Download - War in Middle Earth Instruction .. ide the Valar therc were the Maiar. who were brethren to lile Valar, though of lesser stature



VlIIGIH IllASTfRTRONIC Ih'TL lHC. 1&001 CowIn, 1rfI ..... C.I. 12114. Ttl. (l1~) 8lH710


Tm-ee Rings for the Elwn-kings under the sky, Seven [or the Dwar/-Lords in their halls o/Stone,

Nine Jor Mortal Men doomed to die, One/or the Dark Lord on bis dark UJronc

In the Land of Mordorwbere tbeSbadows fie. One Ring to nile them aJ~ One Ringjind them,

One Ring 10 bring tbem all and ill the darkness bind them 111 tbe land of MordoT where tbe Shadollis lie.

Tht: Wiz;Lrd Gandalf the Grey has identified the ring bequeathed to Frodo Haggins hy his Uncle Bilbo. who hr(lughl it back from an adventure long ago. as being "'1lle One Ring~.

forged by Sauron, (he Dark Lord, it is verrpowerful and very evil. It conUins much of Sauron's power - with it he would defeat all his enemies and SUbjugate the whole of Middle Earth. Were it to be destroyoo he would be defeated. Though it would be possible 10 use it against Sauron. it would then corrupt the wielder, turning him into a n~w Dark Lord. Because of the magical nature of the Ring, it can only be destroyed by I>t!ing thrown into the Cracks of Doom, where it was forged. This is the mouth of the volcano MI. Doom in thecentr~ ofSauron·s kingdom of Mordor far to the South East.

PLAYINGTHEGAME There arc:: three leyels: FuU map Ic\'1::1 Thisshows you the:: whole ofMidd1c: Earth, with forces shown as dots,

good in blue, t:\'i! in red, neutral in grecn. Campaign le\'e1 Detailed map of part of Middle Earth: this will scroll if pointer is

mOl'cd to an edge:. Characters are shown as figures, armies as badges. This is the level all commands arc given on.

Animation kvcl Full animation of characters. Used for encounters. To move up a It:vcl, use the map icon. To move down a level, sela:t the: magnifying glass, position it over the area you W3fl1, and press fire:.

Speed The game will run at threesJXed.s: nonnal, hasty and very hasty. To change ~d,sdcct the hourglass icon then click on the option you want.

Movement You can only command charactC'fS or groups that:an: active, shown flashing on the campaign map. Select the: arrow Icon, position it over the force to be ordc:rnI, and press fire. A window will be opened listing the units in the force - ifrou onlywant some to respond. click on their names. 'lllL"tl move: the :mow to die dcstiruu.ion you wam and press fire to set. They will then pIOa!ed to mrn't: dlc:re at their own pace, finding die best route around obstacles mat they can.

Encounters You will often be told offriendly encounters. Sdect HGo ThereH to hear dleiradvice. This will automatically takt: you to tht: animation Ievt:l. When characters meet, or (orces meet commanders, they may follow or continue on their way: It. windowwlll open in the top right~sdcct the option you want. Jfthey follow they will become a single (()fct':. To see who is in such a force just click on it. This will open a window listing those present. Those following a leader will be shown slightly indented.

Combat Combat ocl..'Urs when t:nt:my forces meet. You can ignore this and accept the result, or go there and have some influence on the baule.1his opensacombat window, listing all units on both sidcs. Every friendly unit involved in battlc has four options: Charge Move into combat Engage Fight where you arc Withdraw Move out of combat. but stay cloSt:; you may rejoin combat later Retreat Lt!a\"t: tht: scene ofbatth.:; you cannot retum. These arc: indicated by a grid of squares, with the selected options shown filled . To change options, juSt point at me appropriate square and press fire. The color in which a Character·s name appears indicates his health during me battlc. Initially, names arc shown in black (healthy) lettering, turning red when the character is


,,,,ounded and grey when he diC5. Fon:cs do not get wounded, but when finally destroyed me unifs name u; shown in gn,-,

To find the status of any character or force~ outside combat, click on the character and then on the status icon.

Objects You will find objects to aid you in your quest. Some of these strengthen your charactel'!i; others can be used to mobilize the nations of the ~. 10 manipubtc objects }'Qu mUSt be on the animation level. Select the provisions icon (a gauntlet grasping aflask). then the options you require.

Saved Games Tosaveor load a game go to the full map level and open the archive menu. then select the option rou want.


If you tuve two drives, in.-.err diSk I into main drive and disk 2 inm your second drive. If you only have one drive, insert disk t into the drive. You will be prompted IOchange the disk regularly throughout the game.

AMIGA Insert Kidcstart DiSk if required. At the request for a Workbench disk, insert program disk(s).

ATARIST Make sure that the disk drivc(s) is(are) SWitched on. Insert program disk(s). Switch the computer on.

IBM PC's and Compatibles Boot DOS from another disk. Insert program diSk(s). At theA> prompt, type START and prc:ss RF.11JRN. APPLEDGS Insen Disk 1 into the dri\'eand tum on the computer. When the desktop appears,launch War in Middle Earth by clicking on itwith your mouse. When prompted. eject disk I and insert disk 2,


Travel withlhe I'dJowshipofthe Ring through Middle Earth. Thestarlinggroupconsi.~ts of Fro do, his servant Sam Ganget:, and his friend Pippin. Hdp them fmd and gather more members inlO Ihe parly, 10 prOlect the Ring BeHer. Do nOI delay. Sauron is already amassing his forces of w,uo. lie: knows the Ring still exists and is looking for it. He has Learned of the Ring's location, and has begun 10 lake interesl in Hobbits and thdr "ShireM

• Even without the One Ring he L~ a powerful opponent. He has armies of Orcs and evil men at his command. And 10 dohis spying he has the Black Riders. 'Incse nine WI"""J.ilhs, also known as Na:l!gul, arc each controlled by It:SScr rings. Even now they are heading for me Shire searching for the rung and asking after Mr. Baggin~. Your first lask is 10 guide the l'ello~hip safely to Rivcndell. The Nazgul will close in, and you must a\"oid mern at all costs. You mustlcave the Shire along The Great East Road. head past Bree and on to Rh'endellon the edgeoflhe Misty Mountains. Then with the aid of the companions you will find there, rou must head South 10 Mordor and Mt. Doom. You are heading into the vcry heartofSauron's power, so he prepared 10 face mortal danger at every slep. In addilion to Sauron's forces. you will also be assailed by thOM: oflhe Wizard SatUrnan. Though he was originally the leader of the Council of Wizards opposing Sauron, he has been corrupted. Hehasraised an army of Orcs and Dunlendings and he too is looking for [he Ring. for he heLieves he can use it to control Middle Earth. You will need tn. rnohi1i7-C the natkm5 of thC \1;bit. the mcn of Dale, Goodor and Rohan, [he Elves of wrien and Mirkwood and thc Dwarves ofEtebor and the Iron Hills, or me forces of evil will win hy force of arms before you can destroy the Ring. To do this you must find objecls of power and present them to thdr kings. Listen to the- words of the wise to discovcr the whereabouts of these objccts. !fan), of the forces for good which you control can gel the Ring to MI. Doom, you will win. If the forces of t:vil obtain the Ring and take il hack to Barad·DUr, Sauron'sstronghold in Ihe heart of Mordor, you wiJIlose.



Ar.UGA Create 1l direclOry ()n your hard drive: then copy all files from the game disk to that director)". Usc the assign command 10 instruct yOUt system to access this directory whenc:vcr a drh'c :I: or b: request is mad ....

EXAMPLE: L cd hd: 2, makcdir WIME 3. Insert \l;':lr in Middle: Earth progr.un disk A 4. copy dfO: hd:wimt: all 5, Insert War in Middle Earth pfORram disk Band

repeat su:p 4. 6. assign A: hd:WIME 7. assign S, hd:WIME 8. cd hd:wimc 9. c:xc:cute sfStartup-sc:quc:m:c:

ATARI ST Creatc three subdirectories ul1ed:


COP)' All files from Disk 1 to W IMERESl, Disk 2 to WIMERES2. Disk 3 to WIMERES 3. To load the program. change to the WIMERESI directory then DoubJc-Click on the Command.Prg icon.

IBM and Comp:ulbles At the C> prompt create a sub-directory Ihen copr all files from Ihe program disks (() [hal suh·direClOry.


(do this fo r all disks)

10 play Ihe game from tht: C> prompt. tlrsl change to Ihe. WIME direclory.


Then Iype START (RETURN) and the program wil11oad.

win. However, with a game oflhis complexity, it is impossible to give a single strategy that will work, or indeed to say that any smttegy Is doomed to failure. Finally, we have included a biography ofTolkien and a reading lisl for those people who wish to learn more abom Middle..Earm. Separate from Ihe booklet you will find a map. which has the grid reference system uSt'd in the game marked on II.

Of the Creation of Middle Earth. First there was Eru the one, and from his thoughts came the Ainur. The greatest of these were named the Valar, who were fifteen: seven lords, Manwe, Ulmo. Aule, Orome, Mandos, L6rien and Tulkas; andsc\'en ladles, Varda, Yavanna, Nienna, Estt, Viare, Vanaand Nessa; last there was Melkorwho was the mOSt powerful orall. To them Eru revealed a great musicallhcme. Together they sang in harmony, and from their music me lands of Middle Eanh were born, But Melkor chose to sing a theme of his own creation, and so discord was brought to the land. Though the other voices tried to return me path of the theme to the original intent ofEru, it was impossible, and the lands of Middle Earth forever bore me marks caused by the discord, and life was marred by the evil wrought in the beginning. Melkor was banished from the Ainur and evermore he was known as Morgoth the Dark Enemy.

Along. .. ide the Valar therc were the Maiar. who were brethren to lile Valar, though of lesser stature and many more In number. Some were drdwn to thesplendour ofMorgoth and served his purpose. Chief among these was Gorthaur me cruel. who is also called Sauron, the Dark Lord.

Of the early history of Middle Earth and the peoples who dwell there. The hiStOry of Middle E:mh is long and contains many tales that the Elves tell long inlO the night in song and prose. Here but a few words will have: to suffke, for here we arc concerned With t:vents late in the history of Middle Earth. Early struggle~, though fascinating, are of Iitde import savc to introduce the main themes. Thcflrst born were the Eh'es. Tall and bit they are for the light of the stars Is mirrored in their countenam;e. Elves are uniquely linked to the lands of Middle Earth. their lives arc long, and unless they faU in battle they arc immortal, for they suffer no ills save one, a sickening of the spirit and loss of desire 10 live. Evcn then they only choose to lay down their life for a little while and spend some time in the halls of Mandos, before returning once more to the fair lands of Middle Earth. Their hislory is long and full of incident and it5 telling must be left for others. Those who wish to know more of this andent rdce should ~k cnlightenment in the "Sllmarillion" where man)' of their tales arc SCt dowo With an eloquence that I, your humble scribe, cannot match.

Suffice it to ~y that for all the wisdom that the Elves accumulate over their long lives, thdr pride often causes them to act rashly, and in doingso they bring added tr.tgedrontO themselves. Fi:anor created the great jewels the Silmarils, and his pride In them brought on the EI\'cs manyoftheir misfortunes. And Sauron .... 'lIS able to ~ the pride of the Elven smiths in their work to trick them into forging the Ring. .. of Power.

Ilo\1\'l:vl:r, the Elves arc staunch defendc=rs of the lands of Middle Earth, protectors of its greatest beauty, and have stood lkfiant again!;t the foreesofMdkor from the beginning of time. Melkor hated them from the first. and from those unfortunate enough to be c .. ptu«:d by his sen'lUlLS, he created the Orcs. a crud race that is in all ways a foul perversion oCthe E[vc=s, Soon, howt:\"t:f, the Elves were joined by thc= Dwan'cs, or Khazad as they caUed themselves. They wcrc created by Aule the Valar smith from the vcry hearts ofthc mountains. Indeed he made them before Em created thc F.lve5. But when that Aul~ had Cfote<! the Dwan'es out orlo\'c and nOI malice, he added them tohis plan, yet he would notlct them appear on the Earth before his chosen people the Elves,so he cmsed them 10 sleep under the mountains until the Elvcs were C5ublished. Dwarves were a Strong and valiant r .. ee, yd as they were created without the aid ofEro they lack the Wacc ofEh'cs and Men. They arc soon and stunted. but do not doubt their bravery, their craft - for they an: the finest of all miners, masons or stone carvd'S - nor their pride, nor skill with arms. Wht:n Yavanna cre-.ltt.'d the trees and other plants. she also called into being the Ent..;. who were shepherds for the tree.s. ThC$C gentle creatures live their lives at the same pace as the tree> they b'Uard, though when they arc roused to anger they arc powerful opponents for the), havc= the strc,:n!tth 10 brt:'.tk!;tone and metal. The Eln:s taught tllemspeeeh, as they taught the other races, and Ents delight in language of all forms.


CONTROLS Move cursor with a mouse. Click on icons, Windows, etc. with the left hand button. IBM PC's and compatibles u~e mouse, jOystick or kys. The arrow keys mo\'(~ the cursor; ENTER or INS select. The (ollowing keys can be used instead of clicking on icons: Key Icon Description It. Scroll Archive (SavelRestore) G Arrow Movement Commands (Go (0) M Magnifying Glass Move down a level o Provisions Object Manipulation( ~tlUselDrop) S Eye 5t,nus Display T Hourglass Time U Map UpaLe\·t:l N Window OptiOn No-continueon Y Window Option Yes-acceptoplion P Pause x Q


Exit Game Quiet OntOlf

This game i5iargdy concerned wim Hobbits, and from it a player may discover much of their char-J.cter and a little of their history. Further information will :dso be found in the pages of the Red BookofWC5tmarch. so wonderfully tr.mslatcd and presented by the latc Professor Tolkien in his wurk.·, ~The Hobbit" and "The Lord of lhe Rings~.

For those who have not had the pleasure of discovering the world ofMJddle Earth a word or two of information regarding hobbilS, and the other InhabltanlS of that place, is In ord~r. Therefore in these few pages we have setout a few noteSprovidlngashor[ history of Middle Earth, and brief notes on the races and important personages thaI dwell there. In order to make this bI)oklet as easy as possible it has been divided up into sections. There is an introduction to Middle Earth, which should proVide those who have no knowledge of the story of The Lord of the Rings with enough background to play the game. A full glossary'has also been included, giving you further background information on each of me races, characters and places in the game. The gamepJay section tells how you actually play the game, and gives you some hints on theways in which you may try 10


Meikor's envy rumed to the EnlS as well as the Elves, and he created the Trolls, who were [0 stone what the Entswere to Wood. Yet as with all Melkor'scceations they were a perversion of the original. They are wi tless Creatures, who kill for pleasure.

Usl oflhe main races camc Man. Man was e\'er mOrlal, unlike the Elves. However in ancient limes his Sp3n of years was much greater than it is at present, though even then mankind was shorr-Iiwd compared even to the Dwarves. However what mankind loses in lifespan he more than makes up in numbers, and it is mankind who il; the desliny of Middle Earth.

Thus were the races made. Strife "WaS ever prescnt in the land. as the free people struggled againsl the powerS of darkness. Many men fell under the influence of MeJkor and fought alongside his other spawn against the Dwarves. Elves and Men. Eventually Melkor was defeated, though the Valar had to intervene in the course of the World. Mdkor was banished, but Sauro", his right hand, feU at the feet of Maowc and pleaded fOr mercy. Believing he had repented, the Valar allowed Sauron to remain in Middle Earth. As mankind had suffered terrible losses in the battles against the enemy the Valar created for them an island in the OCC".m. halfway between Middle Earth and their Underlying lands. This was the land ofNumen6rc. Here men prospered, for most had some elvi~h blood in their ancestry, so the people ofNumen6rc lived long and grew powerful. Mighty seafarers, their ships carried u".Ide to all parIS of.Middle Earth.

Of the Rings of Power. After Meikor had been cast into the void by the Valar, his servant Sauron took on a fonn that was fair of countenance, and called himself by the name Annatar, whjch meall5 the giver of gifts. Now it was in the twelve hundredth rear after the casting of Melkor to the Void that Sauron appeared to the Elven smiths, and with fair words he persuaded them [Q

m:lke vllrjous magical rings. Nineteen rings were made: nine he gave to the KingsofMen, seven to the Fathers of the Houses of the Dwarves and tmet": to the Lords of the Elves. He then relUrned 10 his home in MOtdor and went to Mount Doom, where the very earth is cr:\cked open, :tnd the fires inside can be seen. In these great flames he forged the One Ring. InlO this ring he put the greater partofhis power. for with it he hoped to control the lesser rings and rule al l of Middle Earth. Now, when Sauron placed the one ring on his finger , the Elves at once knew him for who he was. Therefore they hid the three rings from him and raised a great army and madewar on Sauron. But the forces of evil were large, :lnd the Elves were driven back. YCt when it seemed that Sauron must be triumphant, the men ofNtimen6re arrivcd, and in such force that Ihe re was no wayan)' could stand before them.

So Sauron. seeing that there was nothing [Q be gained by force of arms, resorted 10 subtcrfuge, and surrendered himscifto the Numen6reans. Though he was taken back to the island in chains, his glib tongue soon loosed his bonds, and he became the King's closest advisor.

His influence corrupted the whole land. Temples were built 10 Morgoth, and e\'cntually he persuaded the men ofNumen6re to sail against the Undying Ltnds.


precious, and he talked to it, till he almOSt forgot his own name and W"olS only known by the one sound he repeated, a hollow sound, Gollum.

The other Hobbits continued their journeys across Middle Earth, until they reached Ihe peaceful land of the Shire. Here they settled and continued to prosper, living in their traditional holes. with the good rooms lOOking out of the hillside. and the storerooms deep inside the cool earth. Eating four meals a day, with snacks to fill up the cracks. And enjoylnga pint or three of ale, perhaps aided by smoking a pipe full of pipe weed, a habit It is said they introduced to wizards and kings. But aside from this one invention, they ~emed to ha,'e little to do with the main flow of events. Yet nO[ all is as it seems.

Of Wizards and the Despite of Sauron. The Valar did nOI resl with the fall ofNumen6re; they sent five of the Maiar to MiddJe Earth to continue the fight against Sauron. These were the Wizards, and they took the form of old men, with white beards, each carrying a staf[ Though Sauron had no body, he took the form of a great eye, like that of a cat, red and evil. Through his scryants, the nine Nazgul, who were the ringwraiths who once had been kingsofmen, he spread his evil throughout the world. In the north, the Witch Kingdom of Angmar was founded, ruled by the lord of the Nazgul, and its forces destroyed the Dunedain kingdom of Arnor, and the kings ofAmor, the heirsoflsildur, were reduced to wandering in the woods. In the south the kingdom ofGondor was hard pressed, and its

kingwas kiJl~d,leaving no heir, so Gondor is now ruled hy a steward, awaiting the return of its rightful ruler to reclaim the throne.

Hard pressed by the enemies that surround it, Gondor nearly fell to the Easterli'!W' and the BalchO!h. Only th~ arrinl of the Horse Lords from the north saved lhe kingdom. So these naxen haired warriors. the sons of Earl, or the Rohireim, were granted the northern part ofthe kingdom as their own, and the:;e plains are now thc land of Rohan.

lsengard, the Nonhero fortress ofGondor, had bcengiven to the Wi7.ard Saruman to hold against the wrath ofSauron. TIle lands of South Gondor area desert waste, yet though it is much rcdu..::ed. Gondor is still a great power. ba:ition of the west against the might of the Red Ere. Of the Olher Wizards, fWO have passed into the East and out of this talc, though one carmOl say what aid they have given the West through melr work. Radagast makes a special study of planl.~. birds and :mimals. speaking their tongues. The last, GandaH Greyhame.isofmost account in our story. He travels far and is known to many. He aided the Dwarvcn king, Thodn Oakenshieid, to reclaim his kingdom iUlhe Landy Mountain from the dragon Smaug, by pro\'iding him with a Hobbit burglar. Among their many adventures on the way, Bilbo Haggins, the Hobbit. found a ring and meu mCt Gollum. After a5et of riddles, Gollum failed to guess ,> .. hat the Hobbit had in his po<.:ket, until it was too late. Then he discovered that hispredous was missing. Bilbo escaped, and eventually hrought the Ring to the Shire, but Gollum h:ucs Bagginses for ever. Gandalf studied Ring lore, and eventually learned mat the Ring that Bilbo acqUired WaJ;

the One Ring. Bilbo had left the Shire, to go wandering, but Gandalf made him leave the Ring behind. It and his hole, Bag End, passed to Frodo, and with it the fate of the world.


But the might of the Valar was not to be trilled with. They reshaped the world, withdrawing the Undying lands beyond Middle Earth, and they covered the isle of Numen6rc with the sea. Sauron'S body was destroyed, but ashis power was contained in the One Ring he was able to survh'e even this loss.

Of the Lands of the West. Few Numen6reans escaped, but lhose that did took the name Dunedain, The Men of the West, and founded twO great kingdoms in Middle Earth. These weft! Gondar in the South and Arnor in the North. But some of the followers ofSauron also es<:aped the fall. They were called the Black Numenoreans, and they founded the pirate cify ofUmbar. Not all men had gone: to Numenore. In thewt!st, the men of Dun harrow had built fine: cities. In the eastern l:lnds of Rhun and the sOUlhern lands, thc:rc: were many tribe~ that followed Sauron: the BaIchOlh. the Wainriders, the Easterlings, the Haradrim and the Southrons. But Sauron was not defeated. With the powerofthe ring he made a new body. and led his troops from Morllor once again. Gil-Galad the elf, wim Elendil the Dunedain and his son Isildur, led the last grC:lI alliance of the mcn of the west and the E1vt:.". The men of Dunharrow, though they had pledged allegiance. broke their word and refused to fight. Gil-Galad and Elcndil fell in battle, yet the day was won. Isildur cut the flogft-om Sauron's finger, though in doing so he broke his great sword Narsil. On losing the ring Sauron could no longer maint:lin his body, and he WAS no more than a shadow. Yet all was not won, for as Isildur returned from the banle to his home in Arnor, he was 11m bushed by Orcs and the ring fell into the great river Anduin and was lost.

Of Hobbits. little has been said reI of Hobbits, mainly bc:-causc they have yet to enter the SIOry, bUl now me}' make their appearance. and in this final act, they are to lake the centre of the stage. Hobbitsarc aliltle people, and their ancestry is uncertain, for they do not figure in any ofthe tales of earlier time. Yet they are known to be unobtrusive and may well have been living their peaceful lives for ~ome time, unnoticed. Whatever reason is given for their earlier obscurity, II is known for certain thaI shortly after the defeat ofSauron at ka."t one large group of Ilobbits were living by the banks of the Anduin. One day, long after the death of Isildur, twO of the Hobbits were out fishing on the river, when one noticed something bright in the river. He dh'ed in ami came up with a ring. The omer, who was named Smcagoi, said, "Give us that. DCagol, my love". "Why?H it is my birthday, and I wants it. "So it was, but Deagol had already given a prescnt. and it ""'as more than he could afford. He refused, whereon Smcagol strangled him and look the ring, though whenever he was asked later he alW'AyS claimed it was a present, at least unlil pressed hard for the trulh. When he wore it, he found no one else could see him. So he learned secrets, and used them to create mischief, till the other Hobbits turnc:d him out of their hole. and he wandered through the land. Finally, he ended up living in the tunnels of me goblins under Ihe Misty Mountains, eating raw fish caught with invisible fingers. And though he withered, and grew stretched, the ring kept him alive. and took hold of him. It was his

I ~/·- ·;:'.i!t!lI41/41W(f~l~lNk ,',1lif,IIA, ~(.

Of Recent Events Gandalfhas diM:overed mal tilt' Nazgul are abroad. Evc:nts have I.:omc to a head. Action must hI: taken quickly. Frodo mUSt leav..: the Shire and take the Ring with him. Until further decisions acc taken. it would be best to head lOr Rivendcll. where: wiser heads can decide the next move, and heroes can be found to guard the Ringbeuer on lilc: perilous journey that lies ahead.

Gamlalfhas been called away from the Shire. He should have been back in time for I'rodo's birthday. September 23rd, the:: date chosen for the quest to begin. But he: has not appeared, so Frodo. Sam and Pippin have set out Wilhout him.

GAME PLAY In order to encompass all aCthe events of the War oCthe Ring, play takes place on three levels. each giving you a different dt--grce of detail. You can move from one level to another at any time.

FUll MAP LEVEL This is the full Middle Earth Map. This is used to give you an o\'efView of the tOtal siruation in the war, including the locations of aU major forces.

CAMPAIGN LEVEL The Ic\'el on v..ttich most pl:IY !;U(es place. It gives you a detailed map of a part of Middk Earth. However, you can scroll this to any part of lhe playing area. All forces in the game are displayed a.~ Figures or badges (shields).

ANIMATION lEVEL Finally we have the: animation level. 'ntis gh'es you a detailed view of a sin~le place, On


you were halfway through. As it b somdim~ inconvenient to have lO click on an Icon, it is also possible 10 usc the keys to force certain commands. These are listed in the commands section, and as each command is explained the keys will be listed along.;ide the icon·ba..ed command.

LEVELS AND ICONS Full Map Level This is Ihe overview lcvcl. It shows you the ..... hole of the playing area, with forc~ under your command"ated by hlinkingblue daIS. evil forces as red daIS, and neutral forces as green dolS. While you are on thiS icvcltimc does nOI pass. In the lOp right hand corner there are four icons: an t1'e, a scroll. a magnifying glass and an hourglass. THEEYE ·Olis allows you to gaze into Galadriel"s Mirror. the magic pool in Lorien. It brings up a window Ihat te.lls you what forces are moving. where your forces arc headed or who the), arc following. It tells you which oCthe e,·il Corcesare active, nOI giving you :lny del ails of their movement. To clear this window press the control bunon anywhere on the screen. Ifl5tcad of clicking on this icon, you can press S (Cor Status). TIlE SCROLL This brings up the archive menu. allowing you 10 save and restore games. You may only have one garnesaved at any time. Saving a new game will deslrOy any previously saved game. Select the option you require and the compuler will autOmatiCally save or rCSfOre the game. Assuming your disks are not damaged, a window will appear telling you that the game has been saved or restored suc<.:essfully. Instead of clicking on this icon, you can press A (for Archiye). THE MAGNIfYING GLASS Allows you to move down to the I.:ampaign level. Clicking on this icon changes the pointer to another magnifying glass. Move it to the part of Middle Earth you wish to examine, then click the mouse button again. In!ott2d of clicking on this icon, you can press M. TIiEHOURGlASS This allows you toselect the speed at which the gamewUl run. which you may change al any time. There are three speeds: Normal Hasty Vcry Hasty. When you click on the Icon a window opens listing the speeds. Move the pointer over the speed you W".tIlt and press the control button again. 'ille new speed is now SCI, and the window closes. At the Start of the game you will probably want to set time to very hasty. However as you progress, you will find that you need to reduce the speed in order to control all the options at your disposal. The time SCttingcontrols the rate of all actions in the game. You will find that when YOll


mcct SC\'cral people at once, )'ou will ne~d 10 have the: time seuing on Normal or their speech may disappear from the screen too fasl for you 'to read.

Insl~ad of clicking on th~ Hourglass Icon, you rna)' press T to open the Time window.

The Campaign Level This level gives you a fairly detaikd viewofan area of Middle Earth around 250 miles by 150 miles. For those people who prefer 10 measure distanc~ as subdivisions of an iIlaccurat~ French estimate of the clr(.-umference of the Earth this is about 400 x 250 kilometres. ToSt:e oth~r parts of Middle Earth you may either move up 10 the Full Map Levd and Ihen use the Magnifying Glass 10 examine another area,oryou can scroll the map until the area you are interested in appears. To do this, move the pointer to theedgeofthe screen. The map will start to scroll to reveal what lies beyond. In order to stop, simply move the pointer away from the edge,

All terrain features including woods, hills. rivcrs and towns are shov.n. Individual char:lct~rs are displayed as small figures. Where one character is following another only the character commanding the party is shown. Those characters, forces and parties that are: :Ictive in the game and that you mal' control flash. Large forces an: shown as a shidd. This tells you what type offorce it is. The background shield design tells you where the force is from; the weapon indicate.. .. the type offorce. Most forces arc Indicated by a round shield. Elite: forces, such as the Gondor Tower Guard, lre marked by a heraldic shield. called a heater.

Types of forces: Cavalry Infumry Ligtu Innntry Dwm Eli TroIL~

0"" Corsairs

A horse's head Asword Aspcar An~e

Abow A club Ascimitar ASCimitar

The countries are indicated by the foUowing shields:

Rohan A greenshicld decorated with a whitt: horse. Gondor(Minas Tirith) A blu~ shit:lddecorated with a while tree. Gondor (DoIAmroth) A blue shielddecor.lted with a white tower. Gondor (Other) A plain blue shield. Dale A plain aquamarine shield. ElforEnl Aplaingrcenshicld. Erebor A plain aquamarine shield. Iron Hills A plain dark green shidd. Saruman A red shield decorated with the: While Hand. Mordor (Minas ~Iorgul) A blackshiclddecorated with the lidless red eye. Harad A red shield decorated with the lidless red eye. Easterlings A purple shielddecoratcd with the lidless n:d eye. Umbar A redshlcld decorated with abbip's sail. Dunlendings A plain \,,'OOden shield.


this level each individual or momler is represented by a fuUy animated figure moving agaiml digitized backgrounds. On this level you can instruct individual characters 10 usc ilems, direct their actions in comllal and engage in conversations. This is the level on which the game starts with Frodo, Sam and Pippin walking through the Shire.

As well as operating on Ihese three levels, there is a variety of different typeS Qf~playing pieces~ involved ill the game. Obviously it is not possible for you to give orders to each individual in the large armies of Rohan or Gondor, nor can the computer plot the movement of every Orc. However. no game based on The Lord orlhe Rings would be complete if you could nOI control Frooo's actions. Therefore: you have tWO distinCt typeS offorccs under your control. First there arc Characters. At (he starl of me game you can control the actions of the: three Hobbits, FrOOO,Sam and Pippin. As ~'ou progress in yourqucsl, you will mee:t many more characters. Some of these, forexamp1e Merryor A.r:Igom, will join the quest, and you can then control their actions. Other charach:rs, such as Tom Bombadil or Elrond, will give :tid and advice, but will nOlleave their homes.

At the start of the game, all the characters have a course of :lclion set. lfyou do not give any commands they wi[[ follow this course of action.

There are also large forces, the: armies of the Dwarves, of Men and of the Elves. These are broken into units ranging from a hundred orso up tosevera1 thousand. Although you can bring several units together, as at Minas Tirith late in the game, you cannOt split up the individual uRils. Fina1Iy, there are objects. These include the Ring. inilially with Frodo. Besides this, there are many other useful items. Some ofthem are carried by characters you will meet, others you will need to search out. Usten to the words of the wise, for they will pass on to you infonnation concerning these items.

HOW TO PLAY THE GAME COMMANDS Every aspect of the game can be controlled by using the pointer. This is the picture of the blue hand wilh its index finger extended. On each level there is a series of Icons in a column In the top right hand corner of the screen. Moving the pointer over one ofthc:sc and pressing the Command button (Lefl Mouse Button,Joystick Bunon or INSor ENTER kqos a.s appropriate) eilher: a) opens a window, which will offer you a choice of options. You then move the pointer

over the oplion you require and press the bulton again to seleci it. m b) In the case of icons that affect individual pl:"tces or people, it causes the pointer to

take on the shape of the icon. This can then be moved around the screen umil il is over the poim required. This will be further explained in the appropriate sectiOns.

There: are also many points in the game where events occur that require you to make a decision. For example two characters may meet. You may then have to decide if they should join forces or not. In these circumstances the computer will display a window with options. You must select one of these with the pointer as in a) above. When this happens the pointer will rerum to its normal gaundet shape, cancelling any command

If you position th~ pointer over any character or place on the screen and prc:s.s the control button a window will opcn at the top lcf't of the /;CrCt:n t~lling you who. what, or whcr~ it is you lIfe pointing to. Some oflhc evil characters, most notably thc Nazgul, are able to hide. When they do this their symbol disappears from the screen. You then have to remember or guess where they arc. ICONS THF. EYE Once )'ou have clicked on a char-Jcter or force, clicking on this Icon allows you to di.'lCovet their status. If you are yet to ~Icct anyone then you 'will bt: told toselecta force. Sec the description of combat for a fuller explanation of charaClcr slatus. IOSle:"J Of clicking on this icon. you can pros S (for Status). THEMAP TIlis takes you up to the full Map lcvcl. Insu:ad of clicking on this icon. you can press U.

THE MAGNlmNG GUSS As on the full map level, when you click on this icon the pointer Is replaced with a magnifying glass. YOu can then placc this over the area you wish to examim: bdore pressing the control bunon again. This then takes you to the Animation !.e\·eL Instead of clicking on this icon. you can press M.

THE HOUR GlASS Thisworks exactly the same war Man the full Map level. This allows you to select the speed at which the gamcwill run, You maychangespccdat any time. 11lere are three speeds:

Normal Hasty Very Ha!>ty. Whcn you click on the Icon a window opcns listing the speeds. Movc the pointer over the speed rou v.r.tnt and press thc colllrol button again. The new spced is now $et, and the window closes.

Instead of clicking on the Hourglass i<:on, you may press T to open the Time window. TIlE ARROW 'ntis is used to gh'e movement orders to char-deters or forces. Instead of clicking on thiS iCOn, you can press G.

Animation Level lfrou mm'e thc pointer over any figure and pr~ss the comrol button a window will open tclling you 'who they are and wh:u they arc doing.

ICONS THE l:.""YE This allows you to gaze into the Mirror ofGaladrie1 and see the status of characters on screen. Normally it will give you Ihe status of the lead character, but if you have clicked on any figure, it will give you thcir details.


GIVING ORDERS In order to control the progress ofIhe game YOll need to give regular orders 10 the characters and forces at your disposal. You can only pick forces' destinations. TIleywill then move there at their own ratc. There is no way you can cause them to exceed movement rate. Hobbits are slower than Wizards or Nazgul. To give an order you must be on the Campaign l.eve!. If you arc on the A.nimaljon J..cvd you will need to move up a level either by placing the pointer over the MAP icon and pressing the control button. orby pressing the U key.lfyau are on the Full Map Level you need to move down to the Campaign Level using the magnifying glass. Tum the pointer into a magnifying glass either by clicking on the kon or pressing M, then place over the part of Middle Earth you arc interested in and press the Control Button.

To give a movement ordu, turn the pointer imo an arrow by clicking on the Arrow icon or pressingG, then move mlsover lilecharacler or force you wish to command. Press me control butlon again.1bis should open a window In the top left comer of the screen, which teUs you who you haveselecled and where dleyare currently heading. Characters or forces following anomer character are listed immediately after the character they arc following and arc indented a small amount. The pointerwill also have changed. The shaft of me arrow has now become the word TO. lfyou want all me characters to follow your orders, move the pointer to the destination you wish 10 set and push me control bulton.

[fyou only want part of tile force 10 follow me order, you first have to pick which units you are interested in. Move the pointer over the window and click on the character you wish to command. You will also command all his followers.

ENCOUNTERS As )'ou travel me wads of Middle Earth, you will meet many olher characters. Many will ask you to stop and talk. These arc generally characters over whom you have no control. When you meet lhem a windowwilJ open at the top right ofthescreen.l111s gives rou the option [0 go to the encounler or to continue on. If you continue on, you ignore the encounter and lose the chance to gain the benefit of the traveller's wisdom. Going there takes you to the Animation Le.vel. When lWO characters meel, you will be offered the choice of one fullowing the other or not. If they join forces. the two figures will be replaced by the Single figure of the leader. Ifa force meets a commander, he will offer his servict':s. You must choose whether you want them 10 follow or continue on.

Ifrwo forces pass they will cOntinue their separatt': ways unless there is a leade r present.

COMBAT When you meet enemy forces you are forced to fight. Ifcharaclers rather than armies are involved, you will he laken to the animation level where you will see the action animated for you on screen.


When the IWO forces meet, a window opens in the top right of the screen. This window looks somerhing like this:

Charge Engage Withdraw o

Rerre:u o

Evil o • G",,"'"

_om 'rodo $;un

Mercy Pippin 20Lt.lnf.

NazgulLord 2ndNazgul 20 Orcs

o o o o o o

• • • • • •

o o o o o o

o o o o o o

As you can see, this window lists all the forces involved in the battle. The first column listing the good forces, the ones you an~ commanding. and the second column the evil forces, controlled by the computer. There: is also a large grid of boxes. These are used [0

control the actions of the forces under your command. In each row there are four boxes, representing the options available to each character. The first column is charge, rhen engage, withdraw and finally retreat. These are labelled along the top of rhe window.

In each row one of the box~ is filled with a black square. This is the option that thar unit is currently taking. Remember each rowrd"ers tOan individual cbaracteror force. At the Statt of the combat all the characters and forces arc set to engage.

Charge Launeh a major attack; once you are involved in combat this reveru; to

Engage Withdraw


Engage. Gives you a first hit advantage. lfyou destroy your opponent, you receive no losses. If you don't both sides sustain heavier losses. Start to fight or continue fighting. Leave the mcU!e and slap fighting but remain dose by. If the other characters are killed you will then be attacked. Leave the combat and try 10 escape. Characters dlat make it to the edge of the screen cannot be killed. If your side is victoriOUS they will walk back on screen. If not their figure::; will appear on the campaign screen al that point and they will continue with their orders. If they were following someone then they will initially go back to their defaull orders and you will need to give them fresh orders.

In order to make a character follow any option, you move the pointer to the appropriate box and press the command button. The black square will then move to the box you have pointed 10. Once a character is killed or a force completely destroyed [be black square disappears from the row. The characters are normally lisled in black rype. Thi::; is to indicate that they are hale and hardy.lfthey are wounded then the rype will change 10 red. llihey are finally killed, it tums grey. Forces do not get wounded. Instead, more and more members of the unit are killed until it is finally 'wiped Out.

Combat continues umil all the forces on one side are dead or have reuealed. Evil units will not nonnally retreat, though some of the more imeUigent (e.g. Nazgul) may in some Circumstances.


Instead of clicking on this icon. you can press S (for Status). TilE MAP 111is will take you up [0 the Campaign l.eve:!.

Instead of clicking on this icon. you can press U.

PROVISIONS This allows yuu [0 cOntrol objects.

Clicking on this icon Opens a 'window with three options:

Put Down an Object Take an Object Use an Object. Instead of clicking on this icon you can press O.

lfrou wish 10 useor drop an object, seleCt the appropriate option, lfrou arc not carrying anything a window will inform rou of this. Otherwise a window wiU open giving a li~1 of objects mal the character is carrying and you will be asked to select one by pointing at it and pressing the control button. If you decidc you do not wish to use or drop any item, press the control button With the pointer anywhere outside the window. lfrou wish [0 take an object. sckct this option. lfthere is nOthing you can take, the window will leU you this. Otherwise a windowopcns asking you to select me ohject, and listing the objects available. Move the pointer over the object and pr{'55 the control button. You will then see me charncter pick up the object and cuntinue on his travels.

If you are victorious. your forces will continue on their journey, unless any mc::mber or members of the p;uty have been killed, in which case: all prc:sc:nt ~vill gather ilf'Ound the corpSC'.:to pay their respects to the dead. You may then use the provisions icon to colkct any useful items that they may have been carrying. If you lose, then the characters and their possessions are lost foever, except if the Ring is taken. In this case the Nazgul will run for Barad·Diir or Orthanc. You have the c;:hance to intercept them on their journey and win the Ringback. Of course, Jfyou fail, you will lose the game. Remember that ifrou aUack a fortress or other defended place rou will suffer greater losses than if you wen~ fighting on equal footing. Also if you are SC'.:eure behind defences you will be better placed to face the enemy. Citadels provide greater protection to defenders while walled dtles, such as Minus Tirith, provide the greatest advantage. Certain characters have special links with Middle Earth, which means that they cannot be killed. The Nazgul have their souls trapped in the nine ring:;. Therefore killing them merely destroys their bodies.. They will reappear later in Mordor. Gandalf and the other Wizards are on a mission from the Valar to destroyS:luron. so if any of them are killed they may retum in a more JXm'erful fonn.

ENDING THE GAME You win if you manage to get the Ring to Mt. Doom, and lose ifSauron's forces manage to

get the Ring and take it 10 Barad·Diir. In each of these cases the game will automaticilly end. You will also lose ifSauron'sforccsappear to be winning the war. TIlis is signalled by the loss ofany 3 ofthe good forces' major strongholds: Hornburg, Edora.s, Minas Tirith, Lorien, and Thranduil's palace. If you wish to leave a game and return to it later, go up to 111(' Full Map Level. Click on the scroll icon to open the ~ave/reslore window, and cUekon the Save Current Gameoption. The machine should tell rou the game has been successfully saved. You can now eject the disks and lurn the game off. When you wish to relurn to this position, load the game, Ihen come back to the Full Map Level by moving up twice. Click on the scroll icon and select the Restort: Game option. The game will then be restored to the poSition in which you left il. If you wish 10 quit a game withoul saving it, pressX. You will then be asked if you really want to quit. !fyou select the option to quit, the game is lost forever. !frou wish to continue play or ifyau decide 10 save the game, select th(' option 10 cancel. Jfyou want to lea I'e the game for ashortwhile. press PtO pause the game until you rerum.

WINNING STRATEGlES In order to win thegameyou need to destroy the Ring. This COAn only be done by taking it to MI. Doom, deep in the very heart of Mordor. 'nlis me-.UlS mklng the Ring to the centre ofSauron's power. You were expecting Gandalfto be wilh you to provide you with advice and heJp, but he has nOI arrived. You cannot afford to wait any longer; already strange black riders are 2bout in th(' Shire asking after Mr. Baggins.

Should disaster befall you and I'rodo dies, a new RingbcarerwiU be chosen. Iftht: Nazgul capture: tht: Ring, by slaying the Ringbcarer and all his companions, they will head for Mordor. Ifyoll can interct:pt them on their joumey you may be: abklo win the Ringback. Ifnot, then ),011 williosc assoon as they reach 8arad·Dur.1t pays therefore to protect the Ringbcarer well.

You may well want to gather the: Rohirrim al Helm's Deep and the: Gondorians at Minas Tinth, until the: force:s from further north arrive. Remember that it is much easier fOf lhem to defend lhemseh'eo; If they are: behind the sturdy walls ofthcir fonft:sses than iI IheyaTe: caught in the field. Of course this applieo; to the forces of evi13S well. so do nOI try to assault their strongholds unless you have overwhelming forces. II is pos5ible to win the game using the basic tactics followed in the book. The RohiITlm are slrong and once mobili7-eO, they will hold back the forccsofthe White Hand fora long time. particularly if they are fighting from behind the dcfencesofthe Homburg. The men ofGondor will hold Minas Ttrith for many turns agaim;1 the might ofSaufon's Orcs and Nazgul. Then, with luck, you may well be able toslip through. Howt:vt:r, it is not certain. Remembc:r that in the book Frodo had many ncar escapes. You may well want co Iry other options. If you bring the forccs ofDain and Brand down from the North. you maywdl be able to amass a large enough army to force your~y through the gates ofMordor. Remember that although these forces are nOt mentioned in the books, this is because it is written from the Hobbits' point of view. They report only what they see. The appendices make it clear that these forces were involved in bitter combat against Sauron's forccs. TIle quesl will take a long time. Over me cout"5e of the game: you will need to make se\'eral decisions. You will need to keep on updating the orders to your units, so thaI ther make the:: hest moves. Keep checking a1llhe:: units' orders, so thaI you can change them as each new sit uation dictates. Bear in mind that new forces may becomt: available for you 10 command. llopcfu lly you will then succe::ed in your task.

Always remember the:: words of Robert the Bruce "If at flrst you do not succeed, try, try again!" nlere are:: an infinite number of options that you em take thrOU¢lOut the game. No two games will follow exactly the same pattern. This is not a game that yOll can master in onc session. A Single game may last several hours. and only offers one po:.sible path Ihn/ugh the myriad options. Even iIyou gave idemical orders, random factor~ will affect the oUleomeofthe game. Choosing me correct options will limit the cruel blows of fate, bUI you can never becertain of success. Thus. as you come to know the:: game il will re"cal more of its secrets, but there may always be something you have not sec:n, and therefore:: cannOI plan for, thaI lies in wait to affecl your plans, for weal or woe, adding spice: 10 the game and hopefully prolonging your enjoyment.


You can set off with the felloWlihip and head directly for Mordor, but the way is long and there are many dangers. Armies ofOtcs and other foul beasts will block your path. You may be lucky and evade them. but it is a very risky undertaking.

To the East, along the Old Road, is Rivendell, the Ust Homely House East oflhe Sea. Here Bilbo found aid on his ad\'entures. This may be where you can find aid on your quesl. There are many heroes here, from all the races of Middle Earth, Elves, Dwarves and Men. Here too you may find Gandalf. As [0 the rOUie that you take to Mordor, you will need 10 choose this with care. The easiest path would take you down the West side of the Misty Mountains and through the gap of Rohan , across the plains Of that fertile land and then down [0 MinasTlrith. But as the Wizard Saroman has become corrupted the gap of Rohan is no longer safe, for he has amassed a great army of Orcs and evil men in the castle ofOrthanc, and your journey would be:: forced to pass too dose to this danger.

All other roUles take you across the Misty MountaJn.~. You may choose to follow in Bilbo's footsteps, btl[ this takes you through Goblin lbwn; or you m:ly tty to CIOS5 at Moria, but this once proud Dwarven Kingdom is now overron with Orcs. Unless you risk either of these passes, you will need to cross high in the moumains, facing whatevcr perils you may. BUI at least if you cross the MISty Mountains you may hope for aid from the Elves of l.orien. Not all the people of Middle Earth areagainSI you, but even thoscwho fight Sauron need some tokcn to prove the truth of your embassy to them, before they will commit thcirforees. Forexamplc you need top~nt the RedArrow to King Thcoden of Rohan at his palace Edoras in order to mobilize the riders of the M:uk. To mobilize the D'warves, someQne must present thenl with the Dwarven Ring. Similarly Gondor win only mobilize ifprcscnted with the Sceprreof Annuminas. and the Elves only if you take them IheSilverOrb. Ohviously, if the Forccs of Evil attack: these nations dley will then defend But, by then, it may be too late. Uyou can find these Items and deliver them, before the need to head towan.1sMordot is pressing, you may be able to mobilize your forces earlier and so distract Sauron from looking for the Ring. Therefore, listen to the words of the wise, for only by heeding theiradvicewilJ you learn the location oftlle objects you seek. There arc many other useful items that He scattered over the face of Middle Ea.rth, and again you will need to talk to the characters that you meet in order to find their whereabouts. You may pick: up magic swords, coats of Mithril mail, healing herbs, all of which will aid you with your quest if you use them well. Bear in mind that if you do not collect these Items earJyyou may he too hard pressed to be able to search for them later. Do not Ignore them for they can prove the crucial factor that allows you to defeat the forces of eviL

In some ways the smtegy of the game has certain similarities to that of American Football. You have lotS of units in play, but the only one that matters is the one carrying the ring. Theothers are used to clear a path for the Ringbcarcr, by dcstroying the enemies' forces.

Most of your forces are not in position at the start of the game. The Elves are in i.orien, the Dwarves in the Iron Hills and the Lonely Mountain in the North East. The men ofGundor and Rohan are di~persed throughout their lands, and the Rangers are in Bree. You want to give all your unitS orders, so that you get enough troops into the field to face the huge armies ofSaruman and Sauron.



This is an a1phabeticallisling of all th~ places, people and races th:n appear in the game, War in Middle Earth, :donl/: with other references that hav(': been induded ror completeness, so that it is possible for the reader 10 understand certain terms used here in the inlfOOuclion. Those entries thaI refer 10 a place have a grid reference given. This applies to the grid that is printed on the map you will find in the box. While these coordinates are nOi on the map on the screen, the map is the sune, so you can use the printed map 10 find your way about the .s.crcen.

A Ages Time in Middle Eanh is coumcd with respect 10 Ages, long periods of time bounded by great cvcnt.<;, 111e First Age orlhe Sun began with the crc;ltion uflhe Sun and the coming of men. and lasted lill the expulsion of Melkor. 'Illt: Second Age was the time of Numen6d:. TIle Third Agt: is (he Age of lUngs, and williasl unlil Sauron isdefealed and the King relurns. Anfa1., The northern coast of the Bay ofBclfalas. 'Ibis forms t.he W~tern part ofthe southern coast oCthe LandofGondor, from the Rivt:r l.ethund to tht: River Morthond, between the Pinarth Gelin hills and the SC'.l.

Angmv The old Witch.Kingdom, founded by Sauron and ruled by the Witch King, Lord of the N3Zgul. The men of Angmar eventually crushed the kingdom of Arnor.lts purpose served, S:luron called the Witch King back to Mordur, and A.ngmar pa:.scd, but it isStill a blighted land. TIle influence of its evil is found e\"cn up 10 the borders of the Shire.

Aragorn The heiroflsildur, he is the rightful king orGondor and Acnor. A brave fighter, he carrie;:!; Narsil, IsilcJur's sword that was broken cutting the one Ring from Sauron's finger. A powerful figUre, he is a leader of men and when he claims his inheritance his presence is enough to Cl_u~e OIhers to follow, especially those who owe b\"ours 10 his forefathers. He is one of thc few men of the wCSllhat Sauron fears. He tra\"els Midd1t: Earth under a variety of names, working to overthrow Sauron.

Arnot TIle lost northern kingdom oCthe Dunedaln. defeated by the Witch King of Angmar ~(the battle ofFornost a thous:tnd )C~rs before the current events.


Brand 1lI Sl:tyerofSmaug the Dragon, Brand was honoured by the people of Dale and became their rukr.

Bree Standing on the great cast road that runs from the Shire to Rivendell, the small town of Sfet:, with its associated villages ofChelWood. Staddle, Combe and Mehwood, formed a small pocket of habitation in the middle of the wilderness. TIley were unusual in that Men and Hobbits lh'ed side by side, though most oCthe Hobbits lived in Bree and Staddk. Rcgarded as slightly <.KId by the Hobbits of the Shire, nevertheless the arrangement seemed to please all . As it stands on a road, Bree boasted a fine inn, 'The Prancing Pony~.

Though in these times traffic along the road is not what it used to be, the inn is still wdl kept by B:u-liman Butterbur.

Buckland On the east bankofthe Brandywine River, between the river and the hedge that keeps the Old Forest back, Buckland is outSide the Shire proper. Founded by the Oldbuck family, who had built Brandy Hall and changed their name to Brandybuck, it was almost their private domain. Bueklandcrs are regarded as Sligtllly qm:er by the inhabitants of the Shire proper, though nOI so muchso as the Hobbits ofBree. Bucklanders are more likely to be: involved with boats and other innovations. Both Frodo and Merry:u-e Uu<;ldanders.

C cauAndros An island in the River Anduin, upstream from Osgiliath. Still held by the men of Gondor.

Calembel A town in Western Gondor.

Carach Angren The name means lronJaWS, an apt description for this forbidding place, the fortificatiOI!S at the entrance from UdCm into the Plains of Mordor themselves. They are in the Nonh Western comer ofMordor and fonn a second line of defence after me fortress of MOrafUlOn.

Celeborn Hllsband of Gal adriel, Celeborn is lhe Klng of the Elves in Loden. He isoneofthe great Elf Lords, and his deeds form much of Elven history as it is told in the Silmarillion.

Cirith Ungol The path of the spider, a route through the Ephd Duath-the Mountains of Shadow- into Mordor. This is the route Gollum took outofMordor, ;md it is not well guarded by Sauron.

Co ........ These pirates, whosailc:d out of the ha\'ensofUmbar in the south in their black saiJed ships aided by the power of many slaves pulling on oars, filled all ",110 saw them with fear. They traced their origins to a mixture of Black Numen6re.ans, Haradrim and to rebcls from Gondor.


D D .... King of the Owarvcn Kingdom in the Lonely Mountain, established by Thorin Oakcnshicld and his party ofrweivc Dwarves and on,e Hobbit. Oain was like Thorin 3.

grandson ofDiin I, and arrived at the Lonely Mountain with his followers in time to fight in the banlcofthc five armies, where Thorin feU. Thus rulcrship of the newly reclaimed Klngdom passed 10 D~iin, with his five hundred warriors, and the other Dwarves who came to the Lonely Mountain from their wandering life al\1:r the battle. The Kingdom blossomed, and Oain can bring a large force ofDwarvcn warriors 10 the aid of the fr« peoples in the forthcoming war.

Dale The Kingdom aCMcn, based round Esgaroth the lake town below the Lonely Mountain, ruled over by King Brand, the slayer ofSmaug. With Smaug dead Dale flourished once more. Denethor The Steward ofGondor, which is lO say, he rules the southern kingdom o(the Dunt:dain umil the rerum aCme King. Though there have been stewards in Gondorfor nearly a thousand years, none would yet dare to declan: themselves King. Denethor realises that he docs not have the forces to fight the armies of the East, and sees little hope of help coming from the other lands. Therefore he has taken to trying to use sorcerous means to defeat Sauron.

Dervorin A noble ofGondor, leader of the men of Ethring.

Demhelm A noble of the Rohirrim, a member of the mll5terofRohan that gathers in Edoras.


B Balchoth A fierce bubarian people, part aCme: Easterling race, who livedon th..: Eastern borders of the land ofGondor. Although they wac defeated by the combined armie; ofGondor and Rohan several centuries before the War of me Ring, and they proved little threat to the the people of the West from then on, they were still allied to Sauron amI provided fOrce for his army.

BaIrog These servants of Melkor were some of the most fearsome monsters ever seen in his armit:5. Onl}' the Dr.lgons were more powerful, and the last dragon, Smaug the: MagnificeOl,WdS killed by Brand of Dale. Balrogs were Maiar who had followed the evil path, and been transformed into Demons. Surrounded by sheets of flame and wings of shadow, their chief weapon was a many thonged whip offite, though they also wielded swords, axes and maces. MOSt Balrogs were destroyed many ages ago when the War of Wrath destroyed Melkor, but some hid under the roots of Mountains. It was a Balrag, disturbed by the deep mining, that destroyed Moria and killed Durin. It is said that h~ sleeps still in the deeps of that lonely place.

Barnd-Our The dark (Ower, &turon's great fortress inMordor. Barad·Oilr stands on aspur oClhe ErC'd Litul or Ash Mountains that form the Northern houndary oCMordor.

BUbo Baggins Elffricnd and some·time burglar, or treasure seeker if you prefer to read the rune politely. BUbowas chosen hyGandalfto be the founeenth member of Thor in Oakenshield·s party to reclaim the Kingdom under the Mountain. Along the way hehad many adventures. not least of which "''as gening lost in the goblin tunnels, finding the Ring and riddling "'1th Gollum. He returned to the Shire it rich man, but left taking only a few essential items to wander again -leaving Bag l,nd and the Ring (0 FrOOo. finally ending up li\'ing With Elrond and the Elves at ruvendel1.

Tom BombadJI Old Tom Bombadi/ is a merry fellow Brigbt Blfle bisjucker is, and bis boOts are ;WlIow. No one is quite sure who Tom BombadiJ is. He lives in the Old Forest, and ruts powcrover the trces there. Magical he certainly is: his songs may set:m to be JUSt doggC'rcl, but they have power in them. Even the one Ringhas no power over Bombadil, but he is no Wizard. Ufe outside thC' forest seems to ha\·C' no interest for Tom, he lives simply with his wife Goldberry, the river daughter. H~ is most hospitable to travellers. though not many p3SS his house deep in the old forest. and like many Elfhou.'ies it isnot easy to remember how long you have stayed under his roof. Boromir Boromir is the son ofOen~thor, the stev."'ard ofGondor. He was sent north to the Houseof Elrond in search of aid for Gondor as they facr the threat of renewed attack by Sauron. The ;tid that he seeks is not in the form of men: rather he is looking for the solution to a riddle. He is proud, hrave and Slrong and is a fine 'warrior.

DimrllI Dale Outside the East gate of Moria, above LorieD, the golden wood of the Elves, lies Dimrill Dale. Here is the lake Mirrormere, where the crown of Durin can be seen reflected, waiting for his return. From the Dale, the River Silverlode flows down to Lorien.

DolAmroth One of the five cities ofGondor, Dol Amroth is a great porLltstandson the coast of the Bay ofBetfalas. Dol Guldur The Hill of Sorcery. Dol Guldur is the fortress in southern Mirl.;v.uod th:u Sauron ned to after being first drh"t:ll ou[ of Mordor. Though he has now returned to Moo Morgul, Dol Guldur still remains a place of evil. lnhabi!ed by Orcs ;md other foul beasts..

DulnIill A noble ofGondor, leader of the men ofumendon, these v.ill muster at the hilllmown as Erech.

DUnedain The iastsurvivorsofNumen6rC:. the legendary island kingdom to the West that fell due 10 Sauron's corruption at the end of the Second Age and was swallowed by the sea. The Dunedain provided the royal fumilies ofGondor and Amor.ll1ey are t il ler than other men, long lived, brave and true. Dunhatrow Among the men who did not go 10 the land ofNumen6rc the men ofDunharrow were those whose achievements we~ greatest. They built great cities and their writ covered large partsofSoulhern Middle Earth, yet when the Dunedain reappeared, they gave tribute to them, and pledged allegiance. But when Isildur called them to fight, they did nOt answer, so they became known as the oath breake';rs, and their unhappy spirits wait yet for a chance lO fight for the king 10 honour the oath and win their freedom.

Dunhere The Lord ofHarrowdaIe in Rohan.

Dunlendings Be:fore the Rohirrim rooe down from the North, the fertile valleys of what is now Rohan were occupied by the Dunlendings. Now the Dunle';ndings considered the land to he theirs by right. but then on the occasions that they tried to drive'; the'; Rohirrim from the land they were'; driven back into the hills. Thus there was great enmity between the two people. Thttefore the ])unkndings made a pact with the Wi7.ard Saruman, and in return for the'; promise of their land tIl!:y interbred with Orcs to provide Saruman wih the race of Half Orcs. 111us at lsengard there is a large army of Dunlendlngs, Orcs and HaifOrcs, pledged to drIve the Rohirrim from their lands.

Durthang A castle in Mordor.

Dwarl At the beginning of time the Valar smith Awe fashioned the seven futhers of the Dwarves. At that time the power of Melkor was strong in Middle Earth. so the Dwarves we';re fashioned;is;i sturdr Nce, unaffected by cold or he'dt. They are short and stocky, indomitable, persistent in any endeavour. ifsometimes to the point where their


Elrond TIle half Elven keeper of Ihe last homdy house cast of thc sca. Elrond was onc of the gn:atest ofthe f.IfLord~. Enos The tree shepherds, or Ents, arc among theoldt:St living creatures In MhJdle Earth. There are Enb that have lived ever since Yavanna crcated the trees. They are a slow and dClcrmi!lcd race, living their lives at the pace of trees. Their own language is fuU of long and rolling names that tell the whole story of whatever they dt:M:ribe. They have a love of all speech, even me hasty chirping tongues of men. Ems are powerful; they have the strength to rendstone or crush iron. They arc gener.tlly peaceful, keeping their anger for those who wield axes- theydisU"USI Dwarves and hale Orcs. When roused they can move with surprising effect. However. they are not aplenliful r~l.I::e. The EnlWi\"(:s have disappeared. they left the dark foresL~ to lend the other~plal)ls and Mclkor's evil secms to have driven them away, so no new Entings have appeared since, and some ohhe Ents have become treeish and lost their mobility, beoomin~ Huorus. tamer Son ofEomund and third lord of the Riddermark, Eumcr isone ofthe LordsofHohan. He is the sister son ofTh6xien, that is 10 say he is ThCoden's nephew. towyn SiSler of Earner, EOl'l.'Yn is a 8hidd maiden, that is 10 say a female warrior. Thcodcn, however. docs nOI approve of her "enruringonto the fidd of ban Ie, and wants her to remain in F.doras and rule in his stcad. Erebor TIle lonely moumain, now home of the Owarvcn Kingdom ruled by Dain, this had been fora long lime the home ofSmaug {he Magnificent. me last surviving dragon. TIle stOry of how Thorin Oakcnshield refounded the kingdom is told in "The [[oh"il.·' Ereeh A hill in western Gondor. Set into i~ summit is a black stonc. brought from Numcn6rc by Islldur.llerc the men of Dunharrow swore allegiance 10 [sildur and pledged to fight against Sauron. , Erkenbrand Lord of the Mark. Erkenbrand is in charge of the Wesrfold of Rohan. Etherlng A town on the RJver Ringlo in Western Gondor.

F Fangonl Is the name oftheold fore.'St in Rohan, 2nd orthcoldeSt Ent that lives there and guards it.

F ......... The second son ofOenethOr, he was in charge of the Rangers orlmilicn, aspecial band of Knights ofC..ondor, who dressed in Forester's Grecn. They were charged with the ddcnce ofGondoc's borders against the fon.:es ofMordor. Far.unir was brother to Uoromir. and though he had his brother's ability in battle, he lacked SOffit: of Boromir's pride.

Frodo Baggins An exCeptional Hobbit, he was the heir ofllllbo the heroof"The Hobbit". When Biloo left the Sh ire to live with the Elves, Frodo inherited his House and the Ring. M:my Hobbits would say that his being halfBrandybuck and having Bilbo's friend lincss towards Elves and Dwarves made him unusual, but non-Hobbits would sec the comfort.loving, food·loving complacency of other Hobbits.

G Galadriel 1'lle Elf Queen ofthcGoldcn Wood, wife ofCeleborn. Galadriel spent much of her youth living with Mt!lian tht! Maiar in Valinor. and when she returned to Middle Earth she set about building a woodland garden that was based on the Gardens of the Undying Lands. Although Lorien, her Kingdom, is but a mere shadow of those gardens it isstill one ohhe 10veHest plact!s In Middle Earth. Galadriel is wise in those crafts men often refer to as magic, and We:lfS one of the three Elven rings.

Gandalf One ohhe Council orEve Wizards, Gandalfthe Grey, as he was known by men, made especial slUdyofthe lore of rings and of Hobbits. He "'NolS involved in arranging for Bilbo to join Thorin OakenshicJd'scxpedition to the Lonely Mountain, discovered the true nature ohhe Ring, and arranged for Bilbo to pass it on to Frodo. He is friendofeagles, knOWll to the Ems, he has the ear of the Lord of the Mark, and of the Steward in Gondor. The Elves have IruSted him with one of their three great rings, the Ring of Fire.

Gimli Son ofGloin. Gimli has accompanied his fa.ther from Erebor to Rivendell. with the news that Sauron is looking for llle Hobbit Baggins, once known to the Dwarves, seeking a small ring that has been stolen. A staunch figh ter, Gimli's axe has shonenctl the neck of many an Ore. Glorfinde l An Elven prince resident at Rivendell.

Goblin An alternat ive name for Orcs, the foul spaWll of Melkor. Black·blooded, red·eyed and h;neful, they fonn the largest pan oflhe armies ofSaruman and Sauron.

stubbornness is a disadvamage. The Dwarves Jive deep in the mountain, mining for precious metals. Indeed, the short long bearded Dwarves for all their lack of grace had a strong sense of beauty. and were master craftsmen. both with stone and metal. The Dwarves were staunch alliesofthe Elves, and in the early w-arsmany were Slain in battles against Melkor. Indeed they were the only people to withstand the dragons for they were smiths used to the heat. But they desired the Silmarils ofFeanor and their attempt to steal this led to enmity between the races of Dwarf and Elf. The greatest of the Dwar"en kingdoms was that of Moria, or Khazad·Dum, of which more is said elsewhere. By the time of the War of the Ring aU the great Dwarven kingdoms had fallen, and the Dwarves had become a wandering people, wilh a few small scattered kingdoms, like the Kingdom under the Moumain refounded by Thorin Oakenshield and D:iin lronfoot. The Dwatvcn Ring The last Dwarven Ring, one of seven made by Sauron and presented to each of the houses of the Dwarves. It was believed that all had been lost, consumed by dragons or recovered by Sauron. One, however, is sHU present in Middle Earth. If presemed to the Dwarves of En:bor they will mobilize.

E EastEmnel That part of Rohan that lies between the River Emwash that flows out of Fang om fOfeSt, and the great River Anduln Into which it flows.

Easterlings This is the name given to all of the races of men who did not come to the West, butstayed in the East undec the evil influence offirst Melkormd later Sauron. They were in general shorter and broader than the free peoples of the West, Stocky with a swanhy complexion; they y,.·ore beards like the Dwarves. They were fierce fighters, often armed with two handed axes, though the various races each had their own spc:cialltics.

Edo ... The royal born courts of the Rohirrim. Here was Medusdd, the feast hall of the Kings, with its roof of gold. Hence the King of Rohan was also known as the Lord of the Golden HalL

Elf The first born, the immortal Elvcs, were the chosen p<'OpleofEru. The Elveswere tall and willO\\'y,fair of nee: they had the radiance of the stars in their eyes. Theirsight is as keen as that of an cagle. They were free from pestilence, but the)' could be slain in battle, or perish in flames. Thc:y cllled themselves the Qunedi, the speakers, and they delighted in fine speech and fair song. Lovers ofbeaury, the Elves wece skilled in craft of all fonns, especially in those arts thalaTe called magic by men. It was their craft and their pride that brought many of their troubles. Feanor created the silmarils, great Jewels with the light of thc trees in them, and It was his refuS3.i to give these up when the trees wcre destroyed that led to many of the wars bervveen Elves, recounted In the Slimarillion. It was the Elves that fashioned the rings of power, having been tricked by Sauron.

Elthelm One of the Rohirrim horse lords.

Goblin Town A settlement of Orcs under the Misty Mountains. II blocks the obvious pass across the mountains, Easl from RivendeIl, taken byThorin in ""lbe Ilobbil".1t was in the tunnels of Goblin tOwn thaI mlbo met Gotlurn and found the ring. Golasgil A man oCGondor, Golasgi! is a noble of Anf.lias. and leads their troops Gollum What is this nasties man asking us these na."ty nasty questions for my precious, Gollum? Doesn't he knows whose we are? We arc Smeagol, my precious, aren't we, and thaI 8aggins crealurestoleour precious from us, and we hates him forever, Gollum. It wasour binhday present, wasn't it. ThicfBagginscs, we hates you forever.

GoHum cuts a pathetic figure, a Ihin body with overlong arms and legs and a hollow face. It is hard tocredit that this scravmy creature'! isofthe same stock as HobbilS. Gollurn eamt: upon the Ring long ago, and though it was found by someone ciS(':, Gollum took it as his birthday present. The Ring's gift of invisibility gave him power, but made him hated. After hewas thrownou[ by the community, Gollum drifted, till he ended up living in the Goblin runnels. Here he lived offfish. But the Ring had a1lered him. Besides prolonging his life il had gnawed into hi.!; soul. and he now feels compelled to foUow it. But he is marked by the darkness; the Sun hUrlS him; he is thin and stretched. A mert: shadow of his former self, but sly, deadly cunning and not to be trusted an inch. Gondor TIle southern kingdom of the Dlmedain is much reduced from it:Ii former glories, facing powerful enemies to the cast and south. yet it stands as the last great bastion against the forces of Evil, for in the nonh Arnor has fallen to the Witch· King. At lIS height. Gondor had five great Cities, twO pons, Pc1argir and Dol Amroth. and three inland cities. But the evil has arisen in Mordor, and Minas Ithil fell, to becom~ Minas Morgul; Osgiliath has becoine a ruin; Ithilien, the land around those twO cities, a wasteland, and of the three only Minas Tirith slill stands. South Gondor, Ihe area beyond the Andu!n, has become desolate desert. SQ Gondor is reduced to the coast between Ihe White Mountains and thcsca. YCt still there arc men th~re OfSlout heart, tall and proud like the knighlSofold. 'Ibough ther arc led now by a steward nOI a king, for there has not been a king In Gondor for nigh on a thousand years. the men of Gondor will sland to the last against the might of Mordor. Gothmog The lieutenant of Minas Morgul, Gothmog is one ofSauron's mOSt trusted generals, barring only his superior the Witch-King, Lord of the NazguL GOIhmog leads the Morgul Hai. the Orcs from Minas Morgul who wear [he white moon, while the Witch.King takes over all control of the arnlies. GrJmbold A lord oCthe Rohirrim. Prescnt in the muster of the Eorlingas al Edoras. Mount Gundabad A tall peak (lIthe nonhero end of the Misty Mountains. II is infested with Orcs.

of old. From the base of me rock a wall runs across the mouth of the vale, Helm's G-... te as it is called, and before this a dike. Through all th~e ddences ran the Deeping Su-c:am, which added another barrier for auackingforces to cross. AI the far end ufthe valley there were vast caverns, which formed the last line of defence. In all it was a formidable redoubt, and if stocked with food and manned well it wa.'I capable of holding ofran invading force many times the size of the defence. Huom In the beginning there were EnlSand trees. Over theyears, howeVer, subtle changes have taken place. Whether the prC5Cnce of the Ems has given some of the trees movement. or whether some of the Emshave changed and become more like trees, it is hard to say, but now there is a third race in the forest, neither Ent nor Tree but somewhere between. ThC5C arc me Huoms. They are !tees that can move and tal.k, standing fur long periods of time, still in thedepths of the forest. Uke Ems, when roused thc}"can move SWiftly and act with great strength.

I Inuahil Prince ofDaI Amroth, the great port ofGondor. Leader oCthe Knights of that fur city.

Isenford Below the great Tower ofOrmanc, the fords oflsen provide a natural defence for the Rohirrim from the Orcs and others that muster at Iscngard undcrSaruman's banner of the "'hite Hand. Since this is the only crossing point on me river, the Rohirrim wiJltryto hold this for as long as possible, before retiring to the great fortress of Helm's Dcq> on the Homburg. lseogard The great fortress at thesouthem end of the Misty Mountains, it isagreat natural defence, a wide circle of rocks standing alongside the River lsen, with at its cenlre the Tower of Orthanc. It was given by the people ofGondor to the: Wizard Saruman, while: he: still fought Ihe Dark Lord. NowSaruman has fallen inlO evil ways, and Iscngard isadark place. The fires of the forges tum the sky red, as they produce weapons for the cvcr-gro·wing anny of Ores, Half Orcs and Dunlendings that gather here.


Iron Hills A range ofhills 10 Ihe East even ohhe J.onel)' Moumain. -n,e Iron Hilb are home 10 one of the last Owaryen IGngdoms.

K Khand Land of the Variags belweeen Mordor and Harad.

KhazadDUm The Dwarfish name for Mor;;t.

L lbe Last Bridge Theonlysafe crossing poinrofthe River Hoarwell. The last Uridge lies on the GrC:l1 E~sl Road two-thirdsof lheway from Bree [0 Rivendell.

legolas Son ofThranduil, ule IGngofthe Elves of Northern Mirl.-wood_ Lcgolas is one orthe gre~lesl Elven archers_ Lcgolas's sight is keen even for an Elf.

Linlili A town in southern Gondor, at the confluence of the Riyers Gilraln and Semi, where they flow into the Bay ofBeJfaJas.

Lorien TheGoldt:n Wood, l.orien is the woodland kingdom ofGaladriel and Ce1ebom. Here the Elves have lried 10 recreate in Middle Earth the great Gardens of the Undying Lands. As with mo~t places as.."OCialed with Eh·e>, Lonen is a magical place. Once here, it i~ easy to lose all track of time. However, first you have to g:lin admittance, for the Elves are dt:fcn~ive in these trouble<! times.

Lo"","",,'" A pro\inceofGondor. LoS5amach lies Immediately to the South and West of Minas Tirith, the great citadel, stretching down to the port ofPclargir.

M Millar When Eru created Middle Earth, hi~ first thoughts called into fonn the immortal spirits. loe greatest of these were the Valar, who are called gods by men. hUI alongside these there wcre the Malar. Sauron himst!lf was a Mala. as were the 8alrogs and dragons and other great fdl beasts that led Melkor's armies. The Wizards too are Malar. butlhey have left m;l.ny of their powers behind in the Undying Llnds. and come 10 Middle Earth as old men. When they ha\-c greal purpose, or great evil, it is poS5ible for Maiar 10 survive lhe loss oflheir earthly bodies, and return in another form.

Meriadoc 8r.mdybuck - Merry -!'he Brandybucks are n:garded by mOSt olher Hobbits as being one of thc more adventurous f.unlHcs. After all, they do not live; in the Shire proper. but over in Buckland


H H=d The land 10 the far south. Harad is divided 1l1w near Harad, just to the south ofKhand, and far Harad beyond Umbar. 111c Haraddm are Easterlings that moved intO the lands of the south long ago. lbey are swarthy men, dark skinned and shon. Among their armies strange beaslS are often 5ecn.

Henneth Annun The window on the Wcst. A waterfall in IIhilien, and hidden behind it a secret chamber, used by the Rangers of Ithilko in their panols from Gondor.

Hirluin A lord ofGondor, Hirluin led the mcn ofPennanh GelCfL

Hobbit Quite where Hobbits alrne from is a mYSlcry, for there arc no records of their existence before the Third AgcoftheSun. They are a small people, around three feet in height, and less stocky than Dwarves, even when not much shoner. Also, unlike Dwarves, they have no beards, though their feCI arc covered in thick hair. Allhough there are reports of Hobbits 1C:H'clling across Middle Eanh at the beginning of the Third Age, they had long since settled in the Shire by the start o{this tale. They arc comfort.loving. and like at least four good meals a day. with snacks in between ifthey are hungry. Though they appear as soft as butter, they Clm surprise even the wise with their re:5i1ience and strength in times of trouble. For the most part, however, they like a simple life. tending thdr land and compiling complicated genealogies; Hobbits reckon kinship mucb further than the Big Folk (as theyc;llI humans) do. They are a peaceful fo lk. The last battle in the Shire was a combined ctrOrt to repel wolves that had broken in from the old forest one foul winter. Though they claim they sent archers to the Battle of Fa most no record exists elsewhere o{theirpresence. Hobbitsare not users of magie, though their skills in hiding and moving quietly are such that some may think that they do use magic to disappear. Indeed it was for those ski lls that Gandalfthe Wizard chose Bilbo Baggins to be the burglar for Thorin Oakenshield, and il was then he acquired the Ring, which led 1O the involvement of Hobbits in this great adventure.

Hobbiton A large Hobbit village in the west farthingoftheShtrc. Although Hobbits prefer to live in holes, especially the large rambling many roomed fJmily homes knO'Nll as Smials, In the villages there are many houses built above ground. Frado's hole, Bag End, is in Hobbiton.

Hollin Gate The great w~tem gates of Moria. In past times they stood open; now they are shut. DecOl':lledwith the symbolsorJx)lh the Dwarves and the Elves. the gates are a tribute to past friendship o{those twO people. now estranged. On the door are carved the Elvish wortls ~Pedo melon a menir", Speak friend and enter.

Hornburg The Rohan fortress ofHdm'lj Deep is built into the side ofthc Thirhyme - a peak of the Whltc Mountains. The fortifications are based on a narrow rAvine that leads from the green coomb, deep into the mountain. The Homburg stands at the entrance of the deft. on a hed orrack that jutted out from the Nonh .Thi.s is an ancient tower, built by the mcn


on the wrong side of the river, and far too close to me Old Forcst. They also were interested in lxlats. Merry is no txception. Uke all Hobbits he likes good food, good company, and smokingpipewecd. Yet he is also valiant, sTrong.hearted and true. Merry Is one ofFrodo's closest friends.

Minas Mocgul The Tower of Darkness, Minas Morgul is the name now given to the ancient Gondorian Town oCi\Iinas hhi!, the Towerofthe Moon, but it Cell to the dark power and is now a place of evil. Minas Morgul is the realm ofthe Witch·King, lord of the Nazgul, but its amlics are commanded by his lieutenam Gothmog.

Minas Tirith Citadel ofGondor, the Tower of Watching, originally called Minas Anor. Tower of the Sun, and twin city to Minas Ilhii. Now mallhe Dark Lord ha~ corrupted that place, Minas Tirith srands as the bastion against the armies of the East. Its defences are many, starting ·wim me Rammas &thor, the great dike that surrounds the Pclennor Fields. Minas Tirith itself is a great walled dry, set into the side ofthe hill. The citadel at the top oCthe moumain is se\'en hundred feel above Ihe entr.mce 10 the ciry. Here is the court of the steward, Denethor.

Mirkwood Originally a pleasam place, known as the Greenwood. The dark $Orccrer Sd up his fortress in Dol Guldur, and turned Mirkwood into a place of evil. Southern Mirkwood is home to Orcs, spiders and othcr foul creaturs. Yet Elves stilllivc in the north ofthis great forest, under their King Thranduil.

Morannon TIIC Black Gate: of Mordor. The: Morannon stands in me: North Eastern corner oftha! blightcd land. They arc rwo great iron gatCSSCt in a slOne: arch, lOPped with battlements. The gates are protected by the towers of teeth and walls and fortifications of colossal size.

Moria Once: the greatest kingdom of the Dwarvcs, i\toria,or Khazad Dum as it is known in the: tongue of the Dwarves, is tunnelled out of [he Misry Mountains. Irs greatwe:alth was based on the deposits oCthe metal Mithril, known as true: silver. ughter and stronger than base silver, it was prized above all other metals by Dwarves and Elves alike and could only be mincd in Moria. At its height no place on Earth could match the splendour of Moria's caverns. iii by great lamps covered in carvings and jewels; each passage brought nev.' delights. But the D..varves mined too deep . .and disturbed a Halrog that was sleeping under the Mountain. This terrible demon raised an army of Orcs and Trolls, and with its aid drove the Dwarves from the Mountain. Now [he lamps remain unlit. the gates stand closed, and Moria lies in ruin. Mordor The dark kingdom ufthe east, Home of Sauron the Mala, and his armies of Orcs, Trolls and e\;1 men. led b)' Ringwraiths. Mordor is a desolate place of ash strewn wastes and deserls. Mordor is a name to be said in Whispers, a place to avoid unless you are a hero of stout heart.

Mouth ofSauron Without the Ring. Sauron cannot take a material form. TIlereiore he stays in his Tower of Aarad·Dur. and the Mouth ofSauron relays his pronouncements to the: re:st of the world.


p Pelargir SoUlhern Pon ofGondor at the mouth ohhc great River Anduin.

Peregrin Took - Pippin The Took family Is anothc:rofdlc great fJ.milks ofthc: Shire, holders oftheoffice ofThaln. Indeed, Bilbo is himsdfhaliTook. The Great Took was (he last Hobbit to go ollon adventures before Blloo. so It is nOI surprising that Pc:regrin, or Pippin as he is more commonly called, would be onc of the Hobbits to accompany Frodo. Unfortunately, Pippin somC:lim~ allows his curiosity to ovef<."Ome his good sense, and so occasionally causes severe problems for those around him.

Pinnath Gelin The green ridges, a range of hills in the: South West of Gondor.

R Radagast The Brown W17Alrd, Radagast made: c:spC'(;iai slUdy of birds, animal!:> and plants. He can even spc:ak the: l:mguageofbirds. Even tht: Ems regarded his knowledge of the trees with reverence. His knowledge of herb lore was unmatched by any man's.

Rangers Men of the woodS, gaunt fJccd and often silent, they were treated by the conunon folk as strange and dangerous. In their common garb ofleather boots and green cloaks they cut a slrikingfigure, especially as they were commonly taller than other folk Theywere often seen wandering throughout the North, though few knew to what purpose. They wen: in fact the last remnants of the nobles of the Kingdom of Arnor.

The Red Arrow This symbolises the old alliance between Gondor and Rohan. It is used to call the forcesof Rohan to aid Gondor in times of crisis. Taking this to Edora. .. will mobilize the horsemen of the Riddcrmark.

Red Eye Now that Sauron has l{).~t the Ring and has no body, he appears as a gre.n lidless red eye, like that of a cat. This is taken as the symbol ofSauron and is worn by the members of his army, as opposed to the White Iland worn hy the fol1owersofSaruman.

Rhovan1on 111e land East of the Misty Mountains along the bank of the great River Anduin. Most of Rhovanion is now covered by the great forest of Mirkwood.

Rhun 111e land of the East, stretching from Mordor in the South to the Iron Hills in the North, and an unlrnO'wn distance to the East. Rhun is the home of lhe Easterlings, Balchorh and the Wainriders. Having lived under the influence ofSauwo for SO long the people of the East are his staunch allies, and will make up a large parI of his armies.


Ring, Sauron tricked the Eh'e5 inw making nineteen Rings. Of these nine were given to Kings of Men, whom he bent [0 this will and made InlO the Nazgul Seven he gave to me !'alhers of the Dwarves. Of these, thrce he has recovered and three have been devoured by Dragons and are lost, but he was unable to bend the Dwarves to his will. The final three remained with the Elves, who hid them from him. To them he added the One Ring, which he forged himself. He lost thi5 when Isildur cut the finger from his hand. This is the Ring that has now come into Frodo's possession. Rlvcndell Home ofElrond halfc:lvcn, thIs was a place of song and taJes,describcd as the'; last homely house by Bilbo on his journey to the Lonely Mountain. Although now a pl:lce of joy, it was built as the last (kfencc against Sauron, before tht: men ofNumen6rc came and drove him back.

Rohan The great fertile plain of Rohan, bounded to the South by the White Mountains and to the NOrlh and East by the River Anduin, provides the luscious pasture that feeds the herds of the Horse lords, the Rohlrrlm or Eorlingas. Following their King Eorl, the Rohirrim came down from the Norlh to senle these plains. !twas thelr arrival that drove off the Balchoth, and thus began the al liance between {he people of Rohan and Gondorwhose rulers ceded the territory that is now Rohan from their northern provinces. The: Rohirrim are born warriors, bred to the saddle. The host ofEori makes an impressive sight as they ride to bank, the tips of their spears and the:ir polished mail gleaming in the sun. their long blond hair blowing in the wind, which spreads the green pennants marked with the white horse, echoing the proud steeds that they ride. Normally they arc a most hospitable: people, but in these troubled times they ace wary, for the -Annals of the KingsH is full of the times when they have ridden to wac.

s Sam Sam Gangee is the gardener at Bag End. Sam is devoted to both Bilbo and Frodo, though he was the source of Merry and Pippin's information about Frodo's plans. Sam is slightly afraid ofGandalf- especially ifhe thinks he is about to be turned into a toad - however nothing else can frighten him. He will defend Frado against any odds. Aside from that all he wants is to see some: Elves and improve his garden.

SamFord A ford on the Brandywine River on the: western border of the Shire:. Sam is theelvish word for stone, indicating that this was a ford by means of stepping StOnes.

SaNman Head of the Council of Wizards, Sacuman the White was the greatest of their number. Skilled in sorcery, Saruman long studied the ways of $au ron, and especially the lore of Rings. Eventually he grew proud and desired power for himself. He was granted the TowerofOrlhanc at Iscngard by the stewards ofGondor, and he made this his base. Here he found a palantir, and it was through this that he feU under the influence ofSauron, for


N Nazgul After Sauron had the Rings of Power made. he distributed lhem to the Jt:aders oflhc peoples orM iddle Earth. He gave one to each of the se,,'cn fathers of the Dwan.·cs, three to the Elves and nine to the KingsofMen. Orall these, Men PCO\'ed the ~iest to bend to his will, The nine kings, lhough they lived long through the power oClhe Rings, eventually faded, tlll they were no more man shadows. Yet their power was still greal. TIlrough fear and sorcery they worked, £hough they were compIe[(~ly under the dominance of the Dark Lord. They were the nine, the Ringwrailhs. the Nazgul. They wore robes ofblack to give themselves a shape In which they could talk to others, and rode black steeds or fearsome winged beasts that fly faster than the wind

o Old FOfcst The name that the Hobbits give the dark woods to the East oCthe Shire. U all the Hobbit tales were true, this would be a dark place indeed, full of Goblins and Wolves, but any BrandybuckwUl tell you tlut these are but bogey stories for children. Yet the Old Forest is dangerous,forcut offfrom the influence of the Ents, this fragment of the ancient forests that once covered Middle Earth has rurned eviL The trees rC5efltstrangcrs, and thcycan trip or snare travellers, or even shift so the paths change. Worst of all is the Willow Man down by the River Wilhywindle. Few can avoid his mazes, for he is old and cunning, and ronen 10 the core.

ilic In Ihe fl1"St Age of the Stars, back at the very beginning of the world, 'when the Elves first appeared, Melkor captured some of that fuirrace, and from them he bred the race of Ores. Ores are all that Elves are not, coarse featured, 5tunted, and bow legged; they were nevertheless strong. They also fought with excessive ferocity , and linle fear of death, which may have been preferable [Q their e}l:i5tence. The Ores had no sense ofbcauty, their only pleasure was in creating pain in others, and no craft, relying on plunder. Their guttural tongue, the Black Speech, was harsh and discordant, cspcdally when compared to the rolling sounds of Elvish speech. As with all ofMelkor's 5pawn, they feared the light, preferring the night. Although light pained theireye5, itwas not fatal to them as it wa5 to Trolls. Orc units bore banners or shields painted with various designs, dcpcndingon their allegiance. TheOres oflsengard bore the White Hand, those ofMordor the Red Eye, those of Minas Morgul bore a White Moon like a 5kull, and so on.

Orthanc Saruman's tower built at Iscngard.

Osgiliatb One of the fi\'e great towns ofGondor, Osgiliath stood by the River Anduin, halfway between thetwin cities of Minas AnOt and Minas lthil. When Minas Ithil fell toSauron -to be renamed Minas Morgul-and the land ofMordorwascreated, Osgiliatb bad not 10nglO survive. Eventually a host ofUres came from Mordor, and sacked the town, dC5troying its great stone bridge. Now it is a ruin, a memory to earlier glorlC5.

whill: u~inj.: the SlOne to view far 3rcasofMiddie Earth. he was seen by [he Red Eye.I'rom then on Isengard became a place of evil. Saruman was always wise in the ways of engines. and here he built V'.uious engines of war. Here tOO he gathered an army ofQres and Dunlendings. along with his new breed the Half-Orcs. Saruman look the badge of the white hand and renounced his white cloak for a new cloak. and he became S2ruman of the Many Colours.

Sauron The Dark Lord Sauron is a Maia; heW3S1hechiefdiscipleofMdkorand 'when the other Valar finally overthrew his master. Sauron claimed repentance. But evil mn deep in his heart and he soon reverted to his previous ways and took on the m:tntle of tile embodiment of Evil within Middle Earth. At the beginning of the Second Age he tricked the Elven smiths into makinj.:for him nineteen ring.~ of power. whkh he distributed to the Lord~ ofthe people ofthe West. And in the fires of Mount Doom he himself forged the master ring into which he put much of his power. Isildur!llanaged to cut the linger from S;!uron's hand. but after that victory the ring was lost. Without the rlngS.turon·s power is dimini:.hcd .• tnd he cannot take a solid form, appearing insted as a great lidless red eye, like that of a cat. full of malice. But his evil remains as long as the ring b not destroyed. Ifhe can only find the ring_

The Sceptre of Annuminas This is part of the lost regalia of the King of Arnor. Traditionally it is carried by the King's mcsscnger. Presenting this to the King ofGondor will prove the validity of the message. Therefore it can be used to mobilize their forces.

TheShire The land ofHohhilS, in the North East of Middle Earth. A green land of rolling hills and gentle slopes, sheltering small villages. TIle fertile soil and pleasant climate makes this a rich land. TIle Hobbits live their well-ordered lives without a care, wantingno more than time 10 eat or to drink and smoke in one of the many pro::;perous inns. The Mayor of Michel Ddving. being the only elected offiCial, seems to have to do Hule but to ensure th;!t the po~t Hobbits actually deli\'er all the mail.

The Stiver Orb Cr.tftt:d by the 111gb Elves in Valinor before the world was reshaped, thiS outstanding piece ofElven WQrkman.~hip has been lost for millennia. Presenting it to the Eln:n King Thr,mduil will cause the elves to mobilize.

Southrons An alternative name for the Haradrim, most ollen applied to the people of Far Harad.

Spider The Great Spiders thar inhabited Middle Earth in those days. the offspring of Un gOlia nt, were to their mOt.lern kin as dragons are to the lizards oftoday. UngOliant herselfwas bred to devour the Trees of the Valar, and would have devomed Melkor as well, if the Balrogs had not driven her back. Though Ungoliant has passed. there arc still many gre;!t and powerful spiders in the Jand.lhe greatest of these being her daughter Shclob. Armed with venom on her beak and horns, with clawsofiron. her halrwas spikesofstecl and her undcrbeUycovered in poison. She could spin blackwt'bs, and vomited darkness. Herskin was thick and invulnerable. the only weak pointS being the great clusters of her eyes.


Undying Lands Also kno\\'nas Valinor, these lands are the home of the Vilir, They used to be:: in the We5t of Middle Earth, bUi after the fall ofNumen6re and the fe5mplng of the world they were withdrawn. Now. the only way to reach them is in one ofCirdan'swhite boats that sail from the Grey lIaven.~.

UrukHai The name for Orcs in their own Black Speech.

v Vallnor '[be Undying Lands.

Variags From the land of Khand that lies immediately to the South ofMordor came the Variag People. Closely related to the Haradrim and (he Eastcrlings, the Variags were long­standing allies of5auron, fighting ;aJongside the men of Ncar Harad and the Orcs and Trolls from Mordor and Morgui.

w Wainrider A raceofL:asterJings from the lands ofRhiJn, the Wainriderswere chariot warriors. They were often at war with the men ofGondoc, allied to the men ofHarad and with the helpof the Ringwralths ther wefe often at war. At their height they ruled all ofRhovanion, but they were eventually driven back. 'Ibey are still allied to Sauron, ;and will form panofhis great army.

Wargs Wargs are large powerful wolves. especially linked to Orcs. for theyarc used as mounts by those foul creatures, It was notcd that in the battle of the five armies, it wa.~ the Orcish cavalry, mounted on Wargs. that ciUsCd most damage. It is certain that they will once again form an imponant part of the evil forces. Waymcct .It.. Hobbit \'illage in the West Farthing of the Shire. Wcathcrtop Southerrunost of the Weather Hills, Weathertop lies on the Great East Road. 1( '\\'Monce crowned by a great watch tower - Amon Sui, built by the Kings of Arnor. However, now there is nothing but a circular ring of stones crowning the lOp of the hill.

White Hand The badgeofSaruman the White, worn b)' the Orcs and others under his command. Thus Orcs of the White Hand owe their alJegiance to Saruman, while Orcs of the Red Eye follow Sauron, Now thaI Saruman has taken a many<olour raiment, it is noted that the While Hand has blood-red nails.

Wights These fierce: spirits came from the Witch Kingdom of Angmar. They fear the light of the Sun, and spread over the land looking for safe, dark places [ahide and bodies to take over. They were made of the very stuff ofdarlrness. They could rake whareverfonn they chose, but preferred 10 occupy other bodies. While they prefcr the bodies of men, they were nor averse to Hobbits. They had a voice that hypnotised their victims and an icy grip like the ja·ws of a trap. Once ther had cauglu a victim, they would take him into their dwelling place and sacrifice him with due ritual. In the darkness, only the most powerful charms would keep them atlY"r, but in the light of the Sun they faded like mist and were killed. Wild Men Also known as Woses, the wild men oCthe woods live almost as beasts, naked among the trees, avoiding the company oC all sa,'e their kin. They were shon, with thick stumpy limbs. Their wood craft was unmatched by any outside the forest. They fight with darts and arrows, often dipped in poisonsexlracted from the plants in the foreSL With the rise in power ofSauron, the Woses are constantly harried b)' Wolves and other evil creatures that come into their forest. And so, though they have no need or desire for contact with the other peoples of the West, they may become allies in order to clear their forest of these malevolent forces. Witch-King A great sorcerer, the Witch-King of Angmar was the greatest of the nine Lords ofMco who received rings of power from Sauron. He ruled first the northern kingdom of Angmarand later in Mordor. He is the Lord of the NazguJ. It is said that he cannOt be killed bymonal mm.

WI2anI Therewere fi,·e Wizards, known as the White Council, or the Istari. They weresttlt from the Undying Lands into Middle Earth to aid the free peoples in their battle against Sauron. In Middle Earth they appe:d.fd all old men dressed in long robes. The legends of the people of the West talkoforily three of the five-Saruman the White, leaderofthe Council, Gandalfthe Grey, and Radagast the Brown, though they mention that the other two worked further East and took the colour blue. They were sent intO the land with few powers. save those they !.:ould gather there, and they wore no rings. but each had a staff. Wolves These great grey beasts were one ofthe many spa",'O ofMeikor, bred at the beginning of the world in the Pits of Utumno. Though in these later days, after the fall of Melkor, Wolves are of Jesser suture than those offonner times, they are still fonnidable beaslS. Wolves are often found associated v.ith Orcs in the armies of both Sauron and Saruman.

i ·j

T lhranduil The: King oCthe Sylvan Elves in northern Mirkwood and the f.!ther of Legola!;.

Thranduil's Palace Known in ~The Hobbif'as the Elven King's Halls. Thranduil's Palace stands at the Eastern edge ofMirkwOOd, on the river above the Long Lake and the W'\\<n ofEsgaroth in Oak

Theoden King of the Golden HaJl.l.o rdofthe Mark, Theoden wn of Then gel is the King of Rohan. AI his word the host of the Eorling;t!; will ride fOrlh to baltle.

Theodred Rohirrim horsc lord who leads the defenders of tile fords orIsen.

TowerGuard Knigh~ ofGondor. With their sih'cr and mithril armour, covered with a black SUrCO;!1 emblazoned with the white IfCC and seven .stars. and their high helms decorated with swans' wings, the Tower Knights:ll'c the closest thing in Middle Earth to the ancient warriors ofNumen6re.

Treebeard Human name given to the Em Fangom, chidofthc tree shepherds in thcgreat forest that bears his name:. Fangom is one of Ihe few Ems 10 remain lime limbed.

TroD Large, rwice the sizeofa man. powerful. though notwim quite the stone rendingsuength of Ems. and lacking wit. The TrOllswere hred by Melkur in imitation of the lints, much as Ihe Orcs were hi:; perversion of Elves. Many TroUs could not speak at all. mos! had but a small and f,lIteringgrasp olthe Black Speech, but there were some who could talk and reason. Though for the: most panTroll~' lack ofinlelligence made even the brightest easy 10 outwit, their sheer size and strength, combined with their skin oflivEng SlOne. made them enemies lO be feared. As with other creatures of darkness, they cannot abide in the Sun, as its light made their skin grow inwards and turned them into lifeless SlOne.

Towards the end oCme ThirdAge Sauron bred the Olog Hai or Half·Trolls. They had the stre:ngth and armour ora Troll. combined with the reasoning of an evil man. Added to their fangs and leeth, they carried large: shields and wieldedgrc:at stone: hammers. As long as Sauron turned hi:; will tOwards them they <:ould endure the light of the Sun. While Sauron <:ould <:ontrol them. these were a frightening force , capable of much destruction. for they had both the great strength oflhe Trolls and the wit to usc it well.

Tuckborough A Hobbit village in the West farthing ofIhe Shire.

u Umbar The southern port, originally founded by the Black Numen6reans, followers ofSauron who escaped the fall. Umbar was long the home of pir-lles. Although Gondor subjugated the nriginallOwn. it later rebelled, and was once again the home of the Corsairs.

, , .-

A BIOGRAPHY OF PROFESSOR].R.R. TOLKIEN John Ronald Reucl Tolkien is remembered for his imaginative writings and the lasting crelliion ofMiddk Eaeth. However, he wasalsoagrc:al scholar, being the Rawlingson and Bosworth Professor of Anglo-Saxon at Oxford University. His writing owes much of its power to his stOre of knowledge about the English language and a deep understanding of myth.

He was born in the Orange Free Stale, in what Is now South Africa. at the cnd of the last century. However, his mother brought him home to England when he was four, and after his f:lther's death the family made thc:ir home at Sarehoie, then on the edge of Birmingham. Although this is a great industrial Ql}'. their home was in the countryside. His mother died when hewas twelve, kavingTolkien and his brother orphans. Thcywere taken in by a priest of the Binningham Oratory, who made them both wards. Tolkien went to the King Edward VI School in Birmingham, From m~re he went up lO Oxford, where he read English at Exeter College, gaining first class honours. He married &1im Brait, whom he had met in Birmingham. Their marriage was vcry happy. Edim appears in his writings as Luthien in me Silmarillion. . ___

The GreatWar intervened in Tolkien's life, asit did in omers. He served in me Lancashire Fusiliers as an officer, and survived the Somme, though many of his close friends and colleagues died. His respect for the common soldier undC'r the great stress of war shows through in his lat~r writings. where the Hobbits show great strength in Mordor, previously unseen by others or even themselves. After the war he got ajob, working on me New English Dictionary, but in 1920 he was appointed reader in English at Leeds University. Four years later he was promoted to Professor, whicb is the highest academic rank in British universities. II was at this time mat he started writing. At this stage be thought of his tales as being a new mythology for England. These earIY'works, which laid me basis for all his iaterworks, are now published as The Book of lost Tales. In 1925 he was elect~d to the Professorship at Oxford. He specialised in Philology, the study of words, and WdS among the most accomplished scholars In this field. His love of words led him to work on a series oftanguages for the Elves, and from this he worked on thcir histol)·. It was these writings m.n later became the Silmarillion. He also had four children and wrotc several txK)ks for memo Of these, "The Hobbit" is of course the best known. This was pUblished in 1937. Stanley Unwin, the publisher, asked for a sequel. Professor Tolkien was sceptical at first, but inspiration struck and he started work. Unforrnnately war again intervened, and so this book took nearly twelve yean; to write. It blossomed into much more than a sequel, being not a book for children, but a grcat saga for adults, mThe Lord of the Rings~. Tolkien retired shortly after the publication of mis work, and left Oxford for the coastal resort ofHournemouth, but when Edith died he returned 10 Oxford and his family. He himself died two years later on rhe 2nd of September 1973. aged cightyone. He is buried alongside his wif(: in an Oxford cemetery, under their real names and the names of the two lovcrs he created, Beren and Luthlen.


A-Uddle Eanh Books TheHobbft The Lord of the Rings, ~lso published in thr~~ parts. I) The Fellowship ofthe Ring II) 'rh~TwnTowers II I ) The Return of the King The .4.dv('1Iturt!s of Tom Bombadif PicturesbyJ.R.R. Tolkim With Donald Swann The Road Goes Ever 011 Settings of songs featured in the other works. Edited by Chriswpher Tolkien Tbe Silman'IliOtI Un!im'sbedTales The His[O!y of Middle Earth Series - early versions and otherwritings I) The Book of Lost Tales Part Ont: II) The Book of Lost Tales Part Two III) The Lays of&leriand IV) The Shaping of Middle Earth V) The Lost Road VI) The Rerum ofthc Shadow - The History of the Lord of the Rings Part One Other Children's Books Fanner Giles of Ham Mr. Bliss Smith of Wooten Major The Father Christmas l.ett<:1"S (edited by BaiUe Tolkien) Sc:holarly Works Sir Gawain ami the Gree/l Knigbt, Pearl mId Sir OrJeo (annotations of classic English tales by other authors) The Mt)tlsters and the Critics (A collection of essays) The Letters ofJR.R. Tolkien (edited by Humphrey Carpentcr) Finn and Hellgesl (edited by Alan llIiss) Other Writings Tree and L~J Poems and Stories

T1)/s is bared 071 the British, Unwin Hymlltl, pubficatio11$. In America the minor works have been pubfisbed in sliBbtly different col/ections. There are a/so a number oJ critical works deaU"8 wltb Middle Earth, biographies oJ To/kim and the /"klillgs, etc

Although Tolkien's vision was mainly channelled Inw his writings, he also drew many pictures and~ketches. both in pen and ink and in water colours, and produced wonderful detailed maps of his lands. The pictures appear as covers to some editions of his works, and have been gathered inl a book of their own. After his death, his son Christopher, aided by the Canadian \\Titcr Guy Gavriel Kay, set about editing his earlier mythological works. These eventually appeared as the Silmarillion, a great sweep of history and myth. To this was added the Unfinished Tales, and currently being published The History of Middle Earth series, where all the earlier versions of the works have been (tllthered Besides the Middle Earth canon of"Y.1)rks, Tolkien's children's book5 arc delightful stories for those of any age, who are young OIl heart. Alsoavailable are his translations from the Anglo-Saxon, and several scholarly essays. Tolkien ncvcrexpected his works to achieve the popularity that they have, thinking that they would only have interest to a minority. Yet his vision of Middle E.rrth, rooted in his love for the English countryside; be it the green wOodlands ofthe Midlands in Warwickshire and Oxfordshire, or the rolling Pennine hills of Yorkshire. caught the spirit of the time, and has proved the inspiration for many other writers and mists, induding the authors of this game, Ted Nasmith the cover artist and myself, your humble scribe. lfyou wish to learn more of the Professor's works, there is Of. society dedicated to the funherance of interest in his life and works. This is the Tolklen Society, an International society registered as a Charity in the United Kingdom. Inquiries should be sent to: The Secretary. Anne Haward, 35 Amesbury Crescent, Hove, East Sussex, BN3 3RD. Stamped addressed envelopes or international reply coupons arc appreciated with all correspondence, and will hasten a reply. The society cannot, however, answer any queries concerning this or any other game based on Tolkien's works, which should of course be addressed to Melbourne House.