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  • 7/25/2019 w Bar 2015 Appendix


    Annual Report 2015

    Organizational Information and

    Lending Data Appendixes

  • 7/25/2019 w Bar 2015 Appendix



    Lending Data 4

    Africa: World Bank Lending by Theme and Sector 5East Asia and Pacific: World Bank Lending by Theme and Sector 6

    Europe and Central Asia: World Bank Lending by Theme and Sector 7

    Latin America and the Caribbean: World Bank Lending by Theme and Sector 8

    Middle East and North Africa: World Bank Lending by Theme and Sector 9

    South Asia: World Bank Lending by Theme and Sector 10

    Africa: World Bank Commitments, Disbursements, and Net Transfers 11East Asia and Pacific: World Bank Commitments, Disbursements, and Net Transfers 12

    Europe and Central Asia: World Bank Commitments, Disbursements, and Net Transfers 13

    Latin America and the Caribbean: World Bank Commitments, Disbursements, and Net Transfers 14

    Middle East and North Africa: World Bank Commitments, Disbursements, and Net Transfers 15

    South Asia: World Bank Commitments, Disbursements, and Net Transfers 16

    Active Project Portfolio by Region, Theme, and Sector 17

    Operations Approved for IBRD and IDA Assistance in Fiscal 2015, by Region and Country 18

    World Bank Development Policy Operations 21

    World Bank Development Policy Commitments 23

    IBRD and IDA Cumulative Lending by Theme and Sector, by Region: Fiscal 201115 24

    IBRD and IDA Cumulative Lending, by Country: Fiscal 19452015 26

    New Operations Approved 31

    Summaries of Operations Approved during Fiscal 2014, All Regions 32

    Income by Region 47

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    Country Eligibility for Borrowing from the World Bank (July 1, 2015) 89

    World Bank Expenditures by Organizational Unit (Fiscal 201115) 92

    Contribution: Top-10 Trust Fund Donors (Fiscal 2015) 93

    Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Index G4 Sustainabil ity Reporting 94

    World Bank Lending 2014 159

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    Lending Data

    Africa: World Bank Lending by Theme and Sector 5

    East Asia and Pacific: World Bank Lending by Theme and Sector 6

    Europe and Central Asia: World Bank Lending by Theme and Sector 7

    Latin America and the Caribbean: World Bank Lending by Theme and Sector 8

    Middle East and North Africa: World Bank Lending by Theme and Sector 9

    South Asia: World Bank Lending by Theme and Sector 10

    Africa: World Bank Commitments, Disbursements, and Net Transfers 11

    East Asia and Pacific: World Bank Commitments, Disbursements, and Net Transfers 12

    Europe and Central Asia: World Bank Commitments, Disbursements, and Net Transfers 13

    Latin America and the Caribbean: World Bank Commitments, Disbursements, and Net Transfers 14

    Middle East and North Africa: World Bank Commitments, Disbursements, and Net Transfers 15

    South Asia: World Bank Commitments, Disbursements, and Net Transfers 16

    Active Project Portfolio by Region, Theme, and Sector 17

    Operations Approved for IBRD and IDA Assistance in Fiscal 2015, by Region and Country 18

    World Bank Development Policy Operations 21

    World Bank Development Policy Commitments 23IBRD and IDA Cumulative Lending by Theme and Sector, by Region: Fiscal 201115 24

    IBRD d IDA C l ti L di b C t Fi l 1945 2015 26

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    millions of dollars

    Theme 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

    Economic Management 109 23 39 93 485

    Environment and Natural Resources Management 424 1,005 466 1,176 628

    Financial and Private Sector Development 1,462 1,198 1,042 2,052 1,734

    Human Development 744 676 699 1,169 2,582

    Public Sector Governance 1,042 869 912 887 1,421

    Rule of Law 7 22 96 34 6

    Rural Development 989 907 1,335 1,727 1,498

    Social Development, Gender, and Inclusion 131 260 264 246 257

    Social Protection and Risk Management 251 939 866 1,057 1,406

    Trade and Integration 790 372 1,360 741 669

    Urban Development 1,112 1,253 1,167 1,431 881

    Total 7,060 7,525 8,245 10,613 11,569

    Sector 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

    Agriculture, Fishing, and Forestry 843 739 970 1,132 947

    Education 498 220 626 692 712

    Energy and Mining 890 1,374 1,218 1,950 1,010

    Finance 107 95 36 397 638

    Health and Other Social Services 591 1,125 997 967 2,809

    Industry and Trade 433 332 258 480 342

    Information and Communications 259 63 106 76 141

    Africa: Wor ld Bank Lending by Theme and Secto r | Fiscal 201115

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    millions of dollars

    Theme 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

    Economic Management 161 345 92 30 4

    Environment and Natural Resources Management 1,510 781 683 674 793

    Financial and Private Sector Development 1,029 1,048 692 1,370 1,270

    Human Development 311 466 668 776 332

    Public Sector Governance 1,596 941 675 680 343

    Rule of Law 35 0 0 0 0

    Rural Development 1,114 699 1,341 803 1,703

    Social Development, Gender, and Inclusion 153 83 462 297 162

    Social Protection and Risk Management 259 934 514 614 155

    Trade and Integration 562 273 257 192 78

    Urban Development 1,268 1,057 863 878 1,502

    Total 7,997 6,628 6,247 6,313 6,342

    Sector 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

    Agriculture, Fishing, and Forestry 325 395 185 597 947

    Education 164 249 579 557 226

    Energy and Mining 1,695 508 736 827 530

    Finance 32 537 313 68 501

    Health and Other Social Services 290 391 542 487 252

    Industry and Trade 246 90 271 258 281

    Information and Communications 28 53 35 52 67

    East Asia and Pacific: World Bank Lending by Theme and Sector |Fiscal 201115

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    millions of dollars

    Theme 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

    Economic Management 363 616 218 338 488

    Environment and Natural Resources Management 1,377 547 382 221 374

    Financial and Private Sector Development 1,338 1,715 1,220 1,375 2,627

    Human Development 601 837 293 640 591

    Public Sector Governance 246 949 608 1,054 310

    Rule of Law 33 17 461 66 428

    Rural Development 199 104 330 603 352

    Social Development, Gender, and Inclusion 88 48 12 0 27

    Social Protection and Risk Management 1,302 355 814 380 1,112

    Trade and Integration 368 1,206 737 65 651

    Urban Development 208 201 243 786 248

    Total 6,125 6,595 5,320 5,527 7,207

    Sector 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

    Agriculture, Fishing, and Forestry 121 60 199 449 146

    Education 220 95 74 90 329

    Energy and Mining 1,870 1,559 332 1,203 1,414

    Finance 380 494 1,215 462 930

    Health and Other Social Services 1,204 1,202 630 552 905

    Industry and Trade 253 229 483 456 858

    Information and Communications 28 14 5 13 42

    Europe and Central Asia: World Bank Lending by Theme and Sector |Fiscal 201115

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    millions of dollars

    Theme 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

    Economic Management 22 274 135 65 144

    Environment and Natural Resources Management 1,266 1,032 428 457 146

    Financial and Private Sector Development 1,116 382 203 131 260

    Human Development 1,553 1,399 995 695 1,100

    Public Sector Governance 776 864 1,108 1,549 438

    Rule of Law 85 75 8 0 301

    Rural Development 723 816 647 399 329

    Social Development, Gender, and Inclusion 206 198 307 394 705

    Social Protection and Risk Management 2,454 794 819 543 1,876

    Trade and Integration 154 20 212 72 31

    Urban Development 1,274 775 344 763 695

    Total 9,629 6,629 5,204 5,068 6,024

    Sector 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

    Agriculture, Fishing, and Forestry 213 730 324 228 110

    Education 348 1,038 639 672 1,033

    Energy and Mining 592 12 140 54 291

    Finance 282 287 154 89 465

    Health and Other Social Services 3,089 606 891 711 1,596

    Industry and Trade 750 364 164 142 365

    Information and Communications 109 21 3 0 36

    Latin America and the Caribbean: World Bank Lending by Theme and Sector | Fiscal 201115

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    millions of dollars

    Theme 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

    Economic Management 0 35 0 46 22

    Environment and Natural Resources Management 295 200 78 277 778

    Financial and Private Sector Development 377 308 979 862 580

    Human Development 181 116 300 129 155

    Public Sector Governance 197 110 165 427 45

    Rule of Law 0 11 0 189 0

    Rural Development 418 135 237 462 50

    Social Development, Gender, and Inclusion 89 109 53 103 344

    Social Protection and Risk Management 159 249 147 24 428

    Trade and Integration 109 0 40 239 144

    Urban Development 241 241 59 30 945

    Total 2,065 1,513 2,058 2,788 3,492

    Sector 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

    Agriculture, Fishing, and Forestry 251 2 203 120 0

    Education 40 119 204 0 73

    Energy and Mining 0 445 591 210 1,005

    Finance 50 135 210 773 550

    Health and Other Social Services 234 390 243 210 600

    Industry and Trade 109 59 88 113 225

    Information and Communications 50 0 55 219 0

    Middle East and North Africa: World Bank Lending by Theme and Sector | Fiscal 201115

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    millions of dollars

    Theme 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

    Economic Management 0 0 0 384 2

    Environment and Natural Resources Management 1,230 431 433 1,077 445

    Financial and Private Sector Development 2,660 92 243 2,238 2,025

    Human Development 838 1,467 1,393 1,783 1,284

    Public Sector Governance 661 303 323 655 275

    Rule of Law 9 1 25 2 90

    Rural Development 2,194 2,781 762 2,444 1,151

    Social Development, Gender, and Inclusion 241 549 211 25 241

    Social Protection and Risk Management 1,265 231 797 969 1,600

    Trade and Integration 622 0 101 334 154

    Urban Development 410 590 186 624 594

    Total 10,130 6,446 4,474 10,535 7,860

    Sector 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

    Agriculture, Fishing, and Forestry 375 1,208 231 533 876

    Education 464 1,237 609 1,446 1,162

    Energy and Mining 760 1,103 263 2,446 259

    Finance 46 216 127 195 970

    Health and Other Social Services 1,299 477 1,061 426 484

    Industry and Trade 376 278 168 359 240

    Information and Communications 166 7 24 22 36

    South Asia: World Bank Lending by Theme and Sector |Fiscal 201115

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    millions of dollars

    Item 2015 201115 2015 201115 2015 201115 2015 201115

    IBRD and IDA commitments 1,475 6,393 1,320 5,609 842 2,928 11,569 45,012

    Undisbursed balances 4,529 4,529 3,511 3,511 1,969 1,969 29,568 29,568

    Gross disbursements 934 2,971 744 825 630 2,888 7,414 32,385

    Repayments 69 926 19 408 20 52 490 2,237

    Net disbursements 864 2,045 725 417 610 2,836 6,924 30,148

    Interest and charges 44 305 30 276 37 148 425 1,506

    Net transfers 820 1,740 696 141 573 2,689 6,498 28,642

    Afr ica: World Bank Commi tments , Disbursements, and Net Trans fers l Fiscal 201115

    Note: The table shows the three countries with the largest IBRD and IDA lending commitments in the region over the past two fiscal years (2014 and 2015). IBRD and IDA commitments do

    not include Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative grants. Effective fiscal 2005, IBRD and IDA commitments include guarantees and guarantee facilities. Commitments to regionalprojects are classified in this table as regional projects and are not counted as commitments of the individual countries involved in the regional project. However, undisbursed balances,

    gross disbursements, repayments, net disbursements, interest and charges, and net transfers are reported or classified under the individual countries because the individual amounts are

    covered by separate loan, credit, grant, or guarantee agreements and are guaranteed by the individual countries. Disbursements are made to the individual countries;and principal, interest,

    and charges are billed to the individual countries. Repayments are made by the individual countries and also include payments from donors under debt service trust funds or debt relief

    under HIPC and the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative (MDRI). Numbers may not add to totals because of rounding.

    Ethiopia Tanzania Total regionNigeria

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    millions of dollars

    Item 2015 201115 2015 201115 2015 201115 2015 201115

    IBRD and IDA commitments 1,822 7,977 1,534 8,554 917 3,740 6,342 33,526

    Undisbursed balances 7,357 7,357 5,789 5,789 1,640 1,640 21,608 21,608

    Gross disbursements 1,566 3,535 1,360 6,618 1,034 4,818 5,094 25,991

    Repayments 2,150 2,442 107 404 188 1,934 2,943 17,097

    Net disbursements -585 1,093 1,253 6,214 846 2,883 2,151 8,894

    Interest and charges 119 1,181 108 414 70 544 580 3,235

    Net transfers -703 -89 1,144 5,799 776 2,340 1,571 5,659

    East Asia and Pacific: World Bank Commitments, Disbursements, and Net Transfersl Fiscal 201115

    Note: The table shows the three countries with the largest IBRD and IDA lending commitments in the region over the past two fiscal years (2014 and 2015). IBRD and IDA commitments do

    not include Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative grants. Effective fiscal 2005, IBRD and IDA commitments include guarantees and guarantee facilities. Commitments toregional projects are classified in this table as regional projects and are not counted as commitments of the individual countries involved in the regional project. However, undisbursed

    balances, gross disbursements, repayments, net disbursements, interest and charges, and net transfers are reported or classified under the individual countries because the individual

    amounts are covered by separate loan, credit, grant, or guarantee agreements and are guaranteed by the individual countries. Disbursements are made to the individual countries;and

    principal, interest, and charges are billed to the individual countries. Repayments are made by the individual countries and also include payments from donors under debt service trust

    funds or debt relief under HIPC and the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative (MDRI). Numbers may not add to totals because of rounding.

    China PhilippinesVietnam Total region

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    millions of dollars

    Item 2015 201115 2015 201115 2015 201115 2015 201115

    IBRD and IDA commitments 1,345 3,537 243 4,693 1,150 5,221 7,207 30,863

    Undisbursed balances 1,919 1,919 910 910 1,437 1,437 12,777 12,777

    Gross disbursements 753 2,657 879 3,936 981 6,824 6,144 30,844

    Repayments 232 1,271 311 1,543 799 3,896 2,927 15,208

    Net disbursements 520 1,386 568 2,393 182 2,928 3,216 15,637

    Interest and charges 28 144 69 291 125 851 492 2,897

    Net transfers 492 1,241 500 2,101 57 2,077 2,725 12,740

    Europe and Central Asia: World Bank Commitments, Disbursements, and Net Transfers IFiscal 201115

    Note: The table shows the three countries with the largest IBRD and IDA lending commitments in the region over the past two fiscal years (2014 and 2015). IBRD and IDA commitments do

    not include Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative grants. Effective fiscal 2005, IBRD and IDA commitments include guarantees and guarantee facilities. Commitments toregional projects are classified in this table as regional projects and are not counted as commitments of the individual countries involved in the regional project. However, undisbursed

    balances, gross disbursements, repayments, net disbursements, interest and charges, and net transfers are reported or classified under the individual countries because the individual

    amounts are covered by separate loan, credit, grant, or guarantee agreements and are guaranteed by the individual countries. Disbursements are made to the individual countries;and

    principal, interest, and charges are billed to the individual countries. Repayments are made by the individual countries and also include payments from donors under debt service trust

    funds or debt relief under HIPC and the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative (MDRI). Numbers may not add to totals because of rounding.

    Romania Turkey Total regionUkraine

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    millions of dollars

    Item 2015 201115 2015 201115 2015 201115 2015 201115

    IBRD and IDA commitments 550 11,391 1,400 3,845 1,337 3,558 6,024 32,555

    Undisbursed balances 4,394 4,394 1,045 1,045 2,851 2,851 15,230 15,230

    Gross disbursements 1,904 6,591 1,530 2,250 669 3,279 6,121 33,480

    Repayments 363 10,887 656 824 686 1,373 2,820 20,798

    Net disbursements 1,542 -4,296 874 1,426 -17 1,907 3,300 12,682

    Interest and charges 188 844 207 253 124 413 962 5,292

    Net transfers 1,353 -5,140 667 1,173 -141 1,494 2,339 7,390

    Latin America and th e Caribbean: World Bank Commitments, Disbursements, and Net Transfersl Fiscal 201115

    Note: The table shows the three countries with the largest IBRD and IDA lending commitments in the region over the past two fiscal years (2014 and 2015). IBRD and IDA commitments do

    not include Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative grants. Effective fiscal 2005, IBRD and IDA commitments include guarantees and guarantee facilities. Commitments toregional projects are classified in this table as regional projects and are not counted as commitments of the individual countries involved in the regional project. However, undisbursed

    balances, gross disbursements, repayments, net disbursements, interest and charges, and net transfers are reported or classified under the individual countries because the individual

    amounts are covered by separate loan, credit, grant, or guarantee agreements and are guaranteed by the individual countries. Disbursements are made to the individual countries;and

    principal, interest, and charges are billed to the individual countries. Repayments are made by the individual countries and also include payments from donors under debt service trust

    funds or debt relief under HIPC and the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative (MDRI). Numbers may not add to totals because of rounding.

    Brazil Argentina Total regionColombia

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    millions of dollars

    Item 2015 201115 2015 201115 2015 201115 2015 201115

    IBRD and IDA commitments 1,055 3,890 1,400 3,355 300 1,868 3,492 11,915

    Undisbursed balances 1,304 1,304 3,841 3,841 489 489 7,565 7,565

    Gross disbursements 592 7,049 839 4,019 285 1,674 1,974 8,854

    Repayments 165 2,758 220 57 150 802 871 4,167

    Net disbursements 427 4,290 620 3,962 136 872 1,103 4,687

    Interest and charges 56 1,381 48 105 29 191 170 969

    Net transfers 371 2,909 572 3,857 107 681 932 3,718

    Middle East and North Africa: World Bank Commitments, Disbursements, and Net Transfers |Fiscal 201115

    Note: The table shows the three countries with the largest IBRD and IDA lending commitments in the region over the past two fiscal years (2014 and 2015). IBRD and IDA commitments do

    not include Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative grants. Effective fiscal 2005, IBRD and IDA commitments include guarantees and guarantee facilities. Commitments toregional projects are classified in this table as regional projects and are not counted as commitments of the individual countries involved in the regional project. However, undisbursed

    balances, gross disbursements, repayments, net disbursements, interest and charges, and net transfers are reported or classified under the individual countries because the individual

    amounts are covered by separate loan, credit, grant, or guarantee agreements and are guaranteed by the individual countries. Disbursements are made to the individual countries;and

    principal, interest, and charges are billed to the individual countries. Repayments are made by the individual countries and also include payments from donors under debt service trust

    funds or debt relief under HIPC and the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative (MDRI). Numbers may not add to totals because of rounding.

    Morocco Tunisia Total regionEgypt, Arab Rep.

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    millions of dollars

    Item 2015 201115 2015 201115 2015 201115 2015 201115

    IBRD and IDA commitments 3,785 18,939 1,924 8,384 1,351 7,536 7,860 39,355

    Undisbursed balances 16,588 16,588 5,218 5,218 2,826 2,826 27,411 27,411

    Gross disbursements 2,657 11,620 870 12,273 1,164 3,658 5,185 22,649

    Repayments 2,217 8,868 293 8,251 403 423 3,054 12,807

    Net disbursements 441 2,752 576 4,023 761 3,235 2,131 9,841

    Interest and charges 272 1,454 84 919 122 174 517 2,596

    Net transfers 169 1,298 493 3,104 640 3,061 1,614 7,245

    South Asia: World Bank Commitments, Disbursements, and Net Transfers | Fiscal 201115

    Note: The table shows the three countries with the largest IBRD and IDA lending commitments in the region over the past two fiscal years (2014 and 2015). IBRD and IDA commitments do

    not include Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative grants. Effective fiscal 2005, IBRD and IDA commitments include guarantees and guarantee facilities. Commitments toregional projects are classified in this table as regional projects and are not counted as commitments of the individual countries involved in the regional project. However, undisbursed

    balances, gross disbursements, repayments, net disbursements, interest and charges, and net transfers are reported or classified under the individual countries because the individual

    amounts are covered by separate loan, credit, grant, or guarantee agreements and are guaranteed by the individual countries. Disbursements are made to the individual countries;and

    principal, interest, and charges are billed to the individual countries. Repayments are made by the individual countries and also include payments from donors under debt service trust

    funds or debt relief under HIPC and the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative (MDRI). Numbers may not add to totals because of rounding.

    Total regionIndia PakistanBangladesh

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    Region ($ billions) (percent)

    Africa 54.4 27

    East Asia and Pacific 32.3 16

    Europe and Central Asia 26.5 13

    Latin America and the Caribbean 27.6 14

    Middle East and North Africa 13.5 7

    South Asia 46.1 23

    Other 0.0 0

    Total 200.4 100

    Theme ($ billions) (percent)

    Economic Management 3.0 2

    Environment and Natural Resources Management 23.5 12

    Financial and Private Sector Development 37.7 19

    Human Development 25.2 13

    Public Sector Governance 12.1 6

    Rule of Law 1.2 1

    Rural Development 30.6 15

    Social Development, Gender, and Inclusion 6.7 3

    Social Protection and Risk Management 19.4 10

    Trade and Integration 13.6 7

    Urban Development 27.4 14

    Total 200.4 100

    Act ive Project Port fo lio by Region, Theme, and Sector |June 30, 2015

    Net commitments

    Net commitments

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    millions of dollars

    Region and country Operations Amount Operations Amount Operations Amount

    Afr ica

    Africa (regional) 12 1,936 12 1,936

    Angola 1 650 1 650

    Benin 2 60 2 60

    Burkina Faso 3 230 3 230

    Burundi 3 72 3 72

    Cabo Verde 1 10 1 10

    Cameroon 1 100 1 100

    Central African Republic 2 22 2 22Chad 1 18 1 18

    Comoros 2 9 2 9

    Congo, Dem. Rep. 4 487 4 487

    Congo, Rep. 1 45 15 1 60

    Cte d'Ivoire 4 240 4 240

    Eastern Africa 6 354 6 354

    Ethiopia 3 1,320 3 1,320

    Gambia, The 1 5 1 5

    Ghana 3 680 3 680

    Guinea 4 100 4 100

    Guinea-Bissau 1 5 1 5

    Kenya 5 795 5 795

    Liberia 2 90 2 90

    Madagascar 2 95 2 95

    Malawi 2 155 2 155

    Mali 2 96 2 96

    Mauritania 1 15 1 15Mozambique 6 394 6 394

    Niger 2 117 2 117

    IBRD IDA Total

    Operations Approved for IBRD and IDA Assistance in Fiscal 2015, by Region and Country

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    Region and country Operations Amount Operations Amount Operations Amount

    IBRD IDA Total

    Samoa 3 37 3 37

    Solomon Islands 3 24 3 24

    Tonga 2 16 2 16Tuvalu 3 16 3 16

    Vanuatu 2 61 2 61

    Vietnam 2 750 5 784 7 1,534

    Total 22 4,539 35 1,803 57 6,342

    Europe and Central Asia

    Albania 5 507 5 507Armenia 4 247 4 247

    Azerbaijan 2 300 2 300

    Belarus 2 291 2 291

    Bosnia and Herzegovina 1 50 1 50

    Central Asia 1 45 1 45

    Croatia 2 279 2 279

    Georgia 4 225 4 225

    Kazakhstan 3 228 3 228

    Kyrgyz Republic 4 76 4 76

    Macedonia, FYR 1 71 1 71

    Moldova 2 71 1 29 3 100

    Montenegro 1 69 1 69

    Poland 1 966 1 966

    Romania 1 243 1 243

    Serbia 3 444 3 444

    Tajikistan 7 72 7 72

    Turkey 2 1,150 2 1,150Ukraine 4 1,345 4 1,345

    Uzbekistan 1 195 2 305 3 500

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    Region and country Operations Amount Operations Amount Operations Amount

    IBRD IDA Total

    Middle East and North Africa

    Djibouti 1 5 1 5Egypt, Arab Rep. 3 1,400 3 1,400

    Jordan 1 50 1 50

    Lebanon 2 489 2 489

    Morocco 6 1,055 6 1,055

    Tunisia 1 300 1 300

    Yemen, Rep. 3 193 3 193

    Total 13 3,294 4 198 17 3,492

    South Asia

    Afghanistan 1 22 1 22

    Bangladesh 7 1,924 7 1,924

    Bhutan 1 20 1 20

    India 5 2,098 8 1,687 13 3,785

    Maldives 0 3 0 3

    Nepal 5 541 5 541

    Pakistan 9 1,351 9 1,351

    Sri Lanka 2 215 2 215

    Total 5 2,098 33 5,762 38 7,860

    Overall total 112 23,528 190 18,966 302 42,495

    Note: Data include guarantees. Supplemental and additional financing operations (except for projects scaled up through additional financing) are not

    counted as separate lending operations, although they are included in the amount. Joint IBRD-IDA operations are counted only once, as IBRD

    operations. A blank space indicates zero. Data as of 7/21/2015

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    millions of dollars

    Country Project ID Operation IBRD IDA Total

    Africa P129282 Regional Trade Facilitation and Competitiveness Development Policy Operation 0 100 100

    Albania P149765 Public Finance Policy Based Guarantee 227 0 227

    Angola P153243 Fiscal Management Programmatic Development Policy Financing 450 0 450

    Angola P155323 First Fiscal Management Development Policy Financing 200 0 200

    Armenia P143040 Second Development Policy Operation 75 0 75

    Benin P146665 Tenth Poverty Reduction Support Credit 0 20 20

    Bhutan P147806 First Fiscal Sustainability and Investment Climate Development Policy Credit 0 20 20

    Bolivia P150751 Disaster Risk Management Development Policy Credit and Loan 100 100 200

    Bosnia and Herzegovina P146740 Business Environment Development Policy Loan 50 0 50

    Brazil P147984 Strengthening Fiscal Management and Promoting Better and More Inclusive Service Delivery 400 0 400

    Burkina Faso P151275 Fourth Growth and Competitiveness Operation 0 100 100

    Burundi P150941 Eight Economic Reform Support Grant 0 25 25

    Cabo Verde P147015 Ninth Poverty Reduction Support Credit 0 10 10

    Colombia P145766 Second Programmatic Productive and Sustainable Cities Operation 700 0 700

    Colombia P149609 First Programmatic Sustained Growth and Income Convergence Development Policy Loan 700 0 700

    Comoros P150924 Second Economic Governance Reform Grant 0 3 3

    Cte d'Ivoire P143781 Second Poverty Reduction Support Credit 0 70 70

    Georgia P149991 First Programmatic Inclusive Growth Development Policy Operation 60 0 60

    Georgia P149998 First Programmatic Private Sector Competitiveness Development Policy Operation 60 0 60

    Ghana P133664 First Macroeconomic Stability for Competitiveness and Growth Development Policy Financing 0 150 150

    Ghana P155550 First Macroeconomic Stability for Competitiveness and Growth Development Policy Financing 0 400 400

    Guinea P151794 Emergency Macroeconomic and Fiscal Support Development Policy Operation 0 50 50

    Honduras P151803 Fiscal Sustainability and Enhanced Social Protection Development Policy Credit 0 55 55Indonesia P145550 Financial Sector Reform and Modernization Development Policy Operation 500 0 500

    Jamaica P151448 First Competitiveness and Fiscal Management Programmatic Development Policy Loan 75 0 75

    Kiribati P149888 Second Economic Reform Development Policy Operation 0 3 3

    Kyrgyz Republic P152440 Energy Sector Development Policy Operation 0 24 24

    Liberia P146619 Second Poverty Reduction Support Development Policy Operation 0 30 30

    Madagascar P150503 Reengagement Development Policy Operation 0 45 45

    Mali P145275 First Recovery and Governance Reform Support Operation 0 63 63

    Morocco P128869 Second Economic Competitiveness Support Program Development Policy Loan 200 0 200

    Morocco P144185 Second Skills and Employment Development Policy Loan 100 0 100

    Morocco P148642 Fourth Municipal Solid Waste Sector Development Policy Loan 130 0 130Mozambique P133687 First Programmatic Financial Sector Development Policy Operation 0 25 25

    World Bank Development Policy Operations | Fiscal 2015

  • 7/25/2019 w Bar 2015 Appendix


    Country Project ID Operation IBRD IDA Total

    Mozambique P146398 Second Climate Change Development Policy Operation 0 50 50

    Mozambique P146537 Tenth Poverty Reduction Support Development Policy Financing 0 110 110

    Mozambique P146930 Second Agriculture Development Policy Operation 0 50 50

    Nepal P133777 Post-Disaster Second Financial Sector Stability Credit 0 100 100

    Nigeria P151480 Edo State Fiscal Improvement and Service Delivery Development Policy Operation 0 75 75

    Nigeria P151947 Third Lagos State Development Policy Operation 0 200 200

    Pakistan P151620 Second Fiscally Sustainable and Inclusive Growth Development Policy Credit 0 500 500

    Panama P151804 First Programmatic Shared Prosperity Development Policy Loan 300 0 300

    Paraguay P151007 Enhancing Fiscal Mangement, Social Protection, and Financial Inclusion Development Policy Loan with a DeferredDrawdown Option

    100 0 100

    Peru P149831 Second Disaster Risk Management Development Policy Loan with a Catastrophe Deferred Drawdown Option 400 0 400

    Philippines P147803 Third Development Policy Loan to Foster More Inclusive Growth 300 0 300

    Poland P146243 First Resilience and Growth Development Policy Loan 966 0 966

    Rwanda P151279 Social Protection System Development Policy Credit 0 70 70

    Samoa P149770 First Fiscal and Economic Reform Development Policy Grant 0 8 8

    Serbia P127408 First Programmatic State-Owned Enterprises Reform Development Policy Loan 100 0 100

    Seychelles P146567 Third Sustainability and Competitiveness Development Policy Loan 7 0 7

    Seychelles P148861 Disaster Risk Management Development Policy Loan with a Catastrophe Deferred Drawdown Option 7 0 7

    Sierra Leone P146726 Emergency Economic and Fiscal Support Operation 0 30 30

    Solomon Islands P149886 Economic Reform and Recovery Development Policy Operation 0 5 5

    Tanzania P133798 First Open Government and Public Financial Management Development Policy Operation 0 100 100

    Tonga P149963 Second Economic Reform Support Development Policy Operation 0 5 5

    Turkey P146322 Sustaining Shared Growth Development Policy Operation 500 0 500

    Tuvalu P150194 Second Development Policy Operation 0 2 2

    Ukraine P150677 First Programmatic Financial Sector Development Policy Loan 500 0 500

    Total 7,207 2,597 9,804

    Note:Numbers may not add to totals because of rounding.

  • 7/25/2019 w Bar 2015 Appendix


    Region ($ millions) (percent) ($ millions) (percent) ($ mill ions) (percent) ($ millions) (percent) ($ mill ions) (percent)

    Africa 1,357 11 1,325 11 938 10 926 9 2440 25

    East Asia and Pacific 2,545 21 3,331 27 1,635 18 1,770 17 822 8

    Europe and Central Asia 3,166 26 3,934 32 2,529 27 2,506 24 2562 26Latin America and the Caribbean 3,613 30 3,434 28 2,875 31 2,832 27 2930 30

    Middle East and North Africa 1,100 9 350 3 1,093 12 1,300 12 430 4

    South Asia 175 1 0 0 166 2 1,152 11 620 6

    Total 11,956 100 12,375 100 9,236 100 10,487 100 9,804 100

    World Bank development policy loan commitments

    IBRD 9,924 83 10,547 85 7,282 79 7,997 76 7,207 74

    IDA 2,032 17 1,827 15 1,954 21 2,489 24 2,597 26

    Total 11,956 100 12,375 100 9,236 100 10,487 100 9,804 100

    World Bank total lending commitments

    IBRD 26,737 20,582 15,249 18,604 23,528

    IDA 16,269 14,753 16,298 22,239 18,966

    Total 43,006 35,335 31,547 40,843 42,495

    Share of development policy commitments 28 35 29 26 23

    World Bank Development Policy Commitments | Fiscal 201115

    Note:Numbers may not add to totals because of rounding.

    2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

  • 7/25/2019 w Bar 2015 Appendix


    millions of dollars

    ThemeEconomic Management 72 440 1,992 586 103 0 3,194

    Environment and Natural Resources Management 0 3,167 2,618 3,267 1,610 1,173 11,835

    Financial and Private Sector Development 999 4,260 7,868 2,007 2,977 4,783 22,894

    Human Development 26 1,483 2,484 5,465 705 26 10,189

    Public Sector Governance 497 3,372 2,933 4,423 897 330 12,452

    Rule of Law 2 9 967 451 199 0 1,627

    Rural Development 3 3,489 908 2,363 1,174 1,962 9,898

    Social Development, Gender, and Inclusion 1 853 129 1,753 622 158 3,516

    Social Protection and Risk Management 137 2,055 3,683 5,935 789 185 12,784

    Trade and Integration 38 926 2,715 471 478 138 4,766

    Urban Development 99 4,127 1,405 3,716 1,512 688 11,547

    Total 1,873 24,181 27,703 30,437 11,066 9,441 104,701


    Agriculture, Fishing, and Forestry 1 1,604 456 1,501 572 266 4,400

    Education 5 1,003 689 3,627 312 0 5,636

    Energy and Mining 445 3,419 6,084 933 2,221 1,104 14,205

    Finance 505 1,110 3,334 1,229 1,701 551 8,429

    Health and Other Social Services 29 1,283 4,045 6,569 1,412 34 13,372

    Industry and Trade 26 750 2,137 1,725 567 198 5,402

    Information and Communications 49 108 87 136 321 61 762

    Public Administration, Law, and Justice 796 6,158 6,796 8,604 1,724 799 24,877

    Transportation 7 5,261 3,153 3,803 799 5,160 18,183

    Water, Sanitation, and Flood Protection 10 3,486 922 2,311 1,437 1,269 9,435

    Total 1,873 24,181 27,703 30,437 11,066 9,441 104,701


    South Asia TotalIBRD commitmentsa

    IBRD and IDA Cumulative Lending by Theme and Sector, by Region |Fiscal 201115

    Latin America

    and the


    Europe and

    Central Asia

    East Asia and

    PacificAfr ica

    Middle East

    and North

    Afr ica

  • 7/25/2019 w Bar 2015 Appendix



    Economic Management 677 190 31 54 0 386 1,338

    Environment and Natural Resources Management 3,700 1,276 283 62 17 2,445 7,782

    Financial and Private Sector Development 6,490 1,149 407 85 129 2,475 10,736

    Human Development 5,844 1,070 479 277 175 6,739 14,583

    Public Sector Governance 4,634 862 234 311 47 1,888 7,976

    Rule of Law 163 26 38 19 1 127 374

    Rural Development 6,453 2,171 679 551 128 7,369 17,351

    Social Development, Gender, and Inclusion 1,158 302 47 55 76 1,110 2,749

    Social Protection and Risk Management 4,381 419 280 551 218 4,677 10,527

    Trade and Integration 3,894 436 312 18 53 1,073 5,787

    Urban Development 5,745 1,442 281 134 4 1,716 9,322

    Total 43,139 9,345 3,071 2,118 849 30,004 88,525


    Agriculture, Fishing, and Forestry 4,630 845 518 104 5 2,958 9,059

    Education 2,742 773 119 102 124 4,918 8,778

    Energy and Mining 5,997 877 294 155 30 3,727 11,079

    Finance 768 341 146 48 18 1,003 2,323

    Health and Other Social Services 6,460 678 447 324 266 3,714 11,888

    Industry and Trade 1,820 395 142 61 27 1,222 3,667

    Information and Communications 596 126 15 33 3 195 967

    Public Administration, Law, and Justice 9,831 1,908 514 725 180 5,375 18,532

    Transportation 5,831 1,879 493 353 159 3,417 12,132

    Water, Sanitation, and Flood Protection 4,465 1,524 382 213 38 3,476 10,099

    Total 43,139 9,345 3,071 2,118 849 30,004 88,525

    Latin America

    and the

    Caribbean South Asia TotalIDA commitmentsa

    Afr ica

    East Asia and


    Europe and

    Central Asia


    Middle East

    and North

    Afr ica

    Note:Figures are cumulative since fiscal 2011, the f irst year for which reclassified sector and theme data are available. Starting fiscal 2005, lending includes guarantees and guarantee facilities. Amounts may not

    add to totals because of rounding.

    a. No account is taken of cancellations subsequent to the original commitment. IBRD loans to IFC are excluded.

  • 7/25/2019 w Bar 2015 Appendix



    Country Amount Amount Amount

    Afghanistan 3,022 3,022

    Africa (regional) 324 10,304 10,628

    Albania 1,080 950 2,030

    Algeria 5,892 5,892

    Angola 650 1,024 1,674

    Antigua and Barbuda 10 10

    Argentina 30,614 30,614Armenia 730 1,408 2,137

    Australia 418 418

    Austria 106 106

    Azerbaijan 2,658 1,128 3,786

    Bahamas, The 43 43

    Bangladesh 46 23,503 23,549

    Barbados 153 153

    Belarus 1,426 1,426

    Belgium 76 76

    Belize 131 131

    Benin 1,828 1,828

    Bhutan 296 296

    Bolivia 414 2,613 3,027

    Bosnia and Herzegovina 345 1,440 1,785

    Botswana 896 16 912

    Brazil 58,837 58,837

    IBRD and IDA Cumulative Lending , by Country| Fiscal 19452015

    millions of dollars

  • 7/25/2019 w Bar 2015 Appendix



    Country Amount Amount Amount

    Czech Republic 776 776

    Denmark 85 85

    Djibouti 244 244

    Dominica 7 40 46

    Dominican Republic 2,138 22 2,160

    East Asia (regional) 17 17

    Ecuador 3,658 37 3,695

    Egypt, Arab Rep. 13,217 1,984 15,201

    El Salvador 2,323 26 2,348

    Equatorial Guinea 45 45Eritrea 549 549

    Estonia 151 151

    Ethiopia 109 14,443 14,551

    Fiji 203 203

    Finland 317 317

    France 250 250

    Gabon 285 285

    Gambia, The 363 363

    Georgia 834 1,550 2,383

    Ghana 207 8,682 8,889

    Greece 491 491

    Grenada 27 62 89

    Guatemala 3,368 3,368

    Guinea 75 1,741 1,817

    Guinea-Bissau 418 418

    Guyana 80 391 471

  • 7/25/2019 w Bar 2015 Appendix



    Country Amount Amount Amount

    Lao PDR 1,374 1,374

    Latvia 985 985

    Lebanon 2,083 2,083

    Lesotho 155 603 758

    Liberia 156 1,114 1,270

    Lithuania 491 491

    Luxembourg 12 12

    Macedonia, FYR 1,336 379 1,714

    Madagascar 33 3,766 3,799

    Malawi 124 3,671 3,795Malaysia 4,151 4,151

    Maldives 188 188

    Mali 2 3,282 3,284

    Malta 8 8

    Marshall Islands 11 11

    Mauritania 146 1,138 1,284

    Mauritius 828 20 848

    Mexico 54,065 54,065

    Micronesia, Fed 53 53

    Moldova 382 768 1,150

    Mongolia 672 672

    Montenegro 310 75 385

    Morocco 14,730 51 14,781

    Mozambique 5,813 5,813

    Myanmar 33 2,306 2,339

    Namibia 15 15

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    Country Amount Amount Amount

    Rwanda 2,912 2,912

    Samoa 242 242

    So Tom and Prncipe 109 109

    Senegal 165 3,995 4,160

    Serbia 2,149 689 2,838

    Seychelles 57 57

    Sierra Leone 19 1,181 1,200

    Singapore 181 181

    Slovak Republic 425 425

    Slovenia 178 178Solomon Islands 112 112

    Somalia 492 492

    South Africa 4,053 4,053

    South Asia (regional) 766 766

    Southeastern Europe (regional) 10 91 101

    South Sudan 124 124

    Spain 479 479

    Sri Lanka 526 5,073 5,599

    St. Kitts and Nevis 23 2 25

    St. Lucia 37 70 107

    St. Vincent and the Grenadines 12 59 71

    Sudan 166 1,353 1,519

    Swaziland 152 8 160

    Syrian Arab Republic 613 47 661

    Taiwan, China 329 15 345

    Tajikistan 789 789

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    Country Amount Amount Amount

    Zimbabwe 983 662 1,645

    Overall total 629,007 309,900 938,907

    Note: Effective fiscal 2005, lending includes guarantees and guarantee facilities. Commitments in regional projects are classified inthis table as regional projects and are not counted as commitments of the individual countries involved under the regional project. IDAfigures exclude the HIPC grants of $45.5 million to Cte d'Ivoire in fiscal 2009.

    A blank space indicates zero. Project counts for countries are not included in this table, as approved operations may be reclassifiedas supplemental or additional financing operations during the life of the project. Consequently, total project counts may fluctuate fromyear to year. The commitment totals to countries, however, remain constant regardless of the project's classification.

    a. OECS = Organization of Eastern Caribbean States.

  • 7/25/2019 w Bar 2015 Appendix


    New Operations Approved

    Summaries of Operations Approved during Fiscal 2015, All Regions 32

    Summaries of Operations Approved during Fiscal 2015

  • 7/25/2019 w Bar 2015 Appendix


    Summaries of Operations Approved during Fiscal 2015

    Region Country Project Name and Development Objectives Project ID

    Date of

    Appr oval


    Maturity Datea



    Addi tion al




    Civil Society








    Special Financing

    grant (US$)



    Central African Backbone Program (Fifth Phase)contributes to increase the

    geographical reach and usage of regional br oadband infrastructure and to reduce

    the price of services to enable mor e people in the DRC to access information and

    communication technology services.

    P132821 7/16/2014 - g IPF - - Yes - 92.1 59.8 -



    Ebola Emergency Response Projectfcontributes in the short term to the control of

    the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak and the availability of selected essential

    health services, and mitigates the socioeconomic impact of EVD in Guinea, Liberia,

    and Sierra Leone.

    P152359 9/16/2014 - g IPF - - - - 105.0 69.3 -



    Regional Pastoral Livelihoods Resilience Project enhances livelihood resilience

    of pastoral and agro-pastoral comm unities in cross-border drought prone areas and

    improves the capacity of governments to respond promptly and effectively to an

    eligible emergency.

    P150006 10/21/2014 2021/2052 c IPF Yes - Yes - 75.0 49.4 -




    Southern African Power Pool (SAPP)Program for Accelerating

    Transformational Energy Projectsadvance the preparation of selected priorityregional energy projects in the SAPP participating countries.

    P126661 11/11/2014 - g IPF - - - - 20.0 13.2 -



    Ebola Emergency Response Project (additional financing) gcontributes in the

    short term to the control of the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak and the

    availability of selected essential health services, and mitigates the socioeconomic

    impact of EVD in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone.

    P152980 11/18/2014 - g IPF Yes - - - 285.0 192.9 -



    Kariba Dam Rehabilitation Project assist in improving the safety and reliability of

    the Kariba Dam.P146515 12/9/2014 2021/2052 c IPF - - Yes - 75.0 50.6 -



    Sahel Women's Empowerment and Demographics Project hincreases women

    and adolescent girls empowerment and access to quality reproductive, child, and

    maternal health services in selected areas of the participating countries, through

    improving regional knowledge generation and sharing as well as regional capacity

    and coordination.

    P150080 12/18/20142021/2052



    gIPF - - Yes - 170.2 115.4 -



    First South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Governance and Shared Growth

    Projectiimproves the management effectiveness of priority fisheries and the

    community, regional, and national levels.

    P132123 2/27/20152021/2052



    gIPF - - Yes - 75.5 50.9 -



    West Africa Regional Fisheries Program (First Phase)jstrengthens the

    governance and management of targeted fisheries and improves the handling of

    landed catch at selected sites.

    P126773 3/16/2015 - g IPF - - Yes - 22.0 15.7 -



    Sahel Women's Empowerment and Demographics Project (additional Financingto include Burkina Faso) increases women and adolescent girls empowerment and

    access to quality reproductive, child, and maternal health services, through

    improving regional knowledge generation and sharing as well as regional capacity

    and coordination.

    P154549 4/23/20152021/2053



    gIPF Yes - Yes - 34.8 24.8 -



    Southern Africa Trade and Transport Facilitation Program (Second Phase)

    facilitates the movement of goods and people along the N orth-South Corridor and at

    key border crossings in Malawi, while supporting road safety and health services

    improvements along the corridor.

    P145566 4/29/2015 2021/2053 c IPF - - Yes - 69.0 49.1 -


    (Regional)OMVG Interconnection Project

    kenables electricity trade between The Gambia,

    Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, and Senegal.P146830 4/29/2015




    cIPF - - Yes - 200.0 142.3 -



    Regional Communications Infrastructure Program (Fifth Phase)supports

    Uganda's efforts to lower prices for international capacity and extend the reach of

    broadband networks and to improve government efficiency and transparency

    through e-Government applications.

    P130871 5/22/2015 2021/2053 c IPF - - Yes - 75.0 54.4 -



    Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (Second Phase)limproves

    the collaborative management of the trans-boundary natural resources among

    partner states and the environmental management of targeted pollution hotspots

    and selected degraded sub-catchments.

    P153466 5/26/20152021/2053



    gIPF Yes - Yes - 22.0 16.1 -



    Regional Sahel Pastoralism Support Projectmimproves access to essential

    productive assets, services, and markets for pastoralists and agro-pastoralists

    across six countries, and strengthens country c apacities to respond effectively to

    pastoral emergencies.

    P147674 5/26/20152021/2053



    gIPF - - Yes - 248.0 180.2 -



    Sahel Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases Projectnincreases access to

    and use of harmonized community-level services for the prevention and treatment

    of malaria and selected neglected tropical diseases in targeted cross-border areas

    in the Sahel region.

    P149526 6/11/20152021/2053



    gIPF - - Yes - 121.0 87.5 -



    Eastern Africa Regional Transport, Trade, and Development Facilitation

    Project (Second Phase) improves the movement of goods and people along the

    Eldoret-Nadapal/Nakodok road in Kenya, and enhances connectivity between

    Kenya and South Sudan.

    P148853 6/11/2015 2021/2053 c IPF - - Yes - 500.0 362.5 -



    Regional Trade Facilitation and Competitiveness Development Policy

    Operationoreduces trade transaction costs along the Abidjan-Ouagadougou


    P129282 6/16/2015 2021/2053 c DPL - - - - 100.0 - -

    AFR Angola

    First Fiscal Management Programmatic Development Policy Operation

    strengthens the country's fiscal management to create the fiscal space needed to

    better protect the poor and vulnerable.

    P153243 6/30/2015 2025/2044 l DPL - - - 450.0 - - -

    AFR Angola

    First Fiscal Management Development Policy Operation strengthens the

    country's fiscal management to create the fiscal space needed to better protect the

    poor and vulnerable.

    P155323 6/30/2015 - gu DPL - - - 200.0 - - -

    AFR BeninTenth Poverty Reduction Support Credit promotes good governance and high-

    quality public financial management and strengthens private-sector competitiveness.P146665 3/17/2015 2021/2053 c DPL - - Yes - 20.0 14.2 -

    Principal Commitment Amounts (millions)e

    P i i l C it t A t ( illi )e
  • 7/25/2019 w Bar 2015 Appendix


    Region Country Project Name and Development Objectives Project ID

    Date of

    Appr oval


    Maturity Datea



    Addi tion al




    Civil Society








    Special Financing

    grant (US$)

    Principal Commitment Amounts (millions)e

    AFR Benin

    Emergency Urban Environment Projectimproves infrastructure and mitigates the

    negative environmental impact of floods in Cotonou Agglomeration and increases

    preparedness for future flooding.

    P154601 5/29/2015 2021/2053 c IPF Yes - Yes - 40.0 29.0 -

    AFR Burkina FasoUrban Water Sector Projectincreases access to sustainable water and sanitation

    services in selected urban areas.P149556 1/12/2015 - g IPF Yes - - - 80.0 52.7 -

    AFR Burkina Faso

    Education Access and Quality Improvement Project increases access to

    preschool education in the two poorest regions and to secondary education in the

    five poorest regions, and improves teaching and learning.

    P148062 4/2/2015 - g IPF - - Yes - 50.0 35.5 -

    AFR Burkina Faso

    Fourth Growth and Competitiveness Development Policy Operation enhances

    the government's ability to reduce costs in the agriculture and transport sectors,

    improve transparency and accountability in public resource mobilization and

    management, and reduce vulnerability to shock.

    P151275 4/2/20152021/2052



    gDPL - - Yes - 100.0 71.0 -

    AFR BurundiEighth Economic Reform Support Grant strengthens public finance managementand budget transparency, promotes private-sector development and economic

    diversification, and strengthens safety nets systems.

    P150941 1/13/2015 - g DPL - - Yes - 25.0 17.1 -

    AFR Burundi

    Infrastructure Resilience Emergency Projectenhances the climate resilience of

    key transport and drainage infrastructure in Greater Bujumbura while strengthening

    the country's capacity to manage and prevent natural disasters.

    P150929 3/31/2015 - g IPF - - Yes - 25.0 17.8 -

    AFR BurundiStrengthening Institutional Capacity for Government Effectiveness Project

    strengthens government institutional capacity to improve fiscal m anagement.P149176 4/22/2015 - g IPF - - Yes - 22.0 15.7 -

    AFR Cabo Verde

    Ninth Poverty Reduction Support Creditstrengthens the country's fiscal position,

    rebuilding fiscal space to secure macr o-fiscal sustainability, and enables the private

    sector to strengthen the country's economic growth potential.

    P147015 6/16/2015 2025/2055 c DPL - - - - 10.0 7.2 -

    AFR Cameroon

    Agric ultur e Investmen t and Mark et Develop ment Pro ject supports the

    transformation of low productivity, subsistence-oriented cassava, maize, and

    sorghum sub-sectors into commercially-oriented and competitive value chains in

    four agro-ecological areas.

    P143417 9/25/2014 2019/2039 c IPF - - Yes - 100.0 64.6 -

    AFRCentral African


    Emergency Public Services Response Project reestablishes an operational

    government payroll and related fiscal m anagement systems.P154304 5/19/2015 - g IPF Yes - Yes - 10.0 7.3 -

    AFR Central AfricanRepublic

    Health System Support Project increases utilization and improves the quality ofmaternal and child health services in targeted r ural areas and provides emergency

    health services to the general population.

    P153030 5/22/2015 - g IPF Yes - Yes - 12.0 8.7 -

    AFR Chad

    Emergency Food and Livestock Crisis Response Projectimproves the

    availability of and access to food and livestock productive capacity for targeted

    beneficiaries affected by the conflict in the Central Afr ican Republic on the

    Recipient's territory.

    P151215 10/14/2014 - g IPF - - Yes - 18.0 11.9 -

    AFR ComorosComoros Social Safety Net Project increases the access by poor communities to

    safety net and nutrition services.P150754 3/19/2015 - g IPF - - Yes - 6.0 4.2 -

    AFR Comoros

    Second Economic Governance Reform Development Policy Operation

    strengthens economic management, promotes transparency, and enhances

    performance in the electricity and information and comm unication technology


    P150924 6/2/2015 - g DPL - - Yes - 3.0 2.2 -

    AFR Congo, Dem. Rep.

    Health System Strengthening for Better Maternal and Child Health Results

    Projectimproves utilization and quality of maternal and child health services in

    targeted areas within the country.

    P147555 12/18/20142021/2052



    gIPF - - Yes - 220.0 148.9 -

    AFR Congo, Dem. Rep.Goma Airport Safety Improvement Project improves the safety, security, and

    operations of Goma International Airport.P153085 3/13/2015 - g IPF - - Yes - 52.0 36.9 -

    AFR Congo, Dem. Rep.Reinsertion and Reintegration Projectsupports the socio-economic reintegration

    of demobilized ex-combatants.P152903 5/15/2015 - g IPF - - Yes - 15.0 10.9 -

    AFR Congo, Dem. Rep.

    Quality and Relevance of Secondary and Tertiary Education Project improves

    the teaching and learning of mathematics and science in general secondary

    education and enhances the relevance of technical and vocational education and

    training in priority sectors at secondary and tertiary levels.

    P149233 5/26/20152021/2053



    gIPF - - Yes - 200.0 145.1 -

    AFR Congo, Rep.

    Water, Electricity, and Urban Development Project increases access to basic

    infrastructure services, safe drinking water, and electricity for the inhabitants of

    targeted areas in the cities of Brazzaville and Pointe Noire.

    P147456 9/16/20142023/2045



    cIPF Yes - Yes 45.0 15.0 9.8 -

    AFR Cte d'Ivoire

    Health Systems Strengthening and Ebola Preparedness Projectstrengthens the

    health system and improves the utilization and quality of health and nutrition

    services in selected regions.

    P147740 11/25/20142021/2052



    gIPF - - Yes - 70.0 47.4 -

    AFR Cte d'IvoireSecond Poverty Reduction Support Creditstrengthens governance, improves

    public administration, and facilitates private-sector-led growth.P143781 12/4/2014 2021/2052 c DPL - - Yes - 70.0 47.3 -

    AFR Cte d'Ivoire

    Youth Employment and Skills Development Project improves access to

    temporary employment and skills development opportunities for young men and


    P151844 3/26/2015 2021/2052 c IPF Yes - Yes - 50.0 35.5 -

    AFR Cte d'IvoireProductive Social Safety Net Project provides cash transfers to poor households

    in selected regions and develops the foundations of a social safety net system.P143332 5/29/2015 2021/2053 c IPF - - Yes - 50.0 36.3 -

    AFR Ethiopia

    Fourth Productive Safety Next Projectincreases access to safety net and

    disaster risk management systems, compl ementary livelihoods services, andnutrition support for food insecure households in rural Ethiopia.

    P146883 9/30/2014 2020/2052 c IPF - - Yes - 600.0 391.9 -

    Principal Commitment Amounts (millions)e
  • 7/25/2019 w Bar 2015 Appendix


    Region Country Project Name and Development Objectives Project ID

    Date of

    Appr oval


    Maturity Datea



    Addi tion al




    Civil Society








    Special Financing

    grant (US$)

    Principal Commitment Amounts (millions)e

    AFR EthiopiaSecond Agricultural Growth Projectincreases agricultural productivity and

    commercialization of small-holder farmers targeted by the project.P148591 3/31/2015 2021/2053 c IPF - - Yes - 350.0 248.3 -

    AFR Ethiopia

    Expressway Development Support Project enhances efficiency and safety in

    transportation along the Batu (Zeway)-Arsi Negele section of the Modjo-Hawassa

    development corridor, while strengthening capacity to develop and manage high

    capacity expressways.

    P148850 5/19/2015 2021/2053 c IPF - - Yes - 370.0 262.9 -

    AFR Gambia, The

    Maternal and Child Nutrition and Health Results Projectincreases the utilization

    of community nutrition and primary maternal and child health services in selected


    P154007 4/24/20152021/2053



    gIPF Yes - Yes - 5.0 3.6 -

    AFR Ghana

    Transport Sector Projectimproves the mobility of goods and passengers on

    selected roads through reduced travel time, reduced vehicle operating costs, and

    enhanced road safety.

    P149444 11/4/2014 2020/2039 c IPF Yes - Yes - 25.0 16.2 -

    AFR Ghana

    Energy Development and Access Project improves the operational efficiency of

    the electricity distribution system, increases access to electricity, and helps the

    country transition to a low-carbon economy through the reduction of gr eenhousegas emissions.

    P147878 4/30/2015 2020/2039 c IPF Yes - Yes - 60.0 42.7 -

    AFR GhanaPublic Financial Management Reform Projectimproves the budget management,

    financial controls, and reporting capacity of the government.P151447 5/15/2015 2020/2040 c IPF - - - - 45.0 32.7 -

    AFR Ghana

    First Macroeconomic Stability for Competitiveness and Growth Development

    Policy Operationstrengthens institutions for more predictable fiscal outcomes and

    enhances the productivity of public spending.

    P133664 6/30/2015 2020/2040 c DPL - - Yes - 150.0 106.7 -

    AFR Ghana

    First Macroeconomic Stability for Competitiveness and Growth Policy-Based

    Guaranteestrengthens institutions for more predictable fiscal outcomes and

    enhances the productivity of public spending.

    P155550 6/30/2015 - gu DPL - - Yes - 400.0 - -

    AFR GuineaStepping Up Skills Projectboosts the employability and employment outcomes of

    Guinean youth in targeted skills programs.P146474 9/30/2014 - g IPF - - Yes - 20.0 13.1 -

    AFR Guinea

    Agric ultur e Sector Sup port Pr oject strengthens the capacity of selected sector

    institutions to support the effective implementation of the country's National

    Agriculture and Food Security Investment Plan.

    P148114 9/30/2014 - g IPF - - Yes - 15.0 9.8 -

    AFR Guinea

    Emergency Macroeconomic and Fiscal Support Operationstrengthens the

    government's ability to manage public funds in response to the Ebola cr isis and

    related macroeconomic and fiscal shocks, in alignment with the government's Ebola

    response plan.

    P151794 11/13/20142021/2052



    gDPL - - - - 50.0 33.8 -

    AFR Guinea Primary Health Services Improvement Project improves the utilization ofmaternal, child heath, and nutrition services at the primary level of care in targeted


    P147758 5/20/2015 2021/2053-


    IPF - - Yes - 15.1 11.1 -

    AFR Guinea-BissauPublic Sector Strengthening Project assists the Government to re-establish basic

    systems for public financial management.P150827 3/24/2015




    gIPF - - Yes - 5.0 3.5 -

    AFR Kenya

    Kenya Petroleum Technical Assistance Project strengthens the capacity of the

    government to manage its petroleum sector and wealth f or sustainable

    development impacts.

    P145234 7/24/2014 2020/2052 c IPF - - Yes - 50.0 32.5 -

    AFR Kenya

    Coastal Region Water Security and Climate Resilience Project sustainably

    increases bulk water supply to Mobasa County and Kwale County, and increases

    access to water and sanitation in Kwale County.

    P145559 12/16/2014 2021/2052 c IPF - - Yes - 200.0 131.8 -

    AFR KenyaElectricity Modernization Projectincreases access to electricity, improves

    reliability of electricity services, and strengthens Kenya Power's financial situation.P145104 3/31/2015 - gu IPF - - - - 200.0 - -

    AFR KenyaElectricity Modernization Projectincreases access to electricity, improves

    reliability of electricity services, and strengthens Kenya Power's financial situation.P120014 3/31/2015 2021/2052 c IPF - - Yes - 250.0 172.6 -

    AFR Kenya

    Financial Sector Support Project strengthens the legal, regulatory, and

    institutional environment for improved financial stability, and access to, and provision

    of affordable and long-term financing.

    P151816 4/30/2015 2021/2053 c IPF - - - - 37.0 26.3 -

    AFR Kenya

    Kenya Water Security and Climate Resilience Project increases the availability

    and productivity of irrigation water, and enhances the institutional framework and

    strengthens capacity for water security and climate resiliance in selected areas.

    P151660 6/26/2015 2021/2053 c IPF Yes - Yes - 58.0 41.3 -

    AFR Liberia

    Second Poverty Reduction Support Creditsustains and deepens efforts to

    reform governance and civil service, and supports the broadening of refor ms to

    include economic transformation and human development in the context of the

    implementation of the government's second Poverty Reduction Strategy.

    P146619 11/12/20142021/2052



    gDPL - - Yes - 30.0 20.3 -

    AFR LiberiaAcceler ated Electr icit y Expans ion Proj ect increases access to electricity and

    strengthens institutional capacity in the electricity sector.P153124 6/24/2015 2021/2053 c IPF Yes - Yes - 60.0 42.7 -

    AFR Madagascar

    Second Integrated Growth Poles and Corridor Programcontributes to increased

    economic opportunities and access to enabling infrastructure services, as measured

    by an increase in jobs and formal firms.

    P113971 12/18/2014 2021/2052 c IPF - - Yes - 50.0 33.8 -

    AFR MadagascarReengagement Development Policy Operationimproves the efficiency and

    transparency of public service delivery.P150503 12/18/2014 2021/2052 c DPL - - Yes - 45.0 30.5 -

    AFR Malawi

    Strengthening Safety Nets Systems Project - Fourth Malawi Social Action

    Fund strengthens the country's social safety net delivery systems and coordination

    across programs.

    P148617 3/26/20152021/2052



    gIPF Yes - Yes - 75.0 53.2 -

    AFR Malawi

    Malawi Floods Emergency Recovery Projectsustainably restores agricultural

    livelihoods, reconstructs critical public infrastructure to improved standards in flood-

    affected districts, and improves the government's disaster response and recovery


    P154803 5/7/2015




    g IPF - - Yes - 80.0 58.0 -

    Principal Commitment Amounts (millions)e
  • 7/25/2019 w Bar 2015 Appendix


    Region Country Project Name and Development Objectives Project ID

    Date of

    Appr oval


    Maturity Datea



    Addi tion al




    Civil Society








    Special Financing

    grant (US$)

    Principal Commitment Amounts (millions)

    AFR MaliFirst Recovery and Governance Reform Support Operationdeepens executive

    accountability and transparency and improves public expenditure efficiency.P145275 11/18/2014




    gDPL - - Yes - 63.0 40.7 -

    AFR MaliHigher Education Support Projectimproves the relevance of selected higher

    education programs and the stewardship of the country's higher education system.P151318 5/7/2015




    gIPF - - Yes - 33.0 23.5 -

    AFR Mauritania

    Social Safety Net System Projectsupports the establishment of key building

    blocks of the national social safety net system and pr ovides targeted cash transfers

    to extremely poor households.

    P150430 5/14/2015 - g IPF - - Yes - 15.0 10.7 -

    AFR Mozambique

    First Programmatic Financial Sector Development Policy Operation reinforces

    financial stability, increases access to finance by households and firms, and

    enhances the development of long-term financial mark ets.

    P133687 7/15/20142020/2052



    gDPL - - - - 25.0 16.2 -

    AFR Mozambique

    Conservation Areas for Biodiversity and Development Projectincreases the

    effective management of designated conservation areas and enhances the livingconditions of communities in and around the conservation areas. P131965 11/18/2014 - g IPF - - Yes - 40.0 26.4 -

    AFR Mozambique

    Tenth Poverty Reduction Support Development Policy Operation assists the

    government to improve the business climate and to increase transparency in the

    management of extractive industries; strength social protection; and enhance public

    finance management.

    P146537 12/5/20142021/2052



    gDPL - - Yes - 110.0 74.6 -

    AFR MozambiqueSecond Climate Change Development Policy Operationbuilds effective

    institutional and policy frameworks for climate r esilient development.P146398 12/23/2014




    gDPL - - Yes - 50.0 34.0 -

    AFR Mozambique

    Second Agriculture Development Policy Operationimproves agricultural

    technology, enhances access to productive assets and financial services, and

    improves sector performance monitoring.

    P146930 3/30/2015 2021/2053 c DPL - - Yes - 50.0 34.2 -

    AFR Mozambique

    Roads and Bridges Management and Maintenance Program (Second Phase)

    improves access of the population to all-season roads through maintenance,

    rehabilitation, and upgrading of the classified road network.

    P150956 3/31/2015 2021/2052 c IPF Yes - Yes - 73.6 52.3 -

    AFR Mozambique

    Higher Education Science and Technology Project increases the number and

    quality of graduates at the undergraduate and graduate levels, strengthens national

    research capacities in support of strategic economic sectors, and strengthens the

    institutional framework for technical and vocational education and training.

    P146602 4/28/2015 - g IPF Yes - Yes - 45.0 32.0 -

    AFR NigerAgro-Syl vo-Past oral Exp orts and Markets Develop ment Pro ject increases the

    value of selected products marketed by proj ect-supported producers.P148681 8/5/2014 2021/2052 c IPF Yes - Yes - 13.8 9.0 -

    AFR NigerPopulation and Health Support Project increases the utilization of reproductive

    health and nutrition services in targeted areas.P147638 5/22/2015




    gIPF - - Yes - 103.0 74.8 -

    AFR Nigeria

    Development Finance Projectincreases the availability and access to finance for

    micro, small, and m edium enterprises through eligible financial intermediaries with

    the support of a new wholesale development finance institution.

    P146319 9/25/2014 2020/2042 l IPF - - - 500.0 - - -

    AFR Nigeria

    Polio Eradication Support Projectassists the country to achieve and sustain at

    least 80 percent coverage with oral pol io vaccine immunization in every state and

    sustain national routine immunization coverage.

    P154660 4/10/2015 2020/2039 c IPF Yes - Yes - 200.0 142.2 -

    AFR NigeriaSaving One Million Lives Initiative increases the utilization and quality of high

    impact reproductive, child health, and nutrition interventions.P146583 4/23/2015 2020/2040 c PforR - - Yes - 500.0 354.7 -

    AFR Nigeria

    Edo State Fiscal Improvement and Service Delivery Development Policy

    Operationsupports the implementation of critical policy and institutional reforms to

    improve the management of public resources, increase private sector acc ess to

    land for investment, and improve the quality of education.

    P151480 4/29/2015 2020/2039 c DPL - - Yes - 75.0 53.3 -

    AFR Nigeria

    Third Lagos State Development Policy Operation supports the government in its

    endeavor to improve public finances and the investment climate, which is expectedto contribute to sustained rapid economic growth and poverty reduction in a fiscally

    sustainable manner.

    P151947 6/26/2015 2020/2040 c DPL - - Yes - 200.0 142.3 -

    AFR Rwanda

    Transformation of Agriculture Sector Program (Phase III)increases and

    intensifies the productivity of the country's agricultural and livestock sectors and

    expands the development of value chains.

    P148927 10/31/2014 2021/2052 c PforR - - Yes - 100.0 65.9 -

    AFR Rwanda

    Public Sector Governance Program enhances public financial management and

    statistics systems to improve transparency and accountability in the use of public

    funds, revenue mobilization, and the quality and accessibility of development data.

    P149095 10/31/2014 2021/2052 c PforR - - Yes - 100.0 65.9 -

    AFR RwandaSocial Protection System Operationsupports the Government to improve the

    efficiency, accountability, and coverage of its social protection system.P151279 1/22/2015 2021/2052 c DPL - - Yes - 70.0 47.9 -

    AFR Senegal

    Public Financial Management Strengthening Technical Assistance Project

    enhances budget credibility, transparency, and accountability mechanisms in the

    use and management of central government financial r esources.

    P146859 7/31/2014 2020/2052 c IPF Yes - Yes - 30.0 19.5 -

    AFR Senegal

    Skills for Jobs and Competitiveness Project strengthens the technical and

    vocational education and training system and improves the employability of youth in

    selected priority sectors of the economy.

    P145585 12/8/2014 2021/2052 c IPF - - Yes - 35.0 23.7 -

    AFR Senegal

    Stormwater Management and Climate Change Adaptation Project improves

    flood prevention management in peri-urban areas of Dakar and promotes city

    sustainability management practices, including climate resilience, in two selected

    urban areas.

    P152150 5/27/2015 2021/2053 c IPF Yes - Yes - 35.0 25.4 -

    Principal Commitment Amounts (millions)e
  • 7/25/2019 w Bar 2015 Appendix


    Region Country Project Name and Development Objectives Project ID

    Date of

    Appr oval


    Maturity Datea



    Addi tion al




    Civil Society








    Special Financing

    grant (US$)

    Principal Commitment Amounts (millions)

    AFR SenegalUrban Water and Sanitation Project improves access to water and sanitation

    services in selected urban areas in a financially sustainable manner.P150351 6/15/2015 2021/2053 c IPF - - Yes - 70.0 50.8 -

    AFR SeychellesThird Sustainability and Competitiveness Development Policy Operation

    enhances the country's competitiveness and improves fiscal sustainability.P146567 9/26/2014 2025/2040 l DPL - - Yes 7.0 - - -

    AFR Seychelles

    Disaster Risk Management Development Policy Operation wi th a Catastrophe

    Deferred Drawdown Optionstrengthens the government's disaster risk

    management policy and reform agenda and enhances its capacity to efficiently

    respond to disasters.

    P148861 9/26/2014 2025/2033 l DPL - - - 7.0 - - -

    AFR Sierra Leone

    Emergency Economic and Fiscal Support Operationensures that the

    government's Ebola response plan can be executed through adequate budgeting

    and transparent use of resources, consistent with strengthening longer-term fiscal

    management and transparency.

    P146726 12/17/2014 - g DPL - - Yes - 30.0 20.6 -

    AFR South Sudan

    Statistical Capacity Building Project strengthens the capacity of statistics

    producers to produce and disseminate official statistics. P144139 7/16/2014 2021/2052 c IPF - - Yes - 9.0 5.9 -

    AFR TanzaniaBig Results Now in Education Program improves education quality in primary and

    secondary schools.P147486 7/10/2014 2020/2052 c PforR - - Yes - 122.0 78.8 -

    AFR Tanzania

    Science and Technology Higher Education Project increases the quantity and

    quality of higher education graduates and lays the foundation for improved

    responsiveness of tertiary education to the labor market.

    P149464 7/10/2014 2020/2052 c IPF Yes - Yes - 15.0 9.8 -

    AFR TanzaniaHousing Finance Projectdevelops the housing mortgage finance market through

    the provision of medium and long-term l iquidity to mortgage lenders.P151220 2/24/2015 2021/2053 c IPF Yes - Yes - 60.0 41.5 -

    AFR Tanzania

    Dar es Salaam Metropolitan Development Project improves urban services and

    institutional capacity in the Dar es Salaam Metropolitan Area, and facilitates

    responses to potential emergencies.

    P123134 3/2/2015 2021/2053 c IPF - - Yes - 300.0 207.1 -

    AFR Tanzania

    Sustainable Management of Mineral Resources strengthens government

    capacity to manage the mineral sector, improve the socio-economic im pacts of

    large and small-scal e mining, and enhance private local and foreign investments.

    P151124 5/7/2015 2021/2053 c IPF Yes - Yes - 45.0 32.7 -

    AFR Tanzania

    Strengthening Primary Health Care for Results Programimproves the quality of

    primary health care services with a focus on maternal, neonatal, and child health


    P152736 5/28/2015 2021/2053 c PforR - - Yes - 200.0 145.0 -

    AFR Tanzania

    Open Government and Public Financial Management Development Policy

    Operation supports the government to establish open data in order to increase

    access to and use of service delivery information, as well as to improve budget

    credibility and execution.

    P133798 6/23/2015 2021/2053 c DPL - - Yes - 100.0 71.1 -

    AFR Uganda

    Agric ultur e Clust er Develop Project raises on-farm productivity, production, and

    marketable volumes of selected agricultural commodities in specified geographic


    P145037 4/9/2015 2021/2053 c IPF - - Yes - 150.0 106.4 -

    AFR UgandaSkills Development Project enhances the capacity of institutions to deliver high-

    quality and demand-driven training programs in targeted sectors.P145309 4/22/2015 2021/2053 c IPF - - Yes - 100.0 71.1 -

    AFR UgandaThird Northern Uganda Social Action Fund provides income support to and builds

    the resilience of poor and vulnerable households in targeted areas.P149965 5/27/2015 2021/2053 c IPF - - Yes - 130.0 94.3 -

    AFR UgandaEnergy for Rural Transformation Project (Thir d Phase)increases access to

    electricity in rural areas of the country.P133312 6/5/2015 2021/2053 c IPF - - - - 135.0 97.9 -

    AFR Zambia

    Girls Education and Women's Empowerment and Livelihoods Project

    increases access to livelihood support for women and access to secondary

    education for disadvantaged adolescent girls in extremely poor households in

    selected districts.

    P151451 5/22/2015 2021/2053 c IPF - - Yes - 65.0 47.2 -

    AFR Zambia

    Lusaka Sanitation Projectincreases access to sanitation services in selected

    areas and strengthens the Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company's capacity to

    manage sanitation services.

    P149091 5/22/2015 2021/2053 c IPF - - Yes - 65.0 47.2 -

    EAP China

    Zhejiang Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project improves access to

    sustainable water supply and sanitation services in selected villages and towns in

    rural areas of Zhejiang Province.

    P133018 9/25/2014 2021/2039 l IPF - - - 200.0 - - -

    EAP ChinaShaanxi Small Towns Infrastructure Project improves the infrastructure and

    service delivery in selected small and medium towns in Shaanxi Province.P133069 9/25/2014 2021/2043 l IPF - - - 150.0 - - -

    EAP ChinaQinghai Xining Water Environment Management Project reduces water pollution

    and pilots potential sustainable reuse of wastewater in Xining Municipality.P133116 9/25/2014 2020/2044 l IPF - - - 150.0 - - -

    EAP China

    Guizhou Rural Development Project demonstrates a model for agricultural sector

    restructuring and modernization, improved organizational arrangements, and

    strengthened public service delivery in project counties of Guizhou Province.

    P133261 9/30/2014 2021/2043 l IPF - - Yes 100.0 - - -

    EAP China

    Zhengzhou Urban Rail Project imp