Download - W4A2015 - TPG Accessibility Challenge

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A Controlled-Language Checker Turned into

an Accessibility Evaluation Tool for

Image Text Alternatives

Silvia Rodríguez Vázquez

Sabine Lehmann

The Paciello Group Accessibility Challenge

W4A 2015, Florence, Italy, 18-20 May 2’015

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Image accessibility

Use of the alt attribute of the HTML <img> element

Examples from Faulkner, S. (ed.) 2014. HTML5: Techniques for

providing useful text alternatives. W3C Working Draft.

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Image accessibility

Use of the alt attribute of the HTML <img> element

Examples from Faulkner, S. (ed.) 2014. HTML5: Techniques for

providing useful text alternatives. W3C Working Draft.

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Our proposal

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Rule set design

Data generation method: documents

Literature review on how to write text

alternatives for images

Swiss case study

Main goal:

Propose a French controlled-language (CL)-based

automated solution for text alternatives authoring

and verification

Reduced sample of 52/100 websites

1,938 webpages

Total <img>

No alt

Empty alt


altInitial set

50,633 9,241 12,238 29,154

Filtered set

12,778 1,267 3,566 7,945

Linguistic patterns frequently used in

appropriate and non-appropriate

text alternatives for images

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Rule set for alt text verification

Type of




Example Non appropriate




Descriptive 14 Avoid redundant

expression “ “image””(e.g., ‘image de,

image répresentant,

sur cette image on


Sur cette image:

Eloise avec la

princesse Belle

Eloise avec la

princesse Belle

Functional 18 Describe actions

related to social

media and mailing


Flux RSS S’’’’'abonner aux

flux RSS de la

Tribune de


Uninformative 8 Avoid using


Insérer le texte ici alt=“""

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Acrolinx GUI

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Rule documentation

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Rule documentation

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Integration with CAT*

tools for translators

Practical applications

*Computer Assisted Translation


Language and rule


Interactive rule


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Integration with WAE tools for developers and

other content authors

Practical applications

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Practical applications

*Huang, Ting-Hao K. Alt Text Editor. Computer software. Alt Text Editor. Vers. 1. N.p., 25 Feb.

2015. Web. Class project of the "Web Accessibility" class (05-897 A3) at Carnegie Mellon


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