Download - Volume 59 Issue 4 - Apr 2007Newsletter Joe Wagner 817-282-1355 [email protected] Photographer Charles Whitaker 972-239-0485 whitaker@fl Raffl e Paulette Wagner 817-282-1355 [email protected]

Page 1: Volume 59 Issue 4 - Apr 2007Newsletter Joe Wagner 817-282-1355 Photographer Charles Whitaker 972-239-0485 whitaker@fl Raffl e Paulette Wagner 817-282-1355

Corvette Club of Texas PO Box 36022 - Dallas TX, 75235-1002

Sponsored by Friendly Chevrolet 2754 N. Stemmons Fry - Dallas TX, 75207

Corvette Club OF Texas

Volume 59 Issue 4 - Apr 2007

Page 2: Volume 59 Issue 4 - Apr 2007Newsletter Joe Wagner 817-282-1355 Photographer Charles Whitaker 972-239-0485 whitaker@fl Raffl e Paulette Wagner 817-282-1355


The Corvetter April 2007

Meeting InformationCorvette Club of Texas (CCT)

Monthly Membership Meeting

Held every third Friday of the month, at 7:30 p.m. at Friendly Chevrolet, 2754 North Stemmons Freeway, Dallas. All members, visitors and Corvette owners are Welcome.

Following each CCT monthly membership meeting, a CCT after club social event is hosted by a CCT Member, starting at approximately 8:30 p.m.

Monthly Board Meeting

Held on the Monday before the third Friday of the month at 7:30 p.m. at Friendly Chevrolet. All members are invited to attend.

The Corvetter

Volume 59 Issue 4

The Corvetter, the offi cial newsletter of the Corvette Club of Texas (CCT), is published monthly by The Corvette Club of Texas P.O. Box 36022, Dallas, Texas 75235-1022 for the exclusive use of its members and invited guests. Initial distribution is done electronically by e-mail. A small number of paper copies are delivered via First Class mail or by hand when necessary. The newsletter is also available on the CCT web site: Subscriptions to The Corvetter are free to CCT members.

© 2007 Corvette Club of Texas. All rights reserved. Reprints of original material are available on a per article basis only with written permission of a CCT offi cer, the author or the Editor. Previously copyrighted material if any retains the original author’s copyright.

Please send all submissions via e-mail to the editor at [email protected]. All submissions become intellectual property of The Corvetter.

From the Editor

2007 OFFICERS, BOARD AND STAFFPresident Mitch Factor 817-329-0693 [email protected]

Vice President Paul Wolter 817-478-6096 [email protected]

Treasurer Carol Factor 817-329-0693 [email protected]

Secretary Jeanette Bradley 214-348-0775 [email protected]

NCCC Governor Joann Powdrill 972 838 4330 [email protected]

BOARD MEMBERSKen Bradley Term ends 06-2007 214-348-0775 [email protected]

Russell Brundrett Term ends 08-2007 972-263-9047 [email protected]

Barry Marsh Term ends 03-2008 817-268-0388 [email protected]

James Powdrill Term ends 06-2008 972 838 4330 [email protected]

Dennis Bertwell Term ends 01-2009 817-788-0477 [email protected]

STAFF CHAIRPERSONSActivities Patti Bertwell 817-788-0477 [email protected]

Charities Coordinator Mary Wolter 817-478-6096 [email protected]

Club Merchandise Mary Wolter 817-478-6096 [email protected]

Membership Mary Wolter 817-478-6096 [email protected]

Property Mary Wolter 817-478-6096 [email protected]

Historian Ken Bradley 214-348-0775 [email protected]

Newsletter Joe Wagner 817-282-1355 [email protected]

Photographer Charles Whitaker 972-239-0485 whitaker@fl

Raffl e Paulette Wagner 817-282-1355 [email protected]

Webmaster Joe Wagner 817-282-1355 [email protected]

NCM Ambassador Bob Stephens 972-235-9813 [email protected]

On the Cover: Group portrait of the Apollo 15 crew with their color-coded Corvettes and the moon rover.

Our Friendly Rep!Friendly Chevrolet’s representative to the Corvette Club of Texas is Gary Kubiak. When you need to replace your Corvette with a new C6 be sure and give Gary a call at 214-920-1950.

Also don’t forget to contact Gary when you are upgrading the family car for a new one!

In addition to his regular work schedule, Gary is always at the dealership during our monthly Friday night membership meeting. Also, you can e-mail Gary at: [email protected]

Joe Wagner

For the fi rst time I can remember I didn’t have a 100% good time at a CCT event. The Possum Kingdom Mardi Gras parade was ruined for me by the aggressive spectators along the route. Fortunately the caravan to the lunch break was fun and the place we ate at in Cool TX was very good. (How could it be bad in Cool?) Even the hour or so waiting for the parade to start wasn’t all that bad. But the 30 minutes of the parade was the pits. All most of the spectators cared about was beads. We could have been driving rusty 1980 Ford pickups for all that they cared.

People with 50 or more strings of beads around their necks already (and we were very early in the parade) were screaming “More beads!” Paulette and I were madly separating and throwing beads as fast as we could but there was no satisfying them. After a while I just grabbed hands full of beads and tossed them.

But the kicker was two 10-12 year old kids, that weren’t satisfi ed with the 20 or more beads they already had, started fi ghting over the ones I just tossed out. One of them came within inches of falling onto, and maybe under, my car. Can you say “lawsuit?” Sorry, that’s the last Possum Kingdom parade for me...

Page 3: Volume 59 Issue 4 - Apr 2007Newsletter Joe Wagner 817-282-1355 Photographer Charles Whitaker 972-239-0485 whitaker@fl Raffl e Paulette Wagner 817-282-1355


The Corvetter April 2007


January TBA

February Dennis & Patti BertwellMarch Paul & Mary WolterApril Barry & Annette MarshMay Ken & Jeanette BradleyJune TBA

July TBAAugust Joe & Gail CarrionSeptember James & Joann Powdrill

October Bob & Paula Mischell

November Doug & Christina LeGrand

December See you at the CCT Christmas Party!

TROPHY CASE @ FRIENDLY CHEVROLET MAINTENANCE - SIGN UPQuarter MaintainerJanuary—March Barry MarshApril - June Joe & Paulette Wagner

July - September TBA

October –December Doug & Christina LeGrand

President’s Prerogative Apr. 2007

…and remember to

The fi rst quarter is coming to an end and this year promises to be one of CCT’s best ever! We have had great participation in several fun and interesting events already with many more fun times planned to look forward to. Patti Bertwell is doing a super job of coming up with ideas for events for this year as well as generating support from the club members.

Carol and I will be leading the group going to Boerne on April 20th for the Alamo Area Corvette Club car show. This is also the weekend of our regularly scheduled monthly meeting, so we’ll miss seeing you there. I will be looking forward to seeing everyone at the May meeting.

We have submitted the second of the three required issues of the newsletter for the NCCC newsletter completion. Your input with articles both car related and about your families and other interests is appreciated and needed by Joe. (ed: The next and last submission is the May issue, so let’s load it up with good stuff!) Please start thinking of how you are going to support YOUR club with our participation in the NCCC convention next year. Next year will also be the 50th anniversary of the founding of CCT. There will be lots of opportunity to pitch in and help with activities for the celebration of our 50th anniversary. Something as simple as your presence at our monthly meeting in itself is a contribution. Feel free to speak up and share any ideas, opinions, suggestions, and feedback you may have.

Mitch Factor

President, CCT

I attended the fi rst SW Region NCCC Governor’s meeting 3-18-07 in Ft Worth.

One of the things discussed was the 2008 NCCC rule book. It is in the process of being updated and one of the items in discussion was “How do you feel about passengers in a car driven by a novice at an NCCC event?” This is something CCT is familiar with and now is the time to voice yourself. Contact Bob Pattillo at [email protected] and let him know what you think. The 2008 NCCC rule book will be on line next year.

Ron Ruston co-chair of the 2008 NCCC Convention presented a preliminary budget for the convention. He urged all clubs (that includes CCT) to send him their proposed cost for the party they would be hosting so they can begin to fi ne tune their budget.

ANYONE INTERESTED, there will be a driving school held Friday April 20th at Hallett Tulsa Raceway Park play day sponsored by CCO Club. (Flyer is in this month’s newsletter.)

Joann Powdrill

Governor CCT


Page 4: Volume 59 Issue 4 - Apr 2007Newsletter Joe Wagner 817-282-1355 Photographer Charles Whitaker 972-239-0485 whitaker@fl Raffl e Paulette Wagner 817-282-1355


The Corvetter April 2007




Mitch Factor brought the meeting to order at 7:40 PM, March 16, 2007. The treasurer, Carol Factor, gave the treasurer’s report.

The secretary read the minutes from the March board meeting and they were approved. The February membership minutes were approved as printed in the newsletter.

JoAnn gave the NCCC report and said she had received the 6 tickets from NCCC for the new Corvette to be given away at NCCC convention this summer. It was decided to raffl e off three of the tickets this month and three in May because several people will be attending the Boerne trip during the April meeting night. This way more people would be eligible to win the raffl e tickets. The president, vice president and treasurer will be attending the Boerne trip, but the chairman of the board would conduct the April meeting. The NCCC Corvette will be given away on June 22 during NCCC convention.

JoAnn reported the Southwest Region NCCC banquet will be held this Saturday and proposed we give them a door prize from our club of one entry to our upcoming autocross in October, the same as we did last year. Everyone agreed.

Patti Bertwell, the Activities Director, reported the upcoming activities and thanked everyone for a good turnout for the February activities. She said the hotel reservations for the Boerne trip need to be made before the deadline printed in the newsletter and emails sent out for the trip.

Ken Bradley passed out a sign-up sheet and scheduled events for the Fourth of July Angel Fire Trip and tried to show a DVD from the 2005 trip but Friendly’s DVD player was broken. Will bring our own DVD player next month. The scheduled events sheet will be in the April newsletter. Anyone desiring to attend should send Ken an email so we can send you all the information, including the departure date, time and place.

Discussed putting together a 50th anniversary committee with sub-committees for each celebration at National Council of Corvette Clubs (NCCC) Convention (June 28-July 4, 2008); National Corvette Museum (NCM); and CCT in Dallas. Mitch asked Dennis Bertwell to propose three committees for the 50th anniversary celebrations.

Mary welcomed the three new members, who joined since last month, were all present tonight.

Paulette conducted the raffl e and the winners were as follows: Joe Carrion won the NCCC raffl e ticket; Gail Carrion won the second NCCC raffl e ticket; Pattie Bertwell won the third NCCC raffl e ticket; Charles Whitaker won a Z06 poster; Annette Marsh won a wine guide book and chocolate fudge; JoAnn won “Cards by Paula” and a plant holder; Carol Factor won “Cards by Paula” and a plant holder.

Everyone was invited to proceed to Pappa’s Barbecue on Northwest Highway for our after-club dinner.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeanette Bradley, Secretary

Page 5: Volume 59 Issue 4 - Apr 2007Newsletter Joe Wagner 817-282-1355 Photographer Charles Whitaker 972-239-0485 whitaker@fl Raffl e Paulette Wagner 817-282-1355


The Corvetter April 2007


How would you like to have a 2007 Corvette for only $1.00????

It could happen to you!!

Come to the CCT meetings on: 3-16-07 and 5-18-07 buy a raffl e ticket for $1.00 (of course the more tickets you buy the better your chances to win) then on June 22 2007 the lucky ticket will be drawn at the NCCC Convention in Nashville.

Someone will win. Why not you?

We hope everyone can join us for our caravan to Lake Texoma on Saturday April 7th as we “Cruise for Catfi sh.” See the fl yer in this newsletter for all the details. We will meet in Denton and then take the hour drive to dinner. We should be heading home right about sunset, so weather permitting, it should be a great springtime evening cruise.

We have 7 cars signed up to go on our “Wildfl owers & Wild Cars” weekend on Friday, April 20th through Sunday, April 22nd, to Boerne, Texas. See the fl yer for details. This should be a really fun weekend and a great opportunity to see some beautiful wildfl owers on the trip down and then some great Corvettes at the car show.

You can fi nd out about the Car Show and available lodging by visiting

Please plan on attending these events if you can! It is a great way to get to know your Fellow Corvetters from CCT!

Patti Bertwell

Activities Chairperson


Saturday April 7 Crusin’ for Catfi sh. Lake Texoma OK

Friday, April 20 - Sunday April 22 Corvette Car show in Boerne, Texas - Event Leaders: Mitch & Carol Factor


Saturday, May 19 Drive & Eat: Denton Horse Country driving tour, lunch (TBD), and TMS Lone Star Corvette Show (“Horses and Horsepower”)


Saturday, June 9 “Duck tour” on Lake Grapevine (dinner boat cruise)

Saturday, June 16th – North Richland Hills Car Show (Meet & Eat)


Friday, June 29 - Friday, July 6 Angel Fire Trip

Wednesday, July 4 Ft. Worth Parade


Saturday, August 11 Trip to Oklahoma Indian Casino


Saturday, September 8 Brazos River Corvette Club Show in Granbury


Autocross weekend Oct. 6-7


Event - TBA


CCT Christmas party Dec 15

Christmas Light Tour Date TBA

Page 6: Volume 59 Issue 4 - Apr 2007Newsletter Joe Wagner 817-282-1355 Photographer Charles Whitaker 972-239-0485 whitaker@fl Raffl e Paulette Wagner 817-282-1355


The Corvetter April 2007Upcoming Event fl yers:

Cruisin’ for Catfi shCCT “Drive and Eat” Event

When: Saturday, April 7, 2007

Time: 3:00 PM

Where: Racetrac Convenience Store and Gas StationHwy 377 and I-35E (Just North of I-35E on Hwy 377)

Denton, Texas

Join your CCT friends for a one hour Corvette cruise to Lake Texoma where we will cross into Oklahoma for seafood at the famous Catfi sh Platter Restaurant. After dinner, we will top off the evening drive on the way back to Denton with a stop for ice cream.

If you plan to join us for this CCT “Drive and Eat” Event, please RSVP Patti Bertwell at [email protected] by April 4th.

Page 7: Volume 59 Issue 4 - Apr 2007Newsletter Joe Wagner 817-282-1355 Photographer Charles Whitaker 972-239-0485 whitaker@fl Raffl e Paulette Wagner 817-282-1355


The Corvetter April 2007Upcoming Event fl yers:

“Wildfl owers & Wild Cars” Weekend

When: Friday, April 20 – Sunday, April 22, 2007Time of Departure: Friday, 8:30 AM (Departure Location TBA)Event Leaders: Mitch and Carol Factor

Come join fellow CCT members as we caravan to Boerne, Texas for a weekend of fun, fl owers and cars. We will leave Friday morning and travel through Texas Hill Country with planned stops as we make our way to Boerne. Once there, the evening plans for Friday night include a “50’s Sock Hop with a live band and dinner” sponsored by the San Antonio Corvette Club. Saturday’s events include a Corvette Car show in downtown Boerne, shopping and a planned dinner event. On Sunday, we will travel through one of Hill Country’s most beautiful scenic drives as we make our way back to the DFW area.

A block of rooms has been held at a special rate through March 21th. If you plan to go, you must call the Holiday Inn Express at 830-429-8800 to reserve a room under the special CCT block of rooms.

If you are planning to attend the event, and have made your room reservations by March 21st, please RSVP to Carol Factor at [email protected] by April 13, 2007.

Page 8: Volume 59 Issue 4 - Apr 2007Newsletter Joe Wagner 817-282-1355 Photographer Charles Whitaker 972-239-0485 whitaker@fl Raffl e Paulette Wagner 817-282-1355


The Corvetter April 2007Upcoming Event fl yers:

CCT TRIP TOANGEL FIRE, NEW MEXICOFriday, June 29 to July 5, 2007

Mark your calendars for a fun-fi lled week in the mountains!!

Leaving Friday, June 29, 7:00 AM, driving all day and arriving Angel Fire approximately 7:00 PM.

Activities Planned: (Refer to Corvette Club of Texas when calling to make reservations)

Saturday, June 30 – Breakfast with the Bradley’s & wash cars, then

Taos Arts and Crafts Fair, shopping, art galleries, museums, Taos Pueblo

Sunday, July 1 - Pancake breakfast in Angel Fire

Whitewater Rafting--$50/person - Phone #800-359-2627– date July 1st

Monday, July 2 - Tour Alpaca Ranch and winery

July 2nd 4:00 PM -Horseback riding and cowboy cookout in the mountains— $100/person Phone # 505-377-6416

Tuesday, July 3 - Scenic trip on Cumbres & Toltec Railroad from Antonito to Chama, Colorado--$76/person – phone #888-286-2737

Rio Grande Gorge after train ride

Wednesday, July 4th parades in Red River and Eagle Nest with Fireworks at night over Eagle Nest Lake.

Lunch - Fireman’s Barbeque in Eagle Nest

Dinner – Texas Red’s Steakhouse

Tour Vietnam Memorial between lunch and dinner or free time to shop

Hotel – Elkhorn Lodge-- $89 – Double occupancy – phone #505-377-2811 – arrive Angel Fire – June 29

Some people are leaving on the 5th and going back thru Santa Fe and Albuquerque and seeing some of the sights in these two scenic towns.

For those wishing to stay another day we could go to Cimarron and tour the St James Hotel, Philmont Scout Ranch and ride to the top of the ski lift in Angel Fire.

Also, a drawing will be held for two free rooms at our house in Angel Fire for anyone desiring to take advantage of this. The drawing will take place at the June club meeting. The only drawback is you have to share the bath with the other couple. Make your hotel reservation, but if you win the drawing, the hotel can be cancelled without a problem.

Please let us know if you plan to attend this trip, email to Ken or Jeanette Bradley [email protected] or phone 214-348-0775

Page 9: Volume 59 Issue 4 - Apr 2007Newsletter Joe Wagner 817-282-1355 Photographer Charles Whitaker 972-239-0485 whitaker@fl Raffl e Paulette Wagner 817-282-1355


The Corvetter April 2007New Corvette Club of Texas MembersThe Corvette Club of Texas wished three new members to our club at the March 2007 meeting. They are Mark Howton who owns a 2001 black Z06 and a 2007 black Z06, Jim Hendricks who owns a 1964 red coupe, and Sonji Killyon who owns a 1998 red coupe. We wish them to the club and hope that they will participate in our many exciting adventures during 2007.

New Members Mark Howton, Jim Hendricks, & Sonji Killyon

Some after meeting pictures at Pappas BBQPhotos by Charles Whitaker

Photo and article by Charles Whitaker

Page 10: Volume 59 Issue 4 - Apr 2007Newsletter Joe Wagner 817-282-1355 Photographer Charles Whitaker 972-239-0485 whitaker@fl Raffl e Paulette Wagner 817-282-1355


The Corvetter April 2007NCM News and InformationMilford Proving Grounds – Performance Tour Registration Opens

Registration is now open for the long awaited Performance Tour II that will take participants inside the one and only Milford Proving Grounds! September 7-8, 60 participants will experience a rare opportunity to visit:

• The Performance Build Center in Wixom

• The Milford Proving Ground in Milford

• The GM Heritage Center in Sterling Heights

• The GM Tech Center in Warren

• Pratt & Miller Engineering in New Hudson

This two-day Performance Tour II will offer a once in a lifetime experience that won’t be matched. This unique event will benefi t our Building Campaign and is limited to no more than 30 cars (60 people). This event is open to NCM Members only until April 1 and all remaining slots will then be available to the public. A signifi cant portion, still to be determined, will be tax deductible to the extent law permits. Participants will also receive exclusive Performance Tour II merchandise, photo opportunities and much more. Find out more and reserve your spot by visiting our website at: See more about our exciting Building Campaign Plans at:

“Executive Director’s Corner” Now Open

Words from our Director: As Executive Director of the National Corvette Museum, I am thankful for the friendships that America’s Sportscar - the Corvette creates.

Many times I don’t have the opportunity to share thoughts and conversation with our supporters and visitors, so we have created a special section on our website called “Wendell’s Corner”. I look forward to communicating with you and sharing more about the Museum and our mission with you. From time-to-time we may ask your opinion on issues that we have and hope that you will respond with your thoughts concerning them. We want to be continually improving and always moving toward fulfi lling the Mission of the Museum. I look forward to hearing from you!

Corvette Racing’s Beretta and O’Connell Bring Street Smarts to St. Petersburg Street Race As a lifelong resident of Monaco, Corvette Racing’s Olivier Beretta knows a little something about street races. A glittering jewel in the international racing scene, the Monaco Grand Prix has sent powerful open-wheel machines racing through Beretta’s neighborhood since 1929.

On March 31, Beretta raced on another bayside street circuit when the American Le Mans Series staged the inaugural Acura Sports Car Challenge in St. Petersburg, Fla. “There is always a special atmosphere when you race in a city because you are closer to the fans,” said Beretta, who scored his record-setting 29th career ALMS victory in the Mobil 1 Twelve Hours of Sebring on March 17. “I grew up in a town with a very famous Grand Prix, and I have driven in many street races - from Pau, France to Trois-Rivieres in Quebec and last year in Houston, Texas. It’s always nice to discover a new track, so I am looking forward to my fi rst race in St. Petersburg.” Beretta and his teammate Oliver Gavin are aiming for their third straight GT1 championship with Corvette Racing. The Acura Sports Car Challenge of St. Petersburg, the second round of the 12-race 2007 American Le Mans Series, is scheduled to start at 5 p.m. ET on Saturday, March 31. The two-hour, 45-minute race will be televised in a same-day broadcast on SPEED from 8 to 11 p.m. ET. Find out more and view the complete release here:

More of what is New in the Corvette Store

More new items for men and women are rolling in and it is the right time to shop for spring and summer!

This C5 sleeveless polo for ladies is stylish and attractive and made from a moisture-wicking DRYTEC™ fabric that keeps you cool and fresh, while a touch of spandex gives you a better fi t and shape retention. It features an embroidered C5 Corvette emblem.

Shop online in our “new item” section at: or call us at: (800) 53-VETTE.

Page 11: Volume 59 Issue 4 - Apr 2007Newsletter Joe Wagner 817-282-1355 Photographer Charles Whitaker 972-239-0485 whitaker@fl Raffl e Paulette Wagner 817-282-1355


The Corvetter April 2007Not So Corvette News by Paulette Wagner

April 2007Those of us who love Corvettes often have other dream cars that we own, have owned or want to own. Many of us like to get involved with activities featuring automobiles of various makes or enjoy reading about other car enthusiasts and their cars.

Eagles Canyon Raceway Update

There are lots of people interested in this new track! The offi cial website reports, “I have to say that the interest level has been unprecedented with over 360,000 hits on our web site in just November and December of last year. We have had many famous professionals who have both visited and driven the track already. We value their input as well as the many visitors who frequently pass by to see the progress.” The offi cial opening should be May 1, 2007.

Catfi sh, anyone?

Recently we had a “Drive and Eat” to Waxahachie that included a visit to the famous ‘haunted’ catfi sh restaurant. The place is for sale! The Star-Telegram ad reads, “Famous catfi sh Plantation Restaurant in Waxahachie, business & real estate for $495K 972-467-4368”

Chrysler Mopar Enthusiasts

The COWTOWN MOPAR PERFORMANCE TEAM welcomes owners and enthusiasts of ALL CHRYSLER built/powered vehicles and ALL AMERICAN MOTORS built/powered vehicles, including cars, trucks and SUVs. You can contact them at P.O. Box 162413, Fort Worth, TX76161-2413 or email the president, Mark Buchanan at [email protected] They get together at Billy Bob’s in the Stockyards every third Sunday at 5pm.

Driving School at the Nurburgring

Signup has begun for the annual driving school at the famous Nurburgring, scheduled for August 6 through 8 by BMW Car Club of America. There are 75 spaces available with the cost being $3000 plus airfare. The information can be found at

A closer Driving School

The Lone Star Chapter of BMW CCA is sponsoring the First 2007 Lone Star Chapter Driver’s Education Weekend at the Motorsport Ranch in Cresson. The event, April 28 and 29, is open to all drivers and all makes of cars. It is not a “BMW only” event. This is not a racing school but rather a safe, high

speed driving school, conducted on a race track under close supervision by experienced instructors. All registration will be handled online. For info go to

Looking to buy memorabilia or, at least, see some treasures?

RM Auctions--The Ponder Collection

RM will offer more than 60 cars (including a 1957 Corvette) and 1,000 lots of memorabilia (200 pieces of art, pumps, models, 50 pedal cars, 200 advertising signs, tin toys and more) without reserve. The sale will be held on the estate of Mr. Ponder--who is alive and well, thank you very much. $80 for the catalog which admits two people. (519) 352-4575. Event Type: Auction. Friday, April 20, 2007 – Saturday, April 21, 2007. Marshall, Tex. For more info visit

RM Auctions--The Ponder Collection

South RM will offer more than 60 cars and 1,000 lots of memorabilia without reserve. The sale will be held on the estate of Mr. Ponder--who is alive and well, thank you very much. $80. (519) 352-4575. Event Type: Auction. Friday, April 20, 2007 – Saturday, April 21, 2007. Marshall, Tex. (Between Longview and Bossier City) For more info visit

Worldwide Group Houston Classic Auction

South The twelfth annual concours and auction at the Lakewood Yacht Club features vintage autos and watercraft. Consignments for the sale include selections from the C1 Corvette Collection (three of them), Bob Norwood Collection, and the Boyd Moore Collection. (866) 273-6394. Event Type: Auction. Saturday, May 5, 2007. Seabrook, Tex. For more info visit

Keels and Wheels Concours d’Elegance

Held in conjunction with the Worldwide Group’s auction, this event at the Lakewood Yacht Club will have 200 vintage autos and almost 100 wooden boats on display. This year’s honored marques are Ferrari and Riva. $25. (713) 521-0105. Event Type: Specialty Show. Saturday, May 5, 2007 – Sunday, May 6, 2007. Seabrook, Tex. For more info visit

General Admission to Concours: Advance Discounted Tickets: $17/person or $20 at the gate

General Admission to Auction: By Catalog: $50

Page 12: Volume 59 Issue 4 - Apr 2007Newsletter Joe Wagner 817-282-1355 Photographer Charles Whitaker 972-239-0485 whitaker@fl Raffl e Paulette Wagner 817-282-1355


The Corvetter April 2007by




by P


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by Jo

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by Jo

e W



Possum Kingdom Parade Event

A caravan of Corvettes is an impressive sight!

Our lunch stop in Cool TX We pretty much take over the parking lot...

by Jo

e W



by Jo

e W



Tribute to Roy and Dale, just a part of the down home decor.

Restrooms? Out back... Actually they were better than they look.

We pretty much take over the inside too! The restaurant was quite small, but the food was very good.

Page 13: Volume 59 Issue 4 - Apr 2007Newsletter Joe Wagner 817-282-1355 Photographer Charles Whitaker 972-239-0485 whitaker@fl Raffl e Paulette Wagner 817-282-1355


The Corvetter April 2007The Parade

Lined up for the start. Cold, but no rain like the last two years. Some get into the spirit more than others...

The one “pretty” part of the parade. Still its a shame that a Corvette has to poke along 183 mph slower than it could be going. Talk about a quick, but thrilling, parade!

The parade Queen. (The King looked normal in comparison).

Some of the parade goers are pretty cool, others -- well I’ve covered that elsewhere.

Most of the parade route looked like this.

by Jo

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by Jo

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by Jo

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by Jo

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by Jo

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by P


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Page 14: Volume 59 Issue 4 - Apr 2007Newsletter Joe Wagner 817-282-1355 Photographer Charles Whitaker 972-239-0485 whitaker@fl Raffl e Paulette Wagner 817-282-1355


The Corvetter April 2007

2007 Event CalendarBefore attending any event listed in this calendar please double check with the organizers for any last minute changes. CCT is not responsible for the accuracy of any listing except of CCT organized events. For NCCC events

April 1/15 Show (every 1st

& 3rd Sunday)Hot Rods & Hoggs Car Show Cruiser’s location at 2750 Preston Rd @ Hwy 121

across from the Stonebriar Center in Frisco

6-7 Swap La Grave Field Swap Meet For more info visit

7 Cruise CCT Cruisin’ for Catfi sh See fl yer on page 6

7 Cruise (every 1st Saturday)

Extreme Corvettes Cruise Night 5 – 9 PM Ezs Brick Oven, NW corner 190 & Coit, Plano see for more info

7 Cruise (every 1st Saturday)

North Texas Mustang Club Cruise 5:00 – 8:30 PM

Cracker Barrel, 35E @ Fox Avenue Exit, 889 South Stemmons Freeway, West Side Frontage Rd, Lewisville

7 Show (every 1st Saturday)

Hooter’s Car Show 1711 Cross Roads Dr. Grapevine. Call Roger 214-908-2924 for info

8/27 Show (every 2nd Sunday & 4th Friday)

Cruisers Club of Cedar Hill Car Show Cruiser’s location at 2750 Preston Rd @ Hwy 121 across from the Stonebriar Center in Frisco

14 Show (every 2nd Saturday)

The Camaro and Firebird Car Club registration 5-7 PM, awards 8:30PM

Chuck’s Lewisville location, 2267 I-35, north of Vista Ridge Mall, $10 entry fee

16 Meeting CCT Board Meeting Friendly Chevrolet

20 Meeting CCT Membership Meeting Friendly Chevrolet

20-22 Show Corvette Car show in Boerne, Texas See fl yer on page 7

21 Deadline Last day to submit articles and pictures to next month’s Newsletter

Send to [email protected]

21 Show Texas Corvette Association’s 15th Annual Open Car Show

San Antonio.

21 Drive/Show (every 3rd Saturday)

Christian Classic Cruisers car show. (Mar. - Oct.)

Birdville ISD Athletic facility located at the corner of Mid-Cities Blvd. and Precinct Line Rd

21 Show 21st Annual Cowtown Mopars Performance Team Roundup and Car Coral

Huffi nes Chrysler-Jeep-Dodge I35E at Bus 121 Lewisville, Tx

21-22 Drag -Autocross CCO - Tulsa, OK

26-28 Gathering C5/C6 Bash National Corvette Museum

26-29 Swap 35th Annual Pate Swap Meet Texas Motor Speedway Fort Worth, Tx

29 Show Texas Muscle Car Club Challenge Rusk Cherokee County Motor Sports Park

Rusk, TX

May 3-5 Gathering ZR-1/C4 Gathering National Corvette Museum

4-5 Meeting National Governor’s Meeting St Louis, MO

12 Charity Laps for Charity TMS

18-20 Show Lonestar Classic TMS

19 Show Denton Horse Country driving tour, lunch (TBD), and TMS Lone Star Corvette Show (“Horses and Horsepower”)

info TBA

19-20 TBD CTCC/MCCC - Waco, TX

24-26 Gathering Corvette Forum Cruise-In National Corvette Museum

25-27 Drag -Autocross 6 LS, MTD, RD, 2 ET OCCC/CCOC - Oklahoma City, OK

Page 15: Volume 59 Issue 4 - Apr 2007Newsletter Joe Wagner 817-282-1355 Photographer Charles Whitaker 972-239-0485 whitaker@fl Raffl e Paulette Wagner 817-282-1355


The Corvetter April 2007June 8-10 Show Branson’s 6th Annual Corvette Weekend Branson MO

9 Cruise “Duck Tour” on Lake Grapevine (Dinner Boat)

info TBA

16 Cruise North Richland Hills Car Show (Meet & Eat)

info TBA

16 - 23 Convention NCCC Annual Convention and National Governor’s Meeting

Nashville, TN

17 Show 3rd Coast Customs Car Show Dallas Convention Center

18-30 Cruise Mediterranean/Europe Cruise Sponsored by National Corvette Museum

June 29/July 6

Cruise Angel Fire Trip info TBA

July June 29/July 6

Cruise Angel Fire Trip info TBA

4 Parade Fort Worth Parade info TBA

7-8 Autocross 10 LS LCC/MTCC - Belton, TX

20-22 Autocross 11 LS CCOC\SCCC OK City, OK

August11 Cruise Trip to Oklahoma Indian Casino info TBA

30- Sep 2 Gathering Anniversary Celebration/ Hall of Fame National Corvette Museum

September1-2 TBD Tejas/THT (RFR) - Mineral Wells, TX

7-8 Meeting National Governor’s Meeting St Louis, MO

8 Cruise Brazos River Corvette Club Show in Granbury

info TBA

22-23 Autocross 7 Events Cowtown Vettes - Location TBD

27-29 Gathering Pace Car Reunion National Corvette Museum

October6-7 Autocross CCT Annual Roundup Autocross CCT - Sherman, TX

11-13 Gathering Classic Corvette Extravaganza National Corvette Museum

20 Autocross PC, Fun LCC - Georgetown, TX

25-27 Gathering Z06 Fest National Corvette Museum

November 9-10 Meeting National Governor’s Meeting St Louis, MO

TBA Cruise Event TBD info TBA

December 15 Party CCT Christmas Party (Date rescheduled) Fort Worth, TX. (Texas Motor Speedway)

TBA Cruise Christmas Light Tour info TBA

Page 16: Volume 59 Issue 4 - Apr 2007Newsletter Joe Wagner 817-282-1355 Photographer Charles Whitaker 972-239-0485 whitaker@fl Raffl e Paulette Wagner 817-282-1355


The Corvetter April 2007

Preparing Your Car for SaleBy Jim Pyatt

”Get the best price when selling your car.” You may be asking yourself, why would a detailer write about selling your car? Well, it’s simple. About 20% of my customers are selling their cars. I want to share with you the same knowledge I have been passing on to my customers for years.

Most people don’t take the time to prepare to sell their vehicle. They simply trade in their car. The dealer loves to hear, “Can I trade in my car?” It’s money in the bank: the dealer will check the wholesale blue book, and then eagerly deduct for every item that needs fi xing. The following is a normal scenario to illustrate just what you are losing. This is what they don’t want you to know! For this example, I will not add for upgrades; I will just start with a basic model in good condition.

Trade: 2002 Ford Expedition, $9,155.00

minus $200.00 (deduction for dings)

minus $350.00 (deduction for chipped or cracked windshield)

minus $200.00 (safety check)

minus $400.00 (paint bumpers)

minus $250.00 (detail)

minus $1,000.00 (dealers buy cars for about 10% under wholesale)

Dealer offer: $6,755.00. If the truck needs tires, they would deduct that too.

Sell yourself: Private Party Price: $11,750.00

Retail Price: $15,370.00

Do the math! The dealer sure did; he just made $8,615.00. Now you see why they love a trade-in. They sometimes make you feel better by offering you a better price for your trade-in, but they hold fi rm on the sticker price of the new vehicle. The bottom line is they always win on your trade.

Selling your car is about getting the very best price. This involves fi rst researching what the maximum achievable price is. Look online at

Auto Trader or similar web sites; I like Craiglist because it’s free. Also check your local newspaper. Then work toward that fi gure. Yes, speculate to accumulate! And that’s not just a fi nancial thing. Putting in a bit of time and effort now will bring you the fi nancial reward. Ensuring that your vehicle is in the very best condition is your top priority. Please, when selling your car, don’t give your buyer the negotiating leverage because

you left scuffs, dings, or scratches. These are all simple fi xes, which pay for themselves.

OK, let’s have a peek at the expert’s technique

The best tip when selling your car is to take a good hard look at the used-car dealer’s methods. You know the secondhand (or preowned!) dealers. I have been working with used-car dealers for over 8 years; I will share with you their techniques in order to get the best price for your car.

By spending some money now, you will double that fi gure when you get your sale. And just as importantly, you will have the benefi t of an easy sale. You want to achieve a certain look to your car. Trying to achieve an almost-new appearance to a car you’ve been using is going to take a bit of effort. But it’s well worth it. The very fi rst person to view your vehicle may be so excited as to say, “That’s my car!”

You want the potential buyer not only enthusiastic but also in fact frightened at the possibility of loosing out to someone else! And that’s achieved by coming close to fulfi lling what your buyer really, deep down, wants: a new car! When you bear this in mind, selling your car becomes a whole lot easier. If your prospective purchaser looks on the vehicle as something really desirable and as satisfying his or her dream, this potential buyer will not want to risk the next person “owning” his or her car. Fear of loss is greater than the desire for gain!

Preowned does not mean that anyone wants to see any signs of your ownership, so making sure the inside of your car sparkles and smells fresh really is a priority. Getting a professional clean look is the best option if you want the maximum price for your car. This doesn’t mean you have to hire a professional; you can easily detail it yourself and save. Remember, many dealers simply purchase a car, clean it, and sell it for a quick and simple profi t. And how many of us just don’t even bother to clean the vehicle? To get a quick sale when selling your car, a clean polished fi nish is essential. When detailing, it’s also very important to look for areas that are an eyesore, like the wheel wells and the rear tail pipes. These areas usually look rusted and stand out badly. Simply

remove the wheels and paint the wheel wells. If you have an SUV, you should also paint any part of the frame that is visible. If the muffl ers show from the back, paint them silver.

Page 17: Volume 59 Issue 4 - Apr 2007Newsletter Joe Wagner 817-282-1355 Photographer Charles Whitaker 972-239-0485 whitaker@fl Raffl e Paulette Wagner 817-282-1355


The Corvetter April 2007Funny enough, you should never clean the engine compartment on a secondhand car just before selling. Your purchaser might think you’re hiding an oil leak! If you want to give it a cleaning, do it a few weeks before. A little dust will be OK, but heavy grease or oil will surly foil the sale.

Things you should consider. You know I talk a lot about evaluating your car, so let’s do just that, taking into consideration that you have detailed every part of your vehicle. What eyesores are left? Do you see dings? If so, call your local ding master, fi nding him in the local phone book under auto body repair. Do the bumpers have gouges or paint missing? If so, call a mobile paint touch-up painter. How are the tires? Lastly, how’s the windshield? If it’s all chipped up, have it replaced. All these services can be done at home or work by mobile technicians. These are the areas that the used-car dealer always fi xes up. Remember, if you don’t do the work fi rst, your purchaser could be making the profi t on your sale! I do just that, if I spot a diamond in the rough, parked along the road. I will buy it and simply perform these simple tasks and fl ip it for a very nice profi t. You may have seen the new show Flip This House It’s the same principle: clean, improve the overall appearance, and--boom!--sell for profi t.


Draft your advertisements listing all the benefi ts. For example, if you have its full service history, use that in your sales approach. After all, you’ve paid enough for the servicing, haven’t you? Include any desirable extras you purchased for the vehicle, but not those items your purchaser would expect to be getting anyway.

Write three different versions and discard the two you like least. The technique will give you fresh new ideas. Again, have a good look at trade magazines for similar vehicles. Yes, it’s a bit more effort and time, but you will be the one wearing a smile when the phone starts ringing after the ad is published. You did include your telephone number, didn’t you?

A picture is worth a thousand words. Now take out one of the most effective auto-sales tools you own--your camera. Correctly present your car when selling it, and you’d wish you had ten of them. The photos you take will appeal to someone’s dreams and emotions. Get this right, and they’ll be beating a path to your door. Don’t just take a quick snap in the parking lot at the local supermarket or somewhere that looks like a scrap yard. Choose a dream setting, a national-trust house, or a quaint country hotel. It’s not just about money, it’s also about the lifestyle that the purchase represents.

Only a person in search of the most exciting adrenaline-fi lled life will want to take such photos on a total stranger’s private property! What! I would never condone that sort of behavior! I remember parking in front of an exclusive estate for a photo; that car sold in one day. I’m not telling anyone to follow my lead, but it worked. Choose a nice bright sunny day for your pictures and wait until the sun is low for the most fl attering light. Avoid harsh midday shadows. Morning or evening is the very best time. You want your vehicle to leap off the page on publication. Tip: hold your camera no more than a foot off the ground. Try this any time when using a camera. It’s very easy nowadays with digital cameras, as you won’t have to lie on the fl oor, attracting interested glances from passersby. Another worthwhile technique is to get down low and get some great

refl ection shots of the freshly waxed paint. Get several internal shots of your vehicle. Even if your ad space is for only one picture, you can e-mail several good shots to your prospective buyer. The digital camera is a really great tool; you might as well make good use of it.

Just looking at the ads on eBay inserted by professional car dealers will give you a few tips. Following the ads until the auctions are completed is a great lesson on how to attain the best price. You won’t believe the number of people who do not include even one photo. There’s no advantage in saving a few pennies if you have to do the whole thing over. Yes, these dealers work hard to achieve the best prices. Use their techniques when selling your car. You just read the word “auctions,” didn’t you? It’s certainly a great place to pick up a bargain. So, in the same way, at an auction you’re not likely to get the best price when selling your car.

Holiday times, like Christmas and New Year’s, can be slow. The favorite time to buy property is also a great time to sell your car. I like to sell at the fi rst sign of spring through fall. It’s much easier to keep the car clean and ready to show the potential buyer. I know my spirits are much higher when the weather is inviting. During the winter I would much rather sit by the fi re, than going shopping for a car.


It’s a sad fact that you have to think about fraud when selling your car. Thieves have been targeting car sales for years because they know they are easy pickings. Unfortunately this has the effect of making us trade in our cars at the dealer’s because we feel safe, even though we know the car is worth more. A quick glance at (Kelly Blue Book) will inform you of the true value. It’s a shame, because most folks are honorable and trustworthy. But you just can’t risk a forged banker’s draft or forged bank notes, can you?

Here’s a tip: Potential buyer calls you on the phone. He lives in another state, but he really wants the car. Now, selling to someone who would be shipping the car is a bit worrying. You wouldn’t want to be in a position where something went wrong after the sale. There would be nothing you could do to recover your property. The solution is simple. Tell the buyer to travel to your site, and if the buyer is happy with the vehicle, you will both go to the bank together. It’s great, because everyone knows where he or she stands. Simply make a time to do the deal. Be sure to leave plenty of time to get to the bank. And don’t complete the deal if you can’t get to the bank before closing. It would be very unlikely for you to be paid with funny money by the bank.

It’s very important to keep your vehicle in pristine condition after detailing and make sure it stays that way when the advertisement is published.

It’s always a good idea to have a friendly face around when you are showing someone your car. No, not a bouncer, but it just makes everything feel a little safer. And if your buyer wants a test drive, give him or her the keys after you and your friend are already in the vehicle. If in any doubt, you drive.

Some 99.9% of us will go through life never coming up against this sort of problem, and I feel bad even writing advice on it. But being sensible and streetwise is no different from paying for an insurance policy, is it?

Good luck with your sale, and enjoy the extra cash you’ve made!

Page 18: Volume 59 Issue 4 - Apr 2007Newsletter Joe Wagner 817-282-1355 Photographer Charles Whitaker 972-239-0485 whitaker@fl Raffl e Paulette Wagner 817-282-1355


The Corvetter April 2007


Oklahoma Thunder 2007 April 20th, 21st & 22nd

CCO wishes to invite you to Oklahoma Thunder 2007, April 20TH, 21st & 22nd, 2007. We will be racing at Hallett Motor Racing Circuit and Tulsa Raceway Park, site of the 1985 NCCC National Convention.

The Southwest Region has been selected to host the 2008 NCCC National Convention at the same locations. This could be your chance to get in some valuable track time prior to the convention.

At Hallett, we will be hosting a Play Day and High Speed Driving School, running lapping sessions on Friday, which is always sponsored by Credit World Auto Sales. On Saturday, we will be running two High Speed and one Low Speed event at Hallett. Gates open at 6:30 on both days, with drivers meeting at 8:30. Sunday, there will be two E.T. Drags and one Record Drag event at Tulsa Raceway Park. Gates will open at 8:00 with time trials starting as soon as track conditions permit. Time trial will end at 10:15 with the beginning of the drivers meeting for the racing events.

T Shirts will be available for purchase at the various event locations.

The Driving School is new for this year. We will offer classroom instruction as well as several lapping sessions with one-on-one instruction with some of the Southwest Region’s best teachers & drivers. When you successfully complete the school you will receive your High Speed Certification. If you’re already certified, and would like to attend the school, that will also be available.

Hallett Motor Racing Circuit is a 1.8, 10-turn Road Racing course, with varying grade elevation changes, located 35 miles west of Tulsa, Oklahoma, on the Cimarron Turnpike.

Tulsa Raceway Park is an IRHA approved drag strip that since 2003 has undergone total renovation including complete renovation of the strip and construction of a new 3000 sq.ft. Timing tower. It is located at 3101 N. Garnett Rd. in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

The host hotel will be the Baymont Inn located at 4530 E. Skelly Dr. in Tulsa. The Hotel is located at the SW Corner of I-44 and Yale Ave behind Don Pablo’s and Celebration Station. The phone number is 918-488-8777. Tell them you are with the "Corvette Club" for your special rate of $48.00 per night.

Due to trying to keep event costs down, the only awards that will be presented for the weekend will be the "Ivan Brown·-Turn 4" award, and the "E. H. Cauthen" award.

Be sure to come join us for a great weekend of racing. SEE YA’ll AT THE TRACK!! !!

Page 19: Volume 59 Issue 4 - Apr 2007Newsletter Joe Wagner 817-282-1355 Photographer Charles Whitaker 972-239-0485 whitaker@fl Raffl e Paulette Wagner 817-282-1355


The Corvetter April 2007


Preferred entrant # and class???

DRIVER #1________ CLASS________DRIVER #2_______CLASS_______

E-Mail Address:_________________________________


Make checks payable to Competition Corvettes of Oklahoma. No refunds after April 16, 2007. Send checks w/registration form to: Linda Lewis, 19005 East Pine, and Catoosa, OK 74015

Please refer all questions to: Dale Acker (event chairperson) @ 918-230-4939

DRIVER #1______________________ NCCC#___________________


PHONE____________________________ CLUB_______________________

DRIVER #2______________________ NCCC#___________________


PHONE____________________________ CLUB_______________________

EVENT Entered Early Reg Late Reg Total


Low Speed #1 $25 $35 =

High Speed #1 $35 $45 =

High Speed #2 $35 $45 =


ET Drag #1 $20 $30 =

ET Drag #2 $20 $30 =

Record Drag $15 $25 =

__________________ Total Amount Due

Page 20: Volume 59 Issue 4 - Apr 2007Newsletter Joe Wagner 817-282-1355 Photographer Charles Whitaker 972-239-0485 whitaker@fl Raffl e Paulette Wagner 817-282-1355


The Corvetter April 2007

ALL NCCC SAFETY RULES WILL APPLY!!!! Roll bars required for ALL convertibles.

PlaydayDate: April 20th, 2007 @ Hallett Motor Racing Circuit Cost: $125 for Early Registration (must be postmarked by April 12, 2007)Exhaust: OPEN Late Registration will be $150. No Refunds after April 16, 2007

Driving School$50 per Person (Pre Registration only)

(in Addition to the cost of the Play Day)

We are offering a 1 hr classroom introduction to racing and the track, followed by several 20-minute track sessions with one-on-one instruction from some of NCCC’s and the Southwest Region’s best teachers and drivers. You will have up to 2 hrs total of track time, so we will run several 20 minute training sessions.

After successfully completing the course you will receive your NCCC High Speed Certificate.

Note: If you currently have hour High Speed Certification but would like to participate in the school, or the one-on-one sessions, that will be available. At the same $50 per person cost.

Schedule: 6:30 Gates Open, Tech Inspections until 8:30 8:30 Classroom Instruction / Drivers Meeting 9:00 Open Practice – Multiple Cars on track, passing on straights ONLY 4:30 Track Closes Mail this form and payment to: John Sharp PO Box 206, Broken Arrow, OK 74013



Phone:________________________________ Car Class:_______________Car Color_______

(Note: the cost is per car, you can have as many drivers as you like!)

Play Day & High Speed Driving School @

Friday, April 20th, 2007Sponsored by:

Discount Auto Sales and Credit World Auto Sales (Non-Sanctioned Event)

Page 21: Volume 59 Issue 4 - Apr 2007Newsletter Joe Wagner 817-282-1355 Photographer Charles Whitaker 972-239-0485 whitaker@fl Raffl e Paulette Wagner 817-282-1355


The Corvetter April 2007 13.2 NCCC OFFICIAL FLYER OUTLINE

SANCTION # SW-2007-44-45-46 TYPE OF EVENT: Record Drags and 2 ET Drags




DRIVERS MEETING TIME: 10:15 AM ENTRY FEE: $25.00 - $30.00




NAME: Dale Acker NAME: Doug Garrison

ADDRESS: _2811 E. 97th Place Apt_1602_________ ADDRESS: 11903 E. 121st St. North

____Tulsa, OK 74137________________________ Collinsville , OK 74021-2110__

PHONE #: 918-230-4939______________ PHONE #: 918-371-4924__________

*NOTE: In High Speed Events: 1.All roadsters must have roll bars as outlined under Section on Technical Inspection For High Speed. 2. Fire extinguisher (min.5 BC) required in all groups and classes. 3. It is highly recommended (required in Group III) that all competing cars be equipped with roll bars or roll cages. 4. All entrants must be high speed Certified and fire suits are required for Group III.

Directions to the Drag Strip:

The track is east of the Tulsa International Airport, North East of Downtown Tulsa.

East Tulsa, take Hwy 169 north from I-244 or I-44

You’ll pass the track on the right. Exit on NE 36th Street, and go back South on Garnett to the track.

Page 22: Volume 59 Issue 4 - Apr 2007Newsletter Joe Wagner 817-282-1355 Photographer Charles Whitaker 972-239-0485 whitaker@fl Raffl e Paulette Wagner 817-282-1355


The Corvetter April 2007 13.2 NCCC OFFICIAL FLYER OUTLINE

SANCTION # SW-2007-49,48,47 TYPE OF EVENT: I LS & 2 HS Autocross




DRIVERS MEETING TIME: 8:30 AM ENTRY FEE: $35.00 - $45.00




NAME: Dale Acker NAME: Doug Garrison

ADDRESS: _2811 E. 97th Place Apt. 1602_______________ ADDRESS: 11903 E 121st St. North

____Tulsa, OK 74137________________________ Collinsville , OK 74021-2110____

PHONE #: 918-230-4939______________ PHONE #: 918-371-4924______________

*NOTE: In High Speed Events: 1.All roadsters must have roll bars as outlined under Section on Technical Inspection For High Speed. 2. Fire extinguisher (min.5 BC) required in all groups and classes. 3. It is highly recommended (required in Group III) that all competing cars be equipped with roll bars or roll cages. 4. All entrants must be high speed Certified and fire suits are required for Group III.

Directions to Hallett Motor Racing Circuit:

The track is WEST of Tulsa on Hwy64, or the Cimarron Turnpike and the intersection of North HWY-99

If coming up from Oklahoma City, take Hwy99 north at Stroud, about half way up the turnpike between OKC and Tulsa

Page 23: Volume 59 Issue 4 - Apr 2007Newsletter Joe Wagner 817-282-1355 Photographer Charles Whitaker 972-239-0485 whitaker@fl Raffl e Paulette Wagner 817-282-1355


The Corvetter April 2007Tejas Vettes

National Council of Corvette Club

First Choice WeekendSeptember 1, 2007

Fast Times at Mineral Wells

Tejas Vettes will be hosting 7 events on Sept 1, 2007 in conjunction with the 7 event Regional Fundraiser, on Sept 2, 2007. Mark your calendars and plan to attend a fun fi lled weekend with 14 events on a great track. We will have hospitality, registration and tech Friday at the track. Saturday night hospitality will be at the hotel.

REGISTRATION: Friday, August 31 from 6:30pm to 9:30pm at the Mineral Wells track

Saturday, September 1 from 7:30 to 8:00 a.m. at the Mineral Wells track.

Pre-Registration will be accepted through August 20

Mail them to: Cheryl Surdick 2608 Ridgeview Sachse, Texas 75048.

Tech: Tech will be held at the same times as registration at the TRACK. You must be registered prior to receiving a tech sheet or being in the tech line.

Please try to make every effort to get teched at the TRACK on Friday night. Also leave your rigs at the track because parking at the hotel is limited.

Lodging: We have blocked 30 rooms for this event at the new Best Western Clubhouse Inn and Suite located at 4410 Hwy 180 East in Mineral Wells. The General Manager is Mr. Kiran Patel (if there are any questions) and the phone is 940-325-2270. As usual, notify them that you are with the Tejas Corvette group for the best rate, which is 1 or 2 Bed $79.95.


Saturday: Judged Concours followed by 6 low speeds. Judging will begin at 8:30 a.m.

Autocross: We plan to use as much of the track as possible. Registration stops at 8:30am and the driver’s meeting will commence…the fi rst car out will be right after the parade lap.


Page 24: Volume 59 Issue 4 - Apr 2007Newsletter Joe Wagner 817-282-1355 Photographer Charles Whitaker 972-239-0485 whitaker@fl Raffl e Paulette Wagner 817-282-1355


The Corvetter April 2007

There will be periodic stops for the timers and workers but lunch is on your own and we will try and get you out as early as possible.

SANCTION # SW-163-071-072-073-074-075-076-077 TYPE OF EVENT: Concourse & Autocross I, II, III, IV, V, VI

DATE: September 1, 2007 CLUB: Tejas Vettes, Inc

REGISTRATION – OPENS: 7:30 a.m. REGION: Southwest- CLOSES: 8:00 a.m. ENTRY FEE: $18.00



Concours after driver’s Meeting Mineral Wells, Texas

First Car Out after parade lap


Best Western


To Fort Worth

Page 25: Volume 59 Issue 4 - Apr 2007Newsletter Joe Wagner 817-282-1355 Photographer Charles Whitaker 972-239-0485 whitaker@fl Raffl e Paulette Wagner 817-282-1355


The Corvetter April 2007EVENT CHAIRPERSON:Concours: Autocross I: Autocross II: Autocross III:Steve & Cheryl Surdick Dean Lackey Neil Fox Eileen Fox2608 Ridgeview 5510 Buffalo Street 7750 El Pensador Dr 7750 El Pensador DrSachse, Texas 75048 Midlothian, Texas 76065 Dallas, Texas 75248 Dallas, Texas 75248(972) 675-1319 (972) 775-2220 (972) 458-0369 (972) 458-0369

Autocross IV: Autocross V: Autocross VI: GOVERNOR:Allen Malcom JR McLaughlin Brenda Lackey Brenda Lackey114 Industrial 1013 Forest Park 5510 Buffalo Street 5510 Buffalo StForney, Texas 75126 Lewisville, Texas 75057 Midlothian, Texas 76065 Midlothian, Tx 76065(972) 552-1700 (972) 436-8232 (972) 775-2220 (972) 775-2220


September 1, 2007Primary Registration (Please print or type)



City: State: Zip:Phone Number:Home: Work:Club Name: NCCC#: E-MAIL ADDRESS:

Secondary Registration (Please print or type)



City: State: Zip:Phone Number:Home: Work:Club Name: NCCC#: E-MAIL ADDRESS:






PACKAGE PRICE:EARLY REGISTRATION CUT-OFF IS AUGUST 20, 2007Early Registration Only – Autocross only package Concourse only package Concourse & Autocross package Late Registration


Make Checks Payable to: Tejas Vettes, Inc. TOTAL FEES:Mail Completed Form to: Cheryl Surdick

2608 Ridgeview Sachse, Texas 7504 Phone # 972-675-1319