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Wawel in Krakow is a hill on which the Royal Castle is situated. The hill is near the bank of the Vistula River. The castle was rebuilt in the Renaisance style by Queen Bona, who came from Italy. It served as the Royal residence for more than 600 years.The castle has five residential towers and a beautiful gate.


Wawel castle was the residence of Polish princes and kings from the mid-11th century until the end of the 16th century. Wawel's first brick fortifications were erected in the mid-13th century by prince Bolesaw Wstydliwy. A defence system adapted to the use of fire-arms was ordered by King Wadysaw Jagieo. During the reign of Kazimierz Jagielloczyk, two high towers were added on the south side. A major enlargement of the royal residence took place during the reign of Zygmunt Stary.

A three-winged Renaissance castle courtyardwith three levels of open galleries was built in the 16th century. Its fourth side was enclosed by
a wall crowned with an attic. New interior decorating works were done in the castle as well. During the reign of king Zygmunt III Waza a major part of the castle was destroyed in a fire. Royal court moved to Warsaw then but coronation ceremonies still took place in Wawel Cathedral.After the third partition of Poland, in 1795 Cracow became the part of Austria. Wawel was turned into army barracks and new bastionned fortifications were added. In 1905 the castle was purchased by the Polish people and underwent major conservation and reconstruction works.After World War I, the authorities of the newly independent Polish Second Republic decided that Wawel Castle was to become a representative building of the Polish state and would be used by the Governor and later by the President himself.In 1921 the Polish Parliament passed a resolution which gave Wawel official status as the residence of the President of Poland. Following the ravages of World War II, by the decree of the State National Council, Wawel Castle became a national museum. Today the castle is a museum and one of the biggest tourist attractions in Cracow

5th century - the Slavs settled in the basin of the Vistula and Warta Rivers9th century - Vistulans tribe created a state with a capital in CracowYear 1000 - the establishment of a bishopric in Cracow; the first Wawel Cathedral was built near the royal palatium on the Wawel hill1039 - Cracow became the capital of Poland1138 - Prince Boleslaw Krzywousty in his testament divided the country into districts; Cracow and its surroundings became the part of the senior district and were the seat of the rulers of the State

1241 - The first Tatar invasion of Cracow, the city was severely damaged


1320 - Wadysaw okietek was the first Polish king crowned in the Wawel Cathedral

1364 Kazimierz Wielki (Casimir the Great) founded the Cracow Academy, the first university in Poland

1518 Renaissance in Poland started with the marriage of king Zygmunt I (Sigismund I) with an Italian princess Bona Sforza for whom the king rebuilt the castle and redecorated the interiors. Italian influences changed Polish art, architecture, fashion, music, and cuisine (Polish cooks started to use parsley, leeks, olive oil, savoy cabbage and lots of spices)

1609 - King Zygmunt III Waza moved his court permanently to Warsaw, which became the new seat of Polish kings. However the coronation ceremonies still took place in the Wawel Cathedral.

Wawel Castle in Krakow, considered one of the most important Polish monuments. Old residence of Polish kings has got an area of 7040m2. The oldest buildings on the Wawel Hill were built in the eleventh century, during the reign of the first Polish king Boleslaw Chrobry.The castle was often rebuilt in many different architectural styles. Today the main part of the castle is designed mostly in the Renaissance, Baroque and a bit of a classic style. The Royal Palace has got two floors with a beautiful renaissance courtyard. There are also five residential towers, a Cathedral and a gate leading to the hill.


In this picture, Wawel castle is shown at night. Its beautifully illuminated.

Courtyard of the Wawel Castle

Legend of the Wawel Dragon !!!

The legend tells about Wawel Dragon. It used to live in
a cave beneath the castle. For a long time the dragon kidnapped and ate young girls and cattle. Prince Krak announced, that he would give half of the kingdom and his daughter to a person who killed the Dragon. Brave shoemaker stuffed a skin of a sheep with sulfur and he gave it to the dragon to eat it. The trick was successful and the kingdom was saved.

Interesting facts!!!

There are many tombs of famous Polish kings, national heroes and saints in the crypts beneath the Wawel Cathedral. The most recent addition is the tomb of president Lech Kaczyski and his wife, who died in the plane crash in 2010.

Exhibits in the castle of Museum

There are many different things and clothes in the Wawel museum. You can see royal crown and couts of ex- kings of Poland in the King's Hall.There is a unique collection of interesting pieces of art in the Treasury Hall. You can see some of the things of John Paul II in the Pope's hall.

Autor : Zygmunt Put Zetpe0202rdo : Praca wasna ( Own work )Licencja :,_Old_Town,_Krakow,_Poland.JPG

Autor : Sharxrdo : Praca wasna ( Own work )Licencja :

Autor : ZirlandLicencja :

Autor : ANGELUSrdo : Praca Wasna ( Own work )Licencja :

Autor : Jakub Haunrdo : Praca wasna ( Own work )Licencja :

Autor : Ramarudo : Praca wasna ( Own work )Licencja :

Autor : Lestat (Jan Mehlich)rdo : Praca wasna ( Own work )Licencja :

Autor: Leszek Zdrach.

RaNo Barabasz (Chepry) (Jan Mehlich)


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