Download - Volume 2010 KINAWAH · Toowoomba, Q 4350 Phone: 07 4635 0573 [email protected] or SSPSA Inc Margaret Stewart, Pres. 248 Hermitage Road Toowoomba Q 4350 Phone: 07 4630 7229 mailto:[email protected]

Page 1: Volume 2010 KINAWAH · Toowoomba, Q 4350 Phone: 07 4635 0573 or SSPSA Inc Margaret Stewart, Pres. 248 Hermitage Road Toowoomba Q 4350 Phone: 07 4630 7229 mailto:bmstew1@bigpond.n

Journal of the Slade and St Catharine’s Past Students Association Volume 2010 Issue 2

KINAWAHJournal of the Slade-St Catharine’s Past Students’ Association

Born to Fly Higher – Be Worthy of our Forebears

MonthVolume 2010

Issue 2

Inside this issue:President’s Report 1

Reunion Report 2

Nostalgix 2

Where Are TheyNow?


Capers 6

Slade Campus 6

Committee Report 6

Museum Report 7

Letters 7

Story 7

Vale 7

Editor Helen (Robb) MoloneyContact:The Editor, Kinawah1 Fourth AvenueToowoomba, Q 4350Phone: 07 4635 0573

[email protected]


SSPSA IncMargaret Stewart, Pres.248 Hermitage RoadToowoomba Q 4350Phone: 07 4630 7229mailto:[email protected]

[email protected]


From Left: Peter Moore; Keith Jones; John Bird; Bob Wood; Doug ThurechtPhotographer: Trevor (Top Cat) Connelly. See the reunion report on Page 2.

A WORD FROM OUR PRESIDENTI am now halfway through my chemo. Everythingis going okay, but for the week after each treatmentI find it harder to decide what I would like to eatand drink – taste buds are haywire. I am alsogetting more tired and am very grateful to Helen fortaking charge.Elizabeth Wickham, who was a senior when Istarted at St Catharine’s, has had cancer for anumber of years. I look forward to receiving hermany e-mails giving me advice along with herquirky clip art and good sense of humour.Helen and Paul have done a great job with theSlade School submissions. It doesn’t look as if wehave much control over what happens with Sladebut it would be good if it remained an educationalfacility. Most of the area, including the oval and the

hall, could be used by the community rather than becoming residential blocks.Glennie Heights is expanding and needs extra resources and Slade SchoolCampus could really beautify the city.I hope you all have marked on your calendar the Annual Reunion on June 19 and20. It may be the last time to dine at Slade. Check details in the following pages ofKinawah. Helen and I are going to work out a Musical Trivia Night with a HouseSinging Competition (we hope). Also there will be bonus points for anyone who canplay an instrument, sing or entertain. So bring along your musical instruments,singing voices and dancing shoes and support your house. Remember the NewGirl’s and New Boys Concert days!I would also like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a very Happyand safe Easter.Margaret Stewart - President

Page 2: Volume 2010 KINAWAH · Toowoomba, Q 4350 Phone: 07 4635 0573 or SSPSA Inc Margaret Stewart, Pres. 248 Hermitage Road Toowoomba Q 4350 Phone: 07 4630 7229 mailto:bmstew1@bigpond.n

Journal of the Slade and St Catharine’s Past Students Association Volume 2010 Issue 2 2



A get together at Goldstein’sPieshop at Westfield’sHelensvale organised by TCalias Trevor Conolly alias TopCat has become a regularfeature of late. Apparently thepies are worth dying for.Given the reputation of pies asa mystery tour, and given thename “Goldstein”, one isprobably relieved that it is nota fish shop venue with theitem of choice being calamarirings especially aroundBarmitzphar time.

Keith Jones wrote, “We werepleased to welcome formerwell-known sporting identity,John Bird (1944-48) whoupdated us with his overseasadventures in New Guinea,UK and Kenya.”

Ross Mison sent his apologiesas he was unwell at the timeand the boys all wished himwell. Thankfully DougThurecht brought his camerato capture the occasion,digitally enhanced of course.

The stories came thick andfast as is usual when our paststudents get together andmysteries were resolved suchas who was really responsiblefor defacing the school sign atthe bottom of Weewondilla Hillto read Slave School.

Since this event, ourorganiser, TC has been in thewars. He turned up bravelysporting several patcheswhere sunspots had beenburned off his visage, makingNorman Gunstan lookrelatively unblemished. Thencompounding his problems hesuffered chest pains recentlythat had him rushed off to thehospital. A visit to thecardiologist confirmed that theticker needed someassistance and he has nowjoined that not so exclusiveclub of pacemaker recipients.TC is now home recoveringand I’m sure it won’t be long

before our gregarious Top Catis once more up and at it.

NOSTALGIXFrom the Slade Register:Did you know?First boy enrolled wasEdward Rowland (1) fromWarwick - 1926 ‘til 1934.First girl – Mary Louise Amos(2113) from Sandy Flat, NSW.Date of entry is confusing butit appears she was SchoolCaptain in 1977.Last boy – Brian Browne(3831) from Warwick 1998.Last girl – Joanne Barsby(3833) from Warwick 1998.In 1926 first intake - 34enrolments – mostly fromaround Warwick.In 1927 - 18 enrolments.In 1998 of the last intake ofstudents – 16 in all – 14 werefrom Warwick.(The school closed at the endof 1997 so these childrendidn’t actually attend) In 1997 – 39 enrolments - 21from Warwick.

Last year, while researchingthe Sisters of the SacredAdvent and their contributionto education in Queensland,Ray Geise asked paststudents to contribute to hiswork. Following are tworeports sent in by StCatharine’s past students.

.............My experiences are about StCatharine’s where I boardedfrom 1951 to 1956. Sr.Kathleen was principalassisted by Srs. Angus andRowena. Sr. Kathleen wasstrict but fair and encouragedus to achieve our potential ‘pervolar sunata’. The school notonly created the environmentfor spiritual growth, characterdevelopment with emphasison self discipline, but also anappreciation of cultural skillshand in hand with academicgoals. Sixty years ago

opportunities for rural girls topursue secondary educationwere extremely limited and Iwas particularly privileged tohave parents who not onlyvalued education but gave methe opportunity to access theopportunities afforded by StCatharine’s. We travelled fromYetman in NSW to Warwick.My primary schooling wascompleted by correspondenceat home, so the transition to aboarding school could havebeen somewhat traumaticwithout the pastoral care andnurturing offered by the staffand in particular, by Sr.Kathleen.Our student body was mostlyfrom the Darling Downs, westfrom Toowoomba and the farsouth west, students fromremote and isolated ruralareas, where secondaryeducation was unavailable,and so the contribution inproviding access in my timewas enormous.Boarding schools providingeducational opportunities forisolated students have been afeature of Queensland and Ibelieve the work of the SSA atSt. Mary’s in Herberton, St.Anne’s in Townsville, St.Catharine’s in Warwick, St.Aiden’s and St. Margaret’s inBrisbane was an extremelyvaluable contribution becauseof the comprehensiveapproach to our well being.Both Sr. Kathleen and Sr.Rowena taught a number ofsubjects and I was privilegedto be in their classes. Iremember fondly, receiving acongratulatory letter from Sr.Kathleen after the Seniorresults were posted, whereshe commented on my Frenchresult – ‘the examiners haveobviously been kinder than Iwas.’I graduated from Kelvin GroveTeachers’ College in 1956 andwas involved as an educatorfor about forty years combinedwith marriage, three childrenand life on the land in CentralQueensland.I am a Life Member of thePast Students Association of


Updated version comingsoon

Page 3: Volume 2010 KINAWAH · Toowoomba, Q 4350 Phone: 07 4635 0573 or SSPSA Inc Margaret Stewart, Pres. 248 Hermitage Road Toowoomba Q 4350 Phone: 07 4630 7229 mailto:bmstew1@bigpond.n

Journal of the Slade and St Catharine’s Past Students Association Volume 2010 Issue 2 3

Slade and St Catharine’s andam pleased that theorganization keeps thecelebration of our schooldaysalive in spite of the schoolsbeing closed.Gail Chudleigh (Sutton),Emerald

……………I attended St Catharine’s GirlsSchool in Warwick from 1962 -1965. I commenced in SubJunior and completed Junior,Sub-Senior and Senior. I wasa boarder at the school andwas School Captain in 1965.The Sisters who were incharge during those yearswere Sister Rachel and in myfinal year Sister Lois.I believe the aims of theschool were to guide thestudent to be a well educatedcitizen who was prepared tocontribute to the life of theircommunities. We wereexposed to every possibleactivity. It was compulsory foreveryone to be in the HouseSinging Competition, HouseSewing Competition and wecould choose between Speechand Drama and Sportingevents. We entered in all theInter School SportingCarnivals and competitions.The team spirit wasexceptional in team gamesespecially netball andballgames which we practicedfor hours. I think participationis a great value. Today I try toinstall in my Year 6 class tomake the most of everyopportunity that you areexposed to. Just “having ago” makes you a better personand I often relate to them mydays at boarding school. Somany children today just stayhome from school when thereis an activity they think theyare not interested in.In our education there was notone subject we could notenroll in. When I was unableto achieve the speed inshorthand Sister Loisimmediately organized me todo Senior Ancient History bycorrespondence in one year. Idid not join the Ancient History

class who were doing it overtwo years, so I had one privatelesson a week with Miss Cant.Out of fear I learnt it so wellthat I received a B. As to theircontribution to education Ithought they really had thewelfare of the girls at heart.We were their life and they dideverything possible to see thatwe were educated to the bestwe could achieve.The discipline at the schoolwas strict but we were alltreated equally and made tofeel part of a big family. Theunity among the girls grewwith friendships between theAustralian girls and those fromnear northern countries suchas New Guinea. After schoolwe put on a blouse and skirt-no brand name clothes andwe did not really know who thewealthy families were. Asschool captain Sister Loisencouraged me especiallyhelping me to make speeches.I had a slight stutter and shewas so proud of me when Icame back from a Rotarymeeting saying I hadnominated myself to give aspeech at the All SchoolsRotary Meeting. The sisterscould be easily approached bythe parents. My dad loved tocome down and listen to thehouse singing competition.One year he arrived late andmissed the winning housesongs so Sister Lois asked thechoir to sing their numbersagain. Everyone agreed itwas better than the first time.Compared to my primaryschool days and time atTeachers’ College, St,Catharine’s days were themost memorable and helpedme grow in confidence. Nowas President of the PastStudents Association I amamazed at what the girls of StCatharine’s achieved both intheir private lives andcommunity lives.Margaret Stewart (Ree)

Happy Easter

Margaret Fraser, Sr. Lois andMargaret Ree in their ‘ChurchUniforms’.

………….Just for a smile – you mayremember these 1957versions of events and othersmay remember why theyretired from teaching in 2007!

SCHOOL -- 1957 vs. 2007Scenario: Johnny and Markget into a fistfight afterschool.1957 - Crowd gathers. Markwins. Johnny and Mark shakehands and end up buddies.2007 - Police called, arrestJohnny and Mark. Chargethem with assault, bothexpelled even though Johnnystarted it. Both children go toanger management programsfor 3 months. School boardholds meeting to implementbullying prevention programsScenario: Robbie won’t bestill in class, disrupts otherstudents:1957 - Robbie sent to officeand given 6 of the best by thePrincipal. Returns to class,sits still and does not disrupt.2007 - Robbie given hugedoses of Ritalin, becomes azombie, tested for ADD.Robbie's parents getfortnightly disability paymentsand school gets extra fundingfrom the state because Robbiehas a disability.Scenario: Billy breaks awindow in his neighbour’s

Page 4: Volume 2010 KINAWAH · Toowoomba, Q 4350 Phone: 07 4635 0573 or SSPSA Inc Margaret Stewart, Pres. 248 Hermitage Road Toowoomba Q 4350 Phone: 07 4630 7229 mailto:bmstew1@bigpond.n

Journal of the Slade and St Catharine’s Past Students Association Volume 2010 Issue 2 4

car and his Dad gives him awhipping with his belt.1957 - Billy is more carefulnext time, grows up normal,goes to college, and becomesa successful businessman.2007 - Billy's dad is arrestedfor child abuse. Billy removedto foster care and joins agang. State psychologist tellsBilly’s sister that sheremembers being abusedherself and their dad goes toprison.Scenario: Mark gets aheadache and takes someaspirin to school.1957 - Mark gets a glass ofwater from Principal to takeaspirin.2007 - Police called, Markexpelled from school for drugviolations. Car searched fordrugs and weapons.Scenario:Pedro fails high schoolEnglish.1957 - Pedro goes to summerschool, passes English andgoes to college.2007 - Pedro's cause is takenup by the state. Newspaperarticles appear nationallyexplaining that teachingEnglish as a requirement forgraduation is racist. AFREfiles class action lawsuitagainst state school systemand Pedro’s English teacher.English banned from corecurriculum. Pedro is givendiploma anyway but ends upmowing lawns for a livingbecause he cannot speakEnglish.Scenario:Johnny takes apart leftoverfirecrackers from 4th ofJuly, puts them in a modelairplane paint bottle, andblows up a bullant’s nest.1957 - Ants die.2007- Star Force, FederalPolice & Anti-terrorism Squadcalled. Johnny charged withdomestic terrorism, Fedsinvestigate parents, siblingsremoved from home,computers confiscated.Johnny's Dad goes on a terrorwatch list and is never allowedto fly again.

Scenario:Johnny falls while runningduring recess and scrapeshis knee. He is found cryingby his teacher, Mary. Maryhugs him to comfort him.1957 - In a short time, Johnnyfeels better and goes onplaying.2007 - Mary is accused ofbeing a sexual predator andloses her job. She faces 3years in Prison. Johnnyundergoes 5 years of therapy.A ‘tongue in cheek’ look at ourPolitical Correctness andperhaps our Education systemgone mad.


As many are following theprogress of the loneyachtsman, Jessica Watson,our photographic archiveshave thrown up this beauty.

2008 was the 60th Brisbane toGladstone Yacht Race and itattracted a huge number ofentries.John Deshon’s crew, a motleymob from Sydney, Brisbane,Mooloolaba and Noosa, wonthe Cruising Division in a 38-foot Bennetau, a floatingcaravan with dry bunks, a hotshower and a flushing loo. Hesays he’s too old to do it anyother way!Way to go, John!I guess we have many other‘yachties’ out there, and Iwonder if any have achievedsomething worth reporting.Please let us know.Peter Enright (Slade 1939-41) of Brisbane had the

honour of being Captain ofSlade's 1941 1st XI, whichwon the Merriwa Cup for thefirst time in ten years.A solid batsman and equallysolid wicket keeper, Enrighttook three catches in the finalmatch that year (againstBrothers) which Slade wonoutright.Enright was also vice-captainof Slade's 1941 1st XV.That was Peter's last year atschool, but, as an old boy, hiswork in raising money for theschool's memorial buildingfund was outstanding.Before enlisting in RAAFaircrew, Peter was aprominent member of the AirTraining Corps.Following his discharge, Peterwent to work in the woolsection of the QueenslandPrimary Producers Co-opAssn. (Brisbane). Later Peterbecame a "Primaries" woolauctioneer and continued hiscareer when "Primaries" andMacTaggarts Co-ops.amalgamated as "Primac".He became Primac's wool-marketing manager.Peter never lost his love forcricket and eventually becamea top Brisbane umpire. Heofficiated at Sheffield Shield,test and world-series matches.Peter and his wife, Beryl, livein retirement at Greenslopesin Brisbane and we are proudto have him as a Life Memberof our Association.Details supplied by the lateTom Gunn (Slade 1927-32), in"Memories of Slade".



Mechanically Sound or EasilyRepaired

(Pump not required)

Buyer (Slade Old Boy) willdismantle and remove

South East-West Queensland locationpreferred

(SEQ & Darling Downs Regionideal)

Phone “Louie” 32062777

Page 5: Volume 2010 KINAWAH · Toowoomba, Q 4350 Phone: 07 4635 0573 or SSPSA Inc Margaret Stewart, Pres. 248 Hermitage Road Toowoomba Q 4350 Phone: 07 4630 7229 mailto:bmstew1@bigpond.n

Journal of the Slade and St Catharine’s Past Students Association Volume 2010 Issue 2 5

20 /Our Town, The Chronicle, Saturday, February 20, 2010MEMORYLANE

Couple settles on the sweet life.Farming family tradescropping for chocolateChaff to chocolates, country tocoast, George and EthneHannaford give up farming forthe sweet life.After many years growingcrops and running livestockbetween Stanthorpe andTexas and later at Cambooya,the Hannafords upped stakesand bought a confectionerybusiness at the Gold Coast.

Ethne andGeorgeenjoy their60th WeddingAnniversarycelebrations.

The business, The ChocolateKingdom, specialized in hand-made chocolates.“It was such a change ofoccupation but it wasenjoyable the whole fourteenyears we owned it,” Mrs.Hannaford said.This month marked theHannaford’s 60th WeddingAnniversary. They weremarried at St. Margaret’sAnglican Church at Sandgateon February 4, 1950.Both have long connectionswith the Texas, Stanthorpeand Inglewood districts withfamily names includingDevine, Ingleston, Bennett,McKenny and Carew (Ethne’smaiden name).After their marriage they livedon the Hannaford’s familyproperty “St Omer”, 22 milesfrom Texas and 42 miles fromStanthorpe, across roughroads.There was no telephone, soMr. Hannaford and hisneighbours installed armytelephones and they were ableto keep in touch inemergencies and help eachother with shopping.Later the men built a ‘partyline’ to Silver Spur and thePMG (now Telstra) paid for itsconnection to Texas.The roads improved with thebuilding of the Glenlyon Dam.

“George’s father, Stanley,gave the land for a bowlingclub to be established inTexas and George helped toget it started,” Mrs. Hannafordsaid.“Our two sons, Jeffrey andIan, were both born inStanthorpe and they went tothe Glenlyon State School andthen Slade and ToowoombaGrammar, as there was noHigh School in those days atTexas.”Mr. Hannaford was a shirecouncilor for Stanthorpe and acharter member of theStanthorpe Lion’s Club.“We grew wheat and barley atSt. Omer and we had our firstharvester in the area as wellas the sheep. We wereinterested in growing crops inthe 26-inch rainfall countrywhich wasn’t enough.“We were taken with theClifton area and the goodcrops grown there so, in 1967we decided to look forproperty in that area. Weended up selling St Omer laterthat year and after acaravanning holiday, returnedto Toowoomba in 1968.“Soon after, we bought‘Coverham Vale’, Cambooyawhich was only 15 miles fromthe city centre with such goodroads. “You could growanything on this farm becauseof its very good soil.

“We found Cambooya a veryfriendly place to live andjoined all the organizations.”For many years Mr. Hannafordwas secretary of the localGraingrowers’ Association, awarden of All Saint’s AnglicanChurch, a councilor and laterchairman of the nowamalgamated CambooyaShire Council and Mrs.Hannaford was very muchinvolved with the CWA invarious positions, ToowoombaHistorical Society and AllSaints Guild. Both were on thecommittee to run the localsport’s days and thegymkhanas. At the end of1984 they sold the propertyand moved to the Gold Coastwhere they learnt the ins andouts of chocolate making. Mr.Hannaford also kept busy asthe founding president of theGold Coast Unit Owners’Association, holding theposition for nearly a decade.The celebration of theirDiamond WeddingAnniversary was highlightedby the opening ofcongratulatory cards from theQueen, the Governor General,the Prime Minister and manyother dignitaries.

Congratulations George andEthne! George was at Slade1943 – 45 and is our GoldCoast area representative.

Page 6: Volume 2010 KINAWAH · Toowoomba, Q 4350 Phone: 07 4635 0573 or SSPSA Inc Margaret Stewart, Pres. 248 Hermitage Road Toowoomba Q 4350 Phone: 07 4630 7229 mailto:bmstew1@bigpond.n

Journal of the Slade and St Catharine’s Past Students Association Volume 2010 Issue 2 6

COMMITTEE REPORTAt our recent general meetingheld in Toowoomba at theParkhouse Café in MargaretSt. the attendees includedMargaret Stewart, HarryHaxton, Aub Warrener andHelen Moloney with apologiesfrom Kathie Clarke, PeterRamsay, Nigel Faulkner andPaul Holland.Nigel sent a financial reportshowing a credit balance of$15 589.34 in the WebsaverAccount; $15 594.88 in theTerm Investment and $3793.93 in the WorkingAccount.General Business:AGM 2010: Margaretinformed the meeting that thefollowing arrangements havebeen made re the AGMweekend.* Dinner - $25 for a 3 coursemeal in the dining room atSlade. 6.00 pm. start for a6.30 pm. meal, including atribute to Mr. Whybird.Afterwards a musical eveningto be held in the dining room –an Old Boys and Old Girlsconcert (as opposed to theNew Boys and New Girlsconcerts in which we were allforced to perform at school).We need to know the sportinghouse of each attendee.Invite Councilors to theSaturday night’s function.* The AGM to be held at3.00pm in the Dining Room.Arrive about 2.30pm forafternoon tea, walk around thecampus etc.* Sunday bus trip toStanthorpe or Queen MaryFalls. The Association tosubsidise the trip so cost willbe about $50 each formembers or $95 for nonmembers - afternoon tea isfree.* Accommodation at schoolcosts $35 for a single bed inthe dormitory. A double flatcosts $55. Members are toring Kel Williamson on0410773122 to make abooking.The Horse and JockeyHotel/Motel has set aside

rooms but ring personally tobook - say you’re from theSSPSA.Website: To be launched atthe AGM. It looks great andwill be interactive.Slade Campus: The repliessent in by members re fundsto purchase the MuseumBlock were tabled – 34 in all –28 in support of donations orfund raising, 4 opposed and 2with alternative ideas for‘housing’ the memorabilia.Harry presented the contractdrawn up by the SouthernRegional Council which statesthat the Council “agreed to theon going occupancy of theSSPSA in the former sciencebuilding ‘Memorial Room’” fora period of 3 years from 28th

May, 2007 to 1st July, 2010.It also came to the notice ofthe meeting that the WarMemorial cannot be pulleddown unless it is then rebuilt ina suitable location at theexpense of the developer.(This needs to beinvestigated)After a lot of discussion it wasdecided that we should waitfor the next meeting withCouncil, which is now setdown for May, 25, to havequestions answered and tosee what other proposals havebeen put forward. We shouldendeavour to work withwhoever takes over the site.The next meeting will be theAGM in Warwick, June 19 at3pm.

……………It is hoped that as manypeople as possible will make italong to the AGM andReunion weekend. This maywell be the last chance weget to see the Slade Campusas we know it.


Kitty Gladwell was my musicteacher so it makes me feelold to hear of her passing.Funny old duck, she said tome once that she was neverafraid of any ‘peeping Toms’at school and couldn'tunderstand what all the fuss

was about. As she wasdefinitely lacking in the looksand accompanying feminitydepartments, I don’t thinkshe had anything to worryabout either!!!Jenny Donovan, Bribie IslandThis says it all Jenny!Everyone remembers the‘funny old duck’ fondly.

……………A pastime of some Slade Boysin the late twenties was toplace a penny on the mainrailway line, which ran belowthe school and have thewheels of the passing trainpress it out. One day PeterYoung (Bryce's youngerbrother) decided to dosomething different. Heplaced a goodly sized stoneon the line and waited for theresults. Instead of a train, arailway pumper appeared.Spotting the stone and thewaiting schoolboy in goodtime, the man on the pumperpulled up and told Peter toremove the stone fast or hewould kick his tail. Peterhastened to comply andreturned to penny flatteningtype syndrome for the rest ofhis days at Slade.From "Memories of Slade" byTom Isgar Gunn - 1984


We are all waiting anxiouslyfor the outcome of Council’sdecision re the Slade campus.The meeting between theCouncil and all submissionbearers which was set downfor March, 12 was changed toMay 25 so we still don’t haveany more information toimpart.Thank you to all who replied toour ‘gauging support’ request.There were too many toanswer individually.

Page 7: Volume 2010 KINAWAH · Toowoomba, Q 4350 Phone: 07 4635 0573 or SSPSA Inc Margaret Stewart, Pres. 248 Hermitage Road Toowoomba Q 4350 Phone: 07 4630 7229 mailto:bmstew1@bigpond.n

Journal of the Slade and St Catharine’s Past Students Association Volume 2010 Issue 2 7

There are several buildings onthe site that are Heritagelisted. The Hall, Chapel,Barnes House and SladeHouse are on a local list whilethe Science Memorial Block ison the State list. This maydictate the future of theMuseum.The following article waspublished in the WarwickDaily News on March 6, 2010“THE Southern DownsRegional Council (SDRC) hasreceived three brand newinquiries aboutredevelopment of SladeCampus – including as aninternational school – but isremaining tight-lipped aboutwho they are from.The news follows the releaseearlier this year of a draftbusiness plan for the sitewhich it bought from theAnglican Church for $3.65million in 2007.Other proposals for Slade,including a Chinese pilottraining school and an Indianmedicine university remainofficially on the table but nofirm progress has been made.Council will hearpresentations from the threegroups at an upcomingmeeting.Chief executive officer RodFerguson said three groupshad approached council withtheir thoughts on the futureof Slade after the councilsought community commenton the draft business plan.“The mayor and council staffhave met withrepresentatives of the PastStudents’ Association, arepresentative of anorganisation proposing to usethe campus as aninternational school and localdevelopers who areinterested in the communityaspect of the site,” Mr.Ferguson said.“From here, council will listento presentations on eachgroup’s vision for the futureof Slade and we’re invitingthe public to come along andlisten as well,” he said.Mr. Ferguson flagged some ofthe issues raised during theconsultation period as the

future use of Mayhew Oval,development of the site forresidential uses andcommunity use of theexisting buildings for arts andcultural centres.”We believe there are about 8proposals altogether.


Several new artifacts will beadded to the collection on theweekend of the AGM. Maketime and be sure to visit themuseum sometime over thetwo days.

LETTERSLetters reveal the insights ofits readers who have beeninspired by the newsletter toshare their life experienceswith other readers. If youbecome so inspired, I urgeyou to write to The Editornee Aunt Louie,“KINAWAH”, PO BOX 9099,WYNNUM PLAZA, Q 4178 oremail your letter to:[email protected]

STORYFrom “Memories of Slade”by Tom Gunn."Tom" Gunn attended Sladefrom 1927 to 1932. Tomwrote, or at least had a largeinput into the AssociationNewsletter, "Kinawah" from1982 to 1987."Ian Fairbairn (Slade 1928-35) (another Buderim retiree)talked of his life on the land asa sheep and cattle grazier atGilliat, west of Hughenden.In World War II, Ian was oneof the Spitfire pilots sent fromEngland to fly Hurricanes inthe defence of Singaporeshortly before the fortress fell,but, when the situationbecame hopeless, these pilotsand their fighters were orderedto Sumatra where Ian met up

with a old schoolmate, ScottMcLeod (Slade1929-31) ofTerrica Station, Inglewood,who was flying BlenheimBombers. Scot and Ian werecaptured and sent to work onthe infamous Burma Railway.Scott died bravely in thatterrible place and Ian helpedbury him. Ian is a LifeMember of the Association.



Jill McInnes (Harding): StCatharine’s 1941 to 1945,passed away in Townsville onthe 6th January. She had beenin a nursing home for 5 years,suffering from Alzheimer’s,and had been in a very badway for the last 2-3 years.Although a year older than

me, we were in the sameclass at school, having startedcorrespondence school at thesame time. She was a goodathlete – running and ballgames – and was captain ofthe school swimming team. Avery sad way to end her life.Her husband Bruce diedexactly a year before. Theyhad lived in Townsville forclose to 40 years.Beth Calcino (Harding)

…………PER VOLAR SONATA –PATRIBUS DIGNI ESTOTE(Born to fly higher - be worthyof our Forebears)







Page 8: Volume 2010 KINAWAH · Toowoomba, Q 4350 Phone: 07 4635 0573 or SSPSA Inc Margaret Stewart, Pres. 248 Hermitage Road Toowoomba Q 4350 Phone: 07 4630 7229 mailto:bmstew1@bigpond.n

Journal of the Slade and St Catharine’s Past Students Association Volume 2010 Issue 2

AGM and REUNION 2010Schedule:

Date Event Location TimeSaturday19/06/10

AGM – Meeting and afternoontea.

Slade School Dining Room 2.30pm. for 3.00pmmeeting

Dinner – 3 Course Meal Slade School Dining Room 6:00pm for 6:30pm


Bus Tour– Stanthorpe (Differentlocations from 2008)

Departure : Horse and JockeyMotel

8:30am to 4.00pm

Accommodation:You must arrange your own accommodation. However, we have set aside rooms at the Horse and JockeyMotel; identify yourself as an attendee of the Slade-St Catharine’s Reunion when making your booking.Also rooms may be available at Slade. Please ring Kel Williamson on 0410773122 to make your booking.Dormitory beds $35. Double unit $55.______________________________________________________________________________________

ATTENDANCE FORM – RSVP Friday June 4, 2010(Note: All past students & guests are welcome.)

AGM: Person 1: ………………………………………………………

Person 2: ………………………………………………………

DINNER:Number attending ( ) Person 1: …………………………………….………Sports’ House………….……………

Person 2: …………………………………………….Sports’ House……………………..…Cost/Person $25

Sub-total ……………..…..

BUS TOUR: Person 1: ……………………………………………………………………………………….………..

Person 2: ……………………………………………………………………………………………..…..

Bus Tour Cost/Person $50 members; $70 non-members Sub-total ………………..

Please find enclosed cheque/Money Order for TOTAL……………………..

Send the Attendance Form and cheque to: THE TREASURER – SSPSAPO Box 677JIMBOOMBA, Q 4280

Or send Attendance Form to the above address andDirect Deposit online to: Slade-St Catharine’s Past Students’ Association Inc

BSB: 124001Account No: 90641027Use Reference: AGM + your surname

Signed: …………………….………………….. Address: …………………………………………………………


Phone Number: ………………………………………………..

RSVP: Friday June 4, 2010

Page 9: Volume 2010 KINAWAH · Toowoomba, Q 4350 Phone: 07 4635 0573 or SSPSA Inc Margaret Stewart, Pres. 248 Hermitage Road Toowoomba Q 4350 Phone: 07 4630 7229 mailto:bmstew1@bigpond.n

Journal of the Slade and St Catharine’s Past Students Association Volume 2010 Issue 2 9


Membership RenewalPh: 07 5548 6655 Fax: 07 5548 6688




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YEARS AT SLADE/ST CATHARINES: ...................................................................




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VIETNAM VETERAN: FREE; ORDINARY MEMBERSHIP: $40; LIFE MEMBERSHIP: $240;ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP: $20 (non past students only) DONATION:.......................

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Please make cheque payable to SSPSA Inc and post to:The Treasurer, SSPSA

PO Box 677JIMBOOMBA, Qld 4280

PER VOLAR SUMATA - PATRIBUS DIGNI ESTOTEBorn to Fly Higher - Be Worthy of Your Forefathers

Page 10: Volume 2010 KINAWAH · Toowoomba, Q 4350 Phone: 07 4635 0573 or SSPSA Inc Margaret Stewart, Pres. 248 Hermitage Road Toowoomba Q 4350 Phone: 07 4630 7229 mailto:bmstew1@bigpond.n

Journal of the Slade and St Catharine’s Past Students Association Volume 2010 Issue 2 10


Six (6) issues per annum of the SSPSA Newsletter, “Kinawah” either by post/email General Information Updates (“Bull-in-a-Tin”) by Email Notification of all SSPSA Social Events/Meetings occurring in your area Discounted Fees when attending SSPSA Reunions/Functions/Events Networking/Contact Information Opportunities to Contribute to the Community Pastoral Care Service (Looking After Our Own) Fellowship & Family Fun On-going Connection & Interaction with Slade Campus & St Catharine’s which includes

Access to our Museum & Archives & Preservation of our History & Values