Download - Walsall Works Walsall Works started in April 2012 to: support young people into apprenticeships stimulating employment within local businesses The scheme.



Walsall Works

Walsall Works started in April 2012 to:• support young people into apprenticeships • stimulating employment within local businesses

The scheme will be offering 740 young people aged 16-24 the opportunity to enter a pre-apprenticeship programme or a apprenticeship  


Headlines •164 employers have signed up as interested creating 304 new employment opportunities •71 young people have started their Apprenticeship through Walsall Works  •87 young people have now started the Pre-Apprenticeship programme•111 young people have been supported into employment and training 


Our Employers

164 Businesses registered interest in Walsall WorksSector No of Employers

Creative and Digital Services 11

Environmental Technologies 5

Financial, Professional and Business Services 17

Health and Social Care 12

Logistics 15

Manufacturing and Engineering 67

Other (social enterprise, mechanics, construction)  37

Our Apprentice Starts

Alex Jackson (18) from Coalpool Bloxwich has commenced his apprenticeship with Regent Engineering

Amy Newton has started her Apprentice Dental Nurse training with Ashleigh Dental Practice

Managing Director at Teepee training apprentices Jack Lavender (19) and Daniel Greatex (20) both from the Darlaston area

Potential Apprentices Opportunities 304 new jobs identified with Walsall Businesses 

Sector No of Roles

Creative and Digital Services 11

Environmental Technologies 20

Financial, Professional and Business Services 21

Health and Social Care 14

Logistics 35

Manufacturing and Engineering 105

Other (social enterprise, mechanics)  98

Apprentice roles


290 Pre-apprenticeship places available in all sectors.  These will offer each young people the support to get ready to start a full apprenticeship through a 24 week course which will enable them to gain :

•Literacy, Numeracy & ICT Skills•Employability Skills•Customer Care •4 week work placement  •Intensive Job Search•Guaranteed job interview •City & Guilds qualifications  in a desired sector •Accreditation to a Level 1 qualifications 

Pre-Apprenticeships Starts

Cohort 1 Starts - 17 Construction & Green Skills - 14 Health & Social Care 

Cohort 2 Starts - 10 Business Admin - 16 Construction & Green Skills - 12 Health & Social Care- 15 Sports & Leisure   


Construction apprentices at work Health & Social Care receive a award for success

Walsall Works Re-Launch Criteria

Walsall Works continues to focus on unlocking jobs within enterprises from the growth sectors:

• Niche and high value manufacturing and engineering• Environmental technologies and construction• Financial, professional and business services• Creative and digital services• Health and social care• Logistics •Construction 

Walsall Works Re-Launch Criteria

•Focus on Walsall SME’s but will consider Large Companies if they traditionally don’t take apprentices  •No gap needed since last Apprentice start•35 hour+ per week contract •12 months minimum work placement •Employer committed to sustainable employment•Employee to apprentice staff ratio of approx 2:1

Walsall Works Re-Launch Incentive

•£3,000 for employers taking on a young person              aged 16 or 17 at a rate of £3.00 per hour•£4,500 for employers taking on a young person          aged 18 to 20 at a rate of £4.98 per hour•£6,000 for employers taking on a young person         aged 21 to 24 at a rate of £6.19 per hour 

How will Walsall Works pay?

•Appendix 2 form•Send out Grant Agreement for signatures•First payment after 4 weeks•Second Payment at the midpoint of apprenticeship•Final payment on confirmation of sustainable employment post apprenticeship 

How to use the Walsall Works Logo?• Use the Walsall Works  logo for any promotional material  that  you  use  to  offer  employer  the £3,000- £6,000 incentive.• Logo is available in colour and black and white •  Contact  the  team  for  advice  and  guidance  for using the Walsall Works branding •  Pass  any  communication  mentioning  Walsall Works to the Walsall Works team for approval

Capturing Added Value?• Indications of levels of Leverage attracted ie AGE Grant, Skills Funding Agency, Bursaries • Additional outcomes for learners • Progression to Advanced & Higher Apprentices• Breaking barriers for non-traditional groups 

CommunicationNews Articles and Editorials in •Business  Desk,  Express  &  Star,  Regeneration, Apprenticeship, Insider, Prosper • Updates on• Social media sites on twitter and facebook • Dedicated email and telephone number 

Support Us•Return signed contracts immediately•Submit claims on time to ensure payments •Promote Walsall Works to employers•Signpost young people to the NAS website •Market on your websites and publications•Join our Celebration event in April 2013

Question & Answer Session

Dates of Future Session

Monday 29th April 2013, 10.00am – 11.30am

at Walsall Council Chamber, Walsall Town Hall, Lichfield 

Street, Walsall, WS1 1TP

Contact Details 01922 654322

[email protected] [email protected] 

[email protected]


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