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Waiting for Exascale

Gary M. JohnsonComputational Science Solutions

[email protected]

University of Washington13 February 2013

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Let’s explore a few possibilities:

• Education• eScience• Big Data• Effective Use of Petascale Computing• Broad HPC Deployment• Computing in Industry• Marginalization Risk• Public Engagement• Infrastructure Refresh• Success Metrics

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We’ve got a decade to wait for exascale computing capability. What should we do in the meanwhile?

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African kids learn to read, hack Android on OLPC fondleslabWhy your next sysadmin could be Ethiopian

By Iain Thomson in San Francisco 1 November 2012 22:52 GMT

One Laptop Per Child founder Nicholas Negroponte has said children are not only teaching themselves to read without teachers by using fondleslabs he provided, but they are learning how to hack Android as well.

In an experiment, the OLPC dropped off Motorola Xoom tablets with solar chargers in two Ethiopian villages and trained the local adult population how to charge them up. Children were also given sealed boxes containing fondleslabs that were preloaded with educational software and a memory card that tracks how the kids got on with the new technology.

"I thought the kids would play with the boxes. Within four minutes, one kid not only opened the box, found the on-off switch ... powered it up," Negroponte told MIT Review. "Within five days, they were using 47 apps per child, per day. Within two weeks, they were singing ABC songs in the village, and within five months, they had hacked Android.“

But what shocked the OLPC team was just how good the kids proved at understanding and changing the tablet's operating system.

"The kids had completely customized the desktop - so every kid's tablet looked different. We had installed software to prevent them from doing that," said Ed McNierney, OLPC's CTO. "And the fact they worked around it was clearly the kind of creativity, the kind of inquiry, the kind of discovery that we think is essential to learning.“

It wasn't just the desktop that the children learned to subvert. The cameras on the tablet had been disabled by an OLPC worker, but the children managed to get around that and turn them back on again with no instruction.

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Education• Education is key

– We have no real  idea about what skills will be needed a decade  from now– Education  is crucial  to  future US  competitiveness  ‐ and  to our well being as a  society– If we  learn how  to  learn,  then we  can adapt  to whatever  the  future may hold

• Don't just port the box, think outside it– New  applications areas– Fundamental  reformulations of problems– New math and algorithms  ‐ not  just bigger hammers

• New modes of education– The exascalers of  tomorrow are now  in high school– MOOCs

• Coursera• Udacity• edX

– An exaMOOC...?– The OLPC model…?

• Rewards & Recognition– High‐prestige  (open) publication venues– Prizes  for  courseware– New  attitudes about promotion and  tenure– New  views  about education altogether

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Jim Gray

Michael Nielsen


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• All of science is becoming eScience– Observational, experimental and computational  facilities and science databases are 

geographically dispersed– It's a connected world– Science  is moving from being a spectator sport to one where anyone with "cognitive 

surplus" can play

• Shift from Facility‐Centric to Scientist‐Centric computing model– Scientists should determine what happens – not  facility operators

• Create an open marketplace for computing cycles and services– Computing “facilities” have very different character  from observational and 

experimental ones  (see Jailbreaking HPC)

• Adopt the "app" mentality– Is there an (exascale) app for that?

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Big Data

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Data Scientist: The Sexiest Job of the 21st Centuryby Thomas H. Davenport and D.J. PatilOctober 2012

Dilbert - 5 September 2012

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Big Data

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• All data is "Big" and all computing is "High Performance"– Lake Wobegone effect...

• The year 2012 saw exascale stall and big data surge

• The ascendance of big data will continue– Especially for unstructured data and its analysis and visualization tools

• Big Data is HPC– It’s time to broaden our understanding of HPC and bring big data into the fold– Embracing it will open HPC up to a slew of new and interesting applications– It will also help us prepare for dealing with the data that exascale simulations will produce– See Big Data Is HPC – Let's Embrace It

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Effective Use of Petascale Computing

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An Analysis of Computational Workloads for the ORNL Jaguar System

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Effective Use of Petascale Computing

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4 applications sustain 1 petaflop on Blue Watersreleased 01.29.13

Four large-scale science applications (VPIC, PPM, QMCPACK and SPECFEM3DGLOBE) have sustained performance of 1 petaflop or more on the Blue Waters supercomputer, and the Weather Research & Forecasting (WRF) run on Blue Waters is the largest WRF simulation ever documented. These applications are part of the NCSA Blue Waters Sustained Petascale Performance (SPP) suite and represent valid scientific workloads.

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Effective Use of Petascale Computing

January 28, 2013Tiffany Trader

The 20 petaflop, third-generation IBM BlueGene system, Sequoia, may be the number two supercomputer according to the latest TOP500 rankings, but when it comes to max core usage, Sequoia has apparently set a new record. A team of Stanford engineers harnessed one million of Sequoia's nearly 1.6 CPUs in parallel to solve a sophisticated fluid dynamics problem.Sequoia, the crown jewel of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories (LLNL), was the fastest supercomputer in the world from June 2012 until November 2012, when it was knocked from its perch by another DOE machine, Titan, the 27 petaflop (peak) Cray XK7 system installed at Oak Ridge National Lab. Sequoia's 96 racks house 98,304 compute nodes, nearly 1.6 million cores and 1.6 petabytes of memory, connected by a 5-dimensional torus interconnect.

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Stanford Lights Up One Million Sequoia Cores

Jet noise simulation. A new design for an engine nozzle is shown in gray at left. Exhaust temperatures are in red/orange. The sound field is blue/cyan. (Source: the Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford University)

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Effective Use of Petascale Computing

The short version of the story is that we’re not effectively using petascale computing 

– but we ought to be…

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Broad HPC Deployment

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It seems like just yesterday that Encanto – that's Spanish for "enchantment" – was launched as the pride (and potential salvation) of New Mexico, primed to spur economic development by attracting high-tech companies to the state. But money troubles have plagued the system since its launch in 2008.

Last summer the State of New Mexico repossessed Encanto from the non-profit that managed it, the New Mexico Computing Applications Center. The system had racked up substantial debt, and there was little funding for Encanto's maintenance and operation.

Now, according to a story in the Albuquerque Journal, this former number-three superstar is headed to the chopping block. The state is planning to sell off parts of the system to local research universities –the University of New Mexico, New Mexico State University, and the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology – to recoup some of its investment and pay off outstanding debts.

"Barring someone offering to buy the whole machine, we can still get piecemeal use from it," state Information Technology Secretary Darryl Ackley told the paper. "The universities have proposed to cannibalize it to put some of the assets back into service."

The project was troubled from the start as the New Mexico government made the unusual decision that the computer should pay for itself by selling cycles to interested parties. Proponents of limited government lambasted the project as a waste of taxpayer money, while researchers expressed doubt over the sustainability of the supercomputer-as-revenue-generator business model.

January 11, 2013

Salvaging Encanto

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Broad HPC Deployment

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• Among those working at the leading edge of HPC, petascale computing is seen as a done deal– Making exascale happen is where the action is– We tend to forget that most of the computing world is operating at terascale or below

• HPC is a tool– Ultimately, its success must be measured through its adoption and use– Focusing so strongly on a performance target that is a factor of a million higher than the performance level currently 

experienced by the majority of HPC users may not be a good idea

• Pushing the peak higher will not be useful unless we broaden the HPC base– We need to bring more people into active HPC use– We need to help users migrate upward in performance from terascale apps to petascale and beyond

• How might this be accomplished?– Through the sort of educational activities mentioned previously– By committing strongly to the development of new apps (see Meet the Exascale Apps), rather than just continuing to 

port the same old legacy apps into environments for which they were not designed and to which they are unsuited– By making petascale computing ubiquitous (see Petaflop In a Box)

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Computing in Industry

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Most Innovative Industrial HPC End-User Application in Europe - Open Competition in conjunction with 5th PRACE Executive Industrial Seminar LOCATION Stuttgart, Germany, 15th and 16th April 2013 PRACE are pleased to announce the launch of the second round of its Competition for the Most Innovative HPC End-User Application in Europe. This competition is organisedin conjunction with the 5th PRACE Industrial Seminar that will take place on 15th and 16th of April 2013 in Stuttgart in Germany. The theme of the 2013 event is ‘HPC Changing Europe’s Industrial Landscape’.

The objective of this contest is to award the boldest industrial HPC end-user application – we want to see how far one can take this technology in changing the present paradigms of HPC use by European industry. This competition is open to all fields of HPC and industrial sectors.


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Computing in Industry

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• “Enhancing our economic competitiveness” is a standard justification for pushing the HPC performance envelope

• We are told that there’s a “missing middle” in HPC• Most industrial users compute at terascale• INCITE is not addressing this issue• PRACE is doing somewhat better• The US has no “technology agency”

– No one  is clearly  in charge of advancing computation and its uses  in science and engineering

• DOE should do for energy applications what NASA did for aerospace

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Marginalization Risk

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Marginalization Risk

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Pinoccio Microcontroller to Crowdfundthe Internet of ThingsBy Nathan Hurst01.12.13

Enter Pinoccio, an Indiegogo-funded microcontroller designed to let you build and link projects to each other and to the web. It’s essentially a DIY “Internet of Things” controller in a tiny, programmable package.

With comparable specs to the Arduino Mega, Pinoccio joins a host of Android-based and Android-inspired packages available on the most popular crowdfunding platforms. It is battery powered, includes a temperature sensor, and Wi-Fi enabled (so long as you have at least one with a Wi-Fi shield). Pinoccio is programmable using Arduino-compatible software, and linkable in a sort of daisy chain via a low-power radio signal.

“Our kind of overall mission with this whole project is to glue the virtual and the physical together,” said Eric Jennings, Pinoccio co-founder, on a live Q&A session on Friday. “If we can build all the plumbing and the glue between that, so that things are connected physically and virtually, as easy as they are right now between mobile and web, then we feel like we’ve accomplished what we’ve been trying to do.”

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Marginalization Risk

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The Internet of You: How the future of computing became screens and sensors on every appendageBy Christopher MimsJanuary 10, 2013wearable

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Marginalization Risk

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Marginalization Risk

• The computing and communications landscape is changing quickly

• The distinction between data crunching and number crunching is blurring

• The “internet of things” and the “internet of us” are emerging

• The initiative in computing is passing from organizations to individuals

• Publishing has been radically changed by this

• Higher education appears to be next in the queue

• The funding model for science could also be impacted

• We need to adapt– or science as we currently know  it could become a marginal activity

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Public Engagement

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Darpa Open Sources Code for Building Your Own Amphibious Tank

By Robert McMillan01.10.13

Two years ago, Defense Secretary Robert Gates killed off the Marines’ Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle — a $13 billion misfire of an attempt to build an armored boat that could make landfall and still get around on the beach. But on Monday, the Department of Defense will give you the chance to design something better.

The DoD’s forward-thinking Darpa group plans to release open-source software that will let anyone design and run virtual tests on their own swimming tank. And more than that, it will kick off the first phase of a contest where you can pit your amphibious tank design against everyone else’s. The prize: $1 million.

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Public Engagement

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OpenStreetMap Reaches 1 Million Users, Will Rival Google Maps In 2 YearsCarl FranzenJanuary 12, 2013TPMIdeaLab

OpenStreetMap is on a roll: Over eight years after it was founded by a single computer engineer in the UK, the free digital map assembled by volunteers around the globe crossed 1 million registered users as of early this week, the start of 2013.

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Public Engagement

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3 Kickstarter‐Backed Films Earn Oscar NodsBrian Anthony Hernandez10 January 2013Mashable

Sprinkled among the high-budget films nominated for Oscars this year are three with humble financial beginnings.

Inocente, Kings Point and Buzkashi Boys got monetary boosts from crowdfunding platform Kickstarter long before the Academy granted them nods at Thursday's nominations event.

The flicks raised more than $90,000 from 558 backers on Kickstarter. Those projects' creators are just a few of the filmmakers who have raked in $102.7 million in pledges since 2009.

"These are the fourth, fifth and sixth Kickstarterprojects to be nominated for Oscars," said Kickstarter in a statement. "Incident in New Baghdad, Sun Come Up, and The Barber of Birmingham were all nominated in the past."

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Public Engagement

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• Will HPC still be an exclusive club a decade from now?– In any case, should it be? – Might we not be better off to engage as many people as possible in our enterprise?

• The “public” is part of the solution– The more that people are engaged in computing, the better they will understand it – and support it

• Cognitive surplus– Think of science activities like the Christmas Bird Count, NASA’s Zooniverse, or Foldit, just to name a few– Between now and exascale, let’s get major citizen involvement in computational science and HPC

• Crowd sourcing– We could try crowd sourcing some software and hardware development.

• On the software side, crowd sourcing has already gained some popularity (e.g., TopCoder)• Given the widespread availability of components, like GPUs, prototyping platforms (e.g., Arduino & Raspberry Pi), and

other components (e.g., Adafruit Industries), hardware development doesn’t need to be just a spectator sport

• Crowd funding– Those who choose not to participate in crowd sourcing might like to try crowd funding

• The general public currently funds creative projects of many types through sites like Kickstarter, Indiegogo and Petridish• Perhaps there’s room for sites that focus on topics related to HPC

• “Apps Populi”– Let’s use the interconnectedness of our science to create distributed apps that engage the public directly

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Infrastructure Refresh

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Why Is Google Fiber the Country’s Only Super-Speed Internet?

By Klint Finley01.11.13

Google Fiber was supposed to be a shaming exercise. But any shame felt by the country’s big-name ISPs has yet to produce the sort of ultra-high-speed internet services we’ve all been hoping for.

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Infrastructure Refresh

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Mobile internet devices 'will outnumber humans this year'Cisco report says number of smartphones, tablets, laptops and internet-capable phones will exceed number of humans in 2013

Charles Arthur7 February 2013

Cisco Forecasts 11.2 Exabytes per Month of Mobile Data Traffic by 2017

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Infrastructure Refresh

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Your Gadgets Are Slowly Breaking the InternetThe Internet isn’t robust enough for the ongoing explosion of connected devices. Now labs around the country are scrambling for solutions. By David TalbotJanuary 9, 2013

The grand challenge is to overhaul the Internet to better serve an expected flood of 15 billion network-connected devices by 2015—many of them mobile—up from five billion today, according to Intel estimates.

The Internet was designed in the 1960s to dispatch data to fixed addresses of static PCs connected to a single network, but today it connects a riot of diverse gadgets that can zip from place to place and connect to many different networks.

As the underlying networks have been reworked to make way for new technologies, some serious inefficiencies and security problems have arisen (see “The Internet is Broken”). “Nobody really expects the network to crash when you add one more device,” says Peter Steenkiste, computer scientist at Carnegie Mellon University. “But I do have a sense this is more of a creeping problem of complexity.”Over the past year, fundamentally new network designs have taken shape and are being tested at universities around the United States under the National Science Foundation’s Future Internet Architecture Program, launched in 2010.

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Infrastructure Refresh

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Infrastructure Refresh

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• Between now and exascale, we need to do a whole  lot of infrastructure development and build out

• No matter what we’ll be calling the cloud by then, everything will be in it, from personal devices and  internet‐enabled things up through  those exascale computers

• Robustness, connectivity and communications bandwidth will be keys  to the success of this environment

• In a recent report  card  for America’s  infrastructure, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) gave the US an overall grade of D

• The ASCE didn’t specifically address  computing and communications  infrastructure, but the Technology CEO Council asserts  that “The national  information and telecommunications  infrastructure currently deployed  for  today’s  technological applications  is not robust enough to support the technological advancements of the future.” 

• Clearly there are  lots of things we need to start doing now  in order to have the necessary  infrastructure  to exploit exascale  later

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Success Metrics

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Top problems with the TOP500

2013: Time to stop talking about Exascale

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Success Metrics

• In moving forward with HPC there’s also a lot of rethinking we need to devote to our success metrics

• Kudos go to Bill Kramer at the National Center  for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)  for taking the courageous step of opening the conversation on this topic (see Top problems with the TOP500 and Blue Waters Opts Out of TOP500)

• More recently, Bill Gropp, also from NCSA, has  joined this conversation  (see 2013:Time  to stop  talking about Exascale)

• Alongside  the TOP500, the Green500 and Graph 500 lists have gained  in popularity  in recent years and other possibilities have been suggested  (see HPC Lists We’d Like to See), but the success metric  issue remains an open one

• Computers are tools and we need to measure their success by how well they enable discovery and solve problems

• We’re not there yet, but maybe we can get a bit closer before 2022

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Let’s Not Wait

• Exascale computing may be a decade away, but there’s a lot to accomplish to be ready to exploit it

• We’ve explored a few options here

• We make no claim that these constitute the right agenda for the coming decade, nor do we suggest that we’ve given an exhaustive to‐do list

• Our intention is rather to open the conversation about what we should do while “waiting” for exascale

• So, let us know what you think– Contribute to the conversation here: Waiting for Exascale

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Thank You for Your Attention

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Contribute to the Conversation at the Google Plus Community:

Waiting for Exascale

Please also see the HPCwire articleWaiting  for Exascale

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• Exploit computing and networking technologies to develop new directions in education, research, applications and outreach

• Consider both information-based and physical sciences-based problems.• Partner with others to develop synergies and build mutual strengths• Provide education, training and outreach services


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