Download - Volume 61 | Issue 10 | October 2016

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The GrapevineVolume 61 | Issue 10 | October 2016

Page 2: Volume 61 | Issue 10 | October 2016


The Grapevine is a monthly newsletter published by Fremont Presbyterian Church. The deadline for news items for the November issue is Monday, October 10th, 2016.

Submit all news items in writing including your name, phone number and date of submission to the Communications Coordinator mailbox or email them to [email protected]. Contact the church office with address changes.

Hours: Mon. - Fri.8:30 AM- 5:30 PMSun., 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Telephone: (916) 452-7132FAX: (916) 452-2160Webpage:

OCTOBER 2Classic at 9:00 AM • Modern at 9:00 AM & 10:30 AMPastor David Burke, preaching“A REASON FOR COMPLAINT: THE BOOK OF JOB” Job 10 (selected verses)

OCTOBER 9 Classic at 9:00 AM • Modern at 9:00 AM & 10:30 AMPastor David Burke, preaching“A REASON FOR COMPLAINT: JESUS” • Luke 22:39-46

OCTOBER 23 @ 11:45 AM - FERGUSONReliance, Fremont’s college ministry is hosting a guest speaker from Genesis Apologetics showing some of the myths of evolution and why creation makes sense.

Genesis Apologetics is a Biblical Creation training ministry located in Folsom, CA. Dr. Daniel Biddle will be present the scientific evidence for the Biblical Creation narrative provided in the book of Genesis and will debunk the 10 leading evidences uses to promote evolution in public schools. Students, parents, and all adults are welcome to attend. Attendees will be provided with free Creation training resources. •

OCTOBER 16Classic at 9:00 AM • Modern at 9:00 AM & 10:30 AMPastor Dave Pack, preaching“CONQUERING COMPROMISE” • Daniel 1:1-16

OCTOBER 23Classic at 9:00 AM • Modern at 9:00 AM & 10:30 AMPastor Dave Pack, preaching“FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS” • Esther 4:1-17

OCTOBER 30Classic at 9:00 AM • Modern at 9:00 AM & 10:30 AMPastor David Burke, preachingREFORMATION SUNDAY“THE GOOD BOOK” • Psalm 119, 2 Timothy 3:16

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New Faces at Fremont!Welcome to the Bailey’s!We extend a warm welcome to Steve Bailey, our new Minister to High School Students and Families.  Steve brings with him his delightful family, including his wife Amber, and kids Lauren (13), Nathan (10) and Adrian (9).  Recently relocating from Kansas City, the Baileys have returned to California where both Steve and Amber were raised.  Steve has served for 12 years at Covenant Chapel, an EPC church in Leawood, Kansas, where he led the youth program for 10 years and led the young adult ministry for 2 years. 

Steve is a relationally driven team builder and brings a wealth of experience and gifts to his position at Fremont.  Both he and Amber were proven and faithful leaders at their previous church and have a strong passion for high school students and their families.  His priorities include building community, teaching, discipleship, and developing future leaders.  Amber is now working as a teacher in the San Juan School District.  Please go out of your way to welcome the Baileys when you encounter them at Fremont or on the soccer field or in the grocery store! •

Bobbi Trask Hired as Minister for Member CareFremont member Bobbi Trask has been hired by the Session of Fremont to tend to the well-being of Fremont’s members in a part-time role as Minister for Member Care.  Her responsibilities include resourcing the Seniors, Marriage and Member Involvement ministries as well as the Caring Ministries such as Deacons, Stephen Ministry, Health Ministry, Chaplains and Grief Support.  Bobbi has significant ministry experience, having worked in pastoral roles in a variety of ministries over her lifetime.  She grew up in Southern and Central California. As a military wife for over 26 years she was the Christian Education Director and Family Pastoral Counselor for the U.S. Air force Chapel Program at bases from Alaska to Washington DC. She received her Master’s Degree from MB Biblical Seminary, now Fresno Pacific University Biblical Seminary. Her husband, David, is retired from the Air Force and he and Bobbi live in the Elk Grove area.  We look forward to Bobbi’s leadership and ministry in this position at Fremont! •

STATED CONGREGATIONAL MEETINGSunday, October 16th at 4:00 pm

At this meeting we will be electing elders, deacons and the 2017 Nominating Committee.

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REACHING OUT to Our CommunityFor many years, Fremont has sought to reach out to our community in order to share the message of Jesus Christ.  This priority has expressed itself in many ways, including our engagement in and support of the kids and families at Earl Warren School, our support of the efforts of many local mission agencies, the recent Neighborhood BBQ and Swim held at Glenn Hall Park, the involvement of Fremont members and staff in Caleb Greenwood K-8 School, Upward, MOPS, the Fremont Music Academy and the Community Trunk or Treat event on Halloween evening. 

These events/programs are important because they give us an opportunity to participate in the life of our community with no expectation of a return.  In The New Parish, a recent book that was recognized by Christianity Today magazine, the authors state, “The western world has lost one of the most important aspects of being the church: participating together as a family or body in the real-life context of the parish. Yet this is central to what it means to be the church… God is up to something in the neighborhoods, on the ground in real places.  The church, in all its diversity, needs to figure out how to join in… More than that, it could help the church learn to give itself away in love to the world around it.”

One of the additional considerations in determining the potential fruitfulness of any event or activity is the opportunity it presents

to build relationships with those in the community outside of Fremont.  Ken Priddy, who led a church revitalization seminar for Fremont leaders and preached in our worship services this past June, defines effective community outreach in the following way: “The strategic connecting of people in the congregation with people outside of the congregation for the purpose of building sustainable relationships.  It is these relationships that give opportunity for evangelism.”

Not all potential outreach events will accomplish both of these purposes (blessing and relationships).  Sometimes it is sufficient to know that Fremont is simply blessing the community by providing a place for the community to gather or an activity for the community to enjoy.  Other times, it is important to consider whether or not such an activity will provide the opportunity to create or build the kind of relationships that will lead to trust and enable us to share the gospel.

Also important to the effectiveness of any outreach event is the participation of a broad cross section of Fremont’s membership and the leadership provided by both members and the Fremont staff.  Strong and committed leadership is a necessary ingredient for effective ministry.

Understanding these considerations, and in lieu of continuing the Halloween Trunk or Treat event in October, our leaders have chosen to invest their efforts in programs such as the Neighborhood Swim and BBQ, the opportunity to assist Caleb Greenwood School with tutoring and other special activities, like the Upward program, MOPS and Fremont Music Academy that provide the opportunity to accomplish both of the purposes noted above. 

With our changing culture, it is particularly important we find ways to engage with our community in places other than the campus of Fremont.  We encourage all members of the congregation to participate in something, either through the church or individually, that blesses our community and creates sustainable relationships.  How about sponsoring a block party or a mini Trunk or Treat in your neighborhood on Halloween? •

EARL WARREN UPDATEThe Earl Warren Christmas bag shoppers are out shopping and taking advantage of the summer Back to School sales of school supplies.  The shoppers buy all the items to fill the Christmas gift bags that are given to every student at Earl Warren Elementary School. 

Please consider making a donation to the fund to reimburse the shoppers.  The cost to sponsor a whole class is $150, but all donations are welcome and helpful.  If you or your group wants to sponsor a class and help deliver the bags on the last day of school before Christmas please contact Dale Aust at (916) 686-5705 or [email protected]. You can help Fremont make Christmas a little brighter for the Earl Warren students. •

June 9 was graduation day for Earl Warren sixth graders.  Fremont was there hosting a reception for graduates and their families.  It was a very special day.

The next morning teachers, staff and administrators arrived at Fremont for a special celebration.  A team of Fremonters prepared and served brunch to let those hard workers know how much they are appreciated. This was the last event for some of the teachers who are retiring. 

If you would like to volunteer at Earl Warren please contact Valerie Lake at (916) 457-5888 or [email protected]. •

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QUICK NOTESTOILET PAPER DRIVE UPDATEThank you to all of you who donated to the Loaves and Fishes toilet paper drive.  We delivered two cars full of toilet paper – over 700 rolls!  The Loaves and Fishes staff was delighted. •

THANK YOU ANGIE!We are grateful to Angie Nevin for almost 5 years of support to our children in her role as Children’s Ministry Program Assistant (including 15 months as Interim Director of Children’s Ministries). She has moved on to other professional challenges but we have benefitted from her hard work and commitment over the years. Thank you, Angie! •

GIRLFRIENDS GETAWAYSATURDAY - OCTOBER 22 @ 9:00 AM - 4:00 PMJoin us for another great Stay at Home Retreat!  We’ll gather at Bobbi Trask’s house in Elk Grove and dive deeper into the topic of prayer.  We’ll be led in worship and in learning by women from Fremont.  This will be a day of good food, good worship, good relationships, and good prayer!  For questions, please contact Melissa at [email protected]. •

CHRISTMAS CONCERT CHOIR!  Come sing in the Christmas Concerts with the Fremont Sanctuary Choir, December 9, 10 and 11.


• Sunday, November 6 - 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM• Saturday, November 19 - 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM• Sunday, December 4 - 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM• Dress rehearsal Thursday, December 8 - 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Interested? RSVP by October 15.  Call Cheryl Eshoff at (916) 452-7132 ext. 231 or email: [email protected]. •

HELP WANTEDHelp Wanted to set up and take down the jewelry display at the Christmas Market. Contact Mary Minich (916) 979-9000. •

TAI CHI CLASSES BACK IN SESSION! Tai Chi, Yang style short form, has begun it’s Fall Session in Ferguson Hall at Fremont. Tuesdays from 9:15 - 10:15 AM. Please wear comfortable clothing and footwear. This class will focus on your physical wellness, including balancing the mind, body and spirit and strengthening your physical structure. 

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesdays. All adult ages are welcome. ($5 per class or $20 per month). •

It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas! 

Well maybe not YET, but we are hoping that those Christmas cookie recipes that are gathering dust on your shelves will leap out at you and beg to be tried! The Christmas Concerts are Friday, Saturday and Sunday, December 9, 10 and 11. Please plan on baking some cookies and enjoying the concerts. More information to come next month! If you have questions, or would like to volunteer one of the nights to help put cookies on platters, or serve as a host/hostess after the concerts, please e-mail [email protected] or text (916) 601-6848. YUM! •

The Pancake Breakfast Needs You!

15th annual Earl Warren Elementary School Pancake Breakfast Saturday, October 15th at 8:00 AM at Earl Warren Elementary School (5420 Lowell Street off Fruitridge Ave.)

$5.00 tickets are available in person from John Mott or Valerie Lake, or between services on Sundays. 

All event proceeds will enable the 6th Graders to attend Science Camp at Sly Park – a great learning experience.  Reasons to buy a ticket or make a donation include:

• Enjoy a breakfast of fresh pancakes, oranges, bacon, coffee, tea, and juice

• Support a great local mission.• It’s fun—you often see some old friends!

Mariner ships often have breakfast and then hold their monthly meeting in a classroom!

This breakfast is an excellent example of collaboration between the school, our church and the community.  Not only church volunteers, but also teachers and students help serve at the event.

Fremont supports Earl Warren Elementary School with many resources and deeds.  Contact John Mott [email protected], to volunteer at the breakfast or Valerie Lake [email protected] to be involved at the school. •

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If you’re a basketball fan, you know what this phrase means. If you’re not, we can explain. “Going small” is what a coach will do with his team to gain an advantage over a bigger team at crucial points in a game. “Going small” often means shorter, but quicker and more athletic players on the floor.  In recent years, more and more professional teams are using this tactic. It is ironic, because in the sport of basketball, it was often thought that bigger/taller was always better.

In 2017, Upward at Fremont is going to “go small.” Because bigger doesn’t always mean better.

The Upward Leadership Team has decided to make some changes in 2017.  Upward has grown incredibly large in the 10 years of its existence. Last year nearly 600 kids were in the Upward program. To accommodate all this activity, three gyms were needed during the week, and two gyms on weekends for games. For families with more than one child, that often meant scrambling several times a week to different gyms, leaving practices and games early. There were coaches that often were asked to coach two or three teams because of the lack of volunteers. Referees were hard to find. Coming to the Community Life Center at Fremont on a weekday or Saturday gameday felt like going through a turnstile at a packed stadium as more than thirty families per hour came and went. The energy was contagious, but it bordered on chaos.

Reflecting on this, the Upward Leadership Team thought it would be better to go small. We’ve asked our brothers and sisters at St. Paul’s Baptist to start their own Upward league, which hopefully will reach more kids than before. We’ve contacted Town and Country Lutheran and Fair Oaks Presbyterian, who hold an Upward league immediately after our season. We certainly don’t want kids to be left out.

“Going small” means that we’ve decided to hold all practices and games at Fremont. In doing this, our hope is to make it easier on families and their kids.  Hopefully, we’ll have enough coaches to where coaches can just coach one team. We hope to create some good opportunities for relationship by keeping things on one campus. To accomplish this, we’ll have to limit the league to 440 participants. That is the maximum number of people we can have to keep all practices and games at Fremont. We know that means that some people will be told “We’re full” when it comes to registration time. But to keep the quality of the league strong, we felt it necessary.

Upward uses the phrase, “More Than a Game.” And any parent or coach can testify that those words are true. During practices, we do teach basketball. But more importantly, we teach life lessons about character, and the character of the God who loves these

kids. During games, we celebrate each and every player’s gifts and contributions to the team, regardless of what the scoreboard says. It’s been a tremendous experience for the kids and families.  What we’ve seen is how Upward gives us as a church the opportunity to really engage with families and their kids. By going smaller this year, we envision being able to connect more with families, since everything will be in one place.

We’ve talked as a church about wanting to be blessing for our community in the name of Jesus. Upward puts Fremont families in a beautiful place to have relationships with families that have never known the blessing of a church family. May we prepare to radiate the gracious love of our Heavenly Father, as we get ready to be that blessing to our neighbors. •




More info will be available at

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The Fremont Session held its monthly meeting on August 23, 2016.  Below are some action and informational items that might be of interest to the general congregation.  These notes are not intended to reflect the total work of the Session at the meeting.  If you are interested in more information about a particular item, please contact any member of Session.

The Session is setting a time of prayer at the beginning of the meeting (more than an opening prayer) as well as praying after each report.

What is the purpose of Session?  What will the Elders do in the revised Session?  Items mentioned were to pray, learn from one another to better prepare our church for the future, chart the future course of Fremont, discern the Lord’s leading, make difficult decisions and set priorities.

The Session met and examined the youth who had completed a discipleship program. Charles Howe and Georgia Stitt were accepted into membership of Fremont.

Dave Pack reported that 21 student leaders met for a worship, prayer and planning.  They are planning a men and women’s Bible study on the CSUS campus, and two Bible studies in the dorms. Summer is usually a down time for College Ministry, however this year the program continued through the summer with 35 students attending.

Three Fremont students will be participating in Youth With a Mission (YWAM) this year.  Finley Stitt will work in Switzerland; Emma McHenry will be training in Mexico and then working with refugees in Greece; and Haley Walker will work in Norway.

The Session spent some time discussing outreach programs at Fremont. Some questions that arose during the discussion were: What is considered “outreach” at Fremont? Do annual program events develop a sustaining relationship, or are they just a community service? Are goals for outreach and community service different?

The Music Ministry has begun a new music program for grades K - 5, (Music ‘N Motion) which will meet on Wednesday evening proceeding the dinner, teaching time, Dive and Life Groups.


1. Approved the Finance Committee’s recommendation to reduce program budgets by 10% and discretionary spending freeze for the rest of 2016.

2. Called Bobbi Trask as Minister for Member Care.

3. Approved the sale of Earl Warren Elementary School Pancake Breakfast Tickets.     

4. Approved the TREK Breakfast proceeds ($20.00 ticket sales) to the Union Gospel Mission.

5. Approved the annual American Heritage Girls “Fat Cat” Scone Fundraiser.

6. We begin to equip lay members to become certified Christian counselors.       

7. After twenty years of work, the New Testament has been translated in the Shekkacho language and will be going to print.  There will be a special offering on October 16, 2016, to help defray the costs.

Clair Parsh, Clerk of Session •


The American Heritage Girl motto is “Faith, Service, Fun” and Fremont’s troop has been busy at all three. They are raising money to fund a drinking water well in Africa through Wells of Life. Upcoming plans include clean-up at the American River, packing food for Feed My Starving Children, and a troop camping trip.

The American Heritage Girl fundraiser of FatCat Cookie and Scone Dough returns this October. We are selling tubs of easy to bake frozen scone and cookie dough in a variety of delicious flavors. Look for the AHG table to place your order on Sundays, October 9th and 23rd in the courtyard after the classic service and CLC after the 10:30 modern service, and you can pick up your order on November 6th and 13th. •


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When we look at the life of Jesus, we clearly see a glorious life lived. Jesus was willing to give everything he had so that we might have life to the full. Out of gratitude for His gift, we aspire to live lives that reflect our heavenly Father’s generosity. We do this by giving our time and talent. We do this by giving back to God the resources He has given to us.

It’s well known that churches exist solely on the generosity of its members. Your financial support employ a staff of 30 full and part-time staff members. Your gifts provide opportunities for ministry to children, youth, college students, and adults of all ages. Giving a portion of your income provides and maintains campus space for Fremont ministries, as well as ministry to over 40 community groups.

Beginning October 23rd, we will begin our Stewardship Emphasis. This will mark the beginning of what we are calling “Thirty Days of Commitment.” This is a time of prayer, planning and preparation for our ministries in 2017. On November 13th, in the Classic Worship Service, there will be a time in the service where people are invited to come forward to drop off their commitment card.

For those unable to attend that service on November 13th, or who attend the modern worship services, there are opportunities to submit pledges using one of the following options:

• Return the completed commitment form to the church office

• Go to the Fremont website at, then to the “giving” page and select “2017 Commitment” to make your pledge commitment online.

• From your smart phone, text in the word “2017” to 56316.

Please contact the church office with questions or for more information.

We will conclude our “Thirty Days of Commitment” on Tuesday, November 29th, which coincides with the “National Day of Giving.” The NDG is an annual event where people across the country are encouraged to support their favorite non-profit by making a gift online. Your gift may be matched by your employer, so please check.

Please prayerfully consider how you will respond during our “Thirty Days of Commitment.” God blesses us beyond measure. Our collective response to “Life Worth Giving- Thirty Days of Commitment” can help set a strong foundation upon which to plan our ministries in 2017.

To the glory of God.

David Burke

Life Worth Giving30 DAYS OF COMMITMENT

On-going Giving Opportunity: Did you know that Fremont has a Building Maintenance Fund? The buildings on our campus range in age from 12 years to over 50 years. If you own a home you know how important it is to keep on top of maintenance. We have some members and friends, who in addition to their general fund pledge, give to the Building Maintenance Fund. But, as you can imagine maintaining and upgrading our facility is costly.

Our Buildings and Grounds Team has come up with a detailed project list to improve, maintain, and repair needed parts of our facility over the next several years. One of the projects among the many they have identified is an upgrade to our heating and air control system. For example, with our current system we need to heat or cool the entire Ministry Center building (Geneva, Westminster, choir room and children’s ministry rooms) even if we are only using one room. By switching to a direct digital control system of heating and air, we will recoup energy costs by only heating and cooling rooms that are being used.

You can make a donation to this fund at any time. When making a contribution to the fund make sure to note “Building Maintenance Fund” or “BMF”.

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CHRISTMAS MARKET: GIFTS OF HOPEOctober! Fall is in the air... can Christmas be far behind? Already we are seeing Christmas advertising, and that dreaded Christmas gift list is waiting. We love to spread Christmas cheer, but choosing meaningful gifts can be daunting. Christmas Market: Gifts of Hope can make gift selection an easy, exciting way to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas.

The market features Benevolence Gifts from eight local and international organizations. This year, Fremont’s Jamaica Medical Mission, Earl Warren Elementary School, Greenhouse Ministries, Syrian Refugee Relief (EPC), Ethiopian Shekkacho Partnership, and Haiti (ICDM), are some of the organizations participating (a full list will be in the November Grapevine). Representatives will be present to explain their mission goals, and show how we can help with specific aid programs. Appropriate gift cards will also be available.

An exciting part of the Market is the wonderful collection of gifts created by native craftsmen from third world countries. Our vendors acquire these crafts from Fair Trade organizations and cooperatives that make sure the craftsmen receive fair compensation. Vendors this year are One World Fair Trade, San Juan de Oriente, and Bethel Ethiopian Christian Fellowship.

• Mary Minich, a Fremont member, will have a display of her beautiful handcrafted jewelry. All proceeds go to Ethiopian charities.• Mission Biscotti, a Market favorite, will be for sale. Proceeds support Fremont Short Term Missions. • Fair Trade Organic Ethiopian coffee and tea will be for sale.• Credit cards will be accepted for all transactions.• Food will be sold on Saturday, November 12.Please note: Only Benevolence Gifts, Mary Minich jewelry, and Biscotti will be sold on Sunday, November 20. Further information: call 916-452-7132, visit, or Fremont’s Facebook page. •

Mission BiscottiMission Biscotti will be available for purchase at the Christmas Market: Gifts of Hope in November. 

Proceeds will benefit the upcoming short term mission trips to Haiti and Jamaica.  Last year we baked and sold over 600 lbs of biscotti! But we need your help NOW with the preparation and baking of these delicious baked treats.  Join us for an hour or two, or whatever fits into your schedule.


Saturday, October 15 @ 8:30 AM.  CLC kitchen.

Saturday, October 29 @ 8:00 AM. Last year God provided many hands (over 30 people) and all the work was done by 4:00 pm.

To sign up or for more information contact our Master Baker: Pamela Cappelletti ([email protected]) or Pat Mitzner ([email protected]) •

SPECIAL OFFERING - OCTOBER 16On October 16, 2016 a special offering will be taken to help bring God’s Word to the Shekkacho people group in southwest Ethiopia. This will be the first time the Shekkacho people will be able to read the New Testament in their own language! Over twenty years in the making, this translation was spearheaded initially by Wycliffe and then taken over by three Shekkacho translators. Together, from opposite sides of the world, God has blessed the Fremont Family and the Shekkacho community to bring the work of translating the Shekkacho New Testament to completion. It is now ready for printing!

The initial printing of 5,000 copies will cost $24,000. Dutch friends of the original translators have already provided $8,000. It is our prayer that Fremont will be able to provide the remaining $16,000.

Will you pray about what God would have you give on October 16th in order that the Shekkacho can have a New Testament to hold in their hands and read for the first time? Please also pray for God’s protection on the entire process of formatting, proofing, printing and shipping of the New Testaments so that they can be sent to Ethiopia. Pray too for Shekkacho hearts to be prepared to receive what God has to say to them through His Word. •




Christmas Market:




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CHURCH STAFFPastor/Head of StaffDr. David Burke

Associate Pastor - Community EngagementDr. Daniel Willson

Assistant Pastor for DiscipleshipDavid Pack

Executive MinisterMark Eshoff

Minister for Member Care Bobbi Trask

Minister of Music & Worship ArtsCheryl Eshoff

Minister of Modern Music & MediaJordan Skinner

Minister to High School Students and FamiliesSteve Bailey

Director of Jr. High MinistryJonathan Shea

Minister to Children & FamiliesTyler Withers

Coordinator of Member MinistryJessica Fengel

Outreach CoordinatorCate Williams

Executive SecretaryCathy Cole

OrganistPatricia Grimm

Administrative AssistantAndy Bodemeijer

Technical Ministries CoordinatorMike Mitchell

Memorial CoordinatorsJeanne WallisAnn Davison

Faith Community NurseJoy Gilberg

Music Program AssistantVicki Meyer

Childcare/Nursery DirectorMegan Raisis

Fremont Nursery School DirectorDu Willson

Communications & Publications CoordinatorRachel Clark

Business ManagerJohn Walden

Facilities CoordinatorMelanie Andrews

Giving SecretaryCarolyn Walden

Accounting Clerk Linda Brown

Maintenance TechnicianMike Mitchell

CustodiansKhoi DangEduviguez GamesZach HindsMike JeanBlanca LacayoJames Wong

Coffee Bar ManagerKristen Maggitti

CLASS OF 2016Diane BlokKaren BouletJared Fisher*David HonigschmidtPaul HughesAntoinette JonesTom MotterKathy NicholsBarbara Red-HorseGail Way (*Moderator )Clair Parsh (Clerk of the Session)

CLASS OF 2016Bobby Cobbs

Ann Bruce Davison

Jim Fish (Personnel)

Jeff Hightower

Greg Hogan

CLASS OF 2017Susan Curiel-ContrerasThanne DohertyJessica FengelAnita LeeLisa MenzmerMary Jane MotterCheryl SternBonnie StittDave Taft

CLASS OF 2017Jim Aspegren(Administration)

Tim Aust

Karl Dolk

Marianne Gonzales- Sims

Jarrett Trask

CLASS OF 2018Jim DeFerrari(Nominating Committee)

Margi Gillis

John Hansen

Patty Howard

Adele Ohs

CLASS OF 2018Lisa BodemeijerNancy BrowKevin KreutzAnn MontgomeryPete MontgomeryJeff RuthenbergBill WaldenMonica WaldenKarren Wright


FREMONT FAMILYPRAYER LISTIntermediate and Long-Term Care Facility:

Buzz Gooch – The Atrium of CarmichaelAmy Harris – Eskaton Village - CarmichaelJoel Janvier, Jr. – Nazareth Park PlaceJoyce Lolmaugh – The Atrium of CarmichaelHarriet Stephenson – Camelot Care HomeKen Sax – The Chateau at River’s EdgeHarold and Darlene Stainbrook – The ChateauVirginia Wristen – Campus Commons

Hospice Care: Carol Anspach – Harmon HouseRuth Reed – Sunrise Senior Assisted LivingDick Saldine – Carlton Plaza Sr. Assisted Living

Continue Prayer For:Dick Baker, Bill and Kathryn Greydanus, Joyce Kunz, Julie Lockwood (daughter of Mary Alice and Bubber Waddell), the family of Lois Louie, Ron Rott, the family of Greta Stallings, the family of Shirley Burkhalter.

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CELEBRATION OF LIFEFremont friends of Thea Wiedenroth, you are invtied to a Celebration of Life for Thea. It will be held at St. John’s Church Social Hall (432 Cleveland Street) in Woodland.

There will be a soup and bread lunch from noon to 3:30 PM.

For more information contact her daughter, Debbie Truitt, at [email protected].[email protected]

5770 Carlson Dr. Sacramento

ALL-CHURCH WORKDAYOCTOBER 29 @ 8:00 AMJoin us for a fun morning of sprucing up our campus and our buildings. All ages are welcome and a variety of small projects are ready to be completed by our faithful members and friends. Painting, landscaping, cleaning and more. We need you! We will be working from 8:00 AM - 12:00 noon.

FREMONT FINANCIAL UPDATEFor the month ending August 31, 2016

Actual Budget VarianceTOTAL REVENUE $1,214,789 $1,302,191 ($87,402)TOTAL EXPENSE $1,423,153 $1,435,376 ($12,224)SURPLUS(LOSS) ($208,363) ($133,185) ($75,178)

Thank you for your continued support of our mission!

FIRS LUNCHEON - WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 12 @ 11:30 AMFremont’s Seniors Ministry invites everyone to attend our next FIRS luncheon. The catered meal will be chicken pot pie, mashed potatoes with gravy, carrots, salads and apple crisp for dessert. Cost is $11.

Our program will feature the “Hats and Taps” group. These ladies have shown us their fast steps before and it should be another entertaining event! For reservations, call Sandy Craig at (916) 481-1138 before 7:00 PM Sunday, October 9th. •

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visit us on the web: PERIODICALS



THE GRAPEVINE: A newsletter published monthly by the Fremont Presbyterian Church, Sacramento, CA. Entered in the Sacramento, CA Post Office November 7, 1955, as periodicals under the Act of Congress of March 8, 1977.




Date Leader Text

9/25/2016 Tim Aust Hebrews 3:1-4:13

10/2/2016 Bobbi Trask Hebrews 4:14-5:10

10/9/2016 Tim Aust Hebrews 5:11-6:20

10/16/2016 Kelsey Burke Hebrews 7:1-8:13

10/23/2016 Brian Wyatt Hebrews 9:1-10:18

10/30/2016 David Trask Hebrews 10:19-11:40


The Table - Hebrews Study• The Table meets on Sundays to study and

talk about the Bible.• Audio posted at

fremontaudio• Bagels and coffee provided• High school and college students are

welcome, too!

“For the word of God is alive and powerful. It

is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword,

cutting between soul and spirit, between joint

and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts

and desires....” - Hebrews 4:12