Download - Wade.Go Introduction Speech - SFD HCMC 2014

  • 1. Wade.GoWeb development in a brand new way

2. #whoami 3. Wade.Go =+ 4. Enter Go Announced in 2009, reached 1.0 in 2012 Sponsored by Google, developed by the community Rising star in cloud & server side development 5. Enter Wade.Go Client side centric web framework (think AngularJs) NOT a Javascript framework 6. Javascript 7. Maintenance headache 8. Why Go Strictly typed Compiled (in no time) Simple Friendly 9. Why GoC++C#asmJavascriptTyped, compiled Dynamic, Interpreted 10. Why GoAlthough we expected C++ programmers to see Go as analternative, instead most Go programmers come fromlanguages like Python and Ruby.Rob Pike 11. Why GoMost of the appeal for me is not the features that Go has,but rather the features that have been intentionally leftout.tdxxx on Hacker News 12. TJ HolowaychuckOn TJ Holowaychuck's 13. Gopherjs 14. How Wade.Go renders the pageRendererDOM interfaceVirtual DOM ( Js DOM (jquery)Server renders the pageas HTTP responseBrowser renders the pageApplicationSearch enginecrawlerWeb UsersBefore JSAfter JS 15. As a result SEO-friendly Write the page once and only once Renders content normally even if Javascript is disabledor too slow 16. How it feels Easily reuse code between client and server Flexible data binding HTML reuse Custom elements The page engine 17. Conclusion: Why Wade? Client side centric AND still SEO friendly No more maintenance headache Write code in a great language One language for both client and server 18. Getting involved Github project: Contact me: Email: [email protected] Facebook: