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Veleposlanstvo Republike Hrvatske u Sjerfinjenim A.meriEkim DrZavamaEmbassy of Republic of croatia to the united.states of America2343 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington D.C.2000gtel. (202)588-5899 exLZT tax- e02)588_8938

'February 28, 1994

Daisy L. Crockett, Case AnalystUS Parole Commissiotr, NCROAir World Cent€r, Suite ZZ0rc920 Ambassador DriveKansas City, MO 64153

Dear Ms. Crockett:

Please be advised that theLogarusic traveling to and

Republic of Croatia has no objections to Mr. Vinkofrom Croatia, on a single or continuing basis or any

objections to his eventual permanent rftsidency in the Republic of Croatia.

Vladimir SeksVice PresidentGovemment of t e Republic


of Croatia

IJ.S. DEPARTMEI{T OF JUSTICEUnited States Parole Cornrnigsion

10920 Ambcssodor DriveAir World Center, Suib 220Krrnso;g Cit!, MO 6r',163

June 22, 1994

The Honorable Howard M. MetzenbaumU. S. SenatorL24O E. gth Street, Room 29t5Cleveland, Ohio 44L99

Dear Senator Metzenbaum:

Thank you for your inquiry relative to the request you received from Vinko Iogarusic.

I would like to advise you that Mr. L,ogarusic was committed to custody on June 30,L982 to serye a 20 year regular adult sentence for Conspiracy to CommitRacketeering. Mr. Logarusic and his codefendants participated in a Croatian terroristring from 1975-1981 and were responsible for two murders, several attemptedmurders, approximately 15 bombings and aftsmFted bombings, and an internationalextortion scheme involving over 50 United States victims and the fuensportation ofweapons and explosives throughout the country. According to the U.S. Attorneysreport, the crimes comrnitted by this terrorist ring were a.mong some of the mostviolent ever committed in the United States over a sustained period of time with thecodefendants receiving sentences of 20-40 years. It should also be noted thatMr. Ingarusic was responsible for 6ailing two book bombs to individuals; however,the bombs were intercepted by bomb squads. Even so, during the interception of thebombs, a police officer lost part of his hand when a blasting cap exploded.

Mr. Ingarusic has been placed in offense category Eight severity because heparticipated in a conspiracy to commit extortion, arson and murder. He has a salientfactor score of 10 and the release guidelines were established at 100 months. He waseontinued to expiration of sentence. His case was also designated OriginalJurisdietion by the Natioa4l Qsmrnissioners. NIr. Ingarusic was released viamandatory release on September 8, 1993 and has been on parole supervisionapproximately nine months. He initially requested a travel permit shortly after hisrelease; however, I denied his request because he was unemployed at the time andliving with a cousin who plantted on frnaneing the trip. Further, it was my decisionthat it would be very unwise to allow this parolee to travel to an area where he wouldlikely receive s5'mpathy for his terrorist activities. Additionally, it is not my practiceto allow an individual who is on parole supervision to travel outside of the country inless than one year of good parole supervision.

Senator MetzenbaumJrrne 22, L994Page 2

The offense behavior for which Mr. Iogarusic was committed and is on parolesupervision is extremely serious behavior. It is my hope that Mr. Iogarusic willmaintain an excellent adjustment to parole supervision and successfully complete hissentence on February 5, 2002.

I trust this has been responsive to your inquiry.

Sincerely yours,

/) (n,-/@,,LM@'./Carol Pavilack GettJ/Regronal Comrni ssioner

