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Volume 24 Issue 3 January 2016


UWFA President’s Message

Dear fellow UWFA Members,

I think we were all surprised to see just how wonderful this year’s Holiday Tea turned

out. Taken out of the usual environment of the President’s Residence we were not sure

what to expect at the Waterfront Activities Center. Tina Schiess, in her fifth year as

Holiday Tea Chair, and her Co-chair Evette Hackman, as well as Mary Albrecht,

Courtesy and House Chair, outdid themselves. With much planning and prior

visualizations they turned the rather austere hall into a festive venue that was full of

holiday atmosphere.

Of course, there were many more helpers who not only transformed the room, but who

also brought an

assortment of

delicious treats and

refreshments that

appealed to all our

senses. Thank you for

creating a new

Holiday memory for

of us all.

The Holiday Tea was

well attended and we

attribute this to our

members really

wanting to meet our

new UW President

Ana Mari Cauce and,

even more

importantly for us, our new Honorary President Prof. Susan

Joslyn. I introduced Susan and then, with a rare display of

emotion, Susan introduced her spouse Ana Mari. The President

treated us to a candid look at the University and told a captive

audience that the UW is the 4th most innovative university, the

others being MIT, Stanford, Harvard, and then UW. In that

illustrious group the UW is the only public university. We can

all be so proud to be affiliated and supportive of such a highly

thought of university.

Thanks also go to Carol Hol who passed the “silver” basket for a

collection for FIUTS, the Foundation for International

Understanding through Students From my last look into the

basket I think she did very well, which is gratifying to see

especially at this difficult time.

All in all it was a wonderful Holiday Tea, one we will not soon

forget. I thank everyone again, from the chairs and co-chairs, to

all who baked and cooked and helped decorate. This is your

event: YOU made the Holiday Tea a success.

Thank you,


Our special guest UW President Ani Mari Cauce

Dinner and a Movie Wednesday, January 13

Bringing Up Baby

One of the funniest movies ever made.

Director: Howard Hawks 1938

Starring: Katharine Hepburn and Cary


Susan Joslyn

New UWFA Website

Webmaster and UWFA member Peter

Schiess has been working with the UW

web design team to update our UWFA

website. It is a work in progress. We

hope to have it ready in a couple weeks.

When it is ready, members will receive

an email.

Upon its completion it will have some

very handy features and will be the one

stop shop for all things UWFA. For

example, from the calendar page, click

on the venue and you will be sent to

venue website, which in the case of the

UW Club is handy for making a

reservation and checking the menu. You

may also get a map of the location.

When you click on the speaker name,

you get his/her website, learn all about

him/her, AND be able to buy the book.

Similarly, clicking on an email address

opens a new email for you in your own

email account. No need to retype the

pesky email address.

continued on page 3

UW Faculty Auxiliary News

Page 2

Barbara Garlid with our scholarship recipients from left to right, Shawna Collins, Kevin Green, and Marissa Pighin.

Scholarship Dinner

The scholarship recipients were introduced at our Annual Scholarship Dinner and Lecture in November:

Shawna Collins is from Manchester, New Hampshire, and moved to Seattle in 2005. She is a senior in Social Welfare and is the

recipient of the Melba Schmitz award. Shawna is applying to the advanced standing masters of social work program at the UW and

proudly brought her 4 year old daughter to the dinner. She serves on the Student Advisory Council for the School of Social Work.

Kevin Green comes from Pasadena, California, and moved to Puyallup when he was six. He is a premed student and a senior in

Biochemistry. Kevin is applying to medical school and hopes to work for Doctors without Borders. Kevin received the scholarship

named for Barbara Garlid.

Marissa Pighin grew up in Seattle and is a senior in Psychology. She plans to go to graduate school and eventually get her PhD in

Cognitive Neuroscience. Marissa’s current research aims to develop a neurofeedback paradigm using low cost wireless EEG headsets.

University of Washington

Faculty Auxiliary Scholarship Fund

Dagmar has been working with UW Advancement. We are pleased to announce that you

can now donate online directly to the UWFA Scholarship fund using a credit card.

You can google University of Washington Faculty Auxiliary Scholarship Fund or use the

link on the UWFA Web Site that will take you directly to the UW Giving site.

After completing your online donation, you will receive an email confirmation and

printable receipt immediately.

We are an unincorporated nonprofit charitable organization in accordance with the

Washington Nonprofit Corporation Act (RCW 24.03) and the Internal Revenue Code

Section 501 (c) (3), so donations are tax deductible.

All donations go directly towards supporting deserving UW students. If you were able to

attend the scholarship dinner and awards presentation last November, you know how

much our three recipients this year appreciated these funds.

Dinner and Lecture

“Glaciers of the North Cascades”

Wednesday, February 10

Tom Hammond has been working

closely with Dr. Mauri Pelto, director of

the North Cascades Glacier Climate

Project. This is the most comprehensive

study of slope and alpine glaciers in the

North Cascades. Tom will show photos

of glaciers from this study as well and

other significant glaciers in the North


Tom is a board member of the North

Cascades Conservation Council.

UW Faculty Auxiliary News

Page 3

In Memoriam

Patricia Harison Emerson

Patricia Harison Emerson died peacefully

on December 2, 2015, soon after she had

celebrated her 90th birthday. Pat was

born in Rawlins, Wyoming, on

November 17, 1925. She graduated from

the University of Wyoming with a B.A.

in Political Science and Language.

In 1949, Pat married Dick Emerson, a

mountaineer and sociologist. In 1965 Pat

moved to Seattle when Dick joined the

University of Washington faculty. Pat

seized the opportunity to pursue a

graduate degree in South Asian studies

while serving as the outreach coordinator

for the same program.

She was very involved in local affairs and

was passionate about politics. Upon her

husband’s death in 1982, Pat managed

the Urdu language program for UC

Berkeley, living and working in Pakistan

for several years. Returning to Seattle,

she remained actively involved with UW

and delivered talks on women and Islam.

Gallery Goers

Wednesday, January 6th

Bellevue Arts Museum (BAM)

Counter Couture: Fashioning Identity

In The American Counterculture

This is almost the last chance to see

this historically significant and

esthetically spectacular “hippie culture”

exhibition, which is curated by U of W

Fine Art Instructor Michael Cepress.

The exhibition features over 100 pieces

of detailed fine handmade clothing,

jewelry, and accessories that can be

viewed as a multi-faceted, rather

brilliant exhibition. Furthermore, it

provides historical understanding of the

“hippie movement” of the 1960s and

1970s, which swept away the

uniformism of the previous decade.

Later, we will have lunch (optional) at

the nearby Cheesecake Factory


~Mimi Wagar

Seattle Seattle

Wednesday, January 20

McMenamin's Anderson School

Barbara Archbold has planned an

informal outing to the McMenamin's

Anderson School in Bothell. Brian and

Mike McMenamin, two Oregon

brothers, are known for buying and

renovating historic properties and

turning them into unique hotels and

resorts. The old school now has 73 hotel

rooms with private baths. The principal's

office is now a cozy bar area. The

property also includes several

restaurants, small bars, an onsite

brewery, movie theater and salt water


There are no tours, so we'll begin in the

gift shop and pick up a map of the

property and explore on our own.

Lunch at will be at Tavern on the Park,

the largest of their four restaurants. ~Barbara Archbold


January 20, 2016

Wild Siberia: Kamchatka, Sea of

Okhotsk, and Sakhalin Island

By Mary Johanson

In July 2014 Mary Johanson voyaged on

the Sea of Okhotsk from the Kamchatka

Peninsula on the east to the Kuril Islands

on the southeast and along its western

shores. The region is one of the planet’s

least explored regions and yet is a most

remarkable destination with untouched

forests, pristine tundra, and abundant


Wednesday, February 17

The Turkey You May Not Have Seen

By Daniel Waugh and

Charlotte Green Waugh

Dan and Charlotte return with a wide

ranging exploration of Turkey, a true

cultural crossroad. Their travels included

Istanbul, but also took them northeast to

the border with Armenia, southeast to

the Tigris River along the border with

Syria, to the Aegean coast and historic

locations in Central Anatolia.

Gallery Goers/Seattle Seattle in rapt attention on a docent tour

of the newly opened Cascadia Museum in Edmonds.

Peter is working on having a page or space for each Interest Group to blog or to publish

whatever it wants: relevant links, pictures, or information about activities.

You will be able to make online donations from our UWFA website and access

documents and forms. However, our Directory will not be available on-line for privacy

reasons. Access to our webpage does not require a password. Soon we will have a

direct link from the UW home page. The “look and feel” will be in line with the UW’s

website and similar to the current UWRA website. Peter requests pictures from the

Interest Groups to liven up the front page.

New UWFA Website, continued from page 1

UW Faculty Auxiliary News

Page 4

Date Event Place Time Program


January 13 Dinner and a Movie UW Club

5:45 pm Dinner

7:15 pm Program

Bringing Up Baby (1938), Directed by Howard Hawks.

Starring Katharine Hepburn and Cary Grant


January 20 Travelogue UW Club

5:45 pm Dinner

7:15 pm Program

“Wild Siberia: Kamchatka, Sea of Okhotsk, and Sakha-

lin Island” by Mary Johanson


February 10 Dinner/Lecture UW Club

5:45 pm Dinner

7:15 pm Program

“Glaciers of the North Cascades” by Tom Hammond,

President of North Cascades Conservation Council


February 17 Travelogue UW Club

5:45 pm Dinner

7:15 pm Program

“The Turkey You May Not Have Seen” by Daniel

Waugh and Charlotte Green Waugh


March 10 Dinner/Lecture UW Club

5:45 pm Dinner

7:15 pm Program

“Income Equality: The Growing Gap between Rich and

Poor” by Richard Burton, Federation of Teachers


March 16 Travelogue UW Club

5:45 pm Dinner

7:15 pm Program

“Sorrento & the Amalfi Coast in Southern Italy”

by Audrey and Bill Weitkamp


May 25 Spring Luncheon Seattle Yacht

Club 11:30 am

“Reshaping the Seattle Landscape”, by David B.

Williams, author of Too High and Too Steep: Reshaping

Seattle’s Topography

UWFA email: [email protected] UWFA website:

There was a very large contingent of Trekkers at

Magnuson Park for Mary’s memorial walk and

cairn building on December 12 After the cairn was

built, Dagmar poured a nice shot of Irish whiskey

over it. Can you see Mary smiling?

UW Faculty Auxiliary News

Page 5