Download - Village of Streamwood Newsletter July, 2015

  • Schedule of EventsFriday, July 24

    Children's Crafts, Games & Carnival RidesBingo 7:00 pmLocal Music Showcase 5:30 pmFamily Main Stage

    28 Days Maggie SpeaksSaturday, July 25

    Parade 10:30 amChildren's Crafts, Games & Carnival RidesUnlimited Carnival Rides w/$18 wristband 12 - 4 pmBingo 2:00 pmKiwanis Talent Show 4:00 pmFamily Main StageR Gang J&T Band 7th Heaven

    Sunday, July 26Golf Outing - (Shot Gun Start) 7:30 amChildren's Crafts, Games & Carnival RidesUnlimited Carnival Rides w/$18 wristband 12 - 4 pmBingo 2:00 pmFire Hose Spray 3:00 pmFamily Main Stage

    FM Stars Cavern Beat

    Summer Celebration 2015 Christmas in July!

    July 2015

    2 4 5 6 7Board News Village Information Community Information Parks and Libraries Schools

    4th of July Fireworks!Celebrate America! Considered one of thebest displays in the region, Streamwoods 4thof July fireworks will take place on Saturday,July 4 at 9:15 pm at Dolphin Park (880 S.Park Blvd).

    In case of inclement weather, rain date isSunday, July 5.

    Summer Celebration 2015 is almost here! Join your friends, neighbors, and family at Hoosier Grove Park forthe premier event of the summer. Come out and enjoy delicious food, good friends, contests, games, and more.See great bands and local talent, and even visit with Santa Claus himself as we celebrate Christmas in July!

    Summer Celebration will be held Friday, July 24 Sunday, July 26. Enjoy a full lineup of great music andchildrens entertainment. The fun starts on Friday, July 24 at 5:00 pm with music, food, games, and rides. OnSaturday, July 25 at 10:30 am, our annual parade will step off at Streamwood Boulevard and Bartlett Road.Carnival rides start at 12:00 noon, and were once again offering unlimited rides with a wristband on Saturdayand Sunday from 12:00-4:00 pm. The Streamwood Park District Arts Academy will perform. On Saturday, bringthe family to visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus on the Childrens Stage from 1:00-3:00 pm. (cont. on page 8)

  • 2Billie Roth Kittie KopitkeMichael Baumer William Carlson James Cecille William Harper Guy Patterson Mary Thon

    Recent Board ActionsDARE Recognitions

    The Village Board heard stories, poems, andsongs as DARE graduates performed at arecent Village Board meeting. Officers MattStastny and Ed Polaski presented the studentswith tokens of appreciation for their participa-tion, and thanked the Board for its support ofthis worthwhile program.

    Refuse and Recycling ContractThe Village Board approved a new 5-year con-tract with Advanced Disposal to provide residen-tial garbage, recycling, and yardwaste collection.Costs are expected to increase about fifty centsper month. Garbage toters will now be providedas part of our regular service. Those who renttoters will no longer be charged a separate fee.All other service levels will remain the same.

    Fire Chief AwardTThe Village Boardrecently recognized FireChief Chris Clark for hissuccessful completion ofthe National Fire Academy Executive FireOfficers Program. Only 300 Fire Chiefs in the USare alumni of this specialized training. PresidentRoth presented Chief Clark with a certificate fromthe Federal Emergency Management Agency,and congratulated him on this achievement.



    Your Village President, Board of Trustees, and Village ClerkYour Village President, Board of Trustees, and Village Clerk

    Village Board NewsVillage Board Swearing InCircuit Court Judge Jay Crane was on handto swear-in the recently re-elected VillageBoard at its May 7 meeting.Congratulations once again to Trustees JimCecille, Guy Patterson, and Mary Thon.

    Memorial Day 2015The rain held off for the Veterans Memorial Commissions annual Memorial Dayobservance. Hundreds of people attend-ed the ceremony, where they gatheredto thank those who have given theirlives for our country. President Rothhonored all those who have fallen. Thetable ceremony provided a movingreminder that those who never returnfrom battle leave an empty space thatshould never be forgotten.

    After the ceremony, attendees were ableto visit the Pillars of Honor. The Pillars ofHonor is a travelling replica of the WorldWar II Memorial in Washington, D.C. Itbrings the memorial to those who areunable to travel to the capitol.

    Summer Open Gym!Are you looking for a free, fun program for your kids on their summer break? Have them come out forOpen Gym. The summer schedule is set until July 31, running each day from 12:00-4:00 pm. On Mondays,Open Gym is at Izaak Walton Center & Reserve (899 Jay Street, Elgin) for ages 5-16; Tuesdays at BartlettElementary, (111 North Avenue, Bartlett) for ages 5-14; Wednesdays at Parkwood Elementary (2150 LaurelAvenue, Hanover Park) for ages 5-14; and Thursdays at Tefft Middle School, (1100 Shirley Avenue,Streamwood) for ages 7-18. Fridays are reserved for field trips. For more information, please contact JamesMix at (630) 483-5799.

    Citizens Police AcademyThe Citizens Police Academy held its gradua-tion on May 21. Twenty-one residents spenteight weeks gaining new insights into howpolice officers perform their duties and servethe community. Participants learned aboutthe many functions police perform, includinginvestigations and community outreach. Formore information on the program, call theDepartment at (630) 736-3700, or visit ourwebsite at

    The 2015 Village Board

    Graduates of the 2015 Citizens Police Academy were recog-nized at a recent Village Board meeting.

  • 3Message From The Village President


    Billie D. Roth, Village President

    Student Government DayStreamwood High School seniors took over the town onMay 13 for Student Government Day. Students workedtogether with Village Board and staff to get a hands-on view of local government, andheld a mock Village Board meeting.

    Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE)is an important part of our PoliceDepartments community-based policing.Officers work with kids to educate themabout avoiding peer pressure and druguse, and learning to make better choices.In May, students at Hanover Countryside,Heritage, Hilltop, and Parkwood schoolscompleted their DARE instructions.President Roth, members of the VillageBoard, and Police Department personnelwere on hand to present the graduates

    with certificates of completion. Congratulations, DARE graduates!

    DARE Graduations

    DECA-HOSA RecognitionsThe Village Board recognizeda number of outstandingStreamwood High School stu-dents, who won in state andinternational DECA and HOSAcompetitions. HOSA and DECAare co-curricular organizationsdedicated to furtherstudent education inhealth occupations,marketing, manage-ment, and entrepre-n e u r s h i p .Congratulations!

    After the graduations, programs, and eventsare finished, the end of the school year givesme the chance to reflect on the youth in ourcommunity. Working with our students overthe past few months has me confidently say-ing that our future looks very bright.

    Over seventy Streamwood High School (SHS)seniors took over the town for StudentGovernment Day. We were impressed as thestudents researched topics, discussed theissues, and voted on items by looking at whatsin the best interest of our Village. We want tothank Brian Marroquin and the SHSCivics Department for their assistance andsupport of this great hands-on program.

    We were pleased to honor the SHS 2015 DECA and HOSA competition teams. Certificateswere presented to students who received top honors in state and international events. Thesestudents crafted business plans for international corporations, created marketing materialsfor local entrepreneurs, and competed in stiff, lightning-round questioning to win.

    The Village presented two SHS students with its Village Board Art Purchase Award. Thisyears winners are Bevan Evilsizer and Kayla Favela. Be sure to take a look at theincredible talent of these and past winners on your next trip to Village Hall.

    The Village Board also recognized our Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) pro-gram, and its 2015 graduates, at a recent meeting. We enjoyed listening to studentstalk about the program and how it provides them essential life skills they will usethroughout their lives. Thank you to our DARE Officers Matt Stastny and EdPolaski for being wonderful role models and enthusiastic supporters of our youth!

    The rain held off as we honored those who sacrificed their lives for our country. TheCandlelight Vigil included a reenactment of the battlefield cross monument. Followingour ceremony, we were proud to host the Pillars of Honor traveling World War IIMonument replica. On behalf of the Village Board, I would like to extend our sincereappreciation to the Veterans Memorial Commission, including Lisa Poturalski, JamesNicklen, Kathryn Serbin, Richard Winterfeld, Steve Wilson and BillLunsford. We also appreciate the assistance of the Spring Valley Concert Band,Medinah Highlanders, and numerous volunteers, for their efforts and dedication inmaking our Memorial Day observance unforgettable.

    Memorial Day marks the unofficial start of summer. Summer is the perfect time to get outof the house, enjoy the weather and visit with your neighbors and friends! Be sure to joinus at Dolphin Park for our annual fireworks display on Saturday, July 4 at 9:15 pm.

    Of course, summer in Streamwood would not be complete without Summer Celebration!Enjoy great food, good friends and lively entertainment July 24-26 as we celebrateChristmas in July. Our parade Grand Marshal will be none other than Santa and Mrs.Claus. The Man in Red might even stop by the festival to listen to your early wishes! Getin on the fun volunteer at the festival! For more information, visit us

    President Billie D. Roth with StudentGovernment President Brandon Rodriguez

  • 4VillageInformation

    Village Clerk Kittie Kopitke Email: [email protected]

    DO YOU LOVE A PARADE? Consider being in our SummerCelebration Parade. The Community Relations Commission is lookingfor marchers to represent their heritage. Wear traditional clothes, ormarch with the flag of your ancestors. Call Jean at (630) 736-3816to join.

    BLOOD DRIVE AUGUST 26: The next Blood Drive will be held at Village Hall on August 26from 1:00-7:00 pm. To register, please visit LifeSources website, Givethe gift of life!

    DO YOU HAVE OLD EYEGLASSES OR HEARING AIDS TO DISPOSE OF? TheStreamwood Lions Club has a collection box at Village Hall. Drop your unwanted eyeglassesor hearing aid in the box and the Lions Club members will recycle them for use by the lessfortunate.

    i t t i e sKorner

    CPR for HealthcareProvidersThe Streamwood FireDepartment continuesto offer CPR classes forhealthcare providerswho need certificationfor employment. Thenext classes are scheduled for July 11 andAugust 8. The cost is $50 for residents ($65for non-residents). Contact the FireDepartment at (630) 736-3650 for details.

    AARP Drivers SafetyOn August 11 and 13, from 9:00 am-1:00 pm,the Police Department will host an AARP DriverSafety Program. Participants must attend bothdays. To register, call the Police Department at(630) 736-3700.

    Citizens Fire AcademyHave you ever wondered what ittakes to be a firefighter? Takepart in our Citizens FireAcademy! The Academyoffers citizens insight intohow firefighters perform theirduties and serve the community.The program begins September 17.

    Any Streamwood residentover the age of 21may apply. Applications are available atFire Station 3 (1095 E. Schaumburg Rd.),Village Hall, and online. The deadline toapply is August 31. For more information,p lease cal l (630) 736-3650, or v is i

    Branch Pick-up ScheduleThe 2015 Curbside Branch Pick-up program continues. The Village is divided into four areas. Please checkthe map to determine your area. Each area is picked up only once per month.

    Place your branches on the parkway with the cut ends facing the street, by 6:00 am on the designateddate for your area. Branches should be no greater than six inches (6) in diameter, though they may beany length.

    Please remember It is important to have your branches out Monday morning. Please be patient ifyour branches are still at the curb Monday afternoon. They will be picked up during your pick-up week.

    Area 1(North of Schaumburg Rd)July 6August 3September 8October 5

    Area 2(West of Oltendorf Rd)July 13August 10September 14October 12

    Area 3(East of Oltendorf Rd)July 20August 17September 21October 19

    Area 4(South of Irving Park Rd)July 27August 24September 28October 26

    Thank you for your help and participation in this program. If you have any questions please contact theForestry Division of Public Works at (630) 736-3850.

    Frequently Asked QuestionsQ: Can I stop solicitors from comingto my door?

    A: Not really, but you can discouragethem. Commercial sol ic i tors arerequired to register with the Village.They must obtain a Village-issued photoID badge, and are instructed not toapproach a residence displaying a "NoSolicitors" decal. These free decals areavailable at the Village Clerk's Office.Please report violations to the PoliceDepartment by calling 911.

  • Community NewsRefuse and Recycling ProgramOur new refuse and recycling contract with Advanced Disposal willprovide every residential customer with new garbage and recy-cling toters at no additional cost. Toters are a convenient way tostore and put out garbage and recycling every week. Wheeled totersare easy to move, and have attached lids that keep garbage fromblowing in the street. It also makes collection more efficient. Advanced Disposal will deliver two new toters forgarbage and recycling. You will be able to choose between a 35 gallon, 65 gallon, and 95 gallon toter. Notenough space for a toter? You may also opt out of the program, and continue using the cans you have. AdvancedDisposal will be sending out details on the program in the next few weeks. For more information, contactAdvanced Disposal at (630) 587-8282.

    SEED EventHundreds of residents enjoyedStreamwood EnvironmentalEducation Day (SEED) on April 18.Residents learned useful gardeningtips and conservation techniques,and enjoyed a birds of prey demon-stration. E-waste, paper shredding, andold prescription drugs were also collectedduring the event. Over 15,000 pounds ofe-waste and over 100 pounds of prescrip-tion drugs were collected, and 111 boxesof paper shredded. Thank you for helpingto keep these items out of landfills and from polluting our water supply!

    Art Appreciation Around the World

    Hundreds of people walked through thePoplar Creek Library on April 25 to experi-ence Art Appreciation Around the World!Artists were on hand to discuss their work,which provided a glimpse into the culturalheritages of our community.

    Hanover TownshipRecycling Extravanganza!On Saturday, August 1, Hanover Township willagain host its Recycling Extravanganza at theTownship campus (250 S Route 59, Bartlett)from 8:00 am-1:00 pm. Drop off electronics,prescription drugs, batteries, cell phones, andmore! Shredding will also be available. For alist of accepted items, visit or call (847) 888-8329. This freeevent is open to all residents.



    Go Green . . .Drive Green . . .Save GreenMaybe a new hybrid vehicle isnt in yourfuture. That doesnt mean you cant savemoney, and help protect the environment, withyour current car.

    The Natural Resource Conservancy Commissionoffers these tips, which can help to save onfuel costs. With the price of gas today, thesesimple tips can help you drive green, whilesaving some green!

    Slow it down! For every 5 mph you reducehighway speed, you can reduce fuel consump-tion by 7%. Cost savings? 19 cents a gallon byreducing speed from 60 mph to 55 mph.

    Smooth it out! Driving at a constant rateimproves your gas mileage. Potential gas sav-ings? 33% on the highway and 5% aroundtown, or an average of 48 cents a gallon.

    Clean it up! Did you know a clean air filtercan improve gas mileage by as much as 10%?This can save you 28 cents a gallon.

    Give your brake a rest! Riding with yourfoot on the brakes wears them out andincreases gas use. Lighten up and save awhopping 96 cents a gallon.

    Cleqn it out! Still carrying around the kidssports gear after the season? Clean out thetrunk and save 4 cents per gallon, for every100 pounds of weight removed.

    For more tips on improving fuel efficiency,

    Cross Creek Clean-UpOn Saturday, May 9, residents volunteered to helpclean up the Cross Creek area of the Village. Theypicked up 20 bags of garbage! Thank you forhelping to keep our Village clean and safe!

    Streamwood OaksGolf Club565 Madison DriveStreamwood, Illinois(630) 483-1881

    Buy One Green Fee,Get 2nd OneHalf Off!Cart required butnot Included

    Not valid with any other offer or promotionor for league/outing play

    Original coupon must be presented attime of play. Duplications not accepted.

    Offer expires 9/30/15

    You can choose from 35 gallon (left), 65gallon, or 95 gallon toters.

  • 6Poplar Creek Library NewsVeterans Assistance

    On July 13 from 7:00-9:00 pm, a Veterans Affairs Advocate will present a ses-sion covering education, mental health, housing, and other services importantto Veterans. Call the Government Documents Desk at (630) 837-6800, exten-sion 4927 for more information.

    Summer Storytimes at the Poplar Creek Public Library end July17. Back to School Storytimes will start the week of August 17. Registrationbegins in July. Call the Childrens Department at (630) 483-4923 to register.

    LEGO MinecraftThe Childrens Department will host LEGO Minecraft fun on August 3 and August4. Visit our website at for more information.Registration will start July 1.

    Summer Nights at the MoviesBeat the heat with Poplar Creek Library and join us for popcorn and a movie!Movies will include Jupiter Ascending on July 15 and Guardians of the Galaxy onAugust 19. Movies begin at 7:00 pm. Call the Readers Advisory Desk at (630)483-4925 to register. No one under 13 admitted without parent.

    Summer Reading ClubsJoin us in July and August for our book clubs! The Bookies Clubwill meet at 7:00 pm on July 2 to discuss A Star for Mrs. Blake,and then on August 6 for The Orchardist. The Books and BagelsClub will meet at 10:30 am on July 8 for Unbroken and on August 12 for Underthe Wide and Starry Sky. Join the Mystery By the Book Club at 12:00 noon onJuly 23 as they discuss Bad Monkey and on August 27 for Cuckoos Calling.

    Sneaky Strategies to Land Your Job in 90 DaysJoin the Library on July 18 from 9:30 am-3:00 pm as we learn strategies to landa job! As the economy recovers, the job market is as competitive as ever. Now isthe time to sharpen your job search skills. Refreshments are provided, or bringyour lunch. Register by going to the Illinois WorkNet website,, or by calling (630) 483-4910. Walk-ins are welcome.

    The Childrens Department has lots of fun planned for July,August, and beyond! For the latest info, check our website calendar under thePrograms & Events tab

    Gail Borden NewsRead to the Rhythm: The 2015Summer Reading ChallengeTurn in your completed reading log at the

    Library from July 1 to August 10 to claim your prizes! You can win aswim pass, carnival rides, or a Scratch-Off Card! For more information,go

    Seuss Celebration with The Banjo PoetJoin us on July 30 as we celebrate a newly discovered Dr. Seuss book, What Pet Should IGet? Crafts and activities for all ages will be available all day. Then Michael Miles, TheBanjo Poet, will share his musical renditions of Dr. Seuss favorites The Cat in the Hat,Green Eggs and Ham, The Lorax and more in the Meadows Community Rooms at 6:00 pm.

    Summer Family PicnicsThis summer, enjoy a picnic and a show! On July 13, come see the BarefootHawaiians! They will present dynamic dances, drumming, and displays of customsfrom the islands. On August 10, the Rope Warrior will dazzle you with rope jump-ing, martial arts and rhythmic gymnastics. Bring a picnic to the librarys westlawn starting at 6:00 pm. Beverages and dessert will be provided. Performancesbegin at 7:00 pm.

    Comic Book Mania ConventionCome by the Library on July 18 from 10:00 am-5:00 pm for aComic Book Convention! This free event will feature everythingcomic book. Youll find thousands of comics for sale, free facepainting, and more! You can also get your picture taken with superheroes, and meet theartists and writers of your favorite comics!

    Summer ConcertsEnjoy amazing summer concerts with the Library! The Elgin Community CollegeConcert Band will delight audiences on July 21 at 7:00 pm. Enjoy great march-es, music from the movies and Broadway, and concert band favorites. Bringyour own lawn chair for this summer outdoor concert! Then on August 2 at2:00 pm, enjoy the energy created by the Shamrock Ragsters, who are a

    quartet of top musicians from the Chicagoland area whosing and play a mix of traditional Irish/Celtic, bluegrassand Dixieland Jazz.

    Parks &Libraries

    Park NewsPassport to Play

    Tour the sights and sounds of Streamwood. Visit more than 40 parks while snapping pic-tures. Then bring your passport to the Park District and receive a stamp for each event.Prizes will be awarded, including the chance to win $100 towards fall registration.

    Touch-A-TruckCalling all kids! Have you ever wondered how those bigtrucks work? Join us Tuesday, August 11 from 10:00 am-12:00 noon for our annual Touch-A-Truck event, and get aclose-up look at the big rigs. This event is free for all ages!

    Girls Fall Softball LeagueThe Park District will be offering a Fall Softball League through the MidwestRecreational Softball League. The league will run from September through Octoberin divisions 8U through 14U. Registration deadline is July 25.

    Safety TownSign up your 3-5 year old child for this nationally registered, accredited, andcertified Safety Town program at Hoosier Grove Park. Topics covered include carsafety, traffic signals, crossing the street, police and fire safety, bus, train, andbicycle safety and stranger danger. All participants will receive a T-shirt. Programruns July 27- August 7.

    Summer Open SwimsAll Ages Open Swim days are availableMondays-Thursdays from 1:00-4:00 pm,Tuesdays-Thursdays from 7:00-9:00 pm, andFridays-Sundays from 1:00-6:00 pm. Comehave some summer fun with us!

    Contact the Registration department at (630) 483-3025 for all your programquestions and registration information, fees and deadlines. Visit us on the web atSPDCARES.COM or on Facebook and Twitter.

  • 7Schools

    School District U-46 News

    U-46 High School GraduationOn May 23, 430 seniors walked across the stage of the Sears Centre in Hoffman Estatesas the school district hosted the 36th annual commencement ceremony for StreamwoodHigh School. Principal Dr. Terri Lozier introduced the Class of 2015 salutatorian, TiffanyBesana, and valedictorian, Adelaide Kelly, who addressed her classmates.

    New Principal for SHSDr. Ariel Correa has been selected as the next principal of Streamwood High School.Since joining U-46 in 2011, he has served as the Principal of Hilltop Elementary Schoolin Elgin. Dr. Correa was previously employed by Chicago Public Schools as a high schoolprincipal and assistant principal. He also has been an elementary school assistant prin-cipal intern in Chicago and a Spanish teacher in Crystal Lake.

    Summer Reading ChallengeSchool District U-46 encourages students to participate in the summer reading programsoffered at Gail Borden Public Library in Elgin, Bartlett Public Library, Carol StreamPublic Library, and Poplar Creek Public Library in Streamwood. Read to the Rhythm

    is this years theme. The summer reading logs were distributed with U-46 elementaryschool report cards in June and also can be found at

    Online School Registration for 2015-16Parents and guardians of U-46 students have been registering their children and makingpayments for the 2015-16 school year online since May. Please visit the web siteat for all registration information including a full list of dates, times,locations, contacts, and requirements for registering a new student. Walk-in registrationdates have been set for all schools. For more information, call (847) 888-5000, ext. 6808.

    School Supplies NeededHanover Township is gearing up for its Backpack Giveaway Program for children ofneedy families. We are asking the community to donate supplies for these children. Themost needed items include backpacks, notebooks, loose leaf paper, pencils, markers,crayons, scissors, flash drives, blue pens and glue sticks. Supplies can be dropped offat any Township office. Thank you for your continued support and generosity! For moreinformation, please contact the Township at (630) 540-9085.

    Members of Streamwood High School Class of 2015 at their recent graduation.




    PERMIT NO.24

    Postal CustomerStreamwood, IL 60107

    Village of Streamwood301 E. Irving Park Road Streamwood, IL 60107(630) 736-3800 (630) 736-3798 (TDD - hearing impaired only)

    Billie D. Roth Village PresidentKittie L. KopitkeVillage Clerk

    TrusteesMichael Baumer Public SafetyWilliam Carlson Community AffairsJames Cecille Community DevelopmentWilliam Harper .........................................FinanceGuy Patterson LegislativeMary Thon Public Works

    StaffSharon Caddigan Acting Village ManagerJohn Peterson Community Development DirectorMary Johnson Finance DirectorChris Clark Fire ChiefJames Gremo Police ChiefMatt Mann Public Works Director

    VILLAGE HALL HOURSMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 8:00 am-4:30 pmThursday 8:00 am-7:00 pmCommunity Development Department is open Thursday evenings until 7:00 pm during daylight savings hours

    Newsletter Design/Production/Kaye Lowman Boorom

    visit us on the web at


    MEETINGS/ACTIVITIES CALENDARJULY2 Village Board Meeting 7:00 pm3 VILLAGE OFFICES CLOSED -- 4th of July4 4th of July Fireworks (see page 1) 9:15 pm11 CPR for Healthcare Providers (see page 4)13 The Barefoot Hawaiians (see page 6) 6:00 pm13 Community Relations Commission 7:00 pm16 Village Board Meeting 7:00 pm18 Comic Book Mania Convention (see page 6) 10:00 am21 Elgin Community College Concert Band (see page 6) 7:00 pm21 Planning and Zoning Board 7:00 pm24-26 SUMMER CELEBRATION (see page 1)28 Veterans Memorial Commission 7:00 pm30 Seuss Celebration (see page 6)

    AUGUST1 Recycling Extravaganza (see page 4) 8:00 am2 Shamrock Ragsters (see page 6) 7:00 pm6 Village Board Meeting 7:00 pm8 CPR for Healthcare Providers (see page 4)10 The Rope Warrior (see page 6) 6:00 pm10 Community Relations Commission 7:00 pm11 Touch-A-Truck (see page 6) 10:00 am11 Natural Resource Conservancy Commission 7:00 pm18 Planning and Zoning Board 7:00 pm20 Village Board Meeting 7:00 pm25 Veterans Memorial Commission 7:00 pm26 BLOOD DRIVE VILLAGE HALL 2:00-8:00 pm

    Summer Celebration 2015(continued from page 1)

    Our annual golf outing begins on Sunday, July 26 with a shot-gun start at 7:30am. The music, food, and fun continue through 8:00 pm. Free shuttle buses makegetting to and from the park a breeze. Entrance to Summer Celebration is alwaysfree. Its the most fun you can have all summer!

    Summer Celebration is sponsored by the Streamwood Chamber of Commerce, ParkDistrict, and Village. We also rely on the generous support of many local busi-nesses, including:
