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  • 8/3/2019 Vikram Report




    MOST is an acronym for Maynard Operation Sequence Technique. MOST is an activity based

    work measurement system that enables you to calculate the length of time required to perform a

    task i.e. a system to measure work. In this case it is used to calculate the length of time required

    for the fixture to bond the body panel into a car assembly.

    This technique is based on fundamental statistical principles and basic work measurement data

    compiled over many years. MOST concentrates on movement of objects. It was noticed that the

    movement of objects follow certain consistently repeating patterns, such as reach, grasp, move &

    position of object. These patterns were identified and arranged as a sequence events followed in

    moving an object. This concept provides the basis for the MOST Sequence models.

    This technique helps in benchmarking the methods & activities followed in various operations in

    the industry with world class standards. It eliminates the subjective performance rating and has a

    much better acceptance of workmen/unions because it is totally transparent & easy to


    More specifically, MOST is used to:

    1. Break down the operation/process into smaller steps/units.

    2. Analyze the motions in each step/unit by using a standard MOST method sequence.

    3. Assign indices to the parameters constituting the method sequence for each task.

    4. Sum up the indices to arrive at a time value for each step/unit.

    5. Sum up the time values for all the steps/units to arrive at the normal time required to perform

    that operation/process.

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    Fundamental premise behind Productivity improvement as per Japanese philosophy is Withoutmeasurement there cannot be any improvement.

    One of the most scientific techniques of work measurement discovered by H. B. Maynard & Co.

    Pittsburgh in 1970 is M.O.S.T. The Maynard Operation Sequence Technique, MOST, including

    Basic, Mini and Maxi versions, makes the measurement of work more practical, efficient, and

    inexpensive task for the industrial engineer.

    A powerful analytical tool that helps increase productivity, improve methods, facilitate planning,

    establish workloads, estimate labor costs, improve safety, and maximize resources, MOST can

    be applied to any type of work for which a method can be defined and described. MOST has

    become the standard for thousands of companies in a broad range of industries.

    Fast, economical, accurate, consistent, and easy to learn, MOST eliminates the need for

    inefficient stopwatch studies in the development of realistic and reliable work/time standards.

    Instead, through a unique and highly efficient procedure, MOST generates these standards as a

    by-product of the work center layout the method description. In turn, these standards provide an

    accurate and consistent database for costing, planning, processing, scheduling, line balancing,

    incentive wage payment, and performance evaluation systems.

    1.1 Maynard Operation Sequence Technique [MOST]

    Mini MOST for highly repetitive and Short Cycle Operations (2 Minutes or less)

    Basic MOST for General and medium Cycle Operations

    Maxi MOST for Non repetitive Long Cycle Operations

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    1.2 Advantages of MOST

    Streamlines operations and quickly identifies inefficient methods.

    Provides consistent standards and accuracy to within 5% with a 95% confidence level.

    Timings can be obtained in advance before actual start of production.

    Reduces the time required for data development and standard setting.

    Can be applied to any method-defined manual work.


    Top Down Standard Data Approach is used in MOST Work Measurement, which helps to

    minimize the number of Standard Data Elements (Sub Operations) and applies the Standard Data

    to create time standards efficiently and accurately.

    1.4 MORAL Cycle

    M: Mapping O: Observation R: Record using MDAT A: Analysis L: Lean optimization

    Process Mapping of entire plant is done with up front planning and total involvement of the

    employees and domain experts. Necessary Sub Operations used to cover all Operations are

    defined. Activities are Observed or visualized. MDAT [M.O.S.T Data Acquisition Tool] is used

    for Recording Operations method steps with linkage to Process Sheets. Using this Database,

    MDAT can provide various Analysis and reports for us to Lean and optimize.

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    1.5 Sequence Models

    1.6 MOST Study Form

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    2.1 MOST Application for Labor Productivity Improvement

    The purpose of this work done by Norashikin Binti Rahman[1] presents that Productivity is

    the most important thing in the manufacturing world. Generally, this study is about work study

    for labor productivity improvement utilizing Process Mapping and Maynard Operation Sequence

    Technique (MOST). Work study in productivity improvement could be done in two approaches;

    which are method study and time study. Thus, this research will use process mapping as the

    method study and Maynard Operation Sequence Technique (MOST) as the time study method.

    The aim for this research is to identify opportunities for improvement to current production

    system by performing work study on the manual operators activities, determining current

    operators utilization as well as establish standard time for manual process. All this initiated by

    performing work study on the manual operators activities. From this study, the standard time,

    utilization and recommendation for man power planning could be established. These results

    could be used for improving the labor productivity at the company.

    The purpose of this work done by A. Abduelmula and C. Wagner [2] presents the methodology

    to design, evaluate and manage a lean manufacturing system at Visteon Corporation. The

    methodology aims at developing a management strategy to optimize the use of manufacturing

    technology. First, several lean cells have been proposed and each cell is studied in details.

    Maynard Operation Sequence Technique (MOST) is used to determine the cycle time of each

    activity. Second, each cell is simulated using Simul8 simulation software. The simulation model

    uses throughput, labor productivity, and work-in-process measure of performances. The

    simulation model is run for 40 hours and the results showed the superiority of the lean

    manufacturing system over the existing traditional manufacturing system. The lean systemshowed 35% decrease in labor, and 30% decrease in scrap over the existing traditional cell. The

    model can also be used by the management team for continuous improvement process of the

    system to optimize manufacturing technology utilization, increase throughput, identify

    bottlenecks and work-in-process, and identify machine and labor utilization.

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    2.2. Product Costing Based On Standard Time Estimation

    The purpose of this work done by Jianxin Jiao and Mitchell M. Tseng [3] proposes a

    pragmatic approach to product costing. The approach involves two stages, namely the

    preparatory stage and the production stage. In the preparatory stage, standard routings are first

    extracted from existing products. A generic activity hierarchy is established according to the

    analysis of standard routings, where cost drivers for each activity are identified and summarized

    by appropriate Cost-related Design Features (CDFs). Then the Maynard Operation Sequence

    Technique (MOST) is employed to analyze each operation of standard routings to determine the

    associated standard time. Historical cost data are analyzed to induce the relationships between

    the CDFs and standard time, namely Time-Estimating Relationships (TERs). By allocating plant-

    wide overhead costs to standard routings, the unit price of standard time is established to indicate

    Cost-Estimating Relationships (CERs). A library of material costs is also summarized from

    existing products. In the production stage, CDFs are first induced from the schematic of a new

    design. Then a Dummy Process Plan for this design can be inferred and used to retrieve the

    associated TERs to determine its time estimate. Once a standard time has been estimated, CERs

    can be applied to compile the total product cost by adding the estimated material costs.

    Standards routings provide a basis for estimating time requirements based on historical data. Theactivity hierarchy helps to trace the underlying activities that drive costs and identify cost related

    design features that enable rapid product costing. The allocation of plant-wide overhead costs to

    the manufacturing indirect cost pool facilitates total product cost estimation. The discrimination

    of TERs and CERs not only alleviates the difficulty in cost function approximation, but also

    simplifies the considerations of volume ranges, distributed manufacturing plants and so on.

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    2.3. Lean Enterprise the MOST Way in Industries

    The purpose of this work done by Mr. Milind More and Mr. Sujit Bhosale [4] proposes the

    idea of observing the things critically by going to the News Paper Printing Plant. Considering

    this we have observed & analyzed each operation critically, written down the MOST Elements of

    the given operation & uploaded the same along with parameter indexing. We concentrated on the

    methods improvement, eliminating the non-value added activities, reducing the operating motion

    losses in the given operation. The movements/ motions have been studied from the Ergonomics

    point of view. After standardizing the operations on respective lines we concluded that common sub-

    operations can be used to study respective operations. Sub-operations are basically repetitive activities in

    given operation activities. We dwelled on this & prepared common sub-operations for packing, inspection

    operations. With the help of these common sub-operations, Operations were prepared with

    MDAT software. As per the already defined process flow/ VSM, the operations were linked

    against the respective routing code. The cycle time & work content at each level i.e. element

    level, sub-operation, operation, routing was be used to do further analysis.

    The purpose of this work done by Mr.Ashok Badve and Mr. Amol Mate[5] proposes the idea

    of observing the things critically by going to the Cement Industry. To measure the work content

    of the work force in the plant using MOST in production direct, indirect and office areas. A total

    of approximately 1300 associates were studied during this study. After work content was

    established, the lines were balanced to improve the engagement time of the work force from its

    current level and proposed manpower to be deployed was calculated. Activities performed in the

    PRODUCTION and NON-PRODUCTION departments for the following processes were

    considered in scope of work.

    Production Run time activities performed by the direct and indirect associates on theequipment installed in various processes

    Preventive Mechanical Maintenance related activities Instrumentation Maintenance related activities Quality Control related activities

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    The purpose of this work done by Mr.Ashok Badve and Mr. Amol Mate[6] proposes the idea

    of observing the things critically by going to the Tyre Manufacturing Industry. To measure the

    work content of the current work force in the plant using MOST in production direct and indirect

    areas. More than 300 associates (direct and in-direct areas) were studied during this study. After

    work content was established, the lines were balanced to improve the engagement time of the

    work force from its current level and proposed manpower to be deployed was calculated.

    Activities performed in the PRODUCTION departments for the following processes were

    considered in scope of work.

    The purpose of this work done by Mr. Ashok Badve [7] proposes the idea of observing the

    things critically by going to the Foundry Industry. LeMW projects have been successfully

    completed in Aluminum and Cast Iron foundries mostly in Maharashtra. We have covered

    LPDC, GDC and manual pouring processes so far. Typical foundry processes covered during the

    project are:

    All the foundry clients achieved more than 38% increase in labor productivity after LeMW

    implementation. Multi Machine Balancing was typically achieved for the following processes: Molding, Core Making were balanced with 2 machines per person LPDC & GDC Machines were balanced with 2 machines per person Furnace, pouring into ladle and Knockout/Fettling activities were balanced up to some

    extent and Shot blasting and Inspection were balanced with one operator.

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    During the 1950s and 1960s, the work measurement field became inflated with conventional

    derivatives of the original MTM [Methods time Measurement]system (MTM-1) first publishedin 1948. That trend has continued to some extent with one exception: MOST. In the mid-1960s, a

    new approach, a more practical and user-friendly method (and perhaps more important, a faster,

    simpler, and more cost-effective technique) was necessary to maintain a high level of interest in

    work measurement. MOST seems to have been the answer. Over 30,000 people representing

    more than 4000 organizations have become certified MOST users. MOST has been translated

    into at least 15 languages and is in use in more than 35 countries around the world. MOST

    satisfies all the criteria of simplicity, speed, accuracy, consistency, applicability, integrity, and

    universality that can be expected from a modern work measurement technique and system.

    MOST for Windows represents the state of the art in the area of computerized work

    measurement, and users enthusiastically endorse and support MOST.

    In search of accuracy, consistency, and speed, predetermined motion time systems were first

    being starting with motion time analysis (MTA). Methods time measurement (MTM) became the

    foundation for many simplified and more efficient techniques.

    As with any measurement, the measurement of work brings knowledge. Through this

    knowledge, factual decisions and improvements can be made and could be exercised. Work

    measurement has for a long time been a sound management tool to be used as a basis for

    planning and scheduling, estimation of costs, and evaluation of performance. In essence,

    managers are looking at work measurement as a means to satisfy their desire and need to know,

    and predict with confidence.

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    During the past 10 years, the work measurement and standard setting procedures have become

    simpler, faster, and more integrated with other functions to attract the attention they deserve.

    Manual MOST and MOST for Windows have proven to meet those criteria. Todays computer

    technology has reached a level that cannot be ignored by work measurement specialists. By

    taking advantage of this technology, time standards could and should become a logical and

    integral part of any business system as is the case in many companies already. This general trend

    in industry is automation. Therefore, it is obvious that we will see fully automated procedures

    (i.e., Auto MOST) for calculating and updating time standards based on data developed and

    maintained by industrial engineers. To achieve these goals it will be necessary to stimulate the

    employees both in industry and services, to adopt a positive attitude toward a fundamental and

    widely used industrial engineering discipline: theMeasurement of Work.

    Work measurement: The science that brings more and better knowledge to people about work

    and how to improve work. Hence M.O.S.T technique,

    Enables you to analyze any type of manual work with one of the most efficient and widely used

    work measurement techniques.

    Reduces the time needed to analyze work as MOST can be applied in a fraction of the time it

    takes to perform traditional time study or other predetermined motion time systems.

    Provides you with a tool that is method sensitive where the outcome of the analysis provides

    cues as to where there are opportunities for saving time, money and energy.

    Eliminates the subjectivity involved in performance rating an activity since the MOST

    technique is based on a 100% pace.

    Meets the needs of many industries such as manufacturing, service and distribution and is well

    accepted by employees, unions and management.

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    [1]. Norashikin Binti Rahman, [April 2007], Work Study for Labor Productivity Improvement

    Utilizing Process Mapping and MOST. Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering, UniversitiTeknikal Melaka, Malaysia.

    [2]. A. Abduelmula and C. Wagner, [2004]. Design and Evaluation of Lean Manufacturing Cells:

    A Simulation Model.Industrial Engineering Department, Visteon Corporation, Sterling Heights,

    Michigan 48310, USA.

    [3]. Jianxin Jiao and Mitchell M. Tseng, [1997]. A Pragmatic Approach to Product Costing

    Based on Standard Time Estimation, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,

    Kowloon, Hong Kong.

    [4]. Mr. Milind More and Mr. Sujit Bhosale[13 Nov to 3 Dec. 07]. Lean Enterprise the MostWay at News Paper Printing Plant. Regular Printing Press. Maintenance of all machines.

    [5]. Ashok Badve and Amol Mate [23/11/2009] Lean Enterprise MOST Way in Cement

    Industry: A Case Study on Work Force Productivity Improvement. UMAS Private Limited.


    [6]. Ashok Badve and Amol Mate [15/5/2010]. Lean Enterprise MOST Way in Tyre

    Manufacturing Industry: A Case Study on Process Improvement, Facility Layout Planning and

    Work Force Productivity Improvement. UMAS Private Limited. India.

    [7]. Ashok Badve, Managing Director [22/10/2009]. Lean Enterprise MOST Way in Foundry

    Industry. UMAS Private Limited. India.

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