Download - Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.

Page 1: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.

Warm Up – 2/23

• Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).

• Agenda• Notes/PowerPoint• WebQuest/BookQuest• Work on project• Exit Quiz

Page 2: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.

Warm Up – 2/23 - Honors

• Name three things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write three questions you have about them (think CAPES).

• Agenda• Notes/PowerPoint• WebQuest/BookQuest• Work on project• Exit Quiz

Page 3: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.

the roman empireOne of the most powerful empires in human existence whose

political, religious, economic, technological and cultural innovations we still use today

Page 4: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.

Rome vs. USA

• The Roman Empire lasted for 985 years

• The United States has only been around for 234

• In order for the United States to be around as long as the Roman Empire, it would have to last until the year 2761

• As we talk about the Roman empire, think about the similarities between it and our own nation’s history

Page 5: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.

I. The rise of Rome

• A. In 509 BC, Roman citizens overthrew their foreign king

• Sound familiar?

• 1. Prior to this, a people called the Etruscans influenced the early development of Rome by launching a building program that turned Rome from a village into a city

Page 6: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.

I. The rise of Rome• B. These Romans

established a republic• 1. republic - form of

government which is controlled by officials elected by citizens

• Sound familiar?

• C. Rome rose to power by defeating all of their enemies in what is today Italy.

Page 7: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.

II. Roman Society

• A. Divided into two parts

• 1. patricians - wealthy land owners who became Rome’s ruling class who could vote and be elected into office

• 2. plebeians - farmers, craftsmen, and merchants who could vote but not be elected into office

Page 8: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.

II. Roman Society

• B. Throughout the Roman Empire, Greek slaves were in high demand as artists, musicians, doctors, and tutors

• Why do you think this was the case?

Page 9: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.

II. Roman Society

• C. Some emperors provided entertainment for the city of Rome. One popular event was the gladiator fights where men fought to their deaths in front of up to 50,000 spectators.

• What does this show about Roman culture? In other words, what was important to Romans?

Page 10: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.

III. Roman Politics

• A. Roman Republic

• 1. Senate

• a. Group of patricians who passed laws and elected officers

• Sound Familiar?

• 2. Consul

• a. Elected by the Senate to run government and lead army

Page 11: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.

III. Roman Politics

• 3. Tribune

• a. An official elected by plebeians to protect their interests

• Sound Familiar?

• 4. Dictator

• a. Ruler who held virtually all power. However, at certain times in Roman history, could be checked by the senate.

Page 12: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.

III. Roman Politics

• 5. Law of Nations

• a. Body of law that set up the Roman justice system and is one of Rome’s chief gifts to later generations

• This included the principles that said a person is innocent until proven guilty, accused people could defend themselves, and a judge would weigh evidence in determining the fate of the accused

Page 13: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.


Laptop No Laptop• Click on lessons on my website• Download Rome WebQuest• Email me once you finish• Work on your project

• Grab a textbook. The section on Ancient Rome starts on page 144• Follow the directions on the worksheet and put in the basket when completed• Once you finish the BookQuest, work on your project

**By the end of class, you should have 3 – 4 of your questions and answers done**

Page 14: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.

Warm Up – 2/24

•Name two ways in which the Roman Empire is similar to the United States

•Agenda• Notes/PowerPoint• Finish WebQuest/BookQuest• Vocab Depictions• Work on project• Exit Quiz

Page 15: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.

Warm Up – 2/24 - Honors

•Name three ways in which the Roman Empire is similar to the United States

• Agenda• Notes/PowerPoint• Finish WebQuest/BookQuest• Vocab Depictions• Work on project• Exit Quiz

Page 16: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.

IV. Roman History

• A. 509 B.C.-Roman Republic Founded

• B. Punic Wars (264-146 BC)

• 1. Rome battled and eventually defeated Carthage, an empire based in Northern Africa

Page 17: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.

IV. Roman History

• C. The First Triumvirate

• 1. Included rulers Crassus, Pompey, and Julius Caesar

• a. Julius Caesar• i. Disobeyed the

Senate and made himself dictator. Was eventually assassinated by members of the senate (Ides of March)

• Julius Caesar

Page 18: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.

IV. Roman History

• D. The Second Triumvirate

• 1. Included leaders Augustus Caesar, Antony, Lepidus

• a. Augustus Caesar• i. Gave some power back

to the Senate, but took full command of the Roman army.

• E. Pax Romana

• 1. A period of Roman peace with little military activity.

Augustus Caesar

Page 19: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.

Roman Expansion


Page 20: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.

Roman Culture & Society

•Many structures built in Rome were based on Greek architecture (arcs, columns)

•Do you see any similarities between the pantheon (top) and the US Capitol building (bottom)?

Page 21: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.

Roman Culture & Society


•Here gladiators fought to the death in front of up to 60,000 Romans

Page 22: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.

V. Religion in Rome

• A. Roman religion

• 1. Polytheistic and much like the Greek gods

• B. Christianity

• 1. Jesus Christ

• a. Jewish teacher who spread teachings known as Christianity

• b. Christianity began to spread throughout Judaea and eventually the entire Roman empire

Page 23: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.

V. Religion in Rome

• C. Constantine

• 1. Became the first Christian emperor of Rome

• 2. This eventually led to Christianity becoming the official religion of the Roman Empire.

Page 24: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.


•1. Finish WebQuest/BookQuest

•2. Complete the vocabulary depiction worksheet

•3. Work on your projects• You should have all of your questions

and answers written out by the end of class

• You should be half way done with your cue cards by the end of class

Page 25: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.

Warm Up – 2/25

•Name one problem that the US faces today. Do you think this could lead to our fall? Why or why not?

•Agenda• Notes/PowerPoint• Rome StoryBoard• Work on project• Exit Quiz

Page 26: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.

Warm Up – 2/25 - Honors

•Name two problems that the US faces today. Do you think this could lead to our fall? Why or why not?

•Agenda• Notes/PowerPoint• Rome StoryBoard• Work on project• Exit Quiz

Page 27: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.

Fall of Rome

•Fall of Rome

•What were some of the problems in Rome mentioned in the video?

•Why would these problems lead to Rome’s collapse?

•Which of these problems do we face today?

•Do you think we can overcome some of these problems? Why or why not?

Page 28: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.

VI. Fall of Rome

• A. New projects and reforms by Roman Emperors both raised taxes and increased government spending.

• B. The empire was split into two parts, the Eastern Roman Empire (based in Constantinople) and the Western Roman Empire (based in Rome)

Page 29: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.

VI. Fall of Rome

• 1. This weakened the empire as its forces were split in two

• Why would this weaken the Roman Empire?

Page 30: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.

VI. Fall of Rome

• Social Causes:

• Many non – Romans immigrated to Rome and only looked to their own benefit, not the benefit of Rome

• The discipline of the army declined as many non – Romans were paid to fight for Rome.

• Plague and diseases killed tens of thousands of people in the empire

Page 31: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.

VI. Fall of Rome

• 2. Germanic tribes eventually defeated the Western Roman Empire and took over control of Rome

• 3. The Eastern Roman Empire, however, continued to thrive and was renamed the Byzantine Empire

Page 32: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.


Laptop No Laptop• Click on lessons on my website• Download FallofRome• Email me once you finish• Work on your project

• Grab a textbook. Page numbers are on the worksheet• Follow the directions on the worksheet and put in the basket when completed• Work on your project

**By the end of class, you should be totally ready to film on Monday**

Page 33: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.

Warm Up – 2/28

•Give me two causes for the fall of Rome

•Agenda• Story board• Work on projects• Quiz corrections

Page 34: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.

Warm Up – 2/28 - Honors

•Give me three causes for the fall of Rome

•Agenda• Story board• Work on projects• Quiz corrections

Page 35: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.


•1. Finish any other work from the last few days (Web/BookQuest, Vocab depictions)

•2. Do Roman Empire storyboard (p. 144 – 177)

•3. Work on project• You should be starting to film today!• We’ll have some time to work on it


Page 36: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.

Warm Up – 3/1

•Come up with two quiz questions on Roman civilization

•Agenda• Work on projects• Crossword/Vocabulary• Study Guide• Review Game

Page 37: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.

Warm Up – 3/1 - Honors

•Come up with three quiz questions on Roman civilization

•Agenda• Work on projects• Crossword/Vocabulary• Study Guide• Review Game

Page 38: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.


•1. FILM!!

•2. Finish any other work from the last few days (Depictions, Fall of Rome worksheet)

•3. Work on Crossword/Vocab sheet

•4. Study guide (on cart)

Page 39: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.

Warm Up – 3/2

•No Warm Ups today•Grades are posted• If your computer has your project on it,

email it to me!

•Agenda• Peer Review• Finish crossword/Vocab• Quiz Corrections• Study Guide• Review Game• Watch Videos

Page 40: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.


•1. Finish filming!

•2. Finish any other work from the last few days (Depictions, Fall of Rome worksheet)

•3. Work on/finish crossword/vocab sheet

•4. Do Quiz corrections

•5. Study guide (on cart)

Page 41: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.

Review Timeline• Create a timeline using the following events (first date is 1100 BC,

last date is 476 AD):• Republic of Rome is founded• Alexander the Great enters Asia to attack Persians• Collapse of Mycenaean Greece• Fall of the Roman Empire• The First Triumvirate is formed• Phillip II takes the throne of Macedon• Last year of Pax Romana• Battle of Thermopylae• Beginning of first Punic War• Start of the Peloponnesian War• Julius Caesar is assassinated • Start of Pericles’s administration• Alexander the Great dies

• Use your book or the internet for dates

Page 42: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.

Warm Up – 3/3


•Review game(s):• Useful Links – Unit 2 Review – Play Games

•Agenda• Test• Project Presentations/Peer Reviews• Movie – King Arthur (time permitting)

Page 43: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.

Test taking Skills

•In order for Athenians to protect themselves against ambitious politicians, they devised this practice• A. Beheadings• B. Confucianism• C. Ostracism• D. Embalming

Page 44: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.

Test taking Skills

•Many poor families in the city of Rome lived in these apartment like complexes known as:• A. Infrastructures• B. Inasmuch• C. Insulae• D. Villas

Page 45: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.

Peer Grading

•You need a rubric sheet for each partner you had (in a group of 2, you’d need 3, in a group of 3, you’d need 2…)

•Write your partners’ names on the rubrics

•Grade them on each category by placing an X in the boxes

•4 is the best, 0 is the worst

Page 46: Warm Up – 2/23 Name two things you know about the Romans. If you don’t know anything, write two questions you have about them (think CAPES).Name two things.

Project critique

Laptop No Laptop• Go to my home page and click on the “discussion” tab• Click on “Interview Projects (4)”

• I will hand out warm up sheets

•For each interview, write:• The historical figure being interviewed/the actor’s initials• One sentence critiquing the interview• What letter grade you would give the project