Download - Volume 2011-22

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Guidelines for prayer

Always when we do puja it is better to be done in the hours before dawn. This is preferable as the physical body is energetic and re-freshed after the overnight rest. When we do offer our prayers have a lamp or candle before you with an open, steady and straight flame. The flame is always the most appropriate symbol of eternal Absolute. Light symbolizes divinity. The unique behavior of light that it is the only source that will not decrease by sharing. It always shines even after lighting a thousand candles or lamps. Breathing deeply will greatly enhance and deepen our thoughts. We forget to take time to listen, in deep inner silence for His answer. Prayer can be meaningful when it is a two-way communication – giving and receiving. We need to involve our Guru in our lives, and follow his guidelines. Just by merely praying to him may not be a hope for the changes we are looking forward in this worldly exis-tence. Let’s try this the next time we submit our prayers to Him, instead of merely offering up a petition for a want in life, try to involve with Him for a need in life


The Glory of Shirdi SaiThe Glory of Shirdi Sai

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गरुुॄह्मा गरुुिवरं् ण:ु गरुुदेर्वो महेश्वर: | गरुु: शाक्षात परॄह्म तःम ैौीगरुवे नमः:||

CONTENT Satsangs of SaiBaNisaji Time Machine Shirdi Dairy Sri Sainatha Mananam The Dreams Train Devotees Corner Baba’s close devotees Children Section Spiritual Gems From Sai Satcharita   Quintessence

ौद्धा सबुरी

Ninth Year of Publication - Published as Bi-Weekly ~ an affiliate of


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Learn to give, not to take. Learn to serve, not to rule.

1911 15 December Friday - Shirdi. In the morning after prayer I sat talking with Mr Shingne and Mr Durvesh Falke. He is also called Hajisaheb. He has travelled to Baghadad, Constantinople and Mecca & all places near about. His conversation is very pleasant & instructive. Sayin Maharaj likes him very much, sends him food & otherwise treats him with great consideration. I saw Sayin Maharaj go out & again at Masjid on his return. He was in a very pleasant mood & we all enjoyed his conversation. After meals I lay down for a while & then sat listening to an account of Delhi, read by my son Balvant. Then we went to the Masjid, received the blessings of Sayin Maharaj and later on went for Sheja-Arti.


Lighting lamps has always been Shirdi Sai’s most important activity while He lived. Baba used to light lamps in Dwarakamai. When few shop keepers of Shirdi denied oil to light lamps, Baba used water instead of oil and lit the lamps. To everyone’s surprise, the lamps glowed beautifully. Sai never directed anyone to light lamps, but did it himself. He lived and showed others how much He loved to light lamps. He lit lamps in Dwara-kamai for the welfare of His devotees, to bring peace and give us His bless-ings.

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Pujyasri B.V.Narasimhaswamiji, who visited Shirdi in the year 1936, collected authentic information about Lord Sainath from persons lived with Sai and wrote many books on Lord Sainath. All his works are authentic . One such book is SRI SAINATHA MANANAM. This book was published as early as in the year 1942 and the fourth edition came in the year 1945.

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The friend of the virtuous, Sai, to speak or hear of whom is purifying is seated in the hearts of those who listen to his history and drives away all evil therefrom.

It is not the waters(of the Ganges) that are sacred(Tirhtas). It is not the images of clay or stone that

are gods. .They take a long time to purify one. Saints purify one merely by one's taking darsan of them (i.e. by one's seeing and touching them)

Magnanimous(Arhasattamas i.e., highest) saints like you (O Akura) should be daily worshipped by

those anxious to secure their own welfare; Gods are selfish, but not saints. Let us remember and repeat Sri Sai's name, at our bath, at our Japa, and in our meditation.We must

always take his name. Let me be engaged always in calling on Him thus "God Sai, Sainatha, Sai Baba, my Lord," as my

days come and go. Do not fatigue yourself with breath-control(Pranayama). Do not retire into the forest. Do not wear

away your body by fasts. Do not torture your skin by remaining amidst five fires. Get on joyously with the Bhajan (i.e. song and worship) of Sai Rama. By that all desires will be fulfilled.

I consider that day as a bad day(Durdina) which passes away without talk or hearing about Sai.

A cloudy day is not a Durdina(as it is termed in the dictionary). The house in which there is the Padathirtha and picture of Lord Sai is a Bhavana or house., Else (i.e.,

if these drop off,) the syllable Bha drops off and it is a VANA or forest. The house in which Sai's padukas, udhi,padatirtha, images and pictures are found will be house with-

out harassing troubles. Else (i.e if these are absent) it will be harrassing and troublesome as a forest.

...will continue.....

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Wealth that you hoard is not yours; wealth that you have given is really yours.


DEVOTEES EXPERIENCE AND ARTICLES Sai Ram It is since long that I want to write about my experiences and encounters with Baba. It started with miracles, but now I am no longer interested in them but for the feeling of His presence. I was a non-believer of God, frustrated to the core because of failures in my life one by one. Though termed as intelligent guy and Engineering degree with good ranking, personal failures, job in Public sector and lost opportuni-ties for higher education made me a nervous wreck. I get respite only when I am with a couple of friends or mother. During this time after four and half years I got a break to work on the field I am interested in - LAN administration, reporting to Executive Director of the company and then to Chairman. I have learnt a lot during this period, were engaged to a girl on one fine Thursday. I got married to Subhadra on Thurs-day, 8 Jun 1995. I have passed all my CNE papers, final paper on another

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(Dreams Of Saibanisa after Undergoing Bypass Surgery on 17-5-1996) Compiled by Saibandhu Raghu Raman Satulury 07-04-1997: Sai appeared as fakir and said:

1. Saidarbar is a place meant for all; therefore do not be selective about the people visiting the darbar.

2. You are trying to quench the thirst of people visiting your home, but how about those dumb animals standing before your house?

3. Grasp the good of the people while ignoring their weaknesses. 4. There is no sanctity in a man and woman getting married in my presence.

My blessings will come to them only when they lead a dutiful life. See God and divinity in all walks of life

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Thursday in Jan 1995. I was not sure of God at that time. It all started during 1996 January. Mother and father were staying with me in Bangalore. Subhadra was 5 months pregnant. Immediately after Sankranti, after my brother’s family left back to Hyderabad, mother and Subhadra observed some strange marks in a small Saibaba’s photograph which my earlier roommate had left in our house. They are oily, and Subhadra thought they might have fallen while mother was doing prayers. Our neighbors next day reported to mother that they saw few drops of honey flowing from Shirdi Sai Baba’s photo in their house. Mother was skeptical that such incidents were not heard about Shirdi Baba. To our utter surprise the next day, we have observed that the marks on our Saibaba’s photo actually tasted like honey. I started checking all the photographs at home. I found the same on the other SAIBABA photograph that was bigger in size. The flow of honey started at the same spot in each of those photos - from the center of His raised hand, mouth and from turban. My inquisitiveness and the scientific mind made me to experiment. I kept my photograph next to Baba’s, and cleaned both of them. Both of them had a similar smooth surface, so any deposits on them should be same in nature. The result concluded that I am not God. The honey flow started to increase day by day. Now it started from other Gods’ pictures, photos, and sculpture of any material, and inside the books. It appeared in 5 min to 2 hours on any material having impression of any God even those brought by any outsiders into our house. Sweet smells and scents of incense started, in both office and house. I was horrified. Mother, one day narrated that she heard knock on door, but when she went there, no body was there. However, when he came to other corner of the house two persons, wearing flowing Kashaya robes were moving out from the compound. One of them was very tall, turned back and waved towards her. Now, it is known to us that Baba is behind us, showing his presence, may be wants to get something done from us. But from whom? Why he chosen us? In fact who among us: Me, Subhadra, Mother, Father or little Pranav who is still in his mother’s womb. It is not Subhadra. She left to our in-laws house in Hyderabad for delivery. Baba’s sweet presence is still felt through honey everyday. On Mahasivaratri day mother went to Mysore to have darshan of Sri Gana-pati Sachchidanda Swami. She left early in the morning, the whole day there was no honey low. She came back around 11:30, brought a small Dattatreya idol and kept it on TV. As she was tired, had little buttermilk and went to Bed. I deciding to stay awake on Sivaratri day, was watching TV. Suddenly I ob-served that the honey is flowing from Dattatreya idol spoiling the cloth on the TV, placed it in a small plate and it filled the plate in no time. Now we are having another problem. People started coming to our house anytime they like to see this miracles. Mother’s concentration is disturbing. Even our Director fi-nance, GMs started coming to our house. One way it was entertaining, but I started fearing for conse-quences. Even at this point I do not know much about Baba, his preaching and ways to pray. I used to simply sit before Him, stare at Him, and ask Him to give strength to help others as much as I can. Mother is growing spiritually, telling different experiences and miracles each day. Now I know it is mother, whose heart is filled with His name, singing and writing poems and songs, who can enlighten all of us in family. I have decided to give full support to her, giving anything she wants, providing right atmosphere to her. Her only fear now is that Baba may leave her after Ramanavami day (I do not know why!) Sai Sampathnath, Pamidighantam Columbus, Ohio, USA

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Baba’s Close Devotees G. G. Narke

Professor Of Geology & Chemistry In College Of Engineering, Deccan Gym-khana, Age 53, Brahmin, Poona.

Continued from last issue...

Of the Four Margas I. Yoga Marga: Regarding this as chiefly based on (1) Asana (2) Pranayama (3) Concentration (4) Rousing the Kundalini and (5) Achieving higher powers thereby, en route, Sai Baba did not care for these. These were not the steps he recommended to any

so far as I know. On the other hand, he said ( I know personally), "Those who pro-ceed by the method of Pranayama must come to me ultimately for further pro-gress." II. Karma Marga: Baba set the example of living amidst society and labouring to produce goods. He ground grain into flour. He was not for ascetic desertion of soci-ety, nor for begging. Though he himself begged within limits (prescribed by his Ri-nanubandha perhaps), it was for a little food only and when he demanded Dakshina that was for a number of reasons, chiefly clearing off Rinanubandha. He wanted the general run of visitors to continue their grihasta lives and did not advocate Sanyas, i.e., that they should not renounce society or go to beg. He made me and Vamanrao beg, not for ourselves but only for the Guru - as humble service to the Guru. Though Baba did not say so, I think he realised the evil of begging, i.e., indiscrimi-nate begging, to be the loss of one's stored up merit, i.e., "Apurva". Sai Baba's de-mand for Dakshina was explained by him, when some one asked him why he asked for Dakshina. "Hello, do I ask Dakshina of every one? I demand only from those whom the Fakir (God) points out to me". He demanded only particular sums, and would not accept anything more. None refused Dakshina when he wanted it. Some-times the demand had other meaning, e.g., (1) get away, (2) get into contact with X,Y,Z etc. III. Jnana Marga: If this is taken as something confined to inquiry into the Self and an effort to understand the Upanishads and Brahmasutras to get light on that inquiry, that was not Baba's method and aim. His wish was not expressed. But by his example, his devotees should infer that he wanted them to become like himself. His knowledge and experience were, so far as I could see, real and realistic. His


Hands that help are holier than the lips that pray.

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awareness exceeded the bounds of our space and time - extended over all the worlds and embraced the distant past and future as well as the present. He knew, therefore, what existence in any of the worlds and at any time had to offer for the soul's enjoyment and with such knowledge he renounced all attachment. He was perfectly detached amidst numerous attractions. His life was, therefore, real Vairagya and real Nishkamya Karma which would lead one to God. IV. Bhakti Marga: This is, of course, the main plank of most saints - as it is, of Sai Baba. Obeying, serv-ing and loving God are its chief features. The peculiar feature stressed by Sai's example and words is the vast importance of developing this devotion on the basis of devotion to one's guru or teacher. It is seeing God in, through and as the Guru, identifying the Guru with God.

Will be continued....


1. Who so ever puts his feet on SHIRDI soil, his sufferings would come to an end.

2. The wretched and miserable would rise into plenty of joy and happiness, as soon as they climb the steps of DWARAKAMAI.

3. I shall be ever active and vigorous even after leaving this earthly body.

4. My tomb shall bless and look to the needs of my devotees. 5. I shall be active and vigorous even from the tomb. 6. My mortal remains would speak from the tomb. 7. I am ever living , to help and guide all who come to me, who sur-

render to me and who seek refuge in me. 8. If you look to me, I look to you. 9. If you cast your burden on ME, I shall surely bear it. 10. If you seek my advice and help, it shall be given to you at once. 11. There shall be no want in the house of my devotees.

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Stories for this Week: “Animal with no brain”


Learn and


Learn and Children’s Section

Once there lived a foolish donkey in a town. The town was situ-ated near a forest. There, in the forest lived king lion and his min-ister, a cunning fox. Once, king lion was badly wounded in a fierce fighting with an elephant. He became unable to hunt for his prey. So he asked his minister, the cunning fox to bring some good meal for him. As the fox used to share the prey, which king lion hunted for his meals, he at once, set out to search for food.

While wandering here and there, the fox met a donkey. The donkey looked foolish, nervous and hungry. The fox asked him, "Hello! You seem to be new to this forest. Where do you actually come from?" "I come from the nearby town", said the donkey. "My master, the dhobi makes me work all day, but doesn't feed me properly. So I've left my home to find a better place to live in and eat properly." "I see", said the fox. "Don't worry. I'm a senior minister in this forest king-dom. Come with me to the king's palace. Our king needs a bodyguard, who has the experience of town life. You will live in the palace and eat a lot of green grass growing around it ' " The donkey was very happy to listen to all this from the minister fox of the forest kingdom. He proceeded with him to the royal palace. Seeing a donkey before him the king lion became highly impatient and pounced upon him immediately. But on account of constant hunger, the king lion had gone weak. He couldn't overpower the donkey. The donkey freed himself and ran for his life.

"Your Majesty," said the fox to king lion, "you shouldn't have acted in such haste. You have scared your prey." "I'm sorry," said king lion. "Try to bring him here once again."


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The hungry fox went again to the donkey and said to him, "What a funny fellow you are. Why did you run away like that?" "Why shouldn't IT' asked the donkey. "My dear," said the fox, "you were being tested for your alertness as a royal body-guard of the king. Thank god, you showed a quick reflex, otherwise, you would have been rejected for the job."

The donkey believed what the fox said and accompanied him once again to the palace. There at the palace the king lion was hiding behind the thick bushes. As soon as the donkey passed by the bushes, the lion pounced upon him and killed him instantly.

Just when the lion was about to begin eating the donkey, the fox said, "Your Maj-esty, you're going to have your meals after quite a few days. It's better you first take a bath and offer prayers." "Hmm!" the king lion roared and said to the fox, "Stay here. I'll be back right now." The lion went to take bath and offer his prayers. In the meantime, the fox ate the donkey's brain. When the king lion came back to eat his prey, he was surprised to see that the donkey's brain was missing. "Where is this donkey's brain?" The king lion roared in great anger. "The donkey's brain!" the fox expressed his surprise. "Your Majesty, you're fully aware that donkeys don't have a brain. Had that donkey ever had a brain, he would never have come with me to this palace for the second time." "Yes," agreed king lion, "that's the point." And he started eating happily the rest of the flesh of the dead donkey.

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The Grace of Guru is like insurance. It will help you in your time of need without any limit.


Chapter 45 Contributed by: [email protected] ..

Kakasaheb's Doubt and Anandrao's Vision (Continued) After the reading was over, Kakasaheb said in a despondent tone to Madhavarao and oth-ers - "How wonderful is the discourse of the nine Nathas on Bhakti or devotion. But at the same time how difficult it is to put it into practice! The Nathas were perfect, but is it pos-sible for fools like us to attain the devotion as delineated by them? we won't get it even after several births, then how are we to get salvation? It seems that there is no hope for us." Madhavarao did not like this pessimistic attitude of Kakasaheb. He said - "It is a pity that one who by his good luck got such a jewel (Guru) as Baba, should cry out so dispar-agingly; If he has unwavering faith in Baba, why should he feel restless? The Bhakti of the Nathas may be strong and wonderful, but is not ours' loving and affectionate? And has not Baba told us authoritatively that remembering and chanting Hari's and Guru's name confers salvation? Then where is the cause for fear and anxiety? Kakasaheb was not satis-fied with Madhavarao's explanation. He continued to be anxious and restless, the whole day, thinking and brooding over how to get the powerful Bhakti of the Nathas. Next morn-ing, the following miracle took place. One gentleman, named Anandrao Pakhade came there in search of Madhavarao. The read-ing of the Bhagawat was then going on. Mr.Pakhade sat near Madhavarao and was whis-pering something to him. He was mentioning in low tone his dream-vision. As there was some interruption in the reading by this whispering, Kakasaheb stopped the reading, and asked Madhavarao what the matter was. The latter said - "Yesterday you expressed your doubt, now here is the explanation of it; hear Mr.Pakhade's vision which Baba gave him, explaining the characteristic of 'saving' devotion and showing that the devotion in the form of bow to, or worship of, Guru's feet is sufficient." All were anxious to hear the vi-sion specially Kakasaheb. At their suggestion Mr.Pakhade began to relate the vision as follows. I was standing in a deep sea in waist-deep water. There I saw Sai Baba all of a sudden. He was sitting on a beautiful throne studded with diamonds, with His Feet in water. I was most pleased and satisfied with the Form of Baba. The vision was so realistic that I never thought that it was a dream. Curiously enough Madhavarao was also standing there. He said to me feelingly - 'Anandrao, fall at Baba's Feet.' I rejoined - "I also wish to do so, but His Feet are in water, how can I place my head on them? I am helpless." Hearing this he said to Baba - "Oh Deva, take out Your Feet which are under water." Then Baba immedi-ately took out His feet. I caught them without delay and bowed to them. On seeing this Baba blessed me saying - "Go now, you will attain your welfare, there is no cause for fear and anxiety." He also added - "Give a silk-bordered dhotar to my Shama, you will profit, thereby."

Will be continued...

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(By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao) ~ Contribution by "Shashank"[email protected], Mrs and Mr Anand

Chapter 36: The Value of Human Birth

Continued from the previous issue… Love is the force which attracts soul to soul and every soul to God. A man whose heart is full of univer-sal love, identifies himself with all beings and lives only to serve them with the tender care. Love is an immaculate creative fire. It springs from the Soul and unites hearts. Turned world ward, it fosters the family and unites hearts. Love proceeds from the fount of Divinity which is the heart and it must find its final beatitude in the Divine union. Love has a human beginning and a Divine consummation. Love must change day by day into a spiritual luster by the Yoga of inner communion. God is the ocean of Grace. The flow of His grace for us depends upon the intensity of our love to attract it towards our-selves. Mere reading of books will not help us, but it only love that counts and to have love, we will cross the threshold of intellect. God can only be lived by losing ourselves in Him through Love.

Will be continued...


For all SaiDarbarUSA activities in Greater Philadelphia, please visit Sai Temple, Downingtown, PA. ( Temple is open on Thursdays and Sundays after 2:00 pm. Please contact Mr. Raj Singh at 610-656-1396 or Sai Temple at 610-269-1112 for more details about the temple activities.


With the blessings of Sri Sringeri Sharada Peetam Jagadguru His Holiness Sri Sri Sri Bharathi Theertha MahaSwami, a MahaRudra Yagnam is being organized in Washington DC area by AVG Inc., at Sri

Shiva Vishnu Temple, Lanham, Maryland for lokakshema, as a part of the Peetarohana Shatabdi Mahotsavam of Sri Sri Sri Chandrasekhara Bharathi MahaSwami as the 34th Shankaracharya of Sri Sringeri Sarada Peetham in 1912. This MahaRudra yagna also coincides with AdiShankara Jayanti celebrations in 2012. Our Shastras say that participating in one Rudra yagna (one ekadasa -11 - Rudram and 1 rudrahomam) removes the PanchaMahaPaatakams which is not removed even by taking bath in The Ganga. A Maharudram is an Ekadasa rudram that is done 121 times i.e. having a total of 1331 Rudram Chantings and with 121 Chamakams in addition to the 133 Rudra Homams. The effects are exponential. Maha Rudram is performed for the benefits of Global peace and prosperity. It's a once in a life time event to participate. The website has been created for this event. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at [email protected] or you can email Sashank at [email protected]. Looking forward for your participation.

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From the Editor’s Desk

"Whenever the wavering and unsteadfast heart wanders away, then so of-ten let him subdue it and bring it back to the control of the soul; For su-preme happiness comes to the Yogin whose heart is at rest, in whom passion is tranquilized, who is one with Brahma, and free from sin. The Yogin thus uniting his soul (to Brahma), who has ceased from sin, enjoys easily the boundless happiness of union (lit. contact) with Brahma.”

~~ Bhagavad Gita 6:26-29

Sai devotees may continue to write about their Sai-related activities, essays, articles or poetry and send to the email id [email protected]. We shall put in our best efforts to include them in the upcoming newslet-ter. Unless the author of the articles explicitly instructs not to publish his/her email id, we will publish them as a matter of routine practice.



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