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Waste not, Want not

Solid Waste Management

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Types of WasteWaste

Bio degradable Non-biodegradable Organic Inorganic

Compostable RecyclableToxic Toxic

Combustible Non- recyclable Non- toxic Non-toxic

Solid Liquid

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A worker collecting garbage at Kalbhavi Road, near Kottara, in Mangalore

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3 –R’s in Waste Management


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REDUCE• The most sustainable option is

always to reduce the amount of waste generated in the first place.

• Refusing prevents it from entering into the waste stream, saves the energy needed to produce it, then recycle or dispose of it.

• What do we throw?Trash consists of containers, wrappers and other nondurable goods, like paper.

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• Choose items with minimal packaging..

• Give up plastic bags in favor of reusable shopping bags.

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• Finally, carefully consider each purchase and resist the urge to make impulse buys.

• Allow yourself a 24-hour waiting period before making any new purchases.

• Look for energy efficient, durable products.

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• Reusing - finding new owners for items in working condition, repurposing items usually destined for the trash or recycling cans.

• Look for items at secondhand stores, and those for sales

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Take a look again at your trash can and ask yourself what uses you can find for the items you're throwing away.

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• Getting creative -cut back on new purchases and save money

• Likewise, donate --- don't discard --- your unused items..

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Recycle • Recycling should be your

last resort when working to reduce the amount of trash your household produces.

• Although it is preferable to sending your recyclables to a landfill or incinerator, recycling nonetheless requires energy.

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• Send recyclable waste such as paper, plastic, metals to collection centers.

• You can also recycle food scraps and paper through composting, a process by which such wastes break down into organic matter that is a soil enrichment.

• Spread finished compost on your lawn or garden or add it to your houseplants to improve their growth.

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Compost :

• One-third of the content that goes into some landfills could be composted.

• The solution is to start a "slow" pile of kitchen veggie scraps and lawn waste.

• This is easy to do and creates great "black gold" humus that landscape plants will love and will cut down on summer watering.

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