Download - VOL. XV McPHERSON COLLEGE, McPHERSON, KANSAS, … · 2019. 11. 16. · lo practlc. ceacbtng: lo tbe gT&dff places tbe7 Tlslted.and


    CoutM ii Open to Sop"- aad Sen;..n.....Ja Required 1 AAy T ...d>ias Certificate

    Tbun., Oct. I-World Se"lce for Group meet• Jn Y. w. room at t:SO Oppone:nta' Ad•aat&se of 1ltirt,.-·fi•e Pounda per Player Spell.I

    ,,. P . "· - Defeat for McPheraon


    Thurs., Oct. S-\'lr1ll Plaae ll lec-o--~--------- ...... .. c.u ... Charch, a •. m. 1-------------c BULLDOOS o. WESLEYAN •7

    W••• Dlridgeett-d t o c reate llt own Uen Khn. Hulow Nacht.11al, Cb~ler -,.

    REV. J. H. ANDERSON World SefTlee Croup tbb ennlng. Allhousb the radio 1tatlon &1· on to Summertleld. The top WH McPhenon. •: We1le1an. none. Pan-Elcllleen of the m were former mem· alg-ned to Kan•u for the local pro.- badly u1aabed, and (ender• and run· es Intercepted: We.leyan. J for U b ~ram le StaUnn W OAF at Kanuo11 otn11: board were allO coo1lder11.bly J'&rd.11. PumblH: McPhenon, S;

    SPEAIS IN CHAPEL ·~iter deTotlon.e, led br Charle» City, an effort I•. beln1 made to di maced. ~~~e,•:le';,;;.,;;r.::~d~ 1e;-01r '':: ::;:~;

    • -- • Auitln tbfJ bead• of the nrloua de- aecuro t hfl u1e of Station K FD t al Thi;!' 111:roup •rrlved h1 McPber1on \Vealeyan, 5 ror 35 yard•. C1te 1 U.e ~ Pathway ~of Life part.m~nll on.tuned the program ror Miiford tor college. In lhl1 part. of late Sunday e•enlog.

    HoldlD,f lt..NW'&Dc:e the tear lo •bort talks. Ore.ce Heck· the •la te. .,,

    Fri., Ct. !-tn tbapel t bl• mvrn· :r~~P~~ ~l~eB~~~~-=~=!"c:~~:~ "PILGRIM'S ~ROCRESS" ln1 J\llY. J. 'J!. ., Andenon. paator or oC groups wbl~ llRg tn tho MePher· NEJ5T WEEK



    the Cbrl•llan Ch~rch, ta)ked lo the ~ Hudent•. ' . ~ ::::~:~~lm:n w~~n:::t1~te1;::,~~~~: Haney Shank. v. M. c. A. moYlns ReT. Vi.rail C. Fi.-nell W ill Reduction of $205,000 h Pr°"

    Arter, the U1ual proct-Hlonal an'd Ing of reque:11ta for Sunday School picture cha trma11. report• th~t nul Gi•e ated LeCture poaed by Officiala ~=n p:ar:11~/U:.:.~:Ph~~ d.u.:~ workera from dowlitowo chuiche1. • eek ' picture ot unu1U•I lnleretl Wed .. Oct. 7-Rn. c. F low Top(lka, Se pl. 2fl- Head11 nr tlu

    Ellu.betb Ricbard.9 · ts membenhlp wlll be •bown In the chapel under w I ~t.ate w.choob1 met t1ero lo'CiiY'wtth CharlH f;mltb, accom,.aled b7 Loll! ud Maz:r Weddle, trea1· au1nlcff of the Y. M. c. A. ft b ;::~· ~;:;:b:; ~~eth~h.~::r•~f t~; Oon111or Woodrln1 and ~..V Kan-::arda. Tber alao played. an eo· urer, wlll haY·i tharg:e of tb.e m1Nlon the IM!reen nnlon of nuayan't '.'Ptl· IJM!:lbre u, and na uonall)' known tem· u1 ofllclal• •and worked out. waya

    · rand. Cbarlee Ao.sun wUI 'direct. the grfm'a Prosreu." • ClHtlc which pe:rance worker. wlll l lTe a fteturf' and meant or lrlmmtnc expendllur•

    tba~";:•~:t ~:·f~~~=~-=1b~•ee:!u:1:S::: ~Jl~~":.:~jed ~;n~~~~ b::~ ~:~eh•:e::~:::: lllulrated bF atereopticon alidea t«>- a t the lnatttu11011a. AfU1r the COD• lbelr ca1nlallon• Heeetd.. \0 Dep

    1 robt.b.._ f

    11 1 the t Jooed trt11Quently Thia ptctore vm morrow nevlnc al. tbe cburcb ; !ere.nee C. H. Harger, chairman of

    n.a.d •tt.taeuon ta a .. raacee. B•t 1•,b•-u •0•111.~orlp d P;:-.?. ow i;c &t•e opportunhy for H eb ""oat lD ••bJec.t wUI be " Why Girl.a :Smolle." the board of receou, announced lb• Lb .. "91 la " _... lecture wu &Inn berore--mOre flu .choob would 1pead UOl.OOU ~~, :r ur=.:•raoe.M = Tiii.a •est JMetlas ot the World cet tbe •to,.,. of "Pllsrlm'~ P"°" that soo aadleaeeti tut T.dr Ko let.I rtom the ceneral reYeau• tundt leads fo,. 81 '- aot.

    0::-7.,.: kl 8e"1ce Onnap •lU be o• Th•nd.&1 sre-.~nd wlU doubU... be 0! idmJuJoa .,111 be cbarg-ed bat·. 1u . tban wu appropriated by lhe lesl•· ta .. :.._ • en•las. October 1. aad •..UD.P late aleo to tbOM who ban rea ,.er otferlo1 la lO be ta- latue tor lhe current rlK&I year.

    A_ftw Dr. IOwaJ• Md.....,. soee Will .. Mlcl - ffffrf' otbe'r ltb• book. I . ....... ...._ Kia. .. t~. at l :lt P. K. E•erro•e W de4 •r we ~roetuall1 bellan tllal a ,.,.,.. .,_. U.. ~ wt.o la ~ la U.. w orllc of. I Juda• peop .. ti)' wbal lb•t mtabt e are .. "'°~~

    1 b · 'fl arwltou sabJcd 11)811:• SI MJ4

    tldl ........U.. ii~ la.n.d l be,-eot an, aor wUI M-Robut tbat once •:'!~~ ~ a.t ao aboat 1t tmport.anL-H. C. 8&ll•1· - ftiiiliii - 11 • .. - - - BfOWllla&, d .. d~Han- .

    · d


    ~ tat · : 'lltTEACHER&= · l:'::~n tbe utu•l m ... lo11ar1 ~l· • .

  • - ~

    } r



    WEt>NP;SDAT, OCT: 't; 1~31

    CHAl'il. ISl!f · Jm· All Jr.S., W£B VP lt. ~ BUt NOBODY llOFS ANYillm&. AB.OUI. IT

    Oblo le•d111 &It Uu'J . •t•tH tn tb• nw•btr of colte.Nt ._, \u n . Sew

    So«er h1 tlH main 1dll. a ad tell 1ou mr oplaloo.ot UJi pt:ace. nd ho• 1 all) ataQdfna 'llp undor aU Tbe rh111rd1. pulor wlllere thf! tbla load . I ' m in tbe back or tbe room a nd \ tblok I ca.n rlt:k uUAns g1.1e1u 111·ere reeel•ed •» ~hillr :o4~'C>~Ut \ '. :M. :wc1'\. l t\ RNO\\'N l•a-cJed, ont. Th• chapela. U'9 a bore. the>' are Juat a · aood .-ay to wotte decor,altd wil.G • haded ll&blA aad

    Beet-Sandwiche. In the City (or IOc

    McCourt Coffee Sliop tfQle-ond, ever1- J>6f1Cut• n.rouQd - town I• ohmyB tuuHllnK au.t> l\d•l dlUlcnlL Lt. tho ~"'ft.ldea.t. bh:naelt didn't r•4 11tHt I LlfuJl1 lald. On. table llood a. ~ron9'11ed of 1. twu i-l!litl flln1 ..-11ll04't! f':•ery l"hapel talk for · u1 •nd an but. d r•w u. plt;ll&re& llO ...-e wlll kno-. large bratt c:andelahrum with yellow i'"Tbe Bent'f&u:lor" and " rour part

    Almen-Lovett Dtug Co. what the 9pealter l.s tr1ln11t to teU \Ji.. ,c:omed)' , "'Th• Se•·Cutn~ Senior."

    • '(o t~ll y)U· the truth, I 11m rntl'.er' -- A numhe.r oC colh.1111~· itlrls "The ftt.•11C'f1wtor" WH.t a ihort hi· •lu!l:ous a.b"out my belo~ a ble to f'/J• an•·•·lth the moat. 1errlblo look 1 e, .• ,a.t.lltnded tbo tea. ~JYell b}I. tbe liidleit oara.phy, reYe•llnK 11ome eJi:t"it!llenl pose l11. tJ1l.11 HU In eue alid l':Omforl er rK•he: aniLtom->'~ TUue u;o. Uar, b(\lt Joh the other day. One of HAS MUSICAL·PROOitAM dN«ieni e leetrlc ll111h1. bulb VI·• " c11))6· rnctff- l'vc Jt1$t he'n 1nkl11J1: mr reg- llH.lllO vrortt. wllo 1" flUite active Ir• _ _ ch\11)• well umll11ed, taklua Into nc-

    • uJur e1crcl•e. Quit e orten. l nf,l;Ject ap.erh •·ort 1 undent=-ud, a t 14.!HI la th• £i(at o f &. 5-J'i.e_I 0 0 ce>1111t. the 1nep• 1ha1 h:id ln ltl4 111• to p ut tb11I cOrge(lus fret1hman OP tbe)' 1a1 be b u turned 011t. IHeral up of,) •( ~ r cl_ •overp by EcUwn and the Jrr4!01 H IU(I on my bud and tbeo I do snfteT. wirutins te:u11._ bawlnit had ao mu~b r ~~~

    19 of the lla bl tcdar. The Ulm brou•ht

    W UI l h!JHdr Youri l'AJt¥~J.C 1-'0UXTAJS rE.~Y

    IDEAL BAKERY Br.ead t uppli.ea fo.rce,and ••

    eru for youq and: old • TRY OUR ·PASTIUES.

    One o( tbe fellowa aad I tt11:ured up aut"e.nt IQ forenalu the year hetore, • befor.e the t rn of the &udlonrf' .-onu;! Jua1. betw inuth tbeu cap .. an going thou11ht. he'd Invade the atblelJc ar- Sun., Oc1* 4....:.....The ennln« drnrch l111c reslln,; fa•111 Uiut brl111t «rNtler Baldwin Music Stose to co!'lt tlf.. by Thanksclvlnit. sine~ en•. B~L· wllllG ho was 111 tho mJdi t tlervt(•e or the C hurch of tho Brctb• nn1>retln.tlQ11 !or mod(!rn 1ll11('ovQl°ICll tJu~J Is whe n we are allowed to dis - or • rather lOP·•ldOd contei t with 1 ren conwltt~t ' entlrel)' or muileal nnd n 11;:ruter 1111prkhUlon tor th~ t1oa.e of them a nd goo.round like r eal taller Ir leu wclgbly oppoaeonl , whe) a.umber-. Tha- pro1:r•R1· Included a unllrho; etro~h• of M"ien1h1la like human belnll:• once more. It &Ii If you muat know IM the bull or voral •olo 111 Lohl 1-;d..,·ardi. 4 \'OMll P.dl"On. comeft to a r:rari~ tota l or U 4.S5, ht.tor)' department, he wu ~uddcnl,- dacL 111 Oqlah nnd V

    l eon1ldtr mr11elf a ll lttln11: a part And one 1n1erealln11t lndlvldua llly Sunda, eunJQS R.ev. w. 'n. LucketL dl1&tnuio11 ron~ernlu11;: a l'lau 11lrnlI.en all Re- It 11 a great ure. • fqr tlle tvtnln11t, M ina enumaJned bJI'------------' ~::~ ~.:--,::•,!::~,;";',.o~~:~·.:~ Molty. ~:::~, ~::~~~::~~~: ·~~::-.:~~;: ~~~~('dh~r :~o~~n:~:h~;.::1~:t .~:\I=~~ DR. HERSHEY' RECEIVES -·ere pre1ent. DUCK.WALL'S

    J,1-:"r l"~ ~l'l'l'l.l" \ "Ol"lt .\l l 'Sll'.\l, WA.~'f'S.

    Phonr :..•oo

    CALL US For- Lateai. Report• on. Home

    Cam .. allld Ollt>of· Town Gamet. 1

    Mary Ann Phone 920

    Tough Luck Bulldogs:

    "Remember Though"

    We are still for you.

    Beat Phillipa!

    Peoples State Bank

    McPhe.rton, Ka.nM.& -----~~;- :~ina:l~~ee~b:n:c,:!o::~c.~:; INQtfltY· FRtllt Elflt6rE KAJUljiJ. nl~IK.QVJ.;K J;J.RQTED ' =~v1:;h~1,'';dre~~:rr:; ~~·::e~~ . ..-p~11: Haa Gained Wor ld Recopition Ji"rh, Ort. ~-Kenneth lllllkofcrl~§§§§§§§§§§~~~==§~~~-~~- §§~ uit the r1tther tlublo1111 eompllm~nt ot by Exeer i.inenta witla Gate• was elect ed. Trea.11Ul'

  • ~NESDAY, OCT. 7, 1981

    ' IFOORTF.Df (llUROIJ.S POUCE ~ MU ~ ~- ATl.C.~::.coor~ NM " ~ Church ol ti.. Bretlinil P-ont of Traffic ~ ·

    11·_..._..__..;.711 ___ 403 __ . _ ._ ... _.

    sn .... Sprinfs Creamery Co:

    wltla Forty-$ena p.- cent 1• WESLEYAN AT T(l> BY After ueln..:: Peabler (don't I.ugh, of Enrollment Wed., Sept • • IO-Jobn ,Hollo•aJ,lr---------,---; be made one or the prt'.!Uleat pl&J• Chier or tbe McPberson pollff, •u Wil'ber Barber Shop

    WJN OVER BUUDOf,S ~; ~~~111~':1.e~::ml~etl:~r :: =~e:~ col~:!~ ~~ !;!!~~o~~b t~:p~:::: :::: =~ rt°:.~"~:1~~:·~~== of tb• 1ame tbe Bilcllet w11hn of lbe Bretbft.11. entrance to lbe In· wbo drhe e&n be aoni Unt•I ta

    No More Conference Ga.mea tblt bunk of g rit had more wa!shL aUtatlon ta opctn to atadenta o< all tbtlr ob1eM'&nce of tbe city tntnc. Until Wildcat-Bulldol' denominations. Fourteea denomlna· ralec. '

    IOe M. Mala

    LET CR H J:LP \'Ol! LOOK \ 'OUR B~

    Fi1ht October US The third e.trlag llno up can bout Uon1. repreunt the church aftllla· , He warned atudent• P&TtlcalarlJ that they were the only onea, who tlon• of the 1tudent1 of the cone1e. a1a1n1t rldln1 on the out1lde or ean, 11"4,.,..._"V __ W\o_""",.,.~

    Moo., Otot. W e1le1au wero oot •coted a1alnat . Mehbe 10, The Church or tbe Bretbrera raakl thus ln•oh1ns both 'tbemMh• Hd • _ ! Uah'er1\t1 ll 1ltuated at the top or th~y weren't In the re very 1on1. tint with leu tb&a fitly per cut or the dr1Yer la the dancer or &ccldeat te!"1l1\ Mn rer'\\19((!!1 the Kan.u Confere,nce u t he retu lt the eorollme.nt and tht Yethodl1t aad laJaJ'7.

    DeLue Cleaners CASK AND CARRl'

    I• ?fHr Hawley Btdl41ns Oho .. " TrW. Baldwin. ternatlonal Labor Or1inlia'{10a:"

    K•••ll W•• l• Y• • VI. Dethol "' SEVEN GAMES REMAIN PEP RALLY PLANNED · Th• •"•ndance ••• ••l'l' small. ho· !...-----------' Sa~lt"..:w~ol:.~t~~otra.l Mlllourl Teach· IN BULLDOG SCHEDULE FOR THURS. MORNING ~~~e ot ae-nral cootUctln1 actt•I· ....------------;

    '";,.~.::::•::.";,'!111::·~~1"..,.,,, · foe Are on Home Field 0.:i::: ,::~~:. :0:·~: .:~t:: M Ph TH~ C'tiz

    at McPhenon (night~. The D11lldog~ ae\'On footbali In the college chapel ID pre_paratloD Th:,at:;:i:. ~~e::~:ra~dverltlflrt, ~ C s::: ~ • enl ARING game• r{lmnlnln1t In thalr' schedule for tho toot.ball came• With Phillip• BULLDOGS ARE PREP ror U1l1 tol.IOO, thr(!tl ot them belDI!: Unln rslty on the followlng nlghL ==========~;;;

    FOR PIDWPS 111 ruru Kaneu Conference g• m0t. Fin of Dtaoch lbrrlt and Miidred Do1le, ,. · liLL t 1&11 t-he rem&Jnlng contea~• are a t home. ch er leaden. plan 10 1tlr np could· Where MCPhenon Eau.

    1 of McPbenoo, KaD&U

    Capitol" ond Surplua $127,000.00 -- The...Kbedalo follotra: erable entbu\um at tbll pep nl17.

    Binford Triea Some Different Oct. 9 - Pbllllpt Unlvenlty, bere A ipec:lal atun.t, In whlch_a nam-Combi-tione . OeL I G -·---· ·-··-· Boker, he ro ber or otudeoto wlll take part, i. Hawley Coff· .. ~. 'Shop

    · --~- Oct. 23 _ Hn>·• Tcnellors, t, being planned. 'lllOi~

    1ia!i:~··~0:·.,~~!::. ~~~1:,~:: .:~ ~:'~. 31°1----~---~~~~c:::· t::~: Y. W. C_A_N_D_LE __ L_l_G-HTINC

    '!'be Prvi>Jan of the 8Codeot It oar chaace to "l)lllY the .. Goldea

    Raio". Oome in.

    alau thl1 WH lc In prepar• tlon ror (da7 same ) SERVICE TAKES PLA.CE - 'l'he Gift For Her - } llle cam• with PhflllPt Uahentty No• . 11 Be thel. be ON TUESDAY EVENING nut P'rld•J' ntsbt. Wltb Olntord :Sov. *' - lklhao)' l':hndN, btte / - - .. •orklns on the line and Aul1tatlt W. Oct. S-Tblt ennln1 la tbo SBOlll RICBlllLDER

    ~.~:e~!18•~.;::er::•tch!:~!~:a~l:~.~fl~! ffW BEGINS TO ROUND ~~~:i~«o~::g:.~~~:r::r.-~!: ~~n:~: With N• "'"' ·etea~n • . .. . belo1 tried la order \t> !;le\t nnlne tbt UP DEBATE MATERIAL membenhlg ~r lbo Y. W. C. A. was ·-------------_

    11 • ~~ _. llea'a· UMl

    L. E .• LAWSON

    Met PGMlble ooauton for man. beld. .---Euseo• Andert0u bat bect-D work- -- Benik e Dre.he r pl•Jtd the orPD UBOE8T AS-D- BSST N-W~~ .. .: ....

    IDS a t fullback, with Ru Andenon Williama and Wollman of proceulonal u the collea:e clrll took OKERLIND A. ASPEGREN ............ ·-• at end. Dlaford 11 a1a lo •t right Year'• Var1ity are Back their · places. Eecb " llllle 11later"' CLEA.NER8 aDCI braceleta. / b•1f. Haw1 conl-lnucs to eall •t,. wae accompanied by her "hl1 •l•ter." 6;:1~~"£u~r~ J. Eel. Guataf1on uall. neckwltb, wbo recolvod ~ bad Btho dobote ~·ork hait not started J'laultne Oell p layed a ylolln 8010, J'IOftace Wea•• til N. MAIN STR££T brul.e 10 ht1 tide ta. the We1le1an a1 ·01, Profes,or lle11 ll beglnntnr: followed by• nrT ln1Plrauoua1 ta.lie I ~==~~~S~~==~~=~========~ s •m• . It m1 .. 1a1 practlce1 tl•I• week. to o up bla old mat.erlal and given by Miu· Delta 1.Abman. ID I, aad probably will Dot be lo t he lln&- keep on a watch for new. wbleh •h• told the 1lOtJ' or the "Holr ' v.p FrldaJ alsbt. Ward WHllatllll and Walter Won- Grall" trom Te.na11oa'1 "' ld7ll1 o f ~'For Goodneu Sake"

    man of latt 1~n1 nnlt1 team are the Kl~.'' ------------.1back, and of tho nltonultel Kermit Preceding the candle Ugbtlng a USE

    DRIPPINGS HBYOll hu returned. 11:lrl1' quartet con8l1tln1 of Guiab - from - F'or the benefit o r the ne"' stu· Hoover, Vera. Flora, Velma Amo•.

    dent1 \t might be well to aay tba t and ' Lolt Ed•ard• taDI " IAad Kl.nd· L-_THE __ oo_P_E_B_U_CKET ___ _,1: :o ~'::::t:1;~: ;._:e:~: ~~mm_ !~;11:1·;;,h:cb C:!~'ei~~r~: c;:~:· ~lfti• bo71 did Dot brine home '..!1e ber of lhe Taraltr teem Is unable to wH held bJ Alberta YodeT. prealdent bacon, bal .tr 1ou aaw tho 1ame act. The four beet dabaten regard· of the orranlsatlon. The strlt form· you'll admit ther looked 11ke 1011 of clu1. nre cbonu for the ~var- ed n Jarce circle and 1anr "Follow


    The Wall-Rogalaky Milliiig Co.

    tht J had made •ome real atrosru 1 ally team a.ud ihe next tw9 beat .:re the Oteam" u each one held herf~~~~~~~~~~~~§~~~~~~~~;;;;:§~ dta.rlDr the we.k follo w Ins the cho11en a1 a lternate.. The setond 1lo • lo1 candle which nore.eated (! HQlcbln10a 1ame. team and alternate. tor tbl• t."U.m the llsht. of t ruth.

    are choten from the t~r-e1bman and The 1lr11 quJet1t len tlle ebu.:Ch Tru•llDI, to the IHI tc0re lo Pte• Sophomore cl&Pff. Of last year"• a• tbe receulonal WU played.

    Tent an7 e1ot11m, Ye Old Dopa Duck· second team. Lilbur n Oollmann and ot waata 10 11n credtl to 1avera1 Wllllam Jnhnke huo r etnrned. or old tat Freedom on the belshu. teUo•a who did good work a1a ln1l. Of 1enr•1 women'• t..,nm. Ltl· The thanden brt•klDI a t her lbe Co1ot11. It an1one made a n1 Han carlaon and Miidred Doyle; have ffflt: brJUlaat pla71 and donn'l. set d oe returned. and Ettber Drown at1d Above ber ibook tbe starry t11bta: ncopltlon lll&Jbe It h becaaH tbo Elba~lb Rkbanti" of the allorm.tes. Sbt be&rd tbe torrent• mff.t. Backet01 NDl'ftflnlatln mlab.t han ProfH•OT Hess expects to .-n· bi.ea wa tchln1 the pme too clo1el.r nonnc• lho debate quettloo tor tbl1 There In ber plac. 1he did reJolco, to He all the lodh1dual play1, .sea1on 1omel.lm411 within the ne:rt two Self·aatbered In ber ))rophet·mlnd,

    Lake Surriot' Lum~r. Company LUMBER,- HARDWARE, PAINT


    P~40 . week•. But, fr&1mtnlt or ber ml1ht1 'YOlce

    Tbat P&ll from Haw• to Ra.clcatra• Came rolllas ta. tbe wind. !~§§§~~§§§§§~§~~§~~§§§§§~ Mr looked 1ood In. the tint .quarter. SENIORS MAU PLAHS Tbeo itepped •II• doW1l I~ :~;b:: !~.-:~:~ =~r~,:~0:; AT MEETING FRJDAY to• • and r1etd tlle .MCODd aad roarth quar1en . Edi- To mlaste wltb th• bamaa race, .... , WU nol1)' PHI and 10-l'- Adopt auc1 •• t ·and Appoint Aad Pt.rt by par( lo m•n renaled •rat 1ood tacti:les to hl1 credit. M. Several Conunltteea The tulln.e..,of her race.

    ::~~b'!.!: ~':o!\: =~·::o!~a;h: Fri .. Oct. %-..The &lnlor claaJ met Ota'ffl m~ber of maJeeUc works.

    8eckwllb. did 1ome playlas bnt lmportant meai urea were couldered~ forks, lacka Ole ••lsbt to bHt tbe~r !00 A budHt preaentad by Ada Stat.a- And, k1q1·lllll:e, -:~" the c~wn:

    ~ fOR. . SE"ITER. P~INTING, . AT ~ldf-IT PR.ICES ·. ·

    Go To

    The Daily Republican McPherson, Kansas

    •al•a•le aaa. WlgglD.I aeat hll tint In Profeuor Blatr'1 leetue room to l From her llle.Uar-1at~na dot:· •••l of the MUOD for t i J&td.I. dlKau plan• for tbe 1ear. Sn eral Wbo. God·llk•, SftlP9 t • lr Pe

    f9u4 men. BoUl Anderso; ,~ did mu. lrt11u11ur