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Voice of ChaimCongregation Etz Chaim • 1190 Indian Hills Parkway • Marietta, GA 30068 • 770.973.0137

Creating Meaningful Jewish Experiences

June-July 2014 / Sivan - Tammuz - av 5774 / volume 38, iSSue 6

In this Issue: From Our Rabbis page 2

From Our President page 3

From Our Youth Director page 3

Education News Page 4

Our Etz Chaim Community Page 7

Shavuot Schedule Page 9

Sisterhood Scoop page 10

Men’s Club Notes page 11

Calendar pages 16 & 17

Yahrzeits pages 18 & 19

Religious Corner page 21

Tzedakah page 24

Daily Minyan Times:

Monday – Friday 7:00 a.m.

Sunday, 9:15 a.m.

Sunday – Friday 6:30 p.m.

Shabbat Services:Friday, 6:30 p.m. Saturday, 9:30 a.m.

E t z C h a i m Y E a r i n r E v i E w

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The Voice of Chaim | June-July 2014

There are ‘good byes’ and there are ‘good byes’. There are ‘good byes’ from parents to their children at the beginning of a school day. There are ‘good byes’ when a spouse heads off to work. There are ‘good byes’ when going on a vacation, ‘good byes’ when a marriage has sadly run its course. There are ‘good byes’ when the 5 o’clock whistle blows on Friday. There are ‘good byes’ at the end of a pleasant evening. There are ‘good byes’ that are final at the end of a life.

This month we bid a different type of ‘good bye’ to a wonderful friend, a superb coworker, a loyal member of our Etz Chaim mishpacha. This ‘good bye’ is bittersweet. Bitter for the departure. Sweet for the memories. Bitter for the finale. Sweet for the years. We say farewell but somehow it doesn’t quite define what’s happening. After over thirty years of service to our congregation, Sally is retiring, not to Florida or to independent living or to a beach house. Sally is retiring to her home here in East Cobb. We will still bump into her at Publix, at Target, at the movies. She will be a neighbor enjoying restful mornings, pleasant afternoons and a routine not defined by alarm clocks and deadlines. Sally will be down the street, but no longer down the hall. The distance between the two after so long, unfathomable.

When Sally started here at Etz Chaim many years ago, she had a very odd vision of the synagogue workplace. She imagined it a dimly lit room, illuminated by candles. In her mind it was Dickensian – bleak, somber, shadowy. Kind of a monastery with kippot and kugel. Within days, Sally learned that her preconception was far from accurate. She not only fit marvelously into our culture, but, in fact, helped mold it. Sally was the sweet voice on the phone and the affable face at the front desk. Never did she roll her eyes or mumble under her breath. Never was there bitterness or sarcasm or vulgarity in her words no matter how stressful the day, no matter how relentless the demands.

For me, Sally has been a treasure. If I needed an ear, she listened. If I needed a laugh, she joked. If I needed advice, she counseled. Sally was the office-source of compassion, wisdom, humor, insight. Her instincts and professionalism, remarkable. I can truthfully say that in the over three decades we worked together, never did we ever share a cross word, a regrettable utterance, an angry moment. It has been a flawless, joy-filled thirty years that I will remember always, with many a smile and, now, with many a tear.

We often say when folks we have learned to love and depend upon leave that no one is indispensable. Anyone can be replaced. It’s our way of softening the blow, cushioning the loss, holding back the sorrow. Someone new will sit at Sally’s desk. Someone new will answer the phone, but there will never be another Sally.

There are ‘good byes’ and there are ‘good byes’.

Good bye, my friend. Good bye, Sally.

– Rabbi Shalom Lewis

In Israel, Memorial Day is Not a Shopping Day

In Israel, Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel Independence Day, is preceded by Yom HaZikaron, Israel’s Day of Remembrance and Memorial Day, remembering the 23, 169 who have died in defense of Jewish settlements in Palestine, acts of terror by Arabs before 1948 and all of those who have died in the wars fought by the State of Israel since 1948.

In Israel, Yom HaZikaron is not like our Memorial Day. In fact, Melissa and I were caught around 6:00 p.m. going out for a light dinner and finding that every restaurant in our neighborhood was closing down in observance of Yom HaZikaron. We were able to order some take-out food from an Italian Cafe and went home to watch the Yom HaZikaron observances on TV. By the way, on the Israeli cable system in our apartment, you could not watch a movie or any entertainment; it would be as if TBS cancelled all entertainment in observance of the anniversary of D-Day or 9/11.

At 8:00 p.m. last night and 11:00 a.m. today (May 5) a siren will go off for two minutes. Every Israeli is expected to stop what they are doing, get out of their car and stand in silence. This morning’s paper reported that even in the ultra-orthodox community, the major ultra-orthodox newspaper urged all ultra-orthodox Jews to observe these moments of silence.

Last night at the Kotel, in the presence of the President of Israel and hundreds of families who had lost family members in the war, the siren sounded, a torch was lit, President Peres gave an eloquent eulogy, the IDF’s young Chief Hazzan, sang the Ail Maale Rachamim prayer and the Chief of Staff of the IDF, Benny Ganz, reflected on the heroism of Israel’s soldiers.

Today, military cemeteries will be overflowing with visitors. Melissa and I will visit the graves of soldiers who, as orphans of the Holocaust, came to Israel, lost their lives in The War of Independence, and because they were orphans, have no one to say kaddish for them.

No, Memorial Day in Israel is not like Memorial Day in America. No visits to Macy’s or my first dip in a neighborhood pool. Today is a day to reflect on war and peace, and as Shimon Peres stated, “As much as we desire peace, Israel must always have soldiers ready to protect and defend The Jewish State.”

Chief of Staff Benny Ganz reflected: “Our forces on land, sea and air will continue to always act in light of the legacy left by the fallen in their deaths, a legacy of a sense of mission, and a belief in the justice of our path, a legacy of love for our homeland and guaranteeing our safety.”

No, Memorial Day is different here. May the memories of all of those who are remembered today, be remembered as a blessing to their families, their country and Jewish people everywhere.

– Rabbi Paul David Kerbel

From Rabbi Lewis From Rabbi Kerbel

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The Voice of Chaim | June-July 2014


Happy Summer!!! Short but sweet for those of us negotiating school vacation and camp and family time and everything else we promise ourselves we will get around to doing during the lazy, hazy days of summer. Let me offer you some ideas on how to spend some of those summer days.

Any Saturday morning, I would love a chance to greet you after Shabbat services and get to know more of our members. The summer tends to be quiet at shul so I invite you to come to services just to come, not because of a Bar or Bat Mitzvah invitation. Take some time to sit and relax, schmooze at Kiddush, meet new people – some you may see every week but don’t know yet. Growing up in the Northeast, synagogue life was part of the culture but in today’s world it takes a little more effort to keep connected with this part of our lives. Let’s try to change the current culture and use the summer to strengthen our ties and re-engage with our friends and family at Etz Chaim.

I can also suggest two Sunday afternoons of worthwhile activities that you can tackle over the summer. As you may have heard me mention at services, we have connected with the Atlanta Community Food Bank. Noah Levine and Ellen Davison had set up a Havurah outing to work a shift at the food bank and opened discussions with them about offering more opportunities to the Jewish community by having Sunday volunteer shifts. We asked and they listened. They have set up two Sunday dates during the summer, June 22 and August 24, 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Please refer to page 6 for all the details and specifics on how to register to be a part of this mitzvah. Kids ages 8-17 can participate with an adult. What a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon helping to get food to the less fortunate.

And speaking of performing a mitzvah – we always have opportunities to do that through our Social Action Committee. Every month we collect a different set of foods to help stock the kosher food pantry. We also have numerous events throughout the year to help make a difference in someone’s life. Our chair people work very hard to plan all these events and are truly in need of some extra volunteers to help plan and implement these activities. This is a great opportunity to get involved with a worthwhile cause and get re-engaged with the synagogue. If you are interested in helping with social action, please contact Lauren Levetan ([email protected]) or Lauren Surden ([email protected]); they will be so appreciative of your support.

More mitzvah chances too: come help make a minyan. We are especially in need of people on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings during the summer because we do not have our religious school students and Wacky Wednesday USY’ers who usually help make minyan. If you have the ability, we would love to have additional leaders step up and volunteer to lead minyan when needed. You can contact Allison Saffran or David Wilson, our Religious Pillar VP’s, at [email protected] for more information.

I hope I have given you some great ideas for ways to spend some summer days. I truly look forward to meeting more congregants at Shabbat services and do hope that you will consider some of the volunteer options I have suggested.

Let me also take this opportunity to send a special greeting to my husband David and to wish all our gentlemen a very Happy Father’s Day.

– Cheryl Cohen-Miller

From Our President From Our Youth DirectorShalom Chaverim,

As we look back on the year, there are many things we can all be proud of! To list a few:

• Our Gesher program was a huge success! We are so excited to be able to give our K-2nd graders a place to call home, and somewhere they can develop connections with those around them.

• Sababa USY was recognized regionally for the following accomplishments:

-Being recognized as a program of excellence

-Largest Overall Tikkun Olam Donation

-Largest Per Capita Tikkun Olam Donation

-Largest Overall USY Membership

• We raised over $9000 at this year’s County Fair Purim Carnival, which will provide scholarships for our youth and top notch programming.

• Our very own Zach Givarz was elected to the Ein Gedi sub-regional board as Secretary for the 2014-2015 year.

• Hailee Grey was elected as Regional President for the 2014-2015 year, overseeing the southeast Region of Hanegev USY.

We are so thrilled with all of these accomplishments, and we share these with all of you because you are responsible for them just as much as any of us. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to give our Youth Department a try. Thank you to all who have helped continue to make this a success, and thank you to all who have helped make it a joy to work at Congregation Etz Chaim this year. I am so excited to see all that we can accomplish, and the lives we can influence through our work.

Looking to sign up your kids in our Youth Program? We have something for everyone! From social programming to tikkun olam. From Shabbat services to Shabbat dinners. From conventions to friendships that last a lifetime, we provide an experience of a lifetime! Sign up before June 30 and save $10!

Gesher (K-2nd grade): $55

Junior Kadima (3rd-5th grade): $65

Kadima (6th-8th grade): $75

USY (9th-12th grade): $85

Applications are available in the synagogue lobby, or for more information, contact Perry at [email protected].

We look forward to having you be a part of our family, and hope to see you around!

Todah Rabah,

– Perry Birbrager [email protected] 770-833-3227

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The Voice of Chaim | June-July 2014

Questions about purchasing a cemetery plot??? Call Bob Bachrach 770.973.0137

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The Voice of Chaim | June-July 2014


Save the Date:tuesday, June 3 Tikkun Leil Shavuot program 8:00 p.m. - Midnight

wednesday, June 4 Shavuot Service, Childrens activities and Rabbi Lewis to speak on the 5th Commandment followed by an Ice Cream Oneg 9:30 a.m.

Saturday, June 14 Prayerful Shabbat 9:30 a.m.

Saturday, June 21 Shabbat service in honor of Sally Ledbetter 9:30 a.m.

Sunday, June 29 Sisterhood Rosh Chodesh service at 9:15 a.m.

Sunday, august 15 Shabbat in the Park (East Cobb Park)

Mazal Tov to…David Medof, son of Alli and Billy Medof, on being named the Marian F. Perling Hadassah Chesed Student Award recipient for Congregation Etz Chaim.

Rabbi Thomas and Marilyn Liebschutz on the birth of grandson, Felix Ephraim Liebschutz

Rabbi Thomas and Marilyn Liebschutz on the recent b’nai mitzvah of their grandsons, Benjamin, Jacob and Samuel Rockaway.

Pam and Joe Ziskend on the upcoming marriage of their daughter, Sarah, to Alex Robertovich Iskahov

Esther and Steven Low on the upcoming marriage of their son, Elliot, to Mallory Friedman

Minette and Cory Hillebrand on the upcoming marriage of their son, David, to Elyse Lazarus

Joe Freeman, on his winning the Corporate Counsel Award for Lifetime Achievement

Welcome! We are Pleased to Introduce these New Members…Marla and James Zackheim 4554 Chatsworth Overlook Roswell, GA 30075Marla: [email protected] 917-846-5712James: [email protected] 404-452-9530

Sharon and Brian Misnuner 3656 Oxford Trace Marietta, GA 30062 770-458-7644Brian: [email protected] Sharon: [email protected]

New Emails…Frank Shuster [email protected]

Elliot Okrent [email protected]

David Lyons [email protected]

Connie Glaser [email protected]

Condolences From Our Heart to...Warren Sirzyk on the loss of his father, Saul Sirzyk

Laurie Lavinsky on the loss of her mother, Ellen Rosenzweig

Neil Weiss on the loss of his mother, Evelyn Weiss

Members on the Move…Marni and Bob Steinhardt 1841 Bishops Green Drive Marietta, GA 30062

Cindy and Andrew Ackerman 888 Muirfield Trail Marietta, GA 30068

Jay Tinter 1790 Danforth Drive Marietta, GA 30062 404-316-4969

Thank You to Our VolunteersHelen RosengartenLou RosengartenLinda Weinroth

Our Etz Chaim Community

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The Voice of Chaim | June-July 2014

Upcoming B’nai Mitzvah

The Voice of Chaim is featuring photos and biographical information on upcoming B’nai Mitzvah.

If your child has a Bar/Bat Mitzvah in the coming months, VOC would like to feature your child’s:

• Biographical information

• School information

• Photo

• D’var Torah Quote

To have your child’s Bar/Bat Mitzvah information included, please email the material and a photo (if available) to Bernice at [email protected].

All materials must be received no later than the 1st of the preceding month. We will gladly accept material earlier.

In respect of the Sabbath, we ask that if you must have your cell phone during services, it be turned off and not visible.

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The Voice of Chaim | June-July 2014

The Sisterhood ScoopMinyan Makers – if you are available to help make minyan on Tuesdays at 6:30 pm, even if it is just once per year, please let us know. Contact Janice Levine for our schedule – [email protected].

Centerpiece Rental Consider using our beautiful new topiary centerpieces for your Friday night dinner, Kiddush luncheon or Saturday evening affair. For more information, contact the Gift Shop.

JNF Trees for Israel Honor someone special by purchasing a tree in the Etz Chaim Sisterhood grove. Contact the Judaica and Gift Shop, 770-973-0137 ext. 124 for more information.

For more information about Sisterhood please contact:

Erica Driver 678-643-1991 [email protected]


Linda Berch 678-357-1005 [email protected]

Don’t forget to check us out on Facebook or at

With the conclusion of the year, we also have the conclusion of a term. It is with great sadness that I say “goodbye” to my partner in crime and Co-Prez, Lisa Flagel, as she completes her second term and moves into the role of Parliamentarian. And, we both want to wish a fond farewell to this year’s Parliamentarian and Past-President Ellen Spandorfer, as she retires from the board. We also want to thank our other outgoing board members, without whom our programs would not have been possible – VP of Ways & Means, Tammy Cohen, VP of Programming, Donna Bruckner, VP of Membership, Lisa Dubovy, and Financial Secretary, Laurie Sonshein. They have dedicated themselves not only to Sisterhood, but to Etz Chaim. We are fortunate to be able to call each of them by another title, “friend.”

The slate for the coming year is as follows:

Co-Presidents: Erica Driver and Linda Berch VPs of Programming & Jewish Living: Tamara Jacobs, Beth Weiss and Amy Surasky VPs of Membership: Lisa Buxbaum and Beth Levin VPs Ways and Means: Sandy Goldstein, Cathy Goodman and Stacey Warshowsky VP Torah Fund: Sandy Bailey Ya-Yas Liaison: Cindee Sapoznik Treasurer: Karen Keeter Financial Secretary: Wendy Vitale Corresponding Secretary: Sandi Keiser-Zack Recording Secretary: Nancy Miller Parliamentarian: Lisa Flagel

We would be remiss if we didn’t recognize all of this year’s amazing committee chairs and volunteers including: Su Berland for finding homes for, and sometimes hosting, our Book Club; Shari Judenberg for coordinating Shalom in the Home; Janice Levine for ensuring that there were Minyan Makers on Tuesday evenings; Sandy Bailey for providing tasty treats for holiday snacks; Liz Cohen for spearheading the shopping for and manning of our Chanukah Shuk; Ellen Spandorfer, Sherrie Wetstone and Risa Mendelson for the planning and execution of a beautiful Sisterhood Shabbat; Stacey Warshowsky for making creative and popular Mishloach Manot bags; Ilene Levin, along with Debbie Berman and Pip Spandorfer, for developing and organizing a meaningful and sweet Chocolate Seder; Susan Eckert for ensuring that the seniors at The William Breman Home had a great time playing Bingo at least twice this year; Cheryl Eppsteiner and Cindy Lewis for providing a spiritual Rosh Chodesh experience for men and women alike each month; all of our wonderful Judaica & Gifts Shop volunteers – Dana Greenberg, Berna Levine, Patsy Schneider, Jane Weiss and Terri Rittenberg – for keeping the shop running smoothly and our customers happy; and Grace Graiser for her hours of knitting to provide warm garments for MUST Ministries (and other charities). We send them our sincerest thanks for the most precious gift of their time.

We hope you have enjoyed this year as much as we have. None of it would be possible without YOU! Your volunteerism and participation is critical to the success of our programs. We are very excited about our 2014-2015 board and look forward to a fun-filled year ahead! Please mark your calendars for Sunday, September 7, as we kickoff next year. Look for your August Voice and Eblasts for more details.

Have a safe and wonderful summer!

Anyone wishing an Aliyah should contact Bob Frohlich at

[email protected] or 770-579-1752

ATTENTION ETZ CHAIM MEMBERSIf you are planning to be away for an extended amount of time, please inform the office.

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The Voice of Chaim | June-July 2014


By the time you read this article most schools will be out for the summer and another school year will be done. The April Men’s Club breakfast and Yom HaShoah memorial service were exceptionally well attended, with over eighty people showing up to hear our own Steve Low talk about his life in Shanghai, China during World War II after his family fled Germany in 1939. Afterward, we remembered the Six Million with a brief ceremony in the Holocaust Memorial Garden. You can memorialize a loved one and help support your Men’s Club by purchasing a brick in the Garden; forms are available in the Synagogue or online at

Our annual “Lag b’Mama” picnic celebration was a huge success with over 100 people in attendance. It was held at the Annex where people enjoyed excellent grilled hot dogs, hamburgers, and chicken while being entertained by the tag team of Balloon Animal Specialist Bob Frohlich and musician Zach Hoffman. Our picnic commemorates both Mother’s Day and Lag Ba-Omer, the thirty-third day of the Omer period between Pesach and Shavuot. Most of the Omer period – literally, a countdown to Shavuot named for the measure of barley the Israelites would bring to the Temple at its beginning – is considered to be a time of semi-mourning in memory of a plague that killed 24,000 students of Rabbi Akiba. On the thirty-third day, the plague abated, and so that day is considered to be a festive bright spot in an otherwise somber time. A perfect day for burgers, in any event.

The Omer period prepares us for the festival of Shavuot, also known as z’man matan ha-Torah, the season of the giving of the Torah. It’s the only one of the three Festivals to be celebrated for only two days instead of eight, so many of us tend to give it less attention than we should. But what other holiday commemorates the singular event of our having received the Law on Sinai, as well as celebrating the harvesting of the First Fruits and the onset of wheat season? Plus... blintzes!

OK, so now onto some upcoming plans and events. The Men’s Club continues to work on developing new and exciting events for the upcoming year, but rest assured that your favorite programs will be there after we welcome everyone back from their summer adventures with our Back to School, Back to Shul Picnic. We’ll still have the Best Breakfast in Town, along with the Turkey Shoot (no actual turkeys will be harmed), our Atlanta Jewish Film Festival preview breakfast, the World Wide Wrap, and Men’s Club Shabbat, and much more. Stay tuned... and enjoy your summer!

Andy Becker, Co-President Steve Krodman, Co-President [email protected] [email protected]

Come out and enjoy Your Men’s Club!

Men’s Club NotesMEN’S CLUB is a vital part of our congregation. Our ongoing programs include:

• Supporting the synagogue’s daily minyan

• Sponsoring the annual Lag B’Omer Picnic and the Labor Day cookout

• Laying tefillin for the World Wide Wrap with our Hebrew School kids

• Providing scholarships to Etz Chaim teens through the Bob Goldman Fund

• Men’s Club Shabbat

• Sponsoring the Anshei Darom weekend retreat for members at Camp Ramah

• Greater Atlanta Synagogue Softball League

• Set-up and usher for High Holiday Services

• Supports the Holocaust Memorial Garden

Our goals are to provide our members with opportunities to meet other members and make new and lasting friendships, support our community, and have some fun in the process.

JOIN MEN’S CLUB and make a difference in our Etz Chaim community!

GET ON THE LIST! Contact Andy Becker at [email protected] or Steve Krodman at [email protected] for information.

Family Member in HospitalOur Rabbis have asked that you notify the office in the event of a family member’s hospital stay or

serious illness.


Sunday through Thursday at 6:30 p.m.

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The Voice of Chaim | June-July 2014

Monday, June 2, Dinner at 5:30 p.m. – Chateau Saigon (Thai restaurant on Buford Highway) followed by Ballroom Dancing instruction (7:00 – 8:00 p.m.), practice (8:00 – 8:30 p.m.) at Knights of Columbus Hall, 2620 Buford Highway.

Let’s get together before/after Etz Chaim Lilmode or Social Action Events

Questions about Prime Timers: Roz Reiss [email protected] or call 770-685-1217Get Prime Timers’ E-vites: Norman Marinoff [email protected] or call 678-560-8430

Prime Timers – A USCJ Chapter of Hazak Something fun for everyone!

Looking for some good summer reading?

Why not check a book out of the Etz Chaim Library? Directions for self check-out can be found on the wall near the book return basket in the library.

If you are planning a family trip to Israel this summer, try the book Take Your Kids to Israel: Places to Visit On and Off the Beaten Track by Aileen Kirschenbaum.

For a riveting, historical mystery, you may want to read The Bones and the Book by Jane Isenberg. In 1963, when Rachel finds the bones and the diary of Aliza she sets out to solve the mystery of Aliza’s murder back in 1890’s Seattle. Once you start this book you will not be able to put it down.

Everyone who has read the legal thriller, Once We Were Brothers by Ronald H. Balson, highly recommends it. This is the compelling story of two boys, one Jewish and one German who are friends in war-torn Poland until the war changes their lives. What happens when the boys meet again, 60 years later, launches a story that will not let readers go until the last page.

One of the best books that the Sisterhood Book Club has read this year is the book The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wecker. This is a magical tale of two mythical creatures – a golem from a Polish shtetl and a jinni from the Syrian Desert, struggling to fit in among New York’s turn-of-the-19th-century immigrants. Wecker does not disappoint as she keeps the surprises coming in this unusual story.

Sweet Dates in Basra by Jessica Jiji is a captivating story set in Iraq in the 1940s. It has love, peace and a portrait of a world unknown to many.


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The Voice of Chaim | June-July 2014


Rabbi Lewis speaking to Preschool children in the chapel during PurimWe are here for you!

Have a great idea? A question to ask? Your Board of Trustee liaison is available to point you in the right direction or answer your questions.

Feel free to call or email him/her with your suggestions and concerns! Not sure of the contact information? Call the office 770.973.0137 to find that out.

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The Voice of Chaim | June-July 2014

Bereavement Services Offered to Congregants

Etz Chaim’s Chesed Committee will offer to provide meals of consolation to members. This meal is traditionally a dairy meal eaten by mourners upon their return home from the funeral. It includes whole hard-boiled eggs, symbolizing the continuity of life. This service provided by the Chesed Committee allows the family and friends who normally provide the meal to attend the funeral themselves and give emotional support to the bereaved. Members attending out of town funerals, who sit shiva or hold a memorial service in Atlanta, will be offered a fruit tray.

In order to bring standardized, caring service to each member, Etz Chaim is modeling its procedures after those of Temple Sinai’s successful Kesher Committee. Contributions made to the Chesed Fund will help to fund these services. Teams are currently being formed for these purposes.

Anyone wanting more information, or wanting to assist in performing these mitzvot, please contact Cindy Lewis at 770-977-0240, Wendy Feinberg at 770-973-1217, or Julie Kleinman at 770-992-1231.

Your cooperation please!The disabled parking spots are reserved for the exclusive use of those with permits. These spaces are NOT to be used by ANYONE else at ANYTIME. There is NO parking under the Education Wing overhang. It is a fire code violation.

Family Member in HospitalOur rabbis have asked that you notify the office in the event of a family member’s hospital stay or serious illness.

June Yahrzeits*Denotes a memorial plaque in our sanctuary to be lit on the day of the Yahrzeit and on all Yizkor holidays.

June 1 Phillip Persky 3 Sivan June 1 Paul Price 3 Sivan June 1 Bea Price 3 Sivan June 1 Robert Bernstein 3 Sivan June 2 Isaac Algranati 4 Sivan*June 2 William Weinstein 4 Sivan June 2 Robert Marsand 4 Sivan June 2 Andrea Hazan 4 Sivan June 2 Allen Schwartz 4 Sivan*June 2 David Negrin 4 Sivan June 3 Chester Deutsch 5 Sivan June 3 Caryl Berzofsky 5 Sivan June 3 Lloyd Goldsmith 5 Sivan June 3 Samuel Cohen 5 Sivan June 3 Marilyn Eslofsky 5 Sivan*June 4 Netty Becker 6 Sivan*June 4 Kalman Becker 6 Sivan June 4 Seymour Berzofsky 6 Sivan June 4 Ed Resnick 6 Sivan*June 4 Claire Hammer 6 Sivan June 5 Murray Kayne 7 Sivan*June 5 Julius Spector 7 Sivan June 6 Lawrence Fields 8 Sivan June 6 Joel Morganstern 8 Sivan June 6 Nathan Finkelstein 8 Sivan*June 6 Robert Cohen 8 Sivan June 6 Ruth Berg 8 Sivan June 6 Nate Persky 8 Sivan June 7 Betty Sopher 9 Sivan June 8 Bertha Freed 10 Sivan June 8 Elaine Pearlman 10 Sivan*June 8 Bassie Kron 10 Sivan June 8 Ruth Rappeport 10 Sivan June 8 Julius Beer 10 Sivan June 9 Clifford Weiss 11 Sivan June 9 Ruth Hendrick 11 Sivan June 9 Lita Koffler 11 Sivan June 9 Muriel Kohlenberg 11 Sivan June 9 Arthur Turner 11 Sivan June 9 Jack Kirshstein 11 Sivan June 10 Sidney November 12 Sivan June 10 Mollie Merrill 12 Sivan June 11 Neal Zimmerman 13 Sivan June 11 Mildred Meiselman 13 Sivan*June 11 Marlene Mitchell 13 Sivan June 11 Mania Gontmakher 13 Sivan June 12 Joanne Pattek 14 Sivan June 12 George Weinroth 14 Sivan June 12 Samuel Cohen 14 Sivan June 13 Dorothy Taratoot 15 Sivan June 13 Barbara Millman 15 Sivan*June 14 Sylvia Steinfeld 16 Sivan June 14 Dora Spandorfer 16 Sivan June 14 Marvin Berk 16 Sivan

June 15 Barbara Levin 17 Sivan June 15 Florence Shoenthal 17 Sivan*June 16 Morris Schneider 18 Sivan June 16 Lillian Cohen 18 Sivan June 16 Philip Sultzer 18 Sivan June 16 Max Unger 18 Sivan*June 17 Abraham Bernknopf 19 Sivan*June 17 Isaac Levin 19 Sivan June 17 Adeline Teich 19 Sivan June 17 Rae Zimmerman 19 Sivan*June 18 Harold Bowman 20 Sivan June 18 Milton Zlotin 20 Sivan June 19 Saul Shapow 21 Sivan*June 19 Tillie Cohen 21 Sivan June 19 Marvin L. Flack 21 Sivan*June 19 Bea Stadtler 21 Sivan*June 19 Louis Coltman 21 Sivan June 20 Harry Kaplan 22 Sivan June 20 Molly Turk 22 Sivan June 20 Elsie Brodsky 22 Sivan*June 20 Adele (Dolly) Zucker 22 Sivan June 21 Hyman Pollock 23 Sivan June 21 Ida Kaplowitz 23 Sivan June 22 Edythe Simon 24 Sivan June 22 Ruth Dickson 24 Sivan June 23 Abe Glaser 25 Sivan June 23 Carl Isbitts 25 Sivan June 23 Gerald Sheftel 25 Sivan*June 23 Eva Levin 25 Sivan June 24 Leon Robbins 26 Sivan June 24 Sanford Juntoff 26 Sivan June 25 Louis Shilling 27 Sivan*June 26 Fritz Eden 28 Sivan June 26 Elliot Gordon 28 Sivan*June 27 Marny Liebschutz 29 Sivan June 27 Morton Berg 29 Sivan*June 28 Howard Goldman 30 Sivan*June 28 Herman Yucht 30 Sivan June 28 Mildred Itzkowitz 30 Sivan*June 28 Daniel Goldman 30 Sivan June 28 Martin Friedner 30 Sivan*June 29 Marjorie Liebschutz 1 Tammuz June 29 Annette Felson 1 Tammuz June 29 Louis Cohen 1 Tammuz June 29 Morris Martin Steiner 1 Tammuz*June 30 Louis Silverberg 2 Tammuz June 30 Israel Binder 2 Tammuz June 30 Mark Ebel 2 Tammuz June 30 Joan Slovin 2 Tammuz*June 30 Sylvia Schulberg 2 Tammuz June 30 Leo Mayers 2 Tammuz*June 30 Belle Resnick 2 Tammuz*June 30 Ben Smith 2 Tammuz June 30 Victor Silbert 2 Tammuz

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July Yahrzeits*Denotes a memorial plaque in our sanctuary to be lit on the day of the Yahrzeit and on all Yizkor holidays.

July 1 Pauline Kahn 3 Tammuz*July 1 Archie Struhl 3 Tammuz July 1 Abraham Moe Richman 3 Tammuz July 1 Herbert Kaplan 3 Tammuz July 2 Barbara Goodman 4 Tammuz July 2 Ron LeRoy 4 Tammuz July 2 Edith Glaser 4 Tammuz July 2 Marc Sheinbein 4 Tammuz July 2 Samuel Binder 4 Tammuz July 2 Dorothy Halperin 4 Tammuz*July 3 Burnett Roth 5 Tammuz July 3 Sara Grunfeld 5 Tammuz July 3 Anne Bernstein 5 Tammuz July 4 Scott Tinter 6 Tammuz July 4 Reba Lewis 6 Tammuz July 4 Betty Lipson 6 Tammuz July 4 Eli Harrison 6 Tammuz*July 4 Irv Sonshein 6 Tammuz July 4 Eugene Allen 6 Tammuz July 4 Mushie Bolgla 6 Tammuz July 4 Leon Harrison 6 Tammuz*July 5 Robert Sukloff 7 Tammuz July 5 Bernard Garber 7 Tammuz July 5 Edith Cojac 7 Tammuz*July 5 Morris Cohen 7 Tammuz July 6 Philip Gordon 8 Tammuz July 6 Alice Kopen 8 Tammuz*July 6 Lilly Wanuck 8 Tammuz July 7 Sonia Rosenberg 9 Tammuz July 7 Sarah Krieger 9 Tammuz July 8 Hilda Sopher 10 Tammuz July 8 Joel Mendelson 10 Tammuz July 8 Leonard Kornbluth 10 Tammuz*July 8 Phillip Morris 10 Tammuz July 9 Benjamin Karp 11 Tammuz*July 10 Albert Easton 12 Tammuz July 10 Stanley Dolin 12 Tammuz July 11 Etka Medaleion 13 Tammuz*July 11 Rachel Grodin 13 Tammuz July 11 Bertram Greenberg 13 Tammuz July 11 Annette Bolgla 13 Tammuz July 12 Sara Heller 14 Tammuz*July 12 Moshe Welt 14 Tammuz July 12 Josiash Leibowitz 14 Tammuz*July 12 Barbara Cohen 14 Tammuz July 12 Roger Waterman 14 Tammuz*July 13 Albert Aronson 15 Tammuz*July 14 Arline Mandel-Friedman 16 Tammuz July 14 Elizabeth Sklar 16 Tammuz July 15 Helen Avni 17 Tammuz July 15 Betty Lipsey Goldenberg 17 Tammuz July 15 Ana Sapoznik 17 Tammuz

*July 15 Edna Frankel 17 Tammuz*July 16 Sidney Rothstein 18 Tammuz July 16 Betty Schwartz 18 Tammuz July 18 Frank Feldman 20 Tammuz July 18 Bernard Friedrich 20 Tammuz July 18 Bernard Goldstein 20 Tammuz July 18 Bernice Polekoff 20 Tammuz*July 18 Murray Steinfeld 20 Tammuz July 18 Jayne Adair 20 Tammuz*July 19 Flori David 21 Tammuz*July 19 Beverly Mandel 21 Tammuz July 19 Saltanatte Filsoof 21 Tammuz July 19 Marcia Stone 21 Tammuz July 20 Claire Zuckerman 22 Tammuz July 20 Mildred Green 22 Tammuz*July 20 Arthur Robbins 22 Tammuz*July 20 Sofia Sosnovsky 22 Tammuz July 20 Mildred Green 22 Tammuz July 20 Allen Robbins 22 Tammuz*July 20 Arthur Robbins 22 Tammuz July 21 Brenda Moskowitz 23 Tammuz July 22 Tova Wexler 24 Tammuz July 22 Dr. Martin Wanuck 24 Tammuz*July 22 Felix Louis Rand 24 Tammuz July 22 Rose Shipley 24 Tammuz July 22 Cy Seifert 24 Tammuz*July 23 Polly Boardman 25 Tammuz*July 24 Sylvia Friedman 26 Tammuz*July 25 Howard Levy 27 Tammuz July 25 Margaret Rosenzweig 27 Tammuz July 26 Lazarus Press 28 Tammuz July 26 Michael Hersh 28 Tammuz*July 26 Selma Cohen 28 Tammuz July 26 Margarita Sternberg 28 Tammuz July 26 Alvin Greenberg 28 Tammuz*July 26 Robert Fruchtman 28 Tammuz*July 27 Isidor Barkan 29 Tammuz July 27 Harry Price 29 Tammuz July 27 Aaron Epstein 29 Tammuz July 27 Morton Mandell 29 Tammuz July 27 Yetta Forland 29 Tammuz July 28 Suzanne Levine 1 Av July 28 Rosalind Klein 1 Av July 28 Joseph Dechert 1 Av July 29 Herman Peskin 2 Av July 29 Selma Barman 2 Av July 29 Pauline Friedman 2 Av July 30 Jaycee Kaufman 3 Av July 30 Robert Gerson 3 Av July 30 Sidney Kamensky 3 Av July 30 Alfred Isaac 3 Av

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The Voice of Chaim | June-July 2014

Your Torah Fund contribution strengthens and perpetuates Conservative Masorti Judaism throughout the world.

Since 1942, Torah Fund has built and supported residence halls at The Jewish Theological Seminary and American Jewish University, provided scholarships for students at JTS in New York, Ziegler in Los Angeles and Schechter in Jerusalem. It also created the Women’s League Educational Pavilion in JTS Kripke Tower and provided funds for the Library of The Jewish Theological Seminary.

Join fellow supporters of Torah Fund and receive a new beautiful pin for the upcoming Jewish holidays in recognition of your generous support of The Jewish Theological Seminary. A letter will be in the mail with a picture of the new pin.

Please contact Sandy Bailey at 770-953-2244 for information and for all-purpose Torah Fund cards to send to family and friends.

We would like to thank the following for their donation to the 5774 Torah Fund:

Debbie AdelmanSandy BaileyFelicia BerneMarsha BernsteinRita BreierLenora BuchalterTammy Cohen

Paula CoplonSusan EckertJudy FinemanLisa FlagelSandy GoldsteinSally GreensteinDana Greenberg

Lauren GrayNatalie KaimanShari KastenMelissa KerbelBetsy LessansArlene LaVineLaurie Lavinsky

Cindy LewisAnita MartinArlene ManningCarol MastersRisa MendelsonDebbie MilsteinCheryl MillerSafa Nooromid

Terri RittenbergSue RothsteinLuci SunshineMaxine ScheinJune SchwartzEllen SpandorferPam Ziskend


Mazal Tov to our Graduates!High School Seniors –Class of 2014

Cool Cats Class of 2014

And to our Confirmands

And to…

Louis BerchJacob BerneRachel BoxerSteven BurgessCourtney CohenJoshua CohenJake CookLauren Fagin

Melissa FellmanZachary FlagelZachary FramRachel FreemanHalle FriedmanMatthew FriedrichBen GarberLeah Givarz

Ilyse GreenbergBrandon HarnickBenjamin HellerEmily KaplanJordan LieberbaumMatthew MoskowitzRyan PadawerHannah Saffran

Nicole SchlosbergRachel SchwartzJamie ShatzAlexa SperlingBrandon WestermanScott WolpertJonah Zimmerman

Ezra BarchichatHyla BarkerDebbie Gan

Joseph GewertzEvan LeeJenna Reibel

Lauren ReibelAshton TuckerLogan Warshowsky

Jamie FingerMelanie Gelernter

Zachary GivarzAvi Lyons

Amanda MillerMason Trimbach

Danielle Vitale

David MedofEtz Chaim’s Greater Atlanta Hadassah Chesed Award recipient

Benjamin Harrison & Carly HarrisonChai Five Sisterhood Scholarship Award Winners

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GENERAL FUNDIn honor of Mark Spiegel’s 60th birthday

Allison and Steven KoenemanIn memory of Lillian Galin on her yahrzeit

Arlene ManningTo Laurie Lavinsky in memory of Ellen Rosenzweig. We are so sorry for your loss and wishing you comfort during this time.

Billy and Ellen BalserTo Donna and Steve Krodman in memory of Eli Krodman. I am so very sorry for your loss. My deepest condolences to you and your family.

Cecile BockIn loving memory of my father, Isak Kanner, on his yahrzeit

Ed KannerTo Rabbi Tom and Marilyn Liebschutz, in honor of the B’nai Mitzvah of your triplet grandsons, Benjamin, Jaocb and Samuel. Mazal Tov on this wonderful occasion.

In honor of Chelo Saruk’s special birthday. Mazal Tov on this wonderful occasion

Irwin and Sydelle SilbermanIn memory of Mel Intner

Jim and Mindy IntnerIn memory of Bella Kandel on her yahrzeit

Louis and Mindy KandelIn memory of Meilakh Barshay, father, grandfather and father-in-law. With each year, I have more and more appreciation for your love, care and knowledge that you shared with me. Love, your son.

Marat and Galina BarshayTo Stephen Friedman in memory of Ernie Friedman. Our sincere sympathies are with you and your entire family. Thinking of you all.

Marc and Sharon SeltmanTo Steve Krodman in memory of Eli Krodman. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Mitchell and Stacey KopelmanTo Warren Sirzyk in memory of Saul Sirzyk. We are so sorry for your loss.

Mitzi and Steve WaronkerIn memory of our dad and grandpa, Harvey Jacobson.

Nancy, Wayne, Eric, Scott and Jennifer Freedman

To Steve Krodman in memory of your father, Eli Krodman

Nancy IsenbergIn honor of the retirement of Gary Feinberg

Nancy IsenbergIn memory of my sister, Rhonda. I miss you everyday, always.

Pam TinterIn honor and support of the Lilmode program. It provides such a good selection of adult education experiences. We are grateful to the committee who works to make Lilmode available.

Don and Judith Kaye

To Jay Liban in memory of your father, David Liban. We are sorry for your loss. May your heart be warmed during this difficult time by the memories of your father.

Randy and Adrienne FigurTo Lisa and Jay Liban in memory of David Liban. So sorry for your loss

Rena ZwebenIn memory of Louis Olens

Samuel OlensIn memory of my mother, Bertha Rothstein, and my father, Jacob Rothstein, on their yahrzeits

Selma BernsteinTo Laurie and Mark Lavinsky and family in memory of Ellen Rosenzweig

Sid and Karen StarkTo Laurie and Mark Lavinsky in memory of Ellen Rosenzweig, beloved mother and grandmother

To Mr. and Mrs. Craig Mandel and Family, in memory of Ellen Rosenzweig, beloved grandmother

Susan and David MandelTo Jay Liban in memory of your father, David Liban

Susan and Michael SlotnickIn memory of Jack Lincoln, loving father, husband and grandfather

The Diamond Family


Barney ColtmanIn memory of my beloved husband, Joe Saruk, on his yahrzeit. Always in my heart. Love, Chelo

Chelo SarukIn memory of Edna Kaye

David KayeIn memory of Sonny Ralton

Ellie BreierIn memory of our dear father, Irving Weinberg, on his yahrzeit

Ilene and Ed BakerTo Jordan Forman in memory of Jared Forman

Jeff and Valerie PolekoffIn loving memory of my parents, Judith and Edwin Brown, and my brother, Alan Brown

Jeffrey BrownIn appreciation of Rabbi Shalom Lewis for your support after my mother passed away

Judy Schancupp and FamilyIn memory of David Waxman. The angels are lucky to have my father among them.

In appreciation of Rabbi Shalom Lewis. The bris of my grandson, Tanner Ashton Froy, was all the more beautiful and memorable with your participation. Thank you.

Marsha KumminsIn memory of our beloved wife and mother, Arleen Taffel. Love, Marty, Myles and Alison

Marty TaffelTo Steve Krodman in memory of your beloved father, Eli Krodman

Mishpocha Chavurah

To Rabbi Shalom Lewis in loving memory of your mom, Sarah Lewis

Neil and Bonnie NegrinTo Rabbi Lewis, thank you very much for your guidance, support and love during Hailey’s Bat Mitzvah

Randy and Adrienne FigurIn honor of Elliot Kalick. Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.

Safa and Shahrokh Nooromid, Bobby, and Rachel

In loving memory of my parents, Zarin and Ovadia Aghajani

Safa NooromidIn honor of Rabbi Lewis. Thank you for visiting me during my recent recovery, as well as your thoughts and concern over the past few months.

Samuel RothIn loving memory of our father and grandfather, Al Bernknopf, on his yahrzeit

In loving memory of our father and grandfather, Irving Altholtz, on his yahrzeit

The Bernknopf FamilyIn loving memory of our father and grandfather, Jacob Baer

Susie and Joey Moskowitz and Family

RABBI KERBEL DISCRETIONARY FUNDIn honor of the birth of Sophia Alexandra Lessans from her adoring grandparents

Jay and Betsy LessansIn loving memory of my mother, Judith Brown, and to thank Rabbi Kerbel for his kind words during Mother’s recent illness and passing

Jeffrey BrownIn memory of Clement Douenias

Judith AlgranatiIn appreciation of Rabbi Kerbel for your support after my mother passed away

Judy Schancupp and FamilyIn memory of our beloved wife and mother, Arleen Taffel. Love, Marty, Myles and Alison

Marty TaffelIn memory of Nat Wedlan

Myrna LyonsTo Rabbi Kerbel, thank you for your support of Hailey’s Bat Mitzvah

Randy and Adrienne Figur

LINDA H. WEINROTH EDUCATION FUNDTo Roz Reiss, in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of your granddaughter, Lian Kleinman. Mazal Tov.

Chuck and Marsha BernsteinTo Jeff Brown in memory of your dear mother, Judith Simon Brown. May her memory be a blessing. We are so sorry for your loss.

To Jay Liban in memory of your beloved father, David Liban. We are so sorry for your loss.

Daniel Pransky and Sandy Rosenberg Pransky

Tzedakah | vesmContributions received from April 1 – May 5, 2014

Continues on page 25

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Tzedakah | vesmContributions received from April 1 – May 5, 2014

Continued from page 24

To Steve Krodman and family in loving memory of your father, Eli Krodman. The memories and stories live forever in your heart. Our thoughts are with you.

To Stephen Friedman and family in memory of your father, Ernie Friedman. May the emptiness in your heart be filled with wonderful and loving memories of Him.

To Jeff Brown and family in memory of your mother, Judith Simon Brown. We are so sorry to learn of the passing of your mother. May you always remember the good times.

David and Elyse ShawIn memory of my beloved parents, Mania and Samuel Lederman

Debbie TaratootTo Laurie, Mark and Adam Lavinsky, Mazal Tov on the opening of your School of Rock in East Cobb. What a terrific and fun concept! Best wishes for the success and longevity of this “upbeat” project.

To Jeff Brown and family in loving memory of your mother and grandmother, Judith Simon Brown. May her memory be a blessing to all of you, always.

To Steve Krodman and family in loving memory of your father and grandfather,Eli Krodman. May his memory be a blessing to all of you, always.

To Laurie Lavinsky and family in loving memory of your mother and grandmother, Ellen Rosenzweig. May your fond remembrances of your times together help to ease the pain of your loss.

Glenn and Arlene La VineIn loving memory of our mother and grandmother, Nana Elaine LaVine, on her yahrzeit. We love and miss you.

In loving memory of our father and grandfather, Papa Joe LaVine, on his yahrzeit. We love and miss you.

Glenn and Arlene LaVine, Shana, David and Diantha

In memory of my mother, Florence Reicher Glancz, on her yahrzeit

John ReicherIn loving memory of Rita Chalef on her yahrzeit

Michael and Ellen ChalefTo Steven Krodman on the loss of his father, Eli Krodman

To Stephen Friedman on the loss of his father, Ernie Friedman

Noah and Berna LevineTo Risa Mendelson, thanks for your love, guidance and tremendous efforts with Hailey’s spectacular job upon becoming a Bat Mitzvah. We are so grateful for your patience and friendship.

Randy and Adrienne FigurTo Marc Weiss in memory of Evelyn Weiss. We are so very sorry about the loss of your mother. We hold you and your entire family in our hearts and send you our love

Rosanne and Andy Kauss


David and Eleanor HochbergIn memory of our dear father, Isadore Epstein

Barney and Ellen EpsteinTo Stephen Friedman in memory of your father, Ernie Friedman

To Steve Krodman in memory of your father, Eli Krodman

Barry and Joyce TeitelmanTo Laurie Lavinsky in memory of your beloved mother, Ellen Rosenzweig

David and Eleanor HochbergTo Laurie Lavinsky and family in memory of Ellen Rosenzweig. Our deepest sympathy on the loss of your dear mother. Remember all the good times you shared with her! At least she is not suffering anymore.

Lori and Allan Struletz and FamilyIn memory of Steve Krodman’s beloved father, Eli Krodman. Our condolences.

In memory of Ellen Ray Balser’s beloved father, Herbert F. Ray. Our Condolences.

Our condolences to the Sirzyk family on the loss of Warren’s beloved father, Saul Sirzyk

Mark and Laurie LavinskyTo Neil Weiss, in loving memory of your mother, Evelyn Weiss. May your memories help you through this difficult time.

Paul and Heide DranoveIn loving memory of my husband, Emanuel Kent

Phyllis KentIn memory of Ellen Rosenzweig, mother of Laurie Lavinsky. We are thinking of you at this difficult time in your life.

Shahrokh and Safa Nooromid

YOUTH FUNDIn honor of Hannah Pransky on her becoming a Bat Mitzvah

Ava KaplanThanks to the USY Wacky Wednesdays for your help with the minyan. Have a great summer!

David and Myrna GarronIn honor of my mother, Irene Altholtz, on her 92nd birthday!

Linda BernknopfTo the Bernknopf family in honor of the first birthday of our grandson, Brady Austin Bernknopf

Stan and Linda BernknopfIn honor of Richard Smith. Thank you for all you do for our community.

The Nadolne Family

YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP FUNDIn memory of my dad, Al Jacobs, who is missed every day

Su Berland

RADOW YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT FUNDIn honor of Norman Radow. Wishing you a very speedy recovery from your surgery. All the best!

Shahrokh and Safa NooromidA speedy recovery to Norman Radow

Steven and Janet Cadranel

PRESCHOOL FUNDTo Steve Krodman and family in memory of your beloved father and grandfather, Eli Krodman, with heartfelt condolences. Thank God for happy memories!

Wishing a speedy recovery to Debbie Adelman. Please get well fast! I miss you.

To Stephen Friedman and family in memory of your beloved father, Ernie Friedman. My sincere sympathy for your loss.

Chelo SarukIn memory of Edward and Anne Leonard on the anniversary of their yahrzeits

In honor of Stephen King’s 70th birthdayNoah and Berna Levine

In memory of Judith Simon Brown, beloved mother of Jeffrey Brown, with our heartfelt condolences. May her memory always be a blessing to you and your beautiful family.

Yaron and Robin Brill

PRESCHOOL PLAYGROUND FUNDTo Chelo Saruk, Happy Birthday with many more to celebrate!

To Ken Lewis, Mazal Tov on your special birthday

Mazal Tov to Rabbi Tom and Marilyn Liebschutz on the recent birth of your new grandson, Felix Ephraim Liebschutz

In memory of my mother, Lillian Greenspon, on her yahrziet

To Steve Krodman in memory of your father, Eli Krodman. May good memories sustain you during this difficult time.

Irv and Adele GreensponTo Rabbi Tom and Marilyn Liebschutz, Mazal Tov on the B’nai Mitzvah of your grandsons, Benjamin, Jacob, and Samuel Rockaway, and on the birth of your new grandson, Felix Ephraim Liebschutz

To Chelo Saruk, Mazal Tov on your special birthday. Wishing you many more happy, healthy birthdays!

Ken and Ruth Lewis

Continues on page 26

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Tzedakah | vesmContributions received from April 1 – May 5, 2014

Continued from page 25

To Rabbi Tom and Marilyn Liebschutz, Mazal Tov on the B’nai Mitzvah of your grandsons, Benjamin, Jacob, and Samuel Rockaway, and on the birth of your new grandson, Felix Ephraim Liebschutz

To Chelo Saruk, Mazal Tov on your special birthday!

Mishpocha ChavurahTo Laurie Lavinsky in memory of Ellen Rosenzweig. Our deepest sympathy on the loss of your mother.

Russ and Rita BreierTo Laurie Lavinsky in loving memory of your mother, Ellen Rosenzweig. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time.

To Warren Sirzyk in memory of your dear father, Saul Sirzyk

Stan and Judy FinemanTo Rabbi Shalom and Cindy Lewis, many thanks for your hospitality this Pesach, as always.

Stan and Judy Fineman and Family

COLLEGE CONNECTION FUNDIn honor of Abel Salk and Family. Lots of happiness always.

In honor of Moris Salk, for good health always

In honor of Abel Salk and his wonderful familyThe Kalish Family

PHILLIP MICHAEL SILVERMAN MEMORIAL ENDOWMENTTo Pat Phelps and family in memory of Elizabeth Phelps. We will always remember her sweetness and will miss her precious friendship.

To Jeanie Eidex and family in memory of Marshall Eidex. We are so very sorry for your loss. Our thoughts are with you at this difficult time.

Bob and Eileen SilvermanTo Ellen Ray Balser and family in loving memory of your father, Herbert F. Ray. We are so sorry about the loss of your dear dad and grandpa. May your memories comfort you and bring you smiles. Our thoughts are with you.

David and Elyse ShawWith heartfelt sympathy to Laurie Lavinsky and Family on the passing of Ellen Rosenzweig, mother and grandmother

David and Myrna GarronTo Steve Krodman in memory of Eli Krodman. Our deepest condolences on Eli’s passing. We’re sure he will be missed.

Dennis and Deborah RenyiTo Lisa and Jay Liban in memory of Jay’s father, David Liban

In loving memory of our parents, Edna and Joe Brown

In loving memory of our brother, George Grauer, on his yahrzeit

In loving memory of our mother, Bella Goldman Grauer, on her yahrzeit

Larry and Arlene Brown

In loving memory of Nathan “Pappy” Weiss on his yahrzeit

In loving memory of Phillip Michael Silverman on his yahrzeit

Michael and Jane WeissIn memory of Louis Moskowitz, loving father and grandfather

Susie and Joey Moskowitz and Family

CYNTHIA R. FREEMAN MEMORIAL ENDOWMENT FUNDIn honor of Dr. Ron Brown on his inauguration as President of the University of North Texas at Dallas

Alan and Lisa FreemanIn memory of Judith Simon Brown, beloved mother of Jeff Brown

Joe Freeman

MORRIS FRANK SACRED TExT FUNDTo Jodie Reznik in loving memory of your grandmother, Harriett Kantrowitz

To Dr. Jeff Reznik in loving memory of your grandfather, Joseph Reznik

To Donna and Steve Krodman in memory of your father, Eli Krodman.

Candy Frank, David and Jason In memory of Bill Boardman, beloved father of Donna Krodman

In memory of Ellen Rosenzweig, mother of Laurie Lavinsky

In memory of Bernice Krodman, beloved mother of Steve Krodman

Steve and Donna Krodman


Beverly CohenIn memory of Aaron Levine, brother of Henry Levine

Henry LevineIn loving memory of my mother, Madeline Budzynski

Jessica BrownTo Donna and Steve Krodman in memory of your father, Eli Krodman. May his memory be a blessing.

Richard and Sandy Smith

BUILDING ENHANCEMENT FUNDTo Mitch Manning and family in memory of your sister, Ruth Kramer

Frank and Nancy ShusterIn loving memory of my grandfather, Murray Stern

Myra SheftelIn loving memory of my father, Sanford Lite

Nancy Shuster


Wishes for a speedy recovery to Jimmy Green

Happy Birthday to Cody Hirsberg

Happy Birthday to Jack Wilensky

Happy Birthday to Sydney Farmer

Happy Birthday to Allan Levine

Happy Birthday to Ron CohenFrank and Barbara Wilensky


To Don Kaye in honor of your patience, generosity, good nature and your loyalty

Amara and Darren KaplanTo Jay Liban in memory of your father, David Liban. We are truly sorry to hear of your loss.

Bob and Sheri FrohlichIn memory of Laura Chartash. We miss you.

Randy and Debbi Chartash and FamilyIn honor of Judy and Stan Fineman, we appreciate your hospitality, kindness, and friendship. The King Clan.

Steve and Joanie King

BOB GOLDMAN SCHOLARSHIP FUNDTo Steve Krodman and family in memory of your dad, Eli. May the wonderful times you had together give you comfort through this difficult time.

Jayne and Andy BeckerTo Donna and Steve Krodman in memory of Eli Krodman. I know you both will always have fond memories of your father, Eli. I enjoyed the stories from Steve.

Sam RothIn memory of Paul Goodman

Kent GoodmanIn memory of my beloved father, William Rosenfeld, on his yahrzeit

Julia Goodman

SISTERHOOD FUNDTo Laurie Lavinsky and family, in loving memory of your dear mom, Ellen Rosenzweig. The memories, stories and hugs live forever in your heart. Our thoughts are with you.

David and Elyse Shaw

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The Voice of Chaim | June-July 2014

The Importance of the Synagogue Affinity Group

Following positive feedback from members of the Caring Committee, Social Action Committee and Administrative Staff Affinity Groups, JF&CS staff felt there was a great and needed opportunity to bring together the Presidents and Vice Presidents (VP) to discuss concerns they were experiencing, like member retention and engagement. “For the past two years, representatives of synagogues in Atlanta have been meeting as a way to engage one another and talk about various topics affecting their synagogues,” said Brenda Fiske, Chief Marketing Officer at JF&CS.

“We are thankful for the opportunity to convene these individuals,” said Gary Miller, CEO of JF&CS, who facilitates the meetings. “It allows us to offer examples and share research that provides clues to achieving success.”

Cheryl Miller, President of Congregation Etz Chaim, has found the Affinity Group

to be very helpful. “The meetings are a wonderful opportunity for the leaders of the area synagogues to come together to discuss challenges, successes and new ideas. It is very reassuring to know we’re all dealing with many of the same issues and they allow us to share strategies for moving our congregations forward.”

Philip Siegel, President at Ahavath Achim Synagogue, told us “The Affinity Group has provided me with the opportunity to learn from others having similar experiences with their synagogues. I have found great value in the engaging dialogue, and it has been refreshing to know that I’m not in this alone. There are many similarities among our communities.”

The Presidents/VP Affinity Group meets three times a year at JF&CS in Dunwoody. For more information, contact [email protected].

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The Voice of Chaim | June-July 2014


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Page 32: Voc junejuly 2014 web

Robert L. Bachrach Executive Director & COO Debbie Deutsch Education Director Perry Birbrager Youth Director Aram Blankenship Facilities ManagerSu BerlandNewsletter Production

OfficersCheryl Cohen-Miller PresidentTodd Surden Executive VPJohn Flagel Chief Financial OfficerRobin D. Brill Fundraising VP Allison Saffran Religion Co-VP David Wilson Religion Co-VP Jamie Lyons Education Co-VPDavid Levin Education Co-VP and SecretaryStacy Efrat Engagement Co-VPJoe Freeman Engagement Co-VPScott Rittenberg Immediate Past President and Parliamentarian

TrusteesNanci AronsteinSheldon BerchMarsha BernsteinLarry BrownAdam BuxbaumAmy CharlesJoe CohenMark DavisonLinda DiamondDarin DubovyRandy FigurSteven FlackHarris FogelStephanie FosterBarry GangNancy GardnerDenise GelernterMitchell GreyDavid LandauLauren LevetanLeslie LubellNorman MarinoffFrank MobilioDani OrenGary PragerRay SonsheinEllen SpandorferJosh VexlerBeth WeissTom Zack

Past PresidentsScott RittenbergStephen Friedman Irwin BermanBob BachrachJudy FinemanNorman RadowDebbie MilsteinSue RothsteinDavid WittKen SchlenkerGeorge PristachRichard SmithAllen ShulmanNoah LevineBarry Forrest z”lDavid TinkelmanEllis AbramsStephen King

OrganizationsErica Driver Linda Berch Sisterhood Co-PresidentsAndy Becker Steve Krodman Men’s Club Co-PresidentsAvi Lyons USY President

Congregation Etz Chaim1190 Indian Hills Parkway

Marietta, GA 30068 Phone 770.973.0137 • Fax 770.977.0829

Religious School 770.977.4148Preschool 770.977.3384

visit our website for the e-mails of our professional staff and lay leaders

Shalom J. Lewis, RabbiPaul D. Kerbel, Rabbi

Non-Profit Org.U.S. Postage

PAIDPermit #433Marietta, GA