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[b]Table of content[/b] Abbreviations Chapter 1: The Constitution Chapter 2: The National Government Chapter 3: The Local Government Chapter 4: Election Laws [b]Abbreviations[/b] VL: Virtuan Law Book IL: International Law Book CoE: Consul of Education CoF: Consul of Finances CoJS: Consul of Justice and Safety FCS: Financial Civil Servant

[b]Chapter 1: The Constitution[/b] [u]Article 1.1.: Definitions of the Virtuan Law[/u] ­ Virtua: A country in the Federation with 3 cities: Centropolis, Cashington and Nasdaqar. Secession from Virtua in any of its forms is impossible. This includes, but isn't limited to: renaming a city, physically removing state or city property or grounds to abroad, declaring independence from Virtua or removing Virtuan citizens and/or grounds from the authority of the Virtuan National Government and/or the Virtuan Law Book. Any attempted secession shall be punished by the removal of all government jobs of the person(s) attempting to secede from Virtua. ­ Virtuan Citizens: Persons whose hometown is based in Virtua. These people hold Virtuan citizenship. ­ Hometown: The town where the warehouse of a citizen is located. ­ Virtuan mayor(s): Citizen(s) who has/have access to a city manager account of a Virtuan city. ­ City manager account: the accounts of "Mayor of Centropolis", "Mayor of Cashington" and "Mayor of Nasdaqar". ­ Virtuan Council: The President, Vice President and Consuls. The Council is the national government of Virtua and hold the national legislative power. The Council is obliged to uphold the Constitution. ­ President: The winner of the Virtuan National Election. This person is to lead the Council and has the ability to appoint Consuls. ­ Vice President: The runner­up in the Virtuan National Election. The Vice President shall automatically assume the rights of a Consul and shall replace the current President in any case where this would be necessary. The Vice President has the ability to reject the appointment of a Consul by the President. ­ Consul: Citizen appointed by the President to serve in the Council. A consul may be responsible for a certain governmental service, like Finances, Education, Justice and Safety.

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­ Virtuan Advisor: Person appointed by the President who shall deliver advice in topics being discussed by the Council. He does not have any voting rights, nor can he make a direct legislative proposal. ­ National Elections: Election held at the end of a round in which active Virtuans can vote on fellow Virtuans who put their name into the ballot. National elections are hosted by the Federal Government. ­ Local Elections: City based elections where Virtuan citizens vote for a citizen to become Virtuan Mayor. Local Elections are hosted by the Federal Government or the Virtuan Council. ­ Restricted goods: Explosives, guns and gunpowder. [u]Article 1.2.: Rights of Virtuan citizens[/u] All Virtuan citizens have the following rights:

­ To have unlimited access to public clubs as defined by VL 1.3. ­ To have freedom of speech as defined by IL 1.5. ­ To vote in National and Local Elections (except those that IL Article 5 applies). ­ To be a candidate in the Local or National election if complying with VL 1.4 ­ To be educated and earn degrees by means given in the Virtuan Law. ­ To a fair trial against other citizens, organisations and governments. ­ To an attorney in which the Consul of Justice and Safety shall aid when needed. ­ To remain silent in lawsuits, unless determined otherwise in the law. ­ To not cooperate with his/her own conviction in lawsuits.

[u]Article 1.3. Public clubs[/u] Public clubs are: ­ City Town Halls ­ The Virtuan Court ­ The Council Room ­ The Council Public ­ Embassy Virtua The sole exception to citizen’s right of unlimited access to Virtuan public clubs is the Council Room. Here all Virtuan citizens have the unlimited right to read, but only members of the Virtuan Council, the Virtuan Advisors and the Virtuan Mayors are allowed to post. Banning a Virtuan Citizen from a public club, giving posts bans to Virtuans in public clubs without this person having spammed/flooded or otherwise violated laws concerning speech in clubs is considered illegal. Violation may result in dismissal to be determined by the Virtuan/International Court(s). [u]Article 1.4. Restrictions to Government employees[/u] All citizens employed in/by the local and/or national government are not allowed to: ­ Be on the Register of Eligibility (this only applies to jobs that require elections)

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­ Have their hometown outside the Virtuan cities. ­ Have a cheater status or have an alter ego with a cheater status. ­ Have a criminal status unless there is an exception made in this article. Jobs for which exceptions are made for players with a criminal status and in which they may function are: ­ Mayor of Nasdaqar (must be in compliance with VL 3.1) ­ FCS (with a maximum of one criminal FCS at a time) ­ Advisor to the Council ­ National Teacher ­ Head Archivist ­ Archivist ­ National Priest

[u]Article 1.5. Jurisdictions[/u] The Virtuan Law Book, International Law and International Treaties apply upon all citizens and property in Virtua. When the International Law and the Virtuan Law Book collide, the International Law is always dominant. When an International Treaty and the Virtuan Law collide, the Virtuan Law is dominant. When laws within the Virtuan Law collide, chapter 1 is the most dominant, followed by chapter 2. The other chapters of the Virtuan Law are equal to each other in this situation. [u]Article 1.6. Contracts[/u] All descriptions and texts confined in or added to financial transactions and contracts concerning Virtuan citizens must be in English. If a Virtuan citizen violates this law, the FCS must issue a fine to the Virtuan citizen, 500 I­Shell per violation. Any contract involving a Virtuan citizen that is not in English, shall be considered void. If an FCS notices repeated financial records (3 or more) in a language other than English, he is allowed to fine the violator an additional 400 I­Shell per violation. [u]Article 1.7 Support Criminal Activities[/u] Participating in the planning, executing or any other form of supporting criminal activities is forbidden for any employees of the National and/or Local Governments in Virtua. Employees are players working for or within the Virtuan community. Every proven violation shall lead to immediate dismissal, a 500 I­Shell fine per day to be given to the offender. The Virtuan Court can decide to give the employer of the wrongdoer a fine in I­Shell and/or criminal points. Article 1.7 is void for actions taken during an emergency situation as described in VL 6.6. [u]Article 1.8 Inactivity the Local / National ­Government[/u]

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In case an employee of the national or local governments of Virtua has not logged in for at least 48 hours without posting a public notification in the club of his employer, this person is to be fired. As members of the Virtuan Council are employed by the Virtuan public, they have to post their temporary leaves longer than 48 hours in the Council Room. Mayors can post their temporary leaves longer than 48 hours in their town halls and are required to arrange a temporary Mayor in consultation with the Federal Government if leave is going to be longer than 72 hours.

[b]Chapter 2: The National Government[/b] [u]Article 2.1. National elections[/u] The Federal Government is solely responsible for organizing National Elections near the end of each round. ­The President is the candidate who receives the most votes in the National Elections. ­The Vice President is the candidate who receives the second most votes in the National Election. ­ In the case there is a tie among two or more candidates with the most votes, the Mayors of the Virtuan cities in the forthcoming round shall decide by majority which of these candidates shallreceive one extra vote. ­ In the case there is a tie among two or more candidates with the second most votes, the Mayors of the Virtuan cities in the forthcoming round shall decide by majority which of these candidates shall become Vice President. ­If a clear President and/or Vice President are not chosen at any moment during 72 hours before the beginning of the forthcoming trading period up until the start of the trading period, then the Federal Government shall decide by random who shall take the vacant positions. In case there is at any moment during a round no President or Vice­President, the Mayors of the Virtuan cities are responsible for appointing an interim President by majority vote and organizing National Elections held in the club Council Public.

[u]Article 2.2. The Council[/u] The Council must count at least three unique members and no more than seven not including the President and Vice President. When the Council consists of less than five unique members, the Council is not authorised to exercise its rights as stated in VL 2.3. Additionally to Consuls, the President is allowed to appoint up to two Advisors to the Council. Advisors are not part of the Council, but allowed to post in the Council Room. Members of the Virtuan Council can be made responsible for certain services of the National Government. Obligatory services are Finances, Education and Justice and Safety. Only either the President or the Vice President is allowed to fill one Consul Position next to his normal position. This position is considered a side­job. This side­job shall not confer another

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vote on the Virtuan Council. In case there is a possibility of bias in any decision as a result of a side­job, the other (the President or the Vice President without the side­job) can block and/or revert the decision within 24 hours. Should a veto or reversion prevent the appointment of member of the Virtuan Council to one of the obligatory sections and the position is empty for 72 hours without agreement between President and Vice President, a vote by the Mayors takes place. The President and Vice President are to put forth the name of the individual they wish to take office and a majority vote from the mayors decides. This choice can be reverted by the Virtuan Court.

[u]Article 2.3. Rights and duties of the entire Virtuan Council[/u] The Virtuan Council is the only body with legislative power in Virtua. The Virtuan Council is allowed to adapt legislation to restrict constitutional rights in certain cases if it remains in compliance with the International Law. All members of the Virtuan Council have the right to: ­ Propose and vote on legislative proposals (see VL 2.6). ­ Vote on financial plans and reimbursements (see VL 4.1). ­ Vote on dismissal of a member of the local or national government if allowed to by another law in this chapter of the law book. ­ Vote on the dismissal of a National Priest. Unless determined otherwise by law, each member of the Council holds one vote on aforementioned stipulations. The National Government has the following duties: ­ Maintain a leader, as described in VL 2.1. ­ Keep the financial sector healthy, as described in Chapter 4 of the Virtuan Law. ­ Provide adequate access to education, as described in Chapter 5 of the Virtuan Law. ­ Provide justice and safety, as described in Chapter 6 of the Virtuan Law. [u]Article 2.4. Specific rights and duties of certain members of the Virtuan Council[/u] The President is the leader of the Council. The President is responsible for communication with the Federal Government, the Federal Union and the High Council. The President has the duty to keep the local and national government compliant with all articles in the Virtuan Law and must act when a member of the National or Local government violates a law. To do so, the President holds the following powers: ­ To appoint Consuls ­ To dismiss a Consul, with the approval of the Vice President. ­ To appoint a National Priest ­ To dismiss a National Priest ­ To hold local re­elections ­ To hold national referenda

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­ To issue an unlimited amount of by­laws as long as they comply with IL 13 and do not interfere with or change any part of the chapters 1, 2, 3 and 7, and the articles 4.1, 5.1, 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3 of the Virtuan Law. The Vice President shall replace the President in case of prolonged absence, bankruptcy or any other case that leads to the President being fired. If this is the case, he can't fire any Consuls in the first three days of his reign, nor can they propose to fire him during that period. The Vice President has the right to speak on behalf of the President at the Federal Union and the High Council. The Vice President maintains the club 'Embassy Virtua'. The Vice President holds the following powers: ­ To veto the appointment of new Consuls. This requires a reason to be specified and may be overruled by majority votes from the Mayors. During this process, an alternative may be suggested by the Vice President. ­ To revert changes made within the Virtuan Council, such as shifting sections to another member of the Virtuan Council. This requires a reason to be specified and may be overruled by majority vote from the Mayors. The Consul of Finances is responsible for the financial section and in charge of the National Treasury, financial regulations and Financial Civil Servants. For specific details, see Chapter 4 of the Virtuan Law. The Consul of Education is responsible for the educational system in Virtua. For specific details, see Chapter 5 of the Virtuan Law. The Consul of Justice and Safety is responsible for the judicial system and the safety of Virtua. For specific details, see Chapter 6 of the Virtuan Law. [u]Article 2.5. Dismissal of Virtuan Council members[/u] If the President is abusing their power, using it in a way that is not for the good of Virtua or is unable or unwilling to do their duties for more than 72 hours, any member of the Virtuan Council or Mayor can ask for the dismissal of the President. As soon as the proposal is made, the President loses the ability to issue by­laws or to dismiss Virtuan Consuls or Virtuan Mayors until the procedure is completed. A majority vote of the Virtuan Council or three votes for Virtuan Mayors is needed to remove the President and the President is excluded from the voting. If this is not obtained within 36 hours, the procedure is automatically abandoned. If the President is removed by means of dismissal, the Virtuan Vice President shall then become the President. The Vice President can be dismissed when this person is acting against the good of Virtua or is unable or unwilling to do their duties for more than 72 hours. This is to be judged by the Virtuan Court when requested by a Consul or the President. Only the Virtuan Court may give permission to dismiss the Vice President. If a Vice President is dismissed or any other case that leads to the Vice President to lose the title of Vice President then the person with the most votes after the dismissed/former Vice President shall become the new Vice President of Virtua. If

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there are no candidates left, the President must appoint a new Vice President, with a majority approval vote from the Virtuan Council. A majority of the Virtuan mayors can block the appointment or fire the newly appointed Vice president, within 72 hours following his appointment. Consuls can be dismissed by the President at shall with approval from the Vice­President, but not more than one Consul per 24 hours. The Court may dismiss a Consul from their position after due process of the justice system and finding a Consul guilty of a criminal offence, or of acting in a way contrary to the good interests of Virtua, or of abusing their powers. Abuse of power is defined as an act that is carried out with a criminal­ or malicious intent, it is a blatant and intentional breaking of the law.

[u]Article 2.6. Legislative proposals[/u] A legislative proposal can be: ­ A (by­)law proposal to alter, add or remove subject(s) in the Virtuan law book. ­ A proposal for an International Treaty. ­ A proposal for budget factors (see VL 4.1) A legislative proposal must be posted for at least 24 hours in the Council Room before the voting on the proposal can start. A voting must last at least 48 hours in the Council Room and only the President is allowed to open them. A proposal is accepted when more than 50% of the Virtuan Council members voted in favour. Changes made to the Virtuan Law Book are incorporated in the period between the current and the next round by the Federal Government. The President is obligated to post all passed changes to the Virtuan Law Book in the club High Council for advice. If no revisions are needed, the President must send the law changes to the Federal Government by email. If revisions are needed, the Virtuan Council has to vote on the revisions. In the case the revised changes to the Virtuan Law are accepted, the President must send the law changes to the Federal Government by mail. [u]Article 2.7. Federal Union[/u] The President and Vice President shall be the members of the Federal Union. The President must put the proposal in question up for voting in the Council Room. The President is obliged to vote on this proposal in club Federal Union Public, when and only when majority of Council agree on outcome or when 36 hours have passed. The President's vote in Federal Union Public is determined by the aforementioned vote of the Council. [u]Article 2.8. International Treaties[/u] Only the President can sign an International treaty, and the treaty in question must have been accepted by a majority of the Council to be signed. An International treaty can only be cancelled when the proposal to cancel is accepted by a majority of the Council. [b]Chapter 3: The Local Government[/b] [u]Article 3.1. Local elections[/u]

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The Federal Government is solely responsible for organizing Local Elections near the end of each round. The Mayor of each city is the candidate who receives the most votes in the Local Election of that city. In the case there is a tie among two or more candidates with the most votes, the Federal Government shall decide by coin flip which of these candidates shall become Mayor. In case there is no Mayor in the 48 hours prior to the start of a round and whenever during a round a new Mayor has to be assigned, within 24 hours the President must organize a mid­round election in the respective Town Hall and appoint an interim Mayor until the new elected Mayor gets appointed. The other members of the Virtuan Council can overrule the appointment of the interim mayor by majority vote within 24 hours. Candidates for the mid­round election must: ­ Sign up within 24 hours after opening up the ballot. ­ Be of Virtuan nationality and live in the city where he would perform as Mayor. ­ Not have been fired and/or resigned as Mayor in the same trading period, unless followed by another function in the local and/or national government. ­ Be active and willing to perform as Mayor. ­ Comply with the requirements as stated in VL 1.4. After the 24 hour of signing up by candidates, the voting procedure commences and shall last 24 hours. In this time, all active residents of the respective city have the right to post their vote in the topic of the mid­round election in the Town Hall. Votes outside of the time limit shall not be counted. The candidate with the most votes shall become the new Mayor. In case of a tie between two or more candidates, the President may choose the next mayor from the tied winners. [u]Article 3.2. Rights and duties of the Mayors[/u] Any actions undertaken by a city manager account shall be understood as the actions of the mayor in control of that city manager account, and vice versa, and is liable as such. Mayors have the right to:

­ Post requests and advice in the Council Room. ­ Request more money from the Consul of Finances if they provide a good reason. ­ Use the mass SMS system.

Any misuse or abuse of these rights (e.g. excessive advertising, excessive campaigning etc.) shall be severely punished. In addition to the obligations of the Mayor Manual, Mayors have the duty to:

­ Follow policies of the Virtuan Council and its Departments. ­ Hand out mass subsidies. ­ Employ at least one local officer.

If no local officers have been hired by the end of the first week of a round, the mayor(s) must hire any qualifying player who applies in their Town Hall. If there are no qualifying applicants, the mayor cannot be held liable.

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[u]Article 3.3. Dismissal of a Virtuan Mayor[/u] If a Mayor is abusing their power, using it in a way that is not for the good of Virtua or is unable or unwilling to do his duties for more than 24 consecutive hours in the first two days and 36 consecutive hours during the rest of the round, the President, a majority of the Virtuan Council or the Virtuan Court can ask for the dismissal of the Mayor. The Federal Government shall determine if the actions of the mayor require dismissal and shall be carried out by them if they find it necessary. A mayor who is dismissed can also lose election rights via a court case in the Virtuan Court as detailed in IL 5.3 and 5.4. [u]Article 3.4. Gunpowder Licence[/u] The gunpowder licence can only be given by the Mayor of Nasdaqar to an MV located in Nasdaqar. The Mayor can't charge the MV for the Licence. The National Government may defer the granting of the Gunpowder License by the Mayor of Nasdaqar. This deferral can only be made in the first week by a majority vote of the Council, and cannot extend beyond the end of the seventh day of the current round. The deferral must be posted in the Nasdaqar Town Hall, and must be confirmed by the President and Vice President. The gunpowder licence can be removed by the Virtuan Court or if the Mayor of Nasdaqar requests it. Chapter 4: The Financial section [u]Article 4.1. Rights and duties of the Consul of Finances[/u] The Consul of Finance must provide his plan for all matters related to the state finances within 48 hours of being announced CoF and given the finance manager. In order for that plan to become legal, a majority of the Council must agree. If this is not the case, he must continue to restructure his plan while this condition is met. If after four days a majority of the Council still disagrees, the President is obligated to appoint a new CoF. The financial plan must at least include:

­ How shall money be distributed to the cities. ­ What shall be the requirements for receiving a player subsidy. ­ What shall be the priority of handing out money during a shortage.

Besides making a financial plan, the Consul of Finances has the duty to: ­ Build a Department of Finances. ­ Hire at least one Financial Civil Servant. ­ To pay these salaries once a week. ­ Hand out approved declarations.

[u]Article 4.2. Department of Finance[/u] The Consul of Finance must provide a Department of Finance. The use of this club includes: ­ A place where all Government employees can be found;

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­ A place where budget plans & financial regulations can be found; ­ A place for declaration of financial means. [u]Article 4.3. Financial Civil Servants[/u] The Consul of Finance is required to hire at least one and maximum two Financial Civil Servants (FCS in short). A FCS can fine on behalf of the President, CoF (only according to laws where explicitly stated), CoE (for the renewing of degrees), or on order of the Virtuan Court. A FCS is only allowed to give information, obtained by the FCS manager, by private ways to the Council. By order of the Virtuan or International Court a FCS is allowed to give information, obtained by the FCS manager, by public means. Any actions carried out by a FCS are considered the actions of the requester and not of the FCS, granted the orders of the requester are strictly followed by the FCS. All given fines by a FCS are to be paid within 48 hours. If a person does not agree with the fine given, they can challenge the fine in court. If the fine is less than 500 I­Shell they must pay the fine before a verdict has been reached in the lawsuit. [u]Article 4.4. Salaries[/u] All employees of the national and local governments who are performing at an adequate level have the right to receive salary no sooner than 24 hours after the start of the round and without exceeding 10,000 I­Shells in a round. Salary per function per day: ­ President: 400 I­Shell ­ Consul & Vice President: 350 I­Shell ­ Mayor: 300 I­Shell ­ Advisor to the Council: 250 I­Shell ­ Local Officer: 200 I­Shell ­ Judge (with lawyer degree): 150 I­Shell and an additional 500 I­Shell for each case he/she has functioned as a judge which included at least one plea by the accuser. ­ Judge (without lawyer degree): 100 I­Shell and an additional 300 I­Shell for each case he/she has functioned as a judge which included at least one plea by the accuser. ­ FCS: 150 I­Shell ­ National Teacher: 150 I­Shell and an additional 300 I­Shell for every exam corrected ­ Head Archivist: 150 I­Shell ­ Archivist: 100 I­Shell ­ Public Prosecutor (with lawyer degree): 150 I­Shell and an additional 300 I­Shell for each case he/she has filed in a Court which included at least one plea. ­ Public Prosecutor (without lawyer degree): 100 I­Shell and an additional 200 I­Shell for each case he/she has filed in a Court which included at least one plea. ­ National Priest: 400 I­shell for each wedding he/she organizes or couple he/she marries which includes at least one Virtuan Citizen.

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Any other citizens hired by the National Government of Virtua shall receive a salary (paid by the CoF), the height of which is determined by a majority vote of the Council. The Council may by majority vote award one bonus per week to all Government employees. This bonus may be up to, but no more than 50% of their regularly earned salaries. Any employee can request the Consul of Finances to not pay his or her salary, this should be publically posted in the Council Public or Department of Finances club(s). [u]Article 4.5. Declaration of financial means[/u] Members of the Virtuan Council are allowed to receive a reimbursement from the Consul of Finances for the sole purpose of building the necessary governmental clubs and for buying one phone for own usage for sending SMS­messages. Any expense made by a Virtuan citizen that serves the good of Virtua can be stated publicly in a declaration of financial means and if approved by the majority of the Council shall be reimbursed partly or fully from the National Budget. The details of every item paid related to the expense must be stated and be no more than the lowest publicly available price of that item in the hometown of the Virtuan citizen. This includes any clubs built for the government, if there is a need for one or any other publicly needed service. [u]Article 4.6. Banks, Games of Chance and Sponsorships for special events[/u] The Consul of Finance has the right to create regulations for banks, games of chance and sponsorships for special events. These regulations should be accessible at a public place. When a financial institution does not comply with the regulations, the Consul of Finance is permitted to fine the institution's owner a maximum of 1,000 I­Shell; only after a warning period of 48 hours and only if the institution is still in non­compliance. The Consul of Finance also has the right to shut down illegal financial institutions by requesting the CBI to close the club in which the financial game takes place. Bank loans and savings are paid back automatically. A bank account holder is in offence when he or she is not able to pay back his loan on the agreed upon date. The Consul of Finance and the Federal Government have the right to declare the account holder bankrupt and seize his or her assets. The Virtuan Government is allowed to sponsor special events, organized by a Virtuan citizen. This includes a Virtuan contest or a social game. The maximum amount the Virtuan Government can sponsor per citizen is 2.000 I­Shell. An event the Virtuan Government can sponsor has to meet the following requirements: ­ The event is at least partly organized by a Virtuan citizen. ­ The event allows at least all Virtuans to participate in the game. ­ The event takes place on Virtuan soil. ­ Everyone has an equal chance of participating and winning. ­ The CBI and the Virtuan Council have to agree with the plan of awards. [b]Chapter 5: The Education section[/b] [u]Article 5.1. Rights and duties of the Consul of Education[/u]

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The Consul of Education is responsible for all issues concerning education and teaching in Virtua. If the Consul of Education does not have a valid teacher degree then he must hire a National Teacher who possesses a valid teacher degree to assist and advise them with their duties. The duties of the Consul of Education are:

­ Build a Department of Education and at least one Exam Room. ­ Hire at least one National Teacher. ­ Uphold the high educational standards of Virtua. ­ Hand out the degree of Officer, Teacher or Lawyer if someone passes the respective

test. ­ Hand out the Bodyguard degree if the requester has the Officer degree and paid 100

I­Shell to the State Budget. ­ Renew degrees of a Virtuan citizen if he/she requests so. ­ Keep up to date the Official Virtuan Manuals in the Department of Education.

[u]Article 5.2. Department of Education[/u] In the Department of Education, the Consul of Education must open up topics for: ­ Hiring (a) National Teacher(s) ­ Student registration for state exams ­ All information regarding education [u]Article 5.3. National Teachers[/u] A state exam must be given by either one of the National Teachers. The Consul of Education may be a National Teacher. Every National Teacher is required to have a teacher degree as well as the degree of the profession for the examination he is giving. Violations of any of these rules shall result in the exam being declared invalid and the National Teacher being fired. The National Teachers have the duty to: ­ Answer any questions relating any degree from a Virtuan citizen. ­ Give the state exams for the Officer, Lawyer and Teacher degrees. ­ Grading state exams. The percentage score of a state exam is determined by: points/maxpoints * 100. After completing the State Exam of a degree with a score of: ­ 70% and higher; the student shall receive the degree from the Consul of Education. ­ Between 50% and 70%; the student has the right to take one resit. ­ Lower than 50%; the student shall not receive the degree nor has the right for a resit. After every exam in which the student passed, the teacher should announce that the student passed in the club Department of Education. Failure to do so shal lresult in a reimbursement of the cost of the exam to the student in which the teacher who graded the exam is responsible for providing. National Teachers who have accepted a bribe shall be punished with: ­ A fine up to 1,000 I­Shell plus the amount of the bribe. ­ A reclaim of the teacher degree and an exclusion from teacher exams for 3 rounds. ­ 10 criminal points.

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[u]Article 5.4. Attaining new degrees[/u] Only the degrees of Lawyer, Teacher and Officer can be acquired by sitting a state exam. Anyone holding an Officer degree is entitled to receive the Bodyguard degree for a fee of 100 I­Shell. No state exam is needed to obtain the degree. Cheaters are forbidden to take a State Exam, receive a degree and/or extend a degree. Virtuan Citizens must pay a state exam fee of 100 I­Shell to the National Government for each exam they take. This amount can be taken as the joining fee of the club Exam Room. This fee may be waived by the Consul of Education at his or her discretion. Non­Virtuan citizens may be given exams but only if doing so doesn't prevent a Virtuan citizen from getting his or her exam. The fee is 200 I­Shell and no bonus may be given for success. Successfully earning a new degree without doing a resit shall entitle the student to a bonus of 400 I­Shell plus the price of the exam. Any bonus received is included as part of the maximum 2,500I­Shell subsidy the National Government may give, as per International Law Paragraph 6.6. Plagiarism or copying of answers used on exams is illegal and shall be punished with: ­ A fine of 500 I­Shell. ­ An exclusion from state exams for 3 rounds. [u]Article 5.5. Extension of one or more degrees[/u] A Virtuan citizen in possession of a degree may extend that degree for free. Non­Virtuan citizens in possession of a degree may extend that degree for a fee of 1,500 I­Shell. [u]Article 5.6. Manuals[/u] For each the Officer, Lawyer and Teacher degrees, the Consul of Education must offer and maintain a manual explaining everything that a student needs to learn to properly do the duties associated with the degree or the profession of that degree. The manuals must be accessible for free in the library or a on a public location. When on a public location, the Consul of Education must have referrals in the Department of Education to the manuals. Any new or updated Manual must be accepted by the Consul of Education. If the Consul of Education is the person who wrote or updated the Manual, the Manual must be validated by the President. If the president is also the Consul of Education, another Consul must validate the work. A Manual must be written in English. The quality of the English should be high and an editor should revise the document before submitting in the library. Any person submitting his book to be a manual must approve to give complete and unrestricted rights on that book to the National government of Virtua if the book is accepted. The author can still use his own copy of the book for his use but cannot limit in any way what the Consul of Education or any person mandated by the Consul of Education can do with the Manual. The manual should acknowledge the original author, but the manual can be updated, changed, deleted by anyone when the Consul of Education gives the right to do it without asking or compensating the original author.

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The author of a new Manual shall receive a monetary compensation from the National budget. That compensation shall range from 500 I­Shell for a quick "crash course" style (less than 2 pages long book) to 2000 I­Shell for a complete document (at least 10 pages long and including screenshots and/or quotes). If there is more than one author, they shall split this amount between them. The compensation can only be given when: ­ Approval of the majority of the Council given on the payment given for a new book. ­ The manual is written by someone who possesses that degree. ­ If a manual exists, at least 50% must be erroneous and rewritten before an update can be considered a new manual. The author of an updated manual shall receive a monetary compensation from the national budget. That compensation shall range from 50 to 1,000 I­Shell and should be equal to the percentage of the document updated times 10. The compensation can only be given when: ­ Approval of the majority of the Council given on the payment given for a new book. ­ The manual is written by someone who possesses that degree. No citizen can receive more than 2000 I­Shell per trading period for creation or updates of Manuals. Anyone willingly adding false information in a Manual shall receive all the following penalties if applies: ­ A fine of 500 I­Shell. ­ Be expelled as a Consul, President or National Teacher. ­ Lose his teacher degree and be unable to apply for teacher degree for 3 trading periods.

[b]Chapter 6: The Justice and Safety section[/b] [u]Article 6.1. Rights and duties of the Consul of Justice and Safety[/u] The Consul of Justice and Safety is responsible for all issues concerning justice and safety in Virtua. The Consul of Justice and Safety has the duty to:

­ Build the Virtuan Court and Judges Private club. ­ Make sure that lawsuits are held in the Virtuan Court and the private discussions

between the judges about lawsuits are held in the 'Judges Private' club. ­ Make sure that Virtuan citizens can request investigations and lawsuits for free. ­ Hire at least three and at maximum five Judges. ­ Investigate cases of which the Case ID and at least one witness report has been

posted in any Virtuan Government club. The CoJS may hire up to two Public Prosecutors to aid in the investigations. [u]Article 6.2. Virtuan Court[/u] The Virtuan Court shall only take cases where both the accuser and the accused are Virtuan citizens, a Virtuan organization or the Virtuan Council. Cases against Cyberian, Digitalian, Ibishan Citizens or the Federal Government can be applied for in the International Court. In

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lawsuits both the accuser and the accused are not required to be represented by someone with a lawyer degree. However if the judges of that lawsuit think it would be better for the accuser or the accused to be represented by someone with a lawyer degree, they can oblige one. When the Consul of Justice and Safety is the accusing or accused party in a lawsuit, the President must choose the judges presiding the case. If the President is accusing or accused in the lawsuit, the Vice President must choose the judges. In the case that either the President or the Vice President are the CoJS, other members of the Council shall decide with a vote. Judges are required to take the Virtuan Law and the superior International Law into consideration when giving a verdict. A verdict is only legitimate if at least three Judges of which at least one has the Lawyer degree discussed the case and the verdict. Judges of the Court may declare additional fines to a guilty party to compensate a victim or the National Treasury (for the use of their resources) provided that the magnitude of the fine has been justified. Any legitimate verdicts given, even if appear an abuse of power, cannot be overturned by the CoJS after the firing of a judge, but must be appealed in the IC. Once a legitimate verdict has been passed regarding the criminal offence of a party, that party cannot be tried regarding that offence again. An exception to this is if the accusing party can produce new evidence, this should be presented at the time of the case request. Virtuan Court verdicts are binding jurisprudence for a duration of three rounds, provided that a record of the case has been recorded in the Case Records Office club or affiliated website. The Virtuan Court has the authority to issue a punishment for any law that is ruled as violated in the Virtuan Court, whether they are the stated enforcer or not. In cases where laws are broken that do not have a defined punishment for the breaking of that law, a fine of up to 1,500 I­Shell may be assessed by the judges. Fines imposed by Judges are claimed by a FCS. [u]Article 6.3. Employees of the Virtuan Court[/u] To become an employee of the Virtuan Court applicants must hold the lawyer degree and not be members of the Virtuan Council. If there are insufficient applicants who meet the previous criteria in this Article after 24 hours from the time the request was made, the CoJS may open applications to all Virtuan citizens who abide VL 1.4. All applicants holding a lawyer degree have priority over applicants without a lawyer degree. The CoJS can, with majority approval of the Council, fire any employee of the Virtuan Court if he deems they are not fulfilling their duties, abusing their power, or become inactive for over 24 hours. In every lawsuit, there shall be a jury existing of three Judges, at least one of the three judges needs to have a valid lawyer degree, where one shall act as the Main Judge. The Main Judge shall preside the jury and act as spokesman. When there is a chance that a Judge might be biased (to be decided by a majority of the judges who are unbiased), he/she is excluded from partaking in that specific lawsuit. If all the judges are accused of bias, a majority vote of Council members (who are not directly involved) shall decide on which judges, if any, are biased.

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The Public Prosecutors serve Virtua by investigating and having lawsuits in the name of the Virtuan public and/or its Government Employees to enforce the Virtuan law in the Virtuan and International Court. Public Prosecutors have to use and get full compensation for the use of the witness report program. During active investigations and lawsuits against members of the Virtuan Council, a Public Prosecutor cannot be fired. If a Public Prosecutor does not process a case of which at least 2 witness reports are filed within 48 hours after a request including a case­ID, he may be fired. The CoJS is allowed to provide witness testimonies in the Virtuan Court or any other official government club using the 'Witness' program on the computer. The CoJS can reimburse the computer, computer program and the lookup costs. The CoJS is not obligated to do so as long as he appoints at least one Public Prosecutor to perform those. [u]Article 6.4. Local officers[/u] Local officers are hired and instructed by the mayor of their city and must have the officer degree. Local officers can be discharged at shall by the mayor of the city which he/she has been appointed by. Local officers have jurisdiction in the hometown of the mayor, which they have been hired by. The duty of Local Officers is to protect the citizens and officials of their hometown and give fines according to the Virtuan Lawbook, International Law Book and International Treaties. [u]Article 6.5. National bodyguards[/u] National bodyguards can be hired and instructed by the Consul of Justice and Safety. National bodyguards must have the Bodyguard degree and are allowed to have a criminal status. A National bodyguard can be discharged by the Consul of Justice and Safety or by a majority vote of the Virtuan Council. National bodyguards hired by the CoJS have jurisdiction everywhere in Virtua and have the duty to protect the citizens and officials of Virtua. Bodyguards can receive a reimbursement of three bulletproof vests, the reimbursement of any more vests is determined by majority vote of the Virtuan Council. The President, Vice­President, Consuls and Mayors can request the protection of 1 National Bodyguard for themselves. The National bodyguard shall be paid 300 I­Shells per week and shall receive full compensation for any damage taken in line of duty, reimbursed by the Virtuan Government. [u]Article 6.6. Emergency Situation[/u] An emergency situation can be declared when Virtua is in grave danger. A majority of the Council has to be in favour of declaring an emergency situation. If it is accepted, the President may sponsor but not participate in criminal activity for the sole purpose of defending Virtua and its people. This power is granted for one week beginning when accepted. With majority vote of the Council, the President can be reimbursed his costs of sponsoring criminal activity for the sole purpose of defending Virtua and its people.

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[b]Chapter 7: Criminal activities and fines[/b] [u]Article 7.1. Fines issued by the Federal Government[/u] The fines stated in this article shall be automatically issued by the Federal Government if the perpetrator is caught. Both injury of Virtuan citizens and attempted injury of Virtuan citizens are prohibited and shall be punished with a fine of: ­ 750 I­Shell if the injury was caused by a gun. ­ 250 I­Shell if the injury was caused by a plank. ­ 750 I­Shell plus 5% of the net worth at the time the crime was committed for bombing. Theft or attempted theft of products is prohibited and shall be punished with a fine of 600 I­Shell. Robbery or attempted robbery from a player is prohibited and shall be punished with a fine of 500 I­Shell plus 5% of the net worth at the time the crime was committed. Bank robbery or attempted robbery from a bank is prohibited and shall be punished with a fine of 1000 I­Shell. [u]Article 7.2. Restricted Goods[/u] The production and trading of restricted goods is prohibited in Centropolis and Cashington. Citizens of Nasdaqar are allowed to produce and trade restricted goods in their hometown. An Officer is allowed to remove the restricted goods from a shop of in Centropolis and Cashington and fine the owner. The fine for breaking this law is 300 I­Shell per crime, to be paid by the owner of the shop. Explosives, guns and gunpowder are considered restricted goods. [u]Article 7.3. Obscurity[/u] Offering or asking for criminal services in clubs and the Virtuan Chat is not allowed. If identified in a club, the court or an Officer is authorised to fine the offender a 100 I­Shells claim. If identified on the chat, the court or an officer is authorised to fine the offender 100 I­Shells per instance. In the case of a club being used for this purpose with approval of the administrator of that club, it can be closed by a judicial order or the CBI and the owner shall be fined 500 I­Shell. [u]Article 7.4. Prohibited Language[/u] Swearing, words relating to sex, sexual organs, sexual behaviour, sexual slang, rudeness, harassment, any racial terms or slang, hate speech is prohibited in any Virtuan club and Virtuan Chat.. Any offender in a club or Virtuan Chat shall be subject to a 100 I­Shell fine by an officer or FCS for each offensive word.

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[u]Article 7.5. Insult/deceive/threaten/slander/libel[/u] Nobody is allowed to insult, deceive, threaten or slander/libel someone. In case of violation the sanction is a claim of 150 I­Shell against the wrongdoer, to be paid to the victim. Cases of perjury are established by means of jurisdiction and can be punished with a fine not exceeding 500 I­Shells, dismissal from function, and/or a criminal status. [u]Article 7.6. Flooding[/u] Provided that the administrator indicates it up front, it is prohibited to flood in the club. Flooding means: posting more than twice similar messages in a club. Violation of this paragraph shall be punished by an Officer. The fine amounts to 200 I­Shell per violation. If there has been flooded before this was prohibited by the administrator it cannot be punished. [u]Article 7.7. Perjury[/u] Anyone that commits perjury in the Virtuan Court shall be punished with a fine of 500 I­Shells and/or an amount of criminal points, this is to be determined by the judges of the Virtuan Court. [u]Article 7.8. Spamming[/u] Provided that the administrator indicates it up front, it is prohibited to express messages containing advertisements or to place polls in the club. Violation of this paragraph may be punished by an Officer. The fine amounts to 100 I­Shell per advertisement, and 200 I­Shell per poll. Advertisements or polls which are posted before this was prohibited by the administrator cannot be punished. [u]Article 7.9. Contempt of Court[/u] Those who disrupt Court proceedings or fail to obey the authority of the Court (where this does not conflict with a refusal to cooperate as in VL 1.2) may be fined up to 300 I­Shell per violation, to be determined by the Consul of Justice and Safety.

Chapter 8: The Virtuan National Archives section [u]Article 8.1. Rights and duties of the Virtuan National Archives[/u] The task of the Virtuan National Archives (henceforth referred to as VNA) consists in collecting and publishing data from Virtua and several international institutions during every round. The data is consisting at least of, but is not limited to: ­ Election results on local and national level ­ Law changes ­ The Virtuan Law Book ­ The International Law ­ Pleas and verdicts from the Virtuan Court ­ Pleas and verdicts from the International Court ­ List of persons who passed their State Exam ­ List of government employees

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Furthermore the VNA is obliged to publishing the data gathered on a publicly accessible place at the end of each trading period. [u]Article 8.2. Employees[/u] The employees of the VNA, henceforth referred to as archivists, are responsible for fulfilling the task mentioned in VL 8.1. The VNA has the following staff functions: ­ Head Archivist: this person is in charge of the VNA. He shall be directly appointed by the Council and shall remain in function for the duration of two rounds. He shall make guidelines for the duration of the two rounds he is employed. These guidelines must contain the way data are registered, the location where the data shall be published and what data is to be collected, as long as it complies with VL 8.1. ­ Archivists: this/these person(s) are appointed by the Head Archivist for the duration of one round. They are responsible for collecting and publishing the data set in the guidelines of the Head Archivist and VL 8.1. [u]Article 8.3. Responsibility[/u] The Head Archivist is responsible for the quality of the data produced by the Virtuan National Archives. The Head Archivist is also the official responsible for keeping the Register of Eligibility and fulfilling the international laws regarding the Register of Eligibility. When the Council is not satisfied with the published data, or when the VNA fails to gather the data mentioned in VL 8.1, the Head Archivist can be fired by the Council when a majority of the Council approve of it. If the Head Archivist is a member of the council, the vote of the Head Archivist does not count.