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Walter B. Cooper Memorial Scholarship

Walter B. Cooper was an advisor for the Alpha Gamma Pi chapter of Phi Theta Kappa atAustin Community College in Austin, Texas. The memories of Mr. Cooper's efforswithin and outside of Phi Theta Kappa are still visible today every time his name ismentioned. Mr. Cooper advised students howto become well rounded individuals ineach of the society's hallmarks. It is with this concept in mind that the Texas RegionAlumni Association presents this scholarship in memory of Walter B. Cooper.

Guidelines: Individuals applying for this scholarship must meet the following criteria:

1. Must be an active member of Phi Theta Kappa.2. Must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25 and provide an official transcript.3. Must obtain a letter of recommendation from a Phi Theta Kappa advisor.4. Must provide a list of activities (VITA) associated each hallmark showing the

sfirdent's well rormdedness. Marimum 3 pages in length.5. Must complete an essay of no more than 500 words on: *How you think you fit

the desciption of a well rounded Phi Theta Kappa member in your community."

Note: In an effort to have entries &nonymous, it is asked to avoid use of uniqueindividual identifiens in essay and letter of recommendation.

All applications must be typed. Please make sure all documentation is submitted at thesame time. If the application is not complete upon arrival, it will not be judged. Allapplications are due (received) 30 days prior to the Leadership Conference. In 2011 thedue date is 5:00 p.m. on September l4r20ll

Applications must be mailed to:

Kenneth Ruemke - TRAA Advisor/Treasurer18303 Campbellford Dr.Tomball, Texas 77377

Please use this as the Entry Cover Sheet




Signature ofNominee Signature of Advisor Date

Awards will be announced during the Texas Region Leadership Conference.

Page 2: Walter B Cooper Memorial Scholarship

Walter B. Cooper Scholarship Rubric




Total points for each section:

Nomination 1: Question 1 _ of 10Nomination 2: Question 1 _ of 10Nomination 3: Question 1 of 10

Question 2Question 2Question 2

of 10 Question 3of 10 Question 3of 10 Question 3

of 10of 10of 10

Neatness & Conventions of5

Nomination 1: Lefrer of Recommendation from a Phi Theta lftppa AdvisorNomination 2: Marimum 3 pageWTANomination 3; flXl Word Essay by nominee on "Deccdbe specifically hu you think you fit the descdption ofa well rounded Phl Theta Kappa member in your Communig."

1. Shows pailicipation by nominee in chapter activities. Provide specific examplee d how the nominee has positivelyI

influencedone or more membets.10 points The nominee was heavily inrclved in and confibuted b proiec$ related to allbur Hallmarts. The nominee's participalion

induded adivities at he drpter, college, community and regional levels.7 points The nominee was heavilyinvolved in and contibuted b projecb relabd to ilrree Hallmarks. The nominee's parlicipation

induded aclivities at te dtrpter,[email protected]{ qqlmunity levels.4 points The nominee contibuted to proie6 related to hno Hallmarks. The nominee's participation included rc.tivities at tre

dtapter, college, and communily lerrels.

2. Submit a VITA that ddails the studeltrs involvement wilh offrers within the chapter, on the campus and in thecommulltw.10 points The nominee is visible on campus as a sfudent role model and served as an efiective mentor to many chapter members.

His or her ongoing positive relalionships wih memErs led to pelsonal growtlr likely b impad treir fuhrres.7 points The nominee served as an eftctive mle model for drapter members. His or her ongoingposilive relationships witr

members led to Uteir personalgrovytr.4 points

Provide examples of how the nominee has distinguished hlmselflheself from others in the chaoter.10 points The nominee took personal responsibility br iniliating, planning, implementing anO fOlowing ttmugh to completion

projecb related to he ciapte/s goals in he Society Hallmarks in fte communrty.The nominee's conhibulionsdemonstabd ambition and persistence, leading b personal growtr and drapbr development by implementingcomprehensive community proiecb.

7 points The nominee confiibuted signifcanily b he planning and implementalion of proje"ct rclabd to ffre ctlapterb goals in flieSociety Hallmarks in he community. The nominee's @nhibutions demonsfated amb{tion and persistence, leiding bpersonal grcwth by impleqlenling comprehensive community proiecb.

4 points The nomine cmtibubd to he implemenhtion of projecb relabd to tre Society ttaltma*s in trre mnrnrunity, Thenominee's confibulions demonsbated ambition and penqlslenoe by implementing oomprehensive community proiecb.

Neatness & Gonventions5 points Presentation is impeccable; perfecfly neat and orderly frrroughout. Spetling and grammar of tre nominee bre

faultess.3 points Presentalion is acceptably neat and orderly. A few enors in spelling and/or grammailn ttre nomineet

submissions.I point Presentation lacks both neatness and orderliness. Spelling and/or grammar errors throughout the nominee's
