Download - Vol. IV Issue 9 (ii)

Page 1: Vol. IV Issue 9 (ii)

At a well attended meeting, BJP PresidentRajnath Singh has dared the Congressparty to declare its prime ministerial can-didate for the 2014 elections. The air wasfilled with a lot of rhetoric, which spelledthe start of the upcoming national elec-tions in 2014.

Both leaders, Ashish Shelarji & Raj-nath Singhji greeted their audience – whowere mainly from all communities, livingin the Bandra – Khar - SantaCruz area.

Speaking to a packed auditorium"The BJP has declared Narendra Modias their NDA nominee for Prime Minis-ter. I want to know from my friends inthe Congress party, whether they arewilling to make public their PM candi-date. The country would like to know,who will be the Congress PM nominee."

He was addressing a press meetingat a Rang Sharda, Bandra Reclamation.

While interacting with reporters, he ini-tially tried to downplay Mr. L.K. Advani’sdiscontent over choosing Modi. But, whengrilled over the latest letter of Mr Advanito him, Rajnath Singh admitted to the in-house rift for the first time. He added, “Itis an internal matter of the party. But, Ad-vaniji is our guardian - and I will listen towhat he has to say. If something has gonewrong, I will rectify it.”

“There are no differences over Modijibeing named as the PM candidate. He en-joys the undisputed support from allwithin the party. You must have seen that,just after the announcement, Modiji evenwent to meet Advaniji at his residence.Advaniji is active in the party functioningand will continue to remain so in the fu-ture.”

Jayesh DeoPic Courtesy: Naresh Kumar

c r e a t i n g c o m m u n i t y c o n n e c t


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September 2013 | Vol. IV Issue 9 (ii) | To Advertise: 9820783686 | 9920299787 E-paper: | 16 pages | Price: `2

BJP Dares Congress at Rang ShardaRajnath Singh has dared Congress to declare a PM nominee



Page 2: Vol. IV Issue 9 (ii)

LOCALSeptember 201302 Bandra Buzz

Laughter Club, Bandra on Saturday earlymorning of 31st Aug 2013 was bubblingwith excitement as usual – but this timethere was an added agenda concerning amajority of those present.

The Bandra-Khar Police were tocome & speak about senior citizenssafety.

The Police told the crowd that ifanyone had given their flat on lease, thenames and details of the people stayingshould be registered. Even if your trusteddomestic help or security has been work-ing for the past many years, it is vital toregister them (full name and home ad-dress (village) – along with a photo-graph. This ensures better tracking andsearch, in case of any crime.

Then, core members of the LaughterClub felicitated the ACP & ShyamaKulkarni, followed by a lot of healthy in-teraction between the local police andsenior citizens. To see the action at Ban-dra’s Laughter Club, please visit:www.bandrabuzz . com/ laugh te r-club.html The ‘Laughter Club’ memberswere given the Police Helpline Numbers:Bandra - 26423021 / 26513716, Khar -

26496030 / 26494977

Sir, What is your take on the Safety ofSenior Citizens in the Bandra-KharArea?Today I (Shivajirao Kolekar, ACP-Ban-dra) was called by the Senior CitizensForum, more specifically Shyama Madam– who told me that I need to meet seniorcitizens. Accordingly, I’ve come here.

We have expressed our views to in-crease the security of senior citizens ofKhar & Bandra area. Along with myother colleagues, we have given them allthe hints how to ensure registration ofthe names and details of their domestichelp, utility service people & society se-curity staff. They should be registeredwith your closest Police Station – so thatsenior citizens are safer and live longer.

This type of police-citizen interaction,can help to pre-empt crimes – so manymore venues across Bandra-Khar havebeen planned in the coming months.Please attend such events to know moreor to get your queries answered.

Dev Sanghvi

‘Laughter Club’ Members meet with Police“Senior Citizens Should Get Registered To Get Police Protection & Stay Safe”

When devotees gathered at the site of theSatyagraha March, we pleasantly noticedthat the police had already allowed access touse the traditional road to Mount MaryChurch.

This was otherwise shut till this morn-ing, for which we had organized the Satya-graha March. Devotees began the prayerfulmarch to the Mount Mary Basilica, withprayers. Then they moved down back to theentrance of the Traditional Road.

This was people's power in action - thatresulted in a change of heart of the BandraPolice and the authorities; to listen to thejust demands of the devotees.

- Shri Nicholas Almeida, the former Munic-ipal Corporator and Trustee, WatchdogFoundation warned the Police authoritiesnot to test the patience of the community.He said, “What is due to us must be givento the community, without any harassment”.

- Shri Anil Joseph, Chairman of the Perry

Road Residents' Association said he wasready to go to jail for the sake of MotherMary. “Why is it - that this traditional roadshould be closed”, he stated.

- Adv. Godfrey Pimenta of Watchdog Foun-dation felt that this government was notpaying attention to the concerns of theChristian community - and this would reflectin the way the community would vote at theforthcoming elections of 2014.

- Shri Dolphy D'Souza, Spokesperson ofSave Our Land [SOUL] Committee (and im-mediate past BCS President), expressed thatChristians were always considered as softtargets. The community is always at the re-ceiving end of attention - and their just de-mands are always ignored. “Will theauthorities dare behave in the same mannertowards the other communities, when theyconduct of their festivals”, he stated.

All the devotees in one voice stated: We do

not want a repeat of such a road blockadefor the next Mount Mary Festival. To watchthis peaceful protest march, please

Among the other community leaderswere: Adv. Shane Cardoz from CROSS, ShriAlphi D’Souza from Mobai Gaothan Pan-chayat and several others. All the Satya-grahis were only asking the question:Why???? WHY???? … was this accessblocked in the first place.

We thank the Vice-Chairperson, Smt.Janet D’Souza of the Maharashtra MinoritiesCommission; for taking this issue up withShri Sadanand Date, I.P.S, Jt Commissionerof Police, Law and Order - who willinglygave instructions to the concerned Police Of-ficials to allow access to this traditional road.We thank Shri Sadanad Date, Jt. Commis-sioner for his just action.

We thank Smt. Thanksy Thekkekara,I.A.S., Addl. Chief Secretary, Minorities De-velopment Dept. of the Maharashtra Govern-ment; for taking up this issue with the Chief

Minister's Office, Chief Secretary, Govern-ment of Maharashtra, Municipal Commis-sioner, Police Authorities and forintervening & allowing access to this roadfor the devotees.

We would like to also thank the PoliceAuthorities - specifically, the Addl. Commis-sioner, West Zone, Shri Vishwas Nangre-Patil, DCP Shri Chhering Dorje, Sr. Inspectorof Police, Bandra, Shri Abhay Shastry andthe entire police team - for making excellentsecurity arrangements for the safety of thedevotees. Thank you all - and God blessyou.

This Satyagraha March was supportedby the following organisations: WatchdogFoundation, Wake up Bandra, CROSS,Mobia Gaothan Panchayat, Perry Rd. Resi-dent's Association, Members of The BombayCatholic Sabha, Save Our Land [SOUL], sev-eral other organizations and devotees.

Dolphy Elma D'Souza

As a part of our Corporate Social Respon-sibility (CSR) every year we conduct asessay contest on subjects pertaining toentrepreneurship, with a view to identityand subsequently mentor the selectedparticipants. The selected participants arethen provided with training - which in-cludes mentoring sessions, LeadershipSessions, Communication Sessions, In-dustrial Tours etc.

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sional Education, while a 5-10% discountwill be offered by Malaika Appliances onall electronic products at its stores.

The Jury would comprise of Mr.Clifton DeSilva Director of Altina Securi-ties Pvt Ltd and Mr. Walter Viera Pastchairman International Council of Man-agement Consulting Institution USA andAsia Pacific.

Altina Securities promotes the spiritof entrepreneurship both at the start uplevel and the scale up level. At the scaleup level, there are several companies thatare at an advanced preparatory stage -with firm plans to take these companiespublic and list their shares on the StockExchanges, thus unlocking value for thepromoters. In summary, we play the roleof an incubator for start ups, helping themnot only to raise capital but also with reg-ulatory compliances.

Entry for the Altina Essay contest2013 should reach either by post or emailwith recent photographs to the followingaddress:Altina Securities Pvt. Ltd303, Anand House, 13th Road, off Link-ing Road, Khar (w) Mumbai – 400052E-mail - [email protected].: 022-66942416/17/18



Page 3: Vol. IV Issue 9 (ii)

Bandra BuzzEDUCATION September 2013 03


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I’ve passed by the place a million times.I’ve kinda peeked at it through the carwindow while using the “shortcut” earlyright when I could see, coming onto PerryRoad from the Carter Road end, that StAndrew’s Road was congested.

But, I set foot in it, for the first time,to do a book reading two weeks ago, al-most to the date. My publisher hadarranged for me to read my first picturebook, Alphabet Dress-up, at MCubed Li-brary.

“Where is it located?” I’d asked. “D’Monte Park Road. Very close to

you,” she replied, giving medirections.Which is when I realized thatMCubed Library was the same place I’dpeeked at, through my car window, allthose times I’d used the “shortcut.”

I stepped in that Saturday morning,interested in seeing what it was like, smileon my face, but admittedly, with my ex-pectations a little low. I couldn’t have beenmore off base.

For starters, it’s a lot bigger than youthink it will be when you just peek in fromthe outside, while driving past on thestreet. It’s bright, it’s airy, it has bursts ofcolour on the walls and shelves,sunnyyellow curtains on the windows and Warlipaintings on walls tucked betweenshelves of books. But most importantly, itis full, absolutely full, of beautifullycoloured books, for children of every age.There’s a huge, well chosen selection ofbooks for children, divided by genre andby age.

From board books, peekaboo booksand touch and feel books, to beautifullyillustrated picture books by Eric Carle,Julia Donaldson, Dr Seuss andShel Silver-stein, to the Enid Blytons that we grewon, the Jigsaw Jones series, the JudyMoody series, the Magic Tree House se-ries, the entire collection of Geronimo Stil-ton, A-Z Mystery series,the Nancy Drewseries, the Hardy Boy series, Roald Dahlbooks, R. L Stine’s Goosebumps series,the Harry Potter series, the Twilight se-ries, Percy Jackson collection, the HugerGames books.. I could go on and on. It’sloaded with something for every child, inevery age group or at every reading level,and for every adult like me, who still nur-tures the child in her. I honestly could curlup there and voraciously chomp throughall these children’s books for hours onend.

A year ago, they decided to make theadults who like reading adultbooks,happy too and opened a section foradults. Three full shelves, with space for

more, dedicated to our very own IndianAuthors, like Amish, Amitav Ghosh, Ar-avind Adiga, Chetan Bhagat, to name justfour. There are shelves upon shelves ofbooksfor fiction lovers. Books by Ken Fol-lett, Dan Brown, Wilbur Smith, RobertLudlum, Jeffrey Archer, Michael Crichton,John Grisham and loads, loads more.

There’s non-fiction too, if that’s yourthing. Shelves of books on Spiritualism,Poetry, Art, Literature, Travel, Autobiog-raphy, Reference, Hindi books andMarathi books. And a lovely little loftwhere you can ignore the world and readin peace. Quite magical to find serenitytucked away in a corner, so close to somany busy, bustling streets in Bandra.

I couldn’t help but question how it allstarted, and heard that three very pas-sionate ladies – Sonal Bimal, VaishaliShinde and Vibha Kamat, founded it. Oneof these ladies, got inspired by her littlesix-year-old nephew, in the US. His publiclibrary made him pledge to read a certainnumber of books over the summer. Thelittle boy pledged to read 20 and ended up

reading 162 books! What’s amazing is in-stead of just praising the little boy, tap-ping him on the back, and forgetting allabout it after her holiday, this lady clungonto the idea and decided to make a dif-ference. The determination and relentless-ness of these three ladies, led to the birthof this beautiful library on D’Monte ParkRoad.

They have a calendar full of interest-ing activities for both children and adults.There’s a book club for 8 to 12 year olds,12 to 16 year olds and 18years andabove, there’s a film club for both childrenand adults, there are book readings andpoetry readings, art and craft activities,creative writing workshops and author-reader meets. MCubed Library’s busy cal-endar neatly tucks a community feel intoliterature, without you even realizing it.

I also found out that MCubed is cele-brating their second anniversary on 29thSeptember, with a program bound to en-tertain both adults and children. If you arein Bandra and can’t think of how to spendthat Sunday morning, (10.30 am to 1.00

pm) do pop in. There’s a puppet show andmovie on the cards for the children, andShanta Gokhale, author, journalist, the-atre critic, will spend time with the adults.

But more than the huge selection ofbooks for both children and adults, andthe varied activities, there’s a warmth toMCubed Library that’s not related to thesun shining in the sky or the fan being onlow. There’s a positive, feel-good vibe toit, that you hold in your heart and thatlasts even after you’ve returned that bookyou’ve borrowed. Something that’s noteasy to come by in today’s world.

(To find out howto become amember ofMCubed Library,please drop in orvisit their web-s i t e

Nalini Sørensen

MCubed Library – the Math of Great Books

Page 4: Vol. IV Issue 9 (ii)

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If you are the mom of a pre-schooler, you will be de-lighted to hear that there’sa new pre-school right herein Bandra, worth consider-ing. I spoke to Jitendra KarsanBoricha, also known asJeetu Karsan, CEO of SafariKid India, who is the manthat has tied up with SafariKid, a US pre-school, andbought the all India rights,to provide customized in-teractive learning to pre -schoolers in India.

The very first branch of Safari KidIndia opened in Bandra in June, barelythree months ago. It looks spotlesslyclean, has bursts of colour everywhere inthe classrooms - and has a lovely purplecaterpillar with multi coloured shoes,among the other things set up in the playarea, outside. But more than the coloursand the facilities, the passion in Jeetu’sdream is what impressed me. He’s out tomake a difference to the way children areeducated today. Something our childrenreally need. I can only hope that he suc-ceeds in his ‘brighter tomorrow’ endeavor.

As a mom, I would say, “Another preschool?” What makes you different?Yes, that’s right. There are play schoolsand play schools at almost every busyjunction in this city. Most have indoor fa-cilities and help develop the gross motorskills of children. This is primarily be-cause in a city like Mumbai, space is a bigproblem. But these kinds of pre-schools,providing the indoor training to children,basing their program on a fixed curricu-lum, do not do justice to the childrengoing there.

I believe that children are born withtheir own personalities, with certain abil-ities that are inborn. They are curious andcreative. They copy and imitate thosearound them, and can get competitivewith siblings in the home. Our school un-derstands that all children are differentand have different learning curves. Weencourage and pace the learning andgrowth of the child on the child him/her-self. So it’s not a ‘one size fits all’ kind ofphilosophy.

Research has shown that betweenthe ages of 0 and 6 years, the synapticconnections in the brain are formed. Thatbasically means that your child’s wiring is

taking place in those cru-cial years. It’s also beenproven that basically 85%of your child’s personalityis formed by 6 years ofage.

Our school takes allthis research into consider-ation and we have devel-oped a program where agedoes not determine howmuch a child learns. Webelieve that children havethe capability to acquireknowledge when taught

the correct way. That’s what makes us dif-ferent from the other pre-schools around.

As an educator, what brings you great-est satisfaction?The thought that I can change the worldfor the better, brings me more satisfactionthat I can ever communicate.

From starting your first IT company atage 21, to advertising and now to edu-cation... What gives? It might look like it’s been a long road, butmy calling has always been education.Right from my young years, I never gotpocket money from my parents. I earnedit through giving tuitions. I spent freetime helping educate children in slums.I’ve always felt that there are childrenfrom these backgrounds that study hardand do well in their SSC examinations.Then unfortunately they struggle in col-lege and to get good jobs due to poor com-munication skills. That was somethingthat stuck with me and affected me and Ialways wanted to change that.

One fun tid bit about Safari Kid Indiafor mums and dads?Well, it’s a fun learning system. We don’tdrill concepts, but create a love for learn-ing in your child, something that’s lifelong. What can be better than helpingyour child learn through fun?

You are fairly young, how does it feelto start something as big as the first ofmany Safari Kid India pre-schools atsuch a young age?Yes, I was born in 1976 and I think I’m anidealist at heart. The music I listened toshaped me to some extent. I remember lis-tening to Bob Dylan, GNR, and Deep Pur-ple. I remember ‘Winds of Change’ byScorpions, was one song that affected me,

as I saw change in my country and mycity, but not necessarily change for thebetter. I wanted to work toward bringingchange for the better, lots of love and re-spect for different ideas and views. So,Safari Kid India is a dream come true, asit helps bring those winds of change tochildren who will make a difference to theIndia of tomorrow.

What are your future plans for SafariKid India?India is a big country and we’ve alreadyreceived lots of franchise requests. We arehowever looking for like-minded peoplewho understand what we are trying to doand who are looking to bring quality ed-ucation to India. So yes, big plans to grow,but only with people who share the samedream and are as passionate as us aboutthe work we do.

I love the name, Safari Kid, I love yourby line – “a jungle of knowledge.” I’mso used to hearing names that ring ac-ademia. What’s the thought behind thename?When you go on a Safari, you don’t knowwhat you might see. You don’t knowwhat’s going to happen and you prettymuch write your own story. We believethat children come to us looking for anadventure and not knowing what theymight learn in the process. We believe thatchildren are looking for a jungle of knowl-edge. Hence, the name.

Since this is for Bandra Buzz, why did

you select Bandra for your first school?Bandra has a list of good schools thathave been around for a long time and cre-ated a really good name for themselves.So yes, Bandra is the toughest place to be,really. Bandra is full of well-educatedmums and dads who ask lots of questionsand want to know details about theirchild’s education. I think actually it wouldbe hardest to succeed in Bandra. So that’spart of the reason for selecting Bandra.The other part is that of course, it is verymuch in our brand image to be in Bandra.It’s an important suburb to be in.

What system is your program basedon? Montessori? IB? Waldorf?We follow the “Safari Kid” way. We’vetaken the best practices from leading in-ternational philosophies of education andintegrated them to form our own program,which we believe optimizes the way chil-dren learn. We’ve taken the good fromcurrent systems or programs employed byschools today, and truly believe that ourway suits children the best. We keep ourclass size small, not more than 16 chil-

dren with 2teachers in eachclass. The highstudent-teacherratio is part ofour philosophyand part of theSafari Kid way.

Nalini Sørensen

Safari Kid – The New Kid in TownEDUCATIONSeptember 201304 Bandra Buzz

Page 5: Vol. IV Issue 9 (ii)

Bandra Buzz September 2013 05FEATURE


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Rabia Mansion, Chimbai Road, Bandra, 400050

From humble beginnings in 1935, theBandra Gymkhana still retains its ‘old-world-charm’. While being the bastion ofculture, sports, literature & talent – it ismore importantly, one of the most con-venient places where minds meet for forg-ing futuristic views. Many-a-times theseinteractions materialize into awesome re-sults. It is undoubtedly, the ideal socialplace in Bandra, for creating communityconnect – ‘one-on-one’.

From 2004, the management’s dy-namic expansion plans started to takeshape. The years that followed, saw manymodern & creative changes that tookmany (especially those who came back toBandra, after many years) by surprise – astate-of-the-art swimming pool, restau-rant, bar; along with a wide variety of up-graded sporting facilities. The ‘traditionalfeel’ has been tastefully maintained, cre-ating an ambience that is truly unique.

Its 75th Anniversary celebrations in2010 highlighted the progress thru theyears - culminating into a club that pridesto be ‘simply the best’. To get some inter-esting insights, we spoke to some of theoffice bearers & trustees, who ‘run theshow’. This is what they said:

Cornel, what has been your greatestachievement during the recent past, inupgrading facilities of the BandraGym?Cornel Gonsalves: I (alone) have not up-graded anything – it has been the entireManaging Committee, that came forwardand decided to move ahead – first with thetennis court lights, then - the diningroom, the badminton hall, the table-tennisroom, the swimming pool, the billiardsroom, including air-conditioning. Theseexpansion plans are quantifiable – for allto see.

Do you have any future plans?I would like this to be announced at our77th AGM on Sunday, 29th Sept. 2013

Ajit, you’ve been one of the longestserving trustees of the Bandra Gym.Could you take us into the recent past– and about how it has been upgraded,step by step? Any plans, in your opin-ion, that should be implemented?Ajit Rodrigues: Well, the BandraGymkhana has been upgraded in steps,from its inception. It was founded in1935, I’ve been an active trustee for thelast 30 years. In the late 80’s, we did an

extension of the front porch – and later, alibrary & exercise room on the D’MonteRoad end, where earlier we had a garden.In the mid 90’s, we had plans for furtherexpansion, but it did not get done till2003. In between, we improved the tenniscourts lighting. However, all this has beendone step by step.

This Gymkhana primarily is for themembers of the East Indian Communityand the Salsette Catholic Housing Society.We do have associate members, but thegrowth of the Gymkhana was always inkeeping with the needs of the community- and the type of facilities that could be af-forded by the community. That’s why,probably, this club did not grow (initially)as fast as other clubs in the city.

Ajit, in comparison to other clubs, doyou think the upgrading here has beenfast enough?Here, we don’t look at upgrading in termsof physical facilities, We look at upgradingthe general ambience of the club, whilecatering to what the community needs.

We have to change. The thinking forchange in the next fifty odd years – is inprocess. The actual implementation willbe in step with our capacity and the grow-ing needs of the community. Above all,we will keep the ambience intact – whichwe feel is unique, among most clubs.

Roger, you’ve been a trustee for thepast 3 – 4 years. Could we have yourviews on The Bandra Gym?Roger Pereira: Yes, I came in as a trusteeafter all the good work was done. But, Ican tell you that 27 years ago, I was the

President of the Bandra Gymkhana. At that time, we started envisioning thefuture. But our one big problem was thatwe had no money – and quite honestly,we were not as united as we are today.Unfortunately, everyone had his ownagenda, which was not in the interest ofthe Gymkhana.

But, now – as Cornell said, our pres-ent managing committee works hard –and more importantly as a team. Now, thisis something unique – and the reasonwhy so much is happening.

When I was President of the team

(27 years back), I used to often share withmy team that the Catholic Gymkhana wasthere (raises his hand high); the Willing-don was there (raises his hand a bit loweror midway) and the Bandra Gymkhanawas way down (his hand goes even lowerthan the table height). Nothing much hadreally happened, since it had started in1935. Then, Willingdon Gym improved,Catholic Gym started going down – butBandra Gymkhana stayed where it was.

Now, for the last 6 – 7 years, theBandra Gym is right on top: ‘Simply TheBest’ – as we call it (raises his hand realhigh). The others are trying to catch up.In fact, I find it difficult to walk on CarterPromenade, as people stop & ask me,“Roger, when is the membership open-ing?” Now, that is something.

I remember nearly 45 yearsago,(when I used to live in Bandra)

Otter’s Club was started by my friends;there were no takers for membership.They requested me to invite all my friendsto become members of the Otter’s Club.

Today, there are a lot of takers forBandra Gym, but we don’t have the ca-pacity.

So, now we have to look at how wecan improve, and go further - by raisingthe bar further; so that we can increasecapacity, wherever possible.

Roger, what is your vision for the Ban-dra Gym - in the year 2020?Our Vision Statement is summed up inthree words: Simply The Best. And we re-ally want to be first the best in Bandra,then in all of the suburbs – and then in allof the city. This will be tough, because wedo not have the space like the Catholic orWillingdon Gymkhana or the CCI has –but, we’re getting there.

To watch the interview at the GymkhanaOffice, visit: The present Bandra Gymkhana Team ofOffice Bearers are:- Ladislaus Pereira – President of TheBandra Gymkhana- Cornel K. Gonsalves - Hon. Treasurer &Jt. Hon. Gen. Secretary- Leon Curzai – Hon. Gen. Secretary- Denita Gomes – Hon. Cultural, Literary& Senior Citizens’ Secretary- Naomi Fernandes – Hon. Social Secre-tary- Ryan D’Monte – Hon. F&B Secretary &Jt. Hon. Social Secretary- Leo Dharmai – Hon. Outdoor & IndoorGames Secretary

Among their achievements in the recentpast are: Draught Beer Application filed,expansion plans and continued mainte-nance, relief from BMC Shops & Estab-lishment Act, Tennis Courts redone,Aadhar Card application facility, CCTV in-stalled at main areas, etc.

This ‘Super Seven’ team promises:implementation of solar energy conserva-tion systems, bio-metric system of entry,to strive towards BMS approval for aSquash Court… and continuation of facil-ities, quality food, varied menus &schemes at reasonable prices.

Those who are eligible should comeand cast their precious vote at the elec-tions on Sunday, 29th Sep 2013 (after theAGM) – so that we can have progressthrough teamwork. The approx. votingtime is 11am to 12:30pm. With a strongand united team at the helm, The BandraGymkhana can continue to be ‘Simply TheBest!’

Naresh F

The Bandra Gym – Simply the Best!Forging ahead at an incredible pace, to beat all the rest

Page 6: Vol. IV Issue 9 (ii)

“We’ll see you for Olio 2014!” were thelast words from Prof.-in-charge, DesireeGonsalves, at the end of the event, justbefore the auditorium emptied out. Andwe will surely be there, because Olio 2013blew us away with the bone-ticklingfillers, the dances and the plays! It wasdefinitely a “Royal Affair!”

One of the most famous features ofOlio every year is the fillers. And whywouldn’t it be, when you’ve got charac-ters like Rajnikant, Sorpotel expertBandra aunty and Stella from Byculla whoreally made us laugh out loud. Along withthese characters’ crazy antics, the dancesput up were not only professional, butalso a lot of fun to watch.

The stars of the show of course werethe four selected plays based on the

theme, “A Royal Affair”. These playswere put up by St. Andrew’s College, K.C.College, Pravin Gandhi Law College andWilson College, all of which succeeded incapturing the audience, leaving themhanging on the every development on-stage. There was a lot of breath holdingmoments and a lot of comedic momentsall ending in loud well-deserved applause.

The performers whether a part of thefillers or play; the dancers, singers and ac-tors, all seemed to have achieved the aimof Olio which was to showcase new talent,develop appreciation for theatre and tooverall entertain the crowd.

We spoke to a few Bandra Buzz readerspresent in the audience and here’s whatthey had to say about the event,“This isthe first time I’ve been for Olio and it wasa great show. Great work & effort by theteam. The fillers were hilarious & theplays were very interesting... it was Royal

indeed!” Mark Gomes.“It was great. Got to see an amazingamount of talent and the Andrew’s Audi-torium is one of the best platforms toshowcase that talent.” Nicole D’souza

“A very well laid out display of playsthat were not only unique, but also pow-erful in terms of the acting and well bal-anced by the comic timing of the hosts.”Aaraddhye Manwati

We approached a member of the Olioorganising committee asking her abouther experience. She said, “Olio 2013 washectic! While everyone was awaiting thisevent, our team was busy running aboutpreparing for it. We’ve got a great re-sponse and we’re happy about that. It wasgreat fun, the show was a hit and if I hadto, I would do it all over again.”

And here they are, as declared by thejudges; Mr. Prahlad Kakkar, Ms. GeneliaD’souza and Ms. Erica D’souza.

The winners of Olio 2013:-Best Play – K.C. CollegeBest Runner Up – Wilson CollegeBest Actor – Navaneeth Venkateshwar(K.C. College)Best Actress – Rhea Kotak (K.C. College)Best Runner Up Actor - David Lobo (St.Andrew’s College)Best Runner Up Actress – Anoud (Wil-son College)Best Script – Keith Sequeira (St. An-drew’s College)Best Sound and Lights – Surel Ingle(K.C. College)Best Filler – Franklin Lewis (St. Andrew’sCollege)

So, there you have it! Olio 2013 was a bigsuccess! If you missed it this year, be sureto catch it the next time around in Sep-tember at none other than St. Andrew’sCollege!

Tanishka D’lyma

The euphoria at St. Andrews College remained adaman-tine and overwhelmed, with media students coming fromcolleges across Mumbai for a good two days at the an-nual festival XYZ, hosted by students of the self-fi-nanced courses at St. Andrews College, Bandra. Afterhaving themes like The Vortex and The Ultimate Battle-ground, XYZ’ 13 decided to go on a trail of mystery andsuspense with it’s theme “Detectives Wanted”.

Every participating college was assigned a specificdetective to go as it’s contingent. So it was quite a bed-lam of enthusiasm with the likes of Sherlock Holmes,James Bond, Chacha Chaudhary, Detective L, Kate Beck-ett, ACP Pradyuman , Martin Mystery, James Carter,Karamchand Jasoos and many more, battling it out atvarious events to win the coveted XYZ trophy.

The 19th of September, saw the turnout of a bunchof a massive, poignant, excited media students on thecampus to kickstart first day of XYZ’13. The eventschedule for the day had events under the literary, jour-nalism and fine arts category. Also the flagship event ofthe fest, The Treasure hunt continued to enthrall the ex-citement and expectations of the participants. The streetplay event hoisted on the grounds, brought to light manya highly debated social issues to light, and the messagebeing brilliantly executed. Also the radio and movieevents brought to light the extraordinary fiesta of moviesand acts by probably the upcoming jocks and moviemak-ers of the nation. Amongst the sport events, the day wit-nessed the basketball and football finals as well as thepretty innovative and complete fun telegames. The dayhaving kick-started at around 8.30am with the registra-tions for the events which went on till 5pm in theevening, but the energy and excitement only getting bet-ter, and voices only going lower as each student wasseen screeching slogans heralding their contingents andcheering their team members to glorious wins. Theturnout was overwhelming and day 1 ended on aneventful note.

20th September, the last and most highly anticipated dayof XYZ saw students coming in larger numbers than day1 and only with more zeal. It saw the different contin-gents battling it out in the auditorium in events like theBand, Dance and The fashion show. The auditorium waspacked was bustling college goer’s cheering their contin-gents with elaborate posters, slogans and chants as onemesmerizing performance after another was stagedthroughout the day. Also, the special appearance by themost amazing singer Shaan made XYZ all the more ex-citing. The contingent of Chacha Chaudhary emerged de-servingly as the winners of XYZ’13, taking home thetrophy and the glory that came along.

What started off as an idea several months back,

now saw itself in the form of a brilliantly managed andexecuted fest. Thanks to the 100 and so volunteers andthe makers of the fest, The core committee of The CPbeing Ornellius Saldahna, The VCP Jaunita Dsouza , Theevents head Keith Sequeira, The PR head Joel Thottanand of course the marketing head Sumit Shetty. It werethe centralized efforts and chutzpah put in by the corethat eventually led the torch of XYZ to only getting betterand better.

All said and done, XYZ lived upto the expectationsof every student on campus and it’s delirium of purebonding makes me can’t wait for next year already.

Maria ShumustiPic Courtesy: Tanvi Eliza Thomas

OLIO 2013

CASE XYZ’ 13 – DETECTIVES WANTED!Bandra BuzzSeptember 201306 CAMPUS

Page 7: Vol. IV Issue 9 (ii)

CAMPUS Bandra Buzz September 2013 07


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St. Elias School has its humble beginnings inthe small village of Chuim in 1839 - where Por-tuguese, Music and the basics of the languagewas taught and functioned under the name of‘Mount Mary Primary School’. It was thenshifted to the present ‘Babulal Shop’. In 1914,it was shifted to present ‘Nirmala Niwas’ - andwas known as St Elias High School. The foun-dation for the new building at 20th Road, Khar- was laid in 1963. Here it developed into a full-fledged High School.

It’s time to celebrate and thank ourAlmighty Father, for showing us the way tocarry out this tremendous task of educatingchildren.

Various plans have been drawn up andcommittees set up, to usher in the celebrationson 25th and 26th January 2014. We invite allour ex-students, well-wishers, benefactors,parishioners to come forward to render valuableassistance in the form of sponsors, donors, andhelp us to scale greater heights.

St. Vincent De Paul Church, Chuim: Nestled in a corner of suburban Khar, St Vincentde Paul Church is the heartbeat of the locality.The parish church continues to reach out inservice, to an ever-growing neighbourhood

with varied needs.St. Vincent de Paul completes 70 years.

We have planned twin celebrations. A Vincent-ian Mela has been organized on 8th,9th, 10thNovember 2013. This event will be on a grandscale - and will be held on the school quadran-gle and on the ground adjacent to our school.So get set and join the celebrations. Come on,friends put on thinking caps and dancing shoes- and get ready to celebrate this event to togeth-erness, which will bond people from all walksof life. Stalls are available on hire.

As part of the Seventieth Anniversary Cel-ebrations, the parish has planned ‘Carols 2013’- a festival of Choral music on Sunday Decem-ber 15th, 2013. This programme is open to allthe parishes in & around Bandra Deanery.Wetrust and hope you will ensure that your parishwill be represented at this event.

The Carols will be sung in St Vincent dePaul Church after our 5.30pm evening Mass,i.e. at 6.30pm. Each group consisting of 25members (maximum) may sing up to threechoral pieces in English or any Indian Lan-guage. A memento will be presented to eachgroup. The last date for entries is 25th Novem-ber 2013.

Steffi Dias

St. Elias High School, Chuim, completes 175 years in 2014

My brother is very fascinated with airplanes andwants to do Aeronautical engineering after his 12thScience from Maharashtra. But there are not manycolleges giving this course. Can you suggest somecolleges? – Mr. Glen D’saTo seek admission to Aeronautical or Aerospace Engi-neering, your brother will have to give entrance examssuch as JEE-Main after his 12th Science with PCM. Iwould advice to take Mechanical or Electronics Engineer-ing for his Bachelors degree; and then if interested go forAerospace or Aeronautical Engineering for his Mastersdegree. It is always recommended to do a core course ingraduation and a specialization courses in post gradua-tion. You can get the list of colleges from AICTE website.

Remember, fascination for airplanes does not mean yourbrother will perform well in the course. Please consult acareer counsellor and confirm if engineering is right op-tion for your brother.

I want to give UPSC Exams and pursue civil services.But my GK is very poor. Can I still pursue civil serv-ices? – Mr. Rajeev KapoorPoor GK should not be the reason to drop out form civilservices preparation. You need to put extra effort in im-proving your GK. Start reading the basics from variousNCERT books, newspapers, and magazines. Also, solveprevious years question papers.

My son is in 12th Science with PCB. He likes biology,but is not interested to pursue medicine and surgery.Can you help us with other options where he canstudy biology as a career? – Mr. F. D’Mello

Other than medicine one can get into para medicine fieldssuch as Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, SpeechTherapy, Nursing, Pharmacy, Medical Laboratory Tech-nology and Optometry. He may also look at options ofsuch as biotechnology, biochemistry, genetics, microbi-ology, botany, life sciences and forensic sciences courses.

Answers queries of students and parents on wide rangeof career and education topics.

Farzad Minoo Damania Career Counsellor and Founder, Career Nurturer Mob:

Career Guidance

Page 8: Vol. IV Issue 9 (ii)

With the city of Mumbai being known asthe ‘City of Dreams’, you would expect alot of dreamers. And when those dreamsdo come true, it’s the most fulfilling feel-ing. Here’s a one-on-one exclusive inter-view, by Bandra Buzz with India’syoungest Opera singer as well as my for-mer classmate, Tara Sutaria.

How did you start your journey in theworld of music?I've been exposed to music since I was 5,as my twin sister and I accompanied ourmum to her choir practices. That is alsowhen I started learning classical ballet. Isoon started singing with the "Glee-Hive"choir and later joined the "Stop Gaps Jun-ior Ensemble". I first sang as a soloist atthe NCPA when I was 7, opening "TheFestival of Festive Music". It’s been a thor-oughly satisfying journey right from thestart.

What has been your biggest achieve-ment yet?I think having sung for and worked withtrue artistes and musicians that are in-spiring, like the legendary Louis Banks,Karla Singh, Marie Paul, Merlin, Joe Al-vares, Alfred D' Souza, Indrajit Sharma(Tubby), Tony Lakatos, Mikey Mc Clearyamong others, would be at the top of mylist.

What are your plans for the future?To continue making music and to explorewhat the world has to offer in the way ofthe performing arts-and-bridging theworld with song remains a constantdream and ambition.

What or who has been your strengthand support through this process?Definitely my family. They're my biggeststrength and support system. They’ve re-

ally been there with me through it all, es-pecially my mum. I'm also humbled tohave a lot of people who love and cherishme, admire what I do, and when I seethem happy after every performance, it re-ally makes me smile. Knowing what I domakes a difference to people, really getsme through rough patches!

What is the biggest hardship you havefaced by far?I wouldn’t really call it a hardship, as I’vedone it of my own accord. Ever since Istarted singing professionally over 10years ago, I've given up a lot of wonderfulthings. So I ensure not to eat or drinkfoods that are artificially coloured, cold,deep fried, chocolaty, or citrus based. Thatpractically rules out everything yummy. Ihave disciplined myself now and am used

to living without these so it doesn’t botherme very much anymore. I live for the feel-ing of being out there, on stage, when thelights come on and the music plays -----nothing else matters after that!

How was it to be the main lead in a mu-sical as legendary as ‘Grease’?

‘Grease’ has been a journey within,for me. I have discovered facets to my per-sonality, I didn’t know existed. Rehears-ing for a year has been long, fun, tiring,but wonderful. Playing ‘Sandy’ has beenquite a dream really, because I'm probablyone of the biggest Grease fan myself, hav-ing watched the film over 23 times beforeI got offered the part!

There's a lot of pressure to play San-dra Dee because Olivia Newton John hadmade it iconic in the film. But we've all

worked very hard and have had a ballperforming and can’t wait for another runof the musical to experience that euphoriaand rush of adrenalin again.

Is there anything else you would likeme to add? Any message you’ve got togive out?I’d like to add here that Mumbai has sucha lot of talent and so much opportunity.Why then are we doing such few musi-cals? I would also like to tell everyone tofollow their dreams, work hard and theworld will be theirs!

Anjan Sachar

If you know of someone from your areawho is at the top of their game, send usan email on [email protected]

One-on-one with Bandra's Star, literally

Our handwriting plays an evenmore important role in our livesthan we think. Many aspects ofour lives are based on how wewrite and we are judged by othersaccording to our handwriting.Penning words legibly can some-times mean the difference be-tween passing an exam or a jobinterview.

Rich handwriting is an initiative by Priti Pereira, a resi-dent from Ranwar. It is a franchise of Mastermind Tuto-rials. The courses offered here use tried and testedscientific methods which guarantee to improve yourchild's handwriting in 7 days. The center also caters toadults who wish to gain the extra edge in the craft ofwriting. The course is for an hour a day for 7 days. Itpromises to improve your English and Hindi script withspecial emphasis given to your pace of writing.

They also help children who have Dysgraphia, arare handwriting disorder. Priti says that writing is ahand and mind coordination game which once masteredcan yield spectacular results in our lives. Analysis isdone on sitting postures, elbow positions, angle of thebook and letter formation based on these analysis, mis-takes are rectified and various methods such as the airbrush technique are used to help you improve. Specialclasses are offered for children during school vacations.Unique and personal attention is given to every individ-

ual to enhance their writing skills at a pace comfortableto them.

In our schools, hand holding is not practiced interms of handwriting improvement which results in poorwriting skills. Parents have an exam-based thinking andwriting skills are neglected. The importance of writinglegibly and with the right pace cannot be stressed moreas in an exam paper our handwriting is our first impres-sion. Graphology the science of handwriting analysishelps us understand how our personality is reflected inour handwriting. If such is the case then what we writeand how we write it assumes greater importance than wepreviously thought.

Parents who have sent their children for the hand-writing improvement classes have not regretted their de-cision and have offered positive feedbacks like “Myfamily is truly amazed at the beautiful handwriting my

son has achieved” “ My son has improved to a very largeextent and it has given him a great boost and encour-agement to take part in competitions”.

A national level writing competition called theHandwriting Olympiad will be held at Rich Handwriting.The competition is open for all students from class 2 to12. There are big prizes to be won and a world of expe-rience to be gained.

Priti also conducts English conversational classesfor one parent and child. This she says helps parentswith limited or no knowledge of the English language tospeak to their children, teachers and understand what isspoken during parent teacher meetings.

All those interested please contact Priti:8691999668/26436138 or [email protected]

Sairaj Borkar & Pic Courtesy: Nelvin John


Bandra Buzz IN FOCUSSeptember 201308

Page 9: Vol. IV Issue 9 (ii)

Bandra BuzzCELEBRITY September 2013 09

What made you choose your career asan actor?My father (Ajit Khan) was an actor.Halwai ka beta halwai hi banta hai.

Your father being an actor, did you gothrough a struggling period in yourlife?Of course, it wasn’t easy. When you fatheris a legend, it becomes even more difficult,as the expectations are higher.

How did you bag your first film?My first film was with Aamir Khan. Iheard Nasir sahab was starting a newfilm. So one day I went up to him andasked him to let me know if there was arole for me. 7 months later I got a call andthat’s how I bagged my first film ‘QayamatSe Qayamat Tak’. This year we celebrated25 years of the film.

At your first experience before thecamera, were you nervous at all or didit naturally come to you?I have actually seen my father acting a lot.I used to go on sets and see the shooting.Infact it was Dev Sahab’s film Jaaneman.We were shooting in Mehboob studios. Soaround the sets one day instead of goingto my fathers makeup room, I went to DevSahab’s makeup room. There in front ofthe mirror I was trying some of my fatherslines, and all those things that he does. Ididn’t know that Dev Sahab was watching

from behind, so he came to me and said“Hey young man who are you and whatare you doing in my room’’. I said, “I amAjit Sahab’s son and this is my fathersroom’’, he said no your fathers room is thenext room come let me take you there. Hetook me to my fathers room and told myfather “ye bada hoke actor hi banega’’. Iwas lucky enough to work with DevSahab in his last film Chargesheet. Themovie featured myself, NaseeruddinShah, Jackie Shroff and Dev Anand.

Andaz Apna Apna was a classic com-edy. How was your experience workingwith actors like Aamir & Salman?Salman and others, we have grown up to-gether. We are like ‘chaddi buddies’. Weused to go to Bandstand and hangout to-gether back in the old days. I rememberwe used to meet near Mannat, Salman,Rohit, Rafiq & I. We all had a gang. Theywere not stars back then, now they aresuper duper stars. I am very happy for myfriends.

For the public, an actors life looksglamorous. Is it really like that? Haveyou felt like that being an actor sincesuch a long time?I am born in this industry. The blood thatruns through my body is the result of thehard earned money of my father. But avery necessary thing that an actor mustkeep in mind is that never to get carried

away by success. Always be like a tor-toise, because your alone at the top andsuccess is very temporary. It’s alwaysgood to be slow and steady and be on theground.

Have you worked in both movies &TV?The T.V. industry wanted me. The seriesthat I have done like Shaka Laka BoomBoom were hugh successes. I have beenvery lucky. I am a very different kind ofperson - I run behind quality rather thanquantity.

Any advice for aspiring actors?Yes of course. I would like to tell themrather than your body, concentrate onyour acting.

What kind of qualities do you think anactor must have?Patience, patience and patience and hardwork, no short cuts. Short cuts manytimes will back fire.

What would you like to share with ourreaders? What’s new in your life thesedays?Well these days my wife (Shabnam) &son (Faris) have started a Spa called‘Body Beautiful’ in Bandra. We haveAkram who is a very talented famous hairstylist, Then there is Aditya and few otherpeople. We have professional masseurs.

We have all the facilities as all the bigspas. It’s my wife’s baby and I am here tosupport it. Big Bollywood stars come here.Of course the rates are reasonable, from acommon man to an Ambani are most wel-come here. Other than that, I am produc-ing a new film called 'Funda Apna Apna'with Arshad Warsi, Jackie Shroff, JohnnyLever, Sunil Shetty and it’s going to be re-leased in ’14. So am looking forward to it.

Do you plan to retire one day or willyou continue working till you can?Dev Sahab has been my inspiration. Heworked till his last day. so I think I willcontinue working in this industry till I die.

Sairaj Borkar

Journey of a star: Shehzad Khan

Page 10: Vol. IV Issue 9 (ii)

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CONTACT: Mobile: 9821869124

Email: [email protected]

Desmond Miranda is a name which issynonymous with cycling for mostBandraites. The lanky 24 year old, an ex-alumni of St. Stanislaus School, lives andbreathes the sport of cycling. Though heexcelled in school level athletics, cyclingwas something which he picked up ratherlate, during his high school days.Desmond, who also customises bikes asper customers budget, has a slew of cy-cling trophies to his credit, which maygive any competitive athlete a big com-plex!

Considering that you were quite bril-liant in athletics, how and when didyou take up cycling seriously?Though I excelled in events like the1000m sprint and the 500m relay racesduring my school days, it was not untilthe age of 18, that I could think of takingup cycling as a full fledged profession.

Any specific reasons for switching overto cycling?Yes. My grandfather, who was a formerendurance cyclist, inspired me to take upcycling seriously, which I initially onlyconsidered as a passion along with athlet-ics.

A word on your daily training sched-ule?My daily training involves cycling a 90kmstretch from Bandra to Mulund and back,a four hour long schedule which I have

followed since the age of 18. This hashelped me turn into a professional cyclistover the years.

Your take on the scope of cycling inIndia?Cycling as a sport is just beginning togrow in India, so it can be considered asa developing sport.

So, what needs to be done to ensurethat cycling attains a mainstream sportstatus in India?The first and foremost thing that needs tobe done is to organize more cycling tour-naments at the grassroot level, a system

which has produced excellent results incountries like the United States. The muchneeded funding for setting up such a sys-tem can be achieved from local politicalbodies, despite the lack of sponsors forcycling as a whole in India.

What major tournaments have youwon in your cycling career?I have won 7 BMX races. 1st place in all

both the Road and Dirt Race categories,2nd place in Pune district level, 2nd placein Bombay district level at Bandra-KurlaComplex , 1st place in New Bombay dis-trict level Vashi - Khopoli - Vashi, 1stplace in MTB category Bombay districtlevel, 1st place in XC MTB category at theBangalore Bi-Cycle championship.

Your favourite cycling moment?My favourite cycling moment is definitelywinning ‘Vashi-Khopoli’, since I won de-spite riding on with an injured thigh andalso won the ‘Most Hardworking Cyclist’award in that event! That was the mostmemorable 115kms of my life.

Which international cyclist inspiresyou?

I love watching Alberto Contado of Spainin action. as he inspires me with his never-say-die attitude.

Do you dream of participating in inter-national level tournaments?Yes, my dream is to win an internationallevel BMX dirt race event and also makeit a national level recognized sport inIndia.

And... last but not the least, what isyour advice to budding cyclists?My advice to anyone who intends to takeup cycling seriously. would be to trainhard, have fun and enjoy!

Vineet VarmaPic Courtesy: Nelvin John

Riding off towards glory!

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My daily training involves cycling a90km stretch from Bandra to Mu-lund and back, a four hour longschedule which I have followedsince the age of 18. This has helpedme turn into a professional cyclistover the years.



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SPORTSeptember 201310 Bandra Buzz

Page 11: Vol. IV Issue 9 (ii)

Bandra BuzzLIFESTYLE September 2013 11

Love the confidence that make-up givesyou? Want to learn the best tips or en-hance your skills? Want to pursue yourdream of becoming a professional make-up artist? The FAT MU academy is youranswer!

We came across this place, cutelytucked away on Hill Road that is givingout the most professional make-up train-ing that one could ask for. Started bymake-up mavericks, Natasha Nischol &Virginia Holmes - who are credited withmake-up designs for some of the biggestHollywood & Bollywood Projects includ-ing Slumdog Millionaire – they’ve de-signed make-up courses and workshopsto suit everyone. From 2 hour workshopsfor the ladies who want to learn the sea-son’s best styling tips, to an 8 week inten-sive professional make-up course forthose looking to launch their careers inthe world of make-up artistry!

The courses, which have a completehands-on approach, gives its students the

opportunity to play with colours, try andtest on themselves while they learn underthe guidance of the biggest names in thefield.

“FAT MU is our dream come alive!We want to spread the joy of make-up &styling to as many as possible. We areglad that the world of make-up haschanged so much and today is brimmingwith opportunities! We are delighted bythe number of enthusiastic people comingin to learn make-up at FAT MU and goingon to become such big names in the in-dustry. We are so happy to have providedthem this launchpad”, says VirginiaHolmes, co-owner FAT MU.

FAT MU also boasts of bringingdown some of the biggest internationalnames to the academy, giving its studentsa much-required international culture.The students graduating from the acad-emy have undoubtedly carved a niche forthemselves in the industry.

To know all about them, log onto or callthem at 9769970846!

FAT MU say they have started themake-up revolution. We say – YOU JOININ!





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Page 12: Vol. IV Issue 9 (ii)

Bandra Buzz EDITORIALSeptember 201312

CONVICTED POLITICIANSDear Priya Dutt, we have elected you asour representative in Parliament.

Please let us know your stand on theSupreme Court judgement on banningMPs, MLAs and others, who have beenconvicted of heinous crimes; with jailterms of two years or more, from contest-ing elections or continuing as MPs orMLAs. Look forward to your immediateresponse. +91 9820094125

Felix A Fernandes

MINORITY GRANTSThe proposal by CM Prithviraj Chavan, tomodernise 1889 madrasas in the state,with an initial outlay of Rs 10 crore - islaudable & to be congratulated.

We hope this largesse extends toother minority institutions, as well.

There are a number of Christian or-phanages, in urgent need of funds, for thewelfare of their students.

Dr. Peter Rodrigues

CEMENT ROAD ISSUEA bus stop was made by the BMC at theBandstand end of Cement Road, years be-fore any actor came to stay there – to letpilgrims and fair-goers alight and go up.These specially made cement steps, easedthe climb, leading to the church entrance.This road was church property that theBMC acquired.

Now, with it shut, the number ofpeople visiting the church, fair and thestalls has dropped; as senior citizens findthe climb along Kane Road and MountMary Road steep. The result is that theBandra Fair is being killed softly.

Adv. Shane Cardoz

Sadly times have changed. There areCCTV cameras everywhere due to terroristactivity - and so it is practical for the po-lice to define entrance and exit routes forthe safety of all. Pressurizing authoritiesto open more entrance routes than exitroutes is indeed questionable in the pres-ent situation of terror threats. Are westuck in the past?

Besides the queue of devotees for of-ferings and worship starts at MehboobStudio - Cement road leads to the top ofthe queue - how fair is it to the peoplewho stood in queue!

Has anyone been to the fair on MtMary steps... there are 8 FIRE EXITSmarked to dead lock plots, locked gates,bushes... etc. All death traps! Innocentpeople visiting could loose their lives ifthere is any mishap.... I think public sup-port should be got for such exit routes!

There are stalls that came up on Ce-ment Rd, after it had been opened. Groupswho are all, not local residents recentlyforced Mumbai Police to open Cement Rdduring the fair, claiming it had beenclosed due to pressure from SRK, whowas not even in Mumbai - while on theother hand on Mt Mary steps there were8 fire exits marked, which in reality aredeath traps(you can go check them eventoday) - then why have these groups notpressured Mumbai Police / BMC / MumbaiFire Brigade to regulate these fire exits,when lakhs of people converge on churchproperty to enjoy the fair. Their intent to open roads is questionable.

I had previously sent you documents anda few home truths about the CROSS or-ganization - please re read what I mailedyou. It is clear that protection money is re-ceived by such parties and they have in-terests in opening new roads to conducttheir own auction of stalls.

Alternately, sewage from Mt MaryBasilica is coming into Ashiana Bldg...why don't you report such ground reali-ties about the fair... or is it a religiousissue, because sewage is from the Basil-ica! Contact me on 9920663748 - and youcan check the sewage problem. As youcan see if the Bandra Fair is 300 years, sois the drainage system - and residents arepaying the price, due to the topography ofthe hillock. Why don’t they take up suchvalid causes?

If you attend civic meetings, you willknow that SRK is Anil Josephs pet peeve.In 2011 - Anil Joseph had made the samerequest at the public meeting for BandraFair- 90 percent who attended that meet-ing were not from the locality - just loudvoices that like publicity. At that meeting,when he proposed opening of road, the Sr.Insp. Bandra Police station - Mr. SamadSheikh told Anil that he would give him10 Eagle Brigade T-Shirts - and he and hisfriends could volunteer on Mt Mary Rd.Then, he could decide which roads shouldand should not be opened for the fair. Atthat time Anil bowed out of the issue.

Seeing he could not get his way withthe Sr. Police Inspector Mr Sheikh, he hadto import the Watchdog Foundation - toget numbers.

It is important to differentiate be-tween irregularities on public road / inSRK's private property and the Bandra fairentry and exit routes. The issues cannotbe mixed, if you want a solution. How dif-ferent was this agitation from what a po-litical party does - both use religion to gettheir way. Please report fairly at all times!

Lillian Pais

Lillian Pais is an outsider to Bandra – re-cently migrated here. She has no knowl-edge about the locals of the areas aroundthe Mount. She only confides with peopleof other communities – and is not happyabout the success of her own community.She is more concerned about ShahrukKhan being out of town. Is she an officialspokesperson for the actor or the currentgovernment?

A particular party is making properuse of her to work against all Catholicgroups who love Bandra. In fact, the Ban-dra Fair Draft Policy was framed in herpresence. Why?

At that time, she never asked the au-thorities to regulate the fire exits (whichshe now claims is a death trap), so her in-tentions are very much questionable.

CROSS Organization

It is ridiculous that we accept this farcicalruse to harass hapless pilgrims. Isn't it theduty of the powers that be, to ensure thatBandra plays a gracious host to its guests,who are devotees of Our Lady of theMount; instead of playing to the whims ofvested interests?

HELM & St John the Baptist RoadALM strongly condemn this atrocious clo-sure of a traditional convenience and in-

sist it be righted immediately and neverever repeated again under any guisewhatsoever.

Denzil Rego

For once our like minded Catholic Com-munity have joined hands - and demon-strated what Peoples Power can do.Enough is Enough - No More testing thepatience of the community. For the firsttime something is achieved without onerunning to our Elected representatives,who only capitalise on an issue for wantof Vote Bank Policy.

It is also a Big Body blow to Ms Lil-lian Pais, who being a Catholic, protestsagainst the Bandra Fair & files PILs. A girlof her age should be working in a goodreputed company - rather than filing ves-tiges & litigations against her own Com-munity. By now, every body knows whois funding her. She is having connectionswith high Profile Politicians, as is seen byposing with them in photographs.

We have to thank our activist groups:Watchdog Foundation, Wake up Bandra,CROSS, Mobai Gaothan Panchayat, PerryRd Resident's Association, Save Our Land[SOUL], etc. - for getting together to putup a brave front. This was a battle won,before it ever began. Finally, we have tothank BANDRA BUZZ for doing this ex-cellent video coverage – for all to see.

Leslie Almeida

BANDRA FAIRThrough your newspaper, I would like toask the ALM and Lillian Pais; what bene-fit do you all get by making poor familiesstarve and not letting their children re-ceive education? Remember this fact -through the business generated at theBandra Fair, Our Lady of the Mountblesses the poor with food for a year andthe children with education money for ayear. So do you think that what you aredoing is a good or bad deed?

I know that poor stall owners of theBandra Fair and hawkers at John Baptist& Rebello Road are your bread ‘n’ butterat this time; because if you and yourgroup talk about Nargis Dutt Nagar, Ban-dra Station, Linking Road and Badi

Masjid, you will not receive your bread ‘n’butter - and the support that your politicalparty provides you.

I pray to Mother Mary, that sheblesses you, your children and familywith food and proper education throughout the year - it does not matter if westarve, or our children don’t receive edu-cation.

Dinesh Shelar


I am a senior citizen, who has been an ac-tivist in Bandra for almost half a century.Unfortunately, health does not permit meto be as physically active as I used to be.However, I receive innumerable com-plaints on the phone, which I forward ortake up with the concerned people.

Over the last couple of days, I havereceived calls regarding the visit of politi-cians to Mount Mary Basilica; during thedays of the Bandra Fair. Mr. RajnathSingh, BJP President; along with otherparty leaders, paid a visit to the Basilicaof Our Lady of the Mount. We welcomedhim, like we welcome people of differentfaiths.

What was upsetting was that he wasaccompanied by a motorcade of 23 cars –which held up the movement of traffic.The long line of devotees, many of whomwere senior citizens, had to patiently walkup after waiting for around 15 minutes,till the politician’s church visit was over.

Bringing guns into a peaceful placeof worship is unacceptable. If you believein Our Lady, then visit & pray to her likeother devotees. With the large crowd pres-ent, what would have happened, if therehad been a violent attack?

Which makes one think – do ourpublic servants care for the safety of thecommon man (the aam aadmi), or arethey only interested in impressing theirpotential vote bank, in view of the comingelections?

Sybil Sequeira

Letters to the Editor

Dear Readers,

Mid September has most of us all ‘busy’– planning for the festive season ahead.Shopping gets a new beginning, withnew product launches going into over-drive. The receding monsoon gives wayto let us enjoy the great outdoors. The‘lungs’ of our superb suburb – the Recla-mation, Bandstand & Carter Prome-nades, have an increased footfall rate.

Bandra is back to her ‘happening’mode.

On a more serious note, this issuecovers a format for protesting againstthe steep rise in ‘BMC Property Tax’.BandraBuzz is keeping you updated, sothat your tax payment will not automat-ically imply your approval of the newsystem. Please download the formatfrom: - fill it and at-tach with your tax cheque. Do get anacknowledgement of the BMC receivingthe protest (Xerox copy: stamped &signed). If done correctly, this will safe-

guard your interest in the future.As the Bandra Fair ends, we have an-other spell of festivities – Ganpati im-mersions, that makes our streets comealive with joyous activity. And then…pre-plans for major festivals and eventsthat will impact our lives. Festive fervoris filling our minds.

AGM time is on us. Clubs, associa-tions and institutions have their presen-tations all set to woo their vote bank, atlocal elections. Now-a-days there is a lotof ‘power play’ in action – for all to see.It is important to note how ‘extra good’,people can be to you at this time of theyear.

The good thingabout this is that,in the bargain, alot of good getsdone.

Regards,Merck D’SilvaEditor-in-Chief98207 83616


CROSSWORD PUZZLE #1: Please noteall winners and answers will be pub-lished in the October issue.

Page 13: Vol. IV Issue 9 (ii)

Sitting at dinner the other night, I happened to heara couple on the next table get into a heated argu-ment. Suddenly unaware of their surroundings, theirfight became more personal and caught the attentionof almost all other tables. With the drama of onewalking out and the other following, eventually theywere cuddling and we all returned to our conversa-tions.

And then I thought, were they embarrassed bypublicly discussing their private issue, or as out-siders should we have turned a blind ear and fo-cussed on the table that we were on? But eventuallyI realized, hearing them fight somewhere deep insidewe got a sadistic pleasure in the fact that we are notthe only ones with problems, there are others whohave issues too. And just how they would have re-solved their issues, ours would too.

And to think about it, how vocal are we abouthow we feel. Yes, the time and the place were wrong,they could have been more discrete or maybe justgone straight back home and fought within the fourwalls of their home; but they were free, they werethemselves, they took the opportunity to speak theirmind at the time of the dispute and resolved it im-mediately. How often do we take that stand, moreoften than not it plays in our mind for days, monthsmaybe; till we can’t take it anymore so we either ex-plode or just walk out. And today, when we’re justgetting used to accepting public display of affection,are we ready to accept public display of disagree-ment?

Catching the argument from midway, none ofthem could really figure out what the reason was,but from those candid words it led us to believe itwas based on a lie. He had two options, either en-tangling himself in the web of lies, or just acceptingit. Defeat in this scenario is actually a victory. Thedefeat of an ego and the victory of a relationship.And just the bow of his head, she knew he acceptedit and she embraced him, accepted his flaws and thethread of their bond just got stronger. Who doesn’thave skeletons hidden in their closet? All of us do,things that we fear, habits that we’re embarrassedof, a past that scares us. And slowly, one limb at atime - when the skeletons start walking out of thecloset, it’s a burden lifted off our chest.

We fear ourselves the most. We pick up thingsfrom people around us and force it into our beingand try to create a distorted imagery of people thatdoesn’t reflect our true self. Happiest are those peo-ple who are content in their skin, accept their flawsand what they are, indoors and outside. And I do be-lieve that they embarrassed themselves more than

they achieved anything byfighting in public. But at leastwith each other they werethemselves. And that’s whatmatters. They will probablynever meet me or anyone elsein that restaurant every again,but they will face each otherevery day, and they wouldrather do that happily.

Bharat Gupta

Till now starvation was the easiest and most preferred way to loseweight for most people but not after you read further. Very often we fastor starve ourselves and we do lose weight as expected but gradually theweight loss slows down and you reach a plateau, where your weightdoesn’t budge no matter what you do. And every morsel of food you eatcauses your weight to go up again.

Yes, you are a perfect example of ‘Starvation Mode’ victim. Ourbody is designed perfectly to protect it from all the harm. Starvationmode is the body’s natural response as a defense against starvation(when you do not give it enough food for a long period of time). In thatcase your body becomes super efficient in making proper use of eachand every calorie it gets from food and drink. It stores most of the calo-ries as fat and breaks down the muscle mass to provide constant energyfor daily activities and to fuel the vital organs like brain and heart aslong as possible.

The loss of muscle mass slows down the metabolism which in turnslows down the weight loss process. Your metabolism gets progressivelyslower with each day you remain on a starvation diet. This resultantslower metabolism needs less fuel, so you consistently have to eat lessand less to lose weight. As your metabolism slows down even furtherand your lean muscle mass reduces, you will also find that you becomemore and more tired. This in turn means you will get less exercise,which leaves you with less lean muscle, and an even slower metabolism.It really is a vicious cycle.

How to prevent this?There is no one size fits all rule to lose weight. The total caloric require-ment depends on various factors like age, gender, activity, height,weight etc. So we cannot jump up to common caloric intake conclusionsfor everyone. The best way to avoid getting into the starvation modeand yet losing weight is to consume 300-500 calories lesser than yourdaily caloric requirement. This will provide your body with enough fuelto keep it going comfortably, but will still create a sufficient caloric deficitto ensure that you lose weight.

To protect your metabolism even further, make sure your diet con-tains enough protein ie 1gm/ kg body weight and regular resistance ex-ercise like weight lifting, body weight exercises like squats, lunges, pushups, pull ups etc. You can get your proteins from eggs, chicken, fish,sprouts, low fat paneer, curds, milk, soya, tofu etc. Also prevent excessfat intake through direct sources like ghee, butter, oils, margarine andindirect sources like bakery foods, ready to eat packets, diet foods whichhave hidden fat in them.

By now you may have figured out that a star-vation diet may help you lose weight quite fastin but in the long run, you will have to pay aheavy price, because you are setting yourselfup for a lifetime of weight problems. So eatwell, exercise, boost your metabolism, loseweight and maintain it for good.

Neha Chandna(Ranglani)Dietician and Nutrition Educator

9820568295 | [email protected]

Bandra Diaries Is Starvation Mode Dangerous

Advertising your business with Bandra Buzz helps you reach 20,000 plus readers across Bandra,Khar & other surburbs via newsstands, gymkhanas,coffee shops, schools, colleges, libraries, events, etc.

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An exciting new food quiz to testyour Cordon Bleu Credentials. Sotake the challenge and prove thatyou know your pizza from yourcurry!

Q. Who is the Patron Saint of Pas-try?

Q. What type of beef is wrapped ina Beef Wellington?

Q. What was Margarine called whenit was first marketed in England?

Q. Where did Paella originate?

RULES:To enter the food quiz challenge, cuton the dotted line and post yourentries to:Bandra Buzz401 ANICA,28 St. Paul's Road,Opp. Laxmichand General Stores,Bandra, Mumbai 400 050.

Only all correct entries will be con-sidered for the prize. If there aremore than one correct entry, then adraw will determine the winner. TheEditor's decision is final and bindingon the food quiz challenge.

The winner gets a gift pack.

TAKE-A-BREAK Bandra Buzz September 2013 13

Page 14: Vol. IV Issue 9 (ii)

Bandra BuzzSeptember 201314

SHRADDHA SABURI TUTORIAL(S.S. Tutorials)Waroda Rd, behind St. StanislausHigh School, Bandra (w)Contact: Sir Santosh 98211 21982Sir Cyril 98218 59580. Email: [email protected]

Pradnya Valanju - 91% Saad Naik - 90% Afrah Shaikh - 89% Roveena Dhonde - 83% Neha Solanki - 80%

Rachel Dhonde - 93% Pooja Chindane - 88% Shubham Dhuri - 82% Varsha Yadav - 82%

2012 - 13


Congratulations toour SSC students!

2011 - 12

Admissions started for FYJC


Vol. IV Issue 9 > R.N.I. No. : MAHENG/8-10-2010/12646 Editor: Merck D’Silva > Printed & Published by Creative Concepts, 401 Anica, 28 St. Paul Road, Near Bandra Gymkhana, Bandra (W), Mumbai - 400 050. Printed at Marwah Estate, Saki Vihar Road, Mumbai - 400 072


Page 15: Vol. IV Issue 9 (ii)

LOCAL CONNECT Bandra Buzz September 2013 15

CAR RENTALSBandra to Airport (return) 500/-, 8hrs /80kms: AC 1500/- & Non-AC 1200/-Contact: Anne 98928 62202

COACHING CLASSESStandard II & III want to raise yourchilds marks by solving his/herproblems in maths, reading, spelling orwriting? Call: 90290 98873 (Only onesubject per child per month)

Private / Group Tuitions in Mathematics& Science - Std. VIII, IX, X (SSC) Call:Cavin Almeida 9324259375 / 26419284

COMPUTER CLASSESComputer courses for kids, students &professionls. Call: Compufield Institute93227 55916. O'Priya Bldg, 1st floor,Dr. Peter Dias road, near MehboobStudios, Bandra (w).

COMPUTER SERVICESOne Stop Computer Solutions. Sales &Repairs of Desktops, Laptops,Networking, Data Recovery & AMC.Call: Luke Almeida 8097044010

ENGLISH CLASSESEnglish conversation classes Rs. 250/-for adults and Rs. 500/- for children permonth. Call 8691999668.


HOBBY CLASSESConducting hobby classes - quillingbeginners and advanced course,greeting cards, parchment craft, onestroke painting etc. Call:

HOME ITEMSFugias, Coconut Cakes, Bottle Masala,Vindaloo. Contact: Mrs. Monica Pereira26459106

KICKBOXING CLASSESAmit Lalwanis Kickboxing & Muaythaisessions at Bandra (W), Sion (E),Santacruz (W), Charni road. For moreinfo call 98690 36872 / 65025094.

LOCAL TUTIONSEnglish Tutions in Bandra.Conversational English for Housewives.For students of Class 7 and above. Call:9820947130 or 9920219038

A home tuition initiative 3yr and 2yrintegrated course at home. Class X, XI,XII JEE (Main and advanced), ISEET,Complete comprehensive coaching athome. Call 9322159108

Private/Group/Home Tutions for allsubjects upto std X. SSC, CBSE, ICSE byhighly qualified and experiencedTEACHERS in Bandra, Khar, Santacruz.Also CHEMISTRY for XI and XII NEETand JEE. Contact 9819369222/9820959886

S.S. Tutorials. Class for Science Arts 8th/ 9th / S.S.C. / F.Y.J.C. / H.S.C. WarodaRoad, behind St. Stansilaus HighSchool, Bandra (w) Mumbai 400050.

Contact: Sir Santosh 98211 21982,Sir Cyril 98218 59580. Email:[email protected]

MOVING RESIDENCEFor sale furniture, glass table, computertable, electronic gadgets, cupboards.Also required 2BHK for lease in Bandra.Call: 9920759586. Mornings/Evenings

REPAIRS & SERVICESThree Star Repairs, Service,Installation, Buying, Selling of A/C &Fridge. Contact: George 99309 51611.Chuim Khar (W).

Repairs: Washing Machine, Gas Stove,Microwave, Fridge, & A.C. Contact:Ramesh 98923 87330. Bharat ServiceCentre, Pali Naka.

24 hrs Home, Sales & Service(Bandra only) Gas Stoves, Hobs, TableTops & Chimneys. Contact: MahendraSales Shiv Asthan, Shop No. 7, Plot No.31, 16th road, near Shiv Sagar, Bandra(w). Contact: Amrut 93234 31633 /26486525

Refrigerators / Air Conditioners / Splits/ Frost Free Refrigerators / Indian /Imported. Guaranteed Repairs /Installations / AMC - FRIZARE, 30thRoad, Bansari Apartments, opp. H2O,Pali Naka, Bandra (W) 98201 97439 /6544903

USED CARSBest price for used cars spot finaliza-tion, any make/model/registration/con-dition. Contact: Zuber - 98200 30777.SMS imore 1209910 to 5667755

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Page 16: Vol. IV Issue 9 (ii)

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