~&i'~n bU;t no ddkorcls.wade at RCih h e .

The PoLice hepont w a given by Vice-Mayoh Reynoth an doReowd: Thetre

had been 53 ma;t6; Fine monq coMecZed wan $2646.75; LhXgaLion Tax

coUected wan $258.75; and mhc. Police hepunts wan $40.00. Tkin made

a gmnd Rotat 06 dine and minc&anwus m a n i a $ 2 9 4 5 . 5 0 .

Mike Cag&e wLth Cagle and Son Wrteckeh Sehvice w a hem t o dincub f ie

wrtecka c a l h made ;thh~ugGL fie Police DepZ. ALdman Jachon made Xhe moltion

Zo a d Akin up on a m;tating L ~ A Z when Zhe ownen d i d noZ hequaZ a dpecidic

wheckeh nemice. Redman Payne necond &e maZion. ARe voted aye.

The f&e t ~ q o h t w a ~ given b y Atdaman 3acbon ab bo&town: Them had

heen one 4upons.e d d h g f i e month ad June. Th& wab a Mutual k i d ca l l t o

3a~petr. Wotlh wab contiMLLing on boa% t a a ~ k m . The & h $ i . g k t e n c , and o66icem

- had p u t doolct. mue6 e6dolLt t o keep Zhe equipment enviceable and i n good

wohkihg condi';tib;n. The fCiLn6aU Pike 0eparr;bnen.t Xhanhed t h e Swede~n Cove

duncaXon. The @od and ~ & o w ~ I G p was. d h t hate.

WLth no o;theh buninad Zo be di6cwned,A&deman 3ackdon made fhe mofion

t h e meeting be a d j o m e d . A L d m n Cane decond fie mofion. kee voZed age.

Page 22: we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee

On T h m d a y Augu62 7 1 , 1 9 9 2 , khe l C i m b U Boand 06 Mayon and M d m a n

me.$ i n t h e Town HaRe doh t h h h e g d a ~ monthk'q Boahd meeting. Maqok DavA

called t h e meeting .to ohdeh. M d m a n Jachaon Lead i n phayen. Magoh DavO

asked doh a noRe c&. Thoa es phaen t wene: Maqok Davd , Vice-Maqoh Reynolds,

Aldehman Payne, Aldehman Jacbon, U d e m a n C u e and AMohney K&g. AtZohney

Gougetr urab out 06 Town.

The minuten dhom t h e phevioud meeting wme head. ALdman Payne made

t h e motion t hey be appnaved as head. Vice-Mayah Reynolds aecond Rhe maZion.

A&? voted aye.

Mack Pakkeh wi th t h e D .A. R.E. phOgham wa6 at f i e me&ng t o d incub kin

wohh wLth Rhe phogtram and m k doh a pobaibLe dondtiOn. A d t e h Mk. Pahken'a

diacuaion, Vice-Mayoh Reynolh made Rhe mo;tion .the Town g i ve $1500 .00 20 ;the

D.A.R. E . pmgham. M d m a n Pqne second .the motion. AH voted aye.

epuipmed on bekind t h e &tonage 6u2eding. k e d m a n Payne made *he moaon Zo accept

bi& on .the ala6. An ad wodd be nun i n $he papen t h e week 06 .the 2O*h 06

August and t h e 6i& wodd 6e opened M e 27th at 5:00 P.M. Vice-Mayoh

ReynoLch aecond t h e moLLon. A U voted aye.

Boahd they needed .to a e t up a pan& 06 doc to^ $he employeen wene To tow id

LteahenR was needed on t h e Town'a behdd . The Bomd di6cudbed P h . R u s

Adcock, M . V h t o n Taqloh and D k . J . B . Hackwohth 06 t h e South Pth.bwrg

Munbipd f f o ~ p ~ d being on t h h bomd. ALdehman Jachaon made Rhe maZion

these doc tou be appkoved don Xhe pan&. kedehman Paqne aecond f i e mokion.

A-ee voted aye.

Page 23: we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee

Mayon D a v h mk.ted *he B o m d w o d d U b e ,to ammend *he 799 7 - 9 2 budget

L. 604 *he Town. The ammendnenta wou ld be a ~ o ~ ~ o ( ~ 6 : REVENUES: TAXES : LOCAL SALES TAX 3 8 9 , 0 0 0 . LOCAL BEER TAX 5 0 , 0 0 0 . PROPERTY TAX 2 6 , 5 0 0 . GROSS RECEIPT TAX 6 8 , 5 0 0 . HOTEL-MOTEL TAX 5 3 5 0 0 . TOTAL TAXES

-2- 587 ,500 .





NEW TOTAL ON ALL REVENUES: $ 7 0 8 , 7 9 6 .



Page 24: we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee













Gedemnan Pagne made Xhe mo;tion ;the c h a n g a be made o n T h e 799 1-92 b u d g e t . kedetunan C u e aecond Rhe maZion. ARe v o t e d a g e .

T h e n e w n d and 6 2 n d h e a d i n g 06 t he a m e n d e d b u d g e t wou ld b e aX a s p e c i d c&ed m e e t i n g o n Thuhdday, A u g u ~ t 27 , 7992 aA 5:00 P.M. i n ;the Town H&.

T h e Boahd had t h e &L~at head ing od t h e 1992-93 budge;t d o h t h e Town. T h e

AoAae wm $642,700. A 6 t a dome c h c w s i o n R e d m a n Pagne made t h e m o t i o n

f ie 1992-93 budgeA b e p a n e d o n t h e &h~t h e a d i n g . Vice-Mayotr ReqnoXdn

necond f i e m o t i o n . kee v o t e d a y e . T h e necond and d 4 n d head ing od t h e

7992-93 b u d g e t wou ld b e o n T h m d a y , AugwX 27 , 1992 a t t h e n p e c X

c&ed m e e t i n g .

T h e PoRice hepohA: W ~ A g i v e n b y Vice-Mayoh Reyno lds a6 ~ o U o w h : Thet le

wm 25 m e n & . Fine maneg coL tecTed wafj $2258.00; LLtiga;tion T a x c o U e c $ e d

Page 25: we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee

( - w a $302.50; MAC. Police heporn IAMA $102.00. Tkin m a & ~ RoXaX 06

'. dine and d c . m o n i e s $2692.50.

The Fhe nepoht: w a given by Atdaman 3acbon ab 6oUowb: Thehe had

been Sowt d h e s d&ng f i e month 06 3 d g . Two weke MLLtude k i d to. okhm

depa/ttmed and Acoo wehe ;to KhbaU n u i d e n c u and Mu-tud Aid wan heceived.

The big .tanken and both engines wme i n ~ u t l smvice.. ~h9econdafu.j ,tanhen

was b&ng wohked on. Wokk on t h e equipment w a codnuoun; atao aYdning

LCtith thCX;f: equipment. PXanning had begun don. F h e P h e v e d n week.

b o d B m o n U i f h 3.8. Dane'b ResAawuzrzt wuh a t Rhe meefing t o

ckhcunn a n 4 n p d R doh t h e t re~; tawlan;t . She naid .the b a n would be

20' x 5 ' . I t w o d d be on t h e WLtaon Loyd p m p x t y which 3.8. Dane'b

had ~erz-ted. The Baud t o l d MU. B m o n .the sign wou ld have t o be 7 2 ' dmm

.tCze gkound ;to t h e bo;ttom 06 Rhe nign. She naid Rh& w o d d be no phoblem.

A t d m a a Payne made khe mo;tion Rhe tLgn p m L t be gnanted 20 Mm . B m n .

ALdetunan Case A econd ;the mo;tion. A . U voted aye.

Dave Chouch wLth .the E 9 - 1 - 1 wan at t h e meeaXvuj t o dincubs fhe 9-7-7

agtrement wikh Rhe Town 06 KimbaLt, A & W L dOtY?e dincubhion, t h e Boatrd

decided t o ~ R u d y t h e agheement and Rhen have a bpecide hincunahn meeting

on Monday , A u g ~ ~ 6 . t 1 7 , 1992 a t 5:00 P.M.

kedehman lackbun commended t h e PoRice and F h e Repcudmen& on a "6ine job"

Last weekend dwLing a chemical b p d Y on khe I ~ e ~ 6 X u f e .

WLth nu oZhm buninebb Ro be d i b c u ~ i l ~ d , M d m a n Jacbon made Rhe mo;tion

;the me&ng be adjomned. ALdaman Payne becond Rhe mo;tion. kee voted aye.

Page 26: we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee

I - On Thumday, AugusA 27, 1 9 9 2 , .the KimbdL Boahd 06 Mayoh and ARdetunan L

m e t i n .the Town HaeR 6oh 6t s p e c i d c&ed Boahd meeang. Mayoh Davh c U e d

t h e meeting t o ohdm. Thos e phaent wme: Mayoh Paw&, Vice-Mayoh ReynoLA ,

a d m a n Payne, kedehnan Jachnon, Aldwzman Cme and A;tkohney Gougm.

E 9- 1- 1 Boud membm Dave Crtauch, Linda CagLe and Ann G m y wehe a t

t h e meea%g t o di6cuhs t k e UgheemenZ wLth t h e Town 06 Khbdee. The Town 06

K h b d Bomd wanted t o mahe t h e 6oUowing changen i n ;the agheement: E 9 - 7 - 7

codd not kirre an execuxXve dihedotr wi/thout t h e Khb& Bomd apphoval; Rhc

doutr o G i d dinpa-tcha could no;t be &Lked wiAhou;t t h e Khb& B o m d appoval ;

h d e ; E 9 - 1 - 1- woued pay t h e Town 06 K h b U $500 .00 a moah hen2 on ;the

6 ~ ~ X d i n g ; ( f i e cobrt c o d d nkexceed $ 5 0 0 . 0 0 ) . When the buitding w a p a i d 066 ,

-. K ~ b ~ woutd &etain ;the 6LLieding i n U e u 0 5 i n t m u t . E 9 - 1 - 1- wou td pay


an a/rchetict $ o h Rhe planning and dev&pmen/t 06 t h e n u b d d i n g . E 9- I - 1 f4 ~ 0 n S . k

codd he& an oddice space i n f i e . Town tl& 604 $100.00,,@h t h e h DhectOn. / h w . 1 6 ~ unZ2 .the new bLLieciing wcu compLe.ted. With * h u e changes .to t h e agheement, \-~jlf/lr)

Aidman Mahk Payne made $he mofion Ahe Town 06 K&b& s ign t h e agheement

wh% Ahe E 9 - 7 - 7 . A L d m n David Jachson decond t h e mo;tion. A42 voted aye.

The Boahd h d d t h e A econd and 6&al heading t o ammend t h e 799 1-9 2 buclgct

6oh t h e Town. ARdemnan Ilackhon made ,the mo;tion ;the budget be ammended.

Mdetunan Payne second t h e motion. A42 voted aye.

The B o m d had ,the becond and ~ i M d e trmding 0 6 t h e 1 9 9 2 - 9 3 budge.t doh ;the

Twn . ALdehman Payne made ,the mofion t h e budget pass on ~ e c o n d and &in& heading.

Vice-Mayoh Reynold hecond Rhe mo;tion. All voted aye.

W.% na o t h m buninah t o be d&cunhed, ALdman Payne made .the mo;tion t h e

mee.iXng be adj'owmed. ARdehman Jackson becond

Page 27: we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee

On Thumday, Septembm 3, 19c12, t h e K&b& Boahd 06 Mayoh and Aldme-n

m& i n t h e Town Hal% doh .theih movctkey Bomd mee-ting. Mayoh

Davh c&ed Xhe me&& ;to ohdeh. ALdman Sacbon Lead i n p m y m .

Mayoh Davh asked 6 oh a hoU cal2. Thon e p h e ~ en2 wme: Mayoh Davd ,

Vice-Mayoh Reynotch, Atdenman Payne, ALdman Jachdon , k e d m a n Case

and AzXonney Gougeh.

The minuJ t~ dmm t h e phevioua m e d n g wehe mad. Vice-Mayoh

ReynolA made t h e moaon they be appmved as head. ALdehman Payne

necond t h e motion. AkY voted aye.

Ron Me,hv.LUe urLth M 6 K Engineea w u at t h e meelting Ro give an

updaate on t h e n w e h phojec;t. He n a i d t h e job was 80% compleXe. He naid

t h e amoud 06 o m loan woutd be $ ~ Z S , O O O . O O . We coutd Rake 0u.t what we needed.

I t wodd be doh a 30 yeah p d o d ; t h e in;tehQbt W e wm 3 . 5 % . Mh.

MmvLfXe neeommended we gmnt t h e $22 ,009 .74 pay heque~2 t o Payne 8406.

Cov~clRnucAAon. Mn. MmviUe hequwted a change ohdm on 2he b w e h covz;ttract.

Hatrecommended a @ow metm be put on at ;the pumping ntc&on. Vice-Mayoh

Reynoth made Rhe moltion t o ondm t h e &tow metm. The Mayoh would rtaek

Ro Mayoh S h c o x i n J u p m UA Ro t h e toca;tian doh t h e m c t e h . ALdetunan

Payne necond .the mo;tion. AU voted aye. Aldeman Payne made t h e rnortion t o

pay Payne Bmh. C o ~ n W c X i o n $22,009.74 OUR 06 Ahe n w e n dund. Aldehman

Jachan necond .the motion. A l l voted aye. ( T h h covln;ti;tLLte~ payment i n

&&? t o daXe a 3 Payne Bhon. Comahucfion.)

Mayoh V a v h announced t h a t Jcwy Don C a e had been h h e d an Rhe

Dhectoh don 9 7 7 . tka ked i& he h m d a moa% n S e w Pan be apphoved by

t h e lCimbaU Bomd 0 6 Mayoh and Atdenman. Vice-Mayoh Reynoeds made Rhe moXion

the. Roahd UpphOVe Jetuty Don an ;the Dhecrtoh. A l d m a n Payne aecond ;the.

moXLvn. Al l ! voted aye excepX Jemy Don Case; he paned.

Page 28: we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee

The ?ofice kepoht wab given by Vice-Mayoh Regnot& a~ daReown:

Tkme had heen 1 9 a ~ ~ e ~ a 2 . Pine money coUected wan $ 1 6 2 7 . 5 0 ; Liagafion

$ax coUected NU $247 .50 ; m c . Pofice h e p o a was $ 2 2 . 0 0 . Tkin made

a ghand Ro td 06 6ine and misc&aneouh m a n i a $ 1 8 4 7 . 0 0 .

The F h e hepotr;t was given by k e d m a n Jachdon m IjolAkwn : The

D e p t . heapondid ;to dive cctees d d n g f i e month. The? d h J 2 w~ a chemical

~ p h Y on 1 ntmAa;te 2 4 . A &uck had ov-ned. T h h incidevrrt evedudRy

involved $he Tennahee Highway Pa&ot, The Dept. 0 6 T4unbpo&ta;tion, t h e

Tennun ee Emmgency Management ency, Sweden'n Cove VoRunt e m F h e Dept. ,

&uo lotleckm n m v i c a , t h e chemical &en, K h b & and Jmpa Police


1 Kitnb&'b /recent h&,;toay occmed Zn Augui2. The deaXh .iA aLLU undeh

inveaXi.gaZLon, 6lLt the d h e depcmtmentk acZionfi wene phopeh and apphophiate

equipment buX much expeh-ience wm gained.

Mayon. Daub b;tat:ed we would no2 be a6Re t o pouh Rhe canchete nRab

bekind the ntomge blLieding h i g k t now. We j u t had too much othe.4 going

on. ALdman Payne made ;the motion t o hecend ;the p6Ung od Zhe conctte;te

ntab . [The mofion had been made cut ta~t month 'A meeZing. I Atdenman

Magok Dav.iA announced the Boahd had heceived a "$hank you" LeMm

&om Banbancs ~ c h ~ w i t h t he Am% Councie don ;the $ 1 0 0 0 . 0 0 dona;tion.

w&en tank on f ie "old dump n a e . " Accohding t o heC~h&, the Town ad Jaclperr

Page 29: we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee

owna ;two--tW& 0 5 Rhe Land and t h e Town 0 6 K h b & owns one-Rhhtd. Japetr

was i n need 06 . 7 2 04 Kihh&'~ pohtion. In otrdm t o g e t Rhe Roan

appmved, 3apetr had t o 6e ;the bo l e ownen 06 $he ptropdMy. ARdman

Jacfinon made t h e moaon to L e t t h e Town 0 6 ranpen have ;the .I2 Rhey

needed doh fie w a t m &nh. Aldernun Payne becond Rhe mo;tian. A l l voked


pohtion 06 Rhe "old dwnp a.LteN. kedetunan Case aecond khe mofion. A L t

voted aye.

W i d 3 1 no O&?L~JL businebb t o be dhcunaed, kedetunan Jachaon made .the motion

Rhe mee.ting he adjomned, Mdehman Payme necond Rhe motion. ARR voted aye.

Page 30: we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee


On Phiday, Septenben 1 8 , 1 9 9 2 , Xhe himball Bound 06 Mayon and

A l d m e n ne t i h t h e Town K i d 2 don a s p e c i d c&ed meeting. The

pwtpobe 06 t h e rne&ng wa6 20 t o c u ~ s lowehing t h e p~opehty .tax

W e 6mm 2 5 t on f ie $100. t o 7 9 + .

Mayon Davh caUed t h e meeting t o ondeh. Thod e phuent wehe:

Mayon Davh, A l d m a n Jackson, Atdenman Case and AHonneq Gouga. Vice-Mayon

Reynotck and U d m a n Payne wehe absent.

A6.teh some di6cu66ion, Aedman Jachdon made t h e motion t h e Town

06 K h 6 u . U phopehty tax M e be towened dmm 2 5 f on t h e $700 .00 t o

19t p a $100.00. A t d e m n Cade second t h e moZLon. Al.$oted aye.

WLih no othen budinus t o be d i ~ c u s e d , Aedeman Ca6e made t h e mofion *he

meeting be adjowmed. Aedman 3acLon second t h e moxXon. AU voted aye.

Page 31: we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee




















Page 32: we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee

A.tdmen meA i n t h e Town ff& doh 4eguRa~ monthly Boahd

mee;tivrg. Mayoh Davd c&ed t h e me&ng Its o4deh. ACdetvnan Jack~on

opened wLth p m y a .

Magoh Dav& UA ked 604 a boll c&. Thoa e pna en;t wehe: Mayoh

Davh , Vice-Mayoh ReynoRds, kedetrmdn lachno n, ARdehman C a b e and Mtohney

Gougeh. kedehman Payne w u a6bed .

The minuta dmm t h e phevioun m e a n g wme head; Mdehman Jachnon

made .the mo;tion they be appfioved acl head. ARdmman Gas e aecond t h e

moaon. kee voted age.

Mayoh Daub a d i d David Payne wi th Payne Bhoa . Ca nn;t'LucaXo n had

4equu;ted f ie Town pay kim $7500.00 on t h e b w e h loottk. He n a i d Ron

Mehv,itLe wi th M ;I E Enggieehb had appmved t k i n . Mayon Pavd aaid we

could depobiX t h e $7500.00 c a & m check we wehe holding dod,~Payne

Bou ConnmcR;ian and Men w U e k i m a check 604 t h e $7500.00. Vice-Mayoh

Regno&& made .the mo;tion t o g ive Payne Btro~. Conm7ucltion Zhe $7500.00 .

Alderonan Jackaon aecond t h e mo-tion. A a voAed age.

Pad Johnnon w d h Jacbon, JO h ~ o n and Munphey Accoun.tar& i n

ChaZ-tanoaga wa6 a t f ie meeaXng t o dibcudn a conn;ttruc;tion &oan doh

the. Town. He duggated we o d y geZ the money we needed. We c o d d pay

GeneW Fund and Swm Fund back an fie money we had aetready paid ou;t.

We wodd have t o go thhough Wayne W,ilLLama w& f i e D ivh ion 06 e a c d

&inance. Pad d i d not Rknh Zhehe would be a pmbLem wLth g eA.tLng Rhe

loan. A&tm dome d h c ~ a i o n , A l d ~ n Jackon made t h e mo;tion t o

auZhohize AtZohney Coug UL t o &dn up a R a o & ~ o n ahowing .the Town c o d d

Page 33: we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee

bomow $1 75, QQO .OQ 1504 a covm;ttruc;t;ion b a n . Pad. would check w a h khe

Local banhd on Wen, tmm, eAc. Vice-Mayon Regnotch a econd ;the

mo;tion. AU voted aye. CThh money would be p a i d back once we go$

.the Loan Zhkough t h e Tennus ee Lacat Peveloprneutt Au3.0- PivAion.

Ron MenvXe WM M i K Enginem i n NanhvXe gave an update

on the nweh pmject . tle said t h e papmohh on .the Loan had & been

.twtned i n . I2 wan now up Xu Mn. Sam Witand .to heview and Rhe~ Ahe hecLe2h

deparctment.had to n e v i w i R . The Tennusee Local Devetopment Au%ohi;ty

d i d not have ano-theh me&ng untif? someZime i n Novembm so Lt cadd

possibly be Novembm o h Vecembeh beljone the Loan codd ac-tcldety be

apptloved. CWc. MenvXe wm aupposed ;ta be bedohe a. Johnnan on t h e

adjenda buR he w a ~ t&e i n & w i n g at .the me&&. I

Dave Cmuch wLth (1-3-3 wad at fie me&ng t o give an update on

/ A%& bu/ieding. He h a i d Mn. Howahd, t h e Anckitect, wan ab0u.t Rhhough


WL#Z .the plans. They wou ld Rike .to advm.a%e 404 85ch abau$ Rhe 15th

ofi 0c;tobet~ luh% possibly Re.t$ing o& t h e conf;tracZ by f i e 1st 06 November.

ARkohney Gougeh ~Aated we wou ld need a aepehate agneement on the bLLieding.

(We alheadq had one hqahding om dinpatchm wonking doh 9 - 1 - 7 . )

kedetunan Jackson made Ahe mo;tion .to appnave khe p L a ~ fior t h e 7200 bq . '

b&ding a .they m e now. Vice-Maqon ReynoLds second the moaon. AUvo;ted

aqe.except Jemuj V O M Cabe; he pansed due Zo conljtict. Vice-Mayon Reynotch

made ;the maZion ;ta accepR bids on Xhe 9 - 7 - 1 bLLieding. ALdman Jachon

second .the muZion. kee voted aye except J m y Don C a e ; he p a d ed

due ,to con@i'.ict.

The Boahd had Xhe s econd and dinat heading 06 Ondinance 8 16 Lowehing

;the p o p m y &x hate 6hom 25$ on -the $100 . t o 19C pen. $100. Vice-Mayatl

Reynold made &e mofion .the Ohdinance pans on second and din& heading.

Page 34: we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee

Atdaman Case necond Xhe moaXon. A&! voted aye.

Mayon DavA nXaXed .the goad needed t o have a A eco nd and din&

nuding 06 Ohdinance nB7 neganding Fedehae Pmject No. RS-2 L 1 6 ) ,

S;tate Pmiect Edo. 5%00%-1213-24, MatLion County--Sta?e Rode 1 5 0 / 2 .

dmm 1-24 Rmpn *o nem SaLtch Road. LThA c o n c e n ~ hedwigning od the

h a h a y &om t h e 1-24 hump apphoximcr;t&y t o 2he b& d i d d bedide Rhe

Police and Fhe Dept. I Vice-Mayoh Reynold made Xhe mo2Xon t h e Ohdinance

be p a n ed on Ahe n econd and h i n d heading. A l d m a n Jachn on n eco nd t h e

mofion. A l l voted aye. NOTE: The Bomd had t h e F h t heading June 4 , 7 9 9 2 .

The n econd tleading w a nchedaed doh J u l y 2 , I 9 9 2 6uA t h e m e a n g wan

changed due $it t h J u l y 4th holiday . Somehow i n f ie change t h e aecond

h ~ d i n g wad ov&oohed by rnhtake.

The Police hepofLt wab given by Vice-Maqoh Reynolds dlr doUown :

Thehe had been 35 c ~ ~ e 6 . 1 2 . Fine money coUected wab $2217.00; LikLga2Xon

money coReected wa6 $220.00; Uis ceReaneous Police hepolLtd wan $24 .00 .

Th& made a gnand tokae 06 dine and inAc&aneou monied $246 7 .00.

The F h e hepoht w a given by Aldetonan Jacbnon as dolYown: The

Dept. had henponded t o 2 vehicte 6 . h ~ . Mmbm oh t h e Kimb&

VolunAem F h e Dept. and Sweedenn Cove Vo~unfeeh F h e Dept. had b u n

wonking on ;the& CPR c & d i c a f i o ~ . Some od t h e membem wehe a h o

Asking coReege c o r n en fiat would beneda ;the dep-ena. The

6ine&ightem had been npending a coaidenable amount od Lime phelmhing

don the Fine PhevevLtion dispXay planned don O c t a b e ~ ~ 3hd.

Mayoh DavA announced he had W h e d w&h Jack C o ~ e y u-t ;the cable

company. They atre .#yLng t o g e t cable i n s a e d on 1 n d a R n i d Blvd.

I-i;tli no oXhm b u i n a b Xo be &cunned, Vice-Mqoh Rajnolcb

made Rhe mo,tian Xhe rnecding be adjowmed. kedetunan Jachnon n econd Rlze

mo&Lan, ARe voted aye.

Page 35: we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee

On Thumday, 0c;tabet~ 29 , 1992, t h e Tbwn 06 K h b & Bomd 0 6 Mayah and

Aldetunen met i n ;the Town H a at 2:00 P.M. t o open b i & on t h e 9- 1 - 7

b d d i n g . Thob e pneb e n i w a e : Mayo& D a v h , Vice-Mayoh ReynoLh ,

Howahd and 9- 1 - 1 c h a i t ~ k n Dave Chouch . &kd - P v W-

The bids w a e hecekved as 6otXown :


The low b i d w T f; C Covwhuct ion Company.

Chairunan Ckouch WUA ;tO phes evct Akin ;to t h e 9- 7 - 7 Bound a t t h e h meeting

.that evening. I t w o d d t h e n be b&ought bedom ithe Town 06 Kimb&

Page 36: we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee

<-- On Tuesday, Novembetr 1 0 , 1 9 9 2 , ;tlze ~b~ Boahd od Magah and AXdehmen

m e t i n t h e Town H a l 2 404 the,& hegutah mon;thly 3omd meuXng. Mayoh

Davh c d t e d t h e mee;ti~g t o o h d a . ARdman llachnon opened tui;tGi p m y e n .

(The meeting date loas changed due .to Zhe A;tltohney not beirzg able Ro aaXend

on Rhe d i m $ Thuhnday 06 ;that mon;tlz. 1

~ a y 0 h DauA an bed doh a m u cal l . Thohe p h u ent wehe: Mayoh DavA ,

Mdehman Payne, Mdetunan Jackson, ARdehman C a b e and ARkahney Gouga. Vice-

Mayon ReynoRh wan abaent due t o LUnebn.

The minu..teb 06 t h e pheuious meeting w e m head. Akdman PaqnE made

khe mo;tion they be apptroved as head. ARdetunan Jacbnan becond Rlie moltia~.

A U voted aye.

Mayoh Davh a w e d .the Town had heceived papmohb dh0m M{ond

?evdopmevLts, L t d . dedic&n9 and donarting t h e ;Dta(&Lc U g h t [doh Rhe

3 K h b & Choaniw Shopping Ceutenl t o Zhe Town. Aedeman Paqne made t h e

m o m n t h e Town accept Rhe ;tfLad&ic Lig h t . ARdman Cabe 6 econd ;the rnoAion.

A . t t voted aye.

The Boahd had a beeh app.tica;tion doh Jamu D . f f c ~ & , Sh. T h b wodd

be 60h t h e 6onmeh Vetrn'a Lounge and u~ouRd now be 30'6 Lounge. The b e m

appk5caltion w a doh on and 046 phemines bem. ARdman Payne made t h e

mo&ion t h e beeh p m L t be gmnted ;to Mh. H a d . M d m a n C u e decond Rhe

motion. voked aye.

Mayoh DavA a W e d t h e Bomd needed t o treptace Ronnie f f u h o n on ;the

PRanning Cornnuhaion Boahd dince he had moved 0u.t 0 4 Town. M d m a n Payne

made t h e motion t o appoint Pave Chouch t o ~~ t h e poai.t.ion. Mayoh OavA

second t h e moltion. ARe voted aye.

Peve.kbpment i5oahd. A 6 X e h dome d ibcu~~.Lon, ARrle.&nan Payne made t h e mo;tian t o

Page 37: we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee

i appoin;t Pan tli2.t t o fi-iee thL% p~nLtZon. Hayoh Paw& A econd ;the mo-tion.

L A l l voted aye.

The Boaad dhcubded b.Xng a conbuR;ting engine- doh the n w e A woah

thd t aZt need t o be done d d n g the hedenigning o$ ;the Sunc&ion by the

DepatrAment 06 T h a n b p o ~ o n . Adtea dome c l h c a ~ i o n , t h e Bocmd planned a

npeciae c&ed meefing doh Monday, Novemben 7 6 , 1992 at 5:00 P.M. i n t h e

Town UaRe Ito dincusa $kid mohe.

The Bomd &do didcaned fidY5ng f ie vacancy l e 6 t oh t h e PXanning

Comminaion due the the t r ~ i g n a t i o n 0 6 Jody Ro&ns. AXdman Jachaon

made ;the moR;ion .tO appoint Jack Kee6 . ARdeman Payne necond Rhe mo&ion.

A U voted aye.

Mayoh 9avih asked Dave Cmuch, Chahman 0 6 9-7-1 Ro give an upda-te

on Rh& blLi;eding. a&. Ctlouch d;tated t h e 4- 1- 1 Eoahd did apphove t h e

J con&act. They had nev~kmd t 6 e contnact and had lonmned *he cost by '--/

ahout $ 2 2 0 ~ . QQ. Tkeg aequuted t h e &omd amad the con2mc.t AB T fi C

Co~b.OumYon Company, lac. &om ChuZXanooga. Mh. Chouch n a i d $hey had

checked &h aeve/reLe banhs k e g ~ d i n g in;teha;t n a t a buX had no$ decided

w h i c h one Xo go utith, y d . Mdetunan Jacbon made t h e motion doh t h e

9 - 1- 7 -8oattd t o "get the,& dinancing i n ohden" and both Boatt& wou ld

diAcu66 Lt a t Rhe npec id c&ed rnee;ting O M Monday, Nouemben 16, 1992.

A-tdman Payne decond f i e moaon. A l l voted aye except J m y Pon C u e .

He pa66 ed due t o con~Uc2 .

A copy 06 f i e Pofice hepoh.2 w a given 20 each 06 Rhe Bomd membem.

1;t head an doUown : Fine money co.Uected w u $2375 .Z5; LiAiga&ion tax

coUecAed wab $377.25; Uisc. Police trepom u m $720.00 .' T h A made a gmnd

,tot& 06 dine and &c. m o n h $2t i66.50. kedetonan Payne made ;the mofion

;the kepoxt be appmved as wni;tten. kedemnan Jack~on necond ;the mo-tion.

ARR voted aye,

Page 38: we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee

A l d m a n Jacbun gave t h e FAe hepoM an 6o.Mowb : The Dept. had

nespancled t o Auo d d n g ;tke mondi, The 6 h . t wan Ro khe Family

and t a n k a 60% I a p m and n;tiee had an engine and manpoweh i n h e n a v e dub

&d6 i d needed. F&e Ckied Mike Moohe a t d e d G b apphecia;tion Ito

Khb& doh & help. The aecond &&e wab an a d o . South Pi.&%bwtg F h e

Dept. wan hequated 2.0 phouide t h e jcwb 04 Ride. Ue appheciu-te ;tCLeih help.

Bo;th enginen and Itankea m e i n behvice. Matre 06 f i e &[email protected],l

ahe lelvming Xu chive and o p W e Rhe appxtatu6. Evehyone h a been invoRved

i n uing ;the mounted equipment.

OcRobm had been a b u y monzh doh t h e DepatLtmenX. Kimb& had been

wokking w d h Swedevtcl Cove on Mu.tud A i d ope~at ions and bupponA: fac;ticf,.

The Dept. was &a i n v a e d .to p u c i p a t e i n -two W n i n g b l ~ t ~ n n by Hdetown'n

3 F h e Dept. The covl;thol!Xed bmvtcl p;r~ovided Kimb&'a r(&e&Lghteu wLth t h e

chance ;to pmc.tice Rackics and techniques i n Rive d h e ~ ~ ~ a ~ . They

&o had Rhe oppoh2uvLi;ty Ro wohk wLth oRha Mu-tLcae Aid Depan;tmenRn.

Mayoh RavA b a i d he had Aaebed wi th Ted Fhanhein wi th t h e K h q ~ f d .

T h a e ~2, a waR:eh main undeh whehe .they want t o puA Ah& bLLieding. The

UXLXUL company said i.2 would cob$ apphoxima;t&y $70 ,000 .00 t o move Xhe main.

Mh. FhanKn a h e d i 6 Rhe Town would pay ;tCI move k h h , The Mayoh b a i d .the

Khyb;tae would have Ro pay box i X .

A d t a name diAc~~66ion, J a y Ron Cane made t h e mo;tian .to h u i n d Xhe

nominaXion 06 Dave Ckauch doh t h e Planning Commidbion bince R h h wodd

be a condLic;t uLLth Dave being on b e v W oRheh born&. Afdeman Payne

~ e c o n d .the mofion. ALt voted aye.

@ a h no o t h m 6 u s i n e ~ a Xo be discunsed, Aldemnan Jack~on made ZCze

mofion Rhe mee;ting be adjowrned. Aldur.rnan Payne

voRed aye.

Page 39: we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee

On Monday, Novembeh 16, 7942, .the Town 06 lcimb& B U U J L ~ ad Mayon and

AXdetunan me2 i n t h e Town Hall (on. a special c d e d Bomd meeting. The

TrnnnpohkaiAon and Ro didcuns 6ina~cing 06 t h e 9 - I- 1 bCLieding . Mayan Davh c&ed t h e meeting t o o h d a . Those pkesent wehe:

Mayon. Davh, Ak'dehman Pagne, Atdaman Jachon, k e d m a n C a e , A,tto&ney

Goug en and Dave Chouch. Vice-Mayak Reynolds was i n f i e hospi-tad.

A 6 t e h home d iacun~ion 0 5 t h e aeweh con&i%uction, A l d m a n Jackhon

made t h e mo;tion t o h h e connofidated Technologies, Tnc. ( CT11 06 Chattanooga

doh t h e pm ject . CTT had h a i d they could do t h e pteminatrg study don $1200.00.

A l d m a n Payne ~ e c o n d t h e mo.tLon. A l l voted age.

1n nqatrds Xu t h e 9-7-1 b d d i n g , AtXonfley Gougetz. ata-ted he had

t h e b e b t payment plan: 72 g e m locked i n w i t h a 20 yean payment pXan.

The payment wodd be $8 1 b. 7 1 pm monfi. Chaitunan Cnouch said he would f ihe

t o go wi& the $ t i l b . l l payment plan with .the chance -to pay Rkin 066 e d y

id they could. Aldeman l a c b a n made t h e mu&Lon ;to go w a h t h e 12/20

pXan wLth Mahion Tnun.t. Aedman Pagne second t h e mo$ion. A U voted aye

except I m y Don Case. tf e pabed due ;to condLict.

WiXh no o2he1~ budinend ;ta be dincud~ed, Atdenman Jackon made .the motion

t h e meeang be a d j o w e d . Atdehman Case second $he motion. ARe voted aye.

Page 40: we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee

i On Thuhbda~, Dmembeh 3, 3 4 9 2 , .the Town 06 Khb& Road 06 Mayph \-

crnd M d m e n mat i n f i e Town K& $oh t h e h &quRm montkey Roand meelting.

Mayoh Pavh ca.Ued t h e meeting .to otrdm. kPdmnan -lachon lead i n phayetr.

Mayoh DavA an hed hob a h o l l ca l l . Thane pnebent wme: Mayoh DavA,

k e d m a n Jlachon, M d m a n Cane and AMohney Gouga. Vice-Mayon Reynolds

and M d ~ n Payne Mpne abbent. (Vice-May04 Reqnolch w a ~R;iee hecoupmalting

The minu.tu @am ,the pheviou m e d n g wene head. k e d ~ a n C u e made

Rhe moltion they be appmved a tread. Atdemnan Jacbon aecond t h e moltion.

A U voted aye.

Pad John~on, w a h Jacbon, Johnnon and Mmphey accoun%ing & h m i n

a a i d t h e Town had had a'>ea.Uy ghea;t" yeah. Enre had had big anbe;tn and a2,Lt.t

3 had money i n t h e bank. He baidYevehything l o o h i n he&y good bhape but

j M R keep an eye on Xhe dewm (und. "

k e d m a n rfehtry Don Cane made ;the mofion t o appoin;t Wi. Kenneth Sumpley

t o t h e Planning Commisnion Bomd ;to &ifX .the vacancy Red$ by Ronnie. f f u h o n .

Atdenman Jacban ~ e c o n d t h e moAXon. All voted aye. Mh. Smplcy d d i d he w a ~

glad t o be geM-ing involved i n t h e communLty and he wodd R/rq h A bebz Ro do

a good job.

Thme was dome discuddhn hegading extending Indu6;trtiae 8lvd. Xo J a p e & .

Tki6 would connect &upm and K&b& and hopedlLeey e n c o w e rnohe induhthy

Xo come ;to t h A arrea. A l d m a n David Jacfzt,on made t h e rnafion ;to &;t Pan t r i l l

btu.kt extending ;the hoad t o Japeh . A l d m a n Cade decond t h e mo$Lon. A H

voted aye.

been 28 amesf i . Fine money collected wu $2050.25; 1LtLga;tion ,tax

Page 41: we · pmpahty on Dmbg~ Tsate -to 0;ighwag CommmW 2. No one in the audience Town. kedman Fayne made Rlie mofion Ao hun an ad in the kocd papm and Ro accep;t: healed bid at the nee

The P h e &trepo%t w u given 6y ARdman 3acbon a~ BoUowa: The Dept.

had not henpondid t o any dwLing t h e month 06 N o v m b ~ ~ but Rheg had

been v m y b u ~ y . T/rcLivcing had con$inued utikh addition& pehhonnd at;tending

t h e t i d e dotlce d a b . F h e d & h t ~ had Aped one evening pu;tting up

C W;fma decoha;tiond ;thmughouR f i e Town. F h e equipment wa6 wokhed on

and add i t i ond M v e t l Rhaini~g was given. The Depk. had spent c j d e a

b L t 06 h e an ;th& "Toys Ban T o a w dtLive. Mdemnan Jachaon b a t e d &hey

had $1600 and bome:thing Ran2 ye.a~~. 7h.h yeah ;they had heceved $ 1 8 2 5 dmm

The F h e Vept. &equated AZtokney Gougm t o whCte a t&eh ko t h e C a y

06 Ome aeqne6'-Ctn9 Zbe Watrd LaFhance we had donated t o Rhem be given back

/'I i d -it w a naX going .to be used. The Vept. would d i ke t o donarte Lt ;ta t h e 'L./

W e m e e k CommunLtg t o heRp ,them a U X h d ~ depam3nen.t.

W L t 5 no athen 6us inua t o be &cubed , kedetunan l a c b a n made f i e moaon

.the meeaYybe adjowned. ARdman Case second $he mofion. Ace voted aye.