Download - Warm Up 5/29/2013

Page 1: Warm Up                    5/29/2013

Warm Up 5/29/2013

NO binders & Copy ROAR!Get a sheet of paperTitle your sheet of paper: DBA #4 Review

Go to page 8 in your textbook and define: Physical Map, Political Map and Thematic (Special Purpose Map)

Page 2: Warm Up                    5/29/2013

Federalism, Sovereignty & Separation of PowersFederalism – power divided between state

and national gov’t.Popular Sovereignty – government that

gains power from the people.Separation of powers – checks and


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Cultural Borrowing & DiffusionBorrowing – When a group of people adopt

another’s traits.EX. Americans wearing skinny jeans from

FranceEX. American eating Sushi from Japan

Diffusion – process of spreading new knowledge and skills to another groupEX. Christopher Columbus spreading

Christianity to the native people.

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Free Enterprise VS CommunismFree Enterprise – decisions are made by

citizen business ownersEX. USA

Communism – decisions made by the governmentEX. North Korea

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Branches of GovernmentLegislative – make laws

Congress – senate and house of representativesJudicial – interprets laws

Supreme CourtExecutive – Enforces Laws

President, Vice-President and Cabinet

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NAFTANorth American Free Trade AgreementNo trade barriers such as tariffsBrings money into all 3 countriesMaquiladoras – factories built in border

towns where labor is cheaper than the United States

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Bolivia & ChileRemember foldable?Countries that are very close together but are

very different because of the transportation barrier.

Andes Mountains

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Columbia’s War on DrugsDrug dealers pay farmers to grow coca.Must grow coca or they lose their farms.Drugs are sent to the United States and


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MapsPhysical – map that shows only physical

featuresEX. Mountains, rivers, lakes …

Political – map that show man made featuresEX. Cities, capitals, states, countries …

Thematic – map that only shows a specific topicEX. Population density map

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Physical Map = map of many colors

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Political Map = a lot of lines (boundaries)

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Thematic Map – tells you one, specific thing

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Preambleintroduction statement of the constitutionTells what you will find in the constitutionWe the people …

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Latitude and Longitude

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Bill of RightsGuarantees your rights as a US citizen1 – RAPPS2 – Bear Arms3 – No Quartering4 – No illegal search and seizure5 – no incriminating yourself6 – speedy trial7 – trial by jury8 – no cruel or unusual punishment9 – rights not listed are given to YOU!10 – powers not given to the national government are

given to the states (Federalism)

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Territorial Acquisitions

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Types of IndustryAgricultureWholesaleRetailManufacturingService

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VotingImportant right of US citizen

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13th, 14th, 15th, & 19th13 – freed the slaves14 – made everyone equal citizens15 – equal voting rights (MEN!)19 – Women’s right to vote

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Industrialized VS DevelopingIndustrialized (Developed)

High standard of living and developed industrial base

countries in Europe and North AmericaDeveloping

low living standard and underdeveloped industrial base

countries in Africa , Asia and Latin America

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Important DocumentsConstitution

1787James Madison “Father of the U.S.

Constitution”Declaration of Independence

1775Thomas Jefferson

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Barriers and CorridorsBarrier – mountain, desertCorridor – canal, river, strait