Download - · Web viewIn Progris Riport (Progress Report) 1 & 2, ... In paragraph 171, Charlie uses the word “regression” to describe what is happening to Algernon

Page 1: · Web viewIn Progris Riport (Progress Report) 1 & 2, ... In paragraph 171, Charlie uses the word “regression” to describe what is happening to Algernon

Name: ____________________________________ Reading AssignmentsELA 7Date: _____________________________________

“Flowers for Algernon”

Charlie Gordon, who is mentally impaired, undergoes experimental surgery to improve his intelligence. This procedure has already been tested on a mouse named Algernon whose intelligence triples as a result of the operation. Are there limits to what science can do for mankind and the world? Can science go too far? How does this operation impact Charlie? You’ll have to read to find out…

Assignment #1: Complete the following activities. 1. Journal 1“If you could choose to be one of the following, which would you choose to be: smart, popular, or physically attractive? What are the pros and cons for each?”

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. Read Progris Riport 1-4, pg. 351-355. Complete the CLOSE READ directions on page 352 on your text. 3. Answer in complete sentences.1. What do you learn about Charlie Gordon?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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2. What reason could he have for keeping a journal?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. Charlie’s LanguageCharlie’s language is under developed. Often he spells words phonetically- which means he spells words the way they sound. In Progris Riport (Progress Report) 1 & 2, there are 49 spelling mistakes. Find 16 and provide the correct spelling.

Charlie’s Spelling Correct Spelling

1. _______________________ ________________________2. _______________________ ________________________3. _______________________ ________________________4. _______________________ ________________________5. _______________________ ________________________6. _______________________ ________________________7. _______________________ ________________________8. _______________________ ________________________9. _______________________ ________________________10. _______________________ ________________________11. _______________________ ________________________12. _______________________ ________________________13. _______________________ ________________________14. _______________________ ________________________15. _______________________ ________________________16. _______________________ ________________________

5. Answer in complete sentences: 1. Describe the test Charlie was given. How does Charlie feel about the test? What do you think it was testing?

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. Who is Miss Kinnian?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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3. Why did Charlie go to night school? What does this tell you about him?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Assignment #2: 1. Journal 2

Is it right to perform an operation on Charlie if it can make him smarter, even though they don’t know what the effects on humans are? Would you get such an operation, if you thought it would make you smarter?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. READ PROGRIS REPORT 5-9 pg. 355-358

3. Complete the CLOSE READ directions on page 355 on the text.

4. There are terms used throughout the story you will need to know in order to understand what is happening. Using a dictionary (online), define the following terms. Be sure your writing is legible!

-superstitious (supersitis) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

- operation (operashun)


- discouraged (discoridged)


5. Answer in complete sentences:

1. What does Charlie believe will be the outcome of this operation? What does he think it means for the world?

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2. Who is Algernon and what role does he play in the experiment Charlie participates in?


3. How does Charlie feel about going back to work? How do the people at work treat him?


4. Charlie says the people he works with are his friends and they like him. Do you agree? Explain.


5. What does the expression “to pull a Charlie Gordon” mean?


6. What is the purpose of the “TV” Dr. Strauss has given Charlie?



In progress report 9- April 3rd, Charlie goes to the bar with his colleagues and they gave him “lots of drinks”, Joe says, “Charlie is a card when hes potted”. What does “potted” mean in this context?



Before we started reading, you were asked to think about whether or not it is right to be cruel to someone if they don’t know they are being mean. The men Charlie works with are not nice to him. The make fun of him for not being smart and take advantage of the fact he doesn’t notice. Charlie thinks he is laughing with them,

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but he is really being laughed at. What do you think of being mean to people when they don’t know in this context? Is it ok? Is it even more wrong? Why?


Assignment #3

1. Journal

Is it right to test medical procedures, products or cosmetics on animals to see if they are safe for humans? In this situation, Algernon has been given an operation that has increased his intelligence 3 times. He is smart enough to beat Charlie, a human of below average intelligence, in a series of mazes and tests. Write what you already know about animal testing. Is it morally acceptable to use animals to better our existence as humans?




2. Read Reports April 6-April 20, pages 358-362.

3. Complete BOTH CLOSE READ Activities on pages 359 AND 361 on the text.

4. Answer in complete sentences.

1. What does Charlie do in this section? What does it mean for him?


2. Why does Charlie now wish to be friends with Algernon?

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3. Consider how Charlie now feels about Algernon and how he feels about the character in the book he is reading Robinson Crusoe. What does he think should happen for them and how is it similar? What does this say about Charlie’s character?



_______________________________________________________________________________ 4. Does Miss Kinnian really get something in her eye? What really happened and why did she feel that way?


5. What do you notice about Charlie’s writing? What does this mean?


6. What happens at the party? What does Charlie realize? What does he feel for the first time?


5. Reflect

Charlie has undergone an experimental operation and it has started to take effect. He is noticing changes in his ability to learn and the world around him starts to look different. Is this good or bad? Is it worthwhile for Charlie to struggle if it means he can be “normal”? Will being smarter really increase Charlie’s quality of life?




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6. Predict

What do you think will happen to Charlie now that the operation has actually started to make him smarter? What possibilities or opportunities might be in his future?




Assignment # 4

1. Journal

Charlie has lived a simple life up until his participation in this experiment. Do you think his life was bad before? Is this really going to make his life better, even if it means everything will be more complicated? How do you think Charlie must feel, suddenly becoming smarter and seeing things for how they really are?




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2. Read Progress Report 11- APRIL 21 TO APRIL 28, PAGES 362-366.

3. Complete BOTH CLOSE READ Activities on pages 363 AND 365 on the text.

4. Answer in complete sentences.

1. What is different about Charlie now?


2. On pages 351-352, Charlie is given the Rorshach test (inkblot test). He didn’t feel very good about it the first time, in fact it angered him. What is different about it now? Why does he hear the directions differently?


3. When they give Charlie the inkblot test, what are they really looking to find out about him? Is Charlie smart enough yet to understand why he is taking it?


4. Why doesn’t anyone want to talk to Charlie at work?


5. What changes about how Charlie sees the doctors?


6. How has Charlie’s relationship with Miss Kinnian changed?

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5. Context:

In paragraph 98, Charlie refers to his previous self as “feeble-minded”. Based on the context of the situation, what does feeble minded mean?


6. Reflect

Is Charlie’s sudden ability to love due to his operation? What might this mean about the relation to our intelligence and our ability to have meaningful relationships?


7. Think

If you had to choose between taking a huge risk to reach your potential without knowing the consequences or staying exactly the way you are right now forever, would you take the risk? Do you believe Charlie’s story will end well for him? What leads you to believe that? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Assignment #5

1. Journal

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Charlie is getting smarter by the day. Miss Kinnian calls him a “sponge” because he absorbing more information each day. He looks positively into the future assuring himself that since Algernon is still smart, so he will also remain smart. But, Charlie’s life the way he knew it will change drastically. Is there a price for intelligence? Do you think your life would be better if you were more intelligent? If yes, how would it be better? If no, why don’t you think being more intelligent would make life better?


2. Read Progress Report 12- APRIL 30 TO MAY 20, PAGES 366-370.

3. Complete the CLOSE READ Activity on page 368 on the text.

4. Answer in complete sentences.

1. Why does Charlie quit his job? Why did they not want him around anymore?


2. Charlie discusses in his reports the experience at the American Psychological Convention and while he does that, he discusses the doctors. What is different about how he talks about them?


3. How smart has Charlie gotten? How do you know?


4. Why can’t Charlie “communicate with people much anymore”?


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5. What is the significance of Charlie witnessing the incident at the restaurant where the dishes break? How does he identify the boy (what does he label him?) and how does it make him feel?


6. Why did he laugh too? Why did it make him so angry? What does he do about it?


7. What is the benefit of Charlie “living in both worlds”?


8. Is Charlie a genius now? What does it mean to be a genius?


5. Context

In paragraph 132, Charlie uses the word “specter”. What does it mean in this context?


2. In paragraph 136, Charlie uses the word “absurd”. What does it mean in this context?


3. In paragraph 137, Charlie uses the word “refute”. What does it mean in this context?


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6. Research- Use the Internet to find the answers to the following questions.

1. Fanny tells Charlie “it was evil when Eve listened to the snake and ate from the tree of knowledge.” The author connects the bible story of Adam and Eve to prove a point to the readers and Charlie.

What is allusion? (It is a literary term) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What happens in the story of Adam and Eve?


What is Fanny saying to Charlie about what he has done?


The author has used allusion to make a point about a controversial issue- using technology to advance ourselves physically. Before you read, you answered a question about “playing god” or using our technology and medical advances to change who we are, how our bodies work, what we look like, how smart we are, etc. What do you think the author thinks about humans “playing god”? Do you think he agrees with us using these techniques (Surgery, medication, etc.) to make our lives better?


7. Reflect

Charlie’s life has drastically changed. He can see everything clearly now. His life, however, is much more complicated, but he has a new purpose. He can remember

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what it was like to not be intelligent. It causes him great pain, which he didn’t feel before. He is also very lonely, which he didn’t feel before. Do you think it was worth it for Charlie to go through all this to be more intelligent, even if it has caused him so much pain? Explain your reasoning.


Assignment #6

1. Journal

What are the most important things to have in life? Money? Power? Belonging? Love? Intelligence? Family? Happiness? Can you really have it all? If you had to only choose three, which would they be and why?


2. Read Progress Report 13- MAY 23 TO JUNE 23, PAGES 371-374.

3. Complete the CLOSE READ Activities on page 371 AND 373 on the text.

4. Answer in complete sentences.

1. Why did Algernon bite Charlie? What could this mean?


2. What does Charlie mean when he says “time is important for me”?

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3. Why has Charlie taken on the research project the doctors have seemingly abandoned?


4. What does Charlie notice as his first signs of deterioration?


5. What happened to Algernon? What does Charlie do to him? Why?


6. What does Charlie want to hold onto?


7. How quickly is Charlie’s intelligence breaking down?


5. Context

1. In paragraph 171, Charlie uses the word “regression” to describe what is happening to Algernon. What does that term mean in this context?


6. Reflect

Charlie has gone through a lot. He went from below average human intelligence, to above average in a short time and was able to do things he didn’t know possible. Now, it is all fading away. Was this experience worth having, even if he won’t remember it? Do you think you need the memories to be different? Can Charlie go back to his old life?

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7. Predict

What will happen to Charlie?


Assignment #7

1. Journal

Is Charlie’s story sad? What part(s) of it could be considered sad? Why?


2. Read Progress Report JUNE 30 TO JULY 28, PAGES 375-378.

3. Complete the CLOSE READ Activities on page 375 AND 377 AND 378 on the text.

4. Answer in complete sentences.

1. What is making Charlie angry?

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2. Mrs Flynn calls Charlie a “loafer”. What does this mean?


3. What is so hard about Charlie’s transition back to low intelligence?


4. Why does Charlie send Miss Kinnian away?


5. Are Joe and Frank really Charlie’s friends? Why do you think they stood up for him now?


5. Reflect

1. In the end, how was Charlie different? Did he get to keep anything from his experience? Was it worth it to go through? Why or why not?


2. Describe Charlie in the beginning, middle and end of the story below.

Beginning (before the operation)

What was he like? What was important to him? How did he treat others?

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Middle (after the operation too full effect)

What was he like? What was important to him? How did he treat others?


End (after effects of operation wore off)

What was he like? What was important to him? How did he treat others?


What did Charlie learn from this experience? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What can we learn from his experiences?


Assignment 8: Multiple Intelligences: What does it mean to be intelligent?

Howard Gardner, a developmental psychologist and Harvard professor, developed a theory of multiple intelligences which is outlined in his book "Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences" (1983). Gardner’s intelligences are outlined on the next pages.

You will take an online multiple intelligences assessment and write a reflective essay that explores your test results and learning strengths. The diagnostic test can be found at Additional information about the essay will be distributed later.

Use the space below to record your results from the diagnostic test.

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Top Intelligences:

Intelligence and Score out of 5.0


Additional Intelligences:

Intelligence Score

Free-write/Brainstorm: In the space below, write about your experiences taking this diagnostic test. How did you feel when you were taking the test? In what ways are the results accurate and reflective of your interests and personality? Did you notice any differences? What questions do you have based on the results of this test?


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