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Page 1: Wapakoneta City Schools Imagine Building for the Next Generation: Maintain the Pride An Opportunity for our Communities.

Wapakoneta City Schools


Building for the Next Generation: Maintain the Pride

An Opportunity for

our Communities

Page 2: Wapakoneta City Schools Imagine Building for the Next Generation: Maintain the Pride An Opportunity for our Communities.

Wapakoneta City Schools


Imagine Our Communities!Great Places to Live!

Beautiful homesBeautiful homes Community supportCommunity support

Communities with …

Good familiesGood families Excellent schoolsExcellent schools

Quality educatorsQuality educators

Excellent leadershipExcellent leadership

Page 3: Wapakoneta City Schools Imagine Building for the Next Generation: Maintain the Pride An Opportunity for our Communities.

Wapakoneta City Schools


Goals for Today

Listen to each other. Learn about the role of the Ohio Schools Facilities

Commission. Learn about what this means to our communities. Learn what this project can do for your schools. Learn about the cost of the project. Have some fun together!

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Wapakoneta City Schools


Brainstorming Activity

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Wapakoneta City Schools


Our Communities working together!

What do you most value and appreciate about your schools?

As you think about the schools describe how you would like the schools to look in the future?

Looking into the future what should be done to improve our schools and school buildings?

Looking into the future what do you think would happen if nothing was done to improve our schools?

It has been decided to improve our schools. Working together how can we make it happen?

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Wapakoneta City Schools


Our Communities Coming Together!

Our plan will be successful

and together we can make it happen!

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Wapakoneta City Schools


What is the Ohio Schools Facilities Commission?

The Ohio Schools Facilities Commission (OSFC) is the agency that oversees the rebuilding of Ohio Schools. (

The OSFC mission is: "To provide funding, management oversight, and technical assistance to local school districts for construction and renovation of school facilities in order to provide an appropriate learning environment for Ohio's school children."

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Wapakoneta City Schools


What is the Ohio Schools Facilities Commission?

Funding for the rebuilding of schools started in 1998/1999 through the OSFC.

OSFC views themselves as a co-owner in all projects until the projects are complete.

They have considerable input since they are contributing considerable dollars representing the State of Ohio.

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Wapakoneta City Schools


Our past relationship with the OSFC.

The Middle School HVAC project was completed by OSFC standards.

Those dollars will be credited as part of our share of any potential OSFC project. ($2.6 million credit)

We were required to establish a “master plan” (OSFC term) as a part of that project.

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Wapakoneta City Schools


Opportunity for our Communities!

An opportunity to:– Bring tax dollars back to the communities.– Build now at a reduced rate or a full rate at a later

time.– Provide safe, healthy, effective educational facilities

for Pre K – 12. (kids, kids, kids – education, education, education)

– Reduce the number of buildings from 5 – 4.

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Wapakoneta City Schools


The Math

Current Tax Collections: 7.04 Bond Issue for the High School is now an

average of 1.9 effective mills (last collection was July 07’)

1 mill permanent improvement is now an average of .56 effective mills

Requested millage = 5.8 mills

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Wapakoneta City Schools


The Math: continued

1.9 mills expired 5.8 mills requested

+ .56 mills (reduced from 1 mill) -2.46 mills reduced

= 2.46mills =3.34 mills


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Wapakoneta City Schools


Why New Schools:

Kids, Kids, Kids and their future Better educational environment – tons of research to

indicate that the physical environment of a school does impact educational achievement.

Safety and security concerns. More uses for the communities. The health of the district and communities.

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Wapakoneta City Schools


The Project Cost:

– State Contribution = $31,648,926 – Issuance of Bonds = $27,500,000– Finances by the district = $ 6,931,190

Total: $66,080,116

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Wapakoneta City Schools


Local Share and Locally Funded Initiatives

Total Co-Funded Project Cost including the middle school project - $50,236,391

37% of $50,236,391 = $18,587,465 LFI’S - $15,900,000 Minus Local Financing- $7,000,000

Total Bond Request $27,500,000

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Wapakoneta City Schools


What the schools have done for you…

Earned a prestigious rating as an Effective Effective School on the State Report Card

Last year’s graduating seniors earned over 1 million dollars1 million dollars in scholarships and rewards

The district has added innovative educational optionsinnovative educational options to ensure that every student has the opportunity to receive a quality education

The Board of Education has spent the citizens’ tax dollars wisely and wisely and responsiblyresponsibly

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Wapakoneta City Schools


What have we done…

We have identified the unique needs of the schools and communities and provided quality options to meet those needs.

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Wapakoneta City Schools


Why do we need the Bond Issue?

To Construct two new elementary buildings

To renovate and add on to the Middle School

To renovate and update the High School

To incorporate community amenities in the school buildings

To make the schools central to our community

It will provide facilities for the next 50 - 75 years

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Wapakoneta City Schools


The Need…

Centennial – age 59 Cridersville – age 68 Northridge – age 40 Middle School – age 49 High School – age 18

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Wapakoneta City Schools


Major Needs at the schools…

Out dated heating systems

Inadequate instructional space

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Wapakoneta City Schools


Major needs…

Outdated electric power controls

Paving/concrete issues Inadequate Lighting Inadequate Parking

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Wapakoneta City Schools


The Board of Education has a plan that is shaped The Board of Education has a plan that is shaped to the strengths, needs and vision for our to the strengths, needs and vision for our


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Wapakoneta City Schools


Our Plan is…Our Plan is…


An investment for the future . . .


Failure is not an option!Failure is not an option!

Our Plan is clear and will be understood by the stakeholders!

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Wapakoneta City Schools


How will this impact me?

Cost to owner of a $100,000 home About $102.29 per year … that’s $8.52/monthAbout $102.29 per year … that’s $8.52/month

Cost to owner of a $150,000 home About $153.43 per year … that’s $12.79/monthAbout $153.43 per year … that’s $12.79/month

Cost to owner of a $200,000 home About $204.58 per year… that’s $17.05/monthAbout $204.58 per year… that’s $17.05/month

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Wapakoneta City Schools


The risks of inaction…

The community loses value

Further decline of facilities

Increased physical risk to students and faculty

Increased strain on academics due to inadequate facilities

A negative message for future residents


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Wapakoneta City Schools



The spirit of the community is one of shared responsibility and collaborative inquiry. Everyone’s voice is valued. Each person or group’s contribution is essential. And learning and sharing are ongoing and not just confined to the classrooms.

Tony Wagner, Harvard University

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Wapakoneta City Schools


Don’t be afraid to go beyond the corn…

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Wapakoneta City Schools


The Board of Education Thanks You for attending and sharing your thoughts.

We want your support and help

to make our communities the best they can be

for all!