Download - We care. We share. AnneMater€¦ · Parish Bulletin of St. Anne Church, Bandra • Jan-Feb-Mar 2018• VOL. XVIII No. 2 (for private circulation) “To build a Community that is

Page 1: We care. We share. AnneMater€¦ · Parish Bulletin of St. Anne Church, Bandra • Jan-Feb-Mar 2018• VOL. XVIII No. 2 (for private circulation) “To build a Community that is

Christ is risen. Hallelujah!

May the miracle of Easter bring you renewed

hope, faith, love and joy.

The Parish Fathers

Wish You A Meaningful Season Of

Lent & The Blessings Of Our Risen


AnneMaterParish Bulletin of St. Anne Church, Bandra • Jan-Feb-Mar 2018• VOL. XVIII No. 2

(for private circulation)

“To build a Communitythat is United,

Caring and Witnessing”










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I was reflecting on these three words and immediately remembered the old Japanese art of Kintsugi or Kintsukuri. This Japanese art restores broken pottery with a special lacquer. Gold, silver or platinum is later placed over the lacquered joint to give it a beautiful finish. The final product looks and feels so beautiful. We, as Christians are at a time repairing our relationship with the Lord and this season offers us the hope and remedy to repair our relation only to find ourselves restored once again to our original glory with the Lord.

In order to restore the broken pot, the owner must recognize that the pot is broken. Within the recognition of that broken pot, the owner is not worried or sad that the pot has broken. Looking at the broken pot, the owner is now not quick to blame someone or find out how the pot has broken. The owner knows that the restored pot will look even more beautiful than the original one and so there is a smile with a thought in the mind that this is a golden opportunity to transform the pot to look more beautiful. Likewise the season of Lent offers us the hope that we will be restored to a glory much more beautiful than the original glory that we had. It calls us not to remember who caused the hurt or pain but only recognize that we are broken and hurt. This recognition may bring up feelings of anger, resentment and a desire to end a relationship with a person that we think may have caused it. The solution to keeping calm and accepting our brokenness lies in acknowledging this fact that our brokenness has been restored by something much more beautiful than Gold and this precious bonding is Jesus Christ. The main reason for our separation from God is our un- forgiveness that gives rise to bitterness and resentment which leaves us unhappy. Lent is the time to remember that Jesus is the healer restoring us back to God.

The story of the Prodigal Son as told by Jesus (Luke 15:11–32) reflects the father as the one who restores the family together. The Father recognizes that the family is broken and a piece is still missing. The father is not hurt or angry but hopeful that this relation will work and so he waits for him to return. The Son is hopeful and confident that he can go back and at least find a job at his father’s place. The Father is filled with compassion and so he runs towards the son and embraces and kisses him. The father is not interested in the son’s speech and moves quickly to give him the robes and a ring that restores him back to the family. The father even has a feast ready which will announce to all the return of the son. What a true and glorious image we are given of God our Father. However we can fall in a trap if we think that God is like the second son grumbling when we show up repentant. I pray that we be fully restored in Christ and look at Lent as a wonderful opportunity to have a Golden Restoration.

Happy Easter!

To see photographs & details about these and other parish events, log

on to or

check out the Facebook page

~ Fr.Colman Carlos

Repent, Renew and be Restored

Page 2: We care. We share. AnneMater€¦ · Parish Bulletin of St. Anne Church, Bandra • Jan-Feb-Mar 2018• VOL. XVIII No. 2 (for private circulation) “To build a Community that is

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Thank you Jesus for coming into our Hearts.......

Since June 2017 twenty- one children of our Parish were intensely preparing to receive Jesus in the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist and on 14thJanuary 2018, twenty of them received Jesus for the very first time in their lives at the 9.30 am mass. The mass was celebrated by Fr. Cleophas and con-celebrated by Frs. Berchmans, Colman &Savio.

The homily was preached by Fr. Cleophas, who brought out the beauty of our beings, in the scriptures, where God’s immense love for us is exhibited in Him, calling each one of us by our names. The children were put forth questions by Fr Cleophas during the homily and the participation of the children throughout the mass made the celebration special.

Our faith journey begins the day we are baptised and our children have completed yet another step in their faith journey. We wish them all the best in this journey of knowing Jesus, making Him their best friend and becoming more like Him. We also pray that Jesus the Bread of Life will always nourish their faith and keep them safe from all evil. Congratulations Children. May you grow in the peace & love of Christ.

~ Sunita D’Souza (FHC Catechist)


Confirmation is the sacrament by which we, Catholics receive a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Through the sacrament of Confirmation, the Holy Spirit gives us the increased ability to practice our faith in every aspect of our lives and to witness Christ in every situation.

Our initial journey as a confirmandi began since June last year. Every confirmation session conducted by the confirmation catechists was informative and motivating. We were taught the true meaning of the BIBLE, of how the Bible is the answer to each and every question and problem in life. In addition to this, we even had worship and healing sessions conducted by Shalom youth prayer group that left all of us with shivers and chills. The experience was intense because of the realisation that Jesus was actually amongst us, sharing in our pains and problems. Indeed, it was quite an enlightening journey for all 19 of us.

Furthermore, 18th of February, 2018 proved to be a golden day for all the confirmation students when our desire to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation came true as His Lordship Bishop John Rodrigues conferred the Sacrament on us by ‘laying of hands and anointing with Chrism”. It was a unique feeling as we encountered the coming of the Holy Spirit upon us. In fact, the Sacrament of Confirmation made us realize about our true self identity, who we are and our responsibilities towards Holy Mother Church, where we are called in service to our community.

Hearty thanks to Fr. Colman and Fr. Savio for their constant moral support and prayers. Hats off to our confirmation catechists who took tremendous trouble and patience to teach a batch full of vibrant and inquisitive young individuals. Do keep us in your prayers. - Sasha Pereira

Pope Francis Tweets..With so much to do, we often neglect what is really important: our spiritual lives, and our relationship with God. So let’s stop and take time to pray!

Page 3: We care. We share. AnneMater€¦ · Parish Bulletin of St. Anne Church, Bandra • Jan-Feb-Mar 2018• VOL. XVIII No. 2 (for private circulation) “To build a Community that is

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The Malla community t h o u g h t of making this Lenten season a little d i f f e r e n t from our usual ones by planning to make the Way of the Cross on the hillock of Our Lady of Velankanni at Uttan.

22 members of Malla community set off early in the morning on Sunday, 18th of February. Our first stop was at the Mazzarello Centre at Uttan. This centre is run by the Salesian Nuns for girls mostly from underprivileged families. In true Lenten spirit, food grains and clothes were donated but what we received in return was incomparable. Apart from a sumptuous breakfast, the girls entertained us with songs and gave us an insight of their experience of living with the nuns, whom they truly loved.

Our next stop was the beautiful shrine of Our Lady of Velankanni. After participating in the Holy Eucharist, we left

for the Stations of the Cross on mini Calvary.

For us mere mortals it is hard to imagine, leave alone experience, what Mary underwent when she accompanied her beloved Son Jesus on his way to be crucified. Nevertheless, we trudged

along the little hillock in the heat of the sun, carrying our own small crosses (not physical but mental) and prayed for strength to cope with them. It was not all that easy for us though we were well prepared so how difficult it must have been for Our Lord to bear his Cross after undergoing the terrible scourging. Just as Jesus was helped by Simon of Cyrene, we too had our ‘Simons’ and ‘Veronicas’ helping us on our way. Thank God for them. They made the climb a bit easier especially on the rough steep slopes.

After lunch and a game of Biblical Housie, we returned home. It was indeed a unique, faith filled & spiritual experience. -- Felicity Rodrigues

Accompanying Mary to Calvary

On 21st January 2018, the children of the Good News Club of Stds. 7th & 8th were invited to the St. Pius X Seminary at Goregaon, for an interesting program which was based on ‘’Nurturing Faith Through Nature’’. There were children from more than 35 parishes from all over Bombay Archdiocese who were accompanied by their respective catechists. Eight of us represented our Parish of St Anne accompanied by one catechist and parent, who volunteered to spend the entire day with us.

Once we reached the venue in the morning, each of us was assigned a group so that we could interact with other kids as well. Each group had a seminarian incharge to conduct the games and other activities and

accompany us throughout the day. At mid noon the Eucharist was celebrated in the Seminary Chapel.

Coming to the Green Mela, we had a very enlightening session on how to reuse and recycle the waste that is generated in our houses. We also learnt how to make paper bags out of newspapers and thus eliminate the use of plastic bags.

The beautiful nature walk was just amazing. We got to see how dry leaves are converted into manure for the trees. Wish our country would also be kept clean like this - no dirt at all.

And at the end, the fathers and brothers of the seminary gave each child and catechist, a memento – a beautiful cup with a lovely message by our Holy Father Pope Francis from the Laudatio Si “LESS IS MORE”.

It was an amazing and faith enriching experience for all of us children.’ -- Michelle &Malaika

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The Season of Lent is a call to reconciliation, to remember Jesus’s sacrifice for you and me, to resonate the love of our Saviour in our families and those in our surroundings. The considerable blessings God has bestowed on us, reminds us of how

loving our God has been, not just watching over us but walking along with us, in all our joys and sorrows. The number of times we fail him, by our words and actions, does not change HIS love for us, it stays constant. Therefore, Lent is an opportunity to turn back from our sinful and fallen ways and ‘return to our first love’ (cf Revelation 2:4). We must be aware not to remain in our guilt and shame. “Return to the Lord your God, for gracious and merciful He is” (Joel 2:13). Our God is always waiting to embrace us. We can experience this unconditional love and unfathomable mercy in the celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation which is God’s gracious gift to us. Let us engage ourselves in all humility and receive God’s Grace in the Tribunal of Mercy by confessing our sins in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Christ instituted the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Penance) for all members of his Church. This sacrament offers a new

possibility to convert and to once again configure ourselves to Christ.

“Confession is an act of honesty and courage – an act of entrusting ourselves, beyond sin, to the mercy of a loving and forgiving God.” – Saint Pope John Paul II – September 14, 1987 Homily.

But we have to be on our guard, as St. Alphonsus Liguori says,

1. “The devil does not bring sinners to hell with their eyes open; he first blinds them with the malice of their own sins.

2. Before we fall into sin, the enemy labours to blind us that we may not see the evil we do and the ruin we bring upon ourselves by offending God.

3. After we commit sin, he seeks to make us dumb, that, through shame, we may conceal our guilt in confession.”

The Lord Jesus Christ, physician of our souls and bodies, who forgave the sins of the paralytic and restored him to bodily health, has willed that his Church continue, in the power of the Holy Spirit, his work of healing and salvation, among her own members. Let us remember that the confessional is the open doorway to the only home in which our lives will be satisfied. ~ Br Keith

Come you that are Blessed inherit the Kingdom of God

We will attend the Easter feasts this year like every year. I want to suggest an activity as a family that will help us live the Pascal mysteries throughout the year

On Maundy Thursday as Christ welcomes us to live the Passion, can we draw a cross (any Size) on a paper. The Cross will remind us to make sacrifice for each other as sacrifice brings togetherness. We can also trace the Symbols Alpha and omega (as shown in the picture on the left) which will remind us that he is the beginning and the end of our lives and as we write the names of our family members around the cross we remember each one at the beginning and end of the day

On Good Friday can we trace the year on the cross, This will remind us to invoke the Lord’s blessings at all time and all seasons in sickness and in health. On the Cross we place five small dots of any color. One dot in the center and the other at the four ends of the Cross. These are the five wounds of Christ, the head, hands, feet and the side. We pray that our family be healed by the precious blood of Jesus

On Easter, we place a lighted candle in front or on the chart and pray that the flame of faith that we have received at baptism be always alive within us and we journey through life in faith. - Fr. Colman


Articles, anecdotes, poems, etc. for publication in the next issue of AnneMater for the months of Apr-May-Jun 2018 (feast days and special occasions during these months to be kept in mind) may be sent by e-mail to [email protected] latest by the 5th of May 2018. The Editorial Team

reserves the right to choose what is published and to edit the matter that is chosen for publication.

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Mark Rey was born in Germany in 1577.

He earned a degree of Doctor of Law at the University of Freiburg, and spent his spare time praying and visiting the sick and the poor. He often took on the cases of poor people who had no money to

pay. This won him the nickname, “The Poor Man’s Lawyer.”

Later on, disillusioned with his profession, which he felt endangered the salvation of his soul, he decided to follow in the footsteps of his brother who was a priest and joined the Capuchin Order. There he took on the name of ‘Fidelis’ which means ‘faithful’.

When the Austrian army was stricken by plague, he cared for the spiritual and bodily needs of the soldiers in such a manner that it won him the title, “Father of the Fatherland.”

In Switzerland, St. Fidelis’ extraordinary gift of eloquence urging the faithful to lead holy lives; brought wonderful

results and many people were converted.Enemies of the Church, however, grew angry at his success and he knew that his life was in danger, but that did not stop him from preaching and converting people. In the middle of a sermon one day, a shot was fired, but the bullet missed him. He decided to leave the town immediately but as he was walking down the road to the next town, a mob of angry men stopped him. They ordered him to give up the Catholic religion. St. Fidelis said firmly, “I will not give up the Catholic faith.” The men pounced on him with their clubs and crude tools.

The wounded Saint pulled himself up to a kneeling position and prayed, “Lord, forgive my enemies. They do not know what they are doing. Lord Jesus, have mercy on me! Holy Mary, my Mother, help me!” The men attacked him again until they were certain he was dead.

St. Fidelis died a martyr in 1622 at the age of forty-four. Pope Benedict XIV proclaimed him a saint in 1746. His feast is celebrated on 24th April. ~ Compiled by Felicity Rodrigues

Saint Fidelis

Words cannot quantify how grateful and humbled I am to say “Thank You”, for accepting me, to be part of your Parish of St Anne’s. I am thankful to our Lord, for choosing me to learn and serve in this Parish. I would like to thank our Parish Team of Fr Colman, Fr Savio, Fr Roque and Fr Prax for guiding me throughout this period, answering all my questions and providing me the space to function at ease. The ministry assigned to me, primarily dealt with Sunday school ministry, my heartfelt gratitude to all my catechists, parents and children for their consistent support and encouragement. A special thanks to PPC and all the Associations of the parish who made me feel very much at home, St Anne’s Charismatic Prayer Group, in particular, who would constantly pray for their priests, seminarians and parishioners and to each of you – my dear parishioners – my family- heartfelt gratitude.

St Anne’s has been my first step in my Pastoral formation. This step has helped me rise above my limitedness, to see the various possibilities of pastoral service and to broaden my perspective and vision of the Priesthood. I have achieved this through my interaction with you during Sunday school, family visits and Parish events. It is your constant encouragement which has motivated me to take another leap in my formation towards the priesthood. The Parish is blessed with tremendous talent, blossoming potential and varied experience. This was so very evident, for me, in the ministry of which I was actively involved in,

Sunday School, where our kids could sing, dance, act, perform, write, compose, paint; just being brilliant in all that they sincerely mastered. The GNC helped them to enhance their skills and more importantly use them for the Glory of God.

We all will agree that we live in a day and age which is deeply influential and can impact the thinking of our children. The Danger today is the WORLD is increasing and the WORD in us is decreasing. Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6) The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. (Proverbs 9:10). Let us foresee the beauty and majesty of our Catholic Faith and along with providing for their worldly necessities, making sure we nourish our children with Faith so that they may blossom well, with values that today we see missing in the secular world, values of love, care, respect obedience and gentleness for their parents and the elders around whom they are surrounded.

I once again thank everybody for all that you have done for me - the memories, the friendship, the support, the love. I hope that I have been able to give back to you a fraction of what you have given me. I hope you continue to keep me in your prayers so that in all that I do God’s Will is manifested. Be assured of my prayers and may St. Anne, Pray for us. - Br. Keith

For the Mighty one has done Great things for me, Holy is His Name

Page 6: We care. We share. AnneMater€¦ · Parish Bulletin of St. Anne Church, Bandra • Jan-Feb-Mar 2018• VOL. XVIII No. 2 (for private circulation) “To build a Community that is

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‘Lent, as defined in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke is a period of the forty days and nights that our Messiah Jesus Christ spent fasting and praying in the desert. As a human entity and before he could enforce his public ministry, Jesus also resisted temptations from Satan during this period.’

The Catholic Church speaks about three important practices which are necessary during the time of Lent namely prayer, fasting and alms giving. While prayer and alms giving are good, fasting needs to be understood not in the realm of skipping meals alone.

We are living in a world where The Holy Bible is replaced with our mobile phones. Let us keep ‘a fast from using our mobile phones’ - at least for a few hours a day.

We persecute each other in our homes through hurtful words. Let us fast from using hurtful words.

During Lent, most of us make sincere sacrifices by abstaining from non -vegetarian food, alcohol, cigarettes, etc but we continue to feed the vices of pride, arrogance, sloth, ego and impurity in our hearts. Instead let us fast from feeding these vices.

During the season of Lent, let us raise our standards and create a change for ourselves by fasting from foods and other pleasures that create a sense of guilt and hinder us from sharing a loving relationship with God. We can do this through our prayers asking for His grace and wisdom.

Let us spend more time in reading The Word so that we know what is true and do not get discouraged by the confusion and lies with which Satan ties up our minds. It is not temptation which is the sin, but it is the consent that we render to temptation which creates the sin. We need to remind ourselves to avoid occasions that we know will tempt us and cause us to sin. As God promises us in the book of Jeremiah 29:13 ‘‘When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all you heart.’’ -- Anushka Dutt

Fasting: The Christian Way

BAPTISMS31st December 2017 – Shaun Jie Fernandes, Son of Alan Christopher and Yongming Xu.31st December 2017 – Abran Ethan Lobo, Son of Andre and Rhianna Prabhu03rd February 2018 – Enzo Bernard Gonsalves, Son of Skeet Hilary and Brijetta

MARRIAGES13th January 2018 – Ian Jude Gonsalves and Vanita Theresa Saldanha

FUNERALS02nd January 2018 – John Baptist Britto, aged 61 years of Ambedkar Road.08th January 2018 – Queenie Abel, aged 90 years of Sherly.31st January 2018 – Dr Anthony Dugald Dias, aged 91 years of Scheme17th February 2018 – Joseph Peter Sequeira, aged 75 years of Scheme.19th February 2018 – Mavis D’Penha, aged 89 years of Rajan.22nd February 2018 – Vincent Paul Nidiappan, aged 61 years of Ambedkar Road.

Parish Records - December 2017 to February 2018

Page 7: We care. We share. AnneMater€¦ · Parish Bulletin of St. Anne Church, Bandra • Jan-Feb-Mar 2018• VOL. XVIII No. 2 (for private circulation) “To build a Community that is

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Life is Difficult! Scott Peck in his record breaking bestseller, “The Road Less Travelled (TRLT)”at the very outset depicts the harsh reality that none of us would like to know. Indeed, his words were only a summary and reiteration of what Sirach wrote approximately between the years 200 to 175 BCE. “Every person has been given a great deal of work to do” (Sirach: 40). While TRLT believes that commitment and responsibility are some of the seeds of living a life of fulfilment, our gracious Lord provided us with a repertoire of promises that we can be rest assured of. Unique as can be, Jesus simply offers himself as the universal solution to all our burdens in His own words, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)

As this season of Lent has just begun, most of us are already abstaining from chocolates, non-vegetarian food, alcohol, Facebook, Snapchat and the list goes on. We have probably scheduled our weekends to incorporate Stations of the Cross followed by Mass every Friday in Lent, made a decision to be more generous towards the poor and the needy, we otherwise mostly ignore, share some of our most prized possessions among other sacrifices. But hold on, How many of us have resolved to stop grumbling, complaining, arguing, engaging in self-defeating thoughts or running down others (either in words or in our minds)??? Yes, Life is difficult, it is a struggle; we are faced with all sorts of challenges daily but anyone say that grumbling, complaining, etc was going to help us?

This Lent, Keep Smiling!

Bandra roads are all dug up, Smile!“In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.”(Proverbs 3:6)

The maid does not turn up, Smile! “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”(Philippians 4:13)

You have not received an increment while your colleagues have, Smile!

“And my God will supply all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19)

Internet is not working, connectivity issues, your laptop hung, Smile!“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.”(James 1:2-3)

Children do not have time for you/ for church activities, Smile!“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7)

And what happens?

Instead of grumbling and complaining, we take up our crosses with a Smile because our trials are nothing compared to the trials Jesus faced leading to his death. And so with humble hearts, let us surrender ourselves to our saviour Jesus Christ and draw enormous strength from Him to take up our cross. This Lent, Smile! ~ Akshay Pereira

Take Up YOUR Cross

The Bandra Deanery Bible Quiz was held on Sunday, 21st January, 2018 at St. Joseph, The Worker Church, Bandra (E). Five parishes from Bandra Deanery participated in the Bible Quiz with each team comprising of six

members. (Children, Youth and Adults).

The Bible Quiz included Multiple Choices, Unscrambling

Words, Audio Clips, Mixed Bag queries and a Rapid Fire Round. And as St. Paul states, “If one should boast, he should boast of the Lord.” Truly, one witnessed enthusiastic preparation and participation from the various teams. The audience too, were able to enhance their scripture knowledge.

Thanks to the Bandra Deanery Bible Committee Co-ordinator - Fr. Savio D’Souza for his encouragement, and support. Thanks to the participants and parishioners who came to cheer their parish team. The programme came to a close felicitating the winners and with a spirit of fellowship. It was truly an exciting and a memorable evening. --NattyNoronha


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Confessions : Every Saturday at 6.30 p.m. or on requestBaptisms : On request. Sundays after 9.15 a.m. Mass till renovations are complete.Good News Club : After the 8.00 a.m. Mass(Sunday School) Church Office : 9.00 a.m. - 12.00 noon & 5.00 p.m. - 7.00 p.m.Tel: 26481923 • E-Mail: [email protected] • Web:

MASS SCHEDULE Weekdays : 6.00 a.m., 6.45 a.m. 7.00 p.m.

Sundays : 6.30 a.m., 8.00 a.m. 9.15 a.m., 6.00 p.m.

PUBLISHED BY: Fr. Colman CarlosEDITORIAL TEAM: Fr. Savio, Felicity, Marion & Anushka

E-MAIL: [email protected]

STATIONS OF THE CROSS - FRIDAYS IN LENT AT 7.00 p.m.16.03.2018 - Pal/Am

23.03.2018 - Hope and Life Movement

CONFESSIONS23rd & 24th March, 2018 – 5.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m.

March 25th, 2018 – PALM SUNDAYMasses at 6.30 a.m.,*8.00 a.m., 9.15 a.m. & 6.00 p.m.

*Blessings of Palms at 7.45 a.m. followed by procession to the church.

March 29th, 2018 – MAUNDY THURSDAYMorning– Distribution of Holy Communion to the homebound

5.00 p.m. – Mass for the sick/aged and children7.00 p.m. – Mass of the Lord’s Supper

10.00 p.m. – Holy Hour before the Altar of Repose.

March 30th, 2018 – GOOD FRIDAY9.00 a.m. – Station of the Cross

10.00 a.m. – Three Hours Agony Service Conducted by Fr. Andrew Aranha6.00 p.m. – Celebration of the Lord’s Passion

March 31st, 2018 – HOLY SATURDAY8.00 p.m. – Easter Vigil Service

April 1st, 2018 – EASTER SUNDAYMasses at 6.30 a.m., 8.00 a.m. & 9.15 a.m.

No Evening Mass

From Friday, March 30th, 2018 – Sunday, April 1st, 2018The Divine Mercy Novena will be at 3.00 p.m.

From Monday, April 2nd, 2018 – Saturday, April 7th, 2018The Divine Mercy Novena will be at 6.30 p.m.

COMMUNITY MASS4th April - 8.00 p.m. - Sherly and Rajan

5th April - 8.00 p.m. - Malla and Scheme6th April - 8.00 p.m. - Pal/Am and Pali Hill