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Warm-Up Characterization and Central Ideas in A Night to Remember

Lesson Goals


Lesson Question


Words to Know

Fill in this table as you work through the lesson. You may also use the glossary to help you.

characterization the way a character is   and developed 

central idea the author’s most important idea in a  , supported by key details 

detail small piece of   that contributes to a larger idea or story 

nonfictionwriting that uses real people, places, and events as its 

setting the time period, place, and   environment in

which the events of a text are located 


in a nonfiction story.

Identify elementsof historical


Read from A Night to Remember, by Walter Lord.

Connect central

with supportingdetails.

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Instruction Part 1

Characterization and Central Ideas in A Night to Remember

The RMS Titanic

• Was the and most expensive ship of its time

• Included some of the people in the world

• Offered luxury for first-class passengers

• Was advertised as “ ”

• Lacked enough

The Sinking of the Titanic

April 10, 1912 The ship leaves for New York.

April 14, 1912 The ship hits an .

April 15, 1912 Titanic sinks, killing people.

September 1, 1985 The of the ship are found deep


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Instruction Part 1

Characterization and Central Ideas in A Night to Remember


Elements of Historical Nonfiction

Nonfiction writing uses real people, places, and as its topics.

of nonfiction writing include:

• characterization.

• settings.

• central ideas.

• details.

Using Details in Historical Nonfiction

One in historical nonfiction is that the people, ,

and events are real.

Descriptive details:

• paint a picture of a person, place, or event.

• bring the

into the story.

• help show the reader what

is rather

than just telling the story.

“Be brave; no matter what happens, be

brave,” Dr. W. T. Minahan told Mrs. Minahan as

he stepped back with the other men.

Mr. Turrell Cavendish said nothing to

Mrs. Cavendish. Just a kiss . . . a long look . . .

another kiss . . . and he disappeared into the


–A Night to Remember, Walter Lord

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Instruction Part 1

Characterization and Central Ideas in A Night to Remember



Setting in Historical Nonfiction

The setting of a story includes:

• period.

• .

• social customs and .

Characterization in Historical Nonfiction

Characterization is the way a character is presented and , including:

• .

• physical appearance.

• thoughts and .

• .

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Instruction Part 1

Characterization and Central Ideas in A Night to Remember


Understanding Dialogue in Historical Nonfiction

Dialogue is written or spoken between characters.

By analyzing dialogue, the reader can:

• develop a sense of characterization.

• re-create the event and the involved.

Analyzing Dialogue for Characterization

Ask yourself the following questions to analyze dialogue for characterization:

• Which feelings do the characters show?

• Which do they use?

• How do they to

other characters?

“Walter, you must come with me,”

begged Mrs. Walter D. Douglas.

“No,” Mr. Douglas replied, turning

away, “I must be a gentleman.”

“Try and get off with Major Butt

and Mr. Moore,” came a final bit of wifely

advice. “They are big, strong fellows and

will surely make it.”

–A Night to Remember, Walter Lord

Underline the sentence that expresses Mr. Douglas’s feelings.

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Characterization and Central Ideas in A Night to RememberInstruction

Part 2

Finding the Central Ideas

Central ideas are the most ideas in a text.

• Look for what you believe are the big ideas in the excerpt.

• Watch for ideas that are throughout the excerpt.

• Think about how you would explain the excerpt to a friend after you are done reading it.

• State the central idea in words.

Identifying the Big Ideas of A Night to Remember

In A Night to Remember, the big ideas include:

• facing .

• overcoming fear.

• putting others before self.

• being a .

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Summary Characterization and Central Ideas in A Night to Remember


Use this space to write any questions or thoughts about this lesson.

Lesson Question How can an author bring heroes back to life??