Download - VISION -  · Web viewThere are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them.” 1 CORINTHIANS 12:1,4. LEARNING OBJECTIVES

Page 1: VISION -  · Web viewThere are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them.” 1 CORINTHIANS 12:1,4. LEARNING OBJECTIVES

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Page 2: VISION -  · Web viewThere are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them.” 1 CORINTHIANS 12:1,4. LEARNING OBJECTIVES

VISION● To be a family living through the love of God.

● To be a Church shining the Light of the Gospel upon people in need.

● To be a House where we may receive guidance, grow and mature.

● To be excellent because it pleases God for us to serve him in excellence.

● To be the flock because the Word of God says: “Ask me, and I will make the nations your

inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession.” Psalm 2:8


THE REASON FOR GIFTS………………………………………………………………………………………………………..2

INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3

THE GIFT OF KNOWLEDGE AND THE GIFT OF WISDOM................…...........…………………....……………4

THE GIFT OF FAITH.………………...………………………………………………......……………………………………….6

THE GIFTS OF HEALINGS…………………………...…......…………………………………………………………………..7

THE GIFT OF MIRACLES………………………….......…………………………………………………………………….… 8

THE GIFT OF PROPHECY………………………….......……………………………………………………………………… 9

Page 3: VISION -  · Web viewThere are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them.” 1 CORINTHIANS 12:1,4. LEARNING OBJECTIVES

THE GIFT OF DISCERNMENT…………………………………………………......……………………………………….. 10


Page 4: VISION -  · Web viewThere are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them.” 1 CORINTHIANS 12:1,4. LEARNING OBJECTIVES


Central Truth: The Holy Spirit gives gifts to the Church so that they may be shown through the faithful as He wants and in order to build up the Body of Christ.

SCRIPTURAL BASIS: “Now about the gifts of the Spirit, brothers and sisters, I do not want you to be uninformed.... There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them.” 1 CORINTHIANS 12:1,4


1. To define the nine spiritual gifts that are listed in 1 CORINTHIANS 12:4-11.

2. To recognize that the purpose for the gifts of the Holy Spirit is the edification of the Body of Christ, which is the Church.

3. To be more sensitive to the manifestation of gifts of the Holy Spirit in worship gatherings.



Making Miracles

Gifts of Healings

Gift of Faith

II. Gifts of Power and Action

Discernment of Spirit

The Word of Science

The Word of Wisdom

I. Gifts of Understanding

Interpretation of Tongues



III. Gifts of Communication

Page 5: VISION -  · Web viewThere are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them.” 1 CORINTHIANS 12:1,4. LEARNING OBJECTIVES


The members of the church of Corinthians were full of the Holy Spirit and did not want for any gift. Nevertheless, the apostle recognized that they still needed instructions about spiritual gifts. Even though they practiced the gifts, and these were valid and genuine, he wanted to give them guidelines to follow regarding the experiences that they were having in the church. He also wished for the Corinthians to mature further so that the Holy Spirit could use them in a very special way.

In this part of his first epistle, he makes them see that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are ministries, or services, for the glory of Christ. These are operations activated directly by the power of God, so that the great variety of spiritual gifts operate as a result of the cooperation of the persons of the Trinity (1 CORINTHIANS 12:4-6).

Furthermore, in 1 CORINTHIANS 12:7 it is pointed out to us that the will of the Holy Spirit is to give and oversee spiritual gifts or manifestations for the benefit and development of all members of the body of Christ, the Church.


Page 6: VISION -  · Web viewThere are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them.” 1 CORINTHIANS 12:1,4. LEARNING OBJECTIVES


A. Word of Science or Knowledge This gift is also a word – a clear and specific message from the Holy Spirit that imparts celestial knowledge in order to resolve a need THAT HAS OCCURED IN THE PAST.

Question: What kind of science is imparted by the Spirit of God in this gift?

Some have believed that this gift has to do with the fundamental instruction of those who need to mature spiritually. But it seems to be more of a specific communication of a portion of the supernatural knowledge of the Holy Spirit in order to resolve an urgent need within the body of Christ. Upon examining the Scriptures, we realize as well that wisdom and science are intimately related within this gift and have to do essentially with the revelation of knowledge and understanding that the Christian receives from God, from Christ, from the Gospel and from practical Christian life.

EXAMPLE FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT: Elisha and his servant in 2 KINGS 5:23-26

EXAMPLE FROM THE NEW TESTAMENT: Jesus and Nathanael in JOHN 1:47-49

B. Word of Wisdom In this passage, Paul lists the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit. We have opted to name the first category “gifts of understanding” (others prefer to call them “gifts of revelation”). These gifts give the believer a supernatural understanding. These gifts are of a completely supernatural origin and do not depend on the abilities, training or efforts of the people who receive them. These virtues are imparted directly from the Spirit of God.

Practical Learning

Question: Word of Wisdom. What can “wisdom” be understood to mean here?

Paul mentions only the gift itself. Many interpretations and explanations have been given about the meaning and function of the “Word of Wisdom.” At the end of the second century, Clement of Alexandria thought that “wisdom” should be understood here as general knowledge of all things, both material and divine, and their causes and purposes. Augustine, at the beginning of the seventh century, said that this gift referred to the knowledge of divine and eternal things. Others have said that this is the wisdom given by God to those who are spiritually mature. Nevertheless, through the careful study of the epistles of Paul, we may gain a better understanding of it. This is a practical wisdom, which trains the believer to know how to act and which direction to take in a given moment (PRESENT moment).

Question: Why does the Bible refer to this gift as “Word of Wisdom” instead of simply calling it “wisdom”?

Some scholars of the Scriptures believe that this wisdom presents itself in the eloquence with which some men and women preach. These think that the Holy Spirit imparts some believers a certain fountainhead of wisdom into which they can tap whenever they have to speak in

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public. Others suppose that this gift elevates the believer to a superior level of knowledge whenever the need to speak arises.

Nevertheless, it is better to take this gift as a message of the proclamation of wisdom. This wisdom is given by the Holy Spirit and comes at an opportune moment for a particular situation or in order to resolve a specific and current need in the present for a person. Practical Teaching



Page 8: VISION -  · Web viewThere are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them.” 1 CORINTHIANS 12:1,4. LEARNING OBJECTIVES


Question: What difference is there between the gift of faith, saving faith and faith as a fruit of the Spirit?

The initial faith of salvation manifests itself in a heart that believes that God raised Jesus Christ from the dead for our righteousness. This immediately becomes a heart that is willing to confess faithfully and constantly that Jesus is Lord (ROMANS 4:25; 10:9-10). On the other hand, faith as a fruit of the Spirit is a demonstration of faithfulness to God and his Word, along with an attitude of complete obedience and submission to his will. However, the gift of faith that imparts and administers the Holy Spirit is a supernatural capacity granted to the believer in order to a satisfy a need or resolve an emergency situation.

Some writers have made reference to the gift of faith as a “faith that moves mountains” (1 CORINTHIANS 13:2). This can be understood to mean a special faith that works miracles and wonders. Thus, this would be a gift superior to that of healings or of making miracles, although many believe that these are included within it.

Other writers explain this gift by starting off from a not very acceptable translation that they make of MARK 11:22: “have faith in God.” In the original Greek there is found the phrase ekete pístin Deou, which may well be translated (as they do) as “have the faith of God.” This translation is not very exact: God needs no kind of faith because He is all-powerful. He does not have to wait for anything because in his hand are the future, the present and the past. The gift of faith fills the believer with a “faith in God,” not “the faith of God.” The same expression is found in GALATIANS 2:16: písteos Christou, “the faith of Christ.” Here as well it must be understood as “faith in Christ” or faith in the saving works of Jesus, as it is translated in other passages such as ROMANS 3:22, GALATIANS 2:16, 20; and ACTS 3:16.

Question: Can you suggest other ways in which the gift of faith manifests itself?

If the Word of Wisdom serves to bring light to the congregation at a moment when such an element is necessary, it is most likely that the gift of faith serves to elevate the faith of the Church. There are occasions when it is urgent for the congregation to make use of supernatural faith in order to resolve some need on the part of a believer or of the whole assembly. Perhaps you may remember some occasion in which the Holy Spirit used testimony, song or prayer as a message in order to impart supernatural faith.


Page 9: VISION -  · Web viewThere are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them.” 1 CORINTHIANS 12:1,4. LEARNING OBJECTIVES

Question: The words “gifts” and “healings” both appear in the plural form in Greek. What does this detail suggest to you?

On the one hand, we must point out that a considerable variety exists in the way that this spiritual gift manifests itself: God may use a believer in order to pray or to be an instrument to heal those who are suffering from some kind of illness, while he may use others to heal other kinds of physical ailments. It seems that Philip the Deacon, who went on to be a famous Evangelist, was used in a special way to heal the crippled and paralyzed (ACTS 8:7).

The use of the plural form for this gift also suggests to us that God may offer a special manifestation of this gift in order to heal a person with a special form of suffering. When Peter addressed the invalid who was beside the Beautiful Gate, he said to him:

“What I do have I give to you” (ACTS 3:6). The word “what” means literally “this which I have,” and it probably refers to a special gift of healing, which the Holy Spirit bestowed upon him specifically in order to heal this man who was there in the temple.

Question: Can it be said that a person possesses the gift of healing?

Anyone can say such a thing, but the Bible speaks only of gifts of healing. In no part of the Bible is the basis found to say that someone is permanently possessed with the gift or supernatural power to perform healings. The Holy Spirit bestows the gifts upon anyone whenever they are necessary and in the manner in which He considers best. The text says “as He wants.” In other words, what happened on that occasion was that Peter received, from the Lord by way of the Holy Spirit, a new and special gift in order to heal that invalid (ACTS 3:6). But on other occasions Peter would receive other gifts in accordance with the needs of the people who came upon Him.

The Holy Spirit may use any person as He wishes, just as he used Ananias in Damascus in order to bring healing to Paul’s blindness. Let us note, however, that these gifts manifest themselves solely whenever the Lord directs the believers to use them, or whenever the Holy Spirit gives clear indications of that being his will.

Practical Teaching

One of the most compassionate aspects of the ministry of Jesus was the miracles that he performed. The Commission given to the Twelve is still valid for us: “Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel. As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.” (MATTHEW 10:6-8) It has been said that the only incurable illnesses are those that doctors cannot cure. But for the Great Divine Physician there is no incurable illness.


Here as well, we find ourselves with a gift that is designated in the plural form: energémata dunámeon, “powerful works” and “creating miracles.” Among these miracles may be the freeing from

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demons, resurrection from death, miracles of nature (like calming a storm) or acts of punishment like the blinding of the sorcerer Elymas (ACTS 13:9-11). Other supernatural activities that may be included in this gift are those that may help to resolve some needs existing in the congregation. The purpose of the miracles, however they may manifest themselves, is to show that Jesus, our Lord, is the one who makes us victorious.

With regard to the “gifts of healings,” God does not deliver these gifts to the person who needs healing. He delivers these gifts to the people whom He uses to bring healings to sick people. The word “gifts” is plural in the original language. This may indicate that God does not deliver a “permanent” gift of healing to an individual. Rather, He delivers these “gifts of healings” as such needs present themselves.

This does not mean that an individual cannot be used more than once as a means for this gift. God delivers healing “to each one, just as He determines” (1 CORINTHIANS 12:11). We must remember that the gifts of “healings” are the power of the Holy Spirit made manifest through the faithful in order to undo human illness. “Creating miracles” is literally “works of power.” Generally, these may be understood as examples of the intervention ordained by God in the routine operations of nature, such as when Jesus walked on water or fed five thousand people with five loaves of bread and two small fish (see MATTHEW 14).

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● Question: What is understood by prophecy?

In the Bible, prophecy always presents itself in the form of predictions about the future. Prophecy is understood as any message from God or any revelation of divine origin. That is to say, if it is true prophecy, the literal meaning of the word “prophet” is “spokesperson.” But whenever the Bible makes reference to a “prophet,” it is talking about a spokesperson for God.

● The Purposes of the Gift of Prophecy

First of all, prophecy builds up the members of the body of Christ by making them grow spiritually and helping them to develop and confirm their faith. Second of all, it encourages the faithful by urging them, awakening them, challenging them and helping them to move within the works of God with faith and love. Finally, prophecy serves as consolation to Christians and gives them joy, vigor and newfound hope in the promises of God.

● Prediction or Warning of the Future.

The prophets of the Old Testament were essentially “announcers” of the will of God for the present. If they sometimes spoke of the future, it was only to develop within people the obedience to God in the present. They never made use of their faculties in order to guess fate or to predict the future with an eye for satisfying anyone’s curiosity. The essential purpose of this gift is the spiritual edification of the believer, as a guide to God’s purposes.

● The Holy Spirit and Confirmation

The Holy Spirit makes no use of sternness or coldness when administering the gift of prophecy. Prophecy never comes to shame or destroy anyone. In order to distinguish true prophecy from the things that pertain to pure human imagination, the Bible recommends that it be submitted to judgment. Each one must be willing to submit what has been received to the judgment of others in the Church. First of all, to ensure that the prophecy is a genuine one, in harmony with what is said in the written Word. Second of all, to know what the Holy Spirit wants and how the message received must be answered.

Three Levels of Prophecy

● The spirit of prophecy (all may prophesy) 1 CORINTHIANS 14:30-31

● The gift of prophecy 1 CORINTHIANS 12:10: to another prophecy.

● The Minister of the Prophet (office) EPHESIANS 4:11, ACTS 11:28, 1 CORINTHIANS 12:29

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A. Discernment of Spirit

This is distinguishing or separating two or more things by noting their differences.

Purpose of Discernment of Spirit

This gift allows the believer to recognize the true motives behind what a person says or does. In the spiritual field, this is the capacity to discern the activity of the Holy Spirit as well as the activity of evil spirits or of the human character (Soul).

These two gifts (prophecy and discernment) depend upon a supernatural revelation made to the individual by the power of the Holy Spirit. They ensure that the believer does not see the realities of life based solely on external appearances. Rather, they ensure that one sees, through the eyes of God, the depths of the affairs of life or the heart of a person.


1. Samuel and the children of Jesse in 1 SAMUEL 16:6-7

2. Peter to Ananias and Sapphira in ACTS 5:3-4

3. Paul and the girl with the spirit of divination in ACTS 16:16-18



“So it is with you. Since you are eager for gifts of the Spirit, try to excel in those that build up the church.”

Page 13: VISION -  · Web viewThere are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them.” 1 CORINTHIANS 12:1,4. LEARNING OBJECTIVES


This is the ability to speak in a language that has not been learned by the one speaking it. All believers who are baptized in the Holy Spirit must expect to speak in tongues as initial and physical proof that they have been filled. With regard to the gift of tongues, this is a separate and subsequent manifestation that God uses in order to minister to the whole Body. You must yearn to be baptized by the Holy Spirit with the proof of speaking in other tongues!

The Promise of the Gift of Tongues in the Old Testament

● ISAIAH 28:11: “Very well then, with foreign lips and strange tongues God will speak to this


● The New King James Version says: “For with stammering lips and another tongue He will speak

to this people....”

● The promise fulfilled in the New Testament

ACTS 2:2-4: The coming of the Holy Spirit and the gift of tongues

Interpretation of Tongues

This gift allows people to understand and benefit from what has been spoken in an unknown language. It must not be taken in the sense of being a literal, verbatim translation of what was spoken in the message in tongues. Rather, it is an interpretation of what was said in tongues in order to build up those who heard it.

The word that translates as “gifts” here is related to the Greek word for “grace,” emphasizing that these manifestations are not distributed to the members in accordance with personal merit, but rather in accordance with the unmerited favor of God.

What are the benefits of the Interpretation of Tongues?

The Apostle tells them: “if I come to you and speak in tongues, what good will I be to you, unless I bring you some revelation or knowledge or prophecy or word of instruction?” It must be understood in the case of speaking in tongues that are interpreted, all of the things mentioned in this verse could be achieved. It is very important, then, that all who are used by the Holy Spirit to bring messages in tongues to the Church pray to the Lord so that he may also give them the gift of interpretation.

All gifts of the Spirit offer the opportunity to do something for the edification and development of the members of the congregation. The most essential objective of all may be seen as well: giving testimony of Jesus Christ to those on the outside.

The Corinthians abused the gift of tongues by using it excessively. They were apparently also ignoring the other gifts. The frequency of the tongues and the fact that several believers spoke at the same time displayed an appearance of confusion. Paul corrected and instructed the Corinthians without belittling any of the gifts of the Spirit.

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Question: Why was it easy for the Corinthians to abuse the gift of tongues by using it excessively?

Because the tongues are initial and physical proof of the baptism in the Holy Spirit, it is easier for the believer to have faith in order to use the gift of tongues. Also, speaking in tongues is an edifying experience. The response at one extreme can sometime lead to the other extreme. Some apparently wished to forbid the use of tongues completely. Paul stated clearly: “I would like every one of you to speak in tongues....” (1 CORINTHIANS 14:5).

Practical Teaching

Every Christian may be used by the Holy Spirit in the administration of gifts. However, there are three principles that we must follow to the letter:

1. We must long for the greatest gifts (1 CORINTHIANS 12:81).

2. We must wish for spiritual gifts (1 CORINTHIANS 14:1).

3. We must understand the purpose of the gifts (1 CORINTHIANS 12:1).

Christians have an immense wealth of spiritual power and energy. This resource is the power that the Holy Spirit manifests through the lives that have been devoted to him.


The Holy Spirit has the prerogative to choose which gifts He gives to each Christian. They must be delivered as the needs present themselves. No one must become boastful for exercising a gift, or feel inferior because God is using another person. The one who chooses is the Holy Spirit, and the glory belongs to God. Amen.